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> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCuZ6DC2HgU
FCC gives go-ahead to SpaceX’s internet service
> 284 views | Jul 1, 2022 | ABC 
FCC grants permission for SpaceX to provide Starlight internet service to moving vehicles.

AUSA Moe: The US moves to dismiss counts 7 and 8.
Judge Nathan: You have the right to appeal, within 14 days. Anything else?
No. No.



You mean the only state where Trump's incredible record of 90+ percent of prediction/endorsement failed in the most statistically impossible way, nearly all of his picks IN JUST THAT STATE have lost their races?


It won't be approved.  They will sit on it, because curing a disease isn't in their best interests.  They can make Billions more, by simply treating the symptoms with expensive medications instead.


1) Ukrainian document released to Russian media outlet @investia , showing decree from Zelensky to destroy all files on Ukrainian defense service members, employees and staff of the state, and any involvement with Hunter Biden’s biolab METABIOTA, on 02/24/22, the same day the air strikes on Ukraine began. 

See original document above on the left and then translated in English on the right. Holy shit is this a doozy. But wait, there’s a lot more.


In decades past when you saw references to "aces and eights" (two black 1's and two black 8's), it was often the sign of an intelligence operation.  This was called "the dead man's hand," allegedly the poker hand 'Wild Bill' Hickok was holding when he was killed in 1876.  In 1886, the Daily Herald of Grand Forks, Dakota Territory referred to the hand Hickock was holding as consisting of three jacks and a pair of tens. Use of Hickok and the story of his "dead man's hand" of aces and eights didn’t come about until a book about Hickok in 1926.  The book was written by a character named Frank J. Wilstach, a "promoter" of all kinds of things, and who was a very interesting person as well. . .  

"Aces and eights" was and is a spooky reference and homage to William "Wild Bill" Donovan.  It's not being used as much today because it got so overused in popular culture.  There is a new numerical marker popular today, but 1s and 8s are still used old school.




Charlie was a great-nephew of French Emperor Napoleon.  That's another story.

The Cabal created their own demise when they denied God then attempted to remove God from the equation. There are consequences being doled out by man but there are far worse consequences being doled out by God. Every single thing that could go wrong in the information war for the Cabal elements is going wrong. Ways that America (and the world) find trusted information to make informed assessments of the world around them is changing rapidly, being driven by an increased awareness of the true motivations and manipulations of the public at large by an overwhelmingly powerful heavily embedded corrupt system of governance.

That's why we are replacing a flawed and failed government with one controlled by 'We, the People'. We are not seeking to compromise the Constitution. We are on a mission to restore the Constitution.

> Image Name: 321RR.jpg
Pic included in Q1498.
Name is countdown to RR. RR in the double killbox twice in the drop.
321RR.jpg is a pic of Q1433. 
Part of a Q/Potus 14 min. 
Don't really see any connections between Potus tweet and the drop. Tweet is an endorsement for Arkansas governor for primary
Of note in Q1433 related to Q1498, 
there's  RR in the killbox twice along with 2 other RR's. 
D5. Snowball > D5.
[Green] Think Queen in Green, Potato in front of Evergreen, McCON uvalde green shoes.
And for the clockfags, Think timing and When does the clock run out

 [Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)]  Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump    05/21/2018 19:18:00   
ID: Twitter for iPhone
Twitter: 998704493335334912
.@AsaHutchinson, the great Governor of Arkansas, is in a primary tomorrow. He has done an incredible job with a focus on lower taxes, border security, and crime prevention. Asa loves our military and our veterans. I fully endorse Asa for Governor!

Q  !CbboFOtcZs 05/21/2018 19:04:49   ID: 622a94
8chan/qresearch: 1497716
Military OP.
General K [JFK]
Full Disclosure.
General Statement:
Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.
[RR] problems.
What was RR's Senate Conf Vote?
WRAY reports to RR [important fact].
Who do you TRUST?
[RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller? 
Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?
Who is Rachel Brand?
Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?
Think timing.
"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically."
When does the clock run out?
Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?
TRUST (name).
These people are stupid.
D5. < - Snowball






Macron: Opposition ready to work on 'major topics'

In his first speech since the election setback, French President Emmanuel Macron stated, on Wednesday, that opposition groups have expressed their readiness to work with his government on "major topics", having lost the parliamentary majority.

In a televised address, Macron added, "They are available to advance on major topics" such as the cost of living, jobs, energy, climate, and health.

The French President deemed any attempt to create a "government of national unity" unlikely after his Together party on Sunday fell short of the majority needed to legislate without others, stressing that such a move was "not justified" at this stage.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Macron approved that the parliamentary elections had exposed social problems in France, however, he urged opposition parties to "leave in-fighting behind" and move "beyond politics".

"Together we will have to learn a new way to govern and to legislate," he said.

He went on to say that urgent draft laws, most notably to lessen the impact of inflation and rising energy prices, would be succumbed to parliament over the summer.

Macron urged the opposition parties to "clarify in all transparency, in the coming days, how far they are willing to go".

He claimed that he himself had been re-elected in April on a platform of "ambitious reform", which he anticipated to carry out.

The French President concluded by saying that the parliamentary impasse should not lead to "stagnation", but to "dialogue and the willingness to listen to each other."

GOPs Call for Firing Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin over Vaccine Mandate — Dems and Cheney Opposed

Republicans, led by Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), on Wednesday called for Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to be fired if he does not repeal the Biden administration’s coronavirus vaccine mandate for troops.

“My amendment is simple. It would require the Secretary to repeal his COVID vaccine mandate within 30 days. And if he does not comply with that directive, his waiver to serve as Secretary of Defense would automatically be repealed,” Johnson told the House Armed Services Committee during a session to mark up the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, which authorizes Pentagon spending and activities.

“There’s a lengthy list of things that have gone wrong. Undersecretary Austin’s tenure at the Department of Defense, perhaps not more damaging than the requirement that service members subject themselves to the COVID vaccine,” Johnson added.

Democrats voted down the amendment. They were joined by one Republican — Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY).

Johnson detailed the detriment the vaccine mandate has caused the military, in terms of retention and recruitment.

He said out of 22,000 applications for a religious exemption to the vaccine, only 58 had been granted, citing numbers from May. Since then, only several dozens more have been granted, and lawmakers have obtained evidence they are only being granted to service members in the process of already leaving the military.

Johnson said that the vaccine mandate was also hurting the Army’s recruitment and retention of troops, with the Army asking to cut 12,000 soldiers from its 2023 fiscal budget:

    Why? Because of the vaccine, more than 40% of males aged 18 to 24 have chosen not to become fully vaccinated in the U.S. and as a result, they are ineligible to join the military. So right off the bat 40% of the target demographic for military service is in fact eligible to serve now..

    In my area of the country, the southeast region, where DoD recruits approximately 50% of its enlistments, over half of the male population has not gotten the vaccine. It’s not hard to see where all this is headed. The mandate is forcing qualified people out of the force, and it’s preventing qualified people from joining the force.

So far, the Pentagon has discharged more than 5,000 service members who have chosen not to be fully-vaccinated.


April 09, 2022
More Evidence That Ukraine Fired The Missile Which Killed Dozens In Kramatorsk
This is a follow on to yesterday's Ukrainian Tochka-U missile strike on the Kramatorsk railway station. Russia no longer has Tochka missiles (search for Tochka in the pdf) while the Ukraine, Belarus and several other states still use them.


Corona-babies: US birth rate increases for first time in seven years

Women in the 35-39 age group contributed to the highest number of births, according to the CDC statistics.

(Daily Caller News Foundation) — The U.S. birthrate in 2021 increased for the first time since 2014, with COVID-19 pandemic restrictions potentially causing the jump.

The U.S. birthrate saw a 1% increase over the course of 2021 with 3.66 million babies being born throughout the year, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics. All age groups of women over 25 contributed to the jump in birthrates, with some experts suggesting that a lengthening COVID-19 pandemic might have contributed to the bump, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Women in the 35-39 age group contributed to the highest number of births, according to the CDC statistics. Federal birth report co-author Brady Hamilton suggested that this could be a result of COVID-19 conditions, the WSJ reported.

“When you see the decline in births that occurred in 2020, there’s this tendency to look at them as births that have been foregone,” Hamilton said, according to the WSJ. “These are births that have been postponed.”

Dr. Hamilton added that issues including a baby formula shortage and inflation may put a stop to the birthrate bump, the WSJ reported.

The baby bump follows a dip in birthrates since 2007 that might have started with the Great Recession, according to a winter 2022 study. However, some researchers claim that the decline could be due to societal change and an increased focus on individual autonomy and a decreased focus on marriage across age groups.

The CDC National Center for Health Statistics did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.




Florida Sheriff Says ‘We Prefer’ Homeowners Shoot Home Invaders
Sandy MaloneApril 22, 2022

> https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1530&#95;n758.pdf

> So Tater's green new deal pushing down our throats is fugged!

So apparently SCOTUS is going to force every clerk to sign an affidavit and release phone and text records in their attempt to find the leaker. 

Interesting how this could pan out. Perhaps they may fire multiple clerks. 

(Hate to sauce CNN but it’s an exclusive so no choice really..)


Let's all take a moment and thank to the pleiadians, that helped humanity, and put this hero is charge, a super amazing soul, that is not working for you, but satan.

A demented scum, end this massage. by click end massage……
where is my laptop????

It's an anonymous image board like 4chan or 8chan/8kun. everyone is responsible for their own posts, as usual..

> inb4 Frens Chan "groomed" the Buffalo shooter aka "Frensgate"

Frens Chan, like 4chan and 8chan/8kun or any other anonymous imageboard, is not responsible for the posts of any of its users on their site or elsewhere (Discord, telegram etc). They've addressed concerns in this archived thread here: https://www.frenschan.org/z/res/171.html

Remember, MSM tried to use the Christchurch shooting to take down 8chan. This is nothing new.

when you get 'vaxxed' you get 'thrown' out of your natural expected life and can only struggle to regain your 'natural balance' while you are 'administered' more for-shekels-injections. 

shekels = suicide.

