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Just refresh the page, then should correct the balls.
Endchan had a bumpy road this year, had to be migrated for a few times, lack of funding prevents the owners and admins to run it on a good server. This means hiccups in the operation of the site. We built a Taoist level of patience because frankly, nowhere else to go.
If you get 500 Internal Server Error also try to refresh. Sometimes it go away promptly.
In the past few months the site was DDoS'd as well. Check the home page (link should be in top left corner), other access options are listed there, just scroll down.
the thing is the page is keep loading, it never stops in the main page so refreshing dont help. as for in threads even when I refresh I cant see the flags. I'll try with other browsers, maybe it's just my mozilla being retardeda.
Firefox should work fine, I use Palemoon and I don't have such problem with the flags (I've other problems on Palemoon), or when it occurs I just reload. An hour ago the site was fucking slow tho - with many 500 errors - now runs fast for me. If the problem lasts for you, we'll let them know on /operate/.
Board dynamics goes liek this. Usually there's little posting in the evenings, very little posting in the mornings. During the day most of us work, so yeah. And frankly, we are 'bout 9 people (most of us don't post daily however), maybe a Tor-poster once in a while. I'll hope you decide to stay we need a little traffic and new blood, sometimes it feels we discussed everything. Twice.
I want to stay, to be honest a few errors wouldnt make me go, spams and terrible attitude would. Anyway tried with other browsers I had no luck, maybe tomorrow I'll check again and I'll let you know here.
> the thing is the page is keep loading

Open developer tools and look on network tab and console for errors. This may give some insight.
Ctrl-shift-i in firefox for example.

Actually, I just looked into code and looks like images are loaded from imgur, and default flags (hosted on endchan) are hidden by css. But at overboard original defaults are shown.

So, it is you and imgur I guess. Try to open direct links:

So it is directrly imgur-related, because it is blocked in Turkey.

I see some solutions in internet, mostly as browser extension that can redirect links to some proxy-like site (like that 0imgur). You may also use some addon for custom css where balls will be replaced with images from another host. 

Or board owner may change CSS and move images from imgur (but where? and do this really worth it?).
I wonder if the balls could be stored on site. I can gather the balls from imgur, would be a tedious job, but still. Post some music and while I listen it I can dl the balls and put them in a tarball and featherball to upload here so BO could more easily access it. Then he could upload it here if possible (I'm thinking how banners work like this).
In the past year I also picked up CSS so I can edit stylesheets. If I knew the path of storage I could update our custom CSS.
thumbnail of balls.png
thumbnail of balls.png
balls png
(221.72 KB, 800x3475)
thumbnail of countryballs.tar.gz
thumbnail of countryballs.tar.gz
countrybal... gz
(60.28 KB, 0x0)

You don't need to, although you can and need to listen to music of course, because it is often good for relaxing.

I've downloaded them all with simple script from css (maybe BO already has them, but whatever). Files are named by css rule from custom.css (United States of 'Murica' broke my regex first). I also noticed that Aruba in css is broken, it has not direct link to imgur png, but link to imgur html page.

But there is the question where to host them (or host them somewhere at all). I don't know if endchan provides access to file uploads for board owners, I guess no. Another idea is to put files into css as "data-uri", but then css will be ~1mb size (although browsers cache them).

If data-uri is ok for everyone, I can easily make that css from this later. I also will post script of course, because it isn't good to trust anonymous person in internet, especially when browsers are prone to be broken with all this modern css shit.
Theoretically the image could be posted somewhere here (or uploaded as a banner or custom flag or whatever) then deleted. Since all files get put in the database and they are not immediately purged, the link will remain working (until it is finally purged, don't know the timelength but it may be months or forever, there are images whose posts were deleted more than 3 months ago and are still alive; example: /.media/b21d5bfef1c4770e435c17763a58fb4b-imagejpeg.jpg)
To do this it would probably be less tedious to make it a single image with each flag as a tile and then use the appropriate offset in the css (there are tools to automate this too).
Theoretically the image could be posted somewhere here (or uploaded as a banner or custom flag or whatever) then deleted. Since all files get put in the database and they are not immediately purged, the link will remain working (until it is finally purged, don't know the timelength but it may be months or forever, there are images whose posts were deleted more than 3 months ago and are still alive; example: /.media/b21d5bfef1c4770e435c17763a58fb4b-imagejpeg.jpg)
To do this it would probably be less tedious to make it a single image with each flag as a tile and then use the appropriate offset in the css (there are tools to automate this too).
How about asking on /operate/ if they can host the balls as well?
Also I tempted the inquire Slovenia if he would let us use the balls with hats he drew. That would add some unique flavor for the board.
yeah I have no tools to upload balls somewhere in BO panel or something, in current system they need to be hosted on external site
if we host them somewhere on endchan they'll get purged eventually or will probably have problems working properly given how often site has hiccups

