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I was still sittin in the last thread, I never notice when we get to the end lol

there aren't actual ads but in the most recent stream it starts around the 6 minute mark, then every 30 minutes there's a 2 minute block of "commercial breaks" cut out of the stream

we get it anon - you're deeply aroused by the idea of bonbi taking a fat dump on your head. we've all been there, but you really don't need to spam these two clips 20 times a day on every single board you browse, I'm fairly sure everyone here has already seen them by now

Bonbi was playing Overwatch and she got one-shot so I typed something along the lines of "lol btfo gonna go watch Jake stream now" and I left. Next time I came back, I was banned. Then when I asked about it on tik tok, she blocked me there

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ran into some unusual behaviour with the streams in the archive

importing the 2022-07-14 stream into premiere caused lots of visual garbage and audio sync issues to appear. I put the stream through handbrake to re-encode in Constant Framerate, and noticed handbrake would only output in 720p, despite the stream playing in my media player in a 1920x1080 window. Re-encoding did however fix the sync and visual errors

it seems the ads twitch are forcing into the streams are a different resolution than the streams themselves, and this is being embedded into the videos 
I dont know if the variable resolution is responsible for the problems I'm having in premiere, or if there's something else at play

The most recent klee stream has no ads and works perfectly, I think the issue might be with the "Live Recording" streams

> it seems the ads twitch are forcing into the streams are a different resolution than the streams themselves, and this is being embedded into the videos 

I have had this myself - ads at 1080 in a stream at 720 really screws up editors. Recommend transcoding the stream first to a constant size

Hey Bonbi you might have some body dysmorphia because that ass, even when you're trying your hardest to hide it like in the stream, is a super good ass.  Like even in those poses you can clearly see it's a super good ass.

The problem is that girls that show off their bodies on the internet are literally two a penny and many are better looking than her for that sort of thing.
She has been successful in the past where she has been able to show her creative talent - this just casts a shadow over that side of her.

I still think these pictures are incredibly creative.  Like look how the room lighting matches the colors of her outfit, and the composition and posing is top notch, especially keeping in mind this is a single person without somebody else holding the camera.  That last shot in particular looks like it could be from old school suicide girls if it was in higher definition.  Also her pictures are risqué but still manage to keep an aura of class.  Also I hard disagree that there’s many out there “better looking” than Bonbi.  She has something that they don’t have, and I wish I had the ability to explain what exactly that is.

Yeah, she distinguished herself from the rest by being creative and original. Well, as original as you can be while dressing as cartoon characters and lip synching but you get the idea. Back in the day her use of transitions and altered speeds was one of the most interesting things about her tiktoks. But ultimately things change and I think those times are gone. I also think being able to coast on sex appeal probably puts a damper on creative drive too. And, you know, all the grooming and personal strife.

Lmao “look at the artistry in these tit and ass pics”
It’s like you guys think Bonbi reads these and is having a “whoever compliments me without being horny gets to be my boyfriend” contest
It’s not that serious.  She’s a normal girl and she gets depressed when people don’t get horny when she posts her tits and ass.

I'd be surprised if she didn't drop in here sometimes. We're talking about someone who has a history of going out of her way to antagonize her most autismally devout fans, often to her own detriment.

Fuck my nuts and call me Shirley.

Groomer Anon lost THIS.
Holy shit, what a complete fucking loser.

Are you one of those "MUH PERFECT ANGEL" shitters?
Because you sure sound like on of them, just trying really hard to hide it.

I agree the style is pretty good.
Just wish she'd finally stop using those washed out filters... or get a professional camera.

> its that its irrelevant.
You two are factually wrong and incredibly naive.
Look at bitches like Nicole Eevee Davis.
Hot body, cute face, but absolutely incapable of making even acceptable photos.
Meanwhile, Bonbi is presenting herself in pretty hot ways.

The more people she triggered, the better.

She always streams after dropping something she knows will upset the folks that dont follow her for the porn.
She will ban anyone who tells her the truth and promote anyone who simps enough to VIP or moderator.

Listen INCEL, it makes perfect sense: Bonbi doesn't like being sexualized, but as she said a while back (on a twitch stream when someone asked why she started doing patreon lewds), people were still sexualizing her so she did the sensible thing and super-sexualized herself and monetized it, while also getting mad about people who have the same anti-sexualization stance that she does.

> Bonbi doesn't like being sexualized, but as she said a while back (on a twitch stream when someone asked why she started doing patreon lewds), people were still sexualizing her so she did the sensible thing and super-sexualized herself and monetized it
Do people really believe that? Seems like such a bullshit excuse to me.

lol @ coping niggas calling her a whore for uploading pictures. she'd be braindead to not take advantage of this opportunity. imagine earning a $1k-$3k a month while still living with your parents for what is probably 5-10 hours of work peer week.

