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Refuge from retarded cuckchan mods

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Last one :  >>/892/
https://m.tiktok.com/h5/share/usr/219309202052378624.html (519 Videos)

WebM Pack: https://mega.nz/#F!C1szUahY!wAozqblbJ7ivdfm5kd6IEw (WebMs, 60fps)
Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/#F!gJ1AlYwJ!TFORcOzEIEERs19J7b97LQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
Streams: https://mega.nz/#F!oI8lnIIb!tx-7ck3DiZCkK8KSZhrJsw
Misc. stuff:https://mega.nz/#F!tREl2QwJ!Fw2wzaTPeluUpKpnJefkSQ%3E (Edits, Memes)

Useful links:

> Lime banned for avatarfagging
> armpit cunny and I just want to cum inside her guys not banned for spam
> I was banned for "spamming" for posting the grooming recap a few months ago

good thing they got their priorities straight

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every bonbinigger that does nothing but spam bonbi videos should be banned too.
I bet you're such a fucking beta irl dude. The kinda type to beg the janny for help when he sees something he doesn't like on the internetz is always a autistic beta faggot.
Applies to bonbi niggers too, retard.

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i agree hate hate bonbispammers/niggers. but i also hate sunny and thats why i report you. nothin personnel kid. i get banned all the time but im back after 5 mins. i believe you can be too if youre not completely retarded like you pretend to be

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Resetting my router is effort for me though you faggot.
Jesus christ i actually hope you go to fcuking hell when you die. I try to not be a cunt and yet i need to share a planet and general with degenerates like you. When you're at the fucking gates of heaven, jesus is gonna rock up to meet you with the fucking book of life and you reporting me is gonna be the 2 fucking points that put you into the negative and you're gonna suffer an eternity of pain with people deserving of your company. enjoy being bumraped by satan and judas you ABSOLUTE FAGGOT

Sorry to hear that.
I guess the difference is that lots of people are posting Bonbis, so it's not really avatarfagging, plus she actually makes tiktoks.
Still a stupid reason, but I assume that is janny' rational. 

Can't you just use your phone ?

Bonbi why hast thou forsaken us?
Doesn’t thou knowest ye filleth thy cup of wrath? I beseech thee to stop this pitiful madness lest ye be swallowed whole by thy righteous right hand of vengeance.

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Oh nononononononono
If you ever watch Bonbi's stream, you might have seen a guy named "Greg Russell", who is also a patreon, donate to her.
Well, this guy apparently did a duet with Bonbi...

Is this the "new fanbase" Bonbi was talking about?

In front of women one is silent just as one is silent in contemplation of the world's secret essence. But where the latter is unfathomable infinity, the former is simple mystery, in other words, void. Not greatly disjoined from life, woman is a temporary salvation for those on the heights of despair, because through her a return to life's unconscious and innocent pleasures is still possible. Grace, if it has not saved the world, has saved its women.
- Emil Cioran, On the Heights of Despair

thanks. seems to be quite the rare pic. it's not in the chronology pack either

the first public occurrence of this pic I could find is from May 11th, 2019 at 16:54 UTC on the devil town server, posted by a user called bilbin#2316
no clue who that is or how he got it though
if anyone knows more I'd be interested

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Already posted this in /ttg/, but one of the new Rose videos is gone for me in the app. Same when I click the tiktok link in the OP.
Any clue why it got removed? It's the Lana Del Rey song, so it could be copyright, but there are lots of other toks (including ones by Bonbi) that use her songs.

Can confirm that I see the same thing on my PC.
When I use a VPN though, I can see the video. Might really be location based.
Not that it's a big deal, I was just wondering.

> Also that audio has only 6 tik toks.
I didn't mean that specific audio as much as Lana Del Rey in general. You would think that a copyright strike would affect all songs by her and not just this one audio. I can, for example, still see Bonbi's Lana Del Rey cosplay that uses audios from her.

That guy has posted a lot of 2 March insta story crops, don't be fooled by the stuff he posts.

