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Its in the archive linked at the start of every thread.


"https://archive.bonbi.xyz/Streams/Tiktok%20&%20Instagram/Streams/2019.02.24 - Roxy/"

Roxy Tiktok Stream from Feb 2019- right at the start she brings the mirror on with her. Not sure if the link will work because it has spaces.

I just don’t get how she expects people to pay $100 a month for like… 6 pictures, maybe a little more?  They’re awful quality too.  She’s beautiful, no doubt, but her photography has gone down the tubes lately.  She doesn’t even post the occasional NSFW video or nude.  I’d honestly spend $100 a month to see some quality lewds from Bonbi, but she’s not nowhere near that.

bon's feeling great, so much so
the piglet decided today the theme of the day was going to be poop and brownish shit. so she started off by squatting out a rich brown curl that she was keeping in her guts overnight for a special purpose. and what is more special than giving the floor, her bedroom floor, more decoration, some post millennium decor, circa 2020ish, a special shit castle. 
a sweet sitting shiny brown curl of shit, stocked together fresh from her butt hole in a static and stinky pile. the piggy decided that was about as perfect a start to her day as she can make it. so she left it sitting there and raided the kitchen. it was after she rounded several pounds of food and sat in her chair she felt another ton of shit in her intestines and guts, ready to go.
no time to waste, so the piggy sat in the middle of her floor and squeezed with all her might. another load of brown shit produced pushed out of her anus and filled up her pants. the shit curl had white hairs on it and bon could see when she checked her pants the shit was as scared as shit, it musta been mainly wondering why it was stuck in her panties and pants and wasn't swimming freely in a lake of toilet water, ready for processing. it was because the piglet wanted to smell and feel the shit wallowing in her pants and recessed in between her butt cheeks, for a good long squish session. the piggy sat there and slowly and methodically squished the brown shit in her pants for a good hour. she liked the vibrant feel of the shit as it turned and churned to mush, it was sort of like churning butter, piggy style.

The price she's charging isn't worth what she's posting and how often she posts. I'll subscribe to her patreon once the price drops or she starts posting nudes. And if your argument is a lot of people don't like nudes/Lewds I'll happily point you to any number of e-thots that have hundreds or thousands of followers. Take Belle delphine for instance. Nice attempt at a cope though. You simps are getting more desperate. That's wonderful to see.

i think the real discussion is how bon the fat piggy spended the whole afternoon today roaming outside in the fields and pooping. each poop was deep brown in color because the fat piglet had yogurt and pizza for lunch. poop came out of the piggy's butt hole very softly and dropped hopscotch to the ground and bounced. each time the piggy turned around after each long poop she put her nose up against the pile of poop and took a deep sniff. the shit smelled like walnut mangoes and cherries. kind of sickly, but in a sweet way.
it was sort of like the shit almost tempted the piggy after she took a deep whiff and was calling for the piglet to stick her piglet tongue out and take a small taste, or maybe lick the surface of the shit curl. after several fair sized brown curly shits, the next line of shit poops were smaller, like small donuts. they came out quickly, ptttt, ptttt, ptttt, ptttt. then came The Monster. the king of long shits came out. the piggy felt it coming through her rectum after passing through her guts and churning. it came up against the piggy's anus hole.
and ppttttttttt, it slowly started to squeeze out of her butt. it was huge, about 2 foot long. unfortunately, after about a foot out the poop decided to quit and it stopped pooping out. bon ,upset, grimaced and tried to squeeze her gut super hard to make it come out. but it would not budge at all. finally the piggy used her back hoof legs to kick at the shit (to unplug her hole). it worked and the long brown poop curl started moving again; and this time the full length came out ,rubbed against the piggy's butt hole with a massage, and dropped to the ground. bon turned around and sniff, sniff. the piggy sniffed it.
and she was so overcome with the strong and pungent smell of it, a stream of piss started to come out of the piglet.

I don't know how anyone could look at these pictures and not think that Bonbi is deeply unwell. We're here squabbling over simp this and coomer that when she needs our support more than ever. I, for one, will support her breasts with my hands and maybe even my mouth. Taking on this burden is the least I could do after the years of content she has given us.

ur welcome: now, the piggy was shopping in walmutmart today for walnutmart shit. all of a sudden the piglet yelled crayzies! several people noticed and glanced at the piggy (crazy woman!). the reason the piggy squealed like a piggy was because the piggy was feeling a pile of brown shit poop form inside of her guts. her guts rumbled, cost and tossed as the brown poop started its attack, it thrust through the piggy's rectum and pushed up quickly against the piglet's anus. Poop! the piggy cried and she tried to squeeze her butt cheeks together so the poop inside her wouldn't start to spill out of her brown tainted and dirty butt hole. but south africa it did not work for sculptures and wheel barrows, axels and heads; reversions, the piggy was going to poop right there in walnutmart and at aisle 37, household supplies. so the piglet like a useless piglet threw down her pants and bent down her short piggy legs and squatted. she roared as the shit pttttttttttt squeezed out of her butt hole and fell on the ground floor.
it was a 1 and three quarter foot long brown curl of poop and its appearance and bon the piggy's pooping it out left the several onlookers who noticed in amazement. bon snapped her pants back up and resumed her shopping; she picked three red plastic kitchen and house baskets, she paid for them, and she left the store (her pile of brown shit sitting there in aisle 37).

sorry for the pointless empty spaces above some of these PNGs i couldnt be bothered cropping them and it was already an asspull re-opening PSD files just to hide all the other layers lmao


> I am once again asking for yall bbg edit archive
I am again telling you no such thing exists. Have this random collection instead, quality definitely not guaranteed.

Now post yours

uh huh, as you can see bonbi is a piglet and who is always pooping her pants. today she pooped her pants twice already.
once while she was sleeping in her bed. and once while she was taking a bath after she woke up. the piglet then spended the rest of her early night eating chocolate bars at her computer desk. after supper about 8 though the piggy felt a ball of whipit shit start to move in her lower guts.ouchiest, that curl of brown poopy x was a fighter,
and it immediately started to kick and punch and bite the piggy's guts from the inside. the piglet screamed, and then after beating the piglet's insides the shit took up its brown legs and ran, literally ran, through the piggy lower rectum and anus before the piggy could haste and knock down her bathroom door to reach the relief of the white toilet bowl. and so she pooped her pants.
pttttt well dang, and it was a good 1 footer, a sloppy brown curl, and it unloaded itself in her panties.
the piggy cursed as she felt soo good when the poop shot through her anus, and when she realized a pile of poo was going to keep her company in her pants. she squished it in her panties for a bit before she had to change and clean up.

Thanks for the clip. 
Dont understand what porn stars have to do with any of it though. 
Im pretty sure she's talking about Juliebou and she explicitly advertises NOT doing nudes.
iirc she met the OnlyFriends later on this trip.

Nothing difinitive here.
Still it could fit, but pure speculation:
Bonbi told mizkif he's an asshole. 
Emiru defends mizkif at some point.
Bonbi feels even more betrayed.

She said 'my friends' then said 'two of us are content creators'. I assume the two were her and Julie. She doesn't say who the rest were but in the context of AX I assumed they were the OnlyFirends as they were not cosplaying there.
You're right its as assumption. Either way, its still something I am not sure she realizes she will have to deal with.

Im still not convinced she is close to the OnlyFriends. iirc Atlaseuu posted an instastory about meeting Bonbi at a party that same trip after AX was already over. 
And I dont think any of them went on the trip bonbi organized she said she invited all her friends on. But I could be wrong.

I think she understands, just that she sees few other options for herself (correctly or not) and is hardly tethered to the real world as is.
Although I wouldnt qualify what she has done so far as porn.

I was referring to her OnlyFriends output. Looking at the AX photos I cant see her with any none cosplaying friends. Guess she might have been referring to people like Bescotti who was in cosplay but not at a booth but it seems a strange distinction.

I see, my bad. 
Maybe she meant julie and bescotti as the content creators? 
She has some guy friends too. Maybe eggyolked or Yun or julies brother. People who dont want to be seen.

It is possible. But in the clip in  >>/36223/ she says she met him after a long day at work at AX.
It also seems unlikely Bonbi and mizkif would meet unless trough Emiru and she was not in LA for much more than a day I believe.

the piglet decided to head to moss encrusted disneyland .she was having a blast when she felt a load of brown poop rumble in her stinky guts.
the piggy ran to the toilets and she sat and uhhhh she groaned as ptttttt, pttttt, pttttt, ptttttt four brown curls of poop strang out of her brown anus hole in quick succession. oh, what a shit! the piggy screamed. her butt hole got its disney experience and enjoyed the sensation of taking a ride, those soft poop tubes felt so great licking and riding past her deep hole on their way to the toilet. the shits swammied for a minute in the toilet bowl of water and prayed for a magic carpet stream of water to purify them with zest and take them down the drain to a better place of worship. the piggy fulfilled their wish and pulled the toilet bowl handle.
whoosh the poops went down the drain, and since the piggy was sitting on the toilet the water swirled around so violently in the bowl that it splashed on her piggy butt cheeks and against her piggy dead hole. ohh, the piggy started to piss a long stream of yellow piss, detergent with disney soft drinks, into the bowl. let's see the piglet had about 4 quarts of mickey mouse pop ,coffee ,juice and jamba daffy duck drink in the last 2 quarters of an hour. dumbass. so the piggy took a stuff bundle of toilet paper and cleaned her brown and poopy anus hole with wipes, and then she clean dried her toilet water drenched butt cheeks.

