/baaa2/ - Autism

Dunking on the mentally ill

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> ive obviously never fucking sinned.


“ If "sin" could not be avoided it could not be considered sin. In Pelagius' view, the doctrine of original sin placed too little emphasis on the human capacity for self-improvement, leading either to despair or to reliance on forgiveness without responsibility. He also argued that many young Christians were comforted with false security about their salvation leading them to relax their Christian practice. ”

Pelagianism was decisively condemned as heretical at the Council of Carthage in 418 AD.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pelagianism#Free_will_and_original_sin


( Also cf. Heresy: https://en.wikipedia.org/?curid=20611083 )

Sinless Perfectionism is Unbiblical, Yonkers!
“The Bible... says that ‘If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us’ (1 John 1:8).”
Read about your sin, Yonkers: https://au.thegospelcoalition.org/article/godly-heresy-sinless-perfectionism/

"If I am saved and all of my sins are forgiven, why not continue to sin?"
Read about your sin, Yonkers: 

"Is eternal security a “license” to sin?"
Read about your sin, Yonkers: 

Christ's sinless life is set against the background of the scriptural testimony to the sinfulness of man.

Job declared that man is “abominable and corrupt”, one who “drinks injustice like water” (Job 15:16). Solomon acknowledged, “there is no one who does not sin” (1 Kings 8:46). The apostle John warned, “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves” and "make Him a liar” (1 John 1:8, 10). The apostle Paul summed it all up when he said, “none is righteous, no, not one” (Rom. 3:10). 

John 8:7
“Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”


> Heads don't have metal, retard. They have bones, flesh, blood and red stuff.
> Metal is a music genre, not a fucking object of shine.
The best part of Jordan's character is how confident he can be about things he doesn't know about. Could this be PDD or jjust hubris?

i was telling you my opinion / speech. i actually know about stuff more than you'd ever "research" something at all. 
no, i dont care if you think google or wikipedia is 'unreliable', it isn't. it's neither. because i dont have them. i dont have pdd, or hubris? how the fuck is this about self pride you idiot

PDD isn't even a single disease you fuckheads. PDD is category of many different disorders, and not a diagnostic label. PDD stands for "Pervasive Developmental Disorder(s)", So it would make more since to say that yonkers has "a PDD" rather than PDD. Saying someone has PDD is like saying someone has "Personality Disorder", without specifying which disorder. It makes you sound retarded.

Things like Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and Rett syndrome used to be classified as Pervasive Development Disorders by the DSM and ICD, but the grouping has been dropped in the later additions of each respective text. Specifically, the category was used until the DSM-5 and ICD-11 came out.

No, no. He's quite right. It's very important to be grammatically accurate on a shitposting imageboard centred around insulting a retard, or nobody will take it seriously. We've missed out on a Pulitzer year after year despite our outstanding contributions to journalism and this is likely to be why.

Well guess what buddy, I've checked all my records, and it doesn't say anywhere about "PDD" at all. Autism isn't the same as that, and I don't function like down people at all. I function very good tbh.. 
Though, I'd recommend stop trying to give in to these clueless, brainless fuckers that have zero clue on the shit they claim to know about, they're almost equal to an anti except much dumber. And I don't think it was officially called pervasive since that was only a rumor 
You're the one that's not helping at a- Oh wait you don't "help". There's nothing to help over an innocent person that you're trying to antagonize,  the only person that you wanna help is yourself. 
You've never insulted a retard. You have never done any journalism. You don't know what it means. Stop using words and making up theories to make yourself look "superior", you are merely anything but smart or superior. 
You dont even know my grandmother, prick 
Herpa isn't a language, mongoloid

PDD is a group of disorders that include autism.
PDD is to Autism as Cat is to Mittens. There are many different cats, and Mittens is one of them. There are many different Pervasive Developmental Disorders, and Autism is one of them.

> Heads don't have metal, retard. They have bones, flesh, blood and red stuff.
> Metal is a music genre, not a fucking object of shine
Try explaining that to my collar bone, with a metal plate holding it together.

I'm sure this isn't the right approach and was not recommended by any doctor, but I stretch as much as I can tolerate, so that afterwards it doesn't hurt as much in comparison. Having said that, I'm definitely not getting better. Might have to ask a professional.

Yeah, get someone who knows about your specific situation to take a look. tell them every-thing, so they know not just the physical but the mental and emotional tolls it's taking out on you. They will have some wisdom and insight.

Or... you could lick your own Poop... it tastes just like some sort of pill, apparently.


you'd feel that way for others but not when i'm in actual fucking distress, or any stress really. you dont feel bad for your victims, so you have to twoface yourself to make you look good, but in reality you arent

> Gets upset by language
Good work proving my point PDD boy, this is why nobody cares about upsetting you. It'll happen either way, so making no effort and upsetting you is more efficient than trying to do what you want and upsetting you anyway.

He does. Any kind of attention is fuel to his fire, when he got banned from 4chan he was going out of his mind. Even that little enforced sit in the corner he had from here got him seething, he needs interaction at any price.

I'm not being negative or anything, honestly.
"I do get it".
I have chronic health issues that I've just had to adjust to, and the lifestyle changes that come with it.
Easier said than done.. somedays feel OK, other days not so. For me, I just try and go with it. I can't change it. I didn't ask for/want it. It just is.