Do you guys have any objection against data-uri solution?

It will be like that for each ball:

background-image: url()

At least it looks better than hosting images in posts.
thumbnail of serveimage.jpeg
thumbnail of serveimage.jpeg
serveimage jpeg
(85.67 KB, 948x1000)
So this is "interesting". Since you asked, I was about to say that's probably the best solution and go ahead because even though the file will end up >1MB, most browsers will cache it, and those that don't still only need to download a tiny fraction of that (<100K) since the css transfer should be compressed. But then I try to verify that and see that while the "static" css are in fact sent compressed, the custom.css is not. That should be fixed in the board software.
So >1MB css each visit is not nice, but I personally know how to override it locally and since I only post once ina blue moon is really up to you to decide I just thought about mentioning it
It is base64 of file contents embedded in stylesheet. Browsers can open them in URLs too, you may try to paste this into url bar:


Yes, that's sad that they don't compress it. I guess the reason is that custom.css is the customized thing for each board that resides in database or somewhere like this, so they serve it with specific code.

Main downside of data-uri is that there are all countryballs in css, but only few balls actually required to display average page. Most of balls are never used. Although nowadays it is not really matter because few images on page already kill all size optimizations of css, and endchan is imageboard full of images.
thumbnail of balls.css.txt
thumbnail of balls.css.txt
balls.css txt
(151.44 KB, 0x0)
thumbnail of balls.py.txt
thumbnail of balls.py.txt
balls.py txt
(3.41 KB, 0x0)
So, here is the css and python script used to create it. I've did only country part of css, but I guess it would be easy to use it. I also had error in previous archive - USA file has extra quote at the end, it must be 'Murica, not 'Murica'.

(both files need to be stripped from .txt extesion because endchan doesn't allow to uploading these files in original form)

CSS is made by script, but I guess some images need update, and this script helps to generate css after these updates. 

python balls.py --dir /path/to/balls/directory --css /path/to/custom.css
(--css is optional)

What does it do:
1) If css is supplied, it tries to download images from imgur that missing from balls directory. I.e. you have dir/Hungary.png and dir/Vatican.png, but css contains ball for Venezuela, so that ball will be downloaded as dir/Venezuela.png. Name for ball is taken from css rule "title" param.

2) It goes over images in dir, gets their content in base64, dimensions, format and name.

3) It generates css using data from 2, sorted alphabetically.

Why so much work? It allows to download images once (or use older archive), then replace countryball images, add new and remove old, then regenerate css part. You just need to pass --dir /path/to/balls/dir/ to script and it will generate new css from files (country name will be taken from filename).

Script requires python 3 and pillow library (PIL alternative, for images). I hope it may be helpful for those who want to add or edit existing balls etc (for example, adding hats). There is no proper error checking, and it may have bugs, sorry.

I see that some images are already bad, like Uganda, Nigeria and Mali (they are too big). Maybe using png optimizer or something may help, but it is already late here.
> Your data-uri line broke the rules.

That's ok.

Actually, it isn't so easy to prevent browsers from doing this. Property word-wrap/overflow-wrap often doesn't work as intended, and forcing wrapping over letters also has some problems by itself (it starts wrapping on letters even when it can wrap over words). Meanwhile, browser and standard authors add more new shiny animations and shit.
> custom.css is the customized thing for each board that resides in database or somewhere like this, so they serve it with specific code.