Cosplayed as OOC / Someone who hates Europeans
Stream started 02:00 GMT
02:02 She has been sick. Cant fly home because she has a head cold.
02:04 Just done a set for Patreon. Feels bad because she didn't bring anything to wear, went to Victoria Secrets today.
02:06 Shows dolls from mall. Starts with strawberry girl and pineapple girl
02:08 Opens items from mall. Blind box - Klee doll eerily dismembered
02:11 Was meant to cosplay Link with Julies Zelda and go into the mountains but cancelled because she got sick. Not Covid (tested)
02:23 Bought lewd shirts from Spencers - discovers ink filled security tag still attached to one.
02:24 DDLC Socks
02:25 5 bags of shopping. Technically 6 but rejected one. She went to the mall alone.
02:28 Misses Musical.ly audios
02:29 Shoe cleaner story. Tried to sell $83 cleaning pack that didn't work
02:31 Shows cold uneaten burger. Starts to eat
02:36 Misses home, cosplaying and her cat
02:37 Took a high resolution picture of her armpit hair because she was stroking it because its so soft. Armpit tier on Patreon discussed because Patreon peeps have such good taste.
02:39 Will be home soon.
02:40 Stream Ends

the piggy was performing her broadway phantom of the opera show today in new york, a thousand people watched. but the show turned into a horror stanza meet locks when the piggy suddenly felt a roll of brown shit push against her rectum. the poop slithered and snaked quickly to her brown butt hole and started to spill out. Shit! the piglet yelled at the top of her lungs. that wasn't in the opera the audience said, the director said and the other actors wondered why the piglet diverted with deviate orange flavored symptoms from what had been the normal lines of the show. things went from bad to worse when the piggy tried to squeeze her butt cheeks together on stage and she formed a stiff statue for a whole minute. it was a pretty feeble piggy attempt to stop the poop from making a brief cameo appearance in the show, say, cast in the role of a large brown curl of poop. the piggy said nothing but closed her eyes and frizzed her lips and her forehead and chin dropped.
then she screamed leo woe foe mister clamscurls and toke listers i can't hold my shit! as the brown poop came out of the piggy's butt and fill her pants and panties. the piggy had no choice but put to let the poop have a few lines and some of those hard wonned and competitive broadway show minutes ,as the piggy pull her pants off and squatted. she knocked her panties down and squeezed softly as the roll of poop already half filling her panties spilled and dropped out and gushed to the stage floor. what a hideous performance and some people thought it was all part of the new 2023 additions and show edits,
which they said and announced promised to knock the socks off of the audience in a new and surprising way. the piggy left the poop there and pulled up her pants;she finished performing as the crowd gacked at the stench and sight of the poop pile: before she could go back stage and clean up her pooped out and now dirty anus hole.

I know its better now, but you cant tell me nothing's changed.They're not hanging out making tiktoks anymore. 
With Emiru in to the mizkif mafia they won't be anytime soon.
And they did fall out. 
Patched things up sure, but the damage is done.
We're in the era of juliebou now.

after the long and hard photoshoot the piggy was relaxing in bed when ohhhhhh, a load of brown poop started to shoot through her intestines. the piggy had three large turkeys, four pounds of salad, nine wieners, eighteen caramels, five hard boiled eggs, a apple, two peaches and a mango for dinner, and frankly the piggy as usual overdid it. so as a consequence a juicy and long curl tube of poop was coming through. the piggy thought she was smart and that she was going to poop her panties and lay in bed and enjoy
mixing and mushing her poop for a couple of hours in her panties. too bad for the piglet nine quarts of milk she had before made that impossible as the poop had mixed in her guts to a mushy and liquid mess. it was a loose watery and stinky pig pen like diarrhea that had formed. oh shit! the piggy shouted as the diarrhea spilled out of the piggy's butt hole in such a rapid fashion and forceful the piggy had no time to get to the toilet. but instead she sprayed her bed with such a watery jet fast mess it was like a fireman's hose had been opened up right there in her bed.
so much for the piggy's dumb plans, a major cleanup had to ensue. and the fine lingerie she was wearing went directly into the garbage bin. ruined.

bonbi is doing fine, and actually was quite busy today. the piglet was in the library today. she was studying hard, for hours and hours, trying to discover more about the famed legacy of The Great Piglet of Laos. i guess the piglet bon saw a documentary show and she was determined to win more knowledge about such a unusual and strange and faraway character.
she was on the third floor sitting at a desk and was cleaning through her second booklet but unfortunately the piggy bon suddenly felt a churning in her guts. the piglet's thought was, i should not have had three subs for lunch before coming into the library. three foot long subs meant only one thing, which the piglet thought of, brown poop on a stick pike and heading directly for her brown and dirty butt hole. no problem she thought, i'll fast up and the washroom is over there.
no. for the poop was lightning poop and it raced through her rectum so fast the piggy couldn't even get up from her desk chair before it started to run through her anus and accumulate into her pink panties. shit! the piggy muttered quietly;
but the piggy was in no mood for all the hard work of going to the toilet washroom and to clean herself and her poopy now brown covered butt hole. by this time the poop ,all 1 and 3 quarters of a foot of it, had spilled out completely and nested in her panties. so the piggy sat there quiet: happy and content to spend the next several hours ,finish reading two other books about her subject, and use her short leg motions, oscillations and vibrations to slowly mush the poop in her panties to a fine slop.

Has anyone else noticed the poop story dude is getting less creative? It's like all he is doing now is mix and matching his story from previous posts. Like he can't think of any new ways to talk about her pooping. 

Poop bonbibro if you are listening, try another approach your shit is literally starting to get boring.

She doesn't show Linktree in her TT bio the same way her Linktree does not show Tiktok.
No idea on her reasoning. Maybe she wants to go lewd on other platforms but keep followers on Tiktok? Its not working.

I'm so tired of this feeling
I do not know what to do
I tried several times over the years to leave and forget, but I always came back, I just can't
drinking makes it worse
i think it's something that some people can't stand and make mistakes
sorry i just need to get it out
im so tired bros

sleep was not sleep tonight for bon the piggy. rather it was a joyous and happy occasion for the piglet to spend several hours laying in bed and to create the perfect poop puree. what happened was about 2 hours into her sleep the piggy felt the splendid sensation of a load curl of brown poop sliding out of her anus. it massed in her panties, and a few chunks slid into her elephant decorated pajamas. oh, the piggy half awakened said, and stirred. she squealed with joy. she then adjusted her legs and started to mush and swill the shit- the blending had begun. the piggy fell back to sleep several times during the night while porridging her panty poop more and more into the kind of uniformity she likes it to be down there.
finally mid night she had it the right way and she stuck her hand in her panties, and used her fingers to slid them through the poop puree. still half awake and in a state of delirium the piggy rubbed her face with the poopy fingers and laughed. by the time she woke up in the morning the piggy's face was covered in butt poop. the stench was terrible and the piggy started to feel sickly;
she vomited and plastered explosive vomit over her pjs and into her blankets. what a unforgivable mess. what a revolting pig pen.
what a disgusting piglet. the day had begun in pig pen style for the useless piggy.

I've been there a lot man, it sucks.  I thought nothing would ever take me out of it but I have slowly found some purpose in life and it's helping.

My biggest thing is feeling like I'm miles behind everyone else.

bonbi glows in the dark and all of this is a psyop to make sadbois smile again. but you can't just use her as a drug, you need to work on yourself too. lots of opportunities to grow and heal.

the piglet was busied to the whole of the afternoon today in reading. she read at her computer desk. she was reading about famous and historic revolutionary poets. such as the indisputable andre chenier, who was well educated at the college de navarre. when he was twenty two he took a visit to italy and ... uhhhhh ,blaster suddenly as the piglet was reading this she felt a gigantic load of brown poop start to squirm around inside her piggy guts. the piggy piggly squealed at the top of her lungs, i'm about to launch space ship poop into an evolutionary orbit and i can't be hallows. ohhh, the poop squirreled quickly through the piggy rectum, that favorite feeling of the piggy, as she feels the brown curl lick and splash through her soft rectal tube. ohhhhhhhh, that feels fantastic the piggy squealed and she squeezed her butt cheeks together so as to keep the poop lodged there for as long as possible so she can enjoy that feeling and tickle. but the poop keep pushing and pushing so it eventually came up to and confronted the piggy's anus hole, that brown tainted awful.
by this time the piggy had ample time for keep getting to the bathroom and the toilet bowl hop, but the piggy refused.
she wanted that sewing sensation of brown poop meeting up with her panties ,filling them, while sitting at her chair, where the whole assembly of poop, panties and her ass cheeks positioned in a tight squeeze. ptttttttt, just as she wanted it the poop came out of her butt hole and filled her panties and squished between her butt cheeks. awwwww, pig pen heaven for the piggy. but disgusting.

It's still baffling. 
It's both too weird to be real and to weird to be a bit.
If bonbi is Fanfic she is using AI for sure.
From the latest:
> she was reading about famous and historic revolutionary poets. such as the indisputable andre chenier, who was well educated at the college de navarre.
No way she's ever heard of an 18th century French poet.

I missed a little bit. Bros do you know what happened back then in general? It was some serious like attempted rape? or it was just an attempt of drama from nothing and this jabba is innocent as a child

I only ask about information from primary sources and not speculation

That's a big ask, what do you know?

