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Nice, I just wanted to ask about that. I thought I saw somebody say that the Blambi he is talking about was a fake that managed to fool Black initially.
It also seems unlikely since he is a NEET, so Bonbi would have to pay for everything.

So, most likely it's not true, but I wanted to ask if we have a way to know for sure.

There was a guy named "seriuslynotblambi" on the main discord who said some crazy shit that appeared on October 18th.
Some of the things he said:
>  there are some people here who lie about who they are... pretty up the food chain you can say
> so one person here in this server, who is pretty active, is actually S*th himself. Who guesses correctly wins the prize
> i can just confirm that it's not desert, but there is something else that is very interesting about desert...
> what if i tell you some active user in this server is like 50 year's old?
> ah atleast i can reveal who RAD is
> its @Silkspire
> seth doesn't need a plane ticket anymore after he moved

And then: 
> i obviously don't know anything i am just memeing you
Which is backed by the fact that right after he predicted that somebody else was going to play games on Twitch with Anonce & Bonbi, but in reality it was obviously only those two.
He was also caught out because apparently he didn't know the correct creation date of a server that Blambi made, which is when Black started to believe he's a fake.

I think it's just a guy that likes to stir up shit by leaving cryptic messages.

I also just checked in with the Russians and their rumors are even crazier and have seemingly even less to back them up.
They are talking about Anonce being "coached into college in New Orleans", which I don't believe for a second, that Seth likely visited her in the Summer (purely because she went inactive in the Garden in August and colleges start in August), and that "there is a hearing that she moves to Seth in New Orleans to live on a hut. Ie to remove tiktoes already not received. So she leaves". Again, I see absolutely nothing to back any of this up.

I never visited 2ch much, but it seems pretty useless. All of it is just really far-fetched rumors with no evidence whatsoever.

He lived with his mum when the doxx was found, but who knows what happened in the past half year.
They might have moved away, he might have his own place somewhere... But he definitely lived there earlier this year.

It's difficult to see through the overly dramatic bullshit to see what's real. The idea that Seth moved closer to Bonbi seems far-fetched, but how can we know for sure?

Yeah, I just saw that.
As somebody said in the thread:

> Is this recent?
> Because a few days ago Coincidence was here asking for lawyers and gave one guy his Discord name to contact him. So, he must obviously believe that there is something criminal here.

People have been talking about some past traume recently. Could be that there was abused or maybe this https://desuarchive.org/wsg/thread/3055325/#q3057445 wasn't just fanfic after all.

You might think it's just bait, but then again this https://desuarchive.org/wsg/thread/2995885/#q2996932 was also initially thought not to be real.

its strange that his mom is onbored with this
assuming someone told her by now all the illegal grooming stuff her son has done and is still doing and i assume she doesnt care

maybe she is getting donation money and that  keeps her from caring

I'm sure seth already told her everything he felt she needed to know about the situation.
It isn't surprising she would choose to take her innocent baby boy's side against the hostile vendetta of a bunch of random internet nasties running a hate campaign.
> And those steaks probably tasted *really* good...

Somebody already pointed it out yesterday, but myspeld made his Steam profile private.
Probably no coincidence that neither he nor Bonbi played any Overwatch yesterday. I would guess they played some other multiplayer game and don't want us to know.
It's just that there isn't really a point for us to care about it, since it only really matters that she's playing with the nonce, and not what game they play.

Yeah I heard this too
A couple of people have commented on the long / late hours they appear to have been playing together.
I assumed they privated the accounts to stop people "tracking" their logged playtime, and could even suggest at least one of them is still lurking the threads.

He still hasn't privated his Ovewatch account though, only Steam. Even if he would, people could still track his account level which gives a pretty good indication of their overall playtime and at this point we can guess their hours of activity pretty well.

Privating Steam I could see for two reasons: either somebody sent him countless friend requests with dozens of accounts (somebody in the thread said something like that), or he wants detail on there secret. The latter makes especially sense if we would know Bonbi's steam profile right away if we could see his account.

> could even suggest at least one of them is still lurking the threads.
Obviously at least Seth is lurking absolutely everywhere. People have is personal info and could plan all sorts of things. He'd be an idiot not to keep eye on us.

