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Know what pisses me off? Here homeopathy is funded by the national healthcare system. Hospitals are overcrowded, posts are undersupplied, patients are dying from lack of care and yet precious public funds are wasted on glorified overpriced water. In this nation of widespread ignorance quacks and frauds spread like garden pests. And no politician dares to stop this for fear of losing votes from bydlos who believe it.
Homeopathy is basically treating something with a similar thing. This can include wide amount of stuff. Liek for cartilage problems people take glucosamin tablets. But you know what contains glucosamin? Cartilage. So eat that instead. This is homeopathy.
Ofc other areas of homeopathy are bullshit, and others might be bullshit. It would worth taking a look into it and separate the husk and the grain.

I've more to add to healthcare and stuff, maybe later.
So hospitals and healthcare.
This subject is treated by governments absolutely wrong, they should approach it from another direction: prevention. Great many of health issues comes from the fact that people are idiots t. House MD, their shitty lifestyle, lack of exercising, overeating, bad habits, addictions, bad hygiene, mindset, etc. (and ofc the combination of these) leads to a great variety of illnesses (both physical and mental). So not the healthcare what's have to be re-reformed over and over again, but education. People needs to be taught to care for their body, to rest enough, to exercise enough (and how to do it), good habits needs to be cultivated (e.g. eating moderately, being temperate etc.), their mindset has to be changed - for example - to refuse addictive substances (e.g. many starts smoking as a teenager because it's cool, it makes them cool and the others do it too, etc.) by themselves (banning shit doesn't work). Also proper information has to be given to them and make them understand (about illnesses, pathogens, how they spread, how to prevent spreading etc.).
Now ofc it can be said that: yo healthcare is business, it needs ill people. But frankly while people are ill they perform worse, do less work, or don't work at all, they are bad for the economy. What's loss for the health business, it comes back in other sectors.
> they are bad for the economy. 

not really
i mean for every sick whitey you can have a refuge

the main problem with people is that they reproduce uncontrollable and live too long

there's literally no point in this
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Weed and alternative medicine. I'm disgusted.

I seriously hope you don't believe in homeopathy.

Glucosamine and chondroitin's effectiveness is controversial and there's not just empirical counterevidence but also theoretical arguments against their viability. See:

For comparison, see
Where some possible mechanisms are cited:
> It is an important precursor of the glycoprotein and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) synthesis.
> Glucosamine production is the rate-limiting step in GAG synthesis, and glucosamine supplementation may overcome this bottleneck.
Notice, firstly, that an actual biochemical mechanism has been described -something no homeopathic remedy ever provides, because it doesn't have any- and the word "supplementation". That's important.

See also pic related, it's glucosamine sold on a homeopathic (but not exclusively so) site. However, no homeopathic dillution notation is present, because it isn't homeopathy. It's a dietary supplement. Pay close attention to the description's wording:
> Three tablets provide the full 1500mg
1500mg is a lot. Homeopathic remedies usually contain 0,00000000000000000000000000000000 mg (there's no number at the end, just 0; I'll elaborate on this) of their advertised item.

> The powerful bioflavonoid quercetin has been included at a potent 60mg, plus 1200mg of ginger (as a concentrated extract), as well as 400mg of rose hip. Few, if any, joint formulas provide these potencies in a single formula.
Notice the association between concentration and potency. Homeopathy follows the law of infinitesimals: the lower the concentration, the higher the potency. This is anti-homeopathic, it's pure allopathy.

> Chondroitin mislabelling: Many companies use a preparation that is just 20% chondroitin but their label may declare this as if it is 100% chondroitin.
Once again, allopathy. In homeopathy 20% chondroitin would be stronger than 100%.

Chondroitin and glucosamine are supplements, and as such, are taken to increase the concentration of some molecule which is deemed insufficient. This is allopathy: effect and concentration are proportional. In homeopathy they're deemed inversely proportional. Why? Because Hahnemann said so. No mechanism is known, it's just wishful thinking and poorly backed empiricism.

So this is the law of infinitesimals, there's no homeopathy without it. What about "like cures like"? It means that dilluted compounds have the opposite of their expected effect. Dilluted snake venom becomes an immediate antidote and the like. In real medicine there's a paralell with vaccines, but vaccines are infinitely more concentrated and have a known, justified mechanism. So in homeopathic logic, what would dilluted glucosamine cause? It'd cure its own side effects.
> In this latest trial, people taking the glucosamine-chondroitin combination reported diarrhea and abdominal pain more often than those taking the placebo did. Other reported side effects include
> heartburn
> drowsiness
> headaches
> allergic reactions (especially if you have an allergy to shellfish).
So a homeopath could recommend glucosamine against those. For cartilage problems he'd recommend something which damages cartilage.

How much? Zero. Homeopathic medicine is water.
This isn't hyperbole. In your usual homeopathic vial there's only molecules of H2O and whatever impurities there were in the distilled water that made it.
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This is a real homeopathic remedy: Natrium Muriaticum -table salt- 30 CH, that is, with 30 dillutions of a hundred times each, so that's 10^60 of dillution. It says it's net 30mL.

Assuming this dillution is mass/volume, then there are 10^60 mL of water for every gram of NaCl. For 30 mL of water, that's 3 x 10^-59 g of salt.

In 58,44 g (1 mol) of NaCl there are 6,02 x 10^23 (Avogadro's number) "molecules". Not real molecules because it's a crystal, but you get it; since it's in aqueous solution there's this number of sodium ions and an equal number of chlorine ones. 
Therefore in 3 x 10^-59 g there are 3,09 x 10^-37 sodium ions.

But there's no such thing as 3,09 x 10^-37 of an ion or atom or molecule. It's 0, 1, 2, 3, 500 trillion or so on. 
Sodium chloride was split in Na+ and Cl- the moment it was dissolved in water, but afterwards its constituent ions remained intact through the whole dillution process.
Maybe I had a wrong supposition or calculation mistake but any conceivable way to model this still shows an absurdly tiny result.

So what can we conclude? There's a very small chance some stray ion found its way into Natrium Muriaticum 30 CH. But it's safe to say there's none of it. 
Zero. Nothing.
"Natrium Muriaticum 30 CH" literally is just water without any table salt at all. This is the case for most homeopathic medicines. Some are just concentrated enough to have a handful of molecules of their claimed source, but above 12 C they're arithmethically just water. There is no discussing this.

You can distill this remedy to examine residue. You can run it through any kind of emission or absortion spectroscopy. Any expensive method in analitical chemistry. In any case all that you'll find are trace impurities.
When you buy this you're buying overpriced water.

If A=B, B=A. Homeopathy is water, therefore water is homeopathy. Every glass of water you drink is nearly every single kind of homeopathic remedy that ever existed, exists or will exist. Likewise, every homeopathic remedy you purchase is not only itself but is also a thousand other remedies at once. Why pay for homeopathy? You already consume several liters of extremely potent homeopathic remedies every single day.

Hahnemann was blissfully aware of the Avogadro constant and other complications. His successors are either bydlo consumers who are too ignorant to know it or "specialists" who are content with a handful of half-assed explanations that have not been fully developed and all have conclusive rebuttals from real medicine.
What is the theoretical basis for the law of infinitesimals and similia similibus curantur? Can they be proven as hard laws? Remedies consist of pure water that was in contact with a handful of molecules two dozen dillutions ago, what biochemical mechanism makes them effective?

Homeopaths can articulate some technobabble on water memory and the like but they know that's no answer. They don't care. They believe in their quackery, firstly because they trust Hahnemann and secondly because of some empirical evidence. Just some, because there's more and better evidence against it.
Science is based not on crude empiricism but on developing theoretical models to explain empirical evidence. Homeopaths have weak empirical evidence, no model to explain it and no initiative to come up with a proper one. That places them in the realm of iridology, reflexology, Ayurveda and so on. It's a fraud. Only shithole countries like Brazil and India finance it.

The one good thing in homeopathy is its personalized treatments increase patient morale. But building an entire field of lies and LARPing just to smooth patient feelings is unethical.
What does Natrium muriaticum (water LARPing as dilluted salt) do and how do homeopaths know they need to recommend it?

> Mother Ocean is not like Mother Nature. She is not like the apple tree, which gives shade and bears fruit in abundance: a nurturing, protecting image. Walk to the point of a rocky promontory, jutting out into the ocean, and gaze down at the sea and rocks in conflict below. Cast your eyes out to sea on a windy, heavily overcast day and look into the depths of your mother. She is chill and forbidding. 
> Unlike Mother Nature the ocean is an aloof, impersonal and often harsh mother. She does not cosset or spoil her children; she stands back and leaves them to fend for themselves. She appears distant, cold and unfeeling and applies discipline with uncompromising strictness and severity. To spare the rod is to spoil the child. It is often the lot of the Nat mur child to be born into a family in which these qualities are valued and applied; in which emotions are not expressed, sympathy and love are not demonstrated, and a stiff upper lip is expected. The child is encouraged to achieve independence without the sheltering warmth of maternal nurturing. There is a lack of mothering. Paradoxically, this mother whose maternal instincts are so repressed, is often herself manifesting a Mother Ocean archetype – Nat mur or Sepia.  
> The Nat mur personality
> The role of the mother figure is particularly critical in the healthy development of the Nat mur personality. There is a deep and often unfulfilled need for the security and warmth of maternal love, protection and nurturing in the Nat mur being, with an inability or unconscious reluctance to solicit, attract or accept the very sustenance they long for. The conditioning that it is weak to reveal dependency and needfulness compounds this. As a result they experience a sense of having been rejected or forsaken, left to their own fate, and therefore feel that they must be unimportant, unworthy of love and unlovable. In Nat mur this conclusion is attended by a persistent, even life-long feeling of resentment and grievance. There is no warmth in the childhood memories of mother, possibly only an awareness of indifference, criticism, harsh discipline and even neglect or abuse. 

I don't even need to post any more paragraphs, that's enough bullshit already. "You have this personality, so you must ingest 30ml of dilluted salt which isn't actual dilluted salt but just water". Well, then, just drink some water.
> Well, then, just drink some water.
And water is good. Since our body consists of 60% water or so. Now this is homeopathy.

I'll read ofc what you posted. Sometimes soon.
But homeopathy isn't just harmless quackery. When the ignorant buy it perhaps it's just their problem if a lack of real treatment makes them die. But oftentimes those who don't buy into the fraud get harmed.
This is most evident in countries like mine, where it's financed with public money. Every cent wasted on homeopathy is a cent not spent helping patients who died from insufficient care. Many lives could be saved if the homeopathy lobby were crushed. They have blood on their hands and are no different from corrupt administrators who appropriate healthcare funds.
And homeopathy is sometimes included in private health insurance programs, making them more expensive just to finance deadweight. If you've ever turned down an insurance program because of its cost, homeopathy may be partially at fault.

Vaccination has real concentrations, whereas homeopathy is literally water, and real mechanisms which have been thoroughly examined and proven. Homeopathy, Hahnamann's "science" has no mechanisms.
> Know what pisses me off? Here homeopathy is funded by the national healthcare system.

Here we also have some state-regulated homeopathy. Some homeopathy doctors can have medical profession and licenses, although official position of ministry of healthcare is somewhat indifferent with some negativity.

I guess this is actually a good thing, because educated and licensed homeopath is better than some random dude - at least he must not be insane.

Healthcare system is completely fucked though, doctors have 12 minutes for patient, long waiting times didn't disappear even when electronic registration is used, many local hospitals are underfunded, and doctors professionalism is very questionable. Wages are still low in many places, like 100-300$ (there were multiple media scandals about it).

I personally don't think that public healthcare could work at all, but this is debatable of course. Only good thing here is that private healthcare costs are relatively low - consultations and common tests are available for masses.

> There's a very small chance some stray ion found its way into Natrium Muriaticum 30 CH. But it's safe to say there's none of it. Zero. Nothing.

Many homeopaths have alternative theories, i.e. something like memory of water and other things, so they don't care about ions and such.

Although I may play devil's advocate and give some arguments for homeopathy too.

Placebo effect is real - human body is a complex thing and even believing in something may be beneficial, less depressed and optimistic mindset may act positively on immune system for example. There are plenty of stories when mind conditions had effect on real disease, even confirmed by science (that placebo effect too). Of course it can't replace real treatment, but can supplement it.

People believe in medicine and drugs, but most common diseases couldn't be treated by anything. Like common cold and related virus diseases. There is no cure from viruses (compared to bacteria with antibiotics), antiviral drugs are memes, only real cure is to wait until your immune system will crush viruses. But mind wants some solution, tablet, drink, whatever, and when there is nothing, people start to treat viral diseases with antibiotics or large doses of anti-inflammation drugs (paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin). All these things don't help, they also can be dangerous. But how doctor can stop patient from doing stupid things and force them to wait (especially when patient is nervous and uneducated, as always)? Best way is to prescribe some completely safe thing like low doses of vitamins or homeopathy medicine. Person will use at and stay calm. Main goal for doctor is to choose when real treatment is needed or when patient may be "treated" like this.

Of course, using only homeopathy without proper medical care is a completely different thing.
My father's a surgeon. Whenever he's around nearly half of what he talks about is quackery and health fads. Not a day goes by without a viral Whatsapp story: a nonexistant bean contamination (usually an old hoax which periodically resurfaces), a woman retrieving a gland from a chicken and claiming it's a parasitic worm, a story about how sodium bicarbonate with lemons cures cancer and so on. They always have technobabble language which sounds pompous and legitimate to bydlos and a dichotomic view where harmless everyday items are suddenly poisons that cannot be ingested in any case and expensive exotic foods work miracles.
There are also professional quacks, often with real degrees in Medicine, who make a lot of money using their respectability to swindle the ignorant. Dr. Lair Ribeiro is one such manipulator. They always come up with miracle diets and radical claims like that heavy consumption of alkaline foods is a fountain of youth.
And finally, there are entire fields and industries of meaningless medical LARPing, one of them being homeopathy.

No alternative medicine can cure a knife wound. Only plain materialism can do anything. Such alternative methods are mere psychological crutches for the desperate or those who are healthy and want something exotic.

From hearing all of this I have a lot of anger towards homeopathy and related industries and fads.

But he does often speak of  >>/26405/, sanitary lifestyles -nothing special and exotic, just what anyone can do at no cost- already prevent damage from happening. But this topic is a bland, boring one and can't generate any viral stories and sensationalistic headlines, so it is forgotten. The ignorant masses thus practice no prevention and resort to superstition to fill in the gaps, with greedy scammers enriching themselves in the process.

> Many homeopaths have alternative theories, i.e. something like memory of water and other things, so they don't care about ions and such.
Some homeopaths come up with alternative explanations, but they don't hold up well. If water retains the properties of something it previously in contact with, then all water has homeopathic properties. And each water molecule was on so many different places through its eons of existence. At which point do these properties disappear, and why? And this still doesn't provide hard explanations or any justification at all for the law of infinitesimals and "like cures like".  Water memory itself is a controversial subject.
And like I've shown, homeopathic diagnosis is often emotion- and feelings-based, and specific compounds are associated with specific personalities. Why? Why is table salt even related to a given personality? Table salt is a crystal, a personality is a very complicated interaction of hormones, neural connections and social relationships, there's no intrinsic tie between the two and homeopaths only see such a tie because of their own cultural notions of personality and cultural understanding of salt. 
In short, any attempted theoretical explanations only cover a small part of homeopathy and don't hold up under scrutiny. Even Flat Earth has a larger theoretical basis and a commitment to explaining itself.

And some homeopaths don't care. "It just works" and they go along with it.

> Person will use at and stay calm
Very good point, psychological well-being plays a part in physical recovery. Patients know nothing of science but trust it, so pseudoscience with a good veneer of respectability will secure their trust and placebo effect. Other patients have a mistrust of science but still love "natural" and "spiritual" technobabble, so scientific language together with emotional or ecological filler will swindle them and improve their recovery.

