This might sound contradictory, since Cyberpunk is a highly political sci-fi genre associated with left wing anarchism and fighting against megacorp authority.
However, if the punk wins, he is no longer a punk anymore. If he wins and achieves anarcho-communism, then the megacorps are destroyed, and so to his punk status, as he now has nothing to rebel against. The struggle that defines him as a punk has ceased to be, rendering his identity hollow.
Therefore, an actual cyberpunk movement would have to be pro-capitalism, and pro-dystopia, since without the two you do not have technological authoritarianism driven by megacorps. A cyberpunk ideology cannot be anarcho-communist, because it cannot conceive of an end of history. A cyberpunk ideology would seek struggle itself, and envision history as a ceaseless battle between proletariat and bourgeoisie, something quite different from the communist dialectical path to final freedom.
In this way, the cyberpunk is like the fascist, a nemesis of his. The fascist fights to defeat his enemies in war, but not because he hates war; he loves war and sees it as redemptive, and without war, the fascist could not exist.
Without class struggle, the punk cannot exist. Only by embracing struggle itself as being the goal itself can a punk ideology be fully cohesive.
The struggle against authority is to be fought seriously as if you were trying to win, but the struggle is seen as a goal unto itself. There is no end of history for the punk.
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