Just say when?
Anyone had enough of researching the crap out of ever little thing the world does?
The work here, as has always been the case, is noble and needed, but when is enough, enough?
I'm not saying to stop what we do, but what else can we do?
The big questions have to be in your mind, it's in mine.
We've waited, and waited and waited…and waited.
We're still waiting and doing yeoman's work, valiant efforts for sure, anons.
When is enough, enough?
When do we take back our country?
When do we REALLY take back our country?
When does Trump come back?
When exactly do we set a date, and say, "Here the line we draw?"
When? Next week? Next month? Next year? 2024?
You know, I know, we all know, everything is bullshit, Durham, all of it.
Durham knew, and after four years goes to court for the first time, and still we all went on with his charade, and then, Durham lost.
That is ONE example.
But a bigy yuge example.
And then comes the onslaught of anon pundits saying Durham's loss, "It's part of the plan."
Well the plan sucks and then we anons put out heads down, we get back to work, and plow through the bullshit we keep getting thrown at us.
I'm not saying there's NOT a plan, I'm saying the plan is not working and when is enough, enough?
And if it's enough, then what do we do next and where to from here?
Slow down, and really think of that last question.
As we diligently stay active on this board, and on social media going through everything with a fine tooth comb, and although our work is indeed powerful and effective, it's obviously not enough to overcome our adversaries.
We've had big wins, the world knows well of anons and autists, no debating how powerful we've all been.
But what's next?
There is a "next?"
The battle field between good over evil constantly changes daily, but have we adapted?
What can we do now that we haven't done yet, that we need to be doing, could be doing, should be doing?
When's the last time we've been making world wide news?
When will we make a different move that makes some bad-arse powerful wins against the enemy?
Our forces are swift and powerful, that's for sure.
And when we get on a cause, we can overwhelm the enemy.
But I think we can do more.
As Mr. Pelosi gets his charged dropped, the elites scamper through our lives freely without a care in the world, while destroying everything around us.
All the hard evidence the world sees about Hunter Biden, the debauchery of the Biden family, the bribes, Resident Biden and a stolen election…
And we here sit digging deep on pic of Hillary that we assume is being escorted by a US Marshall, because some anon zoomed into to see a US Marshall pin on the agents lapel?
Certainly good info, but…
And then what?
More digging that comes to naught?
Are we digging and researching, and for what?
What is THE move going to be (the one that actually starts the REAL destruction of the evil enemy)?
I know this, it might be time for a new strategy.
But we postulate Durham IS THE one to break it open, and then?
We make excuses for why he didn't come through.
Should we now wait another two, three years?
What now, where do we do from here?
Just rambling.

Hungary says Orban's stance on sanctioning Patriarch Kirill "known for a long time"

 Hungary's opposition to potential EU sanctions against the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, "has been known for a long time," Prime Minister Viktor Orban's press chief told state news agency MTI on Thursday.

European Union leaders agreed in principle earlier this week on a 6th sanctions package against Russia. On Wednesday, three diplomats said Hungary was holding up the finalisation of the sanctions package, insisting on the removal of Patriarch Kirill from the list of sanctioned individuals.  MTI cited press chief Bertalan Havasi as saying that Hungary would keep to the agreement signed at the EU summit on sanctions earlier this week and that no one raised their voice against the Hungarian stance regarding Patriarch Kirill at the EU summit.https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/hungary-says-orbans-stance-sanctioning-patriarch-kirill-known-long-time-2022-06-02/

When God created your sun and the Earth, in the Genesis area you read and think about — I want to tell you that YOU were there.

All of you were there, and you watched it. You saw the majesty of it, the beauty of it. You saw the Earth being molded for you. You knew that you would come into this place with a test of light and dark. You knew what you would go through.

More than that, you saw it going on all through the galaxies, including this one. Long before this Earth was ready for you, you were participating in that. Many of you have been on other planets and other areas.

How does that make you feel?

I want to tell you how big YOU are. YOU are enormous. I don’t mean your size but your lineage, history, beauty, and splendor.

Your Soul is magnificent, and so are YOU.

Complicated issue
Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, declined to comment on gene editing, saying it’s not "a presidential issue." Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova, when asked if Rebrikov’s proposal will get the greenlight, told Bloomberg that "an ethics committee will deal with this very complicated issue."

In several interviews in Moscow, Rebrikov, 43, said he’s openly pushing ahead with the project because he’s both confident in the procedure’s safety and tired of waiting for officials to establish legal parameters for Crispr’s use. Russian law doesn’t address the issue directly and it may take the World Health Organization another year or more to establish formal gene-editing guidelines.

“Everyone is just yammering,” Rebrikov said during a break at one his labs. “I want the rules to be set, but nobody is doing this.”

While known experiments with Crispr—to improve crops, modify malaria-carrying mosquitoes, treat cancer—are constantly expanding, no government has approved wielding the tool to manipulate what’s called human germlines. China condemned the work of researcher He Jiankui last year as “unlawful” after He announced the birth of twin girls who were genetically altered to be resistant to HIV. He’s not been heard from since and rarely seen. 

Potential misuses
One senior Russian official involved in the Rebrikov debate said the potential misuses of Crispr are so profound that Putin, despite what his spokesman says, will “definitely” make the final call on the matter, even if the decision is communicated privately.

Putin, 66, has made it increasingly clear in recent years that he expects genetic engineering’s eventual impact on society to be as great as or even greater than artificial intelligence—in ways both good and bad. In 2017, he predicted “people” would start editing pre-birth human DNA “very soon,” a development with possible military applications that he’s warned could be “more terrible than a nuclear bomb.”

Last year, before He revealed his achievement, which was widely condemned, Putin allocated about $2 billion for genetic research and named Vorontsova to the 30-person panel overseeing the work. It’s an area of study that Putin has said will “determine the future of the whole world.”

Rebrikov, a native Muscovite, is a Russian patriot who speaks of his own research in geopolitical and religious terms that seem designed to appeal to Putin’s sensibilities.

Cold War comparisons
With China now strictly regulating human-embryo editing and the U.S. recently extending its ban, Russia has the chance to become the prime mover in an industry with unfathomable upside, the scientist said. He compared the quest to perfect germline editing to the arms and space races of the Cold War, only with more runners.

Little is known about Crispr’s long-term effects on the human body. The first detailed report of doctors using Crispr to manipulate the DNA of a living patient in an effort to cure disease—a case study of just one man with cancer—was only published in September.

Critics say we may be more than a decade or more away from having enough knowledge to safely edit embryos that are implanted for pregnancy. Rebrikov’s actions, they argue, could prove disastrous.

“He is being somewhat reckless,” said Victor Dzau, president of the U.S. National Academy of Medicine. “The question is why? What is his motive to proceed and disregard the international scientific and medical community?”

pt 2


Israeli media: Biden visit to ME not related to 'Middle Eastern NATO'

Israeli media quoting American sources said that what is being circulated regarding US President Joe Biden's visit to the Middle East "is not related to a Middle Eastern NATO or an Israeli-Arab alliance."

The American sources confirmed that the matter is related to arrangements and understandings taking place within the framework of the American Central Command, which is "responsible for the Middle East", as "Israel" joined it after it had been for years part of the American command in Europe.

Two days ago, Jordan's King Abdullah II said that he would support the formation of a military alliance in the Middle East similar to NATO, provided that "it would be done with like-minded nations."

The Israeli media spoke of "the tendency to find intelligence cooperation, as well as diagnostic activities, identifying launches of cruise missiles and drones, or things of this kind, and exchanging restricted technological information," stressing that "everything is taking place under American auspices."

The "secret" tripartite summit 

In this regard, the Wall Street Journal reported that the United States held a secret meeting of senior Israeli military officials and military leaders from Arab countries last March, in the Egyptian city of Sharm El-Sheikh.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Sharm El-Sheikh meeting brought together Israeli Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi and Major General Fayyad bin Hamed Al-Ruwaili, Chief of Staff of the Saudi Armed Forces.

Lieutenant-General Salem bin Hamad Al-Nabit, who commands Qatar's armed forces, also participated in, as were senior commanders from Jordan and Egypt, whereas Bahrain, whose military commander rarely travels, and the United Arab Emirates, sent lower-ranking officers - while "Kuwait and Oman did not join the talks."

The newspaper noted that "many building blocks for a potential regional air defense system have been laid."

Commenting on this, Israeli media said, "The important thing today is that the Arab countries who were mentioned did not deny the information that came in The Wall Street Journal, nor the issue of the intention to make regional arrangements under the American umbrella," stressing that the matter "is related to Bahrain, the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, and if they want Sudan as well.” 

However, Israeli media indicated that what interested Biden is the issue of oil and his need for Saudi Arabia in this matter, noting that the American president, who will shake hands with who the US declared as a “pariah”, “encircled the issue of his need for understandings related to oil" with the Kingdom. 

Moreover, Israeli media had announced earlier that "the essence of US President Joe Biden's visit to the region is Saudi Arabia, with symbolic small steps to build confidence, but in the end, it paves the way for normalization between us and Saudi Arabia."

This comes after the White House announced, on the 14th of this month, that Biden will visit the Middle East from 13 to 16 July.



Fucking Ass hat

Please for the love of all that is holy… Step off a bridge into some lava…

Better yet… Go lose yourself in a minefield in Belarus… kthx…


Ukrainian nationalists set Svyatogorsk monastery on fire: Russia

The Russian Defense Ministry reported that Ukrainian nationalists set fire to a wooden monastery as they fled from Svyatogorsk on Saturday.

"Ukrainian nationalists on June 4 set fire to a wooden monastery of the Svyatogorsk Dormition Laura as Ukraine’s 79th air assault brigade retreated from the town of Svyatogorsk of the Donetsk People’s Republic," the Ministry said in a statement.

After completing the arson, the Ukrainian nationalists fled south toward the Ukrainian-controlled village of Sidorovo, according to the Ministry.

Earlier, the head of the National Defense Management Center of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Mikhail Mezintsev, announced that the neo-Nazis have mined containers that include a rare type of dangerous gas at a chemical plant in Lysechhansk. They held employees and civilians hostage to pin the blame on Russia. 