She has changed. She used to have standards but in a recent stream she even said she would sell her own farts if she thought she could and I dont think she was joking.

Decide how you want to deal with it - stay or go. You are not wrong to say she used to be the sort of person who would not sell soft porn on Patreon but she is not the same person as she was even at the start of this year.

My own speculation is her new friend group has changed her mind - she is an incredibly impressionable child who now calls influencers who publish lewds her new friend group. Sorry to all you Em haters out there.

Shes coping because she was friends with Emiru, Emi got the poki rub and now Emi is gettng 30k viewers literally browsing youtube, while Bonbi streams and gets 200 viewers cuz shes just whining about being groomed for an hour. So shes doing the white girl thing, not wanting to work, and showing a nipple once a month to get prolly 5k. She knows she has an easy mode in life and taking advantage.

You have all lost your god damn minds.  Who gives a fuck what Bonbi does? If you don’t like it then stop being her fan.  There’s no back and forth here, just leave if you’re not happy with her.  I’ll never get this “hate watching” shit people do.

Personally I'm going to stick around because I love the patreon stuff and her tiktoks/cosplay continues to be ridiculously good.  I'm not a big fan of her streams so I don't watch them.  Pretty simple stuff.

If you follow someone for years then they give up on creating watchable stuff to just make dollar from porn then surprise, surprise - its upsetting and takes time to process. If you cant understand this then you are either dumb or a psycho.

Gaslighting. She's had plenty of time to get her shit together and she refuses simply because she has too many retards in her simp chat and her dumb friends egg her on. All of this will bite her in the ass eventually and I suspect it already is.

This isn't gatekeeping or gaslighting when I'm just here saying "maybe it's not healthy to hate somebody and complain about them all the fucking time" and instead to move the fuck on.  What I'm doing is pointing out that anyone who's still here even if they dislike her posting stuff on Patreon is a fucking psychopath.

Well jokes on her because I haven't given her a cent thanks to some kind poster here.  I still defend her right to do whatever the fuck she wants though.

It’s not gaslighting literally all you incel dweebs have wanted to fuck her since she was 14 and you’re seething because other people get to see her body.  
You say retarded shit like “oh she’s so talented, so artistic”, no buddy she made 15 second lip sync videos and you wanted to fuck her because you thought she was pretty.
She’s making money and she doesn’t have to get a real job, that’s literally the best case scenario for her autistic ass. It’s not going to “come back to bite her”, she needs to ride the money train as long as she can.

Yeah its been years and they can't move on, imagine hate watching for 3 years then acting like we are the weird ones for not hating her, we just enjoy her content, I enjoy her tiktoks and I don't care if she posts on patreon or not, more content for me since I get it here thanks to that one anon.

I think bonbi has aways been a horny person, but she couldn't express that as a minor, we are just seeing her slowly becoming comfortable  with herself and with how others perceive her. And making a lot of money doing it

I mean, you guys said she should disappoint or go against her "daddy" and the soundfile says daddy a lot...and than there is a sorry above it. Maybe she just did what you guys so blatantly wanted? And btw. if you do not like the direction she is heading in it is fine to verbalise that, but do not try to have a moral high ground here, just makes you sound ridiculous.

Fairly certain her apology was ironic - she is not really sorry. We wont know but it could be some real life stuff. Imagine you are a father - discovering your daughter has decided to become a porn star has to be one of the worst things that can happen even if its currently just softcore.

Imagine cosplaying Umaru and Rapunzel but not wanting to show your feet to the pervs, but then busting out ass and nipples and 99% of your tits. What mental damage does this girl have

I was just sarcastically highlighting the latest of the typical inconsistencies between her stated opinion and actions that we've seen from her for the past few years. I like to poke fun at it when it gets really egregious. The fact that it went over so many heads is kinda baffling. I guess I'm just a super oldfag surrounded by newer stock.

Anyway, I do in fact think she would have done this stuff eventually regardless of unwanted sexualization, and she is just using the sexualization as shoddy justification for it. Girls/women especially are always looking to do something and offload accountability onto others when negative consequences come about.

>   she is just using the sexualization as shoddy justification for it. Girls/women especially are always looking to do something and offload accountability onto others when negative consequences come about.

Yup. she takes zero responsibility for her actions.