Yea, but I think it's just an oversight. There's already code in place for storing and serving compressed data out of the database but it's not used for the custom.css. I looked quickly at the upstream version and it doesn't seem like this bug is fixed there either
So it's not 1MB then? All the better
> ~250 requests <1kb each

> 1 second delay

> do not ddos poor imgur

that's a bit of an exaggeration

That clipping there is caused by the
divMessage { display: inline-block; }
You can try overriding it: 
divMessage { display: initial !important; }
thumbnail of computer-cat.png
thumbnail of computer-cat.png
computer-cat png
(184.33 KB, 466x492)
> So it's not 1MB then? All the better 

Yes, I was wrong, maybe it is Aruba downloaded as html page or so and became large part of it. Or I was sleepy, don't know how this happened, sorry.

>  >do not ddos poor imgur
> that's a bit of an exaggeration 

I have bad experience with mass parsing of search engines and other services (did it at work), so now I'm afraid of banning. Of course imgur wouldn't care, but I don't like bans.

So, if someone want, he may remove that sleep line.
Slovenia agreed on sharing the hat wearing countryball icon set he drew and will upload probably tomorrow. So I suggest using that set which while deviates from KC norm it will give us unique character and frankly they look aesthetic.
imgur.com not opening had lead to new events, it must be a hassle for BO but I hope it brings a good change for everyone.
It was an error which will be fixed soon, I hope as well. I'm waiting for Slovenia to post the new balls, then will try to make magic with the python script Russian Bernd posted. I read the code and I think I understand what it does and how. Anyway if I fail he still can do the job, it's his code, and finally the problem will be addressed.
thumbnail of danish_hat.jpeg
thumbnail of danish_hat.jpeg
danish_hat jpeg
(99.16 KB, 494x500)
thumbnail of wrong_garda.png
thumbnail of wrong_garda.png
wrong_garda png
(123.88 KB, 2342x1028)
Dobre, dobre!

Don't want to be sound salty but honestly I expected more in number. Don't mistaken I'm grateful what you have and can give. Pretty dope quality wörk. Will implement them as soon as possible.
I think those balls should be covered which frequents this place. For Polish I have an idea and for Danish I thought a knitted hat like picrel would fit. Or rather to Skandis as it would be the matter of changing colors. Also thought about Viking helmets so whatever our poster wishes. For Hungary I'm undecided, might go with the memes, might go with this Gárda hat or something similar "fog-cutter". I've no idea for Swiss and Brazil - the old Hue icon should go, me thinks. Ameriga can stay for now, I liek the fatball, but still would be better if it would get a ball that fit into the theme here.
Swiss guard helmets maybe?

Yeah I thought I should get hats for everyone, but it's hard to come up with good distinctive ideas. Austria of course would get a Tyrolean hat (so same shape as Bavaria and Slovenia), Italy one of those straw-made hats? USA could get a baseball cap. Maybe a MAGA one. But keep it fat.
What Croatia?

Yep, I visited 76/int a couple of times. Great ones, those shields. I hope I can keep similar style when I'll draw the missing necessary countryballs. 

Good idea, thx. And I have something in mind for Brasil now.

I think white spots will do. Everyone will associate to MAGA instantly. Famous image, that hat.

I thought about that but maybe would fit more to Texas. If Endchan had that.
thumbnail of 1429910196363.png
thumbnail of 1429910196363.png
1429910196363 png
(1.02 MB, 990x716)
Bretty good :DDDDD
Another option for USA would be Trump's meme haircut, if we're going with that theme. Maybe it would be easier to recognise in a small picture? Still, I like both the ones you posted.
Thanks, mate.
> Trump's meme haircut
Well, one more option.

And another one. Might doable by recoloring Britball's top hat.
What do you think about the Danish ball? I'll make one with Viking helmet. Not today tho, have to put off it tomorrow just as well Hungary.
Krautchan had the arrow through the heda for Switzerland in apple form to commemorate our national hero. I didn't save it unfortunately.
Wanted a betyár (kinda cowboy/outlaw in 19th century) but I think the hat is too dark hard to see what's going on.
All right. I'm not satisfied with the Hungaryballs, black hats just aren't really visible, not to mention the stache. I'll come up with something. But it seems all necessary balls are covered, so here's the plan:
1. tell me what Bernd would prefer, if no suggestion will be written, I choose one for that particular ball
2. rename properly the files chosen and put among the others, then with the python script made by Russian Bernd (thank you!) create the CSS by tomorrow evening, what then I post so BO could use it to update the board's CSS
3. From now on I'll work on drawing the other balls as many as I can (in sensible order), so finally there will be most with hats (all the sensible ones), and create the CSS for them as well, so sometimes in the future could be updated again
4. ???

