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This is a very enthusiastic harassment campaign that Jordan has set up to attack people, he obviously spends a lot of time on this board because he loves what is done here, just wishes someone else was the target.
> Oh fuck, Mittens is gonna kill me if I don't respond to him.
I just looked through the trails to see why he was getting into all these fights with children, it looks like he is upset that they refuse to accept his minor attraction.
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Fucking BINGO!
100% keks

inb4 "They Stalked me, Groomed me, Brainwashed me, Manipulated me, Pranked me and Forced me Against My Will to post these images and say these things to a child. They HURT me. It's all their fault. They MADE me do it, I swear! I never did anything wrong. I am innocent."
You know, I just had a thought. Does Jordan want the narrative that he was groomed to be true so badly so that he has an excuse for how he behaves towards children on the internet? Abusers often have a history of being abused themselves after all...
He's read a lot of Chris's lore, maybe some went in.
As for archiving, I tried on my phone but it was unreliable, it seems archiving comment trails from Deviantart only picks up a few at a time (and that's when you open specific comments in a new tab with their date).
Jordan has often been asked over the years, "Who hurt you when you were little", but he always defects/avoids/ignores etc. the question.

What I mean is: if activity is seen on the 15th and 22nd of feb and everything is visible and accessible, then what part of it could possibly be classified as "deactivated"?
i haven't checked that account (GangsterWoody) since it doesn't get used much, i only said it was deactivated cuz visiting it tells you that. i didn't even know it was deactivated 

aaand i just realized i had it blocked im a fucking retard
You had a retarded thought that you decided to join along stalking my associates 
> for how he beha- 
I behave maturely, I'm not the one mindlessly harassing them. Plus this fucker had stalked me a bunch of times, when I did not once interact with him not anyone else tried to. 
Gotta love killing you. Back the fuck off
I DON'T want you archiving ANYTHING from me. I don't give you any permission for that. 
that was not chasing kids, that was just evasion of block because Xx is actually a piece of shit in general. and misjudging carson kelly just because they draw inflation of pikwik pack. 
This really violates my consent. 
Delete this 
This one's getting deleted too, bye bye.
i was never asked this when i was young, what is wrong with you? always getting every "lore" wrong. 
Peopl are upset because of manchildren existing online. Teenagers also tend to be insensitive manchildren, even when reacting so badly to something they can JUST ignore: Rule 34. 
I spent time recreating a typeface, dumbass. 
This isn't what happens.
Not every cartoon has to be posted in multiple WIP forms, you know. This is the same case with WEB and indie cartoons 
So before your dumbass decides something, I only did a few animatics but am still writing more of the plot on notepad. Bet you can't leak my whole computer.
hector likes toddlers
is that what you meant when you said he abused you
i thought it was beatings
no wonder cammy had to kick him out
or my mom's? lmfao 
i wasn't abused by either parent i think. and even if i was, idk why i'd expect you to care. i wasn't abused with porn, i maybe got abused because uh, someone wanted me in school so bad until years later?? i'm not sure. i didnt like the belt a lot.
> did this guy really think i was a girl???
uh, no? why should i? i wasnt even telling people i go here anymore :(
gosh why must you hate on me that much. im so sorry about whatever's making you mad. i really am sorry. god.
I am sorry, you fool. I can't impersonate my own self. 
Having different typing styles at times doesn't even make me an impostor 
You mean if you keep posting my face pics onto random people. This still goes against consent.
They should make a law against it. People stop doing things on their computers when they are against the law.
> i wasn't abused by either parent i think.
You think or know?
> and even if i was, idk why i'd expect you to care.
Because it explains your behavior.
> i wasn't abused with porn
You abuse it.
> i maybe got abused because uh, someone wanted me in school so bad until years later??
Why weren't you allowed around other children? 
> i'm not sure. 
> i didnt like the belt a lot
So Hector did beat you.
> I DON'T want you archiving ANYTHING from me. I don't give you any permission for that
Take em to court
> that was not chasing kids, that was just evasion of block because Xx is actually a piece of shit in general. and misjudging carson kelly just because they draw inflation of pikwik pack.
Why are you bullying little kids then?
> This really violates my consent.
Delete this
Delete it yourself bruh.
> This one's getting deleted too, bye bye.
Later, alligator.
> duhhh, d-d-disgu- 
Fuck off. You're the "degen" for thinking "bad" about it. 
I still didn't give him a pink room, technically. But now I might as well do it, to maybe spite you a little :3 
You do know this technically counts as stalking. 
Plus you're 3 months late. 
Except this isn't true, nobody draws like that. Stop comparing adults drawings to those who don't draw; aka stop looking up random memes from years ago. 
I did not start 5 years ago either, I was actually an artist since 7 years ago. More of a doodler at first, but you know. 
And nobody is screaming nor being pdd or paranoia delusional crap. I am not paranoid over an actual freak like you. You're not intimidating
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Never ever mock or harass Yonkers the Poopcat ever again.
He now has David, a Professional Order of Pedos Assassin (POOPA), who is specifically trained in AI Defence Security (AIDS) to defeat his bullies.
This is NOT a Larp at all, this is real.
You have been warned.
the boys still out there faving pedozoo so he aint dead
but maybe cammy finally got her shit together and put a retard block on the net so he can only get to mentally appropriate content
and fuckin deviant art wait maybe not lol
Cammy finally looked inside his electronic devices while he was at 'work', and deleted it all. Yoink had a complete PDD Autistic sperg collapse as a result.
i... was never dead 
> pedozo- 
Fucking where? I dont fave posts of real kids nor do i like real kids. We arent going to argue over this again.
piss off you fucking stalker. 
Imagine lying this hard
> had a complete 
no i was at my dad's, idiot. i slept over for a day. 
Nope. wrong again. 
> we 
First you singlehandedly "dox" me then you pull the regal We crap again.
> pedozoo
> Fucking where?
lol geordie lust out of control
look how excited he got when heard there sum pz
poo parade active
this feels actually unwanted, though. 
you do know that the person you're "documenting" doesn't consent to it, right? of all people you could've targeted instead
Uh, they mean something IN REAL LIFE. 
In cartoons, it isn't real. 
But reality is much different and physical, even with mental struggles, and stress n' shit. 
If a person doesnt want to be harassed they shouldnt get any harassment 
If a person doesnt want to be documented without consent (still no excuse!!!), they really shouldnt be documented. Leave them alone. 
Respect their privacy 
And boundaries
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Yonkers Stalked me, Groomed me, Brainwashed me, Manipulated me, Pranked me and Forced me Against My Will to post these images. He HURT me. It's all his fault. Poopcat MADE me do it, I swear! I never did anything wrong. I am innocent.
lol good find
because it leads to another person who calling out geordie for his pedozoo https://www.deviantart.com/thylatank/journal/I-m-not-giving-Macker-what-he-wants-1033620642
The only reason I know about the Wallabays account is because he sent me some nasty comments(such as the one shown).