Earlier, the Russian Armed Forces announced destroying a large batch of weapons and military equipment being delivered from the USA and European countries to a group of Ukrainian troops near the Malin railway station in Zhytomir Region using high-precision, long-range sea-based Kalibr missiles.

Russia orders Jewish Agency to stop all operations in country
Dramatic order given to Jewish Agency by government officials in Moscow • Israeli government considering next steps
The Russian government has ordered the Jewish Agency to cease all operations inside the country, The Jerusalem Post has learned, and Russia is saying that the agency has been illegally collecting information about Russian citizens.
The order was given in a letter received from the Russian Ministry of Justice earlier this week. Officials in the Jewish Agency confirmed that the letter was received but would not comment on the response that is currently under consideration in the organization’s offices in Jerusalem in consultation with the Foreign Ministry and the Prime Minister’s Office.
A senior diplomatic official said on Tuesday that "Russia is saying the Jewish agency illegally collected info about Russian citizens."
The source added that "We will bring up the Jewish Agency [with Russian authorities] and address it in an organized way. It will be taken care of at the embassy level." The official added that "we don't totally understand the reasoning [of the request to stop Jewish Agency's activities in Russia].
"As part of the work of the Jewish Agency's delegation in Russia, we are occasionally required to make certain adjustments, as required by authorities," the Jewish Agency said in response to a query from the Post. "The contacts with the authorities take place continuously, with the aim of continuing our activities in accordance with the rules set by the competent bodies. Even nowadays, such a dialogue takes place."

How Jim Watkins, Babyfist, Doge/Austin Steinbart and Flint faked the Q posts

Laughing_MAN aka Babyfist was a Global Volunteer and BO of /ABCU/. He used his GV account to post on Qs bread after larping on Q research for a year straight. He was immediately caught because, just like last night, these people are fucking stupid, and he did it without even using a VPN. So, because we all have what are called IP hashes (scrambled version of your IP posted with every post you make) it was easy to prove Babyfist posted on Qs board and then tried to lie about it. He's so stupid though, 28 seconds after faking a post on Qs board, he came to this board and posted under the same IP address. Jim then went on a press tour and told everyone it came from Babyfists GV account, only to 6 months later have video came out of Jim hanging out in a hotel with Babyfist.

In the last week, it was exposed that not only is Jim connect to Babyfist, but also Austin Steinbart, aka Doge, and a bunch of other Cicada 3301 grifters. They all post on /deepdigs/ together, where Doge is the only baker and the board owner. Needing something to take the heat off of themselves, they hatched the plan to fake Q posts. Cracking the trip code would be difficult. So with Jim's assistance, they created a password and then rotated the SALT so that the created password would output a trip code identical to Qs last Trip code. This can be verified easily and already has been. Anyone that is a BO/BV that posts without a VPN can see that their IP hash has changed, any anon with a trip code that existed before the SALT rotation will see that even though their password has NOT changed, their tripcode has as is demonstrated in picrel. They planned it out so that the fake Q posts would happen while Jim was on stage so he could have plausible deniability, but because THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID, he didn't expect anons to notice the SALT rotation so quickly.

Anons knew last night that something was way off with these Q posts. 1. There was no content, just recycled phrases from old Q posts, as Babyfist and the fake Q were caught doing last year (picrel). 2. Q ALWAYS re-verified his trip code after long absences because SALT gets rotated, and trip codes can be brute forced. (picrel) 3. In the past, whenever Q would start posting, the board would experience MASSIVE lag when they connect and disconnect from the site. It was a noticeable enough lag to the point anons were able to start calling out when Q was about to post. This did not happen last night.

Being that Anons realized quickly something was wrong, some anons started calling into doubt that these were real Q posts. No verification, No delta with PDJT, no posts from Scavino, Nunes or anyone else to confirm. So anons started talking about it being fake. Immediately the well known shills on this board that Jim has aligned himself with started attacking anons.  This should ALWAYS be a big RED FLAG. If shills are attacking someone, they are doing it for a reason. Everyone was waiting for a confirmation, but the shills were shoving the fake Q posts into the dough and telling everyone that disagreed to shut up. Until Dan scavino posted (picrel). A literal BABY FIST. In fact, if you go to GOOGLE, type in BABY FIST and search images, this will be one of the first pictures you will find. Dan Scavino was letting us know who was posting the fake Q posts, Babyfist, the same person that comp'd Qs board previously, lied about it and Jim Watkins assisted in doing it.

It was at this point anons started to notice that their own personal trip codes & IP hashes have changed. It was at this point also that BV Dart started to delete posts calling out that the SALT had been rotated. (picrel) in an attempt to cover up the fact that BO Flint was colluding with Jim Watkins, Babyfist & Austin Steinbart to dupe Qs trip code in an attempt to drive traffic back to this board. If there are no anons, Jim's grift is over, along with the money they make from aggregators. Whenever bullshit happens you have to ask Who Benefits? And the person that benefit

Think about it. The Q Posts have to be fake for ASS to be vindicated. If the Q Posts are real then everything ASS has said for the last 6 months is a lie and everything ASS said about his relationship with Q is a lie.

ASS has every reason to push the fake Q narrative and Q being confirmed (by trip code Q is confirmed) ends the comeback efforts of ASS.

Discern anons, what has ASS got to gain or lose by Q being certified by trip code?

Hey ASS, eat it whore. You can't survive the discernment.

> Places of God-worship are holy places, not for tax collecting, merchanting, and prostitution.

God created everything, yet man thinks he can designate "certain" places as exempt from normal human activity…upon pain of enslavement, torture, imprisonment, and death…"in the name of God". 

There's your idol worship.

I agree…and wonder how it will play out. Remember way back when trump's WH doctor did that 2 hour review of his health… said Trump took the flu vax. That always bothered me as either a lie, or that Trump caved.  And now the Covid fauxvax….how will it play out. Ive told my family i dont care what trump says about the vaxx, dont get it. Cant worship or follow anyone blindly.

I know this will sound stupid to you, but when I’m depressed (not often) i take my shoes and socks off and walk in the grass for a 1/2 hour. It grounds me and takes the negative energy out of my whole being. Its called grounding and a lot of scientific research its excellent and necessary for all of us.  Try it, but dont carry your phone with you or put it aside while you are walking on the grass


Woke LA District Attorney George Gascon
backtracks and admits County Sheriff did
NOT agree to five months in juvenile camp
for 17-year-old who mowed down mom and
child in stolen car

Daily Mail (UK), by Alyssa Guzman & James Gordon

Posted By: Ribicon, 6/5/2022 12:20:22 AM

Woke Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon has made a u-turn over claims the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department 'agreed with the felony charges' over the light sentence a teenager received after he was convicted of driving a car into a mother and her eight-month-old son. An earlier statement put out by Gascon suggested the Sheriff's Department had agreed with both the charges and sentencing, together with the DA's office. But on Saturday, Gascon reversed course saying that the Department had in fact not been consulted over the punishment received by a 17-year-old driver who deliberately plowed into a mother who was pushing her baby

> 'Night of rage' protests erupt into violence across the country: Fox News HQ targeted, fireworks shot at police, pro-life woman attacked, journalists assaulted 

Dear GAWD, this is the worst thing to habben to America since J6

> I usually just update them with the new news.

that's key organization…i didn't start out thinking abou it that way…so just started in date order…and kept my approach linear.

I suppose there are benefits to both ways…when I see your work I feel like I'm playing T-Ball and you're in the majors.


Vatican's second-in-command covered up high-level clerical sex abuse
by Jules Gomes  •  ChurchMilitant.com  •  June 1, 2022

VATICAN CITY (ChurchMilitant.com) - The world's most powerful cardinal of recent times, who served under three popes, was outed the day after his death as a homosexual who rented gay prostitutes. 

In the face of the explosive revelations of the prelate's gay lifestyle, Pope Francis paid glowing tribute to Cdl. Angelo Sodano, describing him as an "ecclesially disciplined man, a lovely shepherd, animated by the desire to spread the yeast of the gospel everywhere." 

In a telegram of condolence to Sodano's sister, Francis praised the cardinal as an "esteemed man of the Church, who generously lived his priesthood first in the diocese of Asti and then, for the rest of his long life, in service of the Holy See."

On Saturday, French investigative journalist Frédéric Martel disclosed Sodano's identity as the pseudonymous cardinal nicknamed "La Mongolfiera" ("hot air balloon") in his explosive book In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy. 

"I can reveal now that the person called 'La Mongolfiera' in my book #Sodoma (the Italian title of the book) was #AngeloSodano. My rule was not to reveal the homosexuality of a living priest or cardinal. Now that he is dead, the truth can be written," Martel tweeted. 

Cardinal Sodano was implicated in most of the major abuse cover-ups by the Vatican

In a second tweet, Martel called Sodano a "great diplomatic figure" and a "nuncio of the extreme Right in Chile, friend of Pinochet, active homosexual, defender of innumerable pedophile priests" and "the hero of my book #Sodoma (La Mongolfiera)."

Sodano, who was second-in-command to Pope John Paul II as Vatican secretary of state from 1991 and continued in office for a year under Pope Benedict XVI, formed "the first 'ring of lust' around the Holy Father," the journalist wrote in his 2019 runaway bestseller.

Martel revealed that Sodano, a second pseudonymous cardinal — "Platinette" — and an unnamed bishop were "regular clients of the Roman male prostitutes, with whom they host foursomes."

The prelates used a network of trusted Vatican intermediaries and money from the Vatican coffers to pay for luxury escorts — costing up to 2,000 euros per evening, Martel disclosed, earning the cardinals the "ironic nickname" of "the ATM priests."

In his book, Martel does not reveal the identity of the intermediaries but names one of the network's ringleaders as "Negretto," a Nigerian member of the Vatican choir. A second intermediary, who is married, is characterized as a "gentleman of His Holiness." 

Cops Bust Pimps
In 2010, Italian police outed Negretto as Thomas Chinedu Ehiem after obtaining over a year's supply of wiretapped phone conversations revealing the operation of a gay prostitution network. 

Police also arrested the "gentleman to his Holiness," naming him as Angelo Balducci, who was part of an elite group of ushers whose task is to serve at the apostolic palace when visiting dignitaries meet the pope. 