But though some small lies to get placebo effect working are justified, an entire industry built over lies is unethical. Ideally patients wouldn't be so ignorant and would have a basic understanding of biochemistry and medicine, and the psychological component of treatment would be carried out with less falsehood.
>  Ideally patients wouldn't be so ignorant and would have a basic understanding of biochemistry and medicine, and the psychological component of treatment would be carried out with less falsehood.

In ideal world, maybe. But we have reality where humans aren't ideal and never will.

For example, I know a woman, she has higher education (in psychology though), she is sane and relatively smart, but with first light symptoms of something non-serous (like that common cold) she is panicking and trying to use wide array of medicines. No argument can make her stop, even when she agrees with it in discussion. Thanks god that market is full of cheap herbal and vitamin things that don't do any harm, otherwise she would destroy her liver with NSAIDs or such.

I guess even understanding of biochemistry wouldn't fix that side of human personality, it is survival instinct-based thing.
> Hahnamann's "science"
I talk about homeopathy. It's older thought than that dude's. It's just means treating something with something similar. Vaccination is a textbook example, using a (weakened) pathogen to activate an immune reaction, so next time when the real thing comes the body would know how to kill the (normal) pathogens, and could heal itself.

And basically that's the thing: the body heals itself. Not the doctors. There are notable exceptions - autoimmune, cancer etc. - when this isn't true, or certain mechanical wounds are just too severe without medical help. Tho let's say if I break my leg I need a doc to put things back to and fix into place but the actual healing is made by the body. It's not liek the doc stands there with a welding machine growing the new tissue and connect the pieces...
So this guy  >>/26445/ is basically right. Docs are fast to call out quacks while they themselves are just the same.
What does the good doctor do when I get the flu? Humming a little and tells me to stay at home, rest, drink lots of fluids, preferably hot tea with lemon and honey basically this itself quackery since there's no actual guarantees if vitamin C and flavonoids will help, or if they really help, by how much, reduce days? who knows, if my temperature rises to high take a pill to bring it lower. Ergo create cushy circumstances and let the body heal itself: wow such a science. I learnt the formula right after the first instance I had the flu, I don't need doctor to tell me again and look smart that he knows stuff. Now I know even more than a doc would say.
And even with cancer. They try to cut out or destroy the tumor but they can't do jack shit with the cause. They don't even know where these come from. Supposedly they come and go all the time, the problem arises when they remain. Yeah they talk about shit that can give you cancer but some people get, some don't. Even strong smokers have better chance to die something else than throat/lung cancer. Fuckin lottery. It ain't science, science should be reproducible, if I drop something 100 times it will fall 100 times and not sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Tl;dr: doctors are quacks.
> surgeon
Funny thing, they are the most useful docs around even tho they didn't even count as doctors back in the day for a long long time. They came from an ancient line of proud butchers, carpenters, blacksmiths and barbers. Oh the proletariat of the physicians.
> like 90% of modern drugs have their roots in herbs and trad medicine
Traditional medicine is often helpful, centuries of experience are not something to be ignored. Other times it's ineffective. How to know what's valuable and what isn't? Only conventional medicine has the methods to find out.

> doctors are just scummers that do it better than homeopaths
Doctors have to put up tremendous effort to learn wide areas of human knowledge and then work under pressure knowing the government doesn't care about them, even their employers can sometimes mistreat them and their patients are clueless, hate them and anything that goes wrong may end their career. Depending on their area they have to deal with and solve gruesome injuries. The pay is good but theirs is a real, difficult job.
Homeopaths, on the other hand, just have to "learn" some made-up fantasies and then play pretend psychotherapist and hand out made-up remedies to emotionally insecure patients. Unlike physicians not a single homeopath has to deal with intense pressure and gore.

> I talk about homeopathy. It's older thought than that dude's. It's just means treating something with something similar. Vaccination is a textbook example, using a (weakened) pathogen to activate an immune reaction, so next time when the real thing comes the body would know how to kill the (normal) pathogens, and could heal itself.
Sure, it's one way to define it. But Hahnemann's homeopathy doesn't activate any immune reaction. It doesn't do anything at all besides placebo effect. So within this definition Hahnemann isn't even a homeopath. Yet nowadays that word is almost exclusively used for his followers. Homeopathic stores don't sell vaccines and self-proclaimed homeopaths don't produce them. Real vaccines, that is, which activate immune reactions. There is such a thing as self-proclaimed homeopathic vaccines, and as you may expect they're also water and cannot activate any immune reaction.

> Yeah they talk about shit that can give you cancer but some people get, some don't. Even strong smokers have better chance to die something else than throat/lung cancer. Fuckin lottery. It ain't science, science should be reproducible, if I drop something 100 times it will fall 100 times and not sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Radiation has an empirically observed effect on cancer risks and the theoretical basis behind it has been studied. Yet it doesn't provide a 100% chance, because human biology is complex and every body is different. So all that can be said is in terms of increased percentual chances. That isn't a lottery, it's actual meaningful statistical information backed by a theoretical basis.
This isn't the only area in the hard sciences or engineering where statistics and chances are used and that doesn't make them invalid. In the previous discussion about dillutions chemists also speak of the chances of a molecule being in the final solution after several dillutions. Astronomers, too, can easily make precise predictions on the orbit of celestial bodies but when those predictions are on the far future they have to speak of chances.
Same thing with tobacco, there's plenty of empirical evidence that it increases cancer risks. It is very much reproducible, that's what empirical studies do. And behind it are several proposed mechanisms. The result isn't in 0% or 100% but it's real.

That's what differentiates real medicine, it is ignorant and powerless for many things but only it can ask "how" and "why" and that allows it to do a lot of things its alternatives are completely incapable of pulling off.
Well doctors use scientific methods as much as possible. Your fever is just a symptom, it might be flu, it might be rabies, it might be Saddam's spawn raping your soul.. 

In most cases you just have a flu, but what about the %0.5 cases? You die during chamber business.. painfully. As for cancer, imrpovments has made, istanbul didn't conquered in a day. If we let herb sellers handle these things we wont improve even after a century passed.
Thanks for remaining patient despite my tirade. I would add more but most likely I'm just tired of the Hungarian healthcare (despite I have very little contact with them in professional manner, but even that's more than enough).

Why not three cups of three?

> chamber business
Playing CK2 I see. Kek.
Well both rabies and flu has more symptoms. But here's a joge for you:
The veterinarian visits the doctor, who asks:
- What's the problem? Tell me your symptoms.
- Really? I tell? That would be too easy...

Thank god. Humanity would go extinct fast if they didn't do it.
That's enough, grappa!
If you said this somewhere else after what I've said I would thought you're a woman. 

Btw I didn't get the joke. 

Speaking of coffee and tea, drinking tea is only a tradition that exist less than hundred years here, real tradition comes from russians. Originally we mostly sticked to coffee. 

I feel like rebellious teen for drinking tea now.
> If you said this somewhere else after what I've said I would thought you're a woman.
I don't see why. Human beans are disgusting in general regardless of sex, and most people are ugly fuckers with bad proportions, weird shapes, bad skin - again - regardless of sex. It's just when we look at a woman, we think if we should bed her and if she looks disgusting the fact effects us more, while with men we just exist along and their physical appearance is more bearable and forgettable.
The joke is: hornyturks wouldn't say no to anything, the bar is never too high.
Huh I wish I would have some hornyturk posts saved from KC main. They were fun.

No. That's a joke since seeing a Swede commenting something negative about women is basically a meme now. My real comment is above that line.
> Human beans are disgusting in general regardless of sex, and most people are ugly fuckers with bad proportions, weird shapes, bad skin - again - regardless of sex. 
are you projection this? perhaps swedes are generally quite good looking but I dont see ugly people that often. the ugly ones are usually norwegians that come here to visit
> Human beans are disgusting in general regardless of sex, and most people are ugly fuckers with bad proportions, weird shapes, bad skin - again - regardless of sex.
agreed. but when you say that after I said that about women, I would assume so. because:

> say something about women
> most people/men are that way too
this is typical women behaviour when it comes to >>>>>>arguing. 

I mostly like nietzche (probably typo'd) I only know schopenhauer from quotes and whatnot.
tea (esp) green tea has alot of fluoride and contaminents in it. white tea is probably best. 

here is two good articles if you want to read more about coffee and its health benefits


I forgot!
> coffee
We have a phrase, if we judge that a bad consequence will follow our action we say: "and here comes the black soup". The origin of this phrase is going back to the 16th century, to 29th August 1541 to be precise, when the Ottomans occupied the castle of Buda.
Suleiman received the child king János Zsigmond, the queen mother and several aristocrat in his camp at Buda (the Habsburgs prepared a siege and the arriving Turkish army warn them off). While they had a discussion, the janissaries were sent to "gaze around" in the castle since Suleiman was on seemingly friendly terms with the liege of the defenders. But the Turkish troops occupied the place quietly and while they do that at the end of the meeting coffee was served which were called black soup at that time (or translated as such), and as the servants brought it in, the sultan said, "and here comes the black soup". As the Hungarian leaders left it turned out the castle was taken.
> Coffee done wrong leads to anxiety, shakiness, sweating, feeling wired, inability to focus, and sometimes cold extremities
that's my genes overall oh well... 

anyway reading it now.
> perhaps swedes are generally quite good looking but I dont see ugly people that often
Hmm. Ugly people got used to the ugly so if others ugly they don't notice.
I've read it. 

>  One such step is adding a little coffee to milk/sugar instead of adding milk/sugar to coffee. 
what does this mean? I couldnt get it.
he meant a few teaspoons of coffee to get used to the taste

I brew my coffee in this


very simple to use.
what is the best mineralwater around?

I heard donat has most magnesium

dont find any donat in sweden
Does anybody here at this point not even care about how their food tastes anymore and just think about all the nutrients?
of course food has to be tasty

but I think that the future of food will be different then we are used to. veganism, no meat, all the vitamin pills is some of the things I see pushed on the public. 

you need meat and fish to get the necessary nutrients to function properly. a dumbed down population is what the elite is striving for.
have you heard about this soy drink that became a bit of a meme I dont remember the name of it. it is powder and you mix it with water. thats the future I think. very efficient (the elite loves efficiency) and very non human.
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I care about the taste. Just there was nothing to update the cooking thread.
I ate recently - what I can translate as - milk-loaf with butter, honey, and milk. I rarely eat anything with honey, I mostly just use it as tea sweetener. I didn't post this since it's too blogspotposty.
Nevertheless there's rarely a bad tasting food that couldn't be remedied with a healthy amount of hot paprika.
I think all the overt veganism is a psyop that they intentionally associate with weakness and leftism to hide the fact that most meat is the same, filled with chemicals et. al. Also to push beer as "trad" when it's also full of estrogen.
beer has always been pushed. in old egypt beer was staple drink of all people. 

not all meat is bad, try and get organic free range meat. usually you can find cheap argentina meat that is free range and organic. 

I dont agree that veganism is a psyop, but can you elaborate more on that. I see it being targeted mostly to young females here, which they always do, target the young since they are the future. women then teach their kids to be vegans
> I dont agree that veganism is a psyop, but can you elaborate more on that
< veganism and soy gets pushed unto leftists and weaklings 
< so overtly that the right wing starts thinking commercial meat is a good alternative (while in reality, it's probably full of bad stuff and is probably tied to occult sacrifices)
< beer is also pushed as "manly", "traditional" and against "da soibois"
I'm just saying that the entire pushing among veganism among leftists and weaklings and the promotion of commercial meat and beer as "manly" is a psyop. Not veganism itself as a concept.
He couldn't anyway. You aren't a shop.

That depends. I can reliably lift over the doorstep a reasonably sized female. But if you gimme a forklift I might can do more and place her back into the ocean.
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Wasn't sure whether I should post this into the blogspot thread, or here. I decided here coz it is health related, mental and physical.
My sleep pattern went sideways and I find it hard to restore it. I sleep 5-6 hours daily for a half year now which is nowhere enough to rest for me and then all day I'm drowsy and distracted. My mind wanders around constantly as if it wants to make up in draydreaming what it lose with the lack of dreaming. It really takes an effort to concentrate and my work suffers, my hobbies too, even my I feel my writings declined, and haven't put forward much for a while now. And tasks, works are getting amassed.
I go to sleep late or can fall asleep late despite I'm in bed, and this is worse because then I get anxious about not getting sleep and that keeps me awake...
I had similar 7-8 years back. Then I forced myself into the patter: go to sleep at 22, wake up at 6. I did this consistently and it solved the problem for years. Now I find it hard to do it again. Needs more discipline.
I have another protip for those who have similar problems, or just as a "life hack":
I have this rule not to worry about the issues of life after 20:00, but prepare myself for a rest in the evening. This ofc should be paired up with another rule: solve the issues of life before 20:00, actually make an effort to do them.
Although sometimes one can find solutions during sleep, or just after awakes. It happens I dream of them, I'm sure happens with others too, but many times I just grinding the same problem in my dreams again and again with no solution, which is worse than the worse nightmare - this is important for me to have a buffer between the day and sleep.
At this point I was rather called weak but was well rested.
> 4-5 hours
Do you take at least power naps? I heard with age people needs less sleep. If you keep it up soon you won't even need the missing hours.
> Do you take at least power naps?

No, although I sleep on weekends much more.

> I heard with age people needs less sleep.

Yes, I've noticed this pattern, in past I've need 8-10 hours, now 7-8 is ok. But I think it is personal, and I don't think that less than 6 hours is ok anyway. 

Sleeping at day for few hours is actually good, but it isn't really available because of work. Kids in kindergartens here are "forced" to sleep at day, but don't like it. And when they grow, they remember that they were stupid and missed best time.

As completely different point, I remember that I've read multiple theories about ideal sleep pattern, and one was about 36 hours of action plus 12 hours of sleep. Some guy experimented in caves and found that humans try to adapt this pattern when there is no external day/night cycle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel&#95;Siffre

There were even conspiracy theories about non-terrestrial origin of humans, like on home planet day cycle was different.
> Kids in kindergartens here are "forced" to sleep at day, but don't like it.
It was the practice here too, I hated it, I could imagine to spend it more actively. Some children needed it tho.
How monkeys sleep I wonder? Taking naps like dogs? I can imagine our ancestors doing that and things slowly changed when they became more conscious and superstitious (when they created their first beliefs about death and night, and natural phenomenons), and decided to hole up for the night and sleep through it (when the Sun died and went visiting the after-life, they died too and visited the after-life, and then when it arose they arose too - or something like this).
I wonder if this guy is on a ventilator now. Imagine his final moments, an amusing coma dream, a smirk, he whispers, 'ha, ha, gypsy.' Then the sustained beep of this heart monitor.
I dunno. Maybe he realized there are far better things to spend his time on. At least this would be the best scenario for him. But what you wrote sounds fairly plausible.
Yeah I've seen those posts. But haven't checked the videos. Or tried to read those stuff. I think other boards got some posts as well.
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Some changes are coming here:
I despise him for doing these announcements on Facebook. What's next, the e-adminstration moves to facebook? It's creating dangerous precedents. Let's just give the powers of the govt. to Facebook. Also many people (mostly the elderly) don't even fucking have facebook acc.
- Shops will have no limits on opening hours, 
- Terraces and gardens of restaurants can open,
- Open-air beaches and baths can open,
- but wearing facemasks in stores and on public transportation (like in Budapest) will be compulsory nationwide.
- Shops are still only allowed to admit customers above the age of 65 between 9:00 AM and noon each day.
Today more details will come. I can't wait.
Use the this thread instead for covid discussions.
> public interest had died 
Yeah, it gets boring after a while. For the vast majority of the people nothing happens. Maybe they know someone who knows someone. But that's not frightening enough, and the media can fan the hysteria just so long.