Meanwhile, he accuses me of "stalking" him. Fuck off.
Yeah, he thinks me silently collecting evidence against him(most of what I grabbed being directed at me) is "stalking".

yet him making new accounts to harss me on every single social I have is fine.

get fucked, Geordie.
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Expect a few of the locals here to lurk through it, and use it against him. If we find anything amusing on his end. This isn't his board, so he has no control on the posters. He can only delete his own posts, as you've said on that site. The rest of his soiled history of a diaper, is fair game.
> no, i dont even want you telling her about a "new account". she's a real monster. fuck her and her stupid friends, and her stupid status. please. make *t*nk stop. get her the fuck away from the internet, please. she's actually toxic
Fucking Carmen, is to afraid to stop our boy.
There is a GOOD reason why Carmen, Joshua and the other family members living there LOCK THEIR DOORS AT NIGHT.
The power of a physical autistic sperg rage is extremely strong.
it wasnt nasty 
he told you to fuck off because you were being mean to him  
not because of the stalking shit 
*my cub character fucks your sona, also being age regressed* 
she's not afraid??? please leave her alone 
why would i ever be stopped 
> lying again 
ok pedo 
you saved multiple of my irl pictures back then
Found what looks like an alt of Geordie, or one of his dicksuckers https://www.youtube.com/@RTMNetworksTV
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So… WHO does he want to be known as TODAY? Let’s play along with his childish little Game!

➽ [●] Jordan Manuel Rivera, aka.