We saw your kind of bizarrely invested damage control way back in the /wsg/ days too. It was always one or two faggots crying about "trying to control her" in response to someone saying "gee I don't know if that's a good idea" LMAO. I'll say now what people said then: 

1. no one here is stopping her from doing a god damn thing or trying to control her, cut the melodramatic bullshit.
2. She can do what she wants, and people can opine about it as they see fit. You're the one interjecting with obnoxious bullshit at every turn, and honestly it's fucking odd. I expect this level of shit from the person being talked about, but not a disinterested observer.

I'll cap it off with this: for years she has made decisions with the express intent of antagonizing the most heavily invested (for good and bad) segment of her fanbase when it was absolutely unnecessary and was guaranteed to lead to nothing but trouble. She could have stopped that and cut herself off from them, but she seems to get off on the mutually antagonistic, parasocial, hyper-real relationship she has to them now. She has the fans she deserves.

> I'll cap it off with this: for years she has made decisions with the express intent of antagonizing the most heavily invested (for good and bad) segment of her fanbase when it was absolutely unnecessary and was guaranteed to lead to nothing but trouble. She could have stopped that and cut herself off from them, but she seems to get off on the mutually antagonistic, parasocial, hyper-real relationship she has to them now. 

That has to be  the most baste thing anyone has ever said in the history of this thing. Kudos sir and thank you for injecting non-schizo like comments. This entire fan base is fucking retarded.

the way this is going i suspect she will end up alienating everyone around her as she has her friends and anyone who has ever tried to protect her. and she will cry about it like shes the victim but it will all be of her own doing.

Eventhough I agree with your sentiment that it's retarded, do people from here actually still harass her online?
I've long been out of the regular bonbi loop, but my impression is that endchan has been very disconnected from actually interacting with her for quite some time now, maybe even years. It's almost become kind of a lolcow-tier place that just centers around her.

I’m at the forefront of calling out how idiotic it is to keep hate watching her but I also agree with this.  I feel like this endchan bbg is super disconnected from the insanity that was her old discord server and even the wsg bbg.

> but my impression is that endchan has been very disconnected

It is, anyone tells you different is fucking stupid. People on here act like what we say is a direct line to her personal dm's. Get a fucking grip you idiots.

Either Bonbi read this on stream or she wrote it in the first place. She is here either way.

Bescotti. OK face, cracking figure.


Endchan might seem disconnected sometimes but I have seen ideas/requests posted here being answered and I dont see that anywhere else.

She is one of those ones who thinks being a freak is cool. Not a fan myself.

The only way we could be "connected" to her is if she comes here of her own accord and browses, and tbh I think she does, due to her own weird relationship to the die-hards and some odd coincidences. And yeah, it does seem like we have people here who are either relatively unaware of the discord-/wsg/ era. But certain posts seem all too familiar to what I saw back then.

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but Dodger was one of the earliest "4chan waifu" girls iirc. I was mildly obsessed with Rose/randytaylor69 for a while and saw similar weird schizo shit in her threads back in the day as I did in /bbg/ when we were still on /wsg/. That must have been 10 years ago or something. Come to think of it, that's a woman who knows how to deal with hardcore fans. She gradually faded away and just lives her life, and posts new videos on youtube around Christmas every year. I wonder what would have happened if she had been born later and had tiktok.

Fuck Dodger, the ultimate coattailing cunt. She wanted to be part of that gamer culture so hard but never played or cared about any game, and when Totalbiscuit died, so did her career. But it was okay cuz her parents were super rich to prop her up, and by then she already got knocked up by one of those british streamers so she didnt have to be the cute foxgirl anymore, or work another day in her life, FUCK dodger

Cute feet though.

I was around for Boxxy and Rose and the like, but it wasn’t until Bonbi that I found myself actually following them and looking forward to their content.  Posting in the wsg bbg was so fun at it’s height of popularity.

You mean that chick who occasionaly pops up in "nerdy" Youtube videos?
I've heard of her before and probably seen her three or four times.
But she never struck me as even remotely interesting.

Pretty much this, I've been on 4chan for more than a decade.

Premier Youtube gaming waifu of the early 2010's. She didn't really have a big chan following but she had a crazy stalker who got permabanned everywhere and the only place he could dump his neuroses was /wsg/. There haven't been any new threads in a long time so I wonder if he finally necked.

I wouldn't say she never cared about gaming at all but it definitely seems like she got kinda roped into it by Husky and she just went along with it. I'm pretty sure that big twitch leak showed she was making about 155k a month.

Yeah, I started browsing when the scientology shit was happening and I was obsessed with boxxy. Ah, the good old days.