It seems as if they bang on the table because they can.
I wore a mask today in the train. it feels useless and I was the only one, it's not compulsory in Switzerland, just when you go to the hair dresser. Nobody cared until I put on the mask.
Meanwhile Britain should overtake Italy as country with most deaths in Europe this week.
The electric is about run out in my rented shit hole so I will be wearing my mask tomorrow on an expedition in the local shop.
I'm sure if anyone else had a mask, they would wear it.
From today we have to wear masks in shops. Who the fuck has that many masks to discard it on daily basis. I think I heard about masks with changeable filters, but haven't checked.
In Poland we are obliged to wear them almost everywhere oustide our own houses. I own 6 masks now. Two of them are made from some simple material but that's enough to not get me fined. The rest are medical stuff I got from friendly medical workers.  
The ones from simple material I just put in boiling water every day. I wash them in washing machine once per weak. 
The nurse who gave me the one medical mask told me I can just wash it by hand using warm water and simple soap, or I can just put it in washing machine just dont go over 60 degrees (or was it 40).
The two other mask the guy told me I can wash them using alcohol (I'm using 95% ethanol). The last mask fits badly on me so I'm not wearing it. 
Anyway they said I can just keep washing and reusing them. I don't have to change any filter or anything and no one said I should get a new mask and get rid of those after some time.
Well then let me add another info. Dogtors say you shouldnt wear one mask for more than 4 hours. You'll notice the front of the mask will get wet from all the humidity coming from your mouth and that's really not very comfortable. So consider having enough mask prepared for your day. I'm using 2 or 3 on a work day and sometimes 1 for a weekend because I don't go out very often. 

Breathing is hell and you will hate it too.
I still haven't worn a mask or even thought of buying one, a few people here are but most seem not to be. My uncle has taken my grandmothers sewing machine and is mass producing his own now though...
Apparently 80% of people have some degree of deviated septum. The septum is the barrier between your nostrils and when it is crooked it makes the nose crooked as well. This can also cause nose bleeding, loud breathing and difficulty sleeping on one side. I have been noticing that I have a slightly crooked neck and shoulder posture and I think this may be the cause of it. People say you should sleep on your side but probably sleeping on you back is better and some also put forth that view. It seems that the people advocating sleeping on the side are those looking at it from a respiratory point of view while the back fellows are looking at it through a posture point of view. One cannot have it all I guess.

Anyway I was just rambling.
One can improve his posture during the day. People should sleep how they find it comfortable (ofc we can get used to positions), and we usually move around while we sleep. Bad posture is coming from bad sitting habits, stooping over desks, in front of the monitors. Muscles getting cramped, or stretched in the wrong places.
School is especially bad for our posture and for our physique in general. Our youth is the time of physical growth and instead we taking care how our bones, ligaments, muscles grow and form, instead cultivating good habits, we spend our youth malforming our body, and promoting idle sitting instead of the love of activity and exercise. We create unhealthy individuals generation after generation. It's a scandal.
> Apparently 80% of people have some degree of deviated septum.

Yeah I actually have that too. I just noticed it since I can't really breathe well through my nose sometimes

The industrial revolution, etc etc
According to recent ordinance, they recommend wearing scarfs, kerchiefs, whatever beside surgical and other medical masks.
I think the rationale is, that the virus spreads from our mouths via drops, and the barriers should be enough to prevent this moisture getting into the air, or slow them down so they don't travel meters. They don't need to be able to filter virus sized stuff.
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> they recommend wearing scarfs, kerchiefs

And discard them every few hours, if you don't want your "mask" being a dust collector with optional coronavirus inside. Reusable mask is more like element of style, a fashion item, not protection. I don't think that most people really clean it properly as required.

Anyway, it is pretty easy to make somewhat reliable single-use mask from any cloth. Take common nonwoven fabric that is sold for cleaning, take few layers, fold, cut - and mask is done.
> What do you mean?
> The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race

or somethings like that. A crazy dude saids that once
Why does pickles sound so weird to me?

Pickles. It's such a particular word. It sounds so odd put just seems to roll of the tongue for some reason

Pickles I don't like how they taste though
Hmm. I read somewhere we're gonna have large scale testing. I can't find the sauce. Anyway they will order a bunch of people (decided by... randomly???) for mandatory testing to get a better picture of what's going on in the country.
Turns out the coronavirus epidemic is good for health.

Wanted to post a picrel, duckduckwent "healthy", got a bunch of food pics.
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> The new findings from this paper suggest that given the variation in ecological and social patterns across the region (e.g., climate, population density), it is unlikely that a plague outbreak would have impacted all corners of the diverse empire equally.
B-but I would have thought exactly 50% of the local population died everywhere...
Fucking geniuses, ofc there had to be variation.
Anyway one more proofs, written sources shouldn't be taken as is, even if they are primary ones. Imagine a millennia later someone would pull out all the articles written about this recent epidemic, and would blindly accept everything as true...
At least we know about the current pandemic and can deal with it rapidly. Must have been awful to have a plague during those times tbh
Also our current pandemic is far more mild, it probably would not actually have done much to a medieval society(because very few were in the age bracket at risk anyway). It would not spread so much either, it's possible that such viruses did occur but were not even note worthy enough to write down(or they didn't even know).
They knew about it too and tried to deal. Mostly on Galenic basis. Galen lived through the Antonine Plague, treating many cases, and he left his notes to the posterity. How effective was his treatments? Who knows. How effective our "treatment"? They don't do much in hospitals, just put peeps, who tired out and can't breath by themselves anymore, onto ventilators, but they just sit around and wait patience to get better. At least Galen was concerned about the general physical well being of the people. Now they don't even advise "lose weight fatsos". Otherwise they try to prevent the spread with quarantine. I think that was also known practice in the antiquity.

The risk is due to the unhealthy state of the heart and such - due to being fat, lazy and weak. The older these unhealthy people are, the weaker they are, the more likely they end up dead.
The low median age of the medieval is a little misguiding, the high mortality rate of children weighs a lot in that. Ofc many other conditions could ensure lower life expectancy, but peeps back then could live 60-80 fine.
It's true they could live that long but few did. Yes, not because of being unhealthy but they simply were likely to be impacted by something that modern medicine would cure. The older you get and the longer you live the higher the chance of this, you are effectively rolling the dice every year, yes you can live to 80 but few did.
sorry for the 1 year late reply

yes its a psy op. or to put it in finer terms, hegelian dialectic. thesis antithesis, synthesis. 

they need the opposition to go through with their plans.
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The testing is going well:
- 17 778 peeps were planned to be tested;
- 8276 peeps were tested via throat swab sample as of now, 2 active positive;
- 1524 with blood sample, 9 post-illness positive.
Based on this partial result it can be concluded:
- number of active infected:  243 - 7230;
- number of recovered: 22 399 - 92 624.
The tests does not calculates with under 14, and those who are living in "retirement homes".
Infection rate is very low, but no herd immunity either.

The article here  >>/36621/ questions the contemporary narratives and suggests there weren't that many victims.
Two days and this study ends.
They estimate about 40-88 thousand people could have infected, which is bout 0.6% of the country. In Spain this is 5%.
Some blahblah in the article, but one more thing is noteworthy. In Slovakia, they scrutinize every death, and they only classify those deaths covid deaths, where they find it was the direct cause. But here, they use a very broad sense, so basically anyone who had corona and died, is a covid death.
I see here and there in the news that the air became cleaner, such as waters, rivers for example on the Hungary. It seems just a couple of months reduction in pollution results in quite a notable changes.
And the weather. While February was quite warm for the season, as China stopped (then Italy, then the others) March and April instead of getting into constant 20+, as it did in prev years, were quite cool.
So maybe this pollution, global warming thing could be solved quite easily.
Partially. Heard in telly that - for example - on the Hungary biodiversity is a problem. It's very nice that we have great many more animals in some species, but there's only a couple of species where dozens should be. And the reason is the monoculture practices, both in agriculture and forestry.
All right this part has not much to do with health, I'm just rambling.
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> And the weather. While February was quite warm for the season, as China stopped (then Italy, then the others) March and April instead of getting into constant 20+, as it did in prev years, were quite cool.
> So maybe this pollution, global warming thing could be solved quite easily.

Most of modern sources who adhere to "scientific" "consensus" about global warming say that it is already irreversible, and even if we stop everything, it would continue, just with lesser pace.

And even if they are wrong they wouldn't admit this because there is too much money invested already.
I think after about a couple of month 90% of everyone would forget about it. And a year after that 99.9%.
Just during these months I read articles about corona which said contradictory statements with absolute certainty in the same news site within days from each other... Who cares.
Multiple sources say that Kadyrov has coronavirus and he is located in some Moscow hospital. Some recent rumors are about 70% lung damage so he'll be dead soon. Officials say that he is ok and everything is a lie though.

Few days ago he "asked" local (Chechen) doctors to "public apologize" after they said that there is heavy shortage of medical equipment in Chechnya. Of course they apologized on TV soon.
5% of people have more than 2 nipples, what the hell. I'd never even heard of it yet 5% have it.

Wait. Isn't Jefferson had three nipples from Married with Children?
Also Al's ideal woman has three tits. One on her back in case of slow dance.
Furthermore I seen three tits in Total Recall.
I have it since my birth I think. Or at least as long as I can remember. No doctor ever paid any attention to it. Guess I'm just three nipple Bernd now.
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Japan and low covid.
This says in Japan was comparatively very successful handling the epidemic, despite they didn't have strict restrictions. What I found noteworthy in this article that in Japan, they didn't care if patients got covid or not, since there's no cure, the sick has to be and can only be treated as if they had "simple" pneumonia.
The article also talks about the depression, despite the swell handling of the epidemic, they got into the pit. Since it started in the last quarter of 2019... Again I have to say, the depression isn't caused by this, it was already incoming, it just really doesn't help.
It makes sense that it would not hit Japan so hard. They pretty much already practice social distancing(well maybe not in trains) and are quite hygienic.
everything went better than expected. almost all restrictions will be lifted during the summer. people had paid holidays or at least could work from home. environment is saved. people are now super fit thanks to biking boom. Britain, USA, Brazil and other second and third world shitholes are fucked with economic crash and lots of dead people. no Asian tourists this summer in Europe, so no queues anywhere. people are afraid to use public transport, so I usually have a train car for myself. Now I hope EU and Schengen area will have a travel ban for Sweden, so Greta has to go to school.
Apparently bats caused Ebola and some other viruses as well. I found an article that says they have such a strong immune system that they can live with a virus and not really be effected by it.

Probably bats are fake as well, they are supposed to be the second largest order after Rodentia but when do you ever see them? I never do, how do we know they exist at all and that we are not just mistaking owls or other birds that fly at night for bats when we think we see bats?
> Probably bats are fake as well, they are supposed to be the second largest order after Rodentia but when do you ever see them? I never do, how do we know they exist at all and that we are not just mistaking owls or other birds that fly at night for bats when we think we see bats?
That's an appeal to ridicule. The germ theory is an actual flawed theory of science and you're classifying it with this nutcase-like belief.
I do see them. Not frequently but quite a few times per year, usually during summer. Their flight pattern is differ from birds', and they come out to a round when most birds hid already. Once one was even above our door hanging out. Neat little guy/gal, I like bats.
> actual flawed theory of science 
its never been proven 


the faggot pasteur tried his whole life to prove it but he failed miserably
Then why does the infected host always have the same fungus? What is the fungus doing? Why is is that if I rub material with the fungus on a healthy plant with zero contact with insects, it develops coffee rust?
> What is the fungus doing? 
Detox, because the leaf is intoxicated. 
> Why is is that if I rub material with the fungus on a healthy plant with zero contact with insects, it develops coffee rust?
So fungi is rubbed on the leaf to develop coffee rust? Pathogens supposedly spread through the air where you never notice. That's literally not what's going on.
Anyways, the fungi's role in it appears to be a detox reaction, while the intoxication of the leaf is caused by insects carrying it.
> So fungi is rubbed on the leaf to develop coffee rust?
Yes, and it develops as much coffee rust as the infected leaf you extracted it from even though you only use a tiny amount of actual fungal material. If you extract snake poison from someone bit by a snake and apply it in a healthy individual, the healthy individual will not have as strong symptoms as the original individual. Maybe poison can cause chain reactions but overall you'd expect nonliving toxins to have a much greater proportionality between quantity of contaminant/severity of symptoms compared to a parasite, which replicates itself. What you see in the healthy coffee leaves is a lot of rust with only a tiny quantity of contaminant. And not only that, but the contaminant are the signs of the fungi, so you have to assume that all of the symptoms developed by the healthy plant came from whatever quantity of toxin entered the fungus, was not yet decontaminated and got into its reproductive tissue.

Besides, that creates more questions about the fungi. By what you postulate it should be possible to have coffee rust without any of the fungi, though that is never observed. What is observed is that it only lives through that detox reaction as it only ever appears where there's coffee rust, and as much of it appears as there are symptoms. But how does it get to a leaf with the toxin? You've already ruled out known transmission methods. You could say it was laying dormant in the leaf, but if you grow 10 new coffee bushes from the first one's seeds, all of the leaves of all of the new bushes exhibit the same behavior when contaminated. Thus the fungi on the first bush had to be metabolically active, reproducing itself. Yet it couldn't be because observably it's only active wherever there's coffee rust. 
Does the fungi come with the toxin itself and both of them were previously within the insect? Can you chemically identify the toxin? Can you identify the insect? Is the occurrence of coffee rust lower in areas subject to measures which do insect control but don't affect fungi? If you do identify the insect and control it you'd also extinguish coffee rust, that would be lucrative and there'd be a lot of demand for it.
> Yes
Rubbed by whom? Does some anonymous man just go around and rub fungi on leaves and is that how it "pathogenically" spreads? Mind you, the fungi doesn't come with the toxin, nor does the leaf. All fungi are used for detox procedures, in this case when a insect goes and shits on a leaf, they're not damaging pathogens.
> Rubbed by whom?
I understand this is a "let's say" hypothetical situation, en example.
Here  >>/37146/ he writes:
> if I rub material with the fungus on a healthy plant with zero contact with insects
> Rubbed by whom?
Rubbed in a laboratory to inoculate the disease in a healthy plant. I've seen it done with coffee rust. That is a step of determining that a species is the pathogen, if you spread it from a contaminated to a healthy host and it develops the disease you have part of the confirmation.
> Does some anonymous man just go around and rub fungi on leaves and is that how it "pathogenically" spreads?
No, they spread by known means such as air.
> Mind you, the fungi doesn't come with the toxin
Then where does it come from? I've already shown it can't have just been waiting on the leaf.
> All fungi are used for detox procedures
How do they get to the leaf where the toxin is, in order to do their detox procedure? Why don't we see leaves where the toxin is, there are all of the symptoms, but the fungi is nowhere to be found?
> Rubbed in a laboratory to inoculate the disease in a healthy plant. I've seen it done with coffee rust. That is a step of determining that a species is the pathogen, if you spread it from a contaminated to a healthy host and it develops the disease you have part of the confirmation.
That's an experiment, not natural.
> No, they spread by known means such as air.
Whatever way they do spread or if they are dormant, fungi still aren't infectious. That's the point I'm making here.
> That's an experiment, not natural.
You have a theoretical model with certain implications for what is observed empirically, and that includes experiments. If you're right, certain things would always happen in the experiments. That they don't is relevant and you have to answer my questions.
> Whatever way they do spread or if they are dormant
"Whatever", so you can't explain anything, carry out your premises to their logical conclusions and compare with what is empirically observed.
Fungi being harmful and spreading through known means explains what is empirically observed better than your theory, which can't even offer an explanation.
Inoculation of very small quantities of fungal reproductive tissue produces disproportionate symptoms, this is explained as the living parasite expanding itself. I gave you a possible explanation but it's not as strong.
The diseases never appear without the fungus, which is only natural given the established causal relationship, but given you reverse the relationship -the disease causes the fungal signs- then it should be possible to have the disease alone.
Generations of thousands of healthy plants, completely devoid of both the disease and the fungus, can go before the two show up in one plant. If the fungus causes the disease this is easy to understand. If, on the other hand, it just shows up where the disease is and was laying on the plant, there are only questions and contradictions with what's observed.
This means the fungus was metabolically active, getting energy from somewhere, and reproducing itself so it would be positioned within each of the thousands of plants. But where was it getting its energy from, the plant itself? You do have to explain that. And why does nobody find the fungus in healthy plants, given how it must, by what your postulate, be in every single healthy plant?