In brief.
Its not clear cut. 
Few facts. 
Some circumstantial evidence.
There is a wide range of more likely scenarios than felon or victim.

A grown man in a onesie with nails like that is guilty of something.

As far as I know there is nothing new.

People here figured out it happened around the time she cosplayed as finn at Emirus old place.
Bonbi had been hinting at things for months on stream. Nothing specific. But in hindsight the fighting with friends and the mental breakdown stream make more sense.
Emiru fired the guy as her twitch mod. Never defended him. And she and bonbi are friendly again. 
Bonbi backpedaled in an IG story from it being assault to harassment. Which sounds better, but could still be pretty bad.
We will probably never know what happened.

If you want more detail you have some subjects to look into yourself.

There is no definitive answer, she has made several hints covering a range of possibilities. I do think given Bons history and the harassment she has dealt with in her past she is unlikely to make a huge stink out of nothing.

Personally I am going to say she found him sniffing her panties and that is why she always stays in hotels now when she visits friends. Source - my bored, twisted mind. You can have your own theory too, thats fine.

there was some fucking insane amount of spam from discord coomers in threads 26-30. it was hard to find something

Bros literally this girl tells us what her poop smells like, but she never says the NAMES of those who gave her hurt. She never insults people. She still doesn't mention Seth's name when talking about him. She is a miracle
I fuckin love her so much bros.

> she found him sniffing her panties
I hope it was something like this
just another weirdo

I can't speak for anyone else but I have never used discord in my life and posting =/= spamming. Only reason there's not as much arguing in this thread is because you and your ilk haven't been seething as much so there's not as much to shit on you for (good job for that, by the way, keep it up).

> She still doesn't mention Seth's name when talking about him.
Because why would she want her current followers to find out details about something that fucking repulsive?

That being said, could somebody make deduct the weight and exact size of her breasts, circumference and all, from her height and the pictures she has been posting?

> That being said, could somebody make deduct the weight and exact size of her breasts, circumference and all, from her height and the pictures she has been posting
This is the autism we need right now. I wish she'd let them hang naturally more in pictures rather than always hold them up

I got reminded of how one /wsg/ years ago made a calculation picture of bonbi's supposed exact height so I thought i might as well make a joke about it and see if anybody gets it

that picture is scary.
partially because there are two different people in the photo on the table.

today the piglet bon woke up from sleep and right away she decided she was going on a great quest. she was determined to find the perfect place and to release from her butt hole the perfect pig pen poop. she so yawned a great and loud piggy yawn and quit her bed. she fart six times in quick succession as she dressed herself from her pjs into her clothes. she quickly wolfed down a dozen pancakes and 15 eggs, a side of bacon and rushed out the door. the piglet ran through the fields she found a spot a pooped. ughhhhhh, that poop was a tad too big and wide for her liking and it squeezed slowly through her anus, taking its time. the piggy redid her panties up and ran off into another direction ,a way to a ditch like area.
perfect! she pulled off her pants and panties. she bent her pig like legs and uggggghhhh, pttttttttt, and ppttttttt, this time two brown poop curls came rushing out of her piggy anus hole. they dropped on the ground.
they had an unusual shape about them. the piggy stood there and marveled as the sun rays shone against the skin surface area of her brown and shiny pile of poop. the surface of the poop tubes seemed to gleam and glimmer.
it was s fascinating sight to the piglet, and it seemed to speak to the piglet, saying in its own way, come here. come here piglet, and take a deep whiffy whack. so she bent over and got her face right up the pile of brown poop and she drew an large gulp of it into her nostrils.
whoaaaa, it wasn't half bad. and again the piglet felt drawn this time to stick out her tongue and touch her tongue tip to the sides of one of the broken up poop curls. it tasted bitter. and the piglet made a wince. hmm, interesting.

Someone posting random shit in the hope you think its a Bonbi rare and the original poster comes heavily because he has actually fooled someone and feels empowered for once in his tiny miserable under performing life.

Looks at the hands and arms - you can tell its not her.

2023.01.20 - phone streaming
Cosplayed as OOC
Streaming from phone. Frequent drop outs at start
Stream Started 21:00
21:02 PC camera is broken and she is too lazy to set up her laptop so streaming from phone
21:03 Was meant to cosplay Kaisa but cosplay was wrong
21:03 - 21:15 Opening blind boxes - Venti first
21:03 Matchuchu simped $200? (possibly display glitch)
21:05 She bought some porcelain dolls but they broke
21:11 She has another camera of the same kind so no camera upgrade
21:12 Reverse snatch
21:15 Her Muelin wig got so tangled she tried to order a new one but they were no longer available
21:18 Big changes coming, doesn't want to say too much [my guess, moving to LA]
21:23 Bon got Covid 6 months after its 'release'. She has not had Omicron.
21:25 Pepper plushie
21:26 Got a free calendar of her cat
21:27 Julie joins, stream crashes
21:30 Bon to Julie 'You're my favorite bowel movement' Julie in chat 'thats the nicest thing anyone ever said to me'
21:32 126 viewers
21:33 - 21:37 Washing machine stream (spinning phone)
21:38 Put phone in wondow 'like old times' Cant put the curtain behind her as too much stuff to get close to the wall.
21:41 Rooms feels like it is getting smaller. She is fixing that soon but apparently not moving (might have just said not moving to the moon)
21:42 168 viewers
21:42 Patreon maybe tomorrow
21:43 Doesn't know how to end a stream on the phone app
21:44 Stream Ends

the piglet is determined to find out more in her extensive studies about domestic contract literature and the role victor hugo played in the years between 1260 and 1281AD in peru. so the piggy went to the library today and began her readings right after she woke up, she took a shower and pooped some brown poop half on her bathroom floor and half into her white toilet, which she surnamed The Chameleon, since it always has the pretense of nobility while eating her brown poops everyday. and nobody ever said the piggy has a great aim while she is pooping and certainly not The Chameleon or her bathroom floor.
the piggy spended many hours sitting in the library. and she was so engrossed in her third book when ,pttttttttt, a load of brown poop from her butt hole started to spill out and into her panties. it was just one of those poopy days. the piggy decided that her readings was so much better with a brown load sitting in her panties so she didn't bother herself.
beside the piglet's desk a couple ladies minded; they sniffed the disgusting brown load of poop and went away. but it was ok because the piggy looked both ways and finding herself alone she reached into her poop laden panties and broke off a piece of poop to use for a book marker to save her page value while she checked another book. it was wee hours until the poopy piggy finished and went into the restroom of the library to clean herself up before the library closed for the day.

> the role victor hugo played in the years between 1260 and 1281AD in peru
Victor Hugo was born in 1802 and Peru should be capitalized.
This is the first (and last) time I have actually read one of these. It is definitely randomly generated but if its meant to be AI its missing the I. Dont think its anything as advanced as ChatGPT.

People who hawk lewds do not have big successful careers. There is a percentage of society that does not look down on them for it, but just a small percentage - most people do. I realize this board probably has more than average. Also her friends group is almost 100% porn stars.
You not just a bit odd for thinking lewds are mainstream you are seriously retarded not noticing that most people dont agree with you.

If you get out into the world more you'll realize that's not the case. It's only a handful on incels on this site that are actually upset when she posts lewds. I guarantee you she'll be just fine, regardless of whether or not she shows skin.

the piglet in all her glorious and pig pen wisdom mistaken through the evidence in the records forgot her dates, subscriptions though they may be. let the pig pen piggy be or bon will poop from her brown and filthy and dirty butt hole stinky poops and fill her panties up. 
she has trouble sometimes forgetting the days of the week and she is to remember the dates of what happened over three thousand years ago. phew.the piggy felt a poop start to bang her insides as today the piggy dressed herself in a silly red wig, it was the scrapings from the cauliflowers that she sewed together in a rush after devpouring spot twelve red cauliflowers along with ten meat pies and eight hamburgers for lunch. she washed everything down with four quarts of milk and 14 glasses of iced tea. then in an hour and two thirds she vomited and pooped in the same instant while in her bedroom and made a afternoon piggy and brown mess.

Bonbi doesn't look like trailer trash.  She would fit right in at my university... hell she would be a stand out in every single class.  She's that girl where you find your seat, notice her across the lecture hall, and you're just like "damn, now that a is a beautiful woman."

I agree compulsive buying is a coping mechanism.
Not throwing anything away is a coping mechanism on its own.
In the sailor moon strean she said she hoarded cosplays. Not as a joke. 

I think its a symptom of emptional distress not a sickness in itself.

You can tell by the outlines its the ass one

> In the sailor moon strean she said she hoarded cosplays. Not as a joke. 
Since her source of income is cosplaying, I think keeping them is pretty reasonable.
Buying all kinds of worthless fidgets is of course just a way to distract herself though.

> In the sailor moon strean she said she hoarded cosplays
I think that is a different problem. She is worried that if she puts them up for sale some psycho will buy them and sniff the crotch or put something weird on Tiktok with them. She probably has a point unfortunately - just look at some of the things people say here. Best solution would be for her to give them to someone else to sell.

I appreciate the distinction but I think there is large overlap between the two.

That is true. 
But I dont think she wants to sell them. I believe she was on to something in that stream.
There is also no need for her to sell them. 
She could just give or throw them away.

