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Dunking on the mentally ill

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thumbnail of KING of the TIMMYS.mp4
thumbnail of KING of the TIMMYS.mp4
KING of the TIMMYS mp4
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“King of the Timmy’s and Jimmy’s”


Yonkers the Pedo Stalker [01]: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1NJ3LCkZbVw 

Yonkers the Pedo Stalker [02]: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Bjmb45ywRyE 

Yonkers PC with CP: https://files.catbox.moe/xmiiq5.mp4 

Mittens/Macker/Jordan/Yonkers/Poopcat/Geordie sperging at a 13 year old boy: https://youtube.com/watch?v=zlit7KMG1zM 

Mittens/Macker/Jordan/Yonkers/Poopcat/Geordie sperging at a 13 year old boy part 2: https://youtube.com/watch?v=vhcHF7p3wD8

Please stop objectifying my unofficial personas from 16 years old. 
Never talked nor groom any children, not sure what's making your mind go insane to think like this. Hope you check it out soon... in your home. 
> the gro- 
nigga i have never groomed back then and i never do it now. megan was merely used as a SATIRE snapchat persona that said "babe" and "twerk twerk" half of the 100 times.

> Also if one of MY friends were a 'groomer' at all, I sure as hell wouldn't really cut ties with them
Nigger just slipped up into admitting into being a groomer, bet money one of your groomer spics your friends with would be proud

Do you really think I'd see a paraphile as someone who knows change and can just... not hurt anyone? There's a thing called "anti contact" you know, but I'm sure dozens of paras aren't even pedos and they dont really interact with AAMs or any minor for the matter. 
HOW in the actual FUCK is that admitting? I did not say anything confirming a non-existent action. I don't groom, and that's that. 
I was SAYING, a FRIEND turns OUT to be a creep, I would NOT cut contact with THEM. 
I'm not referring to the friend as my own self, who - clearly - isn't a thing like that. Being into cub/loli isn't equivalent to being a predator or groomer, moron. Learn some sense, or fuck off. 

And don't just keep calling me the n-word too. Calling you dyslexic would be an insult, but hey, you don't read.

I personally think it'd cause more of a reaction, going to other chans like kc and places that never heard of Geordie, just to tell them his history that led to being a full blown online groomer, for no reason at all. Than registering a company of his, because you can see the reaction and repulse, qucker from them, instead of interest.

> Do you really think I'd see a paraphile as 
... one of those words you refuse to understand because your PDD has caused you to assign it a different meaning to the actual meaning (which includes you)?
> I was SAYING, a FRIEND turns OUT to be a creep, I would NOT cut contact with THEM
Jordan "Pedo Solidarity" Rivera.

Did I say I would be friends with them? No. 
Did I ever admit to wsomething I don't do? No. I'm not having this like the Darren pipster past. 
None of my posts are PDD, i have NOT been diagnosed with it because i do not have symptoms of it. And it will NEVER b the original name for autism either, fuck off. 
God, learn how to read the rest of the actual context, don't just assume "DURRRRR UR A PEDO WAAH WAAAH PEDO PEOD SMASH WAAAA AWAAAA YOU LIKE KIDS WWAAAAA IM SO STUPID I SHOULD BE PUNCHED AND BEATEN TO DEATH WAAAA" all the FUCKING  time. Makes you look insane, or just idiotic. Much worse than 'stop calling me yonkers'.

They are, you were and you have.
> Hating pedos
> Makes you look insane
You really need to try talking to actual humans about these things and not the internet. Go on, ask anyone at all in real life.
> or just idiotic
Like failing an IQ test and being too ashamed to post the results? That's not me, is it Jordan?

Sounding like a demented patient to someone who has literally had to have a mental health assessment after one of his tard outs must mean I'm nothing like him, which would make me healthy. I'm fine with that.
> dont bring up stuff they dont like
So you know I'm right. You don't talk about the pedo Zoocat because you know how they'd react to you following him. Thanks for making my argument for me.
> just admit you're wasting time on a queer, man
I will, that's exactly what I am doing.
> this isnt good for you
I don't need health advice from a fat man with bad skin who licks poo and grooms minors. I could take up drink or drugs and still be healthier than you. When was the last time you exercised or had a balanced meal?

nigga man the fuck up and leave. you're not autistic. you're a poor bloke, you are  not health by CONTINUALLY engaging with me every 10 hours 
> so you k- 
I know they're not into diapers. You still aren't bright though. 
> they'd react to you fo- 
Never. Followed. Him. 
> from a- 
A skinny guy who exactly isn't "fat" nor has bad skin (you're being racist towards even native americans), and DOESN'T lick poop NOR groom minors. 
> I could- 
Be an insane rambler. I know. Grow up and leave nigga 
> When was- 
I exercised your mom to fuck a nigger and draw it into my cartoon. Now leave.

> leave
I like it here and you don't. Why would I leave?
> you're not autistic
Prove it.
> every 10 hours
I wonder which problem has led to this statement... Is it a result of being unable to count, or is it due to having no concept of employment and working times?
> diapers
Reframing the conversation isn't going to work with me Jordan. The subject was a pedophile called Zoocat and why you don't want to tell real people that you follow him.
> still aren't bright
You forgot to post those IQ test results.
> Never. Followed. Him.
What do you hope to achieve by lying about what people can see? Someone post the screenshots.
> A skinny guy who exactly isn't "fat" nor has bad skin
Dysmorphia, you don't see what everyone else does.
> you're being racist towards even native americans
Bad refers to the acne scars you have as a result of poor hygiene, but it's funny that you assumed it was due to being brown. Good admission.
> and DOESN'T lick poop NOR groom minors
What you do has already been proven, lying about the past won't make it go away.
> Grow up and leave 
See the start of this post.
> your mom to fuck a nigger
What would be the problem with that Jordan? It's very right wing to be this racist, remember when you parroted "far right" with no comprehension of the political connotations? Sounds like it applies to you more than me.
> Now leave.
Again, start of the post.

> stop harassing
lol the only place i talk to you is the place you have no reason to go
why you here diddles
there aint even no kids here
its not your kind of place
diddles got pdd
he developmentally challeneged
he cant do change
5yo in his mind
and want to be 5yo in his life
and that means counting is hard

you shifted from cubs dont count
to lolis dont count
to little boys on the interent dont count
thats not a good timeline diddles
>  does a 5 year old think about sexual 
diddles lots of people have tried to explain that to you
the fact that you keep using that example just proves you pdd lol
> rhetorical taken literal
lol 5 years old

> i do not believe in age
no kidding
thats why you dont mind talking sex with all them little boys ay diddles
> a board doesnt count
who told you is irrelevent pdd lord
the links to medical sites the board posted dont change that they are medical facts lol
the posters of them links didnt make medical science
what are you 5 yo or sth
how do you still not understand this
wait i got it lol

> w-w-what is thi- 
Shut the fuck up klim, stop pretending to be serious when you can't be. Also you're not a minor 
At least he's a CUTE alien and not a weird shaped head one 
i dont believe in age on fiction 
and i do not think about real kids either 
> wai- 
you arent waiting anymore, time to die dniaa

> i dont believe in age on fiction
> and i do not think about real kids either
ok now i see
you dont believe the ages of the little boys on the internet
and you dont believe the little boys on the internet are real
therefore its ok for you to diddle them
i see your pdd logic there lol

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