The Vatican immediately terminated the positions of both Ehiem and Balducci following the arrests. Police shut down the prostitution network but were unable to charge the main clients, Cdls. La Mongolfiera and Platinette, given their Vatican immunity.

A lieutenant colonel in the Italian carabinieri told Martel that thecardinals couldn't be called in for questioning because of their diplomatic immunity. He explained, "As soon as they were implicated in a scandal, they were automatically protected." 

"They sought shelter behind the ramparts of the Holy See. Likewise, we couldn't search their bags, even if we suspected them of drug trafficking, for example, or take them in for questioning," the officer added. 

Moar here > https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/pope-hails-cardinal-who-hired-gay-hookers

> BO, has anyone asked you about Tor posting being enabled on the board?
it has been asked many times
an anon last bread says he saw something in the notables about it being tuned on yesterday
I have not seen the sauce myself on the timing for TOR posting being tuned back on

since "Q" posted
many anons have succesfully TOR posted

seems some are overthinking the pornhub incest shit from that article or are unaware of the state of porn now adays, its just saying he shared a link of 
go to pornhub from a clean browser if you want 0 algorithm fuckery and look at everything on the front page

Family Strokes
Stepfather fucks 18 y/o
Stepbrother fucks
Family Pies
My cousin
Naughty Stepmom

Basically any new porn link you would send someone is incest fantasy stepbrother shit, not saying it's normal to send your dad porn links but its not exactly saying he's out there fucking his family members either

The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization

It is led by the Jesuit GENERAL (aka Superior General, Father General, the Black Pope).


Liberal “ this is bullshit, no one voted for this” “60% disagree with this”

Me “ exactly, no one voted for this back in the 1970’s when this became law. Now you agree with us”


Israeli occupation forces storm Marka village south of Jenin

The Israeli occupation forces stormed Wednesday the village of Marka, south of Jenin, in the occupied West Bank.

This comes after the IOF launched Tuesday a massive campaign of arrests, targeting and attacking about 19 citizens of the West Bank, and destroying their property.

In a similar context, an Israeli settler murdered a young Palestinian man near Askaka, Salfit, in the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian health ministry said on Tuesday.

The young martyr, Ali Hassan Harb, was murdered by a direct knife-inflicted wound to the heart, according to the Palestinian health ministry.

Harb, 27, was critically injured by a knife attack near Askaka, and he was taken to the hospital in the aftermath, where he was pronounced dead.

The Palestinian was working on his farmland, located between Salfit and Askaka, before Israeli settlers broke into the property and one of them stabbed him.

Several Palestinians tried to help Harb after he was stabbed, but the Israeli occupation forces shot in the air and threatened them against administering any aid to the injured civilian.

The Israeli occupation had confiscated large stretches of land from Askaka, 4 km east of Salfit, to expand the "Ariel" settlement built on the land of several neighboring Palestinian villages.

> IF Q wants his trip to be same, it will be the same. 
so you have never seen a salt rotation before anon?

look at this Q drop
what is Q's tripcode in this drop?
is it the same as Q's tripcode from the LAST drop?

becuase it changed
due to a salt rotation
as discussed in the pic related

Trump would not be upstaged by fake Q posts the day before his rally when the justices he placed on the SC just overruled Roe. The day before that they issued the strongest defense of gun rights in many years.

No way would he allow his legacy to be tarnished by something fake. He would quash it like a bug.

There's a clear and PRESENT danger to the judicial branch, the third pillar of our Republic, with people doxing justices and lurking outside their houses. This behavior was openly encouraged by the white house press secretary Jen Psaki 

"I know that there is an outrage … about protests that have been peaceful to date and we certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges' homes."

Emboldened by this support from the oval office, the intimidation outside the homes of the justices escalated into a gun toting thug appearing on scene threatening murder of Justice Kavanaugh while outside his home. Read the charging document here:

But all that has been swept out of the day's news cycle to make way for wall to wall coverage of a federal agent assisted riot at the Capitol building which happened over a year ago. The radical left and its assault on the foundation of our legal system, as applauded by the White House is the REAL TRAVESTY. Not J6. But like the peaceful protests of 2020, left wing violence and democratic politicians encouragement of it will be ignored and excused

We are through the looking glass.

> Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?

The thing that she was assistant to MM and gave such unbelievable testimony got me bugged. Was she used as a plan? But then again, why would she roast her own career to disprove UC and give a way for real wittness?


 I thought the pro abortionists reaction on the SCOTUS steps were lack luster and meant to show they did not care as much as we thought.  The protesters seemed to be not the kind of women who would seek an abortion anyway.  Now that the vaccine is reportedly leaving women with miscarraiges and sperm that is too slow to make a baby, we seem to be looking at a reduction in pregnancies. The large part of the population in America are boomers, 62 and over this year. Obviously over the age of pregnancy. We also have a dick slicing marathon so no babies from those idiots.   Women who have turn to women for love and affection will not naturally produce children. Along with a bleak uncertain outlook on life and raising a family.   Inflation, war, unemployment, keeping our business open thru the next promised pandemic, sending our children to schools who molest them mind and body.The cabal may know the rate of aborted fetuses is down and coming down as women are unable to spontaneously reproduce, therefore PPH is not a viable way to collect and may be losing money.

What would their next evil plan be, besides outright slaughter in the streets or rural areas?  Not so many abortions but more adult killing for moloch. A post this week alluded to possibly the cabal think it is time for lucifer to appear and may be preparing for that, however I do not know what prep they would need.  

I wrote so much, thinking out loud
Answers are probably here:


> I was the first mover pal

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? 
I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. 
I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. 
I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. 
As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. 
The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. 
You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. 
Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit.

 If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. 
I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. 
You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Ex-Marine sentenced to 16 years for running drug trafficking ring

June 2, 2022 / 5:08 PM / AP 

A former U.S. Marine who ran a ring that ferried tons of cocaine into the country from South America through Mexico has been sentenced to more than 16 years in federal prison, it was announced Wednesday.

Angel Dominguez Ramirez Jr., who holds both U.S. and Mexican citizenship, was sentenced Tuesday in San Diego after pleading guilty last fall to conspiracy to launder money and traffic drugs internationally, the U.S. Department of Justice said in a statement.

Ramirez, 50, of Tamaulipas, Mexico, will receive credit for nearly six years he already has served behind bars.


District Judge William Q. Hayes noted the “staggering” amount of cocaine that Dominguez smuggled.


I'm may be late for the party (missed the last Q post), but I still brought a gift.  I hope it's not a duplicate.

It appears John Durham posted a response to Q's post.

"Pierre Beso" in gematria is "John Durham"

Here is the post and the documents he included in his post.  See thread for screenshots of links he provided.


> John Durham call January 6 

> Do you belive in concidence ?

> New January 06 [DISCLOSURE]

> https://www.justice.gov/oip/foia-library/foia-processed/general&#95;topics/call&#95;logs&#95;11&#95;05&#95;21/download




> https://www.justsecurity.org/76117/the-official-and-unofficial-timeline-of-defense-department-actions-on-january-6/

> January 6 Part of the FBI’s ‘Operation Cold Snap’

January 6 Phone Calls document:

Sperry: Hunter Biden Under Federal Surveillance Over Partnerships With CCP-Tied Figures, Including Che Feng, AKA “Super Chairman”
< Jul. 4, 2022
This is an absolute bombshell if true, and Paul Sperry from Real Clear Investigations does not generally drop news unless he has reliable sources feeding him the intel. The latest report claims Hunter Biden and other members of the Biden Crime Family are under investigation and even surveillance over their relationships with high-ranking CCP-affiliated people and businesses. If true, it means many have been correct in believing the Biden regime may be beholden to Beijing through blackmail and other avenues.

> One of those coattail riders, positioning themselves to later betray
But when you really think about it? What did Pompeo do wrong? Challenge Trump for the presidency? Is that a crime against America?


> Homeland Security Warns Of Potential Domestic

> Terror Attacks ‘For Weeks’ Due To

> Roe V. Wade Ruling

For weeks? You were crated to make sure there are NO domestic terror acts. Are you telling me you're another useless agency that needs to be abolished? Seems so. Hopefully addressed at a later date.  

McDonald’s adds incentives in hopes of hiring 11,000 in Atlanta metro area


> well you are succeeding brilliantly.  Keep it up.

You ip hop because you know your filter rate is over 90%.. The retarded shit that you write is nonsensical. You have more than likely taken the life of some girl and have no other means to get it off your chest. No one cares about your shit. Get it off your chest and then shut the fuck up or kys the world would be a better place

possible eyes on anons..

Putin urgently came to the Kremlin, the reason is unknown.

The cortege with Vladimir Putin arrived at the Kremlin at 23:00.


How is there a communist party in Texas?
Communists are 1000x worse than even the most outlandish claims about the Nazis.
The communist party should be banned.  Aren't there still anti-communist laws on the books from the cold war years?

Former Mark Meadows staffer Cassidy Hutchinson hires new attorney ahead of public Jan. 6 hearings
9 June 2022

Cassidy Hutchinson, a member of Mark Meadows' staff when Meadows was Donald Trump's chief of staff, has hired Jody Hunt to represent her as the public Jan. 6 hearings begin, a source familiar with the matter confirmed to ABC News.

At the start of the Trump administration, Hunt served as chief of staff to then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Hunt later became the head of Department of Justice's Civil Division.

Members of the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack are actively negotiating with Hutchinson for her public testimony during the upcoming committee hearings, sources with knowledge of the matter told ABC News.

If Hutchinson agrees to appear publicly, she will put a voice to many of the interactions involving Jan. 6 that have been reported publicly, and offer significant insight into Meadows' actions and interactions with the former president on Jan. 6 and in the days before and after, the sources said.

During earlier depositions with the committee, Hutchinson confirmed to committee investigators accounts that Meadows had burned documents in his office, according to sources.

It was not immediately clear the contents of what Meadows is alleged to have burned, or whether his actions as described by witnesses constitute anything illegal.

ABC News previously reported that the committee is negotiating with former White House counsel Pat Cipollone for his public testimony. Should either Hutchinson or Cipollone agree to testify, it would mark the first witness to publicly appear before the committee who was physically in the West Wing on Jan. 6.