> some psycho will buy them and sniff the crotch or put something weird on Tiktok with them

Literally. From the first days of her fame, she was surrounded only a strange community of pedophiles, perverts and coomers, even when she was 15.
One of the reasons why she never listened to advice from the normal part of her community and make mistakes like anones
She hated everyone because she thought everyone was a coomers.
Even now, because of coomers, she hides when she goes somewhere

You had to turn the creepiness up to 11. Imagine what it would be like finding a childhood photo of yourself that you had never made public posted on a chan board. Then add in that comment. Fortunately I dont think she comes here anymore.

Bonbi has moved on from your community to be a porn star.  Seth has moved on from bonbi because she is crazy.  4chan has moved on from /bbg/ since it was a liability.  There is only you who are left alone on this forgotten messageboard.  It is time to admit you have been silly.  You wasted your life on a teenage girl's grift.  It is time to move on.  No point in continuing to defend a girl's honor who never had any from internet jokes.  Your life has value and meaning better spent on anything else.

my best guess is that her older brother is moving out, and she is taking over his room which probably is larger. She wouldn't even bother announcing going on hiatus if it was just another trip to LA. So it's probably just her renovating her new room and creating a better setup for streaming/taking pictures.

Bonbi bros across the street
Discussing about bonbi feet
A new bonbi bro joins the bros
He tells them stop being hoes
Cause liking feet is very weird
Especially if you have a beard

as you can see the piggy is a useless piggy. and today she spended the whole day grazing in the fields and pooping. she pooped several times and the poop dropped on the ground. and today was turned to a good day for the piggy because when she pooped the whole segment of rainbow colors was the color of her poops when they came out of her butt hole. she had brown poops, and some orange colored poops, one of her poops was white with black hairs, and another of her poop was green, and blue. before she raided the market garden in the fridge box of pretty much everything in there; kale. peas, plum squash, tomatoes and orange pepper. and so by the time she hit the fields hoof her insides were churning so many tinctures of different colors they transferred to her color poops. ptttttt, red poops too, ptytttttt, blue poops, were small 2 inch balls of poop. then the piglet felt a larger poop start to punch through her rectum.
ohhhh, this was a two foot long poop and it crashed against her anus hole and the piggy squealed. here it came, pptttttttt, oh, it felt so good coming out, massaging the piggy's butt hole; it thudded on the grounded and the piggy had to turn over and take a good long look at it and then sniff the essence sniffy odor of it in a big exhale. what a piggy.

the piglet is allowed to say only two words, oink and oink. that might be only one words actually, but who cares because the piggy cannot spell anyways and verbal restraints based on legends in terms otherwise are necessary for the dashed and expressed piglet. she is a bit of a wanna be piglet larder today because she was sitting in her chair today recollecting in her thoughts how wonderful some of the shit poops she achieved last tuesday and Thursday stemmed to eliminate her full guts. 
i guess they were large and thick and they came close, oh so close, to popping her anus and she wanted to express her brown poop loads in the fields of madness rather than having the white toilet bowl, sitting in her bathroom, devour them up completely. let us get real they were wasted completely, when if properly placed over a ditch gully in the fields they could be sprouting the prettiest flowers by now. but nobody ever said the piggy has brains.
such wonderful thoughts came to an abrupt end when ptttttt, ptttttt, a roll in the shape of a curl of brown poop started to come out of the piggy's anus: two rolls actually, one was 10 inches long and shiny, the other was 8 inches long and nasty. the piggy sat in her chair and shoved a finger up her nose and gasp as she felt the poop rolls do things to her anus hole and fill up her panties with disgusting poop. the toilet bowl can go fuck itself (the piggy was going to mush some shit around in her panties while she is in her chair for the next few hours before dreaming about wasting some good poop paste to it). so that is what she did exactly.

crash, the piggy smashed through her bathroom door after a load of brown poop started to come out of her brown butt hole while she was sitting in her desk chair. The piggy didn't want to mush up her poop in her panties today. she was too busy watching her favorite television show wednesday. but the piggy cannot escape so easily her pig pen existence and her large four plates of supper came back to haunt her. let's see, six all beef hamburgers, five hot dogs, eight quarts of blueberries, four bananas, 3 haddock fillets, three cups of coffee, 1 cup of orange juice and eight dinner rolls the piggy couldn't hold on for long and it all came tumbling out of the piglet's anus briskly. the piggy hopped onto the toilet just in time and pppptttttt, ptttttttt, uhhhhh, a brief second, ptttttt, ptt, pttt, ptttt, three long 1 footers and three small brown curlys came racing out of her butt hole. and dropped into the toilet bowl. ahhhh, the piggy enjoyed the feeling of rubs the poops gave to her anus hole as they parachuted out. but uWu, sadness for now the poops were no longer inside her a part of her body.
and how she despised the departing from them and their trip to the sewage adventure lands. so she flushed them down and watched as they rolled down into the drain pipe. the piggy wiped her butt hole with some toilet paper and brought the toilet paper up to her face. the toilet paper was smeared with her brown poop. she took a great snifff, and it had a stinky poopy smell to it. it must be from the brown poop the piggy thought. hmm.

the piglet. the piglet went to walmart today. if fact she likes to go shopping at walmart every week, so this was the day of the week for her to do that. the piggy was shopping and was already filling up her piggy basket of goods in aisle 29, clothes, when she felt a strong urge coming from her guts, that a brown load of poop was going to either rip out of her like in the movie alien;resurrection or that the poopy poo was going to take the usual path through her intestines and then come through her brown tainted and dirty and disgusting butt hole. what a dumb piggy. let's take a step back first and explain how the piggy got into this poopy mess; you see before she came to walmart the piggy pigged out on a variety of foods for lunch. the list of food quantities she monstered down her piggy throat was too long to mention here, like about five to 9 lines at least, so let's just say a substantial load of brown poop adequately was forming inside her piggy guts. back at walmart, the poop moved through her guts and made the piggy gasp, what the act! the piggy said, i'm going to expire from this huge and wide load of brown poop! it is actually going to split me in half, rip my anus into pieces, and as it confronts my anus like a dam wall, after failing to push threw that tight hole, will undoubtedly split my lower guts in two! the piggy had no time to rush through the washroom doors like a mad woman since the brown load was coming fast, so instead there in the middle of the aisle she dropped her pants and panties and squat and screamed. she screamed so loud the whole store thought about her dropping poop. how rude they thought. finally after slowly pushing through her butt hole the poop, three feet long crashed onto the store floor. boom.

It is not necessarily important for everyone to be in a parasocial relationship, as it is a personal preference. A parasocial relationship is a one-sided relationship where one person forms a connection with a media figure, such as a celebrity or social media influencer, without the reciprocation of the media figure. Some people may find it enjoyable or fulfilling to feel connected to a media figure in this way, while others may not see the value in it. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to determine the importance of a parasocial relationship in their own life.

Here are a few strategies you can try to help reduce or stop parasocial feelings:

Limit your exposure: Try to limit the amount of time you spend consuming media featuring the person you have a parasocial relationship with. This could mean unfollowing them on social media, not watching their shows or movies, or avoiding reading articles about them.

Reflect on your feelings: Try to understand why you have developed a parasocial relationship with this person. Are you feeling lonely or looking for validation? Understanding the underlying reasons for your feelings can help you address them more effectively.

Find other outlets: Try to find other activities or hobbies that you enjoy and that can take the place of the parasocial relationship. This could be anything from joining a sports team to taking up a new hobby.

Seek help if needed: If your parasocial feelings are causing you distress or interfering with your daily life, it may be helpful to seek the help of a therapist or counselor. They can help you work through your feelings and develop coping strategies.

Be mindful and practice self-compassion. Sometimes we can be too hard on ourselves and blame ourselves for our feelings. Remember that parasocial relationships are normal and can happen to anyone. Be kind and compassionate with yourself.

It's important to keep in mind that everyone's experience is different and what works for one person may not work for another. It may take some time and experimentation to find the strategies that work best for you.

It's also important to note that having parasocial feelings doesn't make someone "less normal" or weak, it's natural to form emotional connections with people we see regularly and admire, it's only problematic

the piggy sat at her computer desk playing video games tonight and fell asleep. this after she deposited two large piles of brown poop in the middle of her room on the floor. the supper was kind to the piggy and she piggyied down two large chickens, two bags of potatoes, twelve peaches, eight plums, sixteen apples, nine hot dogs, three large jugs of milk, half a lettuce and three jugs of orange juice. what a pig. the piglet then rushed or should we say stampeded like a wild pig to her computer desk and flipped on her games. there she stayed for about twenty minutes before her guts started to rumble and oblast. ohhh, the piggy immediately felt a brown load shaped in a curly like tube of poop press against her piggy rectum and against her anus. disgusting. oohhh it was coming fast and so the lazy piggy didn't bother to visit mr toilet to deposit her brown load. nah, instead she stepped back into the middle of her room and squatted, pulled her pants and panties and ppptttttttt, uuuuggghh, the piggy grunted as a soft smooth curl spilled out and rubbed and polished against the piggy's brown butt hole.
whoaa, the piggy enjoyed those few seconds and was about to get back to her gaming and was pulling up her pants when uhhhh, a double and twin poop of the same smooth bore and kind started to press against her rectum and anus hole again. 
what the hell, another one. ohh, the piggy felt the brown poop interfusing with her brown butt hole as it squeezed out and plopped to the floor, joining the other one.

bonbi is doing fine. the piglet. however creamy shit is the worst thing in the world, and today, well today bon the piglet was producing factories of it from her brown stained butt hole. on her flight to zanzibar the piggy's african safari trip. things took a turn for the worse when a load of cream shit, brown stinky style, came pouring like whipped cream in consistency out of her anus before she could get up from her airplane seat and make the full hoof marathon to the toilet. ptttttttttt, pttttt, oh darn! the piggy had to sit there, cream pooped, her eyes went cross ,and she rose her chin high, a stress reaction from the stretching which that crammy load of shit was bending her anus into. uhhhh, the piglet grizzled, pttttttttt-ptttttt-pttttt,; the piggy's panties loaded up fast, and followed by in about 40 seconds her pants as well, as the cream poo broke through her panty soft delvishly delicates in a frigging hurry and spilled into her light safari blue pants. hooorrraahhh, the piggy was happy when it was all over and to celebrate a creamy load her panties and pants, and the spilled overfill to her airplane seat had become;it was elevantal a squizzy poop reality.
to sum it all quickly, the piggy's trip went so well that she pissed and pooped behind every african bush as she ventured. and her long boring flight home, well that was a trip to the plane toilet where she pooped out all the african food she had eaten.

