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Yeah I know. I wanted to draw that for Moldova, since they don't really have anything different. I've similar problems with Slavic countries, same hats, usually a black felt with a flower or colored feathers or something.
However the bad thing with black hats is that they look bad. For Hungary too I also envisioned two types of such but they ain't look good or hard to recognize. Maybe with better shading I dunno.
Ubdaded. Sorry for the banner wait. I forgot about it heh. 
Btw we have lots of banners that were made when this board was just a refugee camp for kcmain. It's not like we have limits to banner numbers but those don't really represent what this board is anymore, so if more creative Bernds want to make more of our own I will gladly replace the old ones.
Broken images and other media appearing nowadays. I suspect the ones which went missing when the database was migrated. I would test this theory but I can't recall what images went missing.
If Bernd knows at least one, and has such file on his comp/phone pls post it, to test this hypothesis.

thumbnail of mold-hat.png
thumbnail of mold-hat.png
mold-hat png
(377 B, 17x23)
Made a hat to Moldova finally.
Got the kalpak of the Bulgariaball, flipped it horizontally, and changed colors. Wanted in brown but it looked like a pile of turd. So compromised with gray.
I think one more ball with hat, and gonna make a new css.
Yeah. it was a hat that aristocrats wore at home. Also it seems teachers too.
> Jeongjagwan, a more angled hat worn by yangbans at home and by teachers
> the yangban, the aristocrats and ruling class during the Joseon dynasty.

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