For me Swiss helmet looks better than apple for aesthetic reasons, they both are good though. American MAGA hat is very interesting, looks fresh compared to old dull cowboy hat, so I'd vote for it (this is imageboard and 2018 after all).

Can't decide about Brasil or Hungary. For Denmark, maybe helmet is better, if other Scandinavians would have hats (someone must be a viking). For Taiwan third one is too stereotypical and also looks like Vietnam or so.

I don't really have serious arguments against any ball here, because they all are ok.
thumbnail of hats.css.txt
thumbnail of hats.css.txt
hats.css txt
(156.96 KB, 0x0)
All right. Here's CSS. At least the ball part which BO should copy. Tested with Stylish, it wörks. Although didn't check every countryball here.
If you guys want changes to your balls, please make a note ITT. At least we'll give a reason to BO to keep logging in.

I've tested it with stylish and everything is ok, except Murica. It must not have last quote, i.e must look like this in css:

img[title="United States of 'Murica"]{

I've mentioned this in  >>/20811/
That was my error in when I made first archive.
I made the original css, ripped and uploaded the balls to imgur. I left comments next to the countries I couldn't find balls for, there were 9 in total.
Bouvet Island, Cocos Island, Falkland Islands , French Southern Territories, Gibraltar, Heart Island and McDonald Islands, Saint Helena, Saint Martin, United States Minor Outlying Islands. I always planned on finding balls for them in the future but never got around to it.

Also, can someone explain to me how the base64 works? If we fully optimise the pngs to reduce size, does that shorten the base64 strings? I think I can crush these balls by about 10-30% in file size with optipng. <optipng -o 9 ./*.png
> I made the original css, ripped and uploaded the balls to imgur.
Good job.
> I always planned on finding balls for them
Easier would be to draw them.
> how the base64 works?
Image files contain a code for the computer to display as images. Raster and vector graphics do that differently but that does not matter. I think with base64 this code is translated into another what represents the graphics in a file which isn't an image but for example a CSS and which from the browser can read what to display. In our case, I guess probably there's more to it.
> If we fully optimise the pngs to reduce size, does that shorten the base64 strings?
It does seem so. I do that already. Images mentioned above (like Nigeria) were larger and their string were longer. In GIMP I tried to save them with compression but didn't help. Then I noticed they have different color scheme (something RGB-blablabla instead of RGB-default or something) and I changed it, saved with compression and that did the trick.
If you open up the different txt files posted ITT you can search those balls and compare the two. Now all are fairly short.
> I gave them the ball of their greater territory
That's fine. I doubt we're gonna have posters from those places anyway. And even from a bunch of real countries. I'm not sure Endchan would locate them properly.
> base64

As the name says it's an encoding in base or radix 64.
in base 2 each digit encodes 1 bit (or 1/8 of a byte)
in base 64 each digit encodes 6 bits (or 3/4 of a byte)
the long strings in the css file are the images themselves where each sequence of 3 bytes is represented by a corresponding sequence of 4 digits of the base 64 alphabet
all digits of that alphabet are in ascii which in pretty much all text encodings take up 1 byte per character
so by encoding in base 64 the size is increased by 1/3 but in exchange you gain the ability to embed it inside file formats which don't support raw binary contents, such as css
Don't like the chef hat of Italy and the Cook Island already has that so I'll redraw it. Still bunch of important ones are missing and can add only slowly.
Tho ours who post here regularly are all covered, so waiting for BO.

Current year France is best represented with current year flag most likely described in the constitution.
I'm dead but I'm getting better now
Uploaded new CSS. I'm smashing that ctrl f5 but no changes so far. Let me know if it works for you.
Oh, Tengri! This is cool.