Chrono pack isn't perfect but there's only one image that I know for sure is missing. But its kept out on purpose though

Ah you're probably correct about that image not being in the pack - I don't know where its from, either - but its not the one I was thinking of. The one I had in mind was probably found around this time a year ago - during the hard times - on a facebook page. Recognize what I'm describing? If not, its probably for the best.

Going back through old archives and I found this interesting conversation relating to the *** shutdown back in Oct 2018


Apparantly two photos were provided with timestamp at the time - presumably they never surfaced
blambidonkers must be sitting on a veritable treasure trove of rares

Man it's been a long time since she's done anything hasn't it? Assuming the tiktoks were made the same day as the stream and she dyed her hair the day after? No stories or anything too, right?
Wonder what she's been up to...

> Presumably it was something identifiable / uploaded by someone she knows IRL that could lead to dox?
yeah, its on the girl-who-was-in-bonbis-early-videos' facebook page
Checking it now, the pic is still there. Also looks like the lass has since got a bf irl. Looks much happier than bonbi tbqh.
completely unrelated
If what you say is true then you'd probably recognize it when you see it.

Btw, Bonbi uploaded a Rose pic to Patreon and a new Ariel to tiktokt. Maybe more to come.
I am not a Patreon and don't know how to download Tiktok videos though, so somebody else will have to upload it.

damn bonbi getting more busty, thats hot. cant even hide it soon!
also seth thanks you for your donations towards thenew couch. or maybe he will buy new horse dildos for bonbi so she can make more hot videos for him. or for the new apartment fund so he and bonbi can move in together and fuck and make kinky porn vids every day, eitherway thanks for your monthly cuckbux

I've seen more than general public and I agree with this. She's incredibly childish when it comes to sex stuff to the point when she's actually really fucking degenerate. She just spews total nonsense thinking it's "hot".

I don't think she had the brainpower back then to think of that herself, she probably just copy pasted what seth told her to, or seth had control of her account at this point and just did it himself. 
Now though, they don't even need to type it out, you know she's telling him how to jerk off in VC.

Just checked Patreon and apparently there were two more Rose posts?
If the time on the posts is in my time zones, which I assume it is, they were uploaded about 3 hours ago... That would be around 7am Bonbi's time.

> No clue why they are 10$ vs the other one only in the 5$ tier...

Simple, she needs more money so in order to get a couple 5-buck paypigs to raise their donations, she posted them in the $10 tier. Five vs. ten bucks isn't that big of a deal to many.

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I saw one or two of her videos many months before I ever visited the threads or anything, and I never felt the need to check out more, until I actually ended up in /bbg/ and saw all the sad edits, clips from the bluebon stream, etc. So, in a way it was less her actual content than all the sadness around it that attracted me.

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There was a Rose/gothbi stream that was sort of comfy until close to the end when somebody messaged her (see webm for her reaction). She has uploaded some Rose content, a hair-dyeing tok, an old Ariel tok, and little else.

On the drama front, Bonbi hasn't played Overwatch (at least on her main account) for about a week now.
Anonce went 1-7 in the last games he played (likely with Bonbi) and they haven't played since. The most obvious explanation would be that they have just been playing a different game, or, a bit less likely, they're playing on smurf accounts.
I've also seen the explanation that Bonbi has to focus more on schoolwork for the end of the semester, and, of course, there are always theories about them meeting up or anonce planning to move or some such stuff.

Interesting in connection with that is also that apparently something has been going on with anonce's mom in that same time frame. She heavily discounted her store, then stopped selling like a week later. In a post she said something about "we all have our sob story", and has apparently been inactive on facebook for a while (or at least she was when people looked at it last Thursday or so).
Could just be her MS acting up and it's all coincidental.

Good to know
I mean...not *good*, but at least now I know it's not just me
One minute I'm posting, the next the entire country is permabanned everywhere for literally no fucking reason
This is some serious bullshit moderation, lads.

