/baaa2/ - Autism

Dunking on the mentally ill

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what are you faggots on about. also can jacob kill himself out of this board already 
> child mind 
nigga what "child mind" thinks of being FUCKING POUNDED BY A DIAPERED CARTOON SEAL. this is why you shouldnt compare me to uh, actual children or their minds. cuz you're weirder than them 
> if he grooms him 
I know of adults grooming other adults but that's kind of rare. I don't groom myself though lol

You've been told before that children can have an unhealthy interest in sex and this argument doesn't work, but you can't comprehend it because of your PDD.
The irony is that by using this argument again and again to try and claim that you don't have a developmental disorder, all you are doing is proving that you do.

What are you yapping about. I did not say children had an interest in sex. Dude when I was 14 the first thing I jerked off to wasn't sex, it was a fetish.. and then onto OCs. We arent on the same page, and it isnt cuz of PDD. Stop misusing actual problems on normalspeak. 
> can have an unhealt- 
Is it can or can't? When have I told literally one time that this comment appeared. 
> all you are doing is- 
Talking to you like an adult. I don't have delays in my speech or anything like that. I do not have low functioning shit either, so stop repeating yourself or you're the problem. 
But Klim you're inherently awful.

I don't need help, I don't have PDD or a compulsion to befriend minors.
Or an interest in retard religions that aren't even 200 years old, but I suspect you're not a Mormon either, so that's just one of your usual non sequiturs.

can you actually stop posting two times to prove how low intelligence you are 
> that's why- 
I like to call you names just as you do with me. But you don't know what it means, whereas I do. We're not on the same page 
Well I don't have either of those, cuntbag. You still  need to check  before you post something stupid on the internet, no  need to  prove how "superior"  you are to compare people to your own needs. I don't need your non-sequiturs.

You have both.
> You still need to check before you post something stupid on the internet
You mean like a picture of my dick, a secret picture of my mother, ERP messages to minors, or messages to troll boards with my face and telling them that I licked poo? Good advice from the expert!
That wasn't me. Good work there fellow Mensan.

I still don't know, how everything magically can't get injured being flesh and blood. Especially after he attacked Carmen. And said the cops almost broke his arm. And stated he cried all night in a hospital with no cartoons to calm him.

He lives in a totally cartoon world in his imagination. Reality scares him. Illusion and fantasy suit him from having to face and deal with the real world he finds himself in. Poor bastard.
We here simply piss him off because we do not fit into his world.

It's pure schadenfreude (hje'll have to Google what that means but still won't comprehend the concept)... we laff at his own misfortune he brings to himself, sometimes in a silly way, sometimes in a pitiful way.

Anyway... blah blah blah

All Hail Watnai

Nigga what are you talking about . stop obsessing over this event we're on good terms now. i have only told in hopes you'd feel sympathy, but no i guess you have to feel like shit. i didn't say "everything" couldn't get hurt either.
Um, dude. Fiction isn't real, and I'm sure putting flesh and blood would be fucking disgusting and out of character. 
No???? I live in the fucking real world nigga I did not once say or believe I was in MAcker city. That shit is a joke. 
> r-reality scar- 
HOW??? Bro I lay down on my bed is that scary? fuck off. 
> illusion and fantas- 
do you even know what illusions are
> we simply- 
> durr, poor bas- 
See, negative rising again. I'm not poor and I have a dad. 
> h-he won't understand the concept waaaah 
Dude I'VE SEEN the word on font displays before, and also why laugh at misfortune caused by youselves?? NIgga's desperate for someone actually in danger. The more you project "retardeness" onto me the more chance I'm going to decrease your projection and keep searching/doing things that make me smart. 
> d-durrr, pitiful!!! "we" feel pity for someone who actually proves us wrong 
you do nothing silly or pitiful, you act like this on fucking purpose and you keep denying that this is a horrible place to post on. and you still won't leave 4chan. you expect to have "friends" online  but you waste it on making pointless, unfunny, and poop-releated memes. not even my grandpa likes doing that. 
> and deal with the real world 
breakfast irl taste good you're just jealous

just cause i say watnai has blue dragon/dino like creatures with skulls on their head doesnt mean its a codeword for.. fucking anything like humans. it's just a damn fictional thing i do for fun, yet you seem to twist that into something uncanny and disgusting. telling me i'm into "shit" doesn't change anything, because your' the only one who puts scat on my works. and then you have to reply to me hoping anyone would agree with you, they don't. stop trying.

> it's still immature
Yes your actions are.
> you're n adult right?
Why does this topic of questioning age with people, worry you? 
> this isnt normal
You consider /baaa2/ boards normal
> to continously post about a random 20 year old autistic you've never even met
I keep asking you why you prefer this board to ours? And you can't pull, that little game of yours saying there is no we. When your board is alone.

Never did any of that though. At all. 
ESPECIALLY Not "groom" people. I'm not the one saying "i'm going to [sexual thing] to rqandom teenagers", or even thinking a normal conversation equals that. You're the creep, if anything 
Dude, looka t your fucking threads. How is that normal or sane to you? 
> why does this- 
Why do you not grow up? Baaa2 is not normal it's unstable. Grow up and get better humor, or fuck off and stop encouraging these freaks

I like how he's learned about Linux and the Fediverse about a week ago and now seems to think he's got some arcane knowledge that puts him above the average imageboard user.

well no shit. windows is not better since they have a flat UI now. really hate it. 
> fediverse 
i've knew about fediverse instances before you pointed it out. so the hell what. did you think i wanted to make  my own fediverse website too? no, baraag is already more successful, i dont need to copy that shit even when itself originated from mastodon. 
> arcane knowledge 
well i dont have retarded knowledge, do i? i figured out how to install linux realizing that "yes, my files were pretty shit, but i want a more stable fast os that isnt bloatware. no frame drops". basically i hate windows post 2012 
You're gross I really hope you get put down for that bad joke

see? you being careless whereas you "pretend" to "care" for lemonz. dude you dont fucking do shit worth caring about. you don't get things, you dont even care enough about someone's pet dying other than to just say "oh, i get it. i'm sorry for your loss, let me get back to stealing someone's art now" but when someone in MY Family dies i bet you're going to act all negative, or post memes FURTHER PROVING your CARELESSNESS. additionally, you're unhealthily online all the time focusing on me too much. Fuck you.

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