I used to look down on simps before I fell into this rabbit hole and still like to think that I am different. I resonate more with the drama around her. It helps me with recalling and processing past memories. I create art for myself as a form of self-therapy (nothing bonbi related) and whenever I have integrated a big chunk of my past, symbols, colors and themes from my artwork are manifesting in all areas of my life. Sometimes I can see them in her tiktoks as well. It gives me a nice sense of synchronicity, which is why I still watch her stuff.

As soon as they started murdering civilians in Ukraine she went all 'I love Russians' so I guess thats what it takes to impress her.

Bit surprised she is doubling down on it now - she would normally have gotten bored and moved on by now.

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I consider her tiktoks to be generally "meh" now compared to her earlier stuff, but still somewhat better than the average shit I see on the app or in the threads on 2chen. Once in a while she can churn out something memorable though, like some of the ones she made in this cosplay. I think her last "winning streak" were the ones with Emiru in person.

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Russia's ability to tell a lie even that ridiculous is amazing. When Ukraine recaptured Bucha Russians claimed the dead bodies littering the streets were killed by the liberators even though satellite imagery showed the bodies there 9 days before the Russians were pushed out. Similar claims have been shown to be lies by identifying the ammo used etc.

its all the same crap. these girls are all grabbers. they dont think where it comes from, just that they get it. we are just confused because she likes to play things cute sometimes. case in point it never seems to occur to her who is trying to buy their way into her circle. completely lost on her. all they see is money.

What a weird mess of a thread.

That was actually one of the few good ones in the past 6 months or so. It went for a certain style and she pulled it off well.
Back up until 2019 she used to do that with slow-motions often, like the Strawberry Shortcake Fools rush in, which was damn cute.

She definitely stopped doing more accurate lip syncing and I guess also editing to some degree, but you took one of the worst examples for your argument.

I saw the hard times one on /v/, checked it out on /wsg/ and was hooked since. I liked her then and I do now even if I think she doesn't put as much effort into her videos. I don't care if she gained a little weight or not, I'm still looking forward to more lewds.

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Sergey "Boatsman" Korotkikh, member of Azov, posted a video titled "The BOATSMAN BOYS in Bucha" on April 2nd. At the 6 second mark you can hear the dialogue:

"There are guys without blue armbands, can I shoot them?"
"Fuck yeah"

Let's not pretend civvies have ever been worth more alive than dead to the Ukrainian transnational ruling class and their enforcers. Russia requested an emergency meeting of the UN security council about Bucha shortly after the incident took place. The Brits denied the request. Other videos show green and white containers scattered among the dead. These are Russian dry provisions, likely traded for fresh goods. If you think they wouldn't kill their own civvies for that, the Kyiv Independent reported yesterday that anyone accepting aid that came from Russia will be considered a "collaborationist" from now on. "Not starving makes you a collaborator", straight from the horses mouth.

Somebody can be pretty, cute or whatever AND be good at something.
One does not exclude the other and you might think you're enlightened, plus of course 99% of users here don't give a shit, but it's unironically extremely sexist.

is this the him ?


Imagine spending years putting effort into cosplaying on Tiktok for next to no reward then getting $8k in a month for 5 pics of only partially exposed boobs. Must drive her insane.

FYI, its an expression - dont take it literally.

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Last thing she liked on Twitter. I think we can see what she aspires to be.

Actually what were the drugs she said she was on? I really suspect they are the sort of drugs where the doctor is meant to take her phone away. They are intended to make her more outgoing - wonder if she will have a come down when she stops taking them and then a moment of horror as she realizes what she has posted.

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i'm starting to worry bros, what is actually happening? is she unironically in a mental institution? is she moving out? is she TAKING A BREAK?
where is the bonbi
i want a picture of bonbi holding todays newspaper or i'm calling the cops.

I tried to quit, I know bontent overdose is no joke, but when I try to quit a new bontent drops pulling me right in, I just can't stand a bontent detox, I rather overdose and be done with it while I'm feeling happy.

When you like lyns photos do you do it bc you aspire to be like her or bc you like her? Im so tired of incels akting like they know what shes thinking i mutch prefer joining bonbi in liking lyns photoes than to bash her... On the other hand i dont like this lyn character...

Bon I dont like Lyn's photos - I genuinely think she is an ugly freak. I was using your like to second guess where you might want your career to go as you are not posting at the moment. For the record I think you are wise not to post right now.

The stream before this was the one where she drew all over herself and was the start of her descent into madness. Since then she has done the poop-sing-along stream, the exercise stream and the i-love-my-own-porn stream as well as a few more stable ones like Klee.
I hope she returns in a better mental state following her break.