Yep. This is what Bon decided to turn down in favor of a career in porn.

They say 99% of streamers never make enough to cover the cost of the camera they buy to start off. She started with 300-500 viewers every stream before she decided to go down market.

Still crying and pissing your pants I see. Since you're so seethingly upset that she's "doing porn" now, why don't you give up on her, move onto simping some other poor girl, and leave this site forever? Win-win for everyone.

after the picture, pttttt, the piggy was taking a good quantity dump on the toilet when she had a query thought. what if i was to put my hand down between my legs in the toilet bowl and baseball catch the next brown curl of stink poop that comes out of my brown tainted butt hole with my hand.
then bring my hand up to my face open my piggy mouth wide as the moon, the full moon open,  and plop the curl of brown poop right into my mouth.
then leaving my mouth wide open take my camera and take a picture of the poop curl flopped out in my mouth: the poop, sitting and out of relaxations tanning itself with my tongue top . then i will post the picture of poop in my mouth to my media pages and see what the reaction is. just for effect.
you know what, the piggy did what she thought about; and so she posted the picture, and even a short tiktok video of it, after imaginary she dossed after the picture an even better thought of making a video tiktok picture in motion of the event.
well the reaction of the public was innocuous, friendly, anodyne and kinda mild, except for of course the usual small amount of comment despisers. some even said she looked like a relative or a funny brother that once had the same ideas.
some even inquired what happened to the poop and did it end up back into the toilet and flushed.

They're crazy if they think she'd retain the amount of viewers that she started with without pandering to something. Cute looks will only last so long and while she can be funny, she's not really the most entertaining person to watch. I wish she put more effort into her tiktoks and her lewds.

> They're crazy if they think she'd retain the amount of viewers that she started with without purposefully sabotaging her career at literally every given opportunity
gee I wonder why her popularity dropped who can say it's a mystery we'll never know

I'm sure you'll weave some sort of psychotic scenario in your mind to where it's the lewd patreon to blame. That way you seem less like a pathetic incel who is upset because his fantasies of ending up with Bonbi were shattered when other people saw her nipples. At least in your own mind. The sane people of the world see you for who you really are.

> decided to turn down
Why are you so salty?
Bonbi is just relatively lazy and often does things on a whim.
She's not interested in keeping a strict schedule and stuff.
Of course that'll suck if she ever tries to get a job at a company, but there's nothing really to be done about it.

I just don't really get the obsession with seething about what she does. I would never date someone who posts lewd shit online, but I'm also never going to date Bonbi so her decisions don't really matter to me. I personally don't care for her streams, but I don't shake with anger when she posts them before writing another blog post about how she needs therapy because being a lazy young woman taking the path of least resistance in life means she's should be on brain rotting drugs
They're ok but something about her is just off-putting to me.

today the piggy needed a shopping cart to carry all the supper food stuffs from her kitchen to her bedroom. there the piggy pigged out like a wild hog. by the time the shopping cart of food was emptied the piggy left nothing but food crumbs on the floor. her belly swelled like a beach ball and the piggy burped.
that was exhausting. so the piggy decided to take a short nap in her chair. bad idea. for as the piglet bon was sleeping, snoring like a pig, her body her guts her gizzards her anus decided to take a larf poop break. it was more like a poop bath or blast actually as the piggy woke up an hour later, with her panties and her chair was filled with brown and stinky poop piles.
uhg, this pig pen and dirty mire made the piggy feel sick. it was sick. the piggy is disgusting. the smell was like shit skunk and rotten eggs. it caused the piggy to vomit. the vomit plastered her desk top. the piglet lurched her head back and altered the trajectory of the vomit, unfortunately the vomit went straight up in vertical direction and it came straight down and landed back where it started in her mouth. the piggy surprised, suddenly swallowed her own vomit, and this made her even more sick as the taste of the vomit tasted like the vomit of a pig. urrkkk, and ptttttt, this made the piggy vomit again and poop at the same time. the piglet spended the rest of the night in hours and hours of cleaning her pig messes.

I think you are reading too much into stuff. Copium is definitely not a medical word and I dont think she is 'missing parasocial attention'. I think the problem is without her internet mini-stardom in her life there is literally just the cat left and going on Hiatus makes her realize this.

I hope she gets better and returns or finds other sources of happiness or preferably both.

I know copium is not a medical term :P
And I know its a bit of a stretch.
We may never know.

> there is literally just the cat left and going on Hiatus makes her realize this.
I think she understood this very well before the hiatus. She has been saying stuff like this for a long time.

> I hope she gets better and returns or finds other sources of happiness or preferably both.

I want to be bullied by mean bonbi bros and by bonbi bro haters, I miss it so much, ever since we moved on from ttg into bbg I realized I miss the bullying, so I used to go on 2chen to get bullied, I like when they make fun of me and call me names, I also like it when they bully bonbi and I have to defend her only to get bullied more

last night the piggy bonbibonkers had the unfortunate circumstance of pooping in her bed. ptttttt, the poop made a squelching poop sound. ptttttt. a soft sound of jitter wigs, as the brown poop squeezed out of the piggy's anus opening. indeed, it wasn't loud enough to wake the piggy from her deep piggy dreams and sleep. negative. and the piggy dreamed about running, running like a wild and nasty hog,
through large fields of grass and flowers. the piggy stopped at least twice a minute and lift her back 
hog legs and pttttttttt pttttttttttt, large hog like poop curls came spilling out of her poop hole.
the poops toppled onto the ground and fell. and in the dream the piggy each time for some reason turned her hind hog self around and put her hog face up to the new christened poop ground pile and took several large sniffy smells.
sssnnniiiffff, phytttrrriiieee, mmmhmmmm uh uh, the piggy then oinked a deep oink and loud. and then ran off in another direction to the large fields; grasses and flowers she stomped and ditched before fifty 
seconds and again pttttttt, ptttt, ptttttttt, pttttt a large grunble grumbling style of deep brown and gray poop curl spread out on the ground after coming from her tainted butt hole.
the cycle of pooping and running continued for hours. it was a long dream. and when she woke up. she noticed all that pooping in her dreams was a lark, a set up for the real poop now sitting in her pajamas. and the poop was all mushed up in her pjs from her hours of bed movement, turning and mixing.

It part irony, part rhetorical, mostly normal making conversation. I know people joke about autism but if you really get confused by stuff like that I do think you should get tested. Also try and get out more and meet real people.

*Realizing after 6 years of Bontent there is a Tiktok for almost every occasion*

I reckon her Hiatus is something like her moving room or even address- would explain why she knows it will be over a week in advance. Or it could be there is work going on and she wont cosplay with contractors around.

> I know people joke about autism but if you really get confused by stuff like that I do think you should get tested.
I'm as prety damn normie as they come.
It was you who wrote that in a weirdly serious way.

Contractors. Explains why the length of time was uncertain but now predictable a week in advance. Either she doesnt want to cosplay with them around or she needs them to finish her new room.

> I didn't think anything of it and it was directed at me. 
Cool, it was me who said it and it wasn't meant to be dry, not offensive.

no worries mate as or should i say because today in the afternoon the piggy sat in her chair doing some fun stuff sinceta she got up.
but then the piggy felt from her guts and intestines a pusha -crreeaaaak. hmm, the piggy thought: *major, clamations,goofers, that i tell was from some brown poop, some disgusting and disturbing food eaten and trees. i believe it's treason.
as the food i consumed earlier has switched and turned to poo, and is now moving through my guts and wants to break away and run the gauntlet roo to my brown and disgustingly dirty anus.* the piggy had concluded that some after food that she consumed had turned brown and dirty to mulch and curly poo longs. she was right. for once in her life she had figured it correctly.
there was a grand load of brown poo in her intestines, and it wasn't standing around to smell her disgusting insides for long; that poo wanted out. so the poop warped itself and snaked through the piggy's guts like a sneak. it didn't take long for the poops to get to the piggy's lower guts. knock knock. the piggy's anus started to pucker and open as the poop curl made her piglet rectum. ohh, the piggy mumbered quietly.
she didn't want to scream, rouse the whole household. but she just sat that and squinted her eyes, tensed her large butt cheeks and her body, flung her fat legs to the sides of her desk and groaned a deeply satisfying half laugh as the poop curl smoothly went through her butt hole and collected inside her panties. the piggy's only thought was of how divine that felt. and that no way she's going to waste this chance to mush and mixture her panty poop by deeds of squishy legs to a brown pulp.