When all this drama started until a few days ago, no.
I could see his profile, the games he played, etc.
Don't think it's relevant, but this is the only group he's a part of https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Fisfriendswhodostufftogether
Seems like old friends of his, he might not even keep that much in contact with anymore.

Obviously. We always knew Bonbi stayed up until 4-5am and still liked stuff on IG, so it's not surprising.

lmao what the fuck are you going on about I thought we left all the autismposters back on /wsg/
> serves to undermine any possible legal process that might occur in future
lmao "legal process", what the fuck do you think could happen? Seth gonna get tried for sending her porn? That's literally just a fine and maybe an overnight stay in a jail, that means jack shit in the scope of everything, she's already forgiven him for worse shit

I know. Which is why she has to have a change of heart. Nothing we can do will have a positive effect, I don't think.

I don't know what "things in motion" you are talking about, but the way you say "it's not about her" makes me question your approach. Do you care more about punishing anonce or helping Bonbi? Because I don't give a fuck what happens to Seth, I just want Bonbi to get out of that toxic relationship and have a better future.

Yes, as recently as September. Search anon_1725 and you'll find posts asking for cock tributes, etc.
We are navigating all of this carefully for precisely this reason. Anyone making an "if you hurt Seth you don't care about bonbi" argument is deliberately using bonbi as an emotional weapon and hostage for sake of protecting the pedophile, groomer, and profiteer Seth Waters. They're doing it right now, see  >>/699/

Don't be fooled. The AIDF works on.

not much interesting other than he is a member of a torrent tracker that specializes in hentai and stuff like that, and apparently was a well known member there
someone who has an account on that site could potentially see what he downloaded and when
also maybe worth noting, he talked a few times in the irc logs from that dropbox link
> [18:05]  honey select is the best game
i vaguely remember that being mentioned in connection with that vile guy who commissioned an anime edit for bonbi

Yeah I doubt they would. It seems as though they've been buds for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if he already told them everything. People like Rayner (Viceroy) have been friends with him since the start of the Discord, knowing all the context, and have no problem with it. Kinda fucked but what can you do.

Since somebody already posted it in /ttg/: https://i.imgur.com/gOmzSC1.png

I would definitely take this with a grain of salt without any further proof. First of all, there have been faked screenshots posted in the threads in the past, and secondly, Black hates Bonbi and loves to stir up more drama. 
Could very well be that Black just goes off the screenshot that was posted here  >>/35/, that supposedly shows Rhonda in Bonbi's house (without it being overly clear that it's the right house or the right peson). Or he is just parroting whatever crazy stuff the Russians came up with. And the fanfic somebody posted a few threads ago about the Blackbon stream being right before dinner with anonce (without any proof whatsoever either). 
I wouldn't know where Black at this point would get any insider information from, so my assumption would be that it's not true.

> Reposting this from the previous /ttg/. I feel like anon might have gotten their wires crossed about some statements they think bonbi made (unless they have other information I'm not aware of) - as far as I know there hasn't been anything said to conclusively back up their claim of what bonbi might "believe", and is likely just speculation.
> The second part about the leaks was interesting to me though, as the exact same thought crossed my mind at the time the shit hit the fan.

> This was the first post made that brought the account activity to light, when someone decided to "randomly" check seth's OW activity:  >>/3106035/ 

Bonbi is under the impression that the Overwatch thing "leaked" here. She said this "forced" her and Anon1725/myspeld to stream together. This is not true. Someone posted, noting potentially correlative activity on their Overwatch accounts. Another noticed complementary profile pictures (male and female stuffed animals or something), which was interesting. But this is not a leak. It was speculation with weak circumstantial evidence. 
They confirmed it themselves when they changed their profile pics to the Russian flag at the same time. It didn't need to happen, and it was not planned long in advance.

Considering how he always loved to boast about being close to her, and considering how close the Twitch stream was, I suspect it was Anon1725/myspeld himself who made the post about correlative Overwatch activity, and then he told her that 4chan had figured it out and they might as well be public with their twisted little relationship now and play mind games by changing the profile pics to the Russian flag and streaming together.

