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Pengungsian Awanama

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So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from hell?
Blue skies from pain?
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
Did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
Did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl
Year after year
Running over the same old ground
What have we found?
The same old fears
Wish you were here

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Favorite youtube vid?
> temen pada tau piltiprenk
> "wah kamu nonton piltiprenk juga?"
> "iya nih, lucu"
> "lorenya keren udah gitu character backstory pink guy gila mantep. Nggak sabar video selanjutnya, moga ada chin-chin sacrifices lagi."
> "hah? maksudnya?"
> "lah kamu nonton kaga?"
> "aku nonton sat de fak ap ama yang makan kue doang"
> "sat de fak ap ama makan kue"
> tfw awan sendirian di sekolah yang suka piltiprenk
> tfw awan aja yang tau dan suka lagu joji

Iya udh pernah denger wan, saya suka yg endroll ama delusionalism.
Endroll make my cold dead heart feel something, same with their single tantantan.

Tonton video livenya yg di toronto wan penontonnya pada autis, jadi pengen nonton live.
Kalau mereka live di indo saya rela ngegay dan di anal oleh lelaki berbadan besar hanya untuk tiket konsernya

Anying, tobat gue dengerin ni band. Emang sih bikin otak mengarang Awang kalo Lg strezz dan entah kepala pengen dengerin lagi dan lagi. Tapi sumpah, tiap denger melodi gitarnya... Aduuuhhh eegghh uughh. Kayak gue ngehirup asam, sumpah dah. 

Jadi udah kapok gue dengerinnya lagi.
(Anyway, album yang gue dengerin wish you were here, division bell, sama dark side of the moon).

kalau liat video kpop yg isinya cewe suka jadi sange wan dan gw lagi ditempat yg gk bisa buat coli.
jadi maaf wan gk bisa ngasih opini sekarang,
Nanti kalo udh dirumah saya kasih awan opini sama semen saya kalo awan mau

I know, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could live for no one else
But now, through all the hurt and pain
It's time for me to respect
The ones you love mean more than anything
So with sadness in my heart
I feel the best thing I could do
Is end it all and leave forever
What's done is done, it feels so bad
What once was happy now is sad
I'll never love again, my world is ending...
I wish, that I could turn back time
Cos now the guilt is all mine
Can't live without the trust from those you love
I know, we can't forget the past
You can't forget love and pride
Because of that it's killing me inside
It all returns to nothing, it all comes
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
It all returns to nothing, I just keep
Letting me down
Letting me down
Letting me down
In my heart of hearts
I know that I could never love again
I've lost everything
Everything that matters to me, matters in this world
I wish that I could turn back time
Cos now the guilt is all mine
Can't live without the trust from those you love
I know, we can't forget the past
You can't forget love and pride
Because of that it's killing me inside
It all returns to nothing, it just keeps
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
It all returns to nothing, I just keep
Letting me down
Letting me down
Letting me down
It all returns to nothing, it just keeps
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
It all returns to nothing, I just keep
Letting me down
Letting me down
Letting me down
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
Letting me down
Letting me down
Letting me down
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
Letting me down
Letting me down
Letting me down

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Hello, our most recent friends!
I was asked to post these notices into this thread, so here we go.
On the 7th November, at 16:00 Central Indonesia Time we're gonna stream Dogma on Endchan Movie Corner.
There's gonna be a second stream on the 8th, at the early 5am.


gua gk tau lu pernah denger atau kagak, tapi wan, sekarang tuh wan ada teknologi yg namanya google terjemahan, fungsinya itu buat menerjemahkan bahasa asing apapun wan.
iya wan gua tau ini memang sulit dipercaya, tapi gua gk bohong wan. .

As he said  >>/2332/ I used Google Translate.

We have two globals, I'm Hungarian.
Btw you guys can find useful information on the home page, the help and the FAQ. There's bit about the staff too there. Also the logs can be found on the home page as well.

If you guys interested here's the movie thread where one can request movies to watch on these monthly occasions we have:
Next month most likely we're gonna watch Idiocracy, and in January Mad Dog Morgan (this was an older request, asked again).

