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Konteks : situs buatan jihadist, berbagai macam toturial buat senpi dan peledak + chemical weapon termasuk sarin dan sianida, situs di ban disekeitar 2021 keatas, postingan terakhir 2017-an. archive org cache december 20 2020.
Jika ketemu Contact Museum Internet Indoesia via discord atau facebook atau drop filenya langsung disini.
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Hi, just wanted to make this thread cuz im bored lol, and i also don’t believe anyone could be ugly unless they’re a tranny, anyway i’ve always felt insecure about how i look like but i guess i’ll see what people actually think. You can post yourself here too, and only honest answers, lets appreciate eachother and accept that we dont look bad. Anyway heres me (excuse me for being a femoid) and fuck indonesian beauty standards, anyway again ur only ugly if ur tranny, not joking but truthnvke.
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Op here, theres no way yall are still on this thread holy shit i thought this thread was dead. Anyway i haven’t opened fsschan in months bc i have a normal life now. Hope yall can get better too. Idc if any of you calls me a whore im literally a virgin and i want to stay virgin until i get married. Have a nice day.

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> main sama temen itu hobi
kek, just say that you don't have any hobby it'll be less retarded
If TALKING with someone is a hobby then I don't see why having no life isn't a hobby either lmao, both are extremely niggerpilled to be a hobby.

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Goblok, di mana-mana jurnalis memberikan opini atas sesuatu yang diberitakan/dijurnalkan. Pengamat ga mencari fakta hanya mengamati tolol beda sama jurnalis yang harusnya mencari fakta

Lah emang bukan tolol, emang gua bilang gitu? Jurnalis kasih opini genuine yang lu bilang penggiringan opini kan emang kerjaan bajer, cuman sekarang journalist ga ada bedanya sama bajer

jurnalis cuman menyampaikan kejadian, blok goblok
sekolah sana lu
definisi jurnalisme:
lu itu terlalu goblok untuk mengambil kesimpulan dari sebuah artikel/berita makanya minta dispoonfeed jurnalis
kalo ga goblok pasti bisa ngambil kesimpulan sendiri

Jurnalis itu memberikan kesimpulan dan opini setelah investigasi kejadian tolol. Makanya sekolah tuh lulus jangan nyimeng mulu tengah jalan. Ga ada gw bilang ga bisa ambil kesimpulan sendiri, cuman buat apa lu hidup kalo kesimpulan dateng dari lu sendiri goblok

karena lo mikirnya itu penggiringan dan itupun kalo lu punya iq di bawah anjing goblok.

menyampaikan opini itu namanya penggiringan opini, blok
ga liat lo di twitter, opini pribadi jadi virtue signaling, mempengaruhi banyak orang
kalo ga mau menggiring opini publik, simpen sendiri opininya jangan diumbar, goblok banget
definisi jurnalisme
> https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/journalism
> the work of collecting, writing, and publishing news stories and articles in newspapers and magazines or broadcasting them on the radio and television
jurnalis ga ada ngambil kesimpulan atau bikin opini
sekali lagi, kalo lu bisa ngambil kesimpulan, ngapain minta disuapin jurnalis
tolol banget jadi orang
kek betina aja manjanya

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