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Your victory is at risk


Our local media2 on rame2 dissolves a variety of global franchise companies in Indonesia such as KFC, Starbuck, Pizza-Hut, McD, Burgerking, etc. a huge imbas from Indonesian people’s boikot that supports Palestine.

For many Indonesian supporters of Palestine this is definitely a very memorable and proud news because of their boikot’s action succeeded in the company that they consider Israel’s prisoners.


1. But whether with the success of this boikot Palestinian wins, and Israel bangs? The answer is certainly not.

Even from the day of one day of the Pest’s Pest was killed in Israel. Israel looks good2 aja gak bangkrut2 tuh even more want to extend this war until the Pest is exhausted. Gaza still remains gitu2 aja messed gak changed.


3. Justru klo to the global franchise company in the country in Indonesia they will definitely be hengkang from Indonesia and distract its investment in a more friendly neighboring country like Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam whose Muslim fanatic pro Palestine are less.

Gak will be a global company this kind of bankrupt and close the company because in the Indonesian boy2 or Muslim countries, because there is obviously more other non-season countries that are more investment friendly and more promising.

Finally, the company2 global hedges from Indonesia, which happened, the number of our unemployment is higher, foreign investors are increasingly males investment in Indonesia because the population is famous for religious fanatics such as Afghanistan and Pakistan. And finally made Indonesia increasingly become a poor state of blangsak and left behind.

It actually has happened now klo we see why investors prefer Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam to Indonesian. Even our president until the lobby there is to bring foreign investors but always fail. In contrast to the growth of Singapore’s economy, Thailand, and Vietnam was just higher than 2 years far beat our country. In contrast to the exchange rate of our rupiah is getting lost from the month of kan ?


3. Even as the reason for the hengkang of this global franchise can make Indonesian UMKM grows, it is true, why?

- Because the local UMKM has no capital and business network of this global franchise.

- In addition to local UMKM can not absorb workers by this global franchise.

- And the latter generally UMKM Indonesia is a seasonal business that tends to get rid of if it is not Hype again like UMKM who has various artists and celebs,

In realitis how many UMKM businesses in Indonesia can last tens of years and have hundreds of branches?

It is certainly different with a professionally managed global franchise with a very large capital for decades so that it can continue to survive its sustainable business alias.


So our klo renave what victory we accomplish from this boikot besides destroying our own country and not change the state in Gaza there?

Udah 1 tahun perang Gaza dan udah hampir juga 1 tahun seruan boikot produk2 Israel dan zionis. Nah pertanyaanya sampai sejauh mana efektifitas boikot itu ?? apakah Israel bangkrut ?? apakah IDF jatuh miskin ?? apakah perang berakhir ?? apakah Gaza gak jadi dihancurkan ?? 

Jawabannya jelas TIDAK, bahkan perang semakin berkobar sampai Libanon dan Yaman segala. 

Jadi ya sebenarnya boikot2an itu gak ngefek sama sekali buat Israel karena jelas industri negara Israel itu bukan ayam goreng macam KFC, MCD, atau Kopi macam strabuck, atau odol, sabun, dan kecap Unilever. Nestle, Danone, dll. Itu cuman fikiran ngawur orang2 yg ber-IQ sungsang yg bahkan gak bisa cari informasi yg benar di Google.


- Karena jelas kok industri utama Israel itu adalah industri high-tech macam chip, micro-prosessor, dan berbagai peralatan canggih lainnya, lalu industri perhiasan dan perbankan, serta industri pengolahan migas, pertanian modern, dan medis. Jadi ya selama kalian masih menggunakan peralatan canggih yg ada chipnya macam komputer, HP, TV, atau Internet, dll ya Israel gak bakal bangkrut.

- Selain itu Indonesia bukan negara tujuan utama export Israel karena kita gak punya hubungan diplomatik ama Israel, jadi walaupun kita boikot juga sebenarnya gak ngaruh bagi Israel. Karena jelas tujuan export terbesar Israel itu ke Amerika, Cina, India, dan Eropa.


Yg terjadi karena boikot2an itu justru kita sendiri yg rugi dan ekonomi kita semakin ambruk. 

Lihat aja buktinya setahun belakangan ini nilai rupiah kita rontok dari dollar, angka pengangguran semakin tinggi, nilai inflasi meningkat, bahkan yg terakhir ini beritanya kita selama 5 bulan berturut2 mengalami deflasi alias rontoknya harga barang dan jasa yg merupakan pertanda ekonomi kita melemah.

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Lagi2 orang Indonesia jadi tertawaan dunia


Berita tentang KFC Indonesia yg harus memecat ribuan karyawannya karena merugi akibat diboikot pendukung Palestina, akhirnya menjadi berita global dan dibangga2kan oleh buzzer Iran macam Sulaiman Ahmed.

Tapi masalahnya bagi orang2 di negara lain, bangsa kita justru jadi tertawaan dan dianggap negara bodoh, karena menyebabkan sesama orang Indonesia kehilangan pekerjaanya.

Padahal faktanya KFC sama sekali gak ada hubungannya dengan Israel, lalu kolonel Sanders (pendiri dan icon KFC) sama sekali bukan orang yahudi, satu2nya yahudi yg terkait kolonel Sanders cuman rumah sakit milik yahudi yg merawat dirinya sebelum kematiannya. 

Bahkan yg semakin menjadi bahan tertawaan netizen global adalah salah satu bisnis ilegal Hamas sejak tahun 2013 justru adalah penyelundupan KFC dari Mesir untuk di jual di Gaza dengan harga mahal karena di Gaza tidak ada KFC tapi penduduk Gaza banyak yg suka ayam goreng KFC ini.