> I suggested using Magrathea, because that is our new project a new frontend for Endchan, which is under development, but for the users it's perfectly usable already.
> He said Magrathea is never-finished and sucks.
> I asked what's wrong with it, since that is the one we actively polishing.
> under development
> actively polishing
So, unfinished, then?
> He said spoiler thumbnails are fucked.
They are
> I asked if that's a problem on Magrathea, because that was the topic.
I don't know, I don't use Magrathea because it tends to break, themes don't work, the page title is just the number of unread posts and not the thread subject... I could go on. It looks like it was designed for phones, and since I'm not a faggot teenager, I use an actual computer for internet browsing.
> Infinity-now is not developed anymore.
Why is it the default frontend then, if Magrathea is totally finished and awesome?
> We apply some quick-fixes now and then.
How about you do that for the spoiler images that many users have complained about?
> But it is highly suggested for the users, especially for phoneposters (phonelurkers)
gay and zoomerpilled
> So while we might correct the spoilers, our priority is Magrathea
So I like I said originally, you're giving this the usual endchan support treatment: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> it's part of our larger project Double Plus which powers our other imageboard wrongthink.net .
What's the point of making another imageboard when you already have this one? To further fragment the already rapidly dwindling user base? Is it because Odilitime starts a project, gets bored, doesn't finish it, and moves on to the next big thing before rinsing and repeating?
> If you say it's not working again, I'll ask again what's the problem with it, so we can fix that.
The spoiler images don't work