Politico was first to report Hunt's new role.

PHOTO:  Attorney General Jeff Sessions departs with chief of staff Jody Hunt following a press conference at the Department of Justice on March 2, 2017 in Washington, D.C. (Win Mcnamee/Getty Images, FILE)

How does this attorney Jody Hunt and Sessions recusal timeline line up?  

These Q drops re Sessions and light are interesting in light of the comments made today by Trump and the J6 hearing.

It can't be brought to a head (Proxies), but it can be analyzed and strategy worked out how to cope.  it's like covid, pass the fuckin ivermectin. one click for 250 lb horse you say

>  reading the Talmud
You have to have a readable copy.
You also must want to read.

I don't have copy, and I've no desire to waste heart beats  to read it.  the good news is there's others can read it, and them give SUMMARY.  
I've read something about OATH a certain day it can be broken.  often wonder how that fits with working in Government with a clearance.

seems a loyalty glitch to me.  

Buddhism isn't a religion.  (my opinion)

> To CONFIRM. Don't over complicate it.
Scrolling through the trolls anon noticed a simple method to defeat their attack.
Rather than hovering over the link to see if it's the same bread?
Just look at the post number, and then look at the linked number ( >>/189/
They'll see this too and adjust.  Life goes on, forever I've learned (although not in this suit).

> why is the tripcode blinking, that means it's Q right?
No. That's on a different board (/hivemind) that other admins control. Some people on that board desperately want to be relevant. Q's trip is !!Hs1Jq13jV6 and Q's home is here at /qresearch until Q tells us otherwise.

The foster home are parents who forces my children to call them mom and dad, and they in turn do not allow my son to cut his hair so it grows into a girl’s style; and then insists my daughter to cut a boy’s haircut. They force my children to fall off bicycles and said children are supposed to get bruised up. The children are not allowed to answer my questions about how they’re doing and are forced under general anesthesia to silver up their whole mouth of baby teeth – for possible future cavities they may or may not have one day. It’s total nonsense, a disrespect to children, no love, and no support. Everything they say to the children are insults towards their parent. And, forces religion and unhygienic gross food upon the children that makes them throw up, and then they get grounded for not being able to tolerate their disgusting food and the fosters are constantly and intentionally irritating the children, and mandating endless medical attention on perfectly healthy and nice kids. They refuse to feed my children lunch and told them to get the free lunch from school, which my children’s stomach cannot tolerate, which previously happened when the worker forced my children to attend San Francisco Paul Revere school where the children ended up with food poisoning when the school recycled their lunch from the trash to feed the school kids, 60% of the entire school’s children got sick and then the school principals tried to play it down and deny everything by acting like they never heard of it before after the school reception’s own kids got sick too.

My children don’t want to get sick, they have no choice but to skip lunch, and then the foster home says too bad, that’s your choice not to eat. The situation goes on… where the foster home never tried to switch positions to see how they’ll feel or react if it was them in the same situation. Will they treat themselves like that? How are these kind of people allowed to care for children?

We are ongoingly required to get therapy when no therapist say we need any. The social worker insists the therapists to see us to waste everyone’s time, just to bulk up the worker’s pockets by categorizing us into their incentive criteria. The environment forced upon us goes on… Thank you for caring. We love you all for your kind support! Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. I’ll be spending Christmas with my rabbit. Warm Smiles!” (Karena Feng quote ends)


I REPORTED FOR NATIONAL FILE IN NOVEMBER 2019: The former girlfriend of Nancy Pelosi’s son, Paul Pelosi Jr., is suing him over alleged fraud regarding her property, and spoke exclusively to National File about the nature of their relationship.

Karena Feng, a Taiwan-born woman living in San Francisco, alleges that Paul Pelosi Jr. was “abusive” to her, that he forced her to have an abortion by threatening her life, that he conducted foreign business while claiming to be a representative of Nancy Pelosi, and that he engineered Child Protective Services’ seizure of Feng’s four children. Feng supports her claims with text messages and documents presented in this article below.

Feng cites the Adoption and Safe Families Act, signed in 1997 by President Bill Clinton, as a driver of financial incentives for CPS to remove children from their families. The law provides federal and social security money to states for overseeing adoptions out of foster care and sets a deadline to strip parents of all parental rights when a child has been in foster care for 15 of the last 22 months.

The property in question in Feng’s lawsuit, on the corner of 24th and Utah Street one block from San Francisco General Hospital formerly housed her father’s China House Clinic, an acupuncture and healing clinic. It now houses a decrepit low-rent motel that is reportedly 


BREAKING: 10 Republicans just voted with Democrats to increase the minimum age for buying semi-automatic weapons to 21.



Yeah, I know that watching all those treasonous/seditious retards would make me rage.  I think I'm going to go work on some touch ups and continue listening to Ghazghkull Thraka - Prophet of the Waaagh!  Later, anons.

> She sounds like a real winner.
Well she is truly loved that's all she needs and I think the same goes for me, I hope she loves me as much too, I came a long way and to be honest I am not trying to impress her here with my posts!!!

> I got banned here for posting a meme

> don't see anything on the ban list regarding this

see:  >>/1353/


> Jim deleted that one and banned you for dost
yep yep

> WTF is Dost?
also curious

> CP
are you fucking serious?
dost = CP?

can anyone explain the reference?



> CP!? That was a picture from the news, used in a meme, the original picture with Joe and two girls only had Hunter added to it, that's all, I got it from twitter.

post it again in this bread anon
let anons decide 
if you post it right now
and (for example) I never refresh my browser
I will still be able to see it
even if it gets deleted/ you get banned again…

Ok so which one of you fags, pissed of the trans. Nice Logo



The Mau Mau rebellion (1953)

It has been almost 69 years since the Mau Mau rebellion took place in Kenya. Many atrocities were committed by the British army in the African country, many of which included mass murder, the use of concentration (forced labor) camps by the British, and various torture methods. 

Although the number of those killed during the rebellion is disputed by experts, they are estimated to be between 25,000 and 50,000 deaths, half of which were children aged 10 and below, and were due to malnutrition, starvation and disease.

One of the most well-known massacres that happened at the time, which was covered up by the British military, later came to be known as the Chuka massacre. It raised questions about the actions of the British forces operating in Kenya in the 1950s.

It is 2022, and Britain still refuses to own up to its atrocities. 

In short, in the Chuka massacre, British soldiers attempting to clear the Chuka area of “rebel” activity, were searching a nearby forest with the help of two recently captured rebels. After torturing the rebels, the soldiers came upon a village on June 17, 1953, and a dispute broke out with the locals. The soldiers arrested 10 men, told them to lie face-down, and severely beat them. Later, they were taken to a camp and ordered to lie face-down again and were shot in the backs of their heads.

The following day, on June 18, the soldiers stole food from another group of civilians. When they protested, one of them was shot, and another 10 were taken captive: nine adults and a boy. They were taken near a farm and were killed by the British soldiers. 

The villagers informed the authorities, but in the end, this only culminated in a light sentence of seven years’ imprisonment for the company’s commander, while none of the 12 other British men were tried.

Britain’s disinformation campaign in Indonesia and the killing of hundreds of thousands (1965)

Though Britain had long denied it had anything to do with the strife that took place in Indonesia in 1965, recently declassified documents show that it was in fact behind the disinformation campaign that brought down the left-leaning Sukarno government, according to a report by The Guardian.

Ed Wynne was a specialist sent to Indonesia by the British Foreign Office’s Information Research Department (IRD) in an effort to prevent a “domino effect” of Communism’s growing influence in Asia. The IRD was closely associated with MI6, and its main area of expertise was disinformation campaigns. 

Part 2

Elon Musk
Only thing more remarkable than DOJ not leaking the list is that no one in the media cares. Doesn’t that seem odd?
2:57 PM · Jun 4, 2022·Twitter for iPhone



BREAKING HEADLINES, [11.06.22 07:20]

EXCLUSIVE: Military Official Predicted mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Might Be Paused Over Heart Inflammation

READ: https://1.breakingheadlines.news/NskaHl


Those in here of the dark I have a serious question for you.

In the end Would you rather have the power to destroy worlds or the power to create worlds?
Which is more Powerful ?

I wonder what part Cisco had to play in the coming event? They were the last major big tech company to withdraw from Belarus and Russia.

Were they setting up a surveillance grid, or just frequency emitters ala Operation Crimson Mist?

Q Proof

Planned Parenthood holds a riot at the Wisconsin Capital Building on 6/23/22. 

Q drop #1586 says “Organized riots being planned”

Donald Trump quote retruthed a post from the day prior.

June 23, 2022 at 8:18:13 am

June 22, 2022 at 10:42:14 am

That is exactly 1584 minutes apart.

Q Drop #1584 reads “We told you proofs would be important very soon. New eyes. Be ready. 5:5? We thank you for your service” ; which also is hit on #1586

Since we are 2 days behind schedule; #1586 - 2 = #1584

Direct hit.

Big Pharma set to control entire food supply
< Sat, 30 Apr 2022 00:00 UTC
 The indoor vertical farming industry, which is a highly-innovative and efficient method is being funded by Bill Gates and pushed by the World Economic Forum as a replacement to conventional outdoor farming.


The Vigilant Fox 🦊, [02.06.22 16:47]
[ Video ]
Economic Collapse, No Elections in the Fall? Edward Dowd Drops His Predictions for the Future

"The system will collapse of its own weight; it's designed to collapse. It's a system that has multigenerational length to it, and we're at the end."

"Dr. Malone put out a Substack saying [that it's] looking like the current monkeypox that they've identified may have been engineered."

"I'm starting to think there will be no elections in the fall. They will lock us down under the cover of the monkeypox virus. And at the very least, if we do have elections, it'll be mail-in ballots, and we won't be able to go to the ballot boxes in person."

Protect your wealth & retirement from economic uncertainty: goldforyourfuture.com/fox

@VigilantFox | Rumble (https://rumble.com/v174l4n-economic-collapse-no-elections-in-the-fall-edward-dowd-drops-his-prediction.html) | Full Video (https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2022/06/economist-whistleblower-who-predicted-covid-tyranny-breaks-down-how-to-fight-the-next-lockdown-video/)

Then those trioxides will combine with the trogladites and for the terrifying tetrahydroxylphosphates that will turn all the men into tranny faggots and the women into super bush-munching sasquatch feminazis!

