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Last thread:  >>/43287/


Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/SqJSlboT#Eo0dW40FSQQxUfbhaiX2Zw
Recent Streams: https://mega.nz/folder/sb9AUARS#2L6fWgvVj0yOycsNuZkMaQ
Tiktok Streams: https://mega.nz/folder/RT51iQLb#5q9QAtRAZHcmUkeu72Bi_g

Anons Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/jQJwELya#WOcrcA-RgB2XrNE_D1if3w

> We doing a new thread? 
The previous one was at 996 posts so yes. I checked the bonbi.xyz links and none of them seemed to be still working so I did not include them. Can anyone confirm they are gone or even know if they are gone for good?

Random /bbg/ I just came across:

It feels like these threads have been a lifetime ago, like 8 or 10 years ago, at the same time it feels surreal it's been over 4 years ago already.

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It seems slightly arbitrary, sometimes the thumbnail is huge, sometimes vaguely the right size but with the aspect ratio squashed or stretched oddly
refreshing the page usually mostly fixes things, although on mobile it's still much larger than it should be
just endchan being endchan i guess

I dont ever watch her stream, in fact I dont watch any streams, I dont see the point, outside of maybe background noise while doing something else, but I've seen it mentioned here enough times to assume it is in fact real she rips ass and burps while on stream. 
Im willing to put money someone paid her to do that, or it could be a subtle hint she is thinking of progressing and/or trying to draw back in the simps, just a thought. 
Should have simped harder when she was "pure" or saved her from being molested by Emiru's thugs

She doesn't fart on stream but she does burp.

Her streams used to be more fun but you can tell a bit of the life has been sucked out of her since she started doing porn - she doesn't have the excitement or enthusiasm she had before. Not really a surprise - OnlyWhores DM are famously rough. People know they are paying a sex worker so they feel entitled to be as vulgar, disgusting and direct as they like. There are whole threads elsewhere joking about how many dick pics each member has sent so far. It goes with the territory she chose.

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> It's the thumbnail size of the original image, not the spoiler's.
> It also could differ depending on theme I guess.
Ah yes, the usual endchan support reply: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

> People should use Magrathea for that, it's more phone friendly.
Magrathea sucks, it's just another never-finished half-assed Odilitime project

inb4 this post is deleted by butthurt BO

Still would. 

Honestly, I never gave a fuck about seeing her naked, I have seen enough poon to get a doctorate in gynecology. 

All I have ever wanted from her is to use her deadly cute fucking face to make hot expressions. Not that ahagio shit, but O faces and lip bits and deer in the headlights eyes. I would clock her OF in a second if that was her game.

Fuck all this fat/thin shit, that face is still cute as all fuck and is the entire reason this message board exists.

Shouldn't they work on the primary, front-facing website that everyone actually uses? You said you were open to make things better. This is something that could be made better (as evidenced by the complaints by more than a few anons over the past couple months).

saw the update and it was so dogshit that i didn't even pull my cock out. and i am a seriously addicted coomer. people need to stop paying until she steps it up. even spreading that fat cunt would be servicable, could try and coom off that alone. but she should do some solo vids soon, and then some hardcore. facefucking would be exquisite.

I suggested using Magrathea, because that is our new project a new frontend for Endchan, which is under development, but for the users it's perfectly usable already.
He said Magrathea is never-finished and sucks.
I asked what's wrong with it, since that is the one we actively polishing.
He said spoiler thumbnails are fucked.
I asked if that's a problem on Magrathea, because that was the topic.

Infinity-now is not developed anymore. We apply some quick-fixes now and then. But it is highly suggested for the users, especially for phoneposters (phonelurkers) to move to Magrathea, because it is less clunky than the original frontend.
So while we might correct the spoilers, our priority is Magrathea, it's part of our larger project Double Plus which powers our other imageboard wrongthink.net . If you say it's not working again, I'll ask again what's the problem with it, so we can fix that.

If she had been sensible she never would have. Then again, if she was sensible she would never have started OF. This set seems to have been badly received generally - this is bad news as it just means she will have to take the next step sooner.

> dadbi
Love the moniker… sounds like a Nicktoon: "Meet the Bi's" Dadbi, Mombi, Sisbi and her Brobis…
Today’s Episode: "Parlor Games" Dadbi’s rescheduled Bible Study derails when the group discovers Sisbi filming OF content in the parlor. Hilarity ensues.

 Would this be a bad time to tell her Im not a tit guy? And this all sucks? i dunno man, I just wanna let her do.

Am I a squat toad? do i have a slack tain? are my biceps actually upside down triceps? how can i explain this to mummykins?

> I suggested using Magrathea, because that is our new project a new frontend for Endchan, which is under development, but for the users it's perfectly usable already.
> He said Magrathea is never-finished and sucks.
> I asked what's wrong with it, since that is the one we actively polishing.

> under development
> actively polishing
So, unfinished, then?

> He said spoiler thumbnails are fucked.
They are

> I asked if that's a problem on Magrathea, because that was the topic.
I don't know, I don't use Magrathea because it tends to break, themes don't work, the page title is just the number of unread posts and not the thread subject... I could go on. It looks like it was designed for phones, and since I'm not a faggot teenager, I use an actual computer for internet browsing.

> Infinity-now is not developed anymore.
Why is it the default frontend then, if Magrathea is totally finished and awesome?

> We apply some quick-fixes now and then.
How about you do that for the spoiler images that many users have complained about?

> But it is highly suggested for the users, especially for phoneposters (phonelurkers)
gay and zoomerpilled

> So while we might correct the spoilers, our priority is Magrathea
So I like I said originally, you're giving this the usual endchan support treatment: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

> it's part of our larger project Double Plus which powers our other imageboard wrongthink.net .
What's the point of making another imageboard when you already have this one? To further fragment the already rapidly dwindling user base? Is it because Odilitime starts a project, gets bored, doesn't finish it, and moves on to the next big thing before rinsing and repeating?

> If you say it's not working again, I'll ask again what's the problem with it, so we can fix that.
The spoiler images don't work

I lay a lot of blame at her parent’s doorstep. They home-schooled her, most likely preventing her from socially interacting with other kids her age. At least not to the degree I'm sure she would’ve wanted. IIRC, in that goodbye stream, she even mentions finding most of her friends online, and how sad she is to now lose them. It also paved the way for a lot of the unhealthy drama that occurred after she made her comeback a few months later.

From what I’ve read so far, they began an online relationship when Bonbi was 15. They messaged each other for about two years before Seth and his mother moved into a trailer on the family property, and later into a house next door. By that time Bonbi was 17, so it probably wasn’t a problem to convince her parents to take him in as her boyfriend. The real scandal was the grooming he subjected her to during their long-distance relationship. She was likely already damaged long before he actually set foot in Louisiana.

Ain't it funny, another groomed child ending up an adult porn star.

Worst bit is she has probably not had enough success on OnlyWhores to earn enough to carry her through but has had enough that she will now be home-schooling her own children. She often goes on about how much she hated being home-schooled, one day about 10 years from now she will realize her own children are being home-schooled because of decisions she made in 2023.

And the coomers will keep cheering her on.

Ok, thanks for the clarification. I guess the posts I've read so far on the subject weren't entirely accurate then. If they did meet up when she was only 15 then the anon's initial question definitely raises a valid issue.

Holy shit! I wonder why no one ever pressed charges against the creep.
Love her 'Date someone your own age' response, though. NGL, that's pretty feisty for a 15-year-old in her situation.
Thanks for posting.

I dunno, bro. I dated a few 15-year-old girls in my day as well. The difference was that I was also 15 at the time. 
And, no, I doubt I would've ever been capable of targeting and grooming an underage girl for sexual gratification. 
Especially not as an adult, even if the opportunity had presented itself. So, speak for yourself, not for others.

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Is this from one of her Twitch chats? I stopped listening to those after noticing the conversation was mostly about cosplay related stuff. Tbh, I often didn't have the slightest clue about what they were talking about. I'm likewise going to have to catch up.

I recognize the Sailor Moon costume, though.

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this would have been over discord and lets be honest, it wouldnt be hard to track bonbis mood swings. 
they did not meet in person until march 2020. seth was incredibly poor and took advantage of cheap flights during covid pandemic.
he was terrified of the whole pedo thing, bonbi knew this and used it to control him. shes definitely the bigger narcessist.

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man, just relax. They dated for 2 years irl. And she didnt care that he has been pedophile, although she knew about it even then. They worked together. She protected him from people who wanted to put him in prison. What she said later is no longer so important.
Shes pretty gorl but she is liar

The only really interesting question was why her parents didnt give a shit about a 20 year old dude hanging out with their 15 year old daughter in their own house.

How fully brainwashed by feminist propaganda do you have to be to think that a 19 year old male paired with a 15 year old female is in any way inappropriate?