Alternatively the fungi come from outside the healthy plant. This still means they have a metabolism elsewhere. However, if both the fungi and the disease come from outside and the disease never appears without the fungi, then they necessarily came in together. You said the disease are toxins from insects, then the fungi are necessarily from the insects too, and have a metabolism within them. It'd also mean there'd be an observable relationship between insect control and fungal disease control. But you discarded this.

The only alternative you're left with is that the fungi are spreading through the established means of germ theory, they just aren't harmful. But if harmless things spread this way, harmful things can, too.
> Fungi being harmful
> empirically observed
And how is that observed? 
> The diseases never appear without the fungus
Because the "diseases" visible on plants are simply a result of the detox reaction from a dormant fungus. 
> the disease causes the fungal signs- then it should be possible to have the disease alone.
But if the fungus was dormant, then it shouldn't be possible unless this disease is isolated, which it never has been, since Pasteur's theory is universally held and it's just explained as being caused by the fungus to begin with.
> This means the fungus was metabolically active, getting energy from somewhere, and reproducing itself so it would be positioned within each of the thousands of plants. But where was it getting its energy from, the plant itself? 
From the plant, if they can also supposedly get their energy from insects etc., then why not plants? 
> And why does nobody find the fungus in healthy plants, given how it must, by what your postulate, be in every single healthy plant?
Nobody find the fungus? What, are they on a scavenger hunt for fungi and they can't find it? 
> the disease never appears without the fungi, then they necessarily came in together
Assuming they're not dormant or that the fungus doesn't go through a detox procedure and that it really is "fungal disease control", which just assumes the germ theory.
> And how is that observed? 
Even with your eyes.
> Nobody find the fungus? What, are they on a scavenger hunt for fungi and they can't find it? 
I'm not on a scavenger hunt for lichens and I still see them, they're visible to the naked eye. So do the signs -unambiguously fungal tissue- of a number of fungi. What you postulate is easily verifiable.
> Because the "diseases" visible on plants are simply a result of the detox reaction from a dormant fungus. 
If the fungus is dormant, it isn't reproducing. If it isn't reproducing, it isn't getting to all of the plant's offspring, and the offspring's offspring and so on. Yet the offspring's offspring's offspring, maybe thousands of plants, still exhibit the same reaction, which would require the fungus, too, to grow by the thousands, and hence, be metabolically active. So dormancy is ruled out, plain and simple.
> From the plant, if they can also supposedly get their energy from insects etc., then why not plants? 
If they were metabolically active then sooner or later their signs would show up and you'd see that with your eyes. But they don't.
Besides, if they are getting their energy from the plant, then it might by symbiosis but just as well might be parasitism. There's no law stating parasitism is impossible.
> with your eyes
With mine? Explain how.
> they're visible to the naked eye
"Visible" during their detox process. What does the fungus itself look like?
> If the fungus is dormant, it isn't reproducing
How can they not reproduce? 
> If they were metabolically active then sooner or later their signs would show up and you'd see that with your eyes. 
Their signs are visible to the naked eye during their detox procedure.
> Explain how.
If you typed this you know how to use your eyes.
> "Visible" during their detox process.
Visible when they emit signs.
> What does the fungus itself look like?
The signs are easily visible. For a better look into its structure you can use a microscope.
> How can they not reproduce? 
Because they're dormant, not metabolically active. If they're multiplying at an extremely fast rate, and they necessarily must if they come from within the plant, they are increasing their biomass.
> Their signs are visible to the naked eye during their detox procedure.
Why only during the "detox procedure"? They're reproductive tissue. If it's metabolically active it will reproduce and propagate itself.
Besides, what purpose do they hold? What's the point of having all those spores if they cannot possibly ever propagate through the air, water, contact, vectors, etc.?
> If you typed this you know how to use your eyes.
I never saw it, and even if I did I wouldn't really get how it's harmful and it's not detox, as I've already said.
> Visible when they emit signs.
Yes, during a detox procedure. 
> The signs are easily visible. For a better look into its structure you can use a microscope.
During a detox procedure, and you're not exactly carrying a microscope with you at all times, are you?
> Because they're dormant, not metabolically active. If they're multiplying at an extremely fast rate, and they necessarily must if they come from within the plant, they are increasing their biomass.
Then they reproduce outside of the plant, but they still get into a plant dormant and unharmful.
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> I never saw it
Now you have.
> Then they reproduce outside of the plant, but they still get into a plant dormant and unharmful.
And how do they get into the plant? 

You need to think further about inoculation. I've given you the example of taking fungal material from an infected leaf, applying it on a healthy leaf and the disease spreads. In your theory, of course, what actually happened was that the nonliving toxin was also within the fungal material and it was what infected the healthy leaf. There's the problem of contaminant/symptom disproportionality but you don't care.
However, consider this other scenario: you remove fungal material from a diseased plant, but this fungus can be grown on Petri dishes. You isolate it and grow colonies. In the course of this isolation you already take only a very small number of cells and grow your colonies from them. You can further isolate if you want. The point is, in the colonies you're growing there's almost nothing from the source material. You can safely say that the nonliving toxin is absent, or in homeopathic quantities. It's a non-factor. You have the fungus alone, no toxin.

What happens if you retrieve this fungus, devoid of the toxin that causes disease, and inoculate into a healthy plant? You now have a plant with the fungus, but without the toxin. And what happens? It develops the disease. Sounds conclusive to me.

This isn't simply hypothetical. On this paper this is done very casually. See:
> P. digitatum and P. italicum isolates were obtained from decayed orange (Citrus sinensis ‘‘Washington navel’’) and mandarin (Citrus reticulata)
So the source is a diseased plant.
> Prior to each experiment, the isolates were grown on potato dextrose agar
So you have the fungi alone with no toxin.
> P. digitatum and P. italicum spore suspensions (10^6 spores per ml) were inoculated by using the spot, wound, and piercing inoculation methods as in the in vitro studies described above. Each orange was inoculated at three sites around the stem end (7). The inoculated oranges were incubated at 25 C for 24 h in plastic boxes to let the inoculums dry.
Healthy plants are inoculated with the pure fungi. No toxins.
Then they get the disease. You can't explain this.
> And how do they get into the plant? 
They probably work parasitically. 
> So the source is a diseased plant.
> So you have the fungi alone with no toxin.
If it was attained from a diseased plant, it couldn't have been pure fungi, there had to have been toxins coming over from it.
Just another note, coffee rust is NEVER reported in history until 1869, after the industrial revolution reached Sri Lanka. These toxins are likely to have their source in industrial elements, which correlates with the beginning of coffee blight, otherwise it would've been reported long before that, as coffee production in Sri Lanka dates back at least a century before that.
> They probably work parasitically. 
That's what I'm telling you. It is harmful and disease-causing because it is a parasite.
You haven't answered my question, though. How do they get into the plant? Do they have teleportation?
> If it was attained from a diseased plant, it couldn't have been pure fungi, there had to have been toxins coming over from it.
The splotches you see on the Petri dish are grown from just a handful of cells. It's a massive dillution. Further and further and further dillutions can be done. You can dillute and dillute and dillute and dillute ad infinitum and your inoculation will be the same. The inoculation process may involve actual dillution in water. You might as well believe in homeopathy. 
Further, the contaminant/symptom problem comes back to haunt you. Why does this homeopathic quantity of toxin, if there is toxin at all, have the same disease-causing effectiveness as the comparatively gargantuan dose the insect must have originally inserted? That only reinforces that the disease is alive.
> harmful(...) because it is a parasite.
But parasites aren't bad, in humans they eat decaying tissue. The fungi in coffe rust just operates parasitically. Thus this has nothing to do with the germ theory, it claims that pathogens transmit through the air. I'm not claiming that parasites and fungi are pathogens or infectious in any ways, I'm saying that they help. 
> The splotches you see on the Petri dish are grown from just a handful of cells. It's a massive dillution. Further and further and further dillutions can be done. You can dillute and dillute and dillute and dillute ad infinitum and your inoculation will be the same. The inoculation process may involve actual dillution in water. You might as well believe in homeopathy. 
What does this have anything to do with what I said?
> Why does this homeopathic quantity of toxin, if there is toxin at all, have the same disease-causing effectiveness as the comparatively gargantuan dose the insect must have originally inserted? 
Quantity is irrelevant in the equation, presence of these toxins must all cause a similar reaction.
> But parasites aren't bad
Some parasitic fungi kill off the host cells to feast on the dead matter, doesn't sound like a good thing to me. 
> Thus this has nothing to do with the germ theory, it claims that pathogens transmit through the air.
Where do the fungi come from? You say they don't come from the plant (but reject every single possible entrance method), then say they do come from the plant and live parasitically.
> What does this have anything to do with what I said?
That it has little to none of your "toxin". 
If you repeat the isolation 20 times there probably isn't a single molecule of it in the material you'll use for inoculation.
> Quantity is irrelevant in the equation, presence of these toxins must all cause a similar reaction.
It's not irrelevant, it should be proportional to the dose. Extremely low doses should have no effect.
> Some parasitic fungi kill off the host cells to feast on the dead matter, doesn't sound like a good thing to me. 
What "host cells"? They're only getting rid of wasteful material in the body.
> Where do the fungi come from? You say they don't come from the plant (but reject every single possible entrance method), then say they do come from the plant and live parasitically.
Perhaps they come from outside but live inside, either way they're not harmful.
> That it has little to none of your "toxin". 
It's hard to isolate toxins, the way to get rid of it is detox which germ theory denies. Again, these "toxins" I'm talking about all come from fumes that contaminate natural life, caused by the industrial revolution. Uncoincidentally, coffee ruts only appears after the industrial revolution was introduced. 
> It's not irrelevant, it should be proportional to the dose. Extremely low doses should have no effect.
How so? Extremely low doses of anything always causes a reaction, like how extremely low amounts of an actual disease are used in vaccines, regardless of whether it's good or not. By your logic, vaccines should be useless as they contain only extremely low amounts of the disease.
> What "host cells"? They're only getting rid of wasteful material in the body.
"Wasteful material" such as entire fruits colonized.
> It's hard to isolate toxins
I can take a single cell from, say, a billion cell colony (1 billionth of the total toxin in the colony), grow a colony, take a single cell from it (1 billionth of a billionth), grow a colony from it and so on.
> Extremely low doses of anything always causes a reaction
There's a proportionality. Water is toxic if you drink enough of it, doesn't mean a glass will cause a toxic reaction. At the very least the disease from extremely low toxin doses would be lighter, but there's not the slightest hint of that.
With living beings it's different because they can replicate and expand. A single bacterial cell can grow into a massive colony, a single drop of toxin will remain a single drop.
> entire fruits colonized
And what fruits exactly?
> I can take a single cell from, say, a billion cell colony (1 billionth of the total toxin in the colony), grow a colony, take a single cell from it (1 billionth of a billionth), grow a colony from it and so on.
How exactly do you "take a cell"? You can't just pick from them, they're supposedly invisible. Either way, they're all going to be toxic because they're all exposed to these fumes. 
> Water is toxic if you drink enough of it, doesn't mean a glass will cause a toxic reaction. 
Analysing the real effects of the overconsumption of water is for another time, but with just some small toxic elements in a glass of water, you will experience a toxic reaction.
> And what fruits exactly?
Oranges and mandarins, such as that mold.
> How exactly do you "take a cell"?
Using isolation methods (e.g. streaking) you get a Petri dish with only a few colonies. In fact, when doing dillutions of bacteria in water to quantify bacterial concentrations, it is possible to do too many dillutions and get too few colonies. Each colony came from a single mother cell, maybe a small number, but it grows by many orders of magnitude by assimilating the culture medium it's on. Hence each colony is a "cell you've taken". That's roughly how you quantify bacterial concentration, you assume each colony is a single cell that was in the drop of water you used and relate the number of cells/volume.
Hence it is what I've described, a "billionth", there's almost nothing of the original material with the toxin. All of the cells save for one or a very small group, in a colony with an order of magnitude of cells, have not been exposed to the "fumes", nor did the biomass they're made of, which comes from the culture medium. Then you can repeat this and repeat ad infinitum.
> but with just some small toxic elements in a glass of water, you will experience a toxic reaction
You don't get a toxic reaction from toxic-based homeopathy, even in the higher concentrations that do actually contain the dilluted material. But when a toxic reaction does take place, it is related to the dose. With living being this relationship isn't as strong because they reproduce and expand, but nonliving toxins should follow this closer.
> Oranges and mandarins, such as that mold.
Result of GMOs, didn't arise naturally.
> Hence it is what I've described, a "billionth", there's almost nothing of the original material with the toxin. All of the cells save for one or a very small group, in a colony with an order of magnitude of cells, have not been exposed to the "fumes", nor did the biomass they're made of, which comes from the culture medium. Then you can repeat this and repeat ad infinitum.
But they have as they're simply the same cells isolated, thus they'd generate the same reaction.
> You don't get a toxic reaction from toxic-based homeopathy, even in the higher concentrations that do actually contain the dilluted material. But when a toxic reaction does take place, it is related to the dose. With living being this relationship isn't as strong because they reproduce and expand, but nonliving toxins should follow this closer.
Toxic reactions take place all the time among humans, which is why we require detox (done by fungi/parasites and bacteria).
> But they have as they're simply the same cells isolated, thus they'd generate the same reaction.
They're not the same cells isolated. At the center of the colony is the cell you've isolated, surrounding it are a billion cells that developed from it using uncontaminated material. At most you can say the toxin spread to the other billion cells, but then you get a dillution of a billion times. 
And you can do this again and again.
The toxin is a molecule or grouping of molecules, which means it is not infinitely divisible. Thus, just homeopathy is provably water, it should be possible to calculate and execute a sufficient number of isolations to mathematically and chemically be certain that not a single molecule from the original cell is present in the cells of a final colony. This colony, then, beyond a doubt is absolutely pure. 
> Toxic reactions take place all the time among humans
Homeopathy, if not coming from shady Indian laboratories, causes no toxic reactions in humans. No beneficial reactions, either, as it literally is overpriced water. 
When a nonliving toxin does cause a reaction, it is proportional to the dose, which is what you ignore again and again. The same toxin can be harmful in one dose and deadly in another. This should apply to your elusive "fumes", which have a stronger impact on the plant with stronger doses.
> surrounding it are a billion cells that developed from it using uncontaminated material
How could all those cells have remained uncontaminated? 
> molecules
Molecules are metaphysical entities, they do not really exist. Plant cells are actual physical entities that can be seen under a microscope, and toxins, a result of fumes from industrial factories physically enter and dilute them. 
> Homeopathy, if not coming from shady Indian laboratories, causes no toxic reactions in humans. No beneficial reactions, either, as it literally is overpriced water. 
Then shady Indian labouratories are the ones getting it right, because even small amounts of toxin do cause toxic reactions, they simply have to.
> When a nonliving toxin does cause a reaction, it is proportional to the dose, which is what you ignore again and again. The same toxin can be harmful in one dose and deadly in another. This should apply to your elusive "fumes", which have a stronger impact on the plant with stronger doses.
Even if this were the case, all these fumes are going to spread throughout billions of plant cells; again, they simply cannot be isolated.
> How could all those cells have remained uncontaminated? 
Dillution. Billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth.
> Molecules are metaphysical entities, they do not really exist
And now you're denying atoms.
> Then shady Indian labouratories are the ones getting it right, because even small amounts of toxin do cause toxic reactions, they simply have to.
They're not "getting it right", they're doing a small dillution.  There's homeopathic lead. It is prepared from actual lead, just very dilluted. According to you it HAS to cause lead poisoning. But it doesn't! You annihilate yourself when you say "they simply have to".
> Even if this were the case, all these fumes are going to spread 
They're going to spread, not going to replicate themselves.
> Dillution. Billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth.
And you're saying that somehow they can avoid all these fumes from factories? Again, plant cells are physical properties, they're all going to get affected. 
> And now you're denying atoms.
There is no provable thing as an atom. It's a metaphysical property that chemists pretended was real science back in the 19th century. Before that, it was seen as completely fictional. 
>  There's homeopathic lead. It is prepared from actual lead, just very dilluted. According to you it HAS to cause lead poisoning. But it doesn't! 
It doesn't cause lead poisoning, it still causes a toxic reaction from the body. Nobody would go through it unscathed.
> They're going to spread, not going to replicate themselves.
So these toxic fumes can only spread to one plant cell at a time?
I know I was joking. My cat caught one once, I tried to nurse it back to health but it died. If I stand outside at night and be quite and still, I can hear and feel what I think could be bats flying around and sonaring. They would be difficult to photograph, I guess I would have to find where they live and go there and then I could obtain evidence that they exist.
> And you're saying that somehow they can avoid all these fumes from factories?
You said it was from insects, then from factories. You don't really believe in anything. Orange mold was colonizing entire oranges when the Danes were still in tribal life.
> So these toxic fumes can only spread to one plant cell at a time?
If there's x toxin, 1 billion cells and the toxin spreads equally each cell will have x/1 billion. It will not have x. The total quantity of toxin remains the same. 
> It doesn't cause lead poisoning, it still causes a toxic reaction from the body.
So you distinguish between levels of effect, "toxic reaction" and "lead poisioning", one is stronger, and it's caused by a stronger dose. So you admit there's a dose-effect relation. Apply this to plant disease. A stronger dose has a different effect from a lighter dose. The insect or the fumes give a strong dose. Inoculation from a colony gives an orders of magnitude lighter dose. You must conclude they have a different effect. However the effect is observably pretty much the same.
> You said it was from insects, then from factories. You don't really believe in anything. 
I never said it wasn't from insects. I claimed that insects are intoxicated by the fumes and then easily spread them to plants when making contact, which they do quite a lot in-fact. Now you're trying to claim I'm inconsistent.
> Orange mold was colonizing entire oranges when the Danes were still in tribal life.
Is there any proof for this? Oranges are a relatively recent fruit, they never even existed in their current state until the colonial period, right around the corner when it comes to the time the industrial revolution began.
> If there's x toxin, 1 billion cells and the toxin spreads equally each cell will have x/1 billion. It will not have x. The total quantity of toxin remains the same. 
And what makes you assume the amount of toxicity has to be divided? Either they're intoxicated equally in a small amount, or they're intoxicated in varying small amounts. What makes you think that?
> the effect is observably pretty much the same.
The "effect" is a result of the fungus's detox procedure. An equivalent for men is not the actual effect of a toxic reaction or lead poisoning alone, but a detox procedure after that, with bacteria or fungi/parasites. Malaria for example, it's caused by a mosquito carrying a parasite, but it itself is actually a detox procedure.
I'm curious. What are toxins? Examples? How do they fit into the metabolism of bacteria and fungi? How the detoxification is going down? What happens with the toxins?
> I claimed that insects are intoxicated by the fumes and then easily spread them to plants when making contact
And absent human presence, there are no plant diseases at all?
> And what makes you assume the amount of toxicity has to be divided?
The toxin is the cause of disease. The toxin has a quantity, a mass, concentration, etc. Everywhere substances are observed to change their biological effect, including toxicity, according to dose. One concentration of snake poison does not have the exact same biological effect as another concentration. You yourself accept this in the case of lead, the different quantity, high in one case and zero (but tiny in your case as you deny atoms) in homeopathy, has a different impact, the higher quantity's is stronger. The quantity of lead got divided and so did the strength of its effect.