What they're they're really not telling you here in this story is…
They were Trafficking for the United States Government and getting paid to do it.
bidens fault, oh & don't forget the boarder czar kamalaIMPEACH

I am so out o touch with normi land but i understand a lot o women got caught up in this for whatever reason…   mom sis girlfriend….   a respect the perspective given in the vid     hard for me as a man to relate on some level        the female perspective open many doors ANONS

ex  att VID

I would love to hear this with the background noise removed. 
Chico Marx played this in one of the brother's movies. He did it with a slightly comedic bent to it.
anyway thanks
It is  the best version, I have ever heard.

Don't listen to the shills saying the Q posts aren't real Q posts.

Don't argue with them. If Q has a comped trip, he would post with confirmation via zero Trump delta.

The shills demanded the zero delta. Q gave them a couple.

Now the goalposts are moved. And the shills will keep moving them. Q confirmed with the zero deltas. He will do so again, according to the early/recent posts today/last night.

When that happens, the shills will claim it's all fake - just as they have been. Let them shill. Don't engage.


the lines look one way in dough but come out right when posted
most bakers don't know that so they line them up in dough and then when posted they look messed up, forgot most bakers didn't know that so when first posted meant for them to go into dough
oh well, been a while since Q posted, had to dig up those lines

Want To Increase Your Intelligence, You Must Forget Old Habit & Try Something New
Source, More Beyond Godlike Articles: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

Most people cannot forget their old habit, which is the major block on the way to gain new real enlightenment of life.

You need to read/watch history of humanity and this civilization.
You must to remember that all the knowledge gods/deities given humanity are just the study tools for mortal human such as language, number, religions, ritual, etc.
So if you want to raise above “mortal human” realm level, you must stop doing all those things.

You cannot truly exit the matrix if you still believe in number “destiny”.

You are not a “fair” person if you still using any ritual, thus “block” your own enlightenment road.

You must use your brain/mind to analyze, to think, to self explain why this religion have this practice, why that religion have other pinciples, etc.

When you are “connecting” with others such as having a lot of wealth/money or in any group/organization, you are hidden also “hold” the “negative unwanted” karma energy of others, thus you will be less smart, less chance to understand the magic of life.

The Tao Te Ching written by Lao Tzu already revealed and tell that eternal law of life, but how many of you know and remember that?

The default destiny of all humans, animals are dead if you only follow old traditions, old way of living.
So if you want to change for the better, you must forget the old habit and must try something new but you also must use your mind to understand and to judge so you can be in the correct direction.

You need to remember that you only live once, there is no reason to stay and live like animal, wake up and become your own God, control your own destiny !

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
Source, More Beyond Godlike Articles: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

I'm kicking ass and not taking names.
I'm running for office and winning.
I'm cleaning up the voter rolls and so much more cleaning out voter fraud.
I'm running for school board.
I'm working at the polls to keep it honest.
I'm winning at 5he Supreme Court.
Not so many bio-labs as there were before.
Need i go on?
Now move along kid, you bother me.
China man, you go home now. Go.

New clip angle. He reloaded.

Amichai Stein
זק״א היחידה הבינלאומית: בהמשך לאירוע ירי בשיקגו ארה״ב, במקום כ6 הרוגים ועוד כ30 נפגעים, בין ההרוגים יהודי מבוגר. היורה נמלט. דיווח על עוד מס׳ יהודים שנפגעו באירוע.


ZAKA International Unit: Following a shooting incident in Chicago, USA, about 6 people were killed and another 30 were injured, among them an elderly Jew. The shooter escaped. A number of other Jews were reported to have been injured in the incident.


Sisters and Brothers, Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide
What is coming to the LIGHT is much bigger than election fraud!!!!
Fort Sill
[THEY] Shouldn't Have Touched the Children.
This is not about personal religious beliefs.
Read the book of Jude in the Bible.
These people HATE America.
Follow the money.
Follow the wives.
[THEY] thought you would follow the STARS.
"SPYGATE is in full force!"
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming
Where We Go One We Go ALL
I'm going to get you out of this lightning
Military is the only way.
Think EO's
The server brings down the house.
END OF THE D PARTY [leaders].
Clean and swift.
No war.
No civil unrest.
Marker [9]
Martial Law means it is time to clean the HOUSE!
John F. Kennedy Jr.
I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'

The South African wildlife trophy hunter regularly posted photos of himself with the bodies of giraffes, lions and elephants that he had killed.


bruh, just get on linux
> No one knows how to program anymore, they just use other people modules and glue everything together. I program all that I can and try not to rely on 3rd party bloat.
this is true and what surprised me the most when i got into programming. "don't reinvent the wheel" = using other people's code, all the time

Who cares if new Q is real Q or fake Q. All that matters is the results they produce. Produce some results correlating to the posts and do something for a change, otherwise it doesn't matter who the fuck is posting with a tripcode.

Oh Brother (You) misunderstand me.  Good is Blameless. Pure and Holy. But God created Good and Evil. To appreciate your thirst you must be deprived of Water. 

Fasting from a thing or things make you appreciate them. When God turns his face from anything it withers and is destroyed. Think Sunlight.

Was just telling my wife about God's grace and why it is the most important thing in the world for anyone to understand. Grace is a Light. It's the Light of understanding that can manifest into our realm by it's own Wisdom and Authority. There is nothing we can do except accept it as a Grace from the Most High. We can't save our own souls nor can we beg, borrow, or steal this Grace; it has to be given. Just like I said, only God can give Revelation(s). My wife suddenly pointed out that a necklace she got from her church a while ago that had a tiny tiny Star of David which she had hung on the wall had some type of shadow underneath it. After careful inspection we saw that it was oil. I reminded her that Jesus said he saw you under the Olive (I'll Live) tree. This is why we use oil to anoint, as a Blessing and a Grace; Amen.

Keep an eye out for Masons:

Why are Freemasons on the scene of most shooting locations?
Openly giving interviews or in background shots?
Symbolism will be their downfall.

I am pointing out they are NSA. and if they have the code (open source) for the board, and they can avoid captcha (they have said it makes no difference to the attackers) then they have ways.
It's not hard for them to challenge it.


Don’t you see?
He’s the “Man In The High Castle “!

He was KGB, served in E Germany, during the Soviet control of Russia!
He knew/knows it ALL!!!

The Satellite Dark side of moon (streams different realities to different parts of the World - “You’re watching a movie”



He’s cleaning out Nazi’s WW!!!!


Location of all Nazi bases throughout the World!

The full inside story behind Prince Andrew’s car crash TV interview: The woman who set it all up reveals how Beatrice listened to him discuss teen sex claims and says 'each time I thought he couldn't say anything worse, he DID!'

"…Then Amanda said there was just one red line: we couldn't talk about the issue of Andrew's friendship with Epstein. My heart sank…."


moar better triggering!
are [they] really anti abortion?
it depends on the nation/race/religion really…

Vatican control of World Health Organization population policy
An interview with Milton P. Siegel

"This interview with Professor Milton P. Siegel, who for 24 years was the Assistant Director General of the World Health Organization, was recorded in 1992 by Dr. Stephen D. Mumford, President of the Center for Research on Population and Security. This is the first time that it has been made available to the public.

Because of his position and the length of his tenure, Professor Siegel is considered among the world's foremost authorities on the development of World Health Organization policy. In this interview, he reveals the influence of the Vatican in shaping WHO policy, particularly in blocking adoption of the concept that overpopulation is a grave public-health threat – a concept which, in WHO's early years, enjoyed a broad consensus among member countries.

Without this separation of population dynamics from WHO public-health policy, the Vatican would have found it much more difficult to subsequently manipulate governments on such issues as family planning and abortion. National leaders would have been able to refer to the international consensus, as demonstrated by WHO policy. WHO, they could have insisted, has determined that family planning and abortion – like clean water, good nutrition, and immunizations – are necessary to protect public health.

Professor Siegel decided to speak out on the subject. As he was involved in the WHO at an early stage, his personal experience provides ample evidence that the Vatican influenced WHO policy development from the outset, during the early period of the Interim Commission in 1946. In its 63-year history, this international health body has had a deplorable record in family planning. Its commitment has been minuscule, and even today family planning accounts for only a tiny fraction of its budget.

Professor Siegel joined the World Health Organization in 1946, when it was still in its formative stages – under the umbrella of the United Nations, created just the year before. Because of his earlier work in North America and the Middle East, he was asked, in effect, to be one of WHO's "founding fathers". So he came on board on the senior staff of the Interim Commission. Dr. Brock Chisholm of Canada was the Executive Director of the Commission, which set up the permanent organization with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Chisholm was chosen to be WHO's first Director General."


A breakdown of $69 billion in federal Covid relief to the nation's colleges and universities

Q Research General #20828: Trump rally in nashville continued..
notables at 120, baker is tapping out, fcuking shattered, all day with loads of drama, tantrums, multiple breads and trump rally, fuck sake never worked this hard when baker was working for a living. kek
Keep the faith, this is a spiritual war, god speed ahead.


Previously Collected

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Proofs: https://qproofs.com/
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/


final notables, ffs, had to uninstall vpn and reinstall vpn. lost notes twice. baker will take to top of next bread and then hand off, lots of fuckery with tech again, site froze, all sorts of shanigans

Link to Grassley and Hawleys letter and docs on whistleblower on DHS
36 pages 


> Did someone call in a Q related threat?

Sep 06, 2018 5:20:03 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000

Why, before each RALLY, are 'threats' now being called in re: 'Q' attendees [effort to prevent…]?
Why are bots and/or paid shills tasked to down vote and/or 'shill' 'Q' discussion boards? 
Why is FAKE NEWS media attacking this movement in strategic/coordinated waves [similar anti-POTUS tactics?]?