Bonbi has referred to Belle Delphine as her idol in the past, though later she said she regretted cosplaying her. Then later she starts selling lewds. Now she's liking and following a full blown porn hoe. Don't be so daft as to tell me not to recognize patterns.

this is what unrestricted internet access does to a young mind. even without the e-fame you can get seriously fucked up, but throw in any pre-existing mental conditions and you're uber fucked, then the grooming, it's all so tragic and has to stop.

I think she has the right to explore her sexuality and has the right to make mistakes and hopefully learn from them! She is not that perfect little sweet thing everyone wants her to be... In order for her to learn she has to make mistakes and live her live. We can only hope shed does good and learn and grow... Not many people sucseed

post anything mildly critical or even jyst expressing concern and you'll be met with a novel's worth of schizophrenic ramblings and strawmen about the invisible incel casting energy rays into the aether trying to "control" the person who is being discussed. I have never seen this level of derangement even in old Rose or Sunny threads.

"mildly critical" "consern" yall wana put her in a mental asylum because she is not acting like some cute innocent princess like what she is in your mind u judge her because she is not what you wish her to be! No one tells you how you shoud live your life so that everybody likes what you do! The same goes for everybody!

when literally thousands of people are pointing out the obvious and avoidable mistakes you are making and speculating in detail where the consequences of those mistakes will inevitably lead, and when it is shown time after time that those predictions were shockingly accurate then the conclusion you should be coming to is not "everybody else except me is wrong", bonbi

She said she went to a psychiatrist for help.
She said she is depressed and mentally ill.
She said she wants to feel better.
She said she felt better on medicine in LA.

How is wanting the same for her as she stated she wants herself delusional?

Its all in the rat rat rat stream.

Buddy you’re going to a thot thread on a thot board and complaining that the girl is being a thot.  It’s schizophrenic. If you don’t want to see Bonbi tits and ass, what the fuck are you doing here? That’s what’s creepy, the lying about your transparently obvious purpose.

it's like we are raided by people creating drama from thin air, 70 replies over nothing and random posts hating on bonbi, and obvious new posters posting memes and comedy clips.

I dont hate on her i find people who think they know whats better for her than she does are extremly stupid. You dont know her you are incels you dont know whats better for her let her be. focus on something positive

> you dont know whats better for her
she cuts herself, has constant insomnia, extreme mood swings, goes to a therapist, is on several medications and frequenty gets drunk and high. 
but don't even suggest she's doing something wrong though.

bonbi cutting herself is years old news at this point, amazing anyone would deny it. the pedo even called the paramedics when she tried to "kill herself" and they only found small scratches and her commenting on an instagram post about having to hold her hand out of the shower for a week or something.

she mentioned trying weed a "few" times. in california in think, don't remember the stream. often has mentioned getting drunk, but i dont know if it's "frequent"

it’s really obvious discord douche bags caught wind that she possible reads endchan so in their desperate attempt to get her attention they started bombarding these threads with their old fashion faggot bullshit

You must be new if you think people questioning her decisions or posting occasional memes/comedy clips is out of the ordinary. Likewise, people who conspicuously excuse and seem to enjoy her self-destructive tendencies have always been around, but they have always been a minority and we have always relentlessly mocked them. This crop of coomers who have no point of reference in this story before she started posting tiddies and booty is just the latest batch. We are the norm, they are the anomaly.

You're dealing with "people" who see everyone as a meatbag who exists to provide them dopamine hits, they don't understand anything more than that. These types will justify anything that could possibly increase the chances of someone giving them those dopamine hits, even if it harms that person. That's why they're so hyper-defensive and feeling attacked by mere opinions being posted on an anonymous forum, by people who have no actual ability to change things.

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You can see these same arguments in desuarchive going back almost 4 years now. November 2018, she's rumored to be in the discord server and people say it's bad if true, she'll get groomed, discord has a bad rep, etc. The worst parts of the following 6 months consisted mostly of discord groomer creepiness being noticed (like the money from bonbi's ko-fi account actually going to Seth/Anonce as one example, and all the gross private chat leaks) proving the Pattern Identifiers right, and the jizzfarts spamming "incel" and poor attempts to gaslight the Pattern Identifiers with bullshit accusations of being "controlling" for identifying patterns and posting opinions about them.

What we are seeing now is the latest spat between the Pattern Identifiers and the jizzfarts. This has always happened when Bonbi behaves erratically and does wacky/stupid/potentially harmful stuff, and it will continue to happen. If you think it's anything new, then *you are new*. If you're here, this is what you signed up for. If you don't like it, leave and just consume Bontent alone without any broader context and background. 