Try Magrathea. Not guaranteed but somedays it works way faster than the old layout. Its not totally complete- you have to manually type the post number if you want to reply to someone - but its mostly there.

the piglet bon was sitting in her room and listening to some motown music when a case of explosive farts started to rumble from her brown butt hole. ptttttttt, ptttt, ptttt, pttttttttt, ptttt, what a disgusting and dirty piggy.
of course the piggy never thought of her farts as a disgrace, but as a celebration of wonderous fumes from the anus. then the piggy decided it was movie time. so she flipped on one movie, a drama. well the piggy fell asleep while watching the movie, and when she woke up she felt more farts come out of her anus and a definite brown curl of shit passing in her lower guts. as her guts grumbled and poop twisted through them the piglet then had a adverse reaction to her poop filled guts and urrrrgggckk, she vomited and sssssssssssiii pissed her panties. vomit spread over her brand new shirt, and her new panties and pants were drenched in piss.
and if that wasn't bad enough the poop started to reach and touch her brown anus hole and push out. the piggy was too shocked from the vomit and piss drench to prepare for her pooping comes and she didn't think to clasp her brown butt hole and legs together, and so the poop spread out of her panties and down her new pants.
ptttttttttttt, oh that poop was as mushy as soft ice cream and it mushed around in her panties. there is such a thing in this world we call disgusting, such as a loafed piggy in a pig pen and dropping vomit, poop and piss everywhere in the pig pen, and this describes perfectly the useless piggy bon; she was wallowing in her bodily wastes.

Spoken liek a true Autist. Everybody should be able to track which woman has said this and which has said that and under exactly what circumstances they mean each. There is no bigger picture problem of saying 'Hey, come wank to me getting fucked' on the same platform as someone else saying 'Dont wank to me'

The most baffling bit is this actually has to be explained - coomers have reached a new depth of dumb.

You have that the wrong way round. As a non-coomer I do get that coomers will always coom. I understand it will happen. I just dont understand how coomers can live with themselves although after spending some time here I more and more think self-delusion is the answer. They refuse to believe how pathetic and disgusting they are to normal peeps.

> busting a nut

...then telling everybody about it in a public forum and explaining what you want the person you are busting your nut to to do next like thats totally normal and something we all want to hear about.

I finally got what the story was about.
Im clearly nowhere near bonbis media bubble.

To recap:
Bonbi is right. 
The twitter likes are not ironic or contradictory.
IG Story is not delusional.
More egg content please.

i agree, all this talk about bon is mundane and stupid, because she is nothing but a poopy piggy. her only role in society is really to raise her pink piglet short chilly pepper shaped tail and open her brown and disgusting anus, and to poop, in a word to produce low grade fertilizer. she is such a useless piggy- the only words she is allowed to porky pig speak are oink and oink, in a variety of stressed and unstressed syllables, arranged by the initial vowels through the medial and nucleus with the long oi--- for the poopiest effect, otherwise there is nothing of value to listen to. nobody speaks pig pen and as far as i know no pig pen dictionary is available on the market to help anyone even trying to go out of their way and understand those oinkish words, or that piglet born syntax. maybe if we slashed ourselves with mud and water and field mulch and then ran outside and took long brown dumps on the ground we might be able to distinguish some of it but i doubt it.

OK, so I think Bons IG Story wasn't about her personally, it was prompted by streamer Atrioc showing his tabs and been found out for having deep fakes of other streamers.I missed that.


today was a big day for the piggy. full of hope the piggy entered the grand champion pooping contest.
she wanted to win a 2000 dollar first prize for the person who produces the longest poop curl. well the piggy prepared well; she ate in the morning 3 large watermelons, 4 small whole chickens and 18 slices of roast beef. she washed everything down with 5 quarts of orange juice, a quart of pineapple juice, and 14 peaches/ what a pig.
so the piggy got to the contest, and the competition looked fierce; there were hundreds of entrants and some of them looked like they could produce some very long poop brown curls. the piggy felt her guts start to go and so after paying the entry fee the entry of brown curled poop the piggy was ready to enlist into the contest was ready to be given.
uuuhhhhh, the piggy squat and phhhhtttttt proudly produced after measurement a one and three quarter foot long brown poop tube. 
well, that was only good for fifth place and the piggy was upset. she couldn't produce a winning poop of longer than 3 and a half feet.
when the piggy got back to her house she raged; flew into her room, and threw things around, and even ripped up some of her cosplays costumes and some of her pictures and busted some of her stuff. finally with her rage spent after a bit the piggy threw herself down on the floor exhausted and useless. there she pouted and while she was breathing heavy, like a pig, weary from the tirade ,she felt another push against her guts.more poop. what the hell, might as well, she thought, and she lay there and pushed a brown curl of poop out of her anus hole and into her panties. might as well squish some poop around in my panties and pants as a cope, she thought. so that's what she did.

> oldest profession is prostitution
> cave paintings of fat titty bitches
> countless art pieces and songs
> the unstoppable jewish porn industry
Lusting after hot women is literally the most natural thing in the world. Being a shut in stalker demanding a tiktok girl get therapy is not.

Yes, anon, I'm the first and only coomer to ever exist.
Weird way to describe yourself but go off homie. Modern therapy doesn't do shit, if you think Bonbi being on SSRIs and becoming a braindead slug is the solution to the problems you attribute to her, more power to you I guess.

today I decided to be as lazy as the lazy and useless poopy piggy bon. bonbibonkers you are a disgusting piggy: oink oink knaaa. oink! tkuuuu oink, knaa kna oink oiiiink tkkuu. tku poop. 
*translated through the miraculous discovery yesterday of a "Piglet dictionary" and a hot "How To Speak and Learn Pig Pen"* (I will wager you sat on the toilet bowl and squealed like a pig when a roll of brown poop shot through your dirty and brown tainted butt hole. I bet it took a ton of toilet paper to clean the filthy brown poop that was smeared and hanging from your anus.) stay tuned for the story "Bonbi is A Lazy Pig" part 2 tomorrow.
bbbrrrrriiinnnggg. work's over everybody. let's all go, like the piggy will do, and lay down in front of our refrigerators all day. and pig out.

> shitpost
my posts are only of the highest quality.
> fanbase
i dont even have a bon folder. or save any of her toks. im only here to get directions on how to get away from here.

that aside i am enjoying fucking around with it, finding limitations and overcoming them be it with the audio source or the code. the progress on the audio side has been nothing short of amazing in just a few years time. autoregressive transformers are the future( until something better comes along)

> my posts are only of the highest quality.
Of course, everyone here writes their posts only with the highest standards in mind.
> finding limitations and overcoming them be it with the audio source or the code 
> the progress on the audio side has been nothing short of amazing in just a few years time.
I thought the things possible today was years away at best.
Everything from image, video, and voice generators have been absolutely stunning to see and hear, not to mention nvidias papers on using ai for graphical enhancements.

Can you have the bonbi ai read the total nigger death copypasta?

the piggy's poop piles. the piglet bon( as usual is her custom early on in the day )left a beautiful and crusty pile of shiny brown poop on her bedroom floor today. whadda know the piggy noticed as she was squatted and her pile of brown poop came pouring out of her anus hole that three feet away and closer to the wall another pile of poop was sitting there three days old.
uggghhh, aaeeeiii! the piggy's poop felt soooo good licking out of her anus. it plopped double time onto the floor board. then the piggy stood up and redid her panties and her pants and decided to investigate this three day old pile of poo. it looked interesting and the piglet remembered it from three days now gone. she recalled she bent down and ripped her panties off herself in an instant and pushed with her guts as hard as she could the down and out poop push. it was if she remembers it correctly a poop curl with a wide front so it took the piglet a few grunts and butt hole pushes to get it through her anus. after that though it was easy sailing and the poop slid out easily and gracefully, ending itself with a thud onto the floor, where it now lays.
so the piggy went down on both her legs and arms, on all fours so she could get a good look at it. hmm, it lookled kinda dry and parched, poor thing, without water for three days, it must be nearest death's door or almost at least turned into a pizza roll by now. the piggy got her nose up close to the brown pile and sniper snifferded it, snniiifff, ewww, it smelled horrid; a closer inspection and the piggy rolled her tongue over the surface of it, a taste test, revealed that the pile of poop was as hard as a rock. as hard as iron and blaze in fact. interdasting thought the piglet; and she spit out her pink tongue and took two more tongue tastes over its surface- because why not, the piggy is a useless piggy anyways. eventually the piggy after a while lost interest in her poop pile and found something else of interest to participate herself in.

tortoise tts
Sharon stone

On tortoise it was mostly trying to mess with the source audio clips. the sharon one seemed to have come out pretty good requiring little to no changes.

11 Labs
Stability 89
clarity + Similarity 80

with tortoise yes, more work on the source files are needed, but it might also struggle with the way bon talks, she is more animated, has extreme highs and lows(might be forced to render in small chunks and change source files to get the most accurate results.

what do you guys think about the ll labs one?

> what do you guys think about the ll labs one?