Cinta, apakah itu cinta?
Bertanya tanpa sengaja
Cinta, berkorban jiwa
Indah harum bermakna
Ooh, itukah cinta?
Cinta, oh cinta suci
Janganlah kau nodai
Merintis diri sendiri
Menangis di ruang sunyi
Perasaan yang tanpa kabar
Takkan tahu kapan dia datang
Mulianya hati jernihkan pikiran
Siapkan iman kepada Tuhan
Bila kau rindu pikiranmu terganggu
Bila kau dapah siaplah 'tuk berkorban
Cinta yang suci dunia 'kan abadi
Bila terkhianat ingatlah diri
Cinta yang suci dunia 'kan abadi
Bila terkhianat ingatlah diri
Cinta, oh cinta suci
Janganlah kau nodai
Merintis diri sendiri
Menangis di ruang sunyi
Perasaan yang tanpa kabar
Takkan tahu kapan dia datang
Mulianya hati jernihkan pikiran
Siapkan iman kepada Tuhan
Bila kau rindu pikiranmu terganggu
Bila kau dapah siaplah 'tuk berkorban
Cinta yang suci dunia 'kan abadi
Bila terkhianat ingatlah diri
Cinta yang suci dunia 'kan abadi
Bila terkhianat ingatlah diri

Fascinating. I find Indonesian language in this written form (I've no idea about pronunciation) looking similar to Hungarian. As I read, I find words that looks misspelled to me, or could be a Hungarian word as I read it with Hungarian pronunciation but they don't exist, or I recognize words that we have in Hungarian.
Ofc this is just formal similarity, not on the level of meaning.
I give you examples for these false cognates, just from this poem, in the hopes it makes it more clear what I'm babbling about.
1. misspelled words:
harum ~ karom (= my arm)
indah ~ inda (= tendril)
2. could be Hungarian if I judge it by my Hungarian style pronunciation
berkorban - if this was Hungarian I imagine the root word would be berkor maybe a type of cabinet or commode, the -ban would be just an affix, meaning in/inside.
suci - some slang word for sure, old criminal argot, maybe for a tool of a thief, or maybe an endearing word for a loved one
3. looks exactly like a Hungarian word
sunyi - means underhanded, sly
diri - slang for director
Just by copypasting the poem into Google Translate, I can see the meaning has nothing to do with anything I can imagine, but it's fun experience for me.

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Hello again!

A month soon gonna pass since the last time  >>/2020/ and fsschan is still going strong I see.
In December, on the 5th we will watch Idiocracy on our cytube channel here:
At 16:00 Central Indonesia Time.
(On the 6th at 5am we have a second stream.)

You are all welcomed.

Gua sih nggak tau kalian suka Sinetron atau nggak.

Tapi Saya sendiri adalah pendukung sinetron yang entusias. Mengapa Saya mendukung Sinetron? Jawaban Saya adalah karena Sinetron ini mampu mengaktifkan bagian Otak Saya yang berkata, "Mampus lu anj*ng, bab*,rasainluh tukang selingkuh hahahahaha".

Saat saya menonton Sinetron, untuk pertama kalinya Saya melihat kejahatan merasakan Coklat Keadilan.

Mungkin Anda akan berkata, "Sinetron itu tidak berguna, Sinetron dapat membodohkan orang-orang!", Pernyataan itu akan Saya jawab dengan dua kata " Kalimat Sempurna".

Menurut Saya, justru itulah attraksi dari Sinetron. Melihat kejadian yang sama berulang-ulang kali dengan beberapa variasi untuk menyenangkan hati.

Sungguh karya Seni yang hanya Dewa Screenwriter bisa mewujudkannya.

Saya menilai Sinetron "9/10", Magnum Opus peradaban Indonesia.

guys, aku abis denger lagu piano yang enak banget. Nah masalahnya pas aku tanya teman soal nama lagu trsebut, aku lupa bilang meriam meriam apa gitu. Ad yang tau ga itu lagi apa ? Yang aku paling kuingat suaranya itu yang 
"teng tereteng tereteng teng teng tng ~"  

