/baaa2/ - Autism

Dunking on the mentally ill

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> it's still immature
Yes your actions are.
> you're n adult right?
Why does this topic of questioning age with people, worry you? 
> this isnt normal
You consider /baaa2/ boards normal
> to continously post about a random 20 year old autistic you've never even met
I keep asking you why you prefer this board to ours? And you can't pull, that little game of yours saying there is no we. When your board is alone.
Never did any of that though. At all. 
ESPECIALLY Not "groom" people. I'm not the one saying "i'm going to [sexual thing] to rqandom teenagers", or even thinking a normal conversation equals that. You're the creep, if anything 
Dude, looka t your fucking threads. How is that normal or sane to you? 
> why does this- 
Why do you not grow up? Baaa2 is not normal it's unstable. Grow up and get better humor, or fuck off and stop encouraging these freaks
> Why do you not grow up? Baaa2 is not normal it's unstable.
As are you.
> Grow up and get better humor, or fuck off and stop encouraging these freaks
Again and against PDD you can go to your board.
I like how he's learned about Linux and the Fediverse about a week ago and now seems to think he's got some arcane knowledge that puts him above the average imageboard user.
well no shit. windows is not better since they have a flat UI now. really hate it. 
> fediverse 
i've knew about fediverse instances before you pointed it out. so the hell what. did you think i wanted to make  my own fediverse website too? no, baraag is already more successful, i dont need to copy that shit even when itself originated from mastodon. 
> arcane knowledge 
well i dont have retarded knowledge, do i? i figured out how to install linux realizing that "yes, my files were pretty shit, but i want a more stable fast os that isnt bloatware. no frame drops". basically i hate windows post 2012 
You're gross I really hope you get put down for that bad joke
take your meds and stop replying with same images, cunt. and stop acting so smug behind the computer screen 
I  made it look too much like windows, so no. 
Plus I've already renamed Macker OS a month ago
> well i dont have retarded knowledge, do i? i figured out how to install linux
But you can't figure out to leave this board alone, can you?
see? you being careless whereas you "pretend" to "care" for lemonz. dude you dont fucking do shit worth caring about. you don't get things, you dont even care enough about someone's pet dying other than to just say "oh, i get it. i'm sorry for your loss, let me get back to stealing someone's art now" but when someone in MY Family dies i bet you're going to act all negative, or post memes FURTHER PROVING your CARELESSNESS. additionally, you're unhealthily online all the time focusing on me too much. Fuck you.
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