There's a reason the phrase "Time is a flat circle", borrowed from the True Detective fans we had (originating from Nietzsche I believe, the concept being much older), has been used to describe the Bonbiverse many times.

dn's are usually the ones creating problems and denying it, like demanding everyone share their opinions. it's an effect of spending most of your time in a chat app carefully curated to be a hugbox, then coming here to a much freer platform, where you don't have a consistent identity with a screen name, though you can have one if you want.

"SETH could be here" he thought. "I've never been on this site before, there could be SETH anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his hairless chest. "I HATE DISCORDNIGGERS" he thought, despite being one. Hard Times reverberated through his car, making it pulsate as the 99 cent 2 liter DR. THUNDER circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of psychiatric medications. "With an anonymous posting format, any poster you want to be Seth can be Seth" he said to himself, out loud.

This … there’s only one type of person who doesn’t want a girl to post sexy content and also simultaneously regularly goes to and posts on an imageboard dedicated to her.  And that type of person is an r9k incel creep.  That’s a helpful pattern you can identify going forward.

At the end of the day, when Bonbi posts pictures of her ass, she wants to be getting replies and DMs like other thots get (“wow”, “so sexy”, etc.). Cause of you guys instead she gets concern trolled and that’s a big part of the reason that she actively hates her fan base.

she's been sporadically mad at fans since before there was a general about her ffs like how new can you be? do we really just have a ton of cumbrain fucktards who walked in 5 minutes ago?

She’s not gonna go out with you lmao. This is the kind of wild projection im talking about.  I’m not posting on this board because I think it gives me a chance to fuck bonbi, that’s delusional. But you think you’re going to “save her” or some shit by negging her on Instagram???

From what I can tell, this was sparked by normal posters (relatively speaking) deigning to fathom that maybe substance abuse is bad and her bizarre behavior portends another bad turn. The sekc pics are tertiary, but the specter of full blown porn combined with the other shit is obviously a cocktail for an early grave. Now we appear to be raided by people who are reciting the same old script about how posting opinions is evil or something, probably because they're fine with a turn for the worst so long as they get their wubbies and cummies.

Real talk: where do you come up with this shit, and how does your appraisal of that post and pic not apply entirely to you and your ilk? The people you're bitching at are not the ones "negging" in dm's on fucking IG, or conversely saying that she wants thirsty faggots in her dm's like  >>/31407/ claims. 

This is the most schizo shit I've seen in a long while. Projecting coomer raiders accusing the regulars here of being projecting coomer raiders.

Hello endchan, I'm bonbi's father and yes, let me start out by agreeing with you: I’m sick. This is a true story of how I raised my daughter, the girl y'all love and praise. It will disgust 99% of the people who read it, but I’m writing it for the one percent who will enjoy it. I suggest to you that if you will be disgusted by reading about man-child incest, you should steer away from this thread. You’ve been warmed...flames ignored.
My daughter likes cum. She should, she was raised on it. I taught her how to suck cock when she was four, and she’s 11 now. At one point last year, I estimated that my daughter had drank over 2.0 gallons of sperm in the last nine years. I would like to think that all of it was mine, but with kids these days you never know. You think I’m lying, but I don’t care if you do. This is truly how it happened. It’s not some stupid Internet flame-bait or sissy boy fantasy, it’s the real thing. While most of the people on the internet beat off to the idea of doing a little girl, I have the guts to actually do it.
See, I’ve always had two fetishes: Little girls and semen. Ever since I first ejaculated, I’ve been somewhat turned on by cum. I masturbated often as a teenager; two or three times a day, so sperm and I were very familiar with each other. Mainly, I just liked, and still like, to watch a woman drink cum. Everyone I’ve ever had sex with more than twice has eaten my cum (or I never saw her again). My wife (bonbi's mother for you) was a real good sport and would do about any spermy thing I suggested, but to me, to be frank with you, she was too old.
When I was 12 or 13 I molested a couple of neighborhood 6 year olds. They acted as if they had a good time getting their pussies felt up in that old garage (and they even appeared to enjoy jacking off my cock).

There is no ‘non-coomer’ reason to come to this board except maybe to troll people if you’re really bored.
Ask yourself what makes you wake up in the morning and type ‘endchan.net/bbg’, there is no healthy reason to come here for anyone. Everyone here is a bunch of pervs, autists, and degenerates, there’s no nobility here. If Bonbi has fans that are actually good people (unlikely at this point), they sure as hell don’t post here regularly.  If you actually were what you say you are, you would be lurking Bella Poarch’s tiktok right now and would never have even heard of this place and forgotten Bonbi long ago. You’re an emperor with no clothes posting anonymously, no one’s going to give you the deference you think you deserve, least of all Bonbi.