> The "effect" is a result of the fungus's detox procedure
No it isn't. The "effect" I'm talking about are the symptoms and damage i.e. something the toxin, and exclusively the toxin, cause. It is pretty much the same. If you do the isolation and then inoculate material from a colony into a healthy orange tree, in due time the fruits will rot and be rendered completely useless, that is the effect I'm talking about. 
> Malaria for example, it's caused by a mosquito carrying a parasite
Which parasite? Give me its name.
To give a really quick rundown, toxins as I'm talking about them are essentially fumes from industrial waste or other elements that is messed up with plants and other organisms, and thus infects them. Toxins are the cause of disease, not bacteria or fungi, which go through a detox procedure to remove them, primarily by decomposing wasteful material in the body. Germ theory holds that bacteria and viruses are the causes of disease, and thus they must be destroyed with antibacterials and drugs (not even mentioning vaccines), all extremely harmful to the human body as it prevents this industrial junk from being decomposed.
Pre-industrial diseases are similar, with plagues often being caused by elements within coal if not typical poisonings and nutrient deficiencies.
> And absent human presence, there are no plant diseases at all?
No, but there are and the consequences of the industrial revolution have left their mark for the time being.
> The toxin is the cause of disease. The toxin has a quantity, a mass, concentration, etc. Everywhere substances are observed to change their biological effect, including toxicity, according to dose. One concentration of snake poison does not have the exact same biological effect as another concentration. You yourself accept this in the case of lead, the different quantity, high in one case and zero (but tiny in your case as you deny atoms) in homeopathy, has a different impact, the higher quantity's is stronger. The quantity of lead got divided and so did the strength of its effect.
So it's limited in size?
> exclusively the toxin
Now what are you talking about? I never said that it's exclusively caused by the toxin, I'm saying that the effect of coffee rust being identical is explained via it being a detox procedure by the fungus in specific, like malaria within humans by its parasite.
> Which parasite? Give me its name.
Plasmodium parasites, which cleans the blood-stream in a detox procedure via targeting contaminated red-blood-cells.
> So it's limited in size?
In quantity. Less lead, less damage from lead. Less toxic fumes, less damage from toxic fumes. Observably, however, less toxic fumes has no impact whatsoever on damage from toxic fumes. This might suggest toxic fumes are not to blame.
And how can this work outside of the atomic theory? Can't it have a massive range of spread instead of individually infecting cells according to its quantity?
> You deny that atoms exist, you don't deny that grams and milimeters exist.
False equivalency, grams and millimetres are simply small units of measurements, there's a whole different aspect to atoms, that they form crap or whatever. Atoms are again, metaphysical entities by definition, before the late 19th century the atomic theory was seen as completely fictional. 
> The idea that matter is made up of discrete units is a very old idea, appearing in many ancient cultures such as Greece and India. The word atomos, meaning "uncuttable", was coined by the ancient Greek philosophers Leucippus and his pupil Democritus (5th century BC).[1][2][3][4] However, these ancient ideas were based on metaphysical reasoning rather than empirical evidence. 
> the idea
> idea
> idea
> idea
> grams and millimetres are simply small units of measurements
Yes. And there is a quantitative dimension to the biological effects of substances, you yourself admit this. 0,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 g of lead has a different biological effect than 1 g of lead. You yourself have said this. Likewise, 0,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 g of toxic fumes, which is what you should find in inoculation material taken from the colonies, must produce a different damage on leaves than 1 g of toxic fumes.
But they don't, and you have yet to explain why.
Once again, you deflect. I'm not talking about the effects of the toxins themselves aside from howw how they have a similar detox reaction with the fungus, similar to the "disease" of malaria among humans, also caused by a parasite. There is always going to be a similar detox reaction, so even if humans feel that they're not getting poisoned, if they undergo some sort of detox procedure, they're virtually going through a similar reaction (esp. when eating raw meat, because it contains bacteria; although the germ theory explains this as raw meat being bad, it's actually just undergoing another detox procedure)
> I'm not talking about the effects of the toxins themselves
I am talking about the effects of the toxins themselves. 
> so even if humans feel that they're not getting poisoned
So 0,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 g is exactly as harmful as 1 g of lead? Lead poisoning is not a "feeling", it is objective, observable damage. So is the damage plants suffer from disease. If it isn't exactly as harmful, then the same applies to the toxic fumes.
> I am talking about the effects of the toxins themselves. 
Unless you're specifically talking about the fungal reaction to it, then that's irrelevant to my claim and you're thus strawmanning.
It is completely relevant to your claim because your entire theory simply cannot explain it. Your theory necessarily predicts that certain things will occur, but they observably do not.
If I apply 1 g of mercury to a human there is damage.
If I apply 0,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 g of mercury you can say "something happened" but the damage observed for 1 g is nowhere to be found.
If I apply 1 g of "toxic fumes" to an orange it will suffer damage, a small spot of soft, unuseable material will expand to the entire fruit and render it worthless. This is an actual harmful impact, not a fungal reaction. The fungal reaction is the fungus visibly growing on the fruit and releasing its signs. It is not the loss of the whole fruit because that's what the toxin did. Fungi cannot ever be harmful.
If I apply 0,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 g of "toxic fumes" to an orange, as the origin of damage functions in the same manner as mercury, it should also not have the same damage as 1 g. Yet it does.
> If I apply 0,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 g of "toxic fumes"
Are gasses measured in grams now? Give me a break. So you're just continuing to deflect from the argument that the signs of coffee rust is a reaction from the fungi
> The fungal reaction is the fungus visibly growing on the fruit and releasing its signs. It is not the loss of the whole fruit because that's what the toxin did. Fungi cannot ever be harmful.
Strawman, fungi are used for detox whenever any toxic elements affect a plant, you ignore this.
> Are gasses measured in grams now?
Do they have mass? 
> So you're just continuing to deflect from the argument that the signs of coffee rust is a reaction from the fungi
The signs of coffee rust are the fungi's reproductive tissue you can see. Coffee rust isn't just signs, it is the entirety of the damage the coffee bush suffers. 
> whenever any toxic elements affect a plant
I am talking about "toxic elements affecting a plant". Different quantities of toxic elements must have different effects.
Ok. So elements (like lead and mercury mentioned itt), and fumes, or industrial waste. To give an example to these, let's say CO/CO2 and asbestos (couple of different exists, they are silicates)?
> decomposing wasteful material in the body
How do they do that? Do they digest them? Why do they do that? Do they gain something out of it, feed on them? Do they change the elements, breaking down molecules and build new, harmless ones? I was curious about this part.
That was all right up until they started to talk about Hitler.
At least now I understand better what that detoxifying theory is about.

> cereal grain products, to which we were largely unaccustomed
I doubt this statement. Grains were cultivated even before the agricultural revolution, grass were bred by nomads (real nomads), they sowed seeds at both their living areas they wandered between, so when they arrived in the next cycle they could find more edibles and harvest them. They did this with berries, probably with tubers and such as well.
But ofc, this doesn't take away from the point they try to make in that paper.
> dental caries increased
Related: in Egypt the flour was frequently contaminated by sand, and that in the bread scratched and ground their teeth away. Supposedly in China during hard times, civil wars, when fields were destroyed or neglected they had healthier teeth, skulls preserved this.

Uhh this is long article, can't read it now.
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thumbnail of american-vegetables.jpg
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Pretty interesting, but some numbers look even too good, like when 40% of patients recovered from schizophrenia just by removing exorphins from blood.

Article is one-sided though, it links gluten and gluten-like diet with problems that started thousands years ago, but not accounting positive changes from that time. As a hypothesis: if that diet rises risk of mental problems like schizophrenia and autism, maybe it is also provides boost for intelligence, because all these mental things are closely related. Although it is too large goal for one article, even for multiple.

It is also interesting that concept of mental normality (and disorders) can exist only relative to majority, because it has no absolute criteria. I.e. if grain makes absolute majority slightly crazy, but not you, they don't have disorder, but you have.

Anyway, it is pessimistic, because:
> Yet bread is not alone; like it, other foodstuffs, such as milk, rice, and corn, release exorphins during digestion

So we all doomed.
It's the gluten too and phytic acid. I guess sourdough bread leavened for many hours breaks down the gluten more. 


Virus doesnt exist
The article gives credit to cereals:
> That the association between humans and grains paid off nicely for both is beyond dispute.

In general I would add this to the discussion: we need to weigh the pros and cons.
And people consume bunch of things that has more downsides than up. Drugs, alcohol (well, that's a drug too), cigarettes comes to mind quick. But let's pick on that poor bread and pasta, throw out the baguette.
You fail to mention this 

"At the same time, our faces, jaws, and teeth progressively became smaller in response to the soft texture of bread (Larsen, 1995). Thus we domesticated grain, and in return grain domesticated us (Murphy, 2007)."

"Yet the agricultural revolution may have spelled trouble. Tellingly, whenever diets based on grain replaced the traditional diets of hunter-gatherers, lifespan and stature decreased—while infant mortality, infectious diseases, bone mineral disorders, and the frequency of dental caries increased (Cohen, 1987). "

"In South Pacific islands with a traditionally low consumption of wheat, schizophrenia rose dramatically (roughly, from 1 out of 30,000 to 1 out of 100) when Western grain products were introduced (Dohan et al., 1984)."

etc etc
I was reflecting to his line here  >>/38829/
> Article is one-sided though, it links gluten and gluten-like diet with problems that started thousands years ago, but not accounting positive changes from that time.
So I did not have the need to list all the supposed findings of the paper, just the line which give to cereals their due. If you had followed the course of the discussion I shouldn't have told you this. But for some reason you ignore what I really write and try to insert a narrative which doesn't exist outside your imagination: that I'm completely against everything you post. And you do this all the time. Instead of really considering what I said, you go ahead and figure I pick on you so here it is, now I do, which I don't ever in normal circumstances. I've no idea why you do this.

Anyway. The whole human civilization was built on grain, it is just too good source of nutrients (first and foremost calories) to pass on. Yeah, there is a "dark side", even if we consider it's role in obesity, and don't go down this lane of mental disorders it might cause, we can declare we should balance out our diet. In many countries it's possible to do it, even in Eastern Europe. Bit more meat, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, diary products, little less cereals would mean a lot.
However there are lots of cereals, even rice has over 9000 subspecies. How each fare? How about buckwheat for example? Or different type of millets?
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thumbnail of toxins.png
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So toxins.
Medicine does not reject the idea that toxins are harmful to organisms. It knows and calculates with it. The effects are known, they are legit conditions, illnesses. They treat them. Why would medicine make up germs when they could blame anything on toxins? It's clear that poisoning does not account for everything.
> Why would medicine make up germs when they could blame anything on toxins? 
I dont have all the answers, but germ theory is complete bs. 

I guess its the same thing with flat earth.
Not much different than toxins. Foreign stuff gets into the body and the body reacts to them (or their activity). Except these are (mostly) living things and not chemicals, molecules, elements.
Even in the video here  >>/38203/ that dude says they put foreign germs into the body of humans.
I've been doing an experiment. 

For the last 2 weeks my diet has been - almost exclusively grains. Bread, pasta, rice has been the mainstay. Grains are defiantly addictive. There is something going on in the brain when I eat it. 

The effects has been as pronounced as I thought but I do feel like shit. I have less energy and I am more sedentary. Grains (gluten especially) seems like the perfect slave food.
30+ C outside I sweat, then I work, I sweat more. I enter a cooler place the sweat starts to pour down on me as if I was having a shower. What could be the reason behind this?