Not him, but you don't seem to really understand the definition of "spam"

> Spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems like e-mails and other digital delivery systems and broadcast media to send unwanted bulk messages indiscriminately.

It's nothing to do with rules, repeatedly posting large volumes of tiktoks without adding anything else of context and value to the discussion - although on topic and thread relevant - is still spam.

> unwanted
That's relative to the ttg posters. But still, as long as it's not against the rules I don't see a problem. It's what happened to bbg, it's not exactly against the rules. Also, the board is not specifically for discussion, whether we were used to it on bbg it's different

I agree, it was definately spamming, but certainly not the most egregious case we've had
I find it's only really an issue when the poster is spamming to the intentional detriment of the thread a la keklo or RAD

It's honestly nothing to worry about, I've spent half a year dedicated to you because I love you. First off, you look way better than dns 24/7, you're way better looking than her lets be honest. Second, I would never fall in love with someone because of how they look. You're extremely fucking hot, nice, sweet, and innocent. I've fallen in love with you bbgbros and no one else will ever get in the way of that. Also neither of us have any idea what kind of wacky bullshit is going on in her life, she's already dragging me into hell by just having me involved in this stuff. It's okay to be worried and you should talk to me about this stuff if you feel insecure, just try to remember I've known you for about 6 months now and we talk literally non stop, I've never been closer to someone emotionally in my entire life than you, Saki will not change that. I am 100% committed to our relationship and I would never in a million years do anything to fuck with that. I also get really insecure about guys, you legit have a pisscorp with 3000 men that want to take my place lmao, It's actually terrifying. It's still really difficult for me to read/listen to you say I love you to people or compliment guys, or orbit guys on the pisscorp and talk about how you love them and wanna cuddle with them, hug them, etc. Even if it's just a joke it's hard for me to see, I do my best to remember how close we are and it makes me feel better. So i understand you feeling insecure/worried about me talking to another girl, we just gotta trust each other. I love you and no one else bbgbros.

> https://imgur.com/a/LhMflyI
Fucking what the fuck is going on.
How the heck could all of this happen? And in such a bizarre way!?
Seriously, what kind of damned "relationship" are these two absolute retards having?
I kept looking away from dramashit for so long and was now just kinda bored and curious to check out why this place here actually exists and...

What. The. Fuck.

Didn't expect to find something like this. Eventhough I stopped being emotionally invested several months ago, I still wish I never would have found out about this.
How fucking terrible must her parents be so she became like this?
What kind of server is that anyway where they talk about all this stuff like it's nothing? And how did some messages that look like DMs get leaked?

Actually you know what, I don't want to know.

Back in June 2019 Bonbibonkers considered quitting cosplay due to growing demand by fans for perfection (via comments or messages) stressing her out, snuffing the joy from the hobby she used to enjoy. 
Criticism on how she's not posting often enough,
criticism on how she didn't cosplay something correctly,
criticism on how she danced wrong in this or that video,
and then stuff like:
TikTok removed your video because it had the word 'choke', while everyone else's video with the sound stayed up

All this can break a person.

At the time, I suggested to a certain artist that I wish there was fan art of Bonbi just plain old relaxing playing her Nintendo Switch, instead of fan art of her in cosplay.

I was thinking she probably feels that cosplay is her identity,
and I wondered if she felt people only liked her for that.

So I wanted an art piece to send the message (if that was the case) that,
"No, in or out of cosplay, people appreciate you,
and they want to see your mental health blossom!
So do what you need to take care of yourself,
and be kind to yourself!" And even if my hunch was wrong or June 2019 is long past, I feel those words still hold.

And while the artist was busy doing other work,
they didn't forget the piece,
and yesterday they sent me the finished version!