I don't know how I can explain how fucked up you are that you think this is something dubious. As an aside, 4chan banned /bbg/ and /ttg/ yet allows splitscreen porn edits (you know, the kind of shit you admit you get off to) featuring underage tiktokkers on /gif/.

> this is a wholesome, normal refuge from retarded cuckchan mods and it’s totally normal to go on an imageboard devoted to someone who used to make content you like (not for coomer reasons though) and complain about their last two years instead of just  watching any of the hundred million other content creators still making silly dances and lip synch videos

for me? quite literally, yes
i have never had my dick in my hands looking at bonbibonkers. i enjoy the sense of community and enjoy her new (except for patreon) and old content in a non-coomer way. i dont do any complaining on here either. i just post memes and funny clips and have smiles and laughs with my bonbibros.

I remember hearing about him and being surprised he was even older than "Mr Black", the Pfizer guy. He had his own server and had wanted to get bonbi to join. I think he and others got banned from bonbi's twitch chat or something by emiru. My memory is fuzzy.


Someone accused her of being a grabber and I answered about her being uncomfortable about Unicorns donations in one stream. My post was straight forward, non offensive and complimentary to Bon. Fairly sure there was no attachments.

That post is gone - quick search for the word Unicorn gets no result.

So why would any non-Uniocorn mod delete that post?

That is not enough of a proof imo.

This seems more likely.

> never watch her streams
Seen maybe 3 twitch streams in total, even though I started following her back in 2018 on /wsg/. By the time she started doing twitch, I stopped being interested enough to keep up with it.
Was asking out of genuine curiosity.


She spoke quite openly and casually in a recent stream about sending a photo of her self harm to Anonce. The controversy was about him sharing it, not that she self harmed. She seemed to just take it for granted that everyone knew about it.

Teenage girl used to cut herself for attention. Wow, the world ends.

Try holding these two thought in your heads at once boys:
Bonbi is a nice girl that makes cute content.
Bonbi is hot, I wanna fap to her tits.
See if your heads explode.

I have noticed though that in "hiding the nips" on all her photos she's also pushing her tits up a bit. I know she went batshit when stream mentioned them being saggy, but she'll have to let them hang loose eventually

where along the line did "simp" go from meaning a thirsty dude who white-knights for women like one of those creepy male feminists, to one who says "uh idk if this is a good idea tbh"?

I wonder if Bon ever shlicks to her own pictures.  I mean I’ll admit sometimes if I’m jerking off near a mirror and I see my own dick looking real big I think it’s kind of hot.

Point your criticism at Patreon, what she did on Twitch was harmless.

Twitch has a strict three strikes policy - there was even controversy when they appeared to waive it for CodeMiko. Whatever retard reported her stream has potentially done real damage and pushed her closer to other sources of income.

Hmmm - just realized who I was probably replying to.

Whats extra stupid is if you look at channels like Amouranth she replays herself simulating oral sex with a microphone for 12 hrs, thinly veiled under the guise of ASMR. Twitch loves it because they make bucks.

How can pretend thrusting a giant cuddly toy cat be compared to sitting in a hot-tub charging viewers to see a bikini clad thot do squats?

If it was someone from Twitch it would be such unlucky timing as to be incredible - I would assume they review VODs but I cant imagine they watch too much per applicant given they probably have 1000's.

> her actions are unacceptable for twitch
My other point was that her actions were nothing compared to what takes place on some of Twitch's largest channels. If what she did was unacceptable to Twitch then Twitch is holding her to a different standard. Basically, same as Tiktok.

I know ... maybe this can help:

1. Recognize the unhappiness you are experiencing.
2. Offer yourself some compassion.
3. Give yourself permission to be happy when possible.
4. Experience pleasing and healthy distractions.
5. Hold tightly to your self-care program.
6. Seek out creative and meaningful activities.
7. Compartmentalize.
8. Realize that everything changes.
9. Change one small aspect of your situation.
10. Ask for help.
11. Help others.
12. Be grateful for what you can.

Hang in there!

tiktok changed something fundamental about the way they serve files, so sites like snaptik and musicallydown and even awemer can't grab the source videos any more, only SD
the guy running tikwm somehow found a solution to it though, as far as I know it's the only method that works atm

No, but in an older stream, maybe the 19th birthday one Bonbi said she might need surgery for her nose breathing difficulties. Like how it constantly sounds like she's sniffling. 
Pretty sure that's what it's about.