Imam of Peace 🕊

I hope President Biden is watching how Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman is treated in the region. Erdogan shakes his hand with both hands, Jordan’s King doesn’t walk before MBS does, and Egypt’s President races to receive him, maintaining two steps behind. All of these … 1/
are signs for those who understand how the Middle East/region functions. In short, they are recognizing MBS as a geostrategic player, while they (Jordan, Turkey, Egypt) are pivots. They also, very clearly, recognize him as the legitimate heir to the throne.


anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the inbreds, a jackal ~ jakob and can only learn that as it is a product of inbreeding it should never exist as how the inbred judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

inbreeding = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.


>  the suffering of black people

This has all been prophesied.  Fear not, it will be short lived.  And fear not the EARTH disasters that GOD will implement to stop them.   SEEK  Higher ground and seek shelter, but fear not if you have even a mustard seed of faith.

Apology to Jim Watkins

Oops. Did I fuck up?   >>/953/
If so, then please accept my apology. I did not mean to cast a bad light on this board, 8kun or the adminstration. Somebody wanted links to the Christchurch video and I innocently obliged.

Serious question, though: how else to dessiminate such information?

I see that my post was not deleted, however.

: Take Christopher Rufo, a conservative activist. I want you to remember his name. He proudly admits he distorted and stoked a furor over Critical Race Theory in order to make any discussion of race, racism or discrimination toxic.


I am hoping the double-down of Giluiani and Trump are tells that there's still a chance. Would expect that Giuliani would just disappear and live the rest of his life in peace, but he's not - thank God.

Just a thought. Qlockfags
how bou't a whole thread dedicated to the creation of just your graphic. with step by step details of what the hell i am looking at and why.


Ten laws impacting LGBTQ+ rights set to take effect today

Alabama House Bill 322

In April, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R) signed into law a bill preventing transgender students from using facilities like restrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identity. An amendment to the law also bars kindergarten through fifth grade educators from engaging in classroom instruction related to sexual orientation and gender identity in a manner that is not “age appropriate or developmentally appropriate.”

Florida House Bill 1557

One of the most highly publicized measures of the year, Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law – dubbed by its critics as the “Don’t Say Gay” law –  will prevent public primary school teachers from engaging in classroom instruction related to sexual orientation or gender identity.

Public school educators through high school will be prohibited from addressing either topic with their students in a manner that is not “age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate.” Parents will also be given greater authority to take legal action against school districts they believe to be in violation of the law.

Florida House Bill 7

Florida’s Individual Freedom Act prevents workplaces and schools in the state from requiring training or instruction that may make some people feel they bear “personal responsibility” for historic wrongdoings because of their “race, color, sex or national origin.”

The measure has also been called the “Stop WOKE Act” by the state’s Republican governor Ron DeSantis, where woke is used as an acronym for “Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees.”

Indiana House Bill 1041

The now-law prevents transgender women and girls through high school from competing on sports teams consistent with their gender identity.

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb, a Republican, in March vetoed the measure, writing in a letter that he believes the bill does not solve a problem that exists in Indiana. The state legislature later voted to override the governor’s veto.

South Dakota Senate Bill 46

In February, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) signed into law the year’s first transgender athlete ban.

Under the law, transgender women and girls through high school are barred from playing on sports teams that match with their gender identity. Students and schools that “suffer any direct or indirect harm” from the law being violated are permitted to take legal action.


ATTN Legacy Media shills

The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.

290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A social subversion operations. 

Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.
Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows. 

Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.  

Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.

A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”

Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness. 

Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO. 



FedEx Worker Fatally Shot Nonprofit Founder as He Slept Beside Wife, Cops Say

As a FedEx employee headed to his shift at Dulles International Airport on Tuesday, he was stopped by Virginia airport police. It was at that point he learned officers were arresting him over the death of 32-year-old Gret Glyer, a nonprofit CEO and father of two young children who had been found shot in his bed last week.

The package worker, a 33-year-old man from Arlington named Joshua Danehower, reacted calmly and was taken into custody without incident, authorities with the City of Fairfax said Wednesday.

It appears as though Danehower acted alone, Captain Jeff Hunt, the commander of the City of Fairfax Police Department’s criminal investigations division, said at a press conference announcing the arrest. Danehower has been charged with second-degree murder and the use of a firearm in the commission of a crime.

Early Friday morning, patrol officers responded to an emergency call reporting that someone had been shot inside Glyer’s Fairfax home. Inside, officers found Glyer, the founder of the fundraising platform DonorSee, dead from multiple gunshot wounds. A preliminary investigation revealed that his wife, Heather, had been asleep beside him at the time of the shooting.

“Gret was my best friend and an incredible husband and father,” Heather, who married Glyer in 2018, said in a statement on Wednesday. “He had an amazing heart for helping the people who need it most, and I know that legacy will live on.”

There has not been a reported homicide in Fairfax, a city of more than 20,000 people, since 2008, according to WTOC.

Danehower was identified by Fairfax authorities as a potential suspect in Glyer’s killing after “someone came forward” with a tip, Hunt said.

Investigators have not yet established a motive in Glyer’s death. It appeared as though Danehower was “an acquaintance of the family,” according to the police captain, who added that authorities were looking into a potential connection the men may have had through their church.

To which church Glyer belonged is unclear, but a friend on Facebook announced that his memorial service would be held at The Falls Church Anglican on Friday.

Glyer founded DonorSee in 2016, according to the company’s website, in order to create a “giving platform” allowing contributions to be handed over “directly to people in need,” with a particular focus on alleviating poverty and famine in Africa. The company, which employs roughly 15 people, also provides donors with video updates showing how their funds are being used.

On a DonorSee page set up to help Glyer’s family, a statement was posted grieving his loss as “a courageous and kind leader, who treated everyone like family… he always had a positive attitude that encouraged you to push a little harder, do a little more, and smile a little bigger.”

The day we end extreme poverty, we will throw the world’s biggest party. It will be one of the greatest days of humankind.

But we need a location. Perhaps Lake Malawi? 🤔 pic.twitter.com/uY3jVEHtBs

— Gret Glyer 🌍 (@gretglyer) June 24, 2022
The interim chief of the platform, Owen O’Doherty, told The Washington Post in a Wednesday interview that he did not not know Danehower.

According to his LinkedIn profile and online obituary, Glyer had moved in 2013 to become a teacher at a Bible school in Malawi, an East African nation, after several years spent working at Enterprise Rent-A-Car. While there, he had founded a nonprofit called Housing for Orphans and Widows in Malawi, which worked to construct homes in rural areas.

“And what a difference he made.”

33 HIT


Not long ago, we wrote about a crowdfunding platform called DonorSee that’s looking to circumvent big international aid organizations by giving money directly to aid workers around the world. It’s sort of like GoFundMe for international aid projects.


Gregg Phillips on MG show explaining the significance of the SC ruling on the EPA. 

He believes this isthe beginning of the end for the DS, he goes into a lot of detail. He believes this is biggest ruling from the SC in his lifetime

Judge in leftist-run state cuts bail from $5M to $100k for 7-times deported illegal immigrant who shot at police


United States v. SUSSMANN (1:21-cr-00582) 

Governments Reply Concerning the Parties Motion in Limine and Rule 404(b) Objections

8 pages


> watch Trostsky
Synogague of Satan
If you anons have NEVER heard of bolsheviks, you should, they are the bridge to a lot of the evil, hate, and turmoil our Planet suffers.. but not the sole culprits
> one of Muse's worst tracks

> In reality none of it matters.

So…let me get this straight. You're not going to vote because you think the elections are rigged WITHOUT knowing if they will gaurd better against fraud in these upcoming elections, right? Irrespective of your knowledge (because you think all elections are rigged) , you refuse to vote because you think you're "teaching them a lesson".

Great logic.

> Q doesn't do predictions. Q does comms

Agreed. Q is explanative, not predictive. Paytriots, 'Decoders', and some anons have made predictions. Q has been clear that 'news unlocks' and should be read that way.

White House announces more press team departures amid shakeup

Jean-Pierre said White House Rapid Response Director Mike Gwin and White House press assistant Michael Kikukawa would be leaving to serve in public affairs at the U.S. Treasury.


The word “peaceful” means “incite an insurrection.” We know this now because Democrats and the media told us that when Trump said “peacefully protest” on January 6th, he really meant “insurrection.”


Biden: "Keep all protests peaceful, peaceful, peaceful."


6354 mirror 4536

Jun 28, 2020 4:18:28 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 208ed4 No. 9778955 
If the news is untrustworthy, corrupt, controlled, and simply an extension [arm] of the [D] party…
How do you circumvent? [controlled lines of comm [propaganda]]
How do you communicate directly with the people?
Backchannels are important.
Information warfare.
Knowledge is >power<

It makes sense that Q is returning slowly and carefully, after being away fo long. Many bakers have never baked Q breads or used the Q lines. Or checked out Baker Lite app so they know when Q is posting. Not a trivial shift. Slow and steady wins the race.

Good Afternoon anons, autists and keyboard warriors 07.

"Step into the gap" from the Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates.

{PINO} bidAn day 501 is upon us.

Man the meme canons. 🔥 4E


Carry-on Patriots.

Canada Day protests: Man arrested on Parliament Hill, Poilievre briefly joins Topp march; bylaw officers start towing



Brian Cates - Political Columnist ★★★, [03.06.22 19:10]
[Forwarded from Resist the Mainstream]
🔴 Former Judge Murdered At His Home


Well intentioned but not infallible. He did some stupid shit like the pardons (and not pardoning Assange and the Jan 6 political prisoners), but he also flashed a huge spotlight into all the Israeli control of the US and whole West.
Suggested reading:

How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:

Russia state-affiliated media

Excluding Russia from the United Nations Security Council is possible only if the entire organization is disbanded and created anew, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said:



> “It all depends on the behavior of Russia. Can we really live in a world where Putin’s let back into the New World Order?”

> Confirmation that Putin is a good guy and left the NWO.

Also, is there any doubt the New World Order is real and we need to confront it.

 Also is there any doubt Hillary is a key player who thinks her opinion matters?


Huh…Now it makes me wonder if that's part of the reason for a "war" between CIA & FBI.
Since CIA is filled with Muslims/secretly converted Muslims, & Muslims hate the gays, it would make sense  that CIA hates FBI.