Yonkers / Meow Meow Kitty / Bell Cat / Woody / gwow19 / Macker Mellamental Relashni / Lil’ Macker / Starcat / Lil’ Dalla Mane / Woody Woodpecker / Evil Dark Lord / Scarfy / woodyentgroup / dvdcollection123 / dvdrocks / Jay Dane / Asriel / blandsupestar / GangsterWoody / Ralsei / Typical-Warrior / Starzy the Starcat / Geordie / Starruko / Mittens / Shmarty / merkakol / merka1arts / Hallyguy981 / Spinny Kitty / merka / kamaki / wallabays / Nethernets / BakutheCat / quindle …

YES! There are the names he has actually called himself and has demanded everybody else call him, over these last few years… it’s clearly all just a childish game for him.
You mean all the voices talking in your head constantly?
It's fucking Geordie Two going at it again bro.
She's not afraid??? please leave her alone
> why would i ever be stopped
None of us online are afraid of you, we just dunk on the mentally ill geordie show. But Carmen risks domestic beatings from you when we send you into a spastic autirage. She is afraid. Very afraid.
A different part of your head doesn't mean it's a different person Jordan. No wonder you kept talking about tulpas and schizos before.
Don't worry, mental illness is another thing which has been levelled at him, no suprise with how he behaves. But the point is that eerything he hears he absorbs and throws back, often without even knowing what it is, only that it is bad.
how i behave is good compared to you and thyla's 
> everything he hears 
hearing what??? nothing 
You sent a death threat at me, of fucking course I'm going to tell you to take medicine or shove it up your throat. You're so infuriating it's insane.
I've also been stalked by geordie, on a smaller art site. He made like a BILLION accounts to do so.

https://sketchersunited.org/users/226821 (Maybe?)
https://sketchersunited.org/users/226830 (maybe?)
So in summary:
The person who always comes here to bitch and whine about harassment follows people around from site to site, creating multiple accounts when blocked  >>/25654/ and pestering them with his sexual fantasies  >>/25637/ while complaining about the people on this site staying on this site that he has no reason to visit?
Double standards once again, Poopcat retarded.
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Un-fucking-believable, Yonkers
Out of fucking control

We can't wait for his pure PDD autistic retard sperg rage response to all of these latest day's worth of shit revealing what he's done... oh, don't forget the screaming denials etc etc.
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Indeed. Agreed.
Poopcat retarded.