I just think its another slice of creepy. It would be a laugh to do it with your own voice or even your mates but to do it with a third party feels like you are saying to them 'You cant stop me'
I think I understand why these are so depressing for the person being imitated.

the piglet bon was painting her pig pen today. after she finished the piglet got good and exhausted and she sat in her chair. but more like collapsed from piglet fatigue. then she the piggy had a thought, why don't I be a disgusting piggy, run across the street to the coffee shop, and buy three large belly buster dark roast coffees. and then come back to my computer desk, and watch some video games and listen to some piggy music. and pig out. but then all a sudden a version of hindu poop started to approach the piggy's rectum and with the power of thunder push against and through it. ohh! the piggy shouted as the poopy mess quickly started to bust through the piggy's anus, stretching it. it came so fast the piggy couldn't even make a decision as to what to do with it; whether running to the toilet to upheave it into or rather drop the pants by the desk and unload a fat one on the floor. Pppppppptttttt, the poop started to roll out of her butt hole, further dirtying it, and the poop splashed into her panties while she was sitting on her desk chair. Well, said the piggy bon, that decides that; and so the piggy contented herself to sitting there for several hours and enjoy the experience of mushed panty poop.

2023.02.06 - hey there
OOC with Yor wig and Wedding veil
Stream started 23:11

23:15 Forgot to buy web cam so streaming from laptop
23:16 Went on Hiatus because she was not happy with the quality of her content and felt her room was too full
23:19 Mr Giraffe repaired
23:20 Unicorns returns
23:22 Ordered paint and brushes from Walmart but they let her down
23:24 Hated not cosplaying during hiatus
23:26 Eats crabs
23:27 Juliebou Joins
23:28 Shows key chains
23:34 On hiatus she worked out
23:36 Wants a tattoo so bad. Starts dancing to music chat cannot hear
23:57 The Ring vibes
00:00 Goes off camera. Reappears upside down Exorcist style
00;02 Snatch
00:05 Shows shoe and head
00:06 During hiatus she was depressed all day every day
00:08 Been eating so much seeweed her poop smells of it
00:10 Stream ends

> Not saying your wrong. But why in this case?
used to say she didn't want a tattoo
she said a lot of things but in the end did the opposite
even though she is a teenager and woman she makes toooooo much contradictions in her life

the piggy was on her white toilet bowl this afternoon. she was pooping up a storm after she took a huge lunch. her lunch consisted of a quarter of pork, 6 smoked sausages, 3 slices of honey ham, eight bread rolls, twelve oranges, 5 pepperoni sticks, half a cup of hummus, 8 nature valley granola bars and three pizza pops. what a pig. she washed it down with a few quarts of milk and spring water. back on the toilet bowl, a large brown poop curl came spilling out of the piggy's butt hole. the curl of poop had the piggy squinting her eyes, and clenching her teeth together and squeezing her hands. uuuuuhhhhhhhh! her anus struggled to pass that monster poop. ffiiinnnaallyy, plop! the curl of poop made a large splash as it fell from the piggy into the toilet.
then the piglet jumped off the toilet and turned around and stuffed her face in the toilet water and pppprrrrrrtttttccchhhaaa, she gurgled the toilet water with her mouth, and then pumping the toilet water through her mouth she made bubbles and ripples appear on the surface of the water. would you look at that.
the piglet had turned herself into a true field born dedicate. after a few minutes of thoroughly gurgling that toilet water into bubbles the piggy thought she had enough fun for one toilet sitting, and so she removed her face and mouth from the poopy and filthy toilet water, and she pulled the toilet handle. she watched as the poop she had just laboriously produced fell into the toilet's drain pipe. but now it was time to wipe her mouth and face from the toiletly mush face she had just envisioned to a reality by stuffing her face into the toilet for a few minutes. then the piggy raced back into her room and played some more computer games.

the piggy spent the whole day at her desk singing to herself and writing out working on several songs. the songs were based on her plentiful experiences in the fields and wilderness and mountains. she sung about the dirge of beautiful moonlight hitting her new poop pile as it sat on the ground in the deep night. and how she admired the shiny nature and taste of each poop pile she produced. how she would scarcely allow a poop pile that came direct from her anus hole to fall on the ground and custer to nothingness except she first bent over and put her face up to it and then stick out her hoggish tongue and licked and sampled a taste of its surface area. she did this purely out of speculation that what sort of vitamin and mineral and percentages of salt content where to be found inside her poopy self. thus the maintenance of her own body could be kept track of, sort of like a blood content test without the giving of the blood. the piggy pissed everywhere and found such joyous expressions of freedom by opening her anus up every hour and dropping a new and fresh load of brown poop beneath the trees and on top of the mountain and hill heights. of course she ran into lions, cougars and wolfs and wild dogs, but those she chased away with her ferocious hog and hoof rushes and stampedes so they or any creature scarcely did her any harm. she pooped throughout the wilderness and fields under every tree if she could and then rubbed her behind for effect and cleaning after a good long poop up against the barks of nearby trees. so all hanging poop bits or brown curl half footers left could be wiped away without the need or use of domesticated and civilized toilet paper.

today the lazy and useless piglet decided that she was not going to be bothered with anything in her life other than becoming the most useless and worthless piggy in the whole world. so she prepared accordingly.
after 12:30 pm she drove a shopping cart's worth of food stuffs from the kitchen into her bedroom. 
she almost broke the fridge door off as in her pig like haste for food she quickly ripped everything she could possibly find for food from out of the fridge and fridge door and filled the cart. she also loaded about 20 quarts of water in plastic bottles into her cart.
the piggy sat at her desk for hours and hours. she was playing video games and watching movies and listening to music. the piggy was just too lazy to bother herself even for bathroom breaks. instead she kept a large pail beside her desk and pissed a thunderstorm's worth of water into it, every few minutes.
and she took so many poop breaks, pttttttt, ptttttt, in her chair, grunting each out with a scream. 
the poop curls plopped out of her anus slowly and nestled into her hand where she like a true lazy piggy just flopped each brown poop curl onto her desk table, and didn't bother with it. by the day's end there were at least a dozen poop brown tubes laying on her desk and drying out.
the piggy got so tired by day's end and just had enough energy to jump into her pjs, and crawl into bed.
the poop on her desk; umm, yea she finally took care of them the next day. along with the 4 pails of piss, sitting by her desk.

i guess it is up to me to inform bonbi's fans here ofthe useless and lazy piggy, lardass, it looks like she is having another lazy and useless day today. she didn't bother when she woke up to even move an inch of her piggy self for like about an hour. but rather just layed there in bed like a lump of batter or as useless as a fifth wheel that lays in the trunk of a car all day and hopes to be of some use at some future time when one of the car's tires flats and loses its air. so let's see: after an hour the piggy hog felt a stomach grumble. her bowels were moving and actually doing something with its life, not like the useless and lazy piglet. the bowels rumbled and the piggy toofed a three word verbal stoof, whuuw, soooohh, ooooohhhhglll,as she felt that rumble in her guts. and in due process after about say fifteen more minutes the load of brown poop had moved down down down to the piggy's lower intestines and was ready to leave the useless piggy forever.
Can't blame the brown poop for wanting to leave the piggy rectum, it was going crazy just out of boredom from the piggy's menial existence. and so the poop pushed and pressed against the piglet's anus while she lay in bed. and wouldn't you know it the useless lazy piggy barely pivoted her body, but rather she pushed with her lower guts and opened her tainted anus hole wide so as the poop load could coming pouring out of her and fill up her panties. pppptptptptptppttt, the poop came out and plopped in her pajamas and panties and still the piglet didn't even bother to move herself out of bed but just lay there.

Fuck you too.
My day was just fine thank you.
I hope everyone here is taking their meds, eating and staying hydrated. And have some fun too, dont be too hard on yourselves.
Take care of your body and mind bros.

yep "slowly open your eyes" best edit of all time on my opinion. it's like last episode of tv show

my second fav edit - "primadonna girl" and i still cant find original file

> anybody else just wanna get incredibly drunk

ill do it today night as usual awhile watching bonbi toks and edits

miles away from her home the piggy bon decided today to make a carefully hidden scientific laboratory. the piggy has decided after reading a science book Murray's College Piglet Darndest Science For Idiots to study science, specifically she the piggy wants to study how to get her poops into rainbow colors more often. that way she thinks she can unload a load of curly poop in a variety of different colors on her bedroom floor to match her lighting. the piggy wants to decorate her bedroom and create a more festive and joyously colorful ambiance to her room. so that when she unloads her standard after wake up load of poop onto the floor it keeps its look through the day. and when she unloads her after lunch poop and her under the bed after supper poop load. in fact the piggy unloads so many loads of poop through her day in her room the place could really benefit from her multi colored poop loads. if nothing else it will lift the piggy's low spirits somewhat. for the final verdict we will see for ourselves after the piggy takes some pictures of her poop piles in the future whether the piggy's science experiments succeed or whether like a true dumb piggy she fails miserably.