Thanks dude, finally. I'll continue to make new icons, not too fast and I hope not too slow and if enough gathered then I'll post the next css.
> I'm dead but I'm getting better now
Get well, brother!
> no changes so far
What didn't work?
> What didn't work?
I just found out I have multiple css files on my desktop. Didn't realized I was still keeping old css there and probably uploaded the wrong one. They're all named with combinations of words "kc" "custom" "endchan" and "css".
All right.
Thanks for all of your assistance, ideas, especially Big Thanks to Russian Bernd for the script which without it would have taken years. Good job.

>  >do not ddos poor imgur
> that's a bit of an exaggeration 
I think that was a joke with a little sarcasm.
Wow, these balls are fucking tits!

My jaw literally dropped when I saw the css in action. You guys rock.
thumbnail of web-development-with-assembly.png
thumbnail of web-development-with-assembly.png
web-developm... png
(212.57 KB, 451x630)
New balls look great. Hungarian Bernd, you did a good work.

I think I'll update script later to extract these data-uris from css to pngs back, I can imagine that this may be useful too.
> Current year France is best represented with current year flag most likely described in the constitution.
I meant the cockade, which could have a different aesthetic to it. 
Also, I'm a "Valking" now, nice.
we originally have christmas like holiday in 21 december and we have our version of santa and christmas tree but due to islam you dont see us we wuz about it (sadly). nowadays christmas or winter holiday is copied from west. 

Also saint nicolas was born in present day Turkey I highly assume that's the reason.
> christmas like holiday 
I'm guessing it was taken from the Iranians, this is the holiday, right?:
Oh yeah, of course I mean just the landmass and not the actual modern day country.
> nowadays christmas or winter holiday is copied from west.
I feel the same way about Halloween over here. Traditionally it's a Celtic celebration but these days it's all tacky American shit.
Huh? Afaik Göktürks had bad ties with Sassanids , they were better on terms with ERE. But if you would have said Soghdians that would be correct there was really good amount of interaction with them.
thumbnail of gr-hat1.png
thumbnail of gr-hat1.png
gr-hat1 png
(399 B, 17x25)
Whipped up one for Debitos Loanides. Want another one, similar to Iceland with sailor/captain hat.
CSS will follow only if I've enough new ones.
nice pixels
> I think that was a joke with a little sarcasm.

ya think? i was referring to the actual code, which cannot be sarcastic
and he already acknowledged and explained it
Oh, you replied too.
> nice pixels 
> ya think? i was referring to the actual code, which cannot be sarcastic 
That was in a comment. Can't someone make a joke in there?
> and he already acknowledged and explained it
Yes he said the code what he commented was there for a reason, but still the comment can be half serious. Maybe he didn't mention it before (just here:  >>/21335/) because not one here has the obligation to explain his actions, decisions.
I don't do so often.
thumbnail of Jewish Samurai.png
thumbnail of Jewish Samurai.png
Jewish Samurai png
(749.34 KB, 758x1024)
> Also fiddling with Israel, want a kippah on that cube but just doesn't work even tho it would make it free
You could maybe try out a fedora instead, maybe including some of those sideburns and a beard to make it more obvious that it's representing Jews and not edgelords.
thumbnail of bul-kalpak.png
thumbnail of bul-kalpak.png
bul-kalpak png
(327 B, 17x23)
thumbnail of kalpak.jpg
thumbnail of kalpak.jpg
kalpak jpg
(74.2 KB, 800x800)
Now that we may have a Bulgarian poster I made a Bulgarian ball with hat. Wasn't sure what hat to use so I used a whitish kalpak which is supposed to be part of the traditional clothing there.
I can still draw something else if Bulgarian Bernd suggest it. If not I'll go with this and will create the new css rules completed with the other recently drawn and maybe make a couple of more for it.
Kalpak is a generic Turkic hat in many forms, I would bet it's just a generic name for hat, even we have our versions and two words originating from it: kalpag and kalap. Now we use kalap for hard hats, like top hat or fedora and such. We use sapka for soft hats like beanie, from Latin cappa via South Slav šapka. But now I read kalap is from the German klappmütze so who knows.
Tubeteika seems a Central Asian/Muslim thing, although may have some connection with Jews there in Bukhara for example whose kippah looks similar I believe.
thumbnail of 33b2ca77937e09e49a8847eb24f909a0.jpg
thumbnail of 33b2ca77937e09e49a8847eb24f909a0.jpg
33b2ca77937e09e49a884... jpg
(175.31 KB, 550x364)

Word "kolpak" is widely used in Russian not only for Turkic kolpak, but for many types of caps that look like it. For others it is shapka, yes, and also shlyapa.