Thanks, You might be right.
The whole doctor/psychiatrist arc just does not make much sense to me.

You would think the surgery pertains to the psychiatrical help, but she was also told to go on a diet? And then the thing with the toe that she absolutely does not want to see a doctor for?

I wish I had real life bonbi bros, as much as I love you guys, it's hard to make real connection on an anonymous board, but I'm a pussy IRL and would never bring bonbi up, so I don't deserve real life bonbi bros, so I'm grateful for this place even if it's the most dogshit site ever with the most broken R9K bot

Have you considered a part time job or something to keep you anchored /active in the real world?
A job would force you to keep a normal sleeping pattern which is a huge help for depression and you would get out of the house and meet other people. It could also give a defined week and stop the days feeling like they just roll past.

Yeah it’s constant anxiety.  My stomach actually feels really fucked up from all the drama.  Honestly Bonbi stuff is a nice escape but at the same time it makes me feel guilty.
Yeah I’m back in school and that’s taking up a lot of my time at least, but it doesn’t get me out of the house as much as I’d like.  I feel really trapped here.
Thanks man.

I know that stomach feeling.
Good that ur in school.
Is there a way to leave the house on your own or with a friend, maybe go hiking or to a sport/hobby or a library/community center to do homework?

Something else maybe, a free podcasts about a subject you are interested in with a regular schedule, to have something to look forward to other than bonbi content (which can be depressing). Be parasocial with funny, interesting mentally healthy content creators.
Best of luck.

we shoud not be angry at this comment, we shoud fell sorry for you! Did someone hurt you too brother? Dont hate your brothers! We all have stong and weak days. Its easy to be offensive, its hard to show you are a human being, its harder to show compassion and love. Different people choose different paths some choose easy some choose hard paths. Witchever one you choose brother i hope you do allright in the end! All be well i love you brothers!

Right, what does Sy have to do anything about it. He’s not the only British person in Bonbis whole fan club, and I agree what she did say was completely unnecessary. Wether it’s egotistical talk or genuine hate against the British it’s still a person who’s died. There was absolutely no need to say “Fuck the Queen”. It’s not even been a week since her death.

how can you compare a stupid barrel with a female body ? oh i get how just to make your stupid point! NO! REAL WOMEN MUST HAVE CURVES! IF YOUR INTO GIRLS THAT LOOK LIKE 14 YEAR OLD BOYS WHO JUST HIT PUBERTY FROM THE BACK THEN THATS YOU!

Fuck you Bonbi

Just FYI the funeral is on Monday. Not that it would be OK to say it after that but to highlight its was double dumb to randomly and totally without prompt say it yesterday.

Seriously, consider asking your therapist about Tourette's syndrome. It would explain a lot of your difficulties in keeping friends.

Not him but I am guessing its because she has become an exhibitionist. By her own admission she like people looking at her body.

Prior to social media she would have had to go to the local park in a flasher Mac but now she can do it from home.

I get you. Its not great, but if it doesnt escalate i cant mind too much. 
My guess, its the money she likes/needs.
Justifying it with some empowerment rationalisations so as to not be too honest about that.
This i also dont mind, how else could she make decent money?

No, she explicitly said she loves the thought of people seeing her body.
I am sure money also motivates her - it motivate everyone to some extent - but less so than most. She is a NEET, she will not be homeless and she has seemed uncomfortable in the past about donations.

No, she explicitly said she loves the thought of people seeing her body. This is not me guessing, its something she has stated clearly.
I am sure money also motivates her - it motivate everyone to some extent - but less so than most. She is a NEET, she will not be homeless and she has seemed uncomfortable in the past about donations.

I know what she said. Does not mean i take it at face value. She always says it when ppl ask why she started the lewd posts.
If it was realy about showing off she would have done that from the beginning right?
Still, I could be wrong. 
Being a NEET seems like more of a reason to need money. Between being homeless and comfortable/safe is a big scary middleground in the US.

I do wonder if she would apologise about the Queens comment. Knowing her type of persona it’s highly unlikely she would but I’m sure people genuinely would be grateful if she did.

Everyone going nuts over that first picture while I’m here looking at that second with my jaw hanging open.

Bonbi don’t read this part: Can you imagine that body bent over in doggy style? It’s literally perfect

she used to get 200 to 500k views on every tok not that long ago, i can understand coming down from that amount of validation is not easy. 
And i think she is right that the algorithm changed and all cosplayers are getting debuffed.
She wants to mutualy exclusive things, just like all of us here do.