I don't know if that encourages you in any way.
Honestly, "I get it".

Fuck what Mexitard might say in response. Reality and pain are illusions to him.


We provide the level of attention that children do not. Half his interactions with minors on (for example) Deviantart fizzle out. There are a few replies back and forth which go nowhere.
Not surprising, but reinforces that these are indeed children he is talking to. The surface level conversations that flit from topic to topic like a butterfly or just trail off are very common among children (and apparently those with children's minds).

Yup. He has never been able to hold a decent dialogue with anyone about anything; his attention span is too short for starters [not just his button mushie].
It's really sad, but it's not his fault. It's the PDD - and he simply does not know any other way - to his loss.
ie. "The Seven Last Words of Any Organizational Structure: 'We Have Always Done It This Way'."

if you have "chronic health issues" then you shouldn't be lying about that or spending time being unmedicated and blaming your own 'problems' onto the SAME PERSON you keep harassing and saying the same shit over and over again. you are just saying this for pity points man, stop trying to get people to feel bad for you. you don't "get" anything. 
> i-i'm not being negati- 
You literally call me a retard almost every day, how are you not negative. 
> other days not so 
because, again, you spent all your time going to this board + 4chan for one person, a person you will never even meet. that is unhealthy. for 5 years this is not good 
> i can't change it 
then get off the computer and it'll "change". go retire at your shed instead of wasting time on a completely anonymous board where you "jokingly" post about children and other sick shit, as well as repeating disorders onto the people you talk to. you have problems because you are spending an unhealthy "lifestyle". there's nothing on here that can change that. 
> fuck what the person has to say, i can claim it's an illusion, but it's actually the cold hard truth, i AM being unhealthy harassing someone who ISN'T mexican! 
See? Projections, negativity among more stuff are literally why you're the way you are. 
> we 
Your'e not a group silly. I do not have interactions with "minors".  
> not surprising, but reinforces that these are- 
Your mom that I keep doing, yes. 
And sorry, what conversation? Stalker. 
> [nods] 
> y-yup, he's never been able to hold a decent chat without blah blah blah. hurr durr attention span is "short" although he does get work done, he needs to go to bed but i keep being so negative and conclusion-jumping to him 
Man you need extra help. 
> i-it's really sad, i'm harassing an american but it's not sad when i give him attention cuz i can't leave him alone, stop saving his work and more! 
Dude you're too dependent on me. I've grown iup and you still follow me as if I was a minor to you. Leave me alone, I do not owe anything to an old fart like you. I do not have a "button mushie", that's called a penis you uneducated slimebag.  >>/33563/
NONe of what I had said was "abuse". It's not potinlesss to hate on someone who won't understand "leave me alone, stop viewing any of my art or profile if you hate it." to their head. It's not even my fault it goes over your head, it's your low iq behavior that makes you unable to detect when to stop violating or pushing boundaries. I am only saying whats written, not "it's everyone's fault". I have already addressed "issues" on here, it's clearly YOU who won't fucking shut up and stop going to the websites i post on. That's called stalking and it needs to stop, along with how you type and not feel any bad, because you have to twist narrative. You don't feel like shit because this is your gratification; disregarding words that could've helped you in fucking life. If you wanted me to stop talking to you, then fucking press alt-F4, go outside, and uh, not use the internet?

Then again, why am I trying to help someone who doesn't want help, and lies all the time about things. You clearly don't want me to make your miserable life "better". 
You just want to steal their art for a bit, grieve and gaslight, do nothing for hours, and repeat. 
And then you click on post numbers and reply with fucking ADHD-like posts, proving my point on how you have problems. I am not a "retard", a pedozoophile, or any other dumb disorder you could ever imagine to tell you all of this. Even an autistic person couldn't be happy about this. Who spends their entire fucking life talking to a random adult online and does the said things listed?? ALL for every fucking day?

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arguing semantics to tryna redirect from why he sex playing with all those kids is peak diddles
> ackchyually some of them little boys is teenagers so im mostly a hebephile more than a pedophile
> ackchyually its just minor attraction we prefer to be called maps
> ackchyually we like to call our kiddies juveniles not the underaged
> ackchyually statutory r kelly and p diddles are allowed to do it so why shouldnt i
> ackchyually daniel hernandez only diddled one naked little girl in that video he still my favorite
the absolute state

its the slope
thats why people dont like lolicons and furries
step by step
practicing all their arguments on why it aint pedo or zoo on the cartoons
then over time surprise surprise they moved onto little ones and livestock
such many cases

How is that justifying? 
i dont really think a cub artist suddenly moves onto real human children, they have stated they *do not* like it, and will NOT tolerate any -contact stances. why do you think some are writing a disclaimer against those who bring fetishes to real life or condone them?

You only say this because you get your mind mixed on what IS wrong and what is NOT. 
REAL feral bad. Wrong. 
FAKE, FICTIONAL, (and all talking shit) feral good. Right. 
> repeating yourself, stealing art, and posting literal children and lolis at occasion is "normal" in the elder mind, 
> but a normal rational person rightfully confronting said person for doing those things isn't 
Yeah, you're the opposite of sane.

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