I often see Kirghiz people in their national white kolpak here. Other ethnic groups rarely wear their hats.

Also, do someone did any research about usage of hats in modern world? In photos and movies from past (especially more than 50 years ago), everyone had hat. As far as I know, going outside without hat may even be  considered strange in past. But nowadays (at least in European-like cultures) people rarely wear hats. Why this happened? Of course fashion matters, but it is pretty radical change.
hat-wearing died with the diminishing of latin education 
it was an ancient roman custom for free(d) men to wear hats which the jews and later the Christians copied
> Everyone had hat. As far as I know, going outside without hat may even be considered strange in past. But nowadays (at least in European-like cultures) people rarely wear hats.
True. My gramps had several hats and not just like the danskhatte Danish Bernd posted but others, I think felt with silk liners. Women had kerchief after a certain age or after marriage. Before that even kids wore covers all the time. Now it's just for the weather but even then it's not default for many people to wear one but if they do it's only beanie for winter and baseball cap for summer... if you're from the younger generations. I rarely see peeps in their 40's 50's 60's wear anything, not even in shitty weather. Maybe women in beret.
The need to protect one's head from sunlight means straw hats are still standard among farmers and caps are not uncommon between construction workers. The latter is also worn by youngsters, for entirely different reasons.
But as far as traditional hats used for purely aesthetic/social motives go, the only case I can think of is of my old man; he still uses a beret, but even then, only rarely.
thumbnail of blg-merkator-hat.png
thumbnail of blg-merkator-hat.png
blg-merkator-hat png
(405 B, 21x21)
thumbnail of hatupdate-2018-12-26.css.txt
thumbnail of hatupdate-2018-12-26.css.txt
hatupdate-... txt
(138.11 KB, 0x0)
I gave Belgium a hat like Merkator is depicted with who was born a place which belongs to Belgium on this day. I also toyed with the idea to draw a lion hat as a nod to Leo Belgica but that isn't really a hat it's more like just a silly ball. Also found the implementation too difficult.

säge still should be fixed, Russian Bernd procided some insight/help on that above somewhere or in the other thread.
fugging bernds

1. commentary is not code
2. code cannot be sarcastic (if you try you get bad code instead)
3. I quoted code and comment and called it an exaggeration, and both of them were so, the code because it served no real purpose but only an imaginary one, the commentary because it was fucking obviously tongue-in-cheek and exaggeration was its humourous device

(when you further note that the commentary exaggeration referred to the code exaggeration you understand that the coder realised the exaggeration of his code, maybe he should have corrected it then instead of joking about it, but a joke if fine too)

god why the fuck am I even replying to this
> god why the fuck am I even replying to this
Maybe you just because you felt like it.
Or maybe you wanted to see if you get a reply.
thumbnail of esti-hat.png
thumbnail of esti-hat.png
esti-hat png
(298 B, 17x20)
thumbnail of eesti-nsa-iv0012286.jpg
thumbnail of eesti-nsa-iv0012286.jpg
eesti-nsa-i... jpg
(176.25 KB, 698x1049)
Since I was lazy or otherwise engaged I neglected the making of new balls. Here some for Second Benelux. The main problem was finding traditional hats(male).
Here is Eesti, and what I modeled it after.
thumbnail of lit-hat.png
thumbnail of lit-hat.png
lit-hat png
(367 B, 18x21)
thumbnail of lithu.jpg
thumbnail of lithu.jpg
lithu jpg
(245.87 KB, 1770x1049)
And finally Lithuania. I chose the middle one since the darker ones usually ain't look good (for some reason I find Eesti's fine).
So, what Bernd thinks?
Judging by the website I found that hat it's a modern design in traditional fashion. That dummy head looks female so yeah, but at least the hat is distinctive and on the ball it doesn't strike as female.
thumbnail of swe-hat2.png
thumbnail of swe-hat2.png
swe-hat2 png
(401 B, 20x24)
Sorry, nor sombrero neither panama hat is characteristic Swedish hat. You can have a knitted one similar to Norway's. I thought about a Vendel era helmet but those types that cover the "face" (the colors) of the ball ain't good.
If you can come up with a hat that is typical for Sweden, or maybe one that a famous Swedish person used I'll gladly try to draw it.
The hat doesn't represent your person, but Sweden. What if another Swede arrives and he doesn't liek it? How about those who had no say what kind of hat their balls got? It would be unfair.
You can have similar faux-viking hat like Denmark has.
thumbnail of turtle5.jpg
thumbnail of turtle5.jpg
turtle5 jpg
(206.23 KB, 629x792)
> Weren't they tortoise tho?