Come to nekochen! we got liveposting and non-cancerous moderation
ALL bonbibros are welcome!

yep, i think this set is gross because she gained weight on hiatus, and she again spreading her legs (I don't understand why she thinks it's beautiful)
last Red OOC set was much better
even patreon simps only got 32 likes

after the photoshoot the piggy rushed to the bathroom and left a brown mess of dirty poop in the toilet.
ugggghhhh, the piggy sat on the toilet bowl and grunted as the brown and wide curl of poop slowly slid out of her anus hole. the brown curl of poop was too wide for all rights, that it was making the piglet grimace and squeal; the poop curl was unapologetically spreading the piggy's anus hole to its maximum width.
aaackkk the piggy said as the piggy pondered and mulled as the long poop slid out. the piggy's butt became a poopy mess as plops and smears of after mess poop hung on to the piggy's poop hole. the piglet had to use 3 rolls of toilet paper and about twenty minutes of careful patience to get her butt hole clean again. 
after this the piggy rushed to her desk and spent the rest of the day becoming a lazy and useless piggy and watching video games and some music.

I love seeing the crybaby simps at it again. They were quiet for so long that I was afraid they finally fucked off when they realized bonbi wasn't going to fall for them and be their girlfriend after all. Oh well incels, welcome back. Don't forget to seethe and shit your pants as often as you can. It  rings me so much joy.

Anyone know if she is attending some kind of college or university? Her looks will only get her so far in life, I doubt the patreon will remain strong in her 30's and 40's. Is her plan to somehow keep being successful online through adulthood? I can only really see her surviving off someone else with marriage. I hope she has some kind of plan? Maybe she can invest the patreon money now, and try to survive off it for the rest of her life. But she doesn't really strike me as someone who is fantastic with money. What do you guys see happening in her future?

As a coomer I always find it interesting when I go to coom to Bonbi's latest set.  I always expect a certain picture to be the one that gets me off but it's always a different one entirely! How fascinating that you think you know your brain but it always has its own ideas on what it actually likes.

> attending some kind of college or university

No. In her own words she is dumb or at least she believes she is too dumb to do that.
>  I doubt the patreon will remain strong in her 30's and 40's

I sometimes wonder if it will make it into her 20s and thats only 3 months away. Even if it does she only got 35 likes on her last set - feels like the Patreon arc might be drawing to a conclusion.

Until her LA visit when she fell under the spell of the OnlyFriends she had a decent shot at a Twitch career but that has gone downhill now she only rants about poo and lewds. Still think outside of marriage its her best shot. For most Twitch streamers breaking the first 100 is the challenge and she started above that.

> she had a decent shot at a Twitch career
Bonbi has some form of ADHD and she seems relatively unchecked by her parents.
I doubt she would have been able to pull through with that, because even if she has hundreds of viewers each time, she's basically just coasting along and not putting much effort into it.

There was a time when she put more effort in - think early 2022 melodica streams, lego streams etc. They also used to last more than an hour. Like many things it seemed to go downhill when she started the topless Patreon stuff.

the piglet bon left a puddle of piss and a brown load of piggy poop in a corner of her bedroom today after she jumped out of bed. still untrained in the potty arts and toilet bowl pooping and peeing the piggy squealed and grunted as she bent and the brown curl of poop slowly inched its way out of her dirty anus hole.
that poop was in no hell hurry and seemed to revel in causing the most uncomfortable experience to the squatted and imposed piggy piglet. it stalled a few times and flexed its biceps and refused to move as it traversed the piggy's anus butt hole.
first a quarter came out and then stall, then a half of its bulk squished out; then a ten minute coffee break for the poop as the piglet grunted, grumbled, cursed and pured to do horrible things to the brown poop curl once it comes out of its hiding place, her rectum. finally the last end of the brown curl came out and dropped quickly to the floor. and instantly from relief piss started to spurt like a stream from the piggy, and a puddle of piss was created around the poop curl. the dirty piglet started her day after her wake up by producing a disgusting pig pen mess.

cuz discord coomers have no taste and friends and they wants to thread with somebody
even patreon simps only gave 35 likes to this shitty set

I think it has something to do with mental retardation of coomers. And im so sad

Cant work out if peeps really need this explaining or if they are being sarcastic. Blame my autism.

Its a bait and switch joke - 'I have tons of Yor pics', show one Yor pic then pad with cat pics.

the toilet was the best friend to the piggy today on account of her diarrhea dumps. the piglet ate so many chicken wings for supper, the total count came to about 40. and soon after, approximately 16 minutes later after she stuffed the last chicken wing into her mouth and gobbled it down her piglet's throat a circus started in her guts.
it didn't help matters much the piglet for pre supper openers also consumed 10 tomatoes, four apples, half a lard of mashed potatoes (making half a baking tray disappear within three minutes) and three quarts of pineapple lime juice. first of all the piggy vomited several soup cans of mushroom, tomato, chicken noodle looking vomit onto her desk. oh! the dopey and dumb piggy finally understood what her stomach rumble meant,
aaaccckkk, the piglet blurted out as more vomit swamp came and within minutes the piglet started her quests to the bathroom where she unloaded dump after dump of soupy diarrhea. whole swaths and rolls of toilet paper were used by the piggy after each diarrhea dump to wipe the piggy's dirty anus hole clean, as it became covered in a brown and disgusting poopy mush.

And incels still cry because girls they want but can't have exhibit sexuality they can't take part in. Thanks for helping prove my point. Sorry I had to out you for this exhibit. I'm sure you'll lose your virginity soon though (lol no). Happy belated valentine's day anyway.

Tiktok likes to take virtually all of the revenue generated. Its difficult to work out exactly because they change and obfuscate it so much but their cut is generally over 80%.

I know what you mean about moderation but if you see the old chat logs they actually were not that bad back then. Probably would be different now given she even had to tighten her Tiktok comment rules after the topless Patreon stuff.

Troll Anon, here all day,
Has no one who wants to play.
Uses his English PHD,
To criticize my poetry.

Because Troll Anon self replies,
He thinks noone does otherwise.
I know he would be shocked to see,
That 37110 is not even me.

Hey incel bros. Make yourselves useful and let us know if she mentions anything about patreon or other adult platforms. I'm busy and can't watch the stream. We all know you have nothing better to do.

first hey man don't kill yourself it's not worth it when life is so short anyway.  Only reason to kill yourself is if you suffer immense physical pain every day without any solutions in sight.

Second, does Bonbi have sinus issues? She's always sniffling and coughing (probably from the post nasal).

2023.03.21 - Tiktok Stream
OOC with lewd Anime shirt from Spencers
Stream started - Dont know time. Ask Tiktok. Apparently notifications are hard.

19:10 Will be moving out
19:11 When she was younger she had one crush some might remember who
19:12 When she was young she had one beef with someone which really showed in her stream
19:13 Someone stole BonbiBonkers Twitch name so she is Bonniebonkers.
19:15 List of pets
19:17 Does not enjoy her Genshin cosplays
19:18 Patreon is 18+
19:18 Doesnt really watch Anime
19:21 Discusses Anala. Says she made the characted with a friend. Anala is a Dragon lady who fights with a big sword. She has a scar at Bons insistance
19:23 Never played Roblox. Grew up playing Animal jam.
19:25 In her past relationships Bon hated when people would talk in baby voice. Also hated pet names - cutie
19:26 Uwu
19:27 She was groomed. She was 15, he was 19
19:19 She has a very special Tiktok involving Raven that might come out next month. She is very excited.
19:32 Explains rotation of cosplays
19:33 Specific cosplay for specific holiday. Shows prop - chick
19:35 Dream cosplay is easter Kotori but nobody makes it anymore. Used to be available before she had money
19:37 Discusses bedroom design - Mauve / viines etc. Used to want fairy cottage house.
19:40 Wants to move to LA but it is really expensive. Her travelling there is already expensive. Thinking best to have a room mate but not decided.
19:42 No filter on her Twitch streams - thats her face.
19:45 Mechacon was her favorite con
19:46 First cosplay was Miku or Rose Lalonde. Also used to steal her moms glasses to do Dave Strider
19:47 Growing up she had friends until she was 9 then just one friend. Now she only has two friends. Used to have more friends until a year ago but they turned out really shitty.
19:49 Still friends with Emiru but they dont talk often
19:52 Twitch stream 20 mins after Tioktok stream
19:55 Might go to Anime Expo. Will announce it if she does
19:58 Used to hate having bug eys and a big chin growing up
19:59 Used to hate fan accounts when she was younger because they are creepy. Doesnt mind them now but some of them are weird. She hid herself from all the harassment when she was young. Used to get it from pedophiles.
20:03 Some people create accounts to hate her. She likes the money and ignores the comments.
20:06 Hate commenters are pussies for hiding behind a profile and not showing their face. They are bullies.
20:10 Advice for fellow creators. Don't be afraid to ban people and phrases. Dont get doxxed. Ban phrases that dox or just make you uncomfortable. Doesn't want anyone to go through what she went through. She used to try hard to try and please people on Tiktoik all that time ago but it made her really unhappy.
20:15 Going through something now where she has had to beg someone not to do something 8 times.
20:20 Tiktok is not as interesting as it used to be. Feels like she doesn't fit in anymore.
20:22 Her current Tiktok dont get views but they make her happy. Wants to make stuff she likes.
20:25 Goling to make a Tiktok today
20:25 Last time she went to AX everybody except her got Covid. It was really crowded. A lot of famous cosplayers are really stuck up
20:30 When she made the Meulin hit or miss Tiktok she was on a Discord call breaking up with her boyfriend. You can see the ipad in the background [you cant]. It was one of the Tiktok ads. She was really mean at that time and would always start things with people.
20:33 Used to hate Chloe someone
20:35 Stream ends [drops?]

Sorry if this miss's bits. I get frequent drop outs on Tiktok streams.

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