She said 4chan "stalked" them so she decided to stream with him. That was her reason. Also referred to it as a "leak". I don't think she actually checks primary sources for herself. For a long time she's just taken whatever he tells her as gospel truth. Blaming 4chan for everything is a classic anonce and general discordnigger tactic that she apparently still hasn't caught on to. Anyone can post here.

IF it's true he was behind this, why would he do it? For the same reason he posted rares using his Peach Cider alt account after he was banned from the main server. Flexing and hubris. When that was exposed, she left the server to be with him and be away from the judgement that she hates. It brought them closer. Now it happened again, and she has cut off the last of the friends she knew before Discord.

> I found this quite interesting having recently watched this video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=GIiToWAA5Ps
> In it he discusses the commonly exploited tactic of manipulating and controlling women by ostracizing and isolating them from their peers and social groups.
> tldr: By alerting people to look into the overwatch activity seth convinces bonbi to go "public" with their relationship, knowing it would turn her entire community against her (again), reinforcing her belief that he is the only person she can really trust, and further undermining any dissenting opinions that would argue otherwise.

>  >tldr: By alerting people to look into the overwatch activity seth convinces bonbi to go "public" with their relationship, knowing it would turn her entire community against her (again), reinforcing her belief that he is the only person she can really trust, and further undermining any dissenting opinions that would argue otherwise.
This is actually very reasonable theory, but no way of proving that.

We're concerned about Bonbi to the point that it's actually slowing us down and might throw a wrench into the entire thing. But ok. 
Vile is said to have made pornographic edits of Bonbi using the Honey Select program, yes. I have seen no proof of this though.
Kate is a long time DN. Male-to-female tranny. Nonce defender. I'm not sure, but I think he sold nudes of himself when he was underage and was banned from the main server when it was exposed.  One of Bonbi's few known friended people on Discord. Seems Bonbi has ditched everyone critical of Seth and now has yes-men and AIDF as friends.

I've seen what he's referring to.
> Bonbi is under the impression that the Overwatch thing "leaked" here.
This is true. She used the word "leaked" herself. However...

> She said this "forced" her and Anon1725/myspeld to stream together.
The word forced is in quotes. Bonbi did not use that word in what I saw. 

> She said 4chan "stalked" them so she decided to stream with him. That was her reason.
True, that was her reason. But she did not say this was "forced". As an aside, I posted that Coach Red Pill video in the threads several weeks ago. I'm a passing fan of his, but that one was so on the god damn mark and relevant to the situation. Still is.

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Pic is her """breakup""" message to him. If you go to a /b/ archive and search "anon_1725" you can find posts going back a few years of him shilling his kik and asking for cock tributes, saying he has pics of teen girls, "pls tribute my cousin/sister/girlfriend" etc. Most recent was in September.


Interesting. If it was "leaked", wouldn't that imply that somebody in the know revealed the information rather than somebody randomly stumbling on it? 
The claim was always that some anon just happened to find Seth's Overwatch profile. Does Bonbi know/assume somebody revealed it to us?

> stalking
To be fair, some guy apparently found her profile based on the name in an IG story and when she casually mentioned what level she roughly is. That guy then watched her pfp change from Widow to Mercy around the time she started to main her. It's pretty stalker-esque behavior.
She also said the same thing in the stream, when somebody in chat asked what other games she plays, Bonbi only mentioned CoD and then said she doesn't want to say any more because of stalkers ("watching my profile picture..."). She didn't sound overly mad about it though.

What is interesting is that she specifically knows that it was 4chan (and not the Russians or discord). That would mean that Bonbi or Seth were definitely watching the threads, which isn't surprising but at least something to keep in mind.

> This is actually very reasonable theory, but no way of proving that.
Well, it's noticeable how myspeld's Overbuff profile was refreshed in early October for the first time in like a year. You think somebody just figured that they would check on him just to make sure, or that he himself made sure that matchdata for the month would be there, so that he can leak it?

this, why in the fucking world would you un-private your profile if you wanted to keep everything secret? Why change the pfps? And then change them again? This shit is so fucking obvious. 

She or they always knew she wasn't good enough to set everything up and stream alone so she practically had to have myspeld there to carry her through the games. She's an average pocket mercy and that's it.

He or they leaked this shit themselves so that they could shit on their nasty community again.