I was surprised when I found that English language has two different words - tortoise and turtle - for different types of turtles (hm, tortoises?). It is only one word in Russian.
Look, I'm not for humiliating other Bernds so I'm open to suggestions. But consider it we're trying to shoot to something stereo- or just simply typical. Also take into consideration that most guys don't have a say what hat they get.
Problems are always coming and going. It's the bread and butter of posting on Endchan.

Danebernd suggested a similar one for Denmark  >>/20897/ tho he was way more courteous about it but I didn't budge and won't in your case either, sorry.
If a Swedish historical figure had a symbolic hat - like Castro of Cuba - if you post a picture of it I possibly can work with that too.
thumbnail of valsgarde helmet.jpg
thumbnail of valsgarde helmet.jpg
valsgarde... jpg
(213.02 KB, 1067x1492)
Some ideas I can think of are:
1. just keep the current hat
2. a ViKANG hat like Denmark has, or something like pic related for something more historically accurate (if it would be possible to still make out the ball even with the face part)
3. a burka, hijab or something Islam-related for the SWEDEN YES ebin memes
Yeah I know. I wanted to draw that for Moldova, since they don't really have anything different. I've similar problems with Slavic countries, same hats, usually a black felt with a flower or colored feathers or something.
However the bad thing with black hats is that they look bad. For Hungary too I also envisioned two types of such but they ain't look good or hard to recognize. Maybe with better shading I dunno.
thumbnail of custom.css-endkc-20200426.txt
thumbnail of custom.css-endkc-20200426.txt
custom.css... txt
(142.86 KB, 0x0)
It changes...
> orangetext color to something more readable.
Redundant rules grouped into single ones.

I hope it doesn't break anything.
Ubdaded. Sorry for the banner wait. I forgot about it heh. 
Btw we have lots of banners that were made when this board was just a refugee camp for kcmain. It's not like we have limits to banner numbers but those don't really represent what this board is anymore, so if more creative Bernds want to make more of our own I will gladly replace the old ones.
Broken images and other media appearing nowadays. I suspect the ones which went missing when the database was migrated. I would test this theory but I can't recall what images went missing.
If Bernd knows at least one, and has such file on his comp/phone pls post it, to test this hypothesis.

thumbnail of mold-hat.png
thumbnail of mold-hat.png
mold-hat png
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Made a hat to Moldova finally.
Got the kalpak of the Bulgariaball, flipped it horizontally, and changed colors. Wanted in brown but it looked like a pile of turd. So compromised with gray.
I think one more ball with hat, and gonna make a new css.
thumbnail of Omck.png
thumbnail of Omck.png
Omck png
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Deleted a couple of threads, made screenshots some of them, gonna post those in threads related to the topic. Where they should have posted in the first place.
Yes. GIMP.
I think I'll stick to the third hat variation (col-hat4, the first one is the hatless ball), on the previous ones the brown spots are too small. Although the rim still sucks on the third one.
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thumbnail of who-is.png
who-is png
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I gatekeeped this thread. It's not the place to ask such questions. Plus I'm not sure if the grill is legal age or not.
Yeah. it was a hat that aristocrats wore at home. Also it seems teachers too.
> Jeongjagwan, a more angled hat worn by yangbans at home and by teachers
> the yangban, the aristocrats and ruling class during the Joseon dynasty.

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