You supposed to hoeing the field all they beside that.
What will be your next experiment?
> You supposed to hoeing the field all they beside that.
True, and caffeine consumption should be low to none too. That affects energy as well.
> What will be your next experiment?
I'd recommend a raw primal diet a la Aajonus Vonderplaanitz.
Nod really.
> raw meat eater skinny guy with blondish red hair
This is just for the identification.
> talks absolute bs
And this is my opinion.
My opinion is based on one of his videos - of the person whom I think we talk about - it was basically a reaction video where he watched a vegan trying to justify her insanity (she ate vegetable mix or something liek that, and took pills to complement her diet) and he reacted with "smart" and "insightful" remarks which were even lamer then her rationalizations.
> This is just for the identification.
"Raw meat eater skinny guy" sounds quite pejorative. 
> My opinion is based on one of his videos - of the person whom I think we talk about - it was basically a reaction video where he watched a vegan trying to justify her insanity (she ate vegetable mix or something liek that, and took pills to complement her diet) and he reacted with "smart" and "insightful" remarks which were even lamer then her rationalizations.
So can you explain why those remarks were lame?
> sounds quite pejorative. 
My intention was descriptive, it seems I was very accurate.
> why those remarks were lame?
For several reasons I remember, I can't recall exact words, now I saw it like a year ago or so. He didn't really disputed her claims, just called her stupid, and tried to justify his own insanity. He similarly advocated for lopsided diet - only from the other end of the scale:
> eating only vegatables is baed
> eating only raw meat is good
I think he also had some baseless claims.
If you read Aajonus's works you can see really clearly why Aajonus advocates eating raw meat; because it detoxifies your body (gets rid of toxins; "disease" induced by eating raw is just deooxification) and gives more energy. NOT that you should only eat raw meat. He's alright and advocates raw fruits, fresh dairy, honey and even ice cream, eating cooked meat for time to time isn't too bad either.
Probably we don't talk about the same person. It was this retard. Tho I can't find the exact video.
No, Sv3rige is a Latvian lunatic who drinks raw blood on camera, and actually eats junk food off-camera while talking shit about vegans. He only sometimes cites Aajonus, perhaps that's where the confusion comes from.
Sv3rige? Basically yes, he fits your description well. "Raw-meat eater" yes, but he mostly eats junk food off-camera, and doesn't actually detox while eating raw as he typically just drinks blood and eats stuff like shellfish and rabbits on camera to spite vegans.
> You supposed to hoeing the field all they beside that.
> What will be your next experiment?
My job is pretty physical so 

Im probably doing a water fast because my gut is fucked up from all the grains
> I'd recommend a raw primal diet a la Aajonus Vonderplaanitz.
Only meat is too high in phosphate. My regular diet is very primal though
Gatis is a mentally deranged latvian who stabbed his classmates 

If his goal is to make meat eating something that only insane people do hes doing a good job
> 30+ C outside I sweat, then I work, I sweat more. I enter a cooler place the sweat starts to pour down on me as if I was having a shower. What could be the reason behind this?
Sounds like hypothyrodism to me.
They say fasting a day can be healthy. I heard in the case both men and dogs.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism may be vague and can often mimic other conditions. They may include:
    Changes in the menstrual cycle
    Dry hair and hair loss
    Dry skin
    Greater sensitivity to cold
    Slow heart rate
    Swelling of the thyroid gland (goiter)
    Unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight
    Carpal tunnel syndrome

Hypothyroidism signs and symptoms may include:
    Increased sensitivity to cold
    Dry skin
    Weight gain
    Puffy face
    Muscle weakness
    Elevated blood cholesterol level
    Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
    Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
    Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods
    Thinning hair
    Slowed heart rate
    Impaired memory
    Enlarged thyroid gland (goiter)

Nah, I don't have any of these. And age explains better he little slowly receding hairline.
Did some research about eggs and meat. 


The calculated true ileal digestibility of cooked egg protein amounted to 91%. 

In this study, it was shown that after ingestion of 25 g of raw egg protein, almost 50% is malabsorbed over 24 h. 

 “The true ileal digestibility of cooked and raw egg protein amounted to 90.9 ± 0.8 and 51.3 ± 9.8%, respectively.”

For meat bbq seems to be the best way 


I met some exchange students from Africa who had literal picture perfect white teeth when I was in my University. They usually don't have any processed foods in their diet. The documentary you posted reminded me of that

> Why humans Have bad teeth

You a dentist Swedebernd? Or do you like having your teeth pretty?
> I met some exchange students from Africa who had literal picture perfect white teeth when I was in my University. They usually don't have any processed foods in their diet. The documentary you posted reminded me of that

They probably didn't have any flouride (which damages teeth), perhaps good calcium/phosphate balance and less vaccinations that us westerners. Most dental work damages the teeth, including x-rays, fillings (usually plastic or in the past amalgam (mercury))

> You a dentist Swedebernd? Or do you like having your teeth pretty?

Medical experience but I dont work in it nowadays
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> They probably didn't have any flouride (which damages teeth), perhaps good calcium/phosphate balance and less vaccinations that us westerners

T. noted

> Medical experience 

Dr. Bernd, M.D. How formal

> but I dont work in it nowadays
Well that stinks
From Tacitus's Germania, a text describing the Tribal Germanic peoples "Their food is plain - wild fruit, fresh game, and curdled milk. They satisfy their hunger without any elaborate cuisine or appetizers.". When the romans encountered the German Tribes they noted how much taller, broader and muscular they were, compared to the low meat diet of the romans.

"When not engaged in warfare they spend a certain amount of time in hunting, but much more in idleness, thinking of nothing else but sleeping and eating." Shows that the Germanic Tribes relied mostly on hunted meat, as well as herding.
Since 90-95% of modern medicine is a lie I dont think its a bad decision. Bacteria doesn't cause illness, pathogenic virus does not exist for example.
> Bacteria doesn't cause illness, pathogenic virus does not exist for example.
Just to give some citations for this; Antoine Bechamp was right:
Also check out Aajonus Vonderplaanitz's website:
The fact that so many people eat raw primal even when always choosing the meat with the most flies and bacteria at the butcher contradicts this idea that bacteria is what causes illness, does it?
*without contracting illnesses from that
Nevermind all the cultures that do regularly eat raw and part of that even being normalised in Europe now (with sushi)
It's not banned here.
The problem is that the milk can be bought in average shops and supermarkets not just pasteurized but during the process it is taken apart and put together again while changing the original composition. These milk contain 1.5 or 2.8% fat, while the original milk has higher fat content (something liek 4% or so and I'm not talking about the cream floating atop after milking), which means they extract all the fat then set it at the prescribed percentage by adding it back (I also know someone who knows someone whose job to put the fat back).
I guess how diary products are manufactured. The milk arrives they take it apart, basically making powdered milk, they divide the stuff: X amount goes to making cheese products, Y goes making cream products, Z left they make milk again by adding water and fat. Then they press it through that pressure thingy to mix it well together.
They don't make the diary products on the usual way. Waiting until it's clotted then making cottage cheese, and butter from the cream and blah blah. They take apart to building blocks and build new stuff by adding new building blocks. Like enzymes to set the taste of the cheese and whatever.
Nutritionally low pasteurized milk isn't loosing alot of its vitamins and minerals. I think the point is, why change milk in the first place? 

I like to put cream in my coffee. If I had bought raw milk, I could have just scooped off the cream on the top and added it to my coffee. Instead of buying cream. 

Which brings us to technology yet again. Technology is sold to us as making us more free. Free from what? Look at grains for example. To even make bread it requires alot of work and the end product is not very tasty. Most people put butter and cheese on bread to make it tasty. 

When cheese is made, the waste product is whey. In the past it was often discarded but now they make protein powder of it. This is true for alot of "health" supplements. Or fluoride in toothpaste.
> why change milk in the first place? 
For fun and profit.
All foodstuff is similar. They add shit that doesn't belong to spare original ingredients with replacing part of them with something that would be discarded (like cornhusk) because they aren't food, but can be processed into something that is technically edible. It's like when drug dealers cut their products.
Milk is the same, they want to get the most out of it. Naturally there's not much cream on it, it has to be let sit a while. But after a day it starts clotting and more cream floats to the top, and when it is clotted completely you get a bunch of sour cream on top of it. Now they don't do this, they get as much cream out of it first as they can, because they want to sell more ("sweet") cream, and more sour cream. So they take out all of it, and they put back less. I heard the fat they add back is actually pigfat, but this info is practically gossip so I dunno.
Whey was consumed back then, even my parents drank it in their childhood.
Now they don't make cheese, but from the milk they extract casein, some of that they use for protein powders - similarly to whey -, but most they "build" cheese out of that. "Normal" cheese, and process ones too.
> Since 90-95% of modern medicine is a lie I dont think its a bad decision. Bacteria doesn't cause illness, pathogenic virus does not exist for example.

Really makes you think

> From Tacitus's Germania

I remember that book. It's pretty good tbh
 In 55 B.C., Caesar reported that “the people of the interior [of England] do not, for the most part, cultivate grain, but live on milk and meat, and are clothed in skins.”  [Hawkes J. The World of the Past. Random House, 1963.]  Grains were raised to feed animals, not people.  IMO the "civilized" agricultural diet has been used as a weapon to destroy the physical and mental vitality and spiritual capacity of all indigenous people in the world.  Francis Pottenger M.D. showed that animals (cats) could be reduced to sick, weak, infertile, sexually degenerated and brain-damaged shadows of their ancestors in just 3 generations by feeding them processed foods. Grains and beans are inedible and indigestible by our guts without processing so they are ALWAYS processed foods.  We are also unable to extract nutrients from vegetables without cooking or processing them in some way because we have no enzymes for digesting fiber (CELLulose), the main constituent of vegetables, to release the nutrients packed in plant CELLs.  A plant-based diet is a processed food diet, pure and simple.
From a youtube comment:

13Gladius 2
1 year ago (edited)
The roots of veganism is philosophy and the root of this philosophy is Jainism. Jainism is a non-theistic religion from India. It teaches salvation by perfection through successive lives and non-injury to living creatures. It is noted for it's asceticism. Jains worship the Tirthankaras. This religion is associated with Hindu mythology and their goal is to break free of the cycle of death and rebirth (Samsara). It teaches that desire is the root cause of our existence therefore freedom (moksha) from karma (Samsara) is achieved through desirelessness. Mahavira (aka Vardhamāna, was the twenty-fourth Tirthankara of Jainism) defeated samsara by long periods of fasting. Veganism is a short-cut to moksha.
  Yoga is a part of these non-theistic belief systems and is used to end samsara via ahimsa (non-violence). Yoga poses are for the purpose of unblocking the chakras to allow the Kundalini energy greater ease of movement up and down the central spine (Shushshumna) and energy pathways (Ida & Pingala to the left and right the spine). 
   In yoga you should at least be vegetarian bcz eating the product of death and suffering impedes the flow of Kundalini which accelerates the souls evolution.
   These beliefs have roots going very far back into pre-history. Elements of these can be seen in ancient Egyptian mythology (Ra with his crook and flail), Buddhism (receiving enlightenment under a tree), Judaism (Samson btwn the 2 pillars) and Christianity (Jesus on the cross/tree btwn the 2 thieves).
   But anyway the point is humans are carnivorous, by nature and attaching religious dogma to dietary practices that can be injurious to life and health of others is not prooer, to say the least. but most vegans are simply the useful idiots for things they don't fully understand. If anybody wants to live that way, it may be allowed as a personal choice but to try and impose it everybody else thru fear, insults, disinformation and lies, as so many of them do, is contemptible and needs to stop.

  I hope you don't mind I tried to make a synopsis of the ideas and comments presented here 

13Gladius 2
1 year ago (edited)
@Vandalism oV Veganism modern veganism is mostly an emotion driven belief based ideology that proposes to worship the created rather than the creator therefore a false religion. This regardless if you're theist or atheist. So yes it's a non-theist quasi religion. But why, in it's "worship" of nature is the human animal nature denigrated? Veganism's Jainist roots !!! Now I know 


I think it was a very insightful comment. Summed up shortly, veganism = satanism. Today everything is inverted with humans being cattle and eating plants.
The remarkable "achievement" (this word tends to imply "goodness", hence the quotes) of agriculture and grain-based diets was not an improved nutrition for those who already had good access to resources, but for massive numbers of low-class individuals who would otherwise starve to death. In other words, they did not enable a (especially) healthier mankind, they enabled an exuberant mankind. It seems that massive populations were unsustainable previously.
To his comments:
> humans are carnivorous
Humans are omnivore. We're like bipedal pigs. Even canines eat and digest certain types of plant material.
> attaching religious dogma to dietary practices
...is silly, yes.
> can be injurious to life
Yeah, vegans can't live forever like us meat eaters do. Oh wait.
> veganism is mostly an emotion driven belief based ideology
I don't think such ideology exists, that is called vaganism. Vegan people exists, but that's just people living on food for rabbits. Similarly meat based diet isn't an ideology, it's a diet.
> false religion
Fugging Christians and their rhetoric, srsly.

A human bean should live long enough to reproduce, see his progeny to reproduce, and see that generation grow enough to reach the age of reproduction. That's about 45-60 years. Everything beyond that is a gift. Grain based diet was secured this since the neolithic revolution. Even the hindi practices are going on for some thousands of years. Although I think we should really check their diet (and not just accept the commenters opinion that veganism = Janaist dietary practices). What I know about it they consume dairy products such as cheese or butter. The closest I know personally are the Krishnas.
Also vegetarianism and veganism are different.
Forgot to reply.
That is a very good point. Without grains no civilization would had sprouted. Without it what we have now would collapse and most of the population would starve to death. After some cannibalism.
> hat is a very good point. Without grains no civilization would had sprouted
It would, it would just has less people with stronger health. Hittites and Hattis (these are different things) mostly relied ony animals. Having more people benefits the division of labour though.

> Similarly meat based diet isn't an ideology, it's a diet
because default behaviours are not ideology. veganism is an ideology assuming it's not a cult or religion, though I would not prefer to laber them that way.

>  Grain based diet was secured this
most early farmers had far worse health than hunter gatherers. this is how blonde indo european hunter gatherers wiped out early european farmers and their isolated languages. even today afaik only isolated language surviving is basque, the people very much still resembling early european farmers.

Speaking of them many people ignore the fact europe was mixed since eternity. I guess having certain phenotype (which is not genotype) is enough to larp as büre bl00ded aryanz and shiet. But I digress.
God gives us two choices when it comes to our egos. Humility or Humiliation. One is voluntary and mild. The other is often harsh and painful.
"Carnivore diet" is a total scam. Hence why Sv3rige isn't healthy, all he does is eat exotic meat and on the sidelines, disgusting fast food. 
Raw primal =/= just raw meat, milk and eggs.
Nice. Notwithstanding the reliability of the Indo-European theory, all ancient steppe nomads from the Yamnaya to the Scythians to the Huns actually weren't hunter gatherers, they were pastoralists. But yes, you are right here. They all drank raw fermented milk and ate raw meat, and that provided loads of energy and health.
The grain-based diet is the typical serf diet. Pane et circus. Give someone grain-based diet, some beer and entertainment and they'll happily cope out their life with bread and circuses, and they won't ever rise up against any tyrant. Nowadays, where we have video games, porn, and drugs that all overstimulate your whole body and wreck your sensitivity and masculinity overall, back then it was grains, beers, and circuses for the serfs.
This is also why the raw-diet Turks replaced the natives in Khwarezmia, in Tatarstan, Crimea, etc., and could even explain why the Bantus dominated the Khoisan (who ate assorted cooked meat) in South Africa.
Those civilizations in Anatolia and in the Caucasus were part of the goods exchange of the Middle East, and relied heavily on the products of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Without those civs (whom aroused earlier than the Hattis and Hittites, and these two got everything from them, well Hattis, got every civilizational achievement from them, and Hittites got everything from the Hattis) they couldn't have exist.
I'm aware. Hattis had agglutinative language, and Hittites Indo-Euro, in fact the first Indo-Euro which left a trace. Urartu also had agglutinative language, there's a chance this one was founded by Sumer refugees fleeing from Semite mass murderers.
> default behaviour
What is a default behaviour? When they couldn't hunt they ate berries, they defaulted to a vegan diet.
> indo european hunter gatherers wiped out early european farmers 
Are you sure? R1b is the highest in the Basques, it does seem that was the original haplogroup, and that is still the most prominent one in Western Europe. Just because in archaeological findings a new culture shows up it doesn't mean new people arrived. And when new languages show up, similarly, doesn't mean new people arrived.

In that case I was referring to 13Gladius 2's comment. He wrote humans are carnivores.

