You're the ONLY one that has ESL and PDD because you can't pervade your ass out of harassing me. For 4 years and counting, you have been doing nothing but that. You tried to make me look like a fool multi-ple times, which still doesn't convince anyone. And I'll not let you put up with this any further. Especially considering the things you call me, are exactly applied to you. But you show that more than anyone here - you act DEFINITELY like a teenager, you *steal* art shamelessly. You sexualized my persona when I was a minor, you claim it as a 'joke' when it's actually something gross. You have been linking my socials for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and you were stalking me. Countless. Of times.
Before I even turned into a young adult.
And you, are an old man. Doing this childish targeted harassment.
You dont' even explain why you do this, and I odn't mean your "I am you" crap. I want a full on explanation, and diagnosis as to why and how you're born like this. Imagine the struggles and pain your parents must've raised you to the point of wasting your life away to something that could be gone in forever. No wonder they gave you up.
And, the internet for you ain't gonna last. Not with this behavior.
The overdoing of theft, free of any actual consequence in your state, the fact you LIKE doing this and pretending to be angry at it. You're a sociopathic masochist.
Simply put, if you do not grow out of this boring schtick, then someone will do it for you. They will confiscate your products. Ignoring you isn't enough anymore.
In another post.
> g-
My eyes are on posts set under default fonts not kids. Because I don't think of kids.
Stop one-entering like an antisocial-riddled maniac.
Here, let me link the post for you so you can understand it through this "broken" garbage of a site.