/baaa2/ - Autism

Dunking on the mentally ill

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> stop harassing
lol the only place i talk to you is the place you have no reason to go
why you here diddles
there aint even no kids here
its not your kind of place
diddles got pdd
he developmentally challeneged
he cant do change
5yo in his mind
and want to be 5yo in his life
and that means counting is hard
you shifted from cubs dont count
to lolis dont count
to little boys on the interent dont count
thats not a good timeline diddles
>  does a 5 year old think about sexual 
diddles lots of people have tried to explain that to you
the fact that you keep using that example just proves you pdd lol
> rhetorical taken literal
lol 5 years old
> i do not believe in age
no kidding
thats why you dont mind talking sex with all them little boys ay diddles
> a board doesnt count
who told you is irrelevent pdd lord
the links to medical sites the board posted dont change that they are medical facts lol
the posters of them links didnt make medical science
what are you 5 yo or sth
how do you still not understand this
wait i got it lol
> w-w-what is thi- 
Shut the fuck up klim, stop pretending to be serious when you can't be. Also you're not a minor 
At least he's a CUTE alien and not a weird shaped head one 
i dont believe in age on fiction 
and i do not think about real kids either 
> wai- 
you arent waiting anymore, time to die dniaa
> i dont believe in age on fiction
> and i do not think about real kids either
ok now i see
you dont believe the ages of the little boys on the internet
and you dont believe the little boys on the internet are real
therefore its ok for you to diddle them
i see your pdd logic there lol

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