But they themselves refused to post the artwork and they wish to remain anonymous
because they said I sparked the idea. D;

So with that said, the art is wholly theirs!
I just ended up making a zoom & pan video with sound effects to spice it up (turn on sound!) Cheer up you wonderful person ^_^
#bonbibonkers #art #soundscape #mentalhealthawareness

I know a lot of people in /ttg/ called him a cuck for this, but I agree with  >>/2838/.
It feels a little weird to have this posted so late after the fact though and not address the "stress" of the recent months. Still a nice message though.

Something good?
Let's see... Bonbi is still alive and apparently hasn't given up cosplay completely yet. Some of her content is still good.
And the grip she used to have on some of us seems to get weaker for most.

if you really want a lolipop, how could I say no haha it's even got a delicious creamy filling if you squeeze the bottom enough
just know that if you're a messy slut and you slobber too much I'm gonna make you clean it all up one away or another

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I'm not sure who posted it, sorry, it was deleted just as I realised what I was looking at
I think it was posted 2 or 3 days ago in DT, maybe around this same time?

Here was another very interesting one I *did* manage to save in time
Not sure where they're coming from, but hopefully whoever's posting them keeps doing the good thing

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thanks, I found it. someone posted it at 2:14 and 2:17 AM (both deleted)
however, those were both reposts. it was originally posted by ricehat on 12/14 at 20:53 UTC
so here it is in full quality

I have daydreamed about roughly yet lovingly manhandling my bonbibros. 
I have also daydreamed about *being* roughly yet lovingly manhandled by my bonbibros.
in a bonbibro sandwich I would be the delicious filling in the middle

E-relationships are so unfulfilling and leave their participants feeling just as lonely as before, if not more so. You should talk to some people in them. Or try one yourself if that's possible, but I wouldn't recommend that. Physical intimacy is an extremely important part of serious relationships and you can't get that with someone that lives a thousand miles away.
Moral of the story: no e-girls, never.

oh anon, you're so cute when you think you're calling any of the shots. you're my plaything and I'm gonna do whatever I want with you. just for that I think I'll bust all over your face and forbid you from cleaning yourself off for the rest of the day, you'll be a pretty little jizzson pollock that'll want to put on my wall. in fact at the end of the day I might just press you up against it and edge you for an extended period of time then when it looks like you can't take anymore I'll push you to your knees and, while you're still stuck between my body and the wall, mistreat your pretty throat with my pp and eventually feed you your dinner.

usually at some point you'd want to meet and move in together.
being in love with somebody over the internet doesn't mean that's impossible though and it's not like you can actively chose who you fall in love wiht.
not trying to defend bonbi btw.

stupid erp

> usually at some point you'd want to meet and move in together.
Yes but it's unlikely. Long distance relationships are notoriously doomed, and with normal ones you have at least initial contact and a 'split'. With e-relationships now it's 100% about what you imagine the person to be because there isn't any contact until later on. If they even get that far, which I'm saying they don't often. I feel like I'm repeating myself here.
> it's not like you can actively chose who you fall in love wiht.
I think a few of us might know the feeling.

> I feel like I'm repeating myself here.
Nah, you were just clarifying your standpoint.
I don't disagree with you, just saying it can work out given some normal circumstances, like the distance not being too far and both being adults.
Obviously the chance for it to turn into something fruitful is pretty low.

> it can work out given some normal circumstances, like the distance not being too far and both being adults.
Good point. Bonbi and Seth fail this test on both points, though it's subjective what is 'too far'.
It's also worth noting how tragic they often end too. When someone feels neglected by their partner, they often cheat. And e-relationships are as attention-starved as they get.

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I don't know.
Some days I can try to ignore it all and pretend it's just my head canon Bonbi.
Or act like it's just a temporary setback and soon everything will improve - like Bonbi will finally do the right thing.
Or, worst of all, pretend I don't really care about any of it, and I'm just here for the entertainment.
I guess that's what keeps me going: delusion, groundless optimism, morbid curiosity.

I love her as well. Too bad she isn't real.