My grandpa was 25 when he met my grandmother. She was 14. The 11 year age difference sure didn't matter when they were 35 and 46. When my grandpa died at 82 she cried for weeks. She was deeply in love with him and at no point did she ever consider herself as having been "groomed". They had 3 kids together (one of them being my mom). I asked my mom if she ever remembers grandma and grandpa's "age gap" being a problem, and she had no clue what I was talking about until I reminded her grandpa was 11 years older. Obviously she said no, it wasn't.

A younger female with an older male is completely normal. Seth isn't a pedophile. You guys might think so (jealousy) and bonbi might think so (everyone tells her she was a victim and she enjoys the easy sympathy points), but factually speaking, she was well past puberty by the time they got together. Finding a sexually mature female under the age of 18 attractive isn't pedophilia.

Listening to you guys gripe about this is pathetic. You sound like a bunch of single, childless "career" women in their 40s.

I realize there’s still a lot of controversy over the whole grooming/pedo discussion. In fact, my attempted deep dive into the topic was the very thing which made me aware of this  site is the in the first place.

In one of my searches, I found an informative series of posts uploaded to this site in December of 2019. The writer was someone who seemed deeply knowledgeable about the subject. They were likely in the thick of things as they happened, because the narrative and timeline is fairly minute and detailed.

It’s an interesting read, to say the least. My main takeaway though is that Bonbi was much more complicit and involved than she’s letting on. In fact, she didn’t come away smelling like roses. At all.

Although I have no way of verifying the accuracy of the posted info, I’m going to assume the information is legitimate until I'm shown otherwise.

The link is https://endchan.org/bbg/res/2500.html if anyone is interested.

You may find it totally normal, however, there are still a fair number of people, including myself, who find a 20-year-old male sexually targeting a 15-year-young girl disturbingly creepy. I'm not judging you, just conveying my viewpoint.

> I'm not judging you, just conveying my viewpoint.
I appreciate that. But I have to ask: why? It doesn't make sense to me. Would you still think it was disturbingly creepy if, say, the female was 18 and the male was 23?

Speak for yourself buddy. A 15yo is a child, you might get fooled by IG pictures but if you meet one IRL you will feel like you are talking to a child.

Nice wording around when they actually started dating. A lot of weird things happened 68 years ago that are not seen as normal now. Seth was not initially called a pedophile because he was chasing a 14/15yo, he was called a pedophile because he was caught on loli forums and trying to buy loli sex dolls (he was asking if they are legal in the US).

Bonbis IG Story from Jan 2019 (when she was 15) followed her mentioning on stream that she was going to meet Anonce in person - thats how someone knew to ask the question. She claims herself they met well before 2020.

just another guy who came here cus of her OF. Thats so funny. I can imagine how excited he is. This explains the amount of spam from him.

Dude just keep sending her your money on OF

also im sure there was a raid from somewhere

they hadnt met by that point, they had only been dating for like 2 months. she was lying. bonbi has never been known for telling the truth. 
she would flip on a daily basis of hating seth, calling him a manipulator and protecting him and teasing the community with their relationship.

given our current situation with the sex work, its hard to imagine a better scenario but back then seth was the first in line of a lot of very bad outcomes. 
her community was full of men wanting to save bonbi from her overdramatic psychosis. her age was a concept everyone skirted around and used against her as a reason why her and seth shouldnt be in a relationship. 
she didnt care really, as most young girls dont, until it benefitted her. she burned every single bridge over this issue and defended seth always. 
nowadays, since it no longer benefits her, seth is always the pedo groomer and their age gap has magically increased from 3 years 11 months to 5+ years.

Doesn't really matter when exactly it happened. 14, 15 or 16.
It's all fucked up and the fuckface had a plan from the get-go.

> her own children
I can't really see her having or wanting kids.

No matter how long ago it's been... every time I heard more of it, it's just sad and disgusting.

Wasn't the rumor he failed the training/exams?

Stopped reading after your first sentence.
Take your sexual abuse brainrot somewhere else.

> also im sure there was a raid from somewhere
I don't know...
There always seem to be some people lurking or just checking the thread and I guess my post about the goodbye stream and the replies triggered a reaction from some.

Clear signs of a codependent relationship.

Dream on. That would require over 5000 $8 constant subs, the likes suggest she has ~800 at best. Even if you add something for PPVs she is nowhere near to that. It also doesnt excuse the fact she has probably wrecked her long term future - making money from a grift doesnt suddenly stop you being a grifter.

The question you should be asking is has she made enough from OF to cover the vet bills for her kitty coping mechanism.

> Probably clearing half a mil a year at this point
Even less likely that she's able to hold onto that money though.
Her rent is probably high, considering it's an entire fucking house, plus her cats that she seems to not treat properly anyway.

She also makes money from Twitch and maybe some from TT, but I agree it's nowhere near 500k.

If she'd actually stick with everything she started, she could have made a decent living in 2-3 years, but she's lazy, inconsistent with everything she does and has untreated mental issues. All the while still exposing herself to the internet that will in no way help her get over her problems.

> the likes suggest she has ~800 at best.
How do you see the likes? Do you have to login and follow her? Or actually sub? Because all I'm seeing is "16 media" and an empty tab.

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> How do you see the likes?
Her OF page before logging in. It shows the total number of posts and the total number of likes. Recently the likes go up 800-900 each week while the posts go up 1 per week. Last week was a good one - 1100 more likes. PPVs do not seem to increase the post count so I assume they dont affect the like count.

> If she'd actually stick with everything she started, she could have made a decent living in 2-3 years
I suspect she lacks the confidence to believe that so it doesn't seem worthwhile - if so her actions would look the same as laziness. Remember this is someone who calls herself dumb, had an abusive BF who told her she was dumb and at one point had close friends who seemed to think anyone who followed Bon must be a weirdo pedo to be banned from every platform because why else would they follow her? The difference with something like OF is she got instant follows and likes so the feedback encouraged her at the start rather than having to keep faith in herself for 2-3 years.

I believe only subscribers. This is similar to her Patreon days. A (presumably high) percentage of subs will like her posts but not 100% which will make the likes an under-count while new subs can look back and like old posts which makes the likes an over-count. I assume the two roughly cancel each other out.

You'd have to know the amount of people who like posts to make an educated guess for how many subs somebody has.

But there are indicators that the amount of subs who like posts is quite low, in the <20% range:

I do think it's likely that the like-percentage is higher for somebody who is newer on the platform or posts less regularly. Both which apply to Bonbi.

Yeah she def has more than 800 subs.  That would require nearly all her subs to like her last pic. A quick look at pretty much any media platform would show that only a small minority ever even bother to hit the like button

>  That would require nearly all her subs to like her last pic
No. The 800 is not the number of likes on her last post, its the total number of likes on all of her posts for the last week (actually its 1100 this week just gone)

Firstly, Reddit. Secondly, I was explaining my own method for getting a really rough estimate, not writing a thesis. Your Autism is showing again, maybe Reddit is more your style after all?

Stream was actually interesting(ish)

2023-12-04 - ummmmmmmmm my bad yall
Cosplayed as OOC with Zero Two Shades
Stream started 20:26. Times are from start of stream.

00:03 Still cant wear makeup hence shades
00:04 She ate pork raw and is depressed. She thought the sausage was precooked.
00:07 Is posting on OnlyWhores tonight. Sorry about last weeks set, went through previous sets but did not like how they turned out.
00:08 Is going to cosplay with her special guest. Assumes we already know who it is (not Julie)
00:09 Has bags under her eyes because she has been partying with her special guest. Partying = playing Super Smash Bros while drinking wine all night.
00:12 Thinks she is about done with Tiktok
00:16 Has already bought everybody's Christmas presents.
00:20 Not been making content because its not as fun and she has children now.
00:23 Tiktok sucks . Thinks she needs to focus on Twitter.
00:26 Appreciates chat joining her every stream. Might stop streaming one day.
00:27 One day she will have to get a normie job. IG is done. No longer thinks she is a Tiktoker.
00:30 Missed Twitchcon because of 'rooms'. Ever since then felt things are not working out.
00:32 Knows her 'other content' does well but doesnt want that to be all she is.
00:33 She used to be really lively  but her medication changed that. Has to keep taking it or she will kill herself.
00:34 She used to be manic on Tiktoks but other times she wanted to kill herself.
00:37 Used to be afraid to end stream because that would leave her alone with her thoughts.
00:44 Doesnt have IRL friends. Used to have a big friend group she visited every month. [OnlyFirends?]
00:45 Was considering making a community Discord server but gave up when her cat died.
00:49.45 Shows eyeballs
00:51 Named her first ringworm Magnolia. Second one will probably be named Susan/Susie
01:02 Bon will be 70 years old in a retirement home complaining about Tiktok
01:04 Shows Spotify Wrapped for 2023. Favorite song was Million Reasons by Lady Gaga.
01:05 Her top artist was C418 [Minecraft - safe music for Twitch]
01:09 Saw a really good movie - Uncle Frank - last night
01:10 Stream Ends

Thank you for the posts, but pretty yawn inducing. I like the sucked in tummy side shot, but after knowing she ate raw pork, seeing her ass just makes me think of the worms she is going to push out soon enough.....