> We can't wait for his pure PDD autistic retard sperg rage response to all of these latest day's worth of shit revealing what he's done... oh, don't forget the screaming denials, outright lies and childish delusional bullshit etc etc.
In that case, so do you. The law says your minor attraction is a crime as well. Also, show me a single example of Klim masturbating while talking to 13 year olds like you have been caught doing.
Okay??? First off buddy I don't have any personality disorder, nor pdd shit, second i made that account PURELY for experimenting and trying to differ my art style from how I usually draw. It wasnt made for anyone else to look at nor archive of. 
Third because thats ruined, I'm gonna have to try again and not be randomly noted or blocked of.
And once again no I didn't draw that fucking art. No I wasn't the one renaming my files to random numbers, that was klim
People that block you have made it very clear that they don't want anything to do with you. Why do you feel the need to force your prescence on strangers? You have the mindset of a future rapist.
As for disorders, it seems that you have a multiple personality disorder to go with your autistic spectrum disorder, pervasive development disorder and gender identity disorder.
I'm not the one randomly finding them. 
> y-you have the mindset of- 
Literally none of your tulpas, buddy. Shut up. I'm not a "future rapist" because I already checked, I'm just gonna be drawing and animating shit underground. 
And no, I don't have multipersonal anything, autism has nothing to do with that. I'm also not gender identity disorder nor am I pervasive.
> I'm not the one randomly finding them
Nor am I, I'm not the one who posted them.
> tulpas
Oh, you're back talking about that retard shit again are you? Is that's what's causing you to pretend to be two people?
> Rambling PDD tardbabble
> we don't know who thyla is
Jordan, you're too PDD for deception. Nobody mentioned Thyla, so the only way you'd know to mention her is if that account is you again.
Bonus retardation:
> posting our account
Endchan is a quiet board at the end of the world. An innocent Deviantart poster wouldn't know that their account has been shared here, you only know because you visit this site.
Still, leave my experimental accounts alone. Stop stalking or reading them. 
I don't care if you evade in other ways, this whole fighting over who has pdd and who doesn't is stupid. But this isn't any better.
> if you evade
Projection. I'm not evading anything, I don't use the site. Your 400 accounts are evasion.
Who is byte and why are you still pretending to be two people? Schizo meds, now!
> this whole fighting over who has pdd and who doesn't is stupid.
You're right, it is. You have PDD and it's stupid to argue about it. Glad we could settle the topic once and for all.
I think people need to know this. This is not an invention. This actually did happen, about two/three years ago, as an email from Jordan to Klim.
Everybody knows that Klim’s larp about “Marrying his step-sister on her 12th birthday” was only done to wind up Yonkers – who took the bait and believes it’s real.
Jordan sent me an email, and it made me realize (for the first-time way back then) that he wasn’t ‘the full dollar’. I had always assumed he was only larping as a complete idiot and fool… that he was just playing a silly stupid game.
In his email, he asked me for details about what it was like to have a 12-yo wife, and sexual information as well. He was being quite serious.
I couldn’t believe that Jordan thought that my Larp was REAL. I didn’t reply at all. There was no point. It became clear to me that – at that moment – Jordan wasn’t PRETENDING to be stupid. He actually was.
This was a few months before the infamous “Carmen Stream”, when his own mother revealed that he was a “Special Needs” person etc etc. The Stream simply confirmed it for me – that Jordan could not discern at all what was real and what was a shitpost larp.
Ever since then, he STILL believes it to be real; despite Klim to never age at 90-yo nor his ‘wife’ at 12-yo… scary shit.
Just so you know the truth. He will deny it ever happened, of course. That’s just what he does when confronted with the truth about who he is. It’s up to you to believe this is real or not. I can assure you that it’s true and really happened.
i never believed your sobstories or any dumb shit of toilet men to be real 
also you barely use your shitty virus-protected email service anyway, so what's the point of saying that? fucker. 
nobody - and ABSOLUTELY no one on this planet or internet - thinks your larp is real, they just ignore you by default because of how crazy and self-deluded you are. even for your age! you make elder people look bad because of you. 
again, you do NOT have a wife, and you will never legally get a minor to like you as a wife either, you stupid cunt. you only have me to rely on, along with strangers that aren't even your friends. and no, I'm not a "special needs" in the terms of fitting in with the dumber, fatter, and retarded kids from my school. Hell no. I'm not "special" at all. 
I have never pretended nor been stupid, I have always been on-foot to look for any harassment, and here you are doing what may be defined as that. Pestering me EVERY TIME for my fucking drawings, just for you to either ocasionally edit or make fun of it regardless of year. 
> infamous 
Damn fucking right it is. Infamously UNWANTED. 
So stop reposting it every fucking time when that shit is 2 years old, and I already turned 18 a month later and been on my best behavior since then. Though I wasn't born a misbehaving person, I wasn't born to be made fun of simply because of my stupid show and general draw shit. The only time my art was ever *objectively* "bad" was 2016/2017 crap.  
> truth 
the truth that i rightfully called out your schizo pedo terminally online ass? yeah, that is the truth. i even made a document regardin your actions. now weep.
> calls me an asshole despite stealing multiple art i did and always posts the same face pic 
And the fact you repeat yourself says a lot. Of fucking course it's a lie, retard. She only said I had autism and that's it. She used to sometimes misdiagnose it as ADHD, 2 years ago.
> He has PDD
> She only said I had autism
If you're going to argue with reality, it's best not to do it when there is an audio clip attached to the post.
You're the one trying to *force* it, albeit poorly. Plus she doesn't believe that is true. It is not pdd, because I do not have it. A single audio recording from a 2 year old stream doesn't count, and  neither are false birth certificate.
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Yonkers Stalked me, Groomed me, Brainwashed me, Manipulated me, Pranked me and Forced me Against My Will to say this. He HURT me. It's all his fault. Poopcat MADE me do it, I swear! I never did anything wrong. I am innocent. He touched my no-no zone.

(Does this sound familiar, somehow? lol)

We can't wait for his pure PDD autistic retard sperg rage response to all of this latest shit revealing what he's done... oh, don't forget the screaming denials, outright lies and childish delusional bullshit etc etc.

🙄 inb4 Poopcat’s childish retarded PDD screaming-sperg-out Autistic paranoid delusional BULLSHIT nonsense AAAA klim did it no u yaddah yaddah yaddah… 🙄

©®™ Poopcat Co. 20224
“Secret Squirrel Seen Shitting on Secret Starter Road”
ϞϞ(๑⚈ ․̫ ⚈๑)∩

(PS. You know it's the real Klim by the tripcode “Klim##SAY7BM” … Fuck the haters!) 😏
bites log of shit
ahhh yea thats the stuff
time to create another account while hopped up on poopy goodness
maybe i can lure in a few more kiddies
tap tap tap
and done
one more for the list
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Ohhh... Geordie has been really badly affected by that Eclipse, hasn't he? he's out of control... those PDD meds aint working for him at all. Might be time for him to go back to jhis twice-weekly Psychotherapy Group again.