You say that but I bet you'll be singing a different tune when you're sprawled flat on your tummy, my weight smothering down your entire body, your legs pinned beneath my knees, your hands locked in place behind your back, my breath hot and heavy on your neck as I position myself to push my thick raw meat inside you. I bet there'd be tears welling in your eyes and muffled protests coming through the gag in your mouth when the pressure starts to build on your tightly puckered boyhole as I start pushing forward and finally lodge myself firmly into you. I'd reach my now free hand up and wipe the tears from your eyes then grasp you firmly by the hair and with a steady grip on your head, hands on your back, and knees I'd ride you hard until you were raw and broken.

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I did not make the last thread. I suspect the "creepy stalker shit" reason is a bullshit, catch-all excuse for banning. It's been used increasingly lately. I wonder how the appeal will go.
Argued with someone about a Buddhist metaphor, talked a little shit about Sethy, no name drops, nothing out of the ordinary.

I’m sorry daddy I didn’t know you’d get mad if I just ran my fingers along my tight moist kitty, I thought u said it was ok as long as i didn’t put anything in. You were just taking so long to get home, and I was getting so tense in anticipation for your massive cock....I felt so empty without you...... :(

> Argued with someone about a Buddhist metaphor, talked a little shit about Sethy, no name drops, nothing out of the ordinary.
This is punishment for discussing drama then. Literally pop in almost every ttg to post bonbi and call her cute, make a bbg thread every now and then, and yet I never get the ban.
Drop the drama shit or keep it to the drama thread on here. It does literally nothing but make us limerent retards feel like shit, and it was what lost us our comfy thread on 4chan.

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> Literally pop in almost every ttg to post bonbi and call her cute, make a bbg thread every now and then, and yet I never get the ban.
> Drop the drama shit or keep it to the drama thread on here. It does literally nothing but make us limerent retards feel like shit, and it was what lost us our comfy thread on 4chan.
Double based, even if pointless. The /ttg/-only people will always shit on Bonbi (and us).

While none of these other girls have that certain something that Bonbi has, at least their fans don't have to deal with all this drama.
I mean, normally I should be excited for a new stream, but knowing that she is just going to play with the nonce is kinda making me dread it more than anything. And knowing that this has already been going on for a year and is not likely to stop anytime soon, doesn't exactly help.
As an anon said in /ttg/ today:
> I miss the days when it was fun being a Bonbi fan

> Well, at least it's a better investment than sending the money to Bonbi.
That's how I rationalized it at first too. In practice, I'm sure it's roughly equivalent in terms of depravity, but I'm happy to have gotten something back at least. It took gigapixel about 18 hours to do it and I had to pay for each file separately. So I doubt anyone ever has all her toks done. Though I probably would set aside space on my terabyte SSD if someone did.

> Meet a girl online
> We hit off like crazy
> "anon, I'm kinda a dyke. Like I have short hair"
> I'm just getting harder
Thanks Bon for giving me a thing for short haired girls

After exchanging pictures, I must say she's quite a cutie too

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It gets a little annoying, but really, most of the time it makes me laugh more than anything. I think I've been called a cuck over the past 2 months more often than the entire rest of my life.

> I wish we could just move past the seeth finally
Yeeeah. I don't think until Bonbi moves past the Seth, can we move past the seeth. Even then, it would take months before the bitter boys would stop calling us (& Bonbi) names.

a few shit-heaps from the /ttg/ disscord (and possibly more) have been known to shit things up and hate on bonbi bros in the threads. Following us to a Bonbi thread isn't a stretch of the imagination.

It's pretty easy to become a janny, but I don't know about mods. I would not be surprised if he had a friend on the inside. People have been banned before for """doxing""" when doing nothing more than calling him what he is and making sound arguments against aidf fags.

Posting this here as well even though I assume everyone who's here is also on /ttg/. Tier list of every post-return bonbi cosplay:

Seems like it.
I can kindof understand - full bodypaint is a pretty major undertaking, and she probably learned the hard way with the lapis cosplay.
Even so.... It doesn't get much lower effort than just using automatic filters to turn yourself blue and call it a day.