When she was talking about quitting Tiktok etc and getting a 'normie' job it sounded like she knows she has to get lewder or it will end and she wont get lewder so it will end. Anyone else think that or am I reading too much into yesterday's stream?

She has no choice but to get more lewd because her sets are boring, and uninspired. Pulling tits out and jumping will only get so far, all she needs to do is her cosplay sets with her tits out and just put some effort in it, and it would have carried her for a lot longer, nut just wear a wig, pull tits out, and jump, with awkward laugh. She either will be inserting dildos by mid 2024 or out of the game all together, which I think would be for the best, but just depends if she wants "easy" money or not.

Onlyfans e-girls are just the newest of social media gold rushes and it's starting to turn over. And just like before, people vastly underestimate just how much work it is to make it truly successful.
I think bonbi will most likely dip out by this time next year. We may see an Instagram or X post every so often but I bet twitch and tiktok will be abandoned and the onlyfans deleted.

> that inhale at the end of the mp4
It's one of those that ends with "oh well...".

I don't think Bonbi thinks that much about what she's going to do.
She just randomly decides like the day before.

> people vastly underestimate just how much work it is to make it truly successful.
Bonbi is a special case of being extra lazy and not having a real strategy though.
If she does stop doing whatever she is doing, chances are she will come back a year or two later and then stay for another 2 or so years until she leaves again... and the cycle repeats.

Menial labor jobs (fast food, retail) are hurting for people really bad right now. If she completely deletes her onlyfans, or just uses a completely different e-mail, then she can get a regular job no problem.

My guess is she doesn't put it on her CV. There might be 5k-10k people in the world who know about her OnlyWhores, which sounds a lot but the chances in any given interview is the people across the table wont know.

> There might be 5k-10k people in the world who know about her OnlyWhores
> The sort of job she is going for is unlikely to look that thoroughly
Every zoomer who has used tiktok during the last six years knows who she is.
It will just be a matter of time until everyone of her colleagues and customers have seen her flopping her tits around.

> Every zoomer who has used tiktok during the last six years knows who she is.
True, but they're not the ones employing her, plus most people dropped out before the OnlyWhores arc. I imagine its a bit weird having a work colleague with an OF but also not *that* unusual now.

Normies 100% do not care about "sex work" and even if they do find it distasteful privately in their minds, they'd be far too afraid to say anything publicly. Bonbi could release 8 videos of herself dildoing her asshole and chocking on black cock and it wouldn't affect her future employment prospects. All she has to do is say she was victimized/groomed and normies will think of her as a hero instead of a whore. Men would still line up around the block to date her.
> If she ever goes for something high up or requiring security clearance it could be a different matter.
she won't

> Normies 100% do not care about "sex work"
You're wrong. Office gossip is a thing and can make life difficult well before reaching the level of having an OF. As someone who has employed people in the past if I knew someone had an OF I would pick them last rather than risk it creating issues in the following months.

> You're wrong. Office gossip is a thing and can make life difficult well before reaching the level of having an OF.
Office gossip doesn't prevent you from getting or keeping a job. Presumably, bonbi would be working with other entry-level employees around her age range, and you seriously underestimate the general zoomer opinion about OF - nobody cares. If anything the other females would be asking her for tips.

> As someone who has employed people in the past if I knew someone had an OF I would pick them last rather than risk it creating issues in the following months.
Your landscaping business with 3 employees doesn't count

If you think for one second that having a history of doing onlyfans would prevent bonbi from stocking shelves at target or checking out customers at the piggly wiggly you're completely out of touch

> well yeah but I mean for a GOOD job
she can barely muster up the energy to take a 15 second video of her tits flopping around, this girl isn't going to be a doctor or an engineer

> nobody cares
I think you are confusing your own lack of caring with a general lack of caring. Most people, including zoomers, do care, most people look down on whores, even if they make use of them. Its biology, evolution, deep rooted human instinct - it wont change quickly just because the internet was invented. Also, whatever job she gets you will probably find people of all ages working alongside her. Flipping burgers might be just a college job for you but for a lot of people its a normal job.

Go spend some time reading comments on reddit, facebook, youtube, or whatever other normie watering holes you can think of. Sure, people privately might look down on whores, but the vast majority of people 30 and under not only don't care if a girl sells nudes, they'll virtue signal until their dying breath that "sex work is real work" and/or "she was groomed/victimized and it wasn't her fault" etc etc

I really do see where you're coming from but if you only frequent niche sites like this one, or niche interests on normie websites, I think it's your perception of people that's distorted.

btw, I'm not happy to be taking the position on this I am. I'm sure you and I agree on a lot of things, whores included. I'm just saying you don't seem to really know how young people actually think and behave.

And sure, there might be people of all ages working at a burger-flipping-tier job. Maybe some of the older ones might judge bonbi, but if they step out of line, all she has to do is say that the creepy 50 year old mcnugget cook is heckin sexually assaulting her by being creepy. That's a bit of a joke but seriously, showing your tits on the internet just isn't enough to prevent you from getting minimum wage employment. Maybe 20 or even 15 years ago (though not really because the internet wasn't as prevalent and people wouldn't be able to look her up as easily), but times have seriously changed.

Again, I understand YOUR position and frankly I agree with you. But it doesn't matter what we think, and I firmly believe that out in IRL, not the imageboard court of public opinion, bonbi will be just fine, regardless of her past behavior. Not saying that's a good thing, but it is what it is in current US society.

We give different weights to different posts. My view is that a site where people are commenting about girls doing porn either way is by definition not normal - it self selects people who go with the 'sex work is valid work' attitude. People make those comments because they feel it needs to be said, people dont comment the opposite because it goes without saying, its the norm.

I understand where you are coming from but my reading just matches better with my online AND offline experience. I have seen plenty of comments from zoomers (especially women) who dont like what she is doing or the prevalence of it in general.

Its human nature to have a problem with it. Its rooted in the male fear of unwittingly raising someone elses child leasing to a dislike of overly promiscuous women. Its evolved over 1000s of years. It does not change in just a generation.

> Go spend some time reading comments on reddit, facebook, youtube, or whatever other normie watering holes you can think of.
Go get a job and spend some time talking with your colleagues and listen in to conversations.
Normies love nothing more than to talk shit and you'll quickly get to know everything about everyone there.
> the vast majority of people 30 and under not only don't care if a girl sells nudes
The vast majority certainly care, women won't want to associate with her and dudebros will think she's a whore and easy pussy.
The fact that they can brag about fucking a celebrity won't help her at all.
> I'm just saying you don't seem to really know how young people actually think and behave.
You seem to think people who work minimum wage jobs are people of good character, while there may be good people who are down on their luck, there's often a reason they can't find better jobs.
> creepy 50 year old
More like a sleazy 23 year old trying to get her hooked on weed and speed.

Go outside and ask 100 people "Hey, have you ever heard of Bonbibonkers?" I would be shocked if ONE person knew

Then ask them "Have you ever heard of Britney Spears?" and every single person will know

She's Z-list internet celebrity famous, not actually famous you dork

but thanks for the google dictionary definition

If you asked 100 people the same about the celebrities leaked during the fappening before the leaks you'd get the same response.
Just because a celebrity isn't a household name doesn't nullify their status.
Bonbi has shaped internet culture massively, at no fault of her own, and still does to this day; the continued threads on 4chan should attest to her still having some form of relevance.
It's an objective fact that bonbi is a celebrity whether you like it or not.
> but thanks for the google dictionary definition
You're welcome!

One thing I never understood about this and other bonunities out there is why the anger at her, she's doing exactly what the vocal minority been pushing her into for years and getting angry at her for doing it, like she owes you anything.

I don't like the OF shit, it's not for me, but jesus fucking christ guys, what the fuck has she done to you to get this type of hate? People actually wishing death on her all the way down to saying her house is messy like that means anything. get a fucking grip

Saying bonbi is famous is like saying ray park or audrey munson or john bardeen is famous. Just because you personally haven't heard of them doesn't mean they aren't famous, it just means you're ignorant of the facts

this, it's psuedo mate guarding nonsense. just have a laugh and enjoy the show, she's not going to be your girlfriend/wife so ultimately who cares

> People actually wishing death on her all the way down to saying her house is messy like that means anything.
Well I certainly don't wish death upon her but to be fair her room is disgusting and I think it's an amusing and valid point of discussion

I see people being disappointed by Bonbi and angry at coomers. Fans are fans of the people they follow, nothing out of the ordinary about that. When someone you are a fan of pivots to porn its something you talk about in disappointed/shocked terms. If they do it possibly in response to years of a small number asking for it you get angry at that small number. This is all very obvious and normal, not sure why you need it explaining?

one of the cats died while she was on a south park themed vacation and the rest of them, and her, have ringworm, and there's feces on the floor in her room. we must have different definitions of "well looked after"

I have any issue with it. Most people IRL who I have ever discussed it with have an issue with it. Most comments I see in normal places have an issue with it. Commenters on websites, forums or videos likely to appeal to people who like to discuss porn do not have a problem with it.