I wouldn’t doubt she did it to shit on the community, however she’s slowly degrading what little sympathy she once had, and once it’s gone oh boy she thinks being called a whore or have people as she puts it “being mean” during streams. She’s going to have one hell of an awakening once she pisses off the wrong person because Seth can only be used as an excuse for so long until someone is out to get her instead.

It's all part of their plan. They want to leave the old community behind because obviously the old community knows too much. People are already leaving as it is. Once it all blows over and the "nasty incels" have moved on she can orchestrate her big comeback on twitch and all the normies will gobble it up.

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It's almost funny how badly the nonce reveal has backfired on the two of them.
Not only has it reactivated doxxing efforts that almost everyone had gotten bored of, it's cauterized and focused them stronger than ever before.
In one move they've managed to turn a smalltime shitposters hobby into a multi-faceted collaborative international effort.

Has it though?
Unless there is more below the surface stuff going on, I haven't really seen a lot of new doxxing stuff. Some people (Russians) throwing crazy theories at the wall, but not really any developments.
Of course, if all of this is going on secret, even better. Keep it that way. 
Just saying, I don't really see a lot.

> looking for someone to tribute school girls i know my kik is anon_1725

> ive got a ton of teen girls if anyone wants to tribute them my kik is anon_1725

> Kik me at anon_1725 if you wanna Strike to some teen girls

> If anyone is willing to tribute some teen girls kik me at anon_1725

Boy oh boy there's some fun posts in that archive.

> IF it's true he was behind this, why would he do it? For the same reason he posted rares using his Peach Cider alt account after he was banned from the main server. Flexing and hubris. When that was exposed, she left the server to be with him and be away from the judgement that she hates. It brought them closer. Now it happened again, and she has cut off the last of the friends she knew before Discord.

That's possible
Here's the first post that mentioned the myspeld overwatch account: 
Then there are some posts defending seth. He was clearly in the thread when it happened.

here's a decent rundown pasta
on October 26: 
Well, some random anon checked out anonce's Overwatch account and noticed how he has started to play a shit-ton, where before he barely played for a whole year. People became suspicious and started theorizing, when all of a sudden, less than 24h later, both bonbi and anonce changed their OW profile picture to s Russian flag. Shortly thereafter, bonbi changed hers to an S, and the nonce to an M. Only the most delusional were not convinced at that point.
On the same day, bonbi announced and cancelled a stream (with the cancellation story having a pumpkin eating popcorn in the pic). Yesterday (Oct 28-29?) she posts some toks and links to her Twitch account. People start shitposting, especially about the new drama and soon, bonbi shows up with myspeld aka anonce as mod in tow. Basically putting the final nail in the coffin.
Everything has been in meltdown since. She announced a twitch stream for today, but the chance for cancellation seems high. Some dn also posted on her patreon that her account is controlled by a pedophile forcing bonbi to post a statement, that also announces that she will take a break next month but post old, unreleased content on patreon.
Meanwhile, some dns have been leaking old dms between bonbi and anonce, plus some other stuff. Maybe most noteworthy is that bonbi attempted suicide (or at least seriously talked about it) earlier this year, and she was pretty pissed off at her mother's non-chalant reaction to it all. The other highlight is that anonce fucked his couch.

Regarding the apartment stuff: some "ex-friend" of bonbi's talked about anonce looking for an apartment to live with bonbi (he also said in the leaked dms that he wants to move to her state to live together). Now, since bonbi is still a minor, I am pretty sure that this was more daydreaming than serious planning. Still cause for concern as to what might happen in the future. 

They streamed on Twitch and played Overwatch for 3 hours and she fawned over him. Her longest known friend (lazyabbadon) has been cut off because he was upset about Anonce being back and he was critical of them being together. That's about it. Others can fill out more details if they want.

I'll respond to you here since we should probably try to keep that thread drama-free as much as we can.

Anonce didn't necessarily have to private his account in the first place. If I am informed correctly, the way Overbuff works is that stats are only updated if somebody actually visits the acount page. So, it's possible his account was public all along and nobody ever updated it until October. 
Secondly, it has been established that Seth isn't exactly the smartest guy around. I could easily see that he updated the account himself because he wanted to record his stats again, now that he was playing more frequently. Possibly, he never even considered that somebody could use it to track his activity and come to conclusions. Besides, if somebody wants to, they could also just watch his account level and come to the same conclusion.

