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Dunking on the mentally ill

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Jordan Manuel Rivera aka Macker, Mittens etc etc.
302 Walnut Street, Catasauqua, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, 18032, USA
DOB: Feb 13 2004
(805) 567-8214  https://voca.ro/1eaWnAGEqeAV
(914) 410-0909 (Carmen's [his mom] number)

[ ] Jordan is Mexican. He is NOT White.

Over the past FIVE+ years:

[ ] Remember, Jordan has PDD and the mental age of a 5-yo.
[ ] Jordan HAS no friends or associates. He will use them as excuses for what he does.
[ ] 'Joshua' and 'asflalaf'[?] do not actually exist. They are people who exist only in his own fantasy.
[ ] Jordan is a habitual liar.
[ ] Jordan does NOT like being caught doing bad things.
[ ] Jordan ALWAYS blames others for what he does.
[ ] Jordan enjoys calling out others for doing exactly what he does, like making porn of characters/personas.
[ ] Jordan has always used multiple names/alt accounts, to try and hide his nasty online activities.
[ ]  Jordan often refers to things that do not exist, except in his mind/imagination.
[ ] Jordan usually blames others for things he himself does, like harassing Minors.
[ ] Jordan often makes "Suggestive/inappropriate" comments to minors online, because he is wholly incapable of understanding what he is doing is wrong, even when he does it on purpose.eg. Sitting on people, etc.
[ ] Jordan is an online stalker and harasser of Minors.
[ ] Jordan only watches children's shows. They are his 'point of reference'.

🙄 inb4 Poopcat’s childish retarded PDD screaming-sperg-out Autistic paranoid delusional BULLSHIT nonsense AAAA klim did it no u pure PDD autistic retard sperg rage response to all of this latest shit revealing what he's done (as usual)... oh, don't forget the screaming dismissive denials, outright lies, misdirected nonsense and childish delusional bullshit gibberish  yaddah yaddah yaddah… 🙄
Thyla here(assuming that's the "girl" you're talking about), and I was aware of the rumors surrounding Macker being into shit.

I saw a few screenshots of him saying stuff like being into shit, and at first I was a bit suspicious(I figured it was something you made up to piss Geordie off), but ever since he made those fetish playlists public(and I found these videos), I knew you weren't shitting me(wordplay not intended).


For the second reply, with "Spam" causing an issue. I normally don't chat on this board(mostly because I don't like being accosted by Poopcat, or jumpscared by a CP bot), so I wasn't aware of what was happening.(I only talk when I share evidence, advertise something relating to the incident, or to clarify something)

Also what are those other boards that are more popular?
> Thyla here(assuming that's the "girl" you're talking about)

lol ye
but i aint know if you want to be named
i hide the identity of people diddles targets
> and I was aware of the rumors surrounding Macker being into shit.

> I saw a few screenshots of him saying stuff like being into shit, and at first I was a bit suspicious(I figured it was something you made up to piss Geordie off),

ye plausible
but most of the things he get accused of is hyperbole based on things he said and did
rarely out of nowhere
nearly always a seed he planted
> but ever since he made those fetish playlists public(and I found these videos),

ye he poopoo crazy so good find
>  I knew you weren't shitting me(wordplay not intended).

ye it highlighted a need for backup for sure
one emergency place could be https://archived.moe/de/ at least for pointing people places in times of crisis
this post smell like diddles
but ima ignore that and answer anyway
>  i'm surprised you didn't call him a zoophile. 

he was called a pzds all the time
literally for years
pedozoo diapershit
all the things he showed an interest in

but there a hierarchy of degeneracy
people who abuse animals disgusting sure
but people who abuse kids are worse
if you put a spike through an animal and eat it then thats a bbq
if you put a spike through a kid and eat it then thats a life sentence
when diddles was loving his fictional animals and children thats bad
but when he moved onto real pooping cats thats worse
now that he moved onto real kiddies and grooming them on the internet
he hit the peak of it
and so that is the most important bit of what to call him out for
there is only one way he can get worse at this point
and thats irl diddling them kids
ok lets pretend diddles second post aint smell even stronger than the last one lol
lets all imagine diddles aint here and address the post like it was from someone who aint a diddler with pdd
> You're just harassing him because he's an autistic artist

ah ye das rite
that must be it
but wait
thyla an autistic artist
cooper an autistic artist
> harassing

them tho
so it must be for some other reason
maybe its because they aint pzds who tryna diddle all the little boys on the internet
> stop reposting and laughing at the publicly available pdd ramblings of a pzds and his delusions of running a company on this board dedicated to laughing at the diddler in question

> i demand this as someone who is totally not the diddler since i he dont post here no more and aint posted for months and i dont even he dont even diddle all them little boys because them little boys like it so it dont count

fixed it for you diddles lol
I mean techincally nobody was capable of posting on the board for a mean min. I'm more surprised he waited it all out to show up at the same time the board locals resurfaced. Like he was keeping tabs on us to magically reappear. Instead taking the opportunity to move on and leave us in the dust  for dead tbh.
You being  made vol was accidental miracles . Because the constant attacks made me almost lock all threads. To wait it out.  But we tagged teamed it out best we could. And still squeezed out posts. Til  we got off the shit list.
Correction. We got unidexed and on wrongthink theyre saying most boards jumped ship. I think we stay that way for now tbh.  Dont want that noise all over again. Honest, I was checking over on 28 if anyone posted over there or my email. Didnt occur to me to check 4. Not that it mattered now.
diddles is literally retarded
and he cant let go of the past
even when the past is bad he want that routine
nothing must change
even for the better
it was our civic duty
do your bit for baaafrica
risky strategy
throwing water on diddles could have went two ways
sure it might have turned him into a poopies puddle like oz witch
but it also runs the risk of what if getting the poop gremlin wet make him multiply instead
there no legal age on jenk juice bro
geordie has been unaffected
personally i been busy
but looks like things have stabilized round here now so i can get back on it
might try a new gen of ai at some point now i got an upgrade

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