You are testament that some people can convince themselves of anything if they are willing to ignore enough.

> new idea
> fighting fat

The makeup, nice.
The outfit, nice.
The boobies, nice.

And yet, it feels like nothing.

I think a part of the people who actually developed hate for her just wanted her for themselves. The type of delusional orbiters you see with all the e-girls. They have the "I could have saved her... if I locked her up in my NEET rape dungeon!" mentality.

Others are disproportionally disappointed and act it out in irrational ways. They're likely this way to others and/or themselves too.

The large majority doesn't feel hate towards her though, whether they like what she's doing or not.

> Those cats are well looked after.
I think that's a gravely incorrect assumption.

She's been generally lazy, she got fatter, she doesn't upload regularly and she most definitely puts a lot less work into her videos.

Just look at the ones literally post right above you.
When actually was the last time she recorded in lower speed, so she could lip-sync properly and go through all the small movements in detail?

The Hanayo one there has more creativity than her last 9 uploads combined. The last somewhat original or well acted one was the Big Mac thing. That was 6 weeks ago. Which is a long ass time on tiktok.

I mean, she didn't even care to remove her Venti "double feature". kek
Unless there is a specific reason that I missed.

> Think.
Right back at you, bro.
There are tons OF hoes that still rake in several 100k views per videos regularly.
Bonbi losing views has nothing to do with her showing her tits on OF, and all with her being lazy and simply not caring enough about tiktok anymore.

I was strictly talking about Tik tok and I think IG is different in that she actively promotes her OF there, so it might have had an influence by losing her younger audience there.

Besides, the rest still applies when it comes to her uploading WAY less often on IG than she used to.
From what I can tell, the last time she did a "three fitting posts in a row" on IG, like she used to autistically do constantly, was at the beginning of the year and before that over a year ago.

Three days ago I removed /agatha2/ from my bookmarks.
And I'm already better not having see all the shitty negativity there.
Decided to finally get rid of /bbg/ too and also purge it from my browser history.

See you on other side, brothers... or in a year.

she wanted to cosplay with her male "special person" (bf) this stream but couldnt bc she gave him ringworm, also she skipped onlyfans monday bc she couldnt stop shitting from a healthy meal she (under)cooked herself

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our girl is more worm than bonbi at this point. 
her worm overlords may have been running the show for a while now, it would explain a lot of things.
mayhaps the ringworm told her to get a drivers license just so she could spread the worm plague across the continent.

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ngl, I'm sad when I see her social media dying. This is the logical result when you suddenly become a simple e-thot. It's even sadder that she still hasn't figured out why this started happening in 2022. Twitch/OF simps make it worse.
Many people would give anything to get the popularity that she got in 2019, because of her laziness she was never able to use it tho
The last good opportunity she had was friendship with Emiru.
It's already obvious that her social media will completely die after a while. And she will have only OF.
I hope she's thinking a bit about getting at least some kinda education.

She's been online since she was 14, been groomed, sent pron hub links, had half of Russia trying to locate her, had her best friend dying of cancer turn out to be another groomer, been told she was not allowed to ban pedos from her own Discord server, had Reddit threads sexualizing her at 14, had every thirsty comment under the sun thrown at her, had to stop reading DMs because of lewd comments, been told she is fat and lazy, been told she is a whore (long before she became a whore), been rejected by the giant social media platform that used her for promotion, banned from it and others for offenses other creators get away with every day, constantly told she is dumb and grew up trapped at home with no irl friends.

Sorry if you think she's had it easy Anon, you must have had it rough.

Imagine a world where digital pixels can hurt you, where words that dont exist effect your mental status and imagine a world where you can post the most unsexy nudes in the world and still get paid more than everyone else in this thread. Impossible? Maybe....but not....in the the twlight zone

No.  Even without an account you can check it and see she has 17 posts up currently.  If it goes up to 18, then she'll have posted.
But she's probably taking another week off.
She better have something good in store for Christmas.

Do you think she will post on OnlyWhores next Monday given it will be Christmas day? I know she is not religious but her family is - imagine the conversation around the Christmas turkey as the post goes up. Thing is I suspect the coomers are dreaming of the Christmas present.

clearly not but its about the only thing left for her since her streaming isnt doing jack and shes stopped giving a fuck about tiktok, next step is either full nudes and beyond or walmart hiring, and you know that girl aint doing no normie job

slightly bummed about her ditching tiktok, that was the last vestige of bon being cute. Not a lot left for me to care about now. Nothing in fact. 

Have at it, coomers, I wish you the best, treat the girl right. And if bon actually reads this god forsaken message board, good luck to you most of all. I hope you achieve true happiness. 


> I hope you achieve true happiness
we will never achieve happiness, for the light of bon has been eclipsed, a horde of new tiktok girls shine like stars in the distant, but the bonbi bro is left in the dark, left with nothing but a picture of ass every monday

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thumbnail of [4-17-23] bonniebonkers - my new house-
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I started to watch bonbi's tiktoks again, when she had started. 
i got an anguish that it was all over, or that it was
 already over. Last night I fell asleep watching those 
videos, and then I dreamt about her, I was at burgerking 
with some friends, when I saw her I got so excited that I 
wanted to talk and tell her everything I knew about her.
 I went up to her and she took me by the hand. I felt so
 good that I woke up very much in love and the day is 
not over yet and it still lasts. I feel stupid.

Id rate a Bonbi 3/10 when it comes to OF content. She has nice tits, and  a cute butt, but all her sets are just the same thing, except different cosplay. The fact she didnt have an Xmas set ready to go this year is bunk, and honestly she needs to either go all in or just abandon ship before she has to do something she doesn't want to do to keep the paypigs happy, and not have to get a "real" job. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

2023-12-28 - WHAAAAAAAAAT
Cosplayed as Santa in Jett wig
Stream Started 21:54
22:00 Was making Tiktoks today, saw a cat outside,was nice to her. Called her Mom, told not to steal the cat.
22:05 Not been posting because Christmas did not go well and after that she was sick.
22:06 Stopped taking her meds because she is an idiot
22:07 Cats pooped on two of her wigs. Pidge wig is no more.
22:09 New South Park - someone did OF. Bon predicted it by making porn as her on that web site
22:11 Had to buy a bottle of Prime for a cosplay -  was embarrassed that people saw her buy it.
22:15 Has been watching Sam and Colby YT show
22:25 'I miss cosplaying but at the same time the thought of cosplaying makes me puke'
22:29 When she wqas 15 she cosplayed on NYE instead of hanging with her family.
22:30 Made some Tiktoks today.
22:30 Once streamed (Tiktok) on her brothers birthday instead of celebrating with family. She was eating his cake on the stream. Embarrassed that the stream is still on the internet.
22:33 Felt shitty she did not post on Christmas
22:41 When she was younger used to think she was better than other people. It was cringe.
22:46 171 viewers
22:55 Will be posting porn next week
22:59 Probably wont go live on OnlyWhores [Note to anyone new here: This probably means she will go live on OnlyWhores next week]
22:59 Once doxxed a fellow cosplayer
23:01 Sent her (cosplayer she doxxed) a picture of her (cosplayer she doxxed) house
23:02 This was when she was 14
23:03 - 23:12 Stories of being mean as a kid
23:13 Loved hurricanes as a kid because the whole family got to sleep in the living room and set up tents.
23:19 Used to talk to her pet rat, Ratatat. The rat disagreed with her, Bon was so embarressed she hid under her parents bed.
23:22 Had three brothers. Bon was a Tom Boy. Like Metallica, Puddle of Mud, Green Day, Evanessence.
23:33 Went to 'The Wiggles' concert as a baby and slept through the whole thing
23:37 Dances to 'Dumb dumb'
23:49 Dances to 'Renai Circulation' with Randy
23:58 Dances to 'Ice Cream Cake'
00:02 Used to dance at a competitive dance school. Thought she was good but watched herself recently and she was 'dog shit'
00:07 When she was 11 moved to a new class where she was really quiet. One of her classmates thought she was a school shooter.
00:09 Been home-schooled her entire life, never been to a normal school
00:22 Doesnt have IRL friends. Hosted parties a few months ago but they didn't work out.
00:24 Was excited to get a friend when she moved out but it didn't work out. They had made plans together.
00:30 Not saying she will have kids but if she does wants them to have a wonderful time.
00:38 Felt bad for not posting over Christmas. Christmas itself went poorly.
00:43 'When I was a teenager I would have liked to date someone my own age, but that didn't happen'
01:02 AugustUwU joins
01:06 *coughing*
01:33 People dont like her because a few years ago a private Discord was shipping her / Doxxing her and her mods banned everybody.
01:43 Going to post a Tiktok today or tomorrow, going to post on IG today or tomorrow, going to post on OnyWhores on Monday.
01:44 Stream Ends

The real tragedy is how she was saying if she ever has children she wants them to be so happy. If she does have children and 10 years from now the other children find her porn her own kids lives are blighted. She has ruined their lives in 2023 before they are even born and she hasn't realized it yet.