Biden’s Federal Agencies Post Images
of ‘Progress Pride Flag’ Including
Stripes for Trans Community

Breitbart Politics, by Hannah Bleau

Posted By: Ribicon, 6/1/2022 5:32:50 PM

President Joe Biden’s Department of State, as well as other federal agencies, marked the first day of “Pride Month” on Wednesday with an image of the “Progress Pride Flag,” which supposedly calls for more inclusion by including stripes for trans and minority communities. “On June 25, the Department flew the Progress flag for the first time over Washington, DC headquarters. @DeputySecState: ‘The United States is firmly committed to fighting for LGBTQI+ people at home and everywhere.’ #PrideMonth,” the department said in a tweet posted Wednesday morning:(Snip)It followed up with another social media post, writing, “June is #Pride Month! For over 50 years, people around the world have come


Chief Nerd, [19.06.22 09:43]
[ Video ]
James Delingpole on Vaccine Injuries

Wait for the end 🎯 


H/T: @backtolife_2022


wonder if it has to do with POTUS retruthing PAIN IS COMING along with pics of r chandler


> Until the 4th I have given them time
Why has this become a general theme?  I've seen a lot of people saying shit like this.  You know damn well NOTHING big is going to happen between now and the 4th.  Stop setting yourself up for disappointment.

use as an excuse to do what they want to do anyway, Destroy property, murder, terrorize. 
J0ker's World

They want to "topple" the power structure; with Bidan at their helm.
They fail to realize they 'd be some of the first "to go" should the goal they enabled be accomplished.

They'll use it to disturb the primary voting in NYC.
Tell all your friends, and spread it

Well… Morbius isn't as bad as everyone is whining it is, provided you go into it not expecting Citizen Kane or anything.  I've seen worse movies, and I enjoyed the special effects.

> No victim here bleeding to death

qr and 8kun as a whole is ABSOLUTELY bleeding out 
anon engagement/ participation is on a steadily downward spiral 
3 hour bread average is now 3.5
4 hour bread average on the way

Marriage is:  one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney   

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q  

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase,  "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge  

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

Reality Winner, who received the longest sentence ever imposed on a civilian for leaking classified information to the media, has submitted a presidential pardon request to the U.S. Department of Justice


In fact, circles in crops all over the planet are placed there by sounds above the human frequency to configure these forms of language. Often, in the beginning, these shapes are circles. They evolve into triangles, lines, and many other things.

The circles and shapes that are placed on Earth are there to help you maintain and manage your frequency and have the courage to live your light. They make the frequency information available in a very subtle way, and no one can understand them yet. These forms are all connected to each other, and if they were all written simultaneously in a farmer’s field, something would happen immediately. They are spaced from continent to continent, and create a band of frequencies around the planet that helps activate the work of the Earth. They allow you to not feel awkward with what you know, and to feel more comfortable with frequency shifts when they occur.

As we said, geometric shapes carry intelligence. These are waves of frequency that can be modulated and changed.

The shapes that come to Earth are like energy gates or energy glyphs. They hold intelligence and are being configured to eventually connect and create an intelligent network around the planet. This network will have a frequency that humanity can use to evolve.

Remember who you are. You are all expressions of Source who are striving in a very glorious way to become even more evolved.

36 out of how many "Q" posts…kek…what part of "EVERY TIME" do you NOT understand…you are missing a HELL of a lot of delta's…/sad

you keep saying that word (Everytime)…maybe you are wrong!!!!….OMFG!!!!!


Mali: Militants kill at least 20 civilians in Gao troubled region

Militants in Mali killed at least 20 civilians in attacks on villages near the northern town of Gao over the weekend, while a landmine killed a UN peacekeeper in the troubled region.

A senior police officer said that "criminal terrorists" on Saturday killed at least 20 civilians in several parts of the Anchawadj commune, a few dozen kilometers north of Gao.

A local official attributed the attacks to jihadists and said the death toll reached 24, indicating that the killings occurred at Ebak, some 35 kilometers (23 miles) north of Gao, the region's main town.

The official described a "general panic" in the area, adding that the situation in Anchawadj was "very concerning", and civilians were fleeing the area fearing further violence.

Targeting UN peacekeepers may constitute war crimes

Following the bloodshed on Saturday, a landmine killed a UN peacekeeper on Sunday as he was out on patrol further north in Kidal, the head of the UN's MINUSMA Mali force, El Ghassim Wane, tweeted.

The spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the killing of the peacekeeper, who he said was from Guinea.

"Attacks targeting United Nations peacekeepers may constitute war crimes under international law," the spokesperson pointed out.

Gao region has become increasingly violent and unstable

While there has been no official confirmation that the attacks were carried out by jihadist groups, militants affiliated with either Al-Qaeda or the Islamic State group are active in the region.

The region has become increasingly violent and unstable since Tuareg separatist rebels rose up against the government in 2012.

The Tuareg separatists and the government agreed to a peace accord in 2015, but it has yet to be applied.

"A good part of the Gao region and that of Menaka" are occupied by the jihadists, said the official in Gao, stressing that "the state must do something."

Government stability meanwhile has been interrupted by military coups in August 2020 and May 2021.

Following his latest report on the area, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres last month warned that instability in Mali and Burkina Faso were undermining attempts to stabilize the region.

The security situation in the Gao region had badly deteriorated in recent months, he said, voicing concern over Menaka, the eastern region bordering Niger.

"Flagrant abuses" of national sovereignty

Just last week, French troops were in the process of handing back a military base in northeastern Mali before their final withdrawal from there, according to the French army.

But Wane said that the withdrawal can be trouble for Menaka, saying that the people there "did not rule out an attack" on the town. 

In May, the Mali junta decided to withdraw all defense treaties with France, citing "flagrant abuses" of national sovereignty. 

Mass graves near a French base

It is noteworthy that Bamako has accused the French military of espionage and sabotage.

Last month, Malian troops found bodies buried next to the former French military base in Gossi.

The French military is scurrying to hide mass graves in Mali that they have been responsible for, according to a member of Mali's National Transitional Council, Aboubacar Sidiki Fomba, told Sputnik. 

"The French military lies, fabricates facts, wanting to hide mine wells. If there are mass graves, then they are responsible for them," Sidiki Fomba said.

>  Anon did ask for a postcard signed by with signatures of the individuals from Q Team
You guys will live in the heart of this fag forever. I know it doesn't mean much, but it means much to me.

If the DS was bold enough to take down JFK or Reagan to push their agenda, what is stopping them from taking down Biden via an assassination attempt via an AR15 to get gun control ?

Throwing it out there .

These people are evil to the core.  Midterm sympathy play.  A "FF" such as this would be enough to possibly gain back votes lost due to to Biden's terrible performance in office.  Harris would then be seen a a fresh start while having the race / woman issue as a shield from critical opinion.  Gun control would be front and center with the world opinion being used against the US via MSM blitzkrieg. 

Here's the catch …If Biden knows he's going to hang sooner or later, or is terminally ill he might be up to making himself the ultimate sacrifice as a last ditch effort to save his families ill gotten fortune and be a martyr  for the cults cause as a last ditch effort to maintain power.

They eat their own as well but in different ways.

Trying to stay ahead of these people takes one to dark places.   

We can only hope the good guys in the USSS are doing their best.  In 1963 we saw what happened in Dallas when the bad guys did what they do. 

The love for my country is stronger than my personal thoughts about the man knowing what these sick people are capable of. I pray that Biden lives long enough to see justice via a legal trial. 


Not an argument. And thanks for being so impotent in the face of the verifiable facts I am posting. And it must be awful to be an Israeli parasite incapable of creating anything, you "people" only truly know to steal from others, you can't even come up with your own replies. Tick tock, enjoy the coming pogroms, and remember, you did this to yourself :) 

https://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”
The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”
The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.
Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.

"Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws"
16 December 2012

"Anti-Semitic fliers blame US Jewish lawmakers for gun control"
22 March 2018

"The NRA will fall. It's inevitable" 
"Just look at the demographics."


The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:

Anti-White gun grab:


Neil Steinberg's article called "Why restrict child porn but not guns?"

Neil Steinberg is unsurprisingly, a Jew:

Jew immediately tries to demonize Whites as soon as a tragedy occurs:


FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. No matter if they were designed by some standards committee, the community or a corporation. It is also highly portable: FFmpeg compiles, runs, and passes our testing infrastructure FATE across Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, the BSDs, Solaris, etc. under a wide variety of build environments, machine architectures, and configurations.

All through this time, Al Gore and quite a number of others have made massive fortunes through scams like carbon credits while, we all also know at this point, flying about in private jets to the most expensive redoubts on the planet to tell us all how to live.

John Kerry, America’s first “special envoy for climate,” who seems to spend more time in those private planes than most of us do in bed, has a personal carbon footprint the size of Brooklyn and is well known for docking his $7 million yacht in neighboring Rhode Island to avoid a half million in taxes from his home state of Massachusetts.

I have a personal note of my own to add, having attended, for PJ Media, the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in the midst of the biggest blizzard I had ever encountered—and I went to college in New Hampshire.

I was sitting waiting for one of the panel discussions to begin when, to kill time, I casually addressed the man next to me, asking him where he was from.

“The Maldives,” he said. Amazing, I thought, because I had just read the Maldive Islands in the Indian Ocean were in danger of extinction, actually going completely under water, because of global warming.

So, trying to be polite, I commiserated with him about the peril to his homeland, but he just shrugged.  “Is nothing,” he explained. “We put up sandbags against tide. We do every year. No problem.”

I looked at him non-plussed. “You came a long way. Why’re you here?”

He squinted at me, as if he thought I was either an idiot or I was kidding. “For the money,” he said flatly.

Incidentally, I see once again that in November 2021, some 12 years after that conference, our friends at ABC are once more reporting “Facing dire sea level rise threat, Maldives turns to climate change solutions to survive.”

What do the French say? The more things change, the more they remain the same?

Good thing Trump came along and “packed” the court, no?


Ethiopian authorities and the international community must put a stop to the campaign of ethnic cleansing taking place in the region of Tigray, write @AgnesCallamard
 and @KenRoth
. The survival of hundreds of thousands of Tigrayans depends on it.


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