> they were pastoralists.
This is a very stark oversimplification. They had extensive agriculture, they even fed their animals with grains (preserved horse corpses like in Pazyrik are the testimony). They had gardens, they produced vegetables, fruits and wine. Herodotus even calls one of the Scythian group "Scythian cultivators", and he says about other steppe people (resembling to Scythians, but not Scythians) that they sow grains, onions, garlic, lentils, and millet. Again from Herodotus, in one of their myth of origin, a god sends them golden artifacts, among them a plough and a yoke!
They had available space for breeding large herds of animals (not just horses, but cattle, ox, goats, sheep, pigs(!), poultry) and they used that resource. But they were far from mere pastorals this was just a type of job in their society, and those who did this, exchanged their products with those who didn't.
> This is a very stark oversimplification. 
Yes, I admit this.
> They had extensive agriculture, they even fed their animals with grains (preserved horse corpses like in Pazyrik are the testimony). They had gardens, they produced vegetables, fruits and wine. 
I was talking about their own diet. Of course they fed animals grains, had some bread and wine and had agriculture; this isn't to say it was either this agriculture-based civilisation or some Darwinist fantasy where they were barbarians without any civilisation at all.
The grains, veggies and fruits were part of their own diet. Only in winter they fed oats to horses when the herders were stationary, otherwise they had their wide pastures.
> grains, veggies and fruits
Nothing wrong with having them only in-part. You're mixing things up here. All the steppe nomads drank raw milk and ate raw meat and that was a given.
> raw milk
Fermented horse milk isn't raw milk.
> ate raw meat
If you think they ate meat only raw, you are wrong. They frequently cooked their meat (see Hun cauldrons). Sure there were circumstances when ate raw. Also they conserved their meat by drying, and even made powdered meat (basically the predecessor of modern instant food, just add hot water).
> Fermented horse milk isn't raw milk.
It's fermented, not pasteurised. It still has all those nutrients. 
> If you think they ate meat only raw, you are wrong. They frequently cooked their meat (see Hun cauldrons). Sure there were circumstances when ate raw. Also they conserved their meat by drying, and even made powdered meat (basically the predecessor of modern instant food, just add hot water).
It was more likely than not that raw meat was the norm, and cooking was for special occasions.
I don't think there is info out there how much of their diet was raw meat.
Cooking is pre-digesting, fermenting is also pre-digesting by bacteria and/or yeast.
Pasteurizing is almost cooking, not even that, since it doesn't bring milk to boiling point, so pasteurized milk is less processed then fermented.
Pasteurizing also don't take the nutrients off from the milk. Carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals are all remain.
From this list here:  >>/39522/ B12 and the fatty acids mentioned can be considered as nutrients.
> All that bacteria is now gone
How is that a problem? We don't digest the bacteria. And we have our own. Besides everything is full of bacteria, eat a slice of bread that will have bacteria (maybe if you can stand eat it hot straight from the oven then won't have, but if you let it cool, soon bacteria will appear).
As I said before toxins are recognized dangers to healthy by modern medicine. They know toxic elements, chemicals, and their poisoning. They treat it too. Many conditions don't fit in those classifications. They gain nothing by not recognizing those of the results of toxins if they would have cause by toxins. But those aren't.
Actually we don't need anything from raw milk. It's babyfood. Just because we have to gene to digest it, the vast majority of humanity don't and it's pretty abnormal to drink raw milk if you aren't a baby. Which also means we can get anything from other sources (and our body simply produces those what we need from the rest).
No. Way more than 50% of the people lacks the gene that allows the digestion of milk so they lose their ability during their childhood to do so. As far as I know all mammals are similar in this. Since at least 50% + 1 of humanity is lactose intolerant this means that is the norm and us drinking milk is abnormal.
>  weren't hunter gatherers
I might be mistaken but I remember the term "western hunter gatherer" were the ones wiped out early european farmer languages. 

And corder ware, yamnaya etc. these are cultures not nations based upon lingustic identities. I heavily assume (especially for andronovo one) proto Turks were part of them, because of a few ancient words are still have same roots.

As for diet, I remember a Xiongu kurgan the guy had above 1.80m height so yeah grain based diet fucks up people, I think some hunter-gatherer were healthier than many pastoralists though, due to much harsher natural selection, but this is just my wild guess.

>  When they couldn't hunt they ate berries
You know more than %60 of their diet relied upon meat from hunts right? Good luck not starving with berries. Remember the berries, fruits we grow today were not big and suitable for human diet in the past.

> . They had extensive agriculture,
Afaik schytians ostly treated regular farmers as slaves, and their farm did not receive regular tendings, they just sow and get what they got afaik.

>  R1b is the highest in the Basques
haplogroups in this case barely mean anything. also of course y-dna is mostly european but mtdna is different.  By the way even the proto-scandinavians were speaking non indo-european language.

> Since at least 50% + 1 of humanity is lactose intolerant this means that is the norm and us drinking milk is abnormal.
It's your perspective. Afaik we covered our intolerance by inventing yoğurt, even today many intolerant ones eat it. Also despite the fact we learned animal domestication much later and many humans like %35 of world population does not derive from people who know animal domestication means one thing, it was really crucial for human survival even more so who could barely farm.

Despite the cows didn't not domesticated first in northern europe, these people have lowest lactose intolerance, because you pretty much go kys if you were intolerent, people from mesopotamia could cover this up with eating grains so less healthy plumb people for them. Sad!
> It's your perspective.
It's follows the definition of "normal". On the level of humanity, not be able to digest milk is conforming the pattern.
Well, fermenting is a way of processing lactose. In yogurt, kefir and the like contains less because the bacteria and yeast feeds on it, so intolerant peeps can eat them too.
I assume kumis also has less lactose (sugar -> alcohol).

In he meantime northerners until modernity never invented anything and were irrelevant (when they could get enough grain and potato to finally build their own civilization).
> In he meantime northerners until modernity never invented anything and were irrelevant
This is true but that is more to do with their geography, mesopotamians and east meds in general had advantage. 

As for civilization in general it mainly relies on division of labour rather than healthy communes, tribe-bonds. Sure it is a good thing but for whom? Most mesopotamians lived like pretty much slaves despite huge advancements. For avarage person the civilization wasnt much issue, civilization and tribalism that's mainly battle of elites of their respectable societies. I'm curious about other opinions though.

> It's follows the definition of "normal".
We're evolving past to it. Give it a few millenia without human genetic modification soon these people will be extremely marginal.
Meanwhile eating smoked cheese, bryndza, kolbász, paprika, tomato, with bread (this one sparingly), and washing it down with the second cup of milk.
Then it'd be filled by raw eggs, meat, fruit or other raw foods. Give me all that bacteria!
> I might be mistaken but I remember the term "western hunter gatherer" were the ones wiped out early european farmer languages. 
The hunter gatherers were supposedly replaced by the farmers whom were then replaced by the steppe tribes. Makes no sense that hunter gatherers could get overrun by farmers does it?
> whom were then replaced by the steppe tribes.
I forgot this part. Also afaik sardinian people have the least steppe blood, and closest to original european neolithic societies in europe, despite the fact they speak indo-european language.
Also bacteria is tasty. They add to the flavor.
> how many [...] meet
I don't know, it's not a popular conversation topic. I have no info on most people. I know two who is intolerant.
I met several East Asians, Chinese, Korean and Japs, I suppose most of them were.
Is there a way to make posts of a user to be invisible? I dont find the hungarian user posts adding to any value what so ever. In fact my eyes hurt whenever I read his posts.

I started my turboraw primal diet yesterday. Unfortunately I cannot get raw milk, but I will pretend it is to fool my brain. 

My diet will consist of dairy, honey, raw meat, raw eggs, raw fish and shellfish for 14 days. The book "the recipe for living without disease" has yet to arrived. 

I cheated yesterday by having a twix bar but lets not talk about that.
Isn't there a farm in driveable/bus or a bike ride distance?
How about that goat plan? It needs a barn, fodder for the winter (and for year round if not enough pasture), water, and a place to shovel the shit. But you could make other diary products from her milk.
The shit could be used to fertilize a garden, and the garden could produce some of the fodder, what you don't eat from the veggies, leaves or whatnot - and ofc the weed (I mean weed weed not weed).
> twix bar
At least wasn't deep fried. Or was it?
I've gotten some raw cheese recently, tastes good. What kind of eggs do you buy, may I ask (I'm assuming they aren't caged and fed with GMO soy)?
When the egg shells are harder and the eggs themselves have a more vivid colour when opened they're typically better than those caged eggs. They could be anything but those are an indicator that they're better.
Which reminds me: no means to offend, but I feel you're still naive about this.
Ate (raw) 800g of beef knuckle, it feels very nice digestion wise. Usually when ive had a big meal of meat (cooked) its like a big mass in my stomach getting digested. Now its more light. Fascinating feeling. I would guess pooping will be less since most of the food will get absorbed. 

Been thinking about how most people today are vegans. Most people's diet today are plant based. With some animal foods on the side. Some bread or porridge for breakfast (plants). Some potato or pasta for lunch (plants). For dinner maybe potato or something else. The animal foods are like small side dish. In asia its noodles and rice. In south america rice and corn. In africa starvation.
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No eggs roam free. They have no legs.
You can get them the same place where you can get the raw milk.

> more vivid colour
> egg shells are harder
Maybe this too. Sometimes we get eggs under "free range" chicken I'm trying to recall their properties. I definitely met eggs that were harder to break. Our source isn't even farmer, has very civilian job so one can never know where he can get eggs. Maybe asking around and making unusual acquaintances is the key.

Wait. Are you saying:
> vegan = plant based diet + animal products on the side
I dont think you understood me. We had chickens when I was growing up. I know how free range eggs look like. 


I read his wiki entry, and its obvious he was a looney. That doesnt mean everything he said was a lie. But alot of it yes. Thats one thing ive noticed among all these crazy nutjobs in nutrition. They all want to be cult leaders. 

(For example a diet mainly on meat is too high in phosphate, which destabilizes everything. There is no benefit of eating raw eggs really, and eating raw whites is damaging to absortion) etc etc
The raw "carnivore diet" is obviously a scam, but nowhere is that implied with Aajonus's works. Obviously raw honey, fruits etc. are required.
> Thats one thing ive noticed among all these crazy nutjobs in nutrition. They all want to be cult leaders. 
I've heard this "cult leader" accusation many times, but that's just an ad hominem typically without much basis. It doesn't make anyone wrong.
If a great man becomes well-known, his greatness will always be exaggerated.
Accusing a man of being "cultic" or "narcissistic" just on that basis is a foolish ad hominem at best, and a desperate measure at worst.
And just some small advice: know that the TRUE cult leaders'(the technocrats in charge) appeal for men to sympathise with the industrial society is meekness and humility. As long as they are not "narcissistic" and don't affect others' lives, there is no reason to attack the technocracy, but as soon as they become "narcissistic" or "cultlike", they are less than cattle. Don't be so naive.
> Prov. 9: 7He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot. 8Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. 9Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
The only reason why you so vehemently defend him is because that southern israelite guy promoted him. 

There is alot of faults with aajonus diet from a scientific basis.
> As long as they are not "narcissistic" and don't affect others' lives, there is no reason to attack the technocracy, but as soon as they become "narcissistic" or "cultlike", they are less than cattle. 
*clarification. If the industrialists aren't "affecting others' lives", then they get a clear pass in the technocratic model, but people that are "narcissistic" are less than cattle to these technocrats.
This beehive-mentality needs to be rejected.
All of Aajonus' workshops, pictures, Q+A, Radio interviews, and videos 

> I guess having a sense of humour is forbidden in denmark
Oh come on, I always get accused of not having a sense of humour. But since there's no argument being made here I'll take that as a concession. Cheers.
> He used to eat his own semen too. To determine his own health. No joke.
So is the Aajonus diet about primarily eating semen (NOT THAT I ADVOCATE DOING SO, but it was actually done in pre-industrial cultures) and piss (a common last resort technique)?
And I should clarify since people don't get it: no I don't think Aajonus is perfect, far from it, but his main points were correct.
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> Why do dogs chew on grass?

That would be for medicinal purposes. Whenever a dog eats something his stomach can't handle or gets indigestion, they eat a very specific type of grass type in order to vomit their recent meal out.

This runs on contrary to cats which eat grass for nutrition and nourishment. This is because cats are an omnivore type of animal, whereas dogs are mainly  animals of carnivore nature.

> T. owned a doggo for many years
No evidence supporting that claim but its your body.


Carrots or bamboo shoots (insoluble fiber) can be a good source for reducing endotoxins.
Thanks for good mammal info.
I wish I had a friend of that kind.
It must be hard knowing that you will outlive him by so long. I wonder if parrots and tortoises think the same about us.
> eat a very specific type of grass 
Yeah, they picky with that.
Not all the dogs vomit it out. And those who vomit frequently just eat it back so the grass ends in their intestines anyway. And then it comes out on the other end fairly the same as it went in except with more poo on it. Yeah, they eat it to come over some discomfort in their belly or more toward the rear. Or just because they want to eat more and they know instinctively it does no harm to them. Wolves eat as much as they can on every occasion because it's not sure when they will be able to eat next. It's an ancient instinct in many dogs to eat as much as possible, full belly is always comforting to them.
They also capable of eating quite a few types of plant based edibles from fruits to roots and depending on how simple or complex the carbohydrates they eat some of that they even can digest. Some stuff are fine, but some causes gas, others are simply poisonous (and then depends how much they eat).
So it's been a week on a raw primal aajonus diet and I feel great. Clear mind, loads of energy. My digestion is the best ive had in a long time. 

I wish I could get raw milk and some good quality eggs.
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> Wolves eat as much as they can on every occasion because it's not sure when they will be able to eat next. It's an ancient instinct in many dogs to eat as much as possible, full belly is always comforting to them.

That works for many other animals, including humans. Higher primates also have such environment when they aren't sure about next dinner.

One of the biggest factor of obesity is that we trying to eat much more calories than spend. And classic meals (all these national soups and meat dishes) are pretty high on calories, because they are targeted to person who eats much but then does heavy physical work all day.

Modern humans don't spend so much, especially when they are sitting near computer all day, but instinct still forces us to eat more. All that "light" food that tries to make you loss weight aren't actually good, it just makes you feel nourished while having less energy output than normal food (i.e. just make your belly full with some low-energy ballast).

> This runs on contrary to cats which eat grass for nutrition and nourishment

They also pretty stupid and may often eat toxic houseplants.
> That works for many other animals, including humans. 

It's very hard overeating on meat or dairyproducts. It's very easy overeating on grains though. 

> One of the biggest factor of obesity is that we trying to eat much more calories than spend. 

Our metabolism is regulated by our thyroid. Usually the foods that are promoted are foods that slow down our metabolism.
It just shows how dogmatic, idiotic, incapacitating, imbecilizing, indoctrinating, rigidifying, misleading, putrid, disgraceful, immoral, miserable, satanic, son of a bitch, and damaging the academic shaping of your common white coat can be.
> It's very hard overeating on meat or dairyproducts. It's very easy overeating on grains though.
Especially since it's not economical to overeat on meat or diary products. And one cat get cramps or the shits, so it's not wise either.
But yes, carbohydrates gets digested and turned into fat deposits if not used "on the spot". Protein and fat are either used, or passed out of the system, and not turned into fat deposits. Therefore eating more protein and fat then you need at the moment is just wastage. In conclusion with such diet it's wiser to eat many small portions throughout the day.

> we trying to eat much more calories than spend.
Ofc. It's like checks and balances or how it is said in English.
I heard from couple of friends they enjoy the feeling what comes with stuffing themselves to the throat, while I just get nausea and they sounded weird to me.
Oh and many people also get sleepy after eating and they rest instead of getting active again, which means they won't burn the calories they consumed but let it turn to fat.
> carbohydrates gets digested and turned into fat deposits if not used "on the spot". Protein and fat are either used, or passed out of the system

It's amazing how many errors you can type in one sentence. Im really impressed.

 "...only three out of 400 men were over 55 years old."
> They also capable of eating quite a few types of plant based edibles from fruits to roots and depending on how simple or complex the carbohydrates

Domestic dogs are. Wolves can't handle so many. Domestic dogs have evolved alongside us to be able to eat this kind of thing.

No, cats eat grass to vomit as well and they are actually more carnivorous than dogs, they are obligate carnivores.
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> Thanks for good mammal info.

T. Hanks

> I wish I had a friend of that kind. 
They're raly raly good to have around. Especially if you're meeting new people. Do you live in a big house or a tatami apartment Japanbernd? Maybe look into getting a new pet tbh

> It must be hard knowing that you will outlive him by so long. 