> 22:30 Once streamed (Tiktok) on her brothers birthday instead of celebrating with family. She was eating his cake on the stream. Embarrassed that the stream is still on the internet.
I wonder if this was the one where there were shouts being heard from outside her room/other areas in the house.

> Christmas did not go well
> Christmas itself went poorly.

Thanks for the recap.

TLDR; She was saying how much she liked some of her whole fan base and how she cant wait to start a Discord server with them. And if you believe that you'll believe anything and wont have to read the summary :-)

2023.01.01 - hey guys / OMGGGG overwatch competitive diamond era
Cosplayed as OOC, blond wig
Stream started 18:51

18:54 Uses her iPhone 13 Pro for photos.
18:55 Shows 'Ringworm Survivor' T-Shirt
18:57 Visited Subreddit of some YouTubers she promoted last stream. Regrets praising them. [Last stream she talked about Sam and Colby]
18:59 Took Cartman pictures but never posted them.
19:00 Insists ghosts are real.
19:03 Liked YouTubers because they showed ghosts are real. Bon believes in ghosts but nobody else she knows does.
19:09 Wants to stream more and 'put herself out there' more.
19:10 Was meant to go to Twitch con 2023 but could not find a room.
19:12 Going to try to go to AX
19:14 Recalls old Eminem edit about her, says nice things about some of her old community. Still has memes saved from the old Discord. Not everybody on there was bad.
19:16 Ricardo Memes were invented in her name.
19:17 Someone wanted to interview her for an article about Tiktok cosplayers but she was not allowed because she was very 'controlled'
19:17 Not all her old fans were bad. Now she dislikes some of them and they dislike her. Going to make a Discord soon.
19:23 Tries to join Fall Guys but is told she needs an Epic Games account. She has an account but does not know the password
19:27 Will be posting OnlyWhores today but it will have to be 'around nighttime'
19:32 Fall Guys says she cant play because she doesnt have space. Uninstalling begins...
19:40 Struggling to open game
19:45 Changes to OW2 - Mercy Boxing
20:16 Changes to 1 dad vs 11 kids. Bon is the Daddy
20:42 Changes to OW2. (Bon is diamond 4)
20:50 Tries to play Competitive - gives up because of queue
20:53 Started her New Years by playing ???
21:40 Ends OW2. Some Opera singing.
21:40 Stream ends

Her making a discord would be a huge mistake her only real fans are on of she's losing ig followers she doesn't really care about tiktok anymore and her toks have been shit for awhile anyway it will be a shit show

She said she's post on her OF today.  I hope she shows her pussy or butthole so the "it's over" fags can whine how it's even more over and that they're leaving her behind but won't and will just keep obsessing over her flabby ass for years to come.

Nah bro she posted that she only does "tease and booba stuff" now and every other Monday at that.

Hilarious that people though 0F was going to ruin her. Nope. It's literally her sheer laziness. She can't even do well at posting one set each week for almost 6 figures if she just gave half an effort

Whatever it is doesn't look like cat shit plus cats normally go in corners etc. Still needs to clean her damn carpet. I think she is at that stage of living on her own she has not discovered the complete list of jobs her mum used to do for her to keep the house clean.

lmfao this is her having LOST weight? this hog is so disgusting to look at, i actually lost my appetite seeing that fat gunt jiggling and i came here to fap.
not even looking forward to her masturbation video at this rate because her smegma-coated gunt will just be nightmare fuel.

Genuine question I'd love to ask her: where the fuck does her charisma go when shes doing this shit?  She can melt hearts on tiktok for years but when she has the freedom to do onlyfans she looks like a fuckin fish out of water or something. This is the unsexiest thing I think I've ever seen.

> The last good opportunity she had was friendship with Emiru.
Emiru has 17k viewers right now playing Elden Ring in completely normal attire, 4 hours into the stream. For comparison, Shroud is at 8.5k playing Tarkov.
Emiru gains around 500 followers on Twitch daily, while Bonbi loses about 2 on average.
Let that sink in.

I don't know how many viewers Bonbi had in her recent streams, but my goodness is this a discrepancy.
She might have never gotten to 17k viewers, but she easily could have gotten herself to a stable viewcount if she just would have worked on having a consistent schedule.

My guess would be that on TT she can pretend to be happy easier.

bro that's cope. it's poop for sure

People have been saying in these threads forever that all she has to do to make great OF content is to literally just do TikTok stuff but naked. Still trite of course, but would be leagues better than what she does currently, which is just depressing tbh

this, I can always tell who doesn't have pets (or hasn't had pets as an adult, just when they lived at home with their parents, because their parents cleaned everything up, much like bonbi). Pets are fucking disgusting. I say this as an animal lover. I have a cat and dogs, and I love them dearly, but they're absolutely GROSS left to their own devices. Hair, piss, shit, etc will be everywhere if you don't stay on top of it and train them properly, which I can guarantee bon bon has not. Hence the dukie all over her floor and under the bed.

> I have a cat
ONE cat, like a normal person
> I had two cats and a dog when I was growing up
This is exactly why I said, people who haven't had pets as an adult. Your parents probably spent time training the pets to not be as gross as they are naturally, i.e., to pee and poop outside. I assume you've also trained your cat, and you've probably trained yourself a bit too, to do things like vacuum up shedded fur, or to not let the cat sit in your lap if you're about to leave the house wearing something black, etc.

The crux of my argument is that Bonbi has NOT trained her cats. One person, unless they're dedicating more or less every waking moment to it, can't possibly train 8 or 9 cats or however many she has.

P.S. if your cat uses a litter box inside the house, your entire place stinks like shit. You might not think so, but everyone else does.

tl;dr it's cat shit in the pictures

Sorry that your argument has descended to telling me that my childhood memories are wrong and that you, a person I have never met, will tell me what actually happened and explain how that version of events confirms you are correct.

> Sorry that your argument has descended to telling me that my childhood memories are wrong and that you, a person I have never met, will tell me what actually happened and explain how that version of events confirms you are correct.
I don't know what your childhood memories are you feckless simp, but what I can do is examine the conversation we've had so far...

In  >>/44897/ I said:
> Your parents probably spent time training the pets to not be as gross as they are naturally, i.e., to pee and poop outside.
Then, in  >>/44898/ you replied:
> Your reading of the current situation and guesswork about my childhood pet training is entirely wrong.

So your parents didn't train the animals? Is that where I'm wrong, and they did in fact let them piss and shit in the house?


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Last stream she was saying she wanted to stream more and go to cons to meet people and she even said nice things about her old fan base (which she has not done since 2021). Do you think she is starting to get tired of the new fan base and its internal struggle to see who can send her the most Dick pics in a single DM?

Bonbi says a lot of things.
Bonbi gets tired of everything after being over-excessively hyped for it.

Girl got untreated ADHD or something and it's been showing for years now. Some people have romanticized her mental issues when she was a teenager, but that shit hinders you when you're an adult and supposed to function.
Especially if you're like Bonbi who just moved into a huge fucking house on her own, with not even her family to keep her in check anymore.

Seriously, would love it if someone else would do these.

2024.01.05 - yassified
Cosplayed as OOC, blue T-Shirt, Blond wig
Stream started 19:56

19:57 First time she has spoken today - sounds annoying
20:01 After last stream something bad happened. Bon is OK but something horrible happened - 'an animal jumped in front of the road [car] while we were driving'
20:17 Going to start making a Discord today.
20:18 A cat pissed on her couch again. Going to have have to buy new parts. Bon was lying on the piss stain before she noticed it. Nishka pisses on lots of things.
20:25 Loves petting her cats every morning.
20:27 Shows drawings - Stan and Kyle, Bon and Marley, other SP characters
20:30 Shows Cheesy Poof Cartman
20:39 - 21:14 Playing Fortnight
20:59 When she was Young Bon called her brother 'Salad Snake' because he was playing MSG. Didn't know the correct name.
21:14 - Playing OW2
21:18 People are mad on her OF. She only posts every other Monday. People have been spoiled by her posting every Monday. People call her a scan artist.
21:22 Is worried one day someone will make a YT video calling her a scam artist.
21:28 New Years Resolutions - Stream more, post more, leave the house more.
21:28 Does OF because she needs money. Enjoys being home and not getting yelled at by customers. Would never recommend OF unless you dont have a choice.
21:34 Cant wait to have her own house and have a 'shit-ton' of cats
21:38 Doesnt know what she want to do with her life (partner job etc) but knows she wants to get a big house full of cats.
21:50 Loves dogs. Loves cats. Hates people.
22:09 Stream Ends

> People have been spoiled by her posting every Monday.
It's amazing she thinks posting once a week is SPOILED.

