In the secluded outback of Australia, where the sun scorched the earth mercilessly, lived an elderly man named Klim. Klim was renowned for his unique friendship with the kangaroos that roamed the vast, arid land. His wiry frame and wrinkled skin told tales of a life well-lived, but his eyes still sparkled with the fire of youth.
On the other side of the world, in the heart of Catasauqua, a morbidly obese Hispanic man named Yonkers resided. He was a man of immense size, his flesh oozing over the confines of his clothing, and his breathing a laboured effort. Yonkers had developed a peculiar taste for feces, a craving that drove him to the depths of desperation for the forbidden delicacy.
Fate, a fickle mistress, brought these two unlikely souls together when Yonkers, in search of the most exotic stool, stumbled upon a post on the dark web about Klim's peculiar hobby. Intrigued, Yonkers packed his bags and embarked on a journey to the other side of the world.
Klim, out on his daily expedition with his beloved kangaroos, was startled to find Yonkers collapsed in the dusty outback. Yonkers' pleading gaze, his cheeks stained with the remnants of his last fecal feast, revealed his plight. Klim, ever the empathetic soul, invited Yonkers to stay with him.
As the days bled into weeks, Yonkers and Klim's relationship deepened. Klim would catch kangaroos, the largest and most robust, and Yonkers would partake in the prized delicacy. The elderly Australian man, in turn, indulged in the feces of Yonkers, which he found to have a unique, tangy flavour.
Their routine became an unspoken dance between the two, a dance of desperation and fulfilment. Klim would ride his kangaroos to the edge of the outback, where they would graze on the scant vegetation, while Yonkers revelled in the feces left behind.