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thumbnail of bilderberg.jpg
thumbnail of bilderberg.jpg
bilderberg jpg
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Dump anything from economic oligo-monopolism to cronyism to mass genocide to global enslavement to planned dehumanization
86 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer

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> A good copypasta found around:

I hate people for their aggressiveness, conformity, cruelty, stupidity, hypocrisy and lies.
Read this and get fucked up.
This is our reality that we live in.

Here's what you should read first:
Then this:


Divisions_Psychology_operations_Armed Forces_Russia_federations



This toxic abomination is not considered evil at the level of murder or pedophilia, it is legal almost everywhere, but millions of innocent people have died from it!

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thumbnail of 1715684782916079.webm
1715684782916079 webm
(3.12 MB, 720x360 vp8)
> central banking

> financial coup

> consolidation

> 500 million people out of work

> financial warfare

> cerntal banking mass surveillance

> mass culling

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Title: Halt! Ihre papiere, bitte

This man asks for your ID.

> germanic-slavic-mediterranean = Der Führer (take over the thread)

> Green = High ranking Nazi Reich official (Pass)

> Blue = Waffen SS (Pass)

> Yellow = Wehrmacht (Pass)

> Purple = Allied soldier of the Reich (pass)

> Orange = Enemy soldier (arrest on sight)

> Red = Communist (Arrest on sight)

> Black = Nigger (Arrest on sight)

> Brown = Juden (Arrest on sight)

> Pink = Homosexual (Arrest on sight)

> Grey = Troon (Arrest on sight)


> 0-1 Sent to the Western Front

> 2-3 Sent to the Eastern Front

> 4-5 Sent to North Africa

> 6 Sent to the northern front

> 7 Sent to guard concentration camps

> 8 Sent to vacation at Auschwitz

> 9 Sent to the Nazi Scientific Division

> Doubles = Sent to a comfy position in Berlin

> Triples = You personally lead the Axis invasion of

the country flag above your post
> 88 = Promoted to Obergruppenführer (General) and lead your own RWDS

> 1488 = Become the new Reichsführer (Himmler) and genocide the country flag above your post

> Quads= Axis wins


> 0-1 shot on site

> 2-3 sent to Auschwitz

> 4-5 Sent to concentration camps

> 6-7 turned into soap and lampshades

> 8-9 tortured for information

> Doubles = You become an Honorary Aryan and

are conscripted into the German Army. Reroll for your deployment.
> Triples = the country flag above your post invades

the Reich on the side of the Allies to rescue you
> Quads = Allies win

> 666 = reroll, if doubles Hitler is assassinated, otherwise executed for treason

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thumbnail of stupid bots 2.jpg
stupid bots 2 jpg
(133.95 KB, 989x578)
The following dumps are very similar in theme, but to differentiete them.
Manipulation dump: the theory used as basis by hostile agents to subvert and deceive entire societies, and the employers of the agents, and the mass medias used to manipulate  >>/50/
Surveillance dump: the practical gathering of informations and spying done by hostile agents to keep societies subdued  >>/1191/
Glownigger dump: the practical infiltration and manipulation of societies done by hostile agents  >>/13/
I'll be away for some time, so to avoid any sudden mass slide (it should be unlikely to happen anyway) I've pinned all the dumps of some value, regular thread making is still enabled as usual.

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