> 21:34 Cant wait to have her own house and have a 'shit-ton' of cats
I thought she is renting the house she's in right now?

Thanks for the writeup, unfortunately I don't think anybody here got the nerves to do them. Even though I like reading them, don't force yourself to watch her streams if you don't want to.

Thanks for the recap

> posts three pictures and a short video (almost) every week
> uploads pictures from old sets when she can't be bothered to make new ones
> can't keep a consistent posting schedule
> whines over people getting mad
Bonbi is such a disaster she can't even sell porn without fucking up

So she actually returned immediately after the stream broke and streamed for another two hours singing along to various hits.

Kinda fun but nothing significant to be mentioned happened.

I hope she gets her life together. Last stream it sounded like she was thinking of going further than she was comfortable with on OF because people were accusing her of being a scam. She has done what she said she would do, not what she stated she was not sure if she would do or not. Not meeting their expectations isn't a scam - its a problem with their expectations.

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I wonder what could have possibly given them such lofty expectations

once again it is a situation entirely of her own creation that, instead of remedying and moving on from, she will inevitably faceplant straight into in the most self destructive way possible
such is the bonbibonkers lifecycle

Well when she started her OF she never stated that it would always forever only be semi nude so people were disappointed but her not going further is fine if she’s not comfortable with it.

Her having an already tenuous release schedule also disappointed a lot of people.

Then she rug pulls and flippantly decides to HALF her content for the month with no update, she just decided to do it. 

Keep in mind, it’d be one thing if these were high production photo shoots or large albums of photos, or even 5-10min long videos, I think people would be much more compromising, I certainly would be

However, these are really low quality photos and less than a minute long videos, the backgrounds are haphazard, literally in her set before the last there was quite possibly cat shit or something off putting under her bed. 

She orders some standard lingerie from Victoria secret, or some cosplay off Etsy, and that’s basically the extent of her efforts. Again, I think people are so harsh because she’s literally doing the BARE MINUMUM and still manages to fuck it up consistently and will now be doing less than half of that.

The problem is just the complete lack of ethic. It’s like, when I go to McDonald’s, I know the food won’t be amazing. But I would at least hope they serve with a modicum of decorum and the food is presentable.

It’s just really grating because it’s just so fucking lazy

She went from producing more than she promised in her initial bout of excitement to producing what technically meets her promise.

There are three million accounts on OnlyWhores, people buy into this one because its Bonbi. She is being Bonbi. She is giving them what they pay for.

dude, even if someone managed to cum, I don't think it would be that enjoyable, I feel like it would feel sad and depressing, like it happened to not waste the payment to the onlyfans

You must be new here. Or just too dumb to learn from the past to understand the present.

Bonbi has never been consistent in anything she does. She has missed some OF posts compared to what she might have suggested at the beginning when she was excited about it but if someone has a problem with that they are subbed to the wrong channel. Doesnt make it a scam, just keeps it in line with her career to date.

bonbi has never had any talent for anything. it's at the point where she's not even coasting by on her looks, she's coasting by on what her looks were 5 years ago. you can blame mental illness, her fanbase, her age, whatever, the fact of the matter is that she is incapable of exerting any amount of effort into anything at all. she needs to find a simp with money and marry them so she can sit around all day (hopefully they are rich enough to hire a maid so she doesn't have to sit in a pile of cat shit)

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Would you do anything for me?
Buy a big diamond ring for me?
Would you get down on your knees for me?
Pop that pretty question, right now baby
Beauty queen on a silver screen
Living life like I'm in a dream
I know I've got a big ego
I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though

Most people don't get a single chance at striking gold and bonbi has done so thrice, and pissed it away every single time by being a complete moron.
I honestly understand why all her friends leave her, they have had to spend several years of their adult lives to grow their brand and image and this borderline retarded girl gets everything and more than they could have wanted for free one day when she was 15 and decides to throw hissy fits and sabotage herself like a spoiled child.

At this point I'm surprised bonbi doesn't have her own thread on kf, every single point in her internet "career" is utterly fascinating.
Even the byplays like anonce or her book deal tops many of the staple lolcows on that site by several miles.

> makes videos on a new video platform during her mid teens
> obtains a gigantic fanbase around the world
> inspires a drove of copycats
> becomes ingrained into image board culture
> anons make a shitton of original content of her FOR FREE
> image boards have a civil war over the huge amount of bonbi content being posted spawning several new memes and resurrecting old ones
> basically boxxy2.0
> unlike boxxy who has a good relation with her fans bonbi decided to constantly shit all over her fans

> gets in contact with an up and coming streamer who wants in on that image board magic
> decides to meet up with the streamer and make tiktok videos
> said streamer gets her own general on 2ch when they find out about it, they mostly discuss bonbi in it
> bonbi travels to the streamers house and joins her stream to thousands of viewers
> decides to make her own stream fetching about five hundred active viewers
> can't stop burping and farting and talking about the consistency of her feces
> bleeds viewers until she has less than 150 on average per stream
> the streamer she met up with is now one of the biggest streamers on twitch

> decides to launch an onlyfans because she has no actual skills or talents
> makes lofty promises for the price of only $7
> instantly hits the top 1% of selfie sellers because of previous fame
> thinking this is normal (why wouldn't it be?) she decides to sell personal photos and videos for basically pennies worth
> gets absolutely swarmed with requests and has to shut it down
> starts to slip up on her promises she made at the start making her simps pissed

Bonbi could have gone any way she'd wanted. 
She could have leveraged her tiktok fame into getting a job in media like Boxxy.
She could have gotten into streaming like Emiru, or just kept her 500 viewers and lived comfortably.
She could have made stacks of money making better content on onlyfans and then retire if she so wished.

Instead she's living alone with her 10 cats shitting and pissing all over her rented house which she still has to make onlyfans content to pay for.

You are a very intelligent person. Never once did I consider that Bonbi essentially had the essence of fame and success THREE TIMES. Many people online work exceptionally hard and sometimes capture lightning in a bottle but hardly ever consistently have such overwhelming success with such minimal effort. It’s insane that she’s had 3 avenues to success that we know of, and has managed to squandered them all. Tik Tok is apparently a shit platform to make money and retain an audience, however most savvy people transferred that audience to a more monetarily successful platform like YouTube or twitch. 

Being tight with Emiru who is in league with some even more successful streamers while she herself being successful was a massive boon that many people could essentially only dream of. It’s such an opportunity many would kill for

Onlyfans, while maybe not as ideal is STILL an insane way to garner success. There’s literally no reason why she can have such a success OF and only have 150 viewers maximum. It’s crazy.

> Onlyfans, while maybe not as ideal is STILL an insane way to garner success
Trouble is it sounds like the clock has already started ticking on her OF career staying at the level it is. She can of course help drag it out by getting more lewd but then the argument is - she is a woman, she can always make money being a whore. Hardly success when compared to the likes of Emiru.

yeah what makes me pissed is that she had the best connections possible like EMIRU, that girl is big both on tiktok and on twitch, literally the perfect connection to make it big on twitch, and she ruins it somehow

Honestly bonbi is retarded and I'm tired of letting things go, I was even defending bonbi and making excuses, and I even thought emiru could be a bad influence but i'm retarded for that, seeing what emiru does now compared to bonbi makes everything clear

Emiru does what she does because in her current position it keeps the money rolling in. She was not afraid to sell herself on her body back when that was what was needed and she doesnt mind working with Bonnie Rabbit, the OF porn star.

> Honestly bonbi is retarded and I'm tired of letting things go, I was even defending bonbi and making excuses,
Honestly, you don't need to do either of these things.
You're not responsible for her behaviour.

> Tik Tok is apparently a shit platform to make money and retain an audience
It's the thing that is often overlooked when it comes to Bonbi, she had an absolutely enormous audience outside of tiktok spreading her name around.
4chan had hundreds of Bonbi threads on /wsg/ which reached close to 2000 posts each in a matter of hours until the jannies banned them, then they renamed them as tiktok threads.
2ch has almost 1000 threads with at least 500 posts each on /fag/.
This board alone on an obscure website has 45000 posts.
All these chans had their own posters and crossposters making oc and memes of Bonbi.

She could have moved to any platform she wanted and she'd have an absolute swarm of fans follow her and literally create content around her.
It's truly baffling how she was able to squander chan magic of all things.  >>/44953/

> Just sell some fucking signed photos lmfao
oh I remember a couple of cosplayers doing that, even way less known than bonbi, my old self would've collected the photos like some of the crazy addicted collectors, but yeah now I wouldn't buy that shit especially since her content is ass (literally)

She sold a signed photo of her as Anala when she sold the book. I think it was $15?

She has been manipulated, isolated, lied to and had people close to her shit on her since she was 14 and it shows in her lack of confidence. Maybe she deserves some blame for being so bad at choosing who to listen to but its not entirely her fault.