Even if you are right and anonce deliberately leaked everything, that still doesn't answer to what extend Bonbi was aware of all that. Did Seth want to make it all public and lied to Bonbi, or did they both plan for all this to happen?

> Did Seth want to make it all public and lied to Bonbi, or did they both plan for all this to happen?

"4chan stalked us and found out we're talking so I decided to stream with him." Direct quote. Problem is that nothing was confirmed at all until they changed their pfps at the same time. No one found out
anything really. It was just some speculation that could have been ignored entirely.

Where is that from? Some private dm you can't post?

In any case, my original 3 possibilities still stand:
1) Bonbi never actually visited the 4chan thread herself and only heard about the "leak" through Seth, it's possible she didn't know what exactly we knew. Maybe Seth told her that somebody leaked that they were playing together and Bonbi just took his word without checking herself.
2) Bonbi figured that once we are suspicious, there is a high chance that we will keep an eye on them and eventually figure it out. People would notice how their levels seem to rise more or less in sync or might have spotted something once she streams.
3) She got tired of keeping it secret and wanted to stream with anonce anyway, so she needed a way to reveal it.

The statement you posted does not rule out any of these three possibilities.

I know that this is a very general question, but is in those dms anything that would definitely prove or disprove that she read the thread herself? Or has checked on the threads semi-regularly (which would imply she also saw the whole thing unfold)
I doubt she explicitly came out and said one way or the other, but maybe there is something that gave it away.

Oh, and another thing: Did she sound mad about the whole thing? Because I saw her talk about stalkers and people watching her pfp during the stream, but it seemed more like she took it in a joking matter, and not like she was furious or anything. I don't think anybody clipped it and I really don't feel like rewatching that stream...

Silkspire? Bugmommy?
> but is in those dms anything that would definitely prove or disprove that she read the thread herself?
> Did she sound mad about the whole thing?
She was mad about people being upset about him and opining.
> Because I saw her talk about stalkers and people watching her pfp during the stream, but it seemed more like she took it in a joking matter, and not like she was furious or anything.

around 70 minutes into the stream she's asked about what other games she plays. She says 
> y'all gonna stalk me like y'all already do. Uh miss...or mister...
miss...something, y'all people who be looking at my picture. My profile picture. That's the level y'all scoping to?
She didn't seem mad.

> Silkspire? Bugmommy?
I think he just meant that the guy seems to know too much to just be a random poster in /ttg/. No clear indication who he is.
Also, that Bugmommy seems like a weird one. He actually seems to know some things, but also too critical of anonce to be just an alt or friend of his. He mostly warns people not to do something too rash that could negatively affect Bonbi. Maybe just a good larp, maybe something more.

> She was mad about people being upset about him and opining.
She had to know what the majority of people thought about him though, right? Clearly, she couldn't possibly have gone into this with the expectation that people would just accept her relationship and move on, not after everything that happened. Especially not after keeping it secret for months.

> She didn't seem mad
That's what I meant. During the stream she seemed to take the "stalking" in jest more than anything, not like she was deeply offended that people found their profiles.

if he was selling pics of girls then he may have had befriended a couple of purchasers. if so how many of these purchasers are still with him in hopes of getting illegal pics of bonbi? could they still be financing him? of the people with deep pockets in this community what are their ties to him?

this could be over if they broke up but after all the lying would we believe that they broke up again? he faces jail time and a sex offender label for life. what if hes lying to her that she faces jail time too? she probably doesnt realize she is free to go like those news articles of teachers sleeping with students where the students are free to go. its the teachers that face the penalties

im contemplating going to my local fbi office in person. if bonbi thinks there is nothing wrong with the relationship then they shouldnt fear the law. but they probably do because she still understands what he is doing is illegal but refuses to accept it. itd be nice to have a blogspot written for normies that i could print out. itd be best to avoid irl dox on it so it doesnt get taken down. the law is on our side we just need to present the information in a way that doesnt complicate it.

I didn't see much vitriol other than Nerevarin's comments in the Twitch chat and on IG. Otherwise there was trolling and a lot of couchfucker posting. Honestly, if she wants to flex being with the guy then ok, but being offended with people thinking it's fucked up is just pathetic of her. Like, she can do what she wants, but come on, girl.