I miss the old Bonbi, straight from the go Bonbi
Chop up the soul Bonbi, set on her goals Bonbi
I hate the new Bonbi, the bad mood Bonbi
The always rude Bonbi, spaz in the news Bonbi
I miss the sweet Bonbi, chop up the beats Bonbi
I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet Bonbi
See I invented Bonbi, it wasn't any Bonbis
And now I look and look around and there's so many Bonbis
I used to love Bonbi, I used to love Bonbi
I even had the pink polo, I thought I was Bonbi
What if Bonbi made a song about Bonbi
Called "I Miss The Old Bonbi, " man that would be so Bonbi
That's all it was Bonbi, we still love Bonbi
And I love you like Bonbi loves Bonbi, hahaha

I didn’t watch the other one either, well not till a week later so probably wait on this one too. Now that I think about I couldn’t watch it even if I wanted to because I have no idea how twitch works so at least I’m spared from the grief till someone post it. I got a bad feeling something is going to happen in this one. :€

This seems a little weird, considering that the stream chat wasn't even half as bad as last time, but a few ideas as to why:

1) Bonbi recognized plenty of dns in chat and didn't want to be reminded of them. This was already one of the main reasons she didn't want to stream on IG anymore, so it wouldn't be completely surprising if reading mostly dns bantering with each other would get her to quit. No "new fans" watching her after all.
2) She's actually disgusted by the (too blatant) orbiters. I know that gregrussell was just a joke, but maybe Bonbi read some of those messages and actually thought there was this guy who thought he was entitled to play games with her.
3) What  >>/3545/ said. She hoped that streaming alone with the pedo nowhere in sight would get people to stop dramaposting. 
4) This is a little more far-fetched, but if she has a brother that is a few years older or younger than her, chances are that he knows about Twitch, and would probably be a lot more likely to see a stream of hers there than on Tiktok. If her brother saw part of the stream, and started to ask questions about some of the things posted in chat...
5) Maybe Seth told her some things. Like, he could have said to her that everybody hated it and was making fun of her, or something like that.

Now, the much bigger question is, why did she remove that 3rd tok again?

> Oooh poor me can't afford a Christmas tree
> I would really like to do that cosplay, but sadly it's expensive and I don't have any money...
That sort of stuff. Trying to make people feel sorry so they give more.

I haven't seen the stream. But how was she gameplay wise?
Maybe she thought her performance was shit (with or without reasons) and decided she's too bad at the game to play it.
No idea why she removed the third tiktok, maybe she was extra salty.

She had her moments, but generally she's not very good. There was some guy who was mad at the team for not being more organized and cohesive. He was kind of a dick, but he was also right. Naturally, the creampie slurpers in chat said Bonbi was perfect and he was a meanie incel. Bonbi was also very hungry the entire time.

As usual, nothing she says matters.

Yes, no idea. Checking desuarchive now. Nothing out of the ordinary, but an argument broke out between BIDF pedestal polishers and people who know she's not exactly a good person and are willing to articulate why.

All I'm gonna say is that she should definitely stick to Mercy. Her Mercy is actually not bad. She's even able to pull off some "advanced" techs like super-jumping. The problem is that Mercy is pretty boring to watch... so yeah, she plays other heroes. And she's not good at other heroes.

> Now, the much bigger question is, why did she remove that 3rd tok again?
probably because of the description (which you can't edit on tiktok)
> Twitch stream starts in 20 minutes~!!! Be there ! #kotoriminami#kotoriminamicosplay

But you can see when the video is uploaded. Obviously nobody looks at the tok 4 hours later and is surprised that the Twitch stream is already over.
I mean, she also didn't delete the other tok that says "Streaming on Twitch tomorrow".