Tiktok is famously bad for paying creators, for example it typically takes around 80% (yes, eighty percent) of money donated during live streams. Given its refusal to crown Bonbi I think that means she will never get a share of any ad revenue either.

how is this worse than the patreon, her tease photos with her legs up and her ahri photos were at least hot enough, but this is complete ass, whats the point of a close up with no eroticism or lewdness, fat jiggling and flopping isn't that special or nice

yeah but imagine her tits out while doing the patreon poses, imagine her tits out with a real cosplay instead of some random fishnet clothing, at least in patreon she was doing lewd poses with cosplays, this is just her flopping her tits without any effort, it gets old fast

2023 bonbi rules supreme
2022 bonbi rage and scream
2021 bonbi rage so hard she blows steam
2020 bonbi fills her pants full of cream
2019 bonbi can't compete even in a dream
2018 bonbi is the worst one in this scheme

> 2023 bonbi is a successful women

Clearly you didnt watch last stream where she said about 10 times how depressed she is atm. She hates having to do OF to get money. Personally I dont think she had to, not sure now or not.

But in 2022 she added the Twitch streaming which is why I think 2022 was peak Bonbi, at least the first half of that year. The rot started to set in when she met the OnlyFriends which was July 2022 but it didn't destroy her immediately.

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I see the same 5 chatters every stream, and I feel like at least one of them is a bonbi bro guy, especially like 2 guys they clip cute bonbi moments and later I see it on here, idk it could be another guy downloading the clips but it adds up, especially like one of the guys, he names the clip certain names that an anon would type here, and some its like he is talking in a thread, that shit is weird man these chatters are endchan anons and shit

Bonbi said once that someone (Pumpkin) donated $2000 and she only got $900 but the truth is Tiktok obfuscates the financials behind so many layers its hard to calculate their cut. Bon would not even have known that the donator had to pay for her to see it as $2000 and might not have been factoring in what it took for her to remove the $900.

LTT did a video with Kallmekris - one of Tiktok biggest creators at the time. She laid down how they are to work with - https://youtube.com/watch?v=mWhqAVnTNJE

Doubt the traffic here isnt much, so Im sure it's mostly regular anons here. Oldfags who have been around since she became popular, to current anons who are here for the potential downfall and/or OF leaks. I mean you have to randomly stumble upon this place or be in the know to really find it. Bonbi should return to who she was, but if I was a woman who can make ok money flopping my tits out, I would do it as well, even if it comes at the cost of friends, and family. Question is will she go further to keep the simps happy, or will she eventually not show her pussy and fall back on streaming and part time work.

Endchan comes up fairly early if you search on Duckduckgo (default search if you use TOR) and used to come up in a Google search as well. I know a couple of Twitch chatters and simps I suspect have at least been here in the past.

There are at least two Bros who publish complete stream summaries on here, or at least used to until very recently. Clearly some people watch Twitch and post here, I dont get where you are going with this, why it seems so remarkable to you?

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> why it seems so remarkable to you?
because you don't get it, I'm not saying a random bonbi chatter is posting on here, if you frequently watch her stream, you will find that there is like 4-5 chatters that are always there and are recognizable, also there is a couple of chatters who clip moments and you can see who clipped what and I see those clips servicing on here, so its not just that I think some chatters post here, I think we reached that point where we can tell which anon is which, like I have a feeling the mango is the one who posts twitch clips and cute screenshots since he names the clips stuff like "cute bon" and "cute dance" and stuff like that, and I recognize the essay debate lord on here from the way he writes on chat, I feel like I recognize like 2 anons here who frequent twitch chat

> Bon would not even have known that the donator had to pay for her to see it as $2000 and might not have been factoring in what it took for her to remove the $900.
When the lives ended, it showed how many "tik tok coins" were collected and people said 50% were given to the creator.
I remember she said she made several hundred dollars per live, so that would line up with that statement.
That being said, it's very well possible that tik tok also took a cut from when people BOUGHT the coins you spent on their platform, kinda like how Twitch does with their bits.
So $2000 turning into $900 for the creator seems feasible to me. At least back in 2018-2020. No clue if they changed it in the meantime.

But this is just "from what I've heard" etc.
Might be a good idea for somebody to ask her during her next stream, I'm sure she'd be ok with answering it.

Brah cats should not be any where near food or on top of counters.
I never watch her stream, but called me old fashion, women should still act like they dont fart or shit, it is despicable god made women do that deed as well, guess as punishment for eating the apple.

We got a request to lift a rangeban which seems to be local, issued by BO here, on the 2001.44 IPv4 range. It seems effecting bystanders on the same range. If it is not necessary to keep it up, could the BO see if he can lift it? It was issued after an Anon posted unsolicited aboriginal porn.

I don't think I've ever done anything ban worthy here.  I've often been accused of being multiple different posters which I always found funny.  I always assumed I got a crossfire ban because the mod/admin figured I was multiple people

I just realized, she's been fat for almost 4 years now, I was coping the first year but yeah she was fat back then too, like I just opened a 2020 tiktok and she was fat, and back then I liked the toks but what was I thinking, the tiktok were embarrassing, its like I was clinging to the glory days and the fun times, I coped for 4 years and only now when her fat tits is out I realize it, I wish I chose another girl to obsess about

The cosplans video was acceptable weight but yeah it was noticeable that she gained a lot of weight in 2020, then she gained more, until it reached noticeable levels in that K/DA tiktok, at that point it really affected the quality of the cosplays, like the Arcade cosplay she doesn't really fit the character she is trying to cosplay, its really weird that she didn't see it as a problem since her main thing is cosplaying

Akali KDA she looked huge. That might have been her biggest but I think the cosplay affects it as well - Nozomi just before looked great. I liked her Jinx cosplay if thats the Arcane one you were thinking of but I know what you mean. Probably a big reason I liked it was I was enjoying her Twitch stream at the time. I would also note that when she cosplayed Mei - a famously chunky character intended to beat some stereotypes - nobody said her weight spoiled it.

Biggest problem she has is her choice to become a porn star - big tits might help but otherwise anything above skinny is 'specialist'.

Your post is pretty incoherent. Any site with free posting is spammed with illegal shit. Without a big enough userbase the most common proxies and ip ranges can't be accurately blocked. Only way to stop it is to require accounts with verified IDs/SNN lol. Anyway no the cp spammers are not in anyway helping to fund the site.

No ban id on the alert window.
Unless you really want the ban to stay (please note it so) we'll lift it instead.

We remove that crap as quickly as possible. If it stays up for more than an hour, please contact us. But BOs, BVs should act too (we can remove), alert them too, perhaps they are around.

Spammer targets ~10 boards ~10 times a day so yeah.

> prevent
Imageboards are free to use without registration type of platforms. No prevention for anything.
Thank you for your valuable input though.

Her nips seem to get hard when she rubs them, but I still get the feeling she isnt really into it at all, bet she doesnt even touch herself often irl. Has she ever mentioned in streams if she gets off to it at all, or is this 100% for money?

She has stated that she hates doing OF, does not want it to be what she is known for, only does it for the money and nobody should ever do it unless they have no other option.

She has said she is gay but then her last 'Girlfriend' was a dude, albeit a twink, so who knows.

> it is despicable god made women do that deed as well, guess as punishment for eating the apple.
Take your meds, schitzo.

Her OF legacy will be that of 500 20 seconds clips of tits getting slapped.
Truly the epitome of erotic entertainment.

> I dont know how she handles the shame.
Probably the same she's handled everything difficult in the past, not well.

Truly bizarre to equating scamming somebody with showing your titties online.
The other Anon even said "It aint lying, it aint dishonest."

> Her nips seem to get hard when she rubs them
I did not look close enough to be able to notice that... but that can also just be a mechanical reaction.

> Truly bizarre to equating scamming somebody with showing your titties online.
Its the grift mentality - something is right or wrong depending on if it makes money or not. If someone criticizes something someone else does 'they made money from it' is used as a defense.

Making deepfakes of anybody is creepy.
But doing it when she was underaged surely must have left some lasting damage.
Unfortunately it's shit like that that pushed her down this path she went.

Did she say it was because of the OF and not her just being an idiot and not interesting to talk to in general?

That first edit is really, really good.

It's astonishing how she has such a good sense of aesthetics when it comes to cosplaying and Tiktoks (at least when she used to care), yet is soooo incredibly bad at making anything remotely erotic.
Not a single OF post I have seen so far made me think "oh this is hot, imma fap".

Bonbi will never imo be sexy cute yes never sexy she doesn't have the body for it and doesn't even know how to pose sexy for one, on top of that people want to see full body not just a close up of her tits not even showing her face more then half the time

To anyone else its obvious from the way I put the question I thought it was an IG Story but wanted to check while having a swipe at IGs notification system. I dont know why you didn't see that. Is your dementia getting worse?