Betapa bahagianya hatiku saat
Ku duduk berdua denganmu
Berjalan bersamamu
Menarilah denganku
Namun bila hari ini adalah yang terakhir
Namun ku tetap bahagia
Selalu kusyukuri
Begitulah adanya
Namun bila kau ingin sendiri
Cepat cepatlah sampaikan kepadaku
Agar ku tak berharap
Dan buat kau bersedih
Bila nanti saatnya telah tiba
Kuingin kau menjadi istriku
Berjalan bersamamu dalam terik dan hujan
Berlarian kesana-kemari dan tertawa
Namun bila saat berpisah telah tiba
Izinkanku menjaga dirimu
Berdua menikmati pelukan di ujung waktu
Sudilah kau temani diriku
Namun bila kau ingin sendiri
Cepat cepatlah sampaikan kepadaku
Agar ku tak berharap
Dan buat kau bersedih

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>  ini masuk genre Shoegaze ga sih

khusus buat album terbaru (I Let It in and It Took Everything) ini ada 3 lagu + 1 intro yang punya nuansa Shoegazenya, selebihnya gimana ? metal deathcore(karna sebenernya loathe dari dulu band cadas)

shoegaze loathe :
-Is it really you ?
-A sad Cartoon

kalo awan suka shoegaze ada satu band yang punya nuansa shoegaze whole album, cek aja "Hundredth"

sehabis dapet vaksin massal kantor w berencana gak workfromhome lagi ada kasih w podcast Indonesia wan ,pembahasan nya yang gak terlalu berat sih w pengen nya soale buat iseng-iseng ngisi waktu pas lagi transit naik kereta

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ada yg pernah nonton film klasik ini gk? film dengan sinematografi yg sangat modern di zamannya dengan plot realistis yg membuat penonton seperti ada di dalam cerita itu.
karakter yg tidak satu dimensi dengan adegan aksi penuh gerakan ditambah kamera 360 tanpa menggunakan scope. musik orkestral yg indah pula menjadikan film ini mahakarya tiada duanya.

Fill me up
With your smile
Like the sunshine brings the light
Fill me up
With a flame
I will let you win this game
Take me up when I'm down
'Cause with you I'm safe and sound
I'm safe and sound
I'm safe and sound
I'm safe and sound
I'm safe and sound
Bring bring bring that beat back!
Oh yes!
Fill me up
With your smile
Like the sunshine brings the light
Fill me up
With a flame
I will let you win…

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Hello Awanama!
Coming up next: Drive!
April 3rd, 16:00 Jakarta time
April 4th, 3:00 (I know it's night there, but I have to coordinate with all the time zones).

I just watched fight club some times ago, i wish i had some tyler durden inside me now.
tonight i will watch drive after i lift. how's your day going/gonna be awan tachi?

> gw penasaran yg lebih item dari african-american itu apaan.
fk you awan, i almost died choking on banana bcs i kekd too hard
> "It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything."
> tbh i think this is just some extra steps becoming buddhist
darker than black anime ya wan? blg ya kalo bagus.

> It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything."
> tbh i think this is just some extra steps becoming buddhist
Atau basis dari stoisme juga/agama legal apapun diseluruh dunia, ide-nya sama  tentang gk ngiketin diri ke hal2 apapun.

> BO is gone for months
> troller spamming and killing old threads
> bait thread spam

already asked odili for board ownership since last month, but he didn't allow it and said wait until may since he said the BO logged last month, which is weird because he does not try to do anything about the situation

Maaf yah, belakangan w lagi sibuk dan bahkan sering lupa kalo board ini exist. Kalo awan bener bener mau ngurus tempat ini, nanti bisa w transfer kepemilikannya ke awan. Palingan w tetep ngurus juga, cuma turun pangkat aja jadi mod

I'm aware. I also advised against it giving away. Simply I we can't know who is asking for the position, and I've got the impression the BO did fine as he could.
Problem is the same person who spams could wear down the BO with the constant attacks, then can ask for the position claiming that the BO doesn't do his job.
I'm not saying you do this, I'm saying due to the anonymous nature of the imageboards we can't know.

One solution would be making him a Board Volunteer. He needs to create an account and give you the username, then look for the "Add volunteer" option in the board's settings.

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We have this annual Towel Day stream, to honor The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, which gave inspiration for this site's image.
It will be on 25th at 20:00 UTC, which is 3am Jakarta Time on 26th. It's a weekday late night, sorry about that.
If some of you are insomniac, you are welcomed.
The place is the usual:

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