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> She had to know what the majority of people thought about him though, right? Clearly, she couldn't possibly have gone into this with the expectation that people would just accept her relationship and move on, not after everything that happened. Especially not after keeping it secret for months.

I honestly think that she honestly expected to throw it in everyone's faces, be smug about it, and not face any criticism. I honestly believe that. I believe she really is that detached from reality and really is that hypersensitive, and wants to do whatever she wants with absolutely no negativity. She really does not seem to understand why there would be any negative reaction to their relationship and this public flaunting of it, whether it's a snarky troll comment from a burner account or from people she called "friends" for a long time. I hope against hope that she gets therapy at some point. Even when accounting for the fact that she's a teenage girl, this is still really fucking abnormal.
For months there were die-hards who still thought he was around in the background somewhere, but even some of them had started believing they were done and he was old news. Now the two fucktards go and do this brazen, proud, retarded boasting after months of quiet. No one would believe any claims of breaking up now, even if it were true. 

> she probably doesnt realize she is free to go

Pic related, she might not be free to go. Even if she were, would it matter to her? Doubt it. She's already defended and protected him to the detriment of her reputation (some other tiktokers do know the crux of the story, but they don't want to get involved or associate with her at all) and social circle. 

> im contemplating going to my local fbi office in person. 
I don't think we have enough evidence so far. We have screenshots and some logs of them where they indicate they've had sexual communications, but we have not yet seen those sexual communications themselves. We have the ERP, but try explaining the bugdaddy saga to a fucking FBI investigator and see how far you get. If any legal move is made, it has to be made with every piece in place and with hard evidence. It is not yet time for this.

lmao tbh I think she actually should face some fines, nothing higher than five figures but still. I'm sure Masamune will be a good little pedo paypiggy and help her out. And if she can spend hundreds of hours playing Overwatch then she can spend hundreds of hours picking up some garbage on the side of the road. I know she's underage but way too many people use that as an excuse when they fucking know better.

thanks downer. im even more serious about doing it now. maybe if others join in the law might start caring but then definitely that centralized blogspot would be necessary

that cant be otherwise parents could do whatever with their kids and be above the law

the law approach should still be attempted but while its away on its own on the side how about informing normies on reddit? what would be a good chan on reddit to post to? maybe someone sees it and informs her parents or bro or cousin

the erp can be explained as that she used an alternative account and that he knew it was her with proof for this and then screenshots of the convos. finally a section on cover up attempts. stop complicating it. the fbi can start with an open file and add to it. we cant serve orders to demand companies hand over information but they can.

There's rumors that Kate wants to create a new Bonbi server. If you know what she's done (I've noticed a description of what she's done gets reposted on the /ttg/s and other girl-threads occasionally), then the rumors don't sound too far-fetched. Considering her background,  >>/794/ has a possibility of happening. Not just on twitch though, the "new community" could start on discord.

Is there any way that a new "official" Discord server would not have Seth as owner or at least admin? Especially considering that Kate has said things like:
> I don’t support their relationship in any way shape or form but I still think you guys paint anon as some mastermind boogeyman when he’s just a retard
> Disclaimer: I very much despise anon and his relationship with bonbi
And similar stuff recently.

Also, the first people to join would be all the old discord people. What are they going to do? Ban anybody that is a member of a different Bonbi server (rbbg, Devil Town...)? Ban anybody that said "mean things" in the past? Obviously, they wouldn't talk badly about Seth on that server, but they could certainly give any newcomer a little wink, invite them to different servers, and tell them the whole story.

It might work if they do something crazy like make it either a Patreon reward or only people subscribed to the Twitch channel are allowed in, but that seriously limits how useful such a discord server would be for Bonbi.

Btw, something else interesting I found while reading through Kate's most recent messages:
> it’s probably cus she lurks and reads about people conspiracy theory crafting about all of it in places like this or the threads
In response to her already making a 2nd post to assure Patreons that it's actually her (and only her) running that account. 
Since Kate is one of the few people still in contact with Bonbi, this might imply that Bonbi does in fact read /bbg/ - or I guess /ttg/ now. Or she could just be guessing.