With each passing week she feels more and more like an elderly aunt that I've accidentally walked in on while changing. And not in the hot way that the internet has made it, I mean in the real I'm-visiting-for-the-holidays and-I-forgot-which-door-was-which way. Just a biological woman that has no traits for my brain to associate with procreation of the species.

That ass does NOT look good, sorry, she put all the attributes into her tits. Maybe she has some cute innie pussy going on that can make up for that ass, but not good, not very good. Her simps telling her this is A+ stuff or something?

I went back and watched these and I'm in disbelief that she thought these were good to post.  Were these PPV as well? I'm trying to empathize with her but I can't imagine how her brain works and how it would lead her to post this.

I giggled at how simple, yet genuine your reaction was. lmao

When I know I have friends over, I clean my whole place pretty damn well. Vacuuming and cleaning all the floors, remove whatever pointless stuff I have laying around for some reason etc.
Streaming with a webcam is kinda like inviting somebody over, even if it's just digitally.

Maybe it's the... cutting room floor.

I don't usually comment on her weight because I honestly don't mind it, but I feel the need to say it's weird how she seemingly changes rapidly week to week.  Like people don't normally noticeably look different in only a week's time.  Also Bonbi, if you're reading this and have insurance, look into Wegovy.  It's a miracle drug for people who are overweight.

Thats sounds like something your mom tells you to stop you feeling so bad.

Bonbi, if you are reading this, the only way to lose weight is to eat less. Remember a diet starts at the supermarket. Dont buy junk food / snacks - if you have them hanging around the house you dont stand a chance.

I've found so many new songs that I could use in edits and I've had thoughts of how to time and chroma key stuff... but it's just not worth it anymore.
Frankly, it hasn't been for several years.

Please don't lie to yourself, she's worth it. You can use old or current tiktoks. In our hardest moments of our lives we need her because just for a few seconds we can feel just the sensation of feeling better, and minimize our problems at the end of the day and feel better just by seeing her clumsy dances or her big breasts or her concellulite butt or her body with the absence of a GYM. She is necessary for us, we need her.

I know right? Less calories in than calories out = weight loss, so simple you would think even someone in kindergarten could understand it. Yet there always folks out there trying to pretend there more to it than that, probably trying to sell some shitty diet or explain why they can seem to manage it themselves.

there were a lot of comfy chatting streams it 2022 when she lived with her parents. The dark room made it even more comfy for me.
everything is different now

ill leave only tiktok streams for my "days of drinking and memories"

bonbi lore:

> 2018 Hates pedophiles who come in comments
> 2018 Starts dating a pedophile

> 2019 Hates the sexualization of minors
> 2019 Starts sex chat on discord while underage

> 2022 Thinks it's hard to be a woman because everyone sexualizes you
> 2022 Starts to sexualize herself on patreon

> 2023 Starts to sexualize herself on OF
> 2023 Hates those who don’t want to sexualize her

even though she is a woman with a lack of logic, she has trouble understanding reality.

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> even though she is a woman with a lack of logic, she has trouble understanding reality.
I mean I think I agree with you but I have to pull you up for your logic since you are commenting on hers. Instead of 'even though' I think you mean 'as well as' (kinda opposite).

Also, peoples reaction to the Bughdaddy69 stuff from 2019 is overblown.

Wow. Also important to remember a certain % of social media accounts go fallow over time so that 2k active accounts she lost in a month is a much greater amount of actual eyes on her content than could initially be assumed

I mean, its not just womens logic thats to blame in her case. She always acts like a dumb kid with psychological problems.
I really feel sorry for those people who sincerely loved her and who believed in her in 2018-2021. Insane edits, drawings, crazy arts, birthday wishes videos with real people. But she always overreacted only to trolls, shitposters and considered the entire community to be shit.
Her future is already obvious to everyone. Porn, thousands of dumb simps around and oblivion, i dont care anymore tho

She has a victim mentality among others, pretty much every stream has a long segment of her talking about how she was sexualized, bullied, groomed, or how her friends were mean to her and she isn't friends with them anymore, or how she has fat genes despite her entire family being thin/athletic.

She rarely, if ever, takes the blame for anything that happens to her and will lie out of her teeth to exaggerate how much of a victim she was. 

The anonce saga should affirm how far she's willing to go just to seem like everyone is against her.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think she has ever apologized to her fans for trying to warn her of anonce being a literal pedo trying to groom her, all of whom she lied to and told to get fucked.

> But she always overreacted only to trolls, shitposters and considered the entire community to be shit.
She turns everything into a personal attack, everyone is a troll and shitposter in her eyes.
Reminder that her fans were on their knees begging of her not to sexualize herself so she did the Belle Delphine cosplay as a fuck you to the haters.

I think they are horrible.

They remind me of the tops that the Alien Freak Lyn would wear where they are designed to be as close to showing nipple as possible while still being not technically naked for IG. Nobody would wear that for their partner - they're about to see them naked anyway - and nobody would wear them in public. Basically tops like that are only worn by 'professionals' aka whores.

They're not sexy, not cute, not attractive in any way.

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goddammit bonbiposter...

also can a single one of these bonbis fascist Australoid monkey fans once in their life resist the temptation just to LITERALLY OUT OF NOWHERE BLURT out a pic of Aboriginals every single time but dont worry they have owned "da dumb BlaX" for the 10000th time, these are their standards. The global RethugliKKKan dirtbag right which BonbiBonKKKerSS has attracted as her fans through malicious even intentional faults of her own, is nothing more than a barbarous multiracial christofascist white saviourism cult, hellbent on replacing western democracy (with a global south reaKKKtionary system) civil rights & POGMAIP/PoCs womens right to access reproductive healthcare&abortion. The AmeriKKKan and AuSStralian colonies drew its identity from its slave society which revolved around nothing more than the propagation of infinite forms of afrikan and indginX life yet somehow, chuds despite their own logic, think this constitutes a desirable society worthy of emulation. "IM OKAY WITH A MULTIRACIAL SOCIETY AS LONG AS WHITE ADJACENT MALES GET TO LORD OVER BLAX AND WOMYN" really is what sums it up as Bonbi acts as their internet cheerleader mascot from the sides and sees herself as apart of the team, LatinX incorporates into whiteness.

At the heart of these online nazi groups like bonbi and her waffen whateverthefuck fanbase is the idea that white people have gone "too far" with regards to our social/technological endeavours AND to them, PoCs represent a more archaic past to which they wish to return (see: Appropriation of Japanese culture in almost majority of her cosplays, fans have ANIME PFPs and watch it, obsessing over reactionary shows such a South Park, the typical stuff etc...). Im afraid your based colorblind christofascist "we are all one under orange man and yeshua Christ" brownshirts arent gonna make it, race is everywhere and its especially here CrT to call out your white saviourism and pathological whiteness. Progressive Democrats and Communists are in control and WILL be for the next 10 centuries, losers in 1865 losers in 1945 losers in 2020. #StopLatinXFascism #WhitenessBGone! #BQnbiBonKKKerSSIsAFascist

We are on the cusp of a new technological revolution where AI could be used to better humanity, to find answers beyond what mere humans cant find, to create masterpieces. And all you do is use it to create spam.

Damn, I was so utterly smashed drunk that night.
I need to stop. kek

Dunno about the fat part, but I don't see the age being a problem. Like, even if a 16 year old made those moves it'd be kinda cringe.

> was made by a literal tranny.
Who cares.

I thought something looked off about that pic, but couldn't quite put my finger on it...

The version on the right is from the looking back IG Story she did in Feb 2019. I dont know where the version on the left comes from - maybe it is what she published in Feb 2018? Dont know about Anonce telling her not to publish anything. All before my time tbh.

> Its not a grift when you're the one making up expectation
I have no idea what the f*** this means.

My grift comment above was aimed at the Anon, not her. The idea that something is justified if it makes you money, like the NFT scammers, pornstars, Kardashians etc is grift.

If she would just do one good full nude set... tastefully cover up her poohole and whatnot... like, girl needs an old Playboy or something idfk. 
These are just depressing. 
Does she not understand the goldmine she'd have if she'd just make some good quality sexy stuff? It's absolutely baffling.

That I can probably agree with in her case.

> NFT scammers
Obviously doing illegal shit, but not being jailed for it.

> pornstars
Legal in most decent countries, even if the system is highly abusive.
The actors and actresses rarely are the grifters, but the people running the studios.

> Kardashians
Just retards, not grifters.

They're too far in. Sunken cost etc.
There are still DSP paypigs after so many years, there will also be Bonbi paypigs forever.

Even if she didn't do nudes, she would have been just as inconsistent and lazy, because she lacks motivating in everything she does for a certain time. Especially if she turns it into a job.
It was the same with IG, the same with Twitch, the same with Tiktok.
She has untreated issues and is unable to stick to a thing.
Her depressing OF pics just make it even more obvious.

> actors and actresses 
Cope. Do they learn meaningful lines? Do they study emotions and how to portray them to an audience? They're pornstars, stop insulting actors and actresses with an equivalence that doesn't exist.

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