Saw this copy-paste of Emiru tweets on /wsg/, posting here now:
> u ever just want to help someone but... you just can’t cus they don’t want to accept it or there’s just nothing you can do. so you just have to watch them slowly be more and more sad. and you know it’s not your fault really, but you still feel responsible kinda
> i’m fine ma’am i just b worrying about one of my friends. she b goin through a lot. i’m not even that close to her desu but i relate to what she’s dealing with a lot, and i also did not want to open up to anyone very much at that time

If she's talking about Bonbi, and it relates to trying to get through to her about Seth, then Emiru is based. Unfortunately, time and experience want me to assume the worst: that it's about Bonbi, and that the evil meanie incel anti-pedo fans are the focus. Make of it what you will.

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notAWhore2 PNG
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If it's about Bon, that post makes little sense if it refers to just "meanie fans". I mean, why would Bonbi reject her help or have issues opening up to anyone in that case? 

In any case, that reminded me again of what whore-poster said right after /bbg/ got nuked:
> I think bonbi needs to have her cliff moment, she needs to be broken, she needs to pick the pieces up, she needs to put herself back together, and she needs to do it all by herself. I just don't think she's go the strength, will and resolve to come out on top of everything she's been dealt.
> the worst part of all this, and I mean the absolute worst part, is realizing that none of this is her fault at all...

thumbnail of girlfriend.webm
thumbnail of girlfriend.webm
girlfriend webm
(5.18 MB, 640x1090 vp8)
I know how he feels.
It's difficult caring about somebody who just seems to fuck up all the time and refuses to make the correct decision even once in her life. Watching a tragedy in the making without having any power to change things is pretty tough, and it's a lot easier to change your attitude towards her & call her a whore.

It might be a different whoreposter but I remember one of them said that its easier cope with who she became as a person and all the wrong choices she's made by just knocking her and calling her a whore because it makes him not able to care about her as a person or something along the lines of that.
And then he went on to say he didn't like calling her a whore but its how he coped with how sad this story is.
Can't say I fault him, I know what he's trying to say in a way, even if it is a bit incel.

What really hits me is:
> you just have to watch them slowly be more and more sad
There was a part of me that was hoping, that at least bonbi is somewhat happy with her current situation. As messed up as it would be, I figured that, for now, she might just be content playing vidya & spending all her time with this guy; she might regret it years down the road, but for now, it might make her happy.
But hearing somebody else say, that she really is "a depressed piece of shit", and the whole thing makes her miserable... There is no good ending waiting for us, is there?

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1573822449... webm
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Misc MEGA pack owner here. Should I keep using 4chan filenames or go back to using more helpful filenames? Or maybe both combined letting you edit it and choose which part to keep before posting?
>  >redoing vriska 15738224494330.webm

that's what the randomize filename option in 4chan-x is for though
I don't think the timestamp is very useful for most people since you have to convert it first. If you really want to know how old a file is you can always look it up by hash on desuarchive

I always prefer when it has the original filename listed, especially when it's an edit
I can always rename files to whatever I want afterwards, but I think it has value as a record of what the original creator titled what they made

thumbnail of 15374561937740.mp4
thumbnail of 15374561937740.mp4
1537456193... mp4
(7.51 MB, 500x500)
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15600155840710 webm
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1570035969666 gif
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1553731549... mp4
(1.43 MB, 406x720 h264)
thumbnail of 愛して愛して愛して.webm
thumbnail of 愛して愛して愛して.webm
愛して... webm
(4 MB, 600x1080 vp8)
You pick it up from being on 4chan
> 1539...
October 2018
> 1542...
November 2018
> 1550...
February 2019
> 1556-9...
May 2019
> 156...
Any time midsummer 2019
> 1570...
October 2019

That's why randomised filenames make you easier to spot than samefagging with the same filenames because few anons use the randomised filenames.
Noted. That's what I was doing before by using 4chanX to download with the original filename. I like the bragging rights the numbered filename gives showing that I downloaded a file a while ago but that sacrifices information.
I was saving two copies of each edit for a couple of months; One with the filename uploaded or a helpful one and the other with the numbered filename for anonymity and date.

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