New server is pretty much impossible. New server means Seth plays a role in it. And this is not Devil Town Dec18-Mar19 anymore, when he could just say "we are not in a relationship so don't call me a pedo unless you have proof" and everybody would shut up. There's fuckload of evidence now. Of their relationship, of questionable stuff he did in the past, of questionable stuff they did together. Also the noncepilled community is much bigger now compared to the past. It would be impossible to contain it.

That said, knowing all the lore and decisions bonbi/seth made in the past, I'm pretty much sure that they will go down the worst possible path once again and they will create a new server for her.

I don't mean a private discord server for just the two of them or maybe some loyal paypiggies, but a new Devil Twon: a public "Bonbibonkers" server where everybody can join.
Unless you mean to imply they already made such a server and are going to put the invite link out in a few weeks or so.

The only new discord server I could imagine might work would be one for paypigs, but even then it's a longshot. Other than that, I'm sure she has a private server somewhere.
I've thought for a long time that she's watching those threads, at least intermittently. People think it's crazy, but it would be just like her to subject herself to opinions she doesn't like (and then cry about it) and of course to post just to mindfuck people. 
After the peach cider thing and now streaming with Seth, her being on 4chan isn't all that far fetched by comparison.

Posting this for someone on 4chan.

15 y/o girl gets e-famous because tiktok uses her in their ads, she hates them for it. People start sexualizing her on 4chan and elsewhere. Complains about pedos during her streams. Russians start doxing her. Gives up and quits in mid October. A guy later known as Anon1725 creates discord server about her on Oct 25th, because, as was later shown, he was obsessed with her.

November: she low key joins the discord server even though she hated the idea of there being one. Her first accounts screen name was bugdaddhy69. She did some cringe sex chat with Anon, who is an adult albeit a young one, under her bugdaddhy account. Anon knew it was her. Later she joins as Mocha Bean, which becomes her "main" account. People find out bugdaddhy is Bonbi's alt account, remember sex chat, shitstorm happens, Bonbi and Anon play it off as a reckless joke but people's perception of them changes. Fast forward through bullshit, Anon controls her incoming messages, brags about having 500 or so unreleased tiktoks and pics, and the two give off creepy as fuck vibes with each other.

Early March, it was shown that he posted on loli forums asking about child sex dolls, reviewing loli porn, and even enjoying toddlercon. Used same screen name on those forums as he did for discord. Anon leaves server. Bonbi is silent for a few days, comes back, says he was a "good friend" and she is "shaken by this" or something, and that she has cut all contact with him and wants to forget him. Early April: we find out she only briefly cut contact with Anon: he joined on an alt, "Peach Cider", the same day he left as Anon1725. Peach posted an unreleased tik tok, sparked suspicion. Bonbi covers for him, says Peach is her cousin.


Bonbi goes silent for 4 days, comes to say she's leaving discord because it's too stressful and she wants to experience real life, etc. Then chats from her smaller, private server leak



> Obviously if anybody makes a new "official" Bonbi server, it would be Seth.
Well, yeah, it would still be fucking retarded. Also, what for? She rarely wrote anything as herself back in the day, what would change now? You would just have a bunch of alts of people who hate your guts and retarded normies.

> Also, what for? 
At this point, Bonbi sort of has the problem that when any new fan wanders outside the normie world of IG & Tiktok, they are going to find communities that will tell them all about the nonce.
Most Twitch streamers have their own discord server, so it's not crazy to think that a new fan might look for a public Bonbibonkers discord server, and what they are going to find is most likely DT - not exactly friendly to anonce. If somebody looks for a subreddit dedicated to their favorite cosplayer/streamer, they are also going to find a bunch of people that are very willing to talk about Bonbi's relationship.
To any newcomer to the community, Seth is basically Emperor Palpatine, the unseen evil force in the background that corrupts everything, and they would most likely never even hear a counter-narrative other than a select few posts that are quickly drowned out. AIDF might say that these places are echo chambers.

I could see the reasoning behind making a new discord server being the attempt to minimize the amount of new people that these other places receive, and have at least one place that is not as negative on anonce or tries to offer some sort of defense.