> reporting

Those are some very serious allegations: You should report them to the Police and Proper Authorities, Jordan.

They will need to survey all of your electronic devices to find evidence of your claims. Are you willing to do that, or will you just continue to make false accusations that you cannot prove? Why does the angry anon respond to these posts at all? What are they trying to hide and/or prevent from happening, we all wonder?

Jordan: If you think you'd rather talk to him about it every single day of your life and whine like a bitch rather than tell the police, then that's your problem, and no one else's. No one is going to accept your “Victim Card” any longer.

“Yeah... gotta go with Klim on this one, Jordan.”
I never have that fantasy. I am NOT into anyone being crowded in a box were there's no room for them to breathe or move in. 
I am NOT affected by the eclipse, and I do NOT have pdd. I am already in control, you fucking projective weirdo. 
I do not have "psychotherapy groups". I've already gotten better to this day, because I'm not constantly projecting others like you do. Get a life. 
> whining 
Me being mature and civil about your wrong doings isn't whining. Go treat yourself so you can feel remorse, you unmed'd slut.
Jordan “I am legit into shit” Rivera

Yonkers von Poopcat d’Mittens El Macker is our true ChrisChan Hero Roll
, and he LOVES to argue!!! Tho he is always WRONG and childish with his arguments! kek
> I'm not a "special needs" in the terms of fitting in with the dumber, fatter, and retarded kids from my school. Hell no. I'm not "special" at all.
> proving me right 
I LOVE how wrong you are. Randomly, out of nowhere, claiming that I of all people fit your shitty narrative. I don't. 
It's been debunked by default many times, yet you STILL insist on it... how sad and pathetic must you be? Lol. 

Continue insisting, it'll only make you more dumber.
Your mother's shitty narrative. The only person who has "debunked" your PDD is you, the person with PDD.
You should try and get a diagnosis from someone who isn't you. Someone without PDD.
It's a shitty outcome for you. To be told by your own mother that you have PDD and having no way to fight it other than to rage against it with a PDD mind.
It wasn't serious. Plus I dont think being a troll means saving someone's childhood photos randomly and making them into questionable videos, harassing them even as they grew up to 18, and doing unsolicited crap for them equals trolling.

The person i told to stop doing NSFW was a minor. I was telling a child to stop doing NSFW. Macker says children drawing NSFW is okay. Macker's a pedophile.

And if you're gonna yell at me for drawing gore of your character, remember you stalked and harassed me, and drew revenge porn of me.

You said "fursonas don't represent real people", "I don't have to ask for consent before lewding an adult, because they're an adult", etc.

Using your logic, it's also okay for others to draw your characters getting mutilated/dismembered/etc.
further context:
I personally wouldn't care if an adult drew NSFW OF adults.

But Macker's defending a child, that draws pedo NSFW.

I tried warning that child people like Macker could be after her, yet she didn't listen, and I gave up with her, until Macker and another one of his cupcakes came along and started sperging over how kids should deliberately attract pedos.
no its shitty
half of it is fence with holes in
some of it is shipping containers
so expect neverending riveras
new york is the place they all go too so yonkers going to have a second wave
> some of it is shipping containers
I bet half have poopies.
> so expect neverending riveras.
The end of the world won't come from where you expect.
> new york is the place they all go too so yonkers going to have a second wave
The dead will pray for the living.
> umm, i-i don't care if you draw an adult in nsfw.. bb-but, if you DARE to touch a cub chawacter!! i will NOM ON YOU 
jesus christ, how about saying that to people who fetishize 9/11 and other serious events instead of harassing people SIMLPY FOR LIKING FICTION. 
> I-I tried warni- 
Fuck off, holy shit. 
> cupca- 
Double fuck off. Let people be people. Let kids be kids. Let paraphiles be in their OWN space, but not like, on youtube lol. 
Idfk why you bother attacking either miors drawings nsfw, or adults drawing fuckin cub
That wans't even revenge porn. Just crack shit. 
Because I "love" your oc in the sense of being owned by a more responsible/less bitchy person, but no i probably can't make my OWN tank character because of you. Fuck off. 
> m-m-mafcker's a pe- 
No, I am not. 
Telling you to stop harassing minors for doing things they can't help over isn't fucjking pedophilia nor encouraging any 'philia. Also it's not like anyone's asking for fucking dick pics (unlike geovanny castillo). 
Plus they told you to mind their own business, yet you refused that. THat's an example of overstepping BOUNDARIES. 
Nobody stalked or harass you, we simply told you to stop and you refused, again. 
Yes I fucking said they don't represent shit because it doesn't. Also we in 2024, not fucking "la la land" where "anything comes to life" like your delusions. Like... shut up. 
If I draw a damn moon being fucked then by god, it's not gonna fucking crush me, or blind me with its sun. 
You act like I'm a "holocaust trafficking person" or whatever you're babbling about, realy, and it's sad. 
No, it isn't okay for anyone to fuck up my actual canon. 

Also, what character did you mean was "5 years old"? Rintoo?
> bringing up shakespearean in arguments 
Not a good look. 

Also thyla, I linked it ironically. Not because you were told to put your shitty sense in it.
>  Let kids be kids. Let paraphiles be in their OWN space
what geordie dont mention is that he wants this to all be happening in discord
like them 13 yos who kicked him out
or the 14 yo he want secret chats with
pedozoo fiction
> Just crack shit
> You act like I'm a "holocaust trafficking person"
people act like you a pedozoo
because you a pedozoo
> p for z and all for me
no poopies or he would have gone back to the border by now
> The end of the world won't come from where you expect.
many scientists predicted a gray goo event
seems a brown goo is more likely
> The dead will pray for the living.
new york got a place called hells kitchen
so it stands to reason that they got a hells toilet too
thats where the final event will happen
no, thats NOT WHAT I MEAN. i mean let a minor draw  a fucking fetish content if they so please! i can't fucking stop them from drawing it, can i? not even a full blown out diaper . and i cant stop them from drawing.. fucking anything? 
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> no  poopies or he would have gone back to the border by now
Probs sirens then that want him to jump out windows.
> many scientists predicted a gray goo event
> seems a brown goo is more likely
Like Rome all kingdoms make way for hew ones, count me out of the incoming toilet floods.
> new york got a place called hells kitchen
> so it stands to reason that they got a hells toilet too
thats where the final event will happen
< Hell's Kitchen, formerly also known as Clinton, is a neighborhood on the West Side of Midtown Manhattan in New York City, United States. It is considered to be bordered by 34th Street to the south, 59th Street to the north, Eighth Avenue to the east, and the Hudson River to the west
The west will fall.
> Probs sirens then that want him to jump out windows.
it seems there are lots of them in nyc and none in penisvania
> Like Rome all kingdoms make way for new ones
theres a particularly tuneless song called kingdom of shit
maybe they forsaw geordies rise
> the final event 
i cant bro
devildriver the mountain is as far as i can go down that path
i cant pick out a tune in whatever the hell genre the dead see are
lol my mistake
i searched my hard drive for mp3s ripped off old magazine cds
and it looks like i had a few of their songs and rated disintergration free money as good
thumbnail of 1558035058157.jpg
thumbnail of 1558035058157.jpg
1558035058157 jpg
(37.25 KB, 500x375)
> That's NOT my theme song!
> archiving a parodied song from a guy who died 21 years ago 
you're insane. go to hell  
> being clueless about the 1980s 
there may have been some misses in that decade  but it was surely a happy time, better than what you're doing; stealing and  saving peoples work. 
> fuck 
That's actually a dino and I'm cumming at it. Hence the red thing on the left (original tuba dino).
thumbnail of 1667391382890719.png
thumbnail of 1667391382890719.png
16673913828... png
(234.15 KB, 574x858)
> That's actually a dino and I'm cumming at it. Hence the red thing on the left (original tuba dino).


thumbnail of POOP02.mp4
thumbnail of POOP02.mp4
POOP02 mp4
(1.12 MB, 1282x720 h264)
Wow. You are so clever, anon!
No one would have known that! You revealed the truth!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us.

Why doesn't he want his "Special Ed" Fan Bois to know about his diaper fetish...?!?

> https://archive.org/details/debunking-the-macker-allegations-livstream-21-04-24
That retard who was running the video sounds like Herbert the Pervert. Are you putting together a crack special ed grooming gang?
Klim, I'm not talking about minors. 
Stop thinking about them.  
I do not say anyting about "manipulating" either.  If they choose to be into nsfw, then that's on them. Hell I w as into nsfw when I was a minor too, even looking at incredibles porn on my ipad.

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