> they are going to find communities that will tell them all about the nonce.
> they would most likely never even hear a counter-narrative
Silly, only AIDF needs a "narrative" at all. The facts laid bare are maximum fucking yikes. When the best defense to be made is that he might possibly, not quite exactly technically be an actual pedophile because "it's just DRAWINGS of kids ranging from pre-pubescence to early pubescence getting fucked", you are officially in the Zugzwang Zone. That alone is a fucking nuke, let alone all the other ancillary fucked up shit.

Engaging it at all, whatsoever, is a massive mistake not only from the optics angle but also because of retaliation. We don't know what the next leak could be, for instance. 
> AIDF might say that these places are echo chambers
There are no echo chambers. The threads on /wsg/, the reddit, the discords, they always have people of every stripe. The don't-cares, the AIDF, the noncepillers, there's always squabbling.

That's what I mean. Even if some AIDF might occasionally pop up, they are hopelessly outnumbered and don't really have a lot to back up their position. Unless anonce and his cronies control the moderation completely, he is always going to look bad. 

But if Bonbi would have a different discord server listed on all her profiles, chances are that people would show up there first.

Of course, it's ultimately a hopeless battle for them.

she needs help. how does she wake up nd look herself in the mirror and not realize shes dating a pedo that sells pics of girls?

ive filed a report https://i.imgur.com/zWqrQ3Q.jpg
they have three people review each claim. theres also http://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline to submit a report on grooming ive not tried it. if we could contact her cousin or bro or parents itd b nice to inform them of whats goin on. itd be also nice to jus be able to inform the police department in her town

Honestly I'm not sure how effective contacting family members is going to be at this point, since bonbi is clearly determined to reframe the whole situation as "those nasty incels out to hurt me and my boyfriend".
Building as substantial a body of evidence against him as can be collected and taking it to the authorities to prompt them to make their own investigation is probably ultimately the only thing that can really be done.

I know, I'm just saying in those circumstances it probably wouldn't do much good anyway
I can't see any reason they would take the word of some internet who over their own daughter
The police at least have to (supposedly) remain impartial, so if presented with a credible and compelling body of evidence should hopefully act upon it

Imagine being bonbi's brother and your sister is dating a literal pedo. What are the odds he knows, and if he knows is he okay with it? And if he does know about it...I wonder if he's jealous, you never know with those southern religious folk.

>  Honestly I'm not sure how effective contacting family members is going to be at this point, since bonbi is clearly determined to reframe the whole situation as "those nasty incels out to hurt me and my boyfriend".

we are like the harry potter movie trying to send harry the hogworts letter. bonbi is the durselys trying to stop it

“your daughter is dating a literal manipulative pedo. the internet is trying to help her break free of his influence but she is framing us as the baddies. here is the evidence. judge for yourself. welcome to hogworts bonbimom”

>  Building as substantial a body of evidence against him as can be collected and taking it to the authorities to prompt them to make their own investigation is probably ultimately the only thing that can really be done

we have chat pics but are ther voice recordings thatd do as evidence. there is the love incest recording. any others?

Reposting here for reference:


> Misdemeanor carnal knowledge of a juvenile relates to sexual intercourse between a person 17 or older and a person between 13 and 16 when the age difference is between two and four years. Thus, it could apply to a case of consensual sex involving a 19-year-old and a 16-year-old. The penalty upon conviction can be a fine up to $1,000, a jail sentence not greater than six months, or both

>  There is nothing worth submitting to any authorities...so far.

we dont need the complete picture for them to investigate. jus enough hints that somethings going on. like those pics of girls he is supposedly selling. maybe he has her pics and maybe he even sold those too. we wouldnt know but theyd be able to find out

the incest recording on its own is useless but would raise the question to an investigator why she is saying those things and who is making her say it

can some discordnigger give me insight as to who this masamune nigger is?
like, he gave $1000 to seth's patreon that one time in exchange for his picture and then he leaked it? or is that something that just got lost in translation? Was he a friend of seth before that donation or was that what got him access? He sent seth some steaks for his birthday that cost a few hundred bucks? Or was that bonbi?
does bonbi know who he is? does bon really expect he's doing all of this for free out of the kindness in his heart and expects nothing in return? 

Is he just the worlds biggest cuck and is funding bonbi and seth's future apartment/life together... what kind of deal does he and seth have going behind the scenes?