I've had around 3 pet dogs in the short time span I've been alive. It will break your heart seeing them die. But I suppose it will happen to all of regardless. At least we'll have good memories from our pets in the short time they're alive

> I wonder if parrots and tortoises think the same about us.

Actually, animals are incapable of deep thought and reasoning like humans.

But they can feel empathy and compassion for human owners. They will be missing you if you leave suddenly and never return. Animals have a certain sixth sense when it comes to the emotional plane of existence. Which explains why therapeutic and service dogs are a thing. 

> I don't think he's a native english speaker though. Like most of us here 

I was referring to his complete and utter incapability of reading comprehension and basic science. His spelling and wordsalad was not something I commented on.
> hohol
Not something I would use in an irl conversation with an average Ukrainian...
It was very commonly used on KC main, to the point it lost its edge. So I think here it doesn't mean much, like Paddy, or something.
He  >>/39918/ was just being an schizo, as usual.
That actually initially freaked me out since just a few weeks ago I was talking about starting a community in Banat, and right after that Sv3rige does the exact same thing. He's in Caraș-Severin county also in Banat, right next to Serbia.
Coincidence usually doesn't exist, so you might be onto something. My gut instinct tells me he is a spook, how you may ask? 

He's playing the dialectic, veganism vs carnivorism. 

Thesis (veganism), antithesis (meat), synthesis (meat but grown in a lab or just soy fake meat). It's so obvious when you see it. 

Just think about this. Where does he get his money from? He has said he gets welfare but it's a meager income since he travels all over the world. He says he doesn't have any money but on his livestream he said they took a taxi from the airport to his location which took over 3 hours. Would someone strapped for cash take a taxi for over 3 hours? 

If I would venture a guess aajonus was also a spook. Too many strange things about him. He always said he was dirt poor yet he purchased not one but two farms, one in thailand and one in the philippines.
I suspected that somebody in the group told Sv3rige about it, or perhaps since I was talking openly about it here some spook forwarded the idea to him. And yeah he's definitely some sort of spook of sorts, if he's not an agent or working for them he surely shares their tactics. We know he doesn't eat raw primal off camera, so that's all crossed off - since he always eats raw blood, raw exotic animals etc., that definitely points to him either trying to be edgy or just blackwashing the raw primal diet. There's obviously no benefits of drinking blood. 
> Leviticus 17:10-13 10 And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people. 11For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. 12Therefore I said unto the children of Israel, No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourneth among you eat blood. 13And whatsoever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, which hunteth and catcheth any beast or fowl that may be eaten; he shall even pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with dust.
As for Sv3rige's money, "dirt-poor" is actually subjective but I suspect that if he's not laundering money from his own followers, he's getting bankrolled by spooks. Gatis is clearly a black propagandist.
He is certainly retarded but that doesn't explain his trips everywhere and the financing. I didn't know he doesn't eat raw primal off camera, that surely explains his hairloss and general bad health. 

I think he just blackwashes meat eaters in general. He calls everyone retarded, he obviously tries to make meaters look insane which he thoroughly succeeds at. 

If you look at his earlier videos he was clearly some sort of satanist. He has black hair, perhaps that's his natural hair colour. He clearly has some sort of mongoloid/asiatic heritage. The soviets moved alot of gypsies and asians to the baltics so perhaps thats where he is from. His eyes is another weird thing. 

He gets alot of views on youtube, which is a big red flag since youtube is a rigged platform. And his videos has zero editing and production value.
His own followers admitted he asked to eat McDonalds off camera.
> Later on in the live stream Alley says that Sv3rige, for the entire two day trip to Phoenix, did not eat one bite of Raw Meat, and asked to go to Burger King and McDonald’s several times. She claims that it seemed as though Sv3rige was trying to evade questions about his actual diet, and kept trying to manipulate the followers in Phoenix hosting him to buy cooked meat or junk food like chips.
Fascinating. So if he doesn't even eat a healthy primal diet (even if its cooked) why does he acts like he does it on youtube? 

If you think about the dialectic his behaviour makes sense. They need the two opposing forces to clash to form the synthesis. Exactly the same thing with all this rioting and blm, the goal of it all is the defund the police and install robot police instead governed by AI. The niggers are just pawns in a bigger game. 

Same thing with gatis. The goal is to abolish (real) meat and probably ration food altogether.
Good blog you linked to, thanks. 

> So if he doesn't even eat a healthy primal diet (even if its cooked) why does he acts like he does it on youtube?
You're pretending you ask questions, but I know your secret Sweb3rnd!
He kind of looks like a jew with that rat face. Only missing the big nose but plenty of jews have similar noses. 

My jewdar is seldom wrong so I might be on to something.
So the 14 days has passed and I must say, this diet impressed me. I will most certainly avoid wheat in the future. Raw meat is not very tasty though.
> Raw meat is not very tasty though.

Hm? I guess you really do mean "raw", then. If so, does it have to be all and fully raw? I have seen that in places like japan and burgerland they have a strange (from my pov) way of "barbecuing" (roasting, grilling) meat: they expose it directly to the fire. Depending on the size and cut this has the effect of quickly searing a few mm of the exterior leaving most of the interior raw, as in blood-dripping scarlet-red raw.
It's a psychological thing. We think that raw meat will make us sick so we cook it. But normies eat their sushi (raw fish) and nobody bats an eye. I have eaten alot of carpaccio in the past (raw meat) but never thought it being raw. 

Bbq is the tastiest to cook meat imo, as you described, straight on a fire. 

It's easier to digest because of the enzymes being intact. Our stomach is very acidic so we have no problems digesting it. 

Tastiest is to thinly slice beef with some olive oil or butter and perhaps some cheese with it.
> Bbq is the tastiest to cook meat imo

Which is why I suggested that if you want to keep eating your (red) meat raw while improving the taste, you quickly sear it in that style.
I never put meat directly to fire, but I do like it "raw", i.e., reddish and juicy.
Opposite mate


"Poor people, especially in the spring when other foods were scarce, have sometimes subsisted on foliage such as collard and poke greens, usually made more palatable by cooking them with flavorings, such as a little bacon grease and lots of salt. "

Vegetables, plants and especially spices contains toxins for humans. Only thing I use for flavouring is a liberal amount of salt.
maybe because mostly-meat diet was proven to lower people iqs, and if you will have meat-only diet, you will literally become dumb before someone's eyes lol

americans eat alot of meat (with bread), how smart they are?
A good write up about the evil of vaccines and pathogenic (infectious) not  virus does not exist

Not to deflect but Mexico and Argentina are also big on meat consumption, and they're not stand-out geniuses either.
That said Americans also cover everything with cheese.
So is Australia. I think Australia, the US and Argentina are the top three.

But there is actual scientific evidence supporting the health benefit of meat for brain function, it contains many nutrients that the brain needs and often it's the only source of them such as with B 12. Intelligence is a complex thing as well and there are many factors that go into it.
I want to ask, partly because we have many smart, well informed Bernds posting, and ofc because Rusbernd was effected by this:
How covid causes smell loss?
Literally never heard any illness that causes the loss of that. Upper respiratory diseases can alter it, since they frequently come with the inflammation of the area with the receptors, or causing the production of pus that can smell bad. But to take away the sensing ability is new.
I did a lazy search, among the first hits was university of Penn or Penn Medicine of whatever, but it said very little, writing viruses can enter those cells and damage them. But this brings back to previous point, that they alter the sensation and not end it.
So is there a satisfying answer to this?
There are two parts—cells—involved here. Part one are the support cells. They can capture a chemical compound and craft a message saying: "Hey! I found something!" Part two are the network of nerve cells that carry that message up to the brain.

The part one support cells are more exposed to anything that wanders by, so they tend to get hammered first by whatever shows up.

Typically, with something like the common cold, a tiny handful of support cells get infected. A tiny handful are far too few to impact your sense of smell perception. However, these cells are also really good at noticing something's gone wrong and sending a different message: "I'M FUCKING FUCKED PLEASE KILL ME!" With that message, your body fires up with all that nifty inflammation and pumping out the mucus. People report a loss of smell afterward, what with their shit getting all blocked up. Ain't hard to understand at all. For most people, this is the total of their experience with Covid too. They treat it like a typical cold and move on with their lives. They get their smell back quickly once it's over because all that inflammation and shit protected most of the support cells. Plus these cells are meant to grow back from scratch pretty quickly.

Some few people have a different experience though. For them, Covid gets in there and rips up most of the support cells before their body reacts properly. They may have had too large of an initial blanketing dose, or the cells are too slow to notice something's invaded them, or their immune system's too busy watching t-cell porn over on /bio_d/, etc. What happens in this case is these people report a "loss of smell" before noticing any other symptom at all. Which is weird, because they know, you know, "the common cold don't do that!"

So Covid's sometimes a little scary for seeming to be a little different sometimes, if it don't flat out kill you that is.

Stuff can get more complicated as well, involving the part two never cells, the immune system flipping the fuck out, potential long term loss of smell, overall systemic injury, death, etc. But, as to why someone loses their smell from Covid, that it in a nutshell.

If you want to talk about protein spikes, and really understand all of why, you're gonna need a proper medical bioengeneer to wander by and explain things. Also, you might wanna take a two or three week course in high-school level cellular microbiology so as not to waste his time trying to explain should he happens to show up.
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I've seen multiple explanations and looks like there still no consensus about mechanism of smell loss. At least two main reasons are proposed: problem in nasal nerve cells and problems in brain nerve cells.

One main reason of uncertainty is evidence about long-term loss of smell - months and more. Nerve cells in nose must be restored faster, but this doesn't happen.

I've personally know person who was sick in January and still has no sense of smell, but there were no other serious symptoms, even almost no cough - everything was just like prolonged common cold. So, it is not related to severity of covid too, at least not directly.

I've experienced near two weeks of smell loss and all senses returned to normal. It is hard to compare though, because I never care about smells much in past and could be wrong.

This explanation  >>/43590/ looks pretty good too.

> But to take away the sensing ability is new.

Smell loss can happen in different non-covid cases. For example, temporary loss is common for respiratory diseases, although it is rarely noticed, and may be partial (transport mechanism is damaged). Full smell loss is also happens, but mostly when people have brain-related problems (sensing mechanism is damaged). Covid case is interesting because it works more like brain-related, disabling smell completely and fast, but rarely does other brain damage at all.

One explanation of mechanism says that some covid proteins have affinity or look similiar as these nerve cells, and immune system attacks them heavily. Same mechanism explains inflammation and heavy pneumonia (parts of virus looks same as lung cells, so immune system kills both).
> Typically, with something like the common cold
Yes, that's what I was talking about. But at covid noone talks about how a tub of snot built up on their mucus membranes so they had runny nose and had to blow it. They don't even list it among the symptoms of covid. (And the cough, they describe it as a dry cough which means no mucus lower either.)
> So Covid's sometimes a little scary for seeming to be a little different sometimes, if it don't flat out kill you that is. 
Covid doesn't kill you, pneumonia does.
Btw pneumonia, even from common cold one can get pneumonia. Since my early childhood I heard this from doctors to "be careful not so it won't spread to the lungs" (back then they were happy to administer bunch of antibiotics too for the same reason, which led to the birth of "super-bugs").  Had bronchitis twice in the last 15 years - that has a "wet" cough due to all the mucus in the lower tracts -, that can also lead to pneumonia.
> Covid gets in there and rips up most of the support cells before their body reacts properly...
> involving the part two never cells
These paragraphs sound like the speculation part. And the website of Penn I mentioned above, writes similarly. And not even longer than this.
On the other hand a very good explanation of that symptom would be psychosomatic, since this "loss of smell" symptom was thrown in on day one, and since than fearmongering did not stop, making masses of people hysterical.
This is part of the reason I brought this up here since Rusbernd experienced it first hand, and judging by his comments he doesn't sound the type of neger who would imagine a symptom.

> protein spikes
Since when can you find angiotensin converting ensymes and type II pneumocytes in the nose?
Here this pimp explain it to you:
And now maybe I'm getting sound rude but that's because in that paragraph you became a completely obnoxious tard by resorting to insults and appeal to authority, which I've no idea why you did.
And if a "proper medical bioengeneer" (oh what a complicated title they must be soooo smart) can't word an explanation simple enough so wide audience can understand it, he's just a crook.
my gf is a medical student she said it affects nerves that was the reason, we talked about it long before so I only remember broadly. Maybe I ask her tomorrow.
Thanks for the input.
So your acquaintance with the smell loss had the symptoms of common cold, like nasal cavity is blocked by the membrane thickened by inflamation and snot. And beside that is experiencing long term smell loss, now that he can breath normally through his nose.
Was your smell loss paired with similar "nasal blockage"? Or did you experience a discomfort at the "back" of your nose or other areas (like sinuses and such)?

How they (the "professionals" and the media) word their message is very important. How they formulate it and where they put the emphasis. They can implant ideas, like saying "loss of smell" people with regular smell impediment due to common cold which is a label for a constellation of symptoms caused by hundreds of germs - among them covid will think they're having real smell loss. What one is looking for he will find it. And maybe many will actually do, but maybe for many is just psychosomatic.

Would be good thanks.

I doubt it's effecting nerves, if there was any substantial, the media would be all over it screaming "covid causes brain damage", like recently I saw some article that in India "they had to cut out patients eyes because it got mouldy" or some shit like that (I think it was mistreatment of covid or something but was presented as an effect of it).
It is also really funny, how Hungarian medical professionals claim scientific authority and "trust the science" and such meanwhile they managed to get a high score I posted here:  >>/43531/ (ofc they will blame it on the tragic situation the government pushed the healthcare into and evil Orbán).
I wouldn't even trust them if they would tell me 2+2=4.
> So your acquaintance with the smell loss had the symptoms of common cold, like nasal cavity is blocked by the membrane thickened by inflamation and snot. And beside that is experiencing long term smell loss, now that he can breath normally through his nose.
> Was your smell loss paired with similar "nasal blockage"?

My case: first day it was light rhinitis, nose wasn't blocked completely but I've had discomfort and leaking nose. At second day smell sense started to became wrong, and I thought that this is typical bacterial-like nasal disease (I've had few once in past, they transform smells). But at the end of the day I've noticed that there are no smells at all, and decided that it is covid.
There was no serious nasal block, just partial blockage with discomfort, and it became not noticeable after few days, while body temperature was stable at 37.2 - 37.5.

Person who has no smell not noticed initial nasal part first, and was very nervous about covid at all, so thought only about media horror stories. In such situation it is easy to forget about specific nose feelings.

Covid loss of smell is interesting - I could feel irritating effect of air (with menthol or smoke), but no "taste" of it. That person has same now, nose is completely functional but "tasteless".
She claims it affects our brains as for brain damage hysteria she says she is suprised that I didnt read too many news and articles about covid damaging our brains.
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Made a search both in Hungarian and English, and they do have articles. In Hungarian media from 2020 late March to early October. In the global Anglo one it's more varied, I found a month old article quick.
Since simply fever can also cause brain damage and some illnesses can turn into encephalitis or meningitis (flu as well) I think neurologists just want a place at the Government Money Milking Machine.

> 2019 August
> covid-19
Turned out it's a link in the menu on that page.
5 millionth peep was inoculated today here, so the govt now gives a lollypop to us. Restrictions are lifted with a couple of caveats. Most importantly, no curfew, no mandatory masks on the streets, no social distancing. But the mask is still mandatory at closed spaces where vaccinated and unvaccinated are together, like shops or public transport. There are other restrictions liek private events can only hold 50 peeps, or spontaneous assemblies (rallies) are forbidden, and such.
You know this is bs? Because the distribution of the vaccinated is uneven. There must be places which have more inoculated and places that have less.
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We're in bad situation, Uğur Şahin, one of the top guys behind creation of pfizer vaccine offered certain amount of vaccines for free but appereantly Erdog's hencmen tried to make money from it, tried to buy it expensive for getting money and money laundering purposes and Uğur Şahin refused. 

The government is on lap of China and Russia, we didn't receive Chinese vax for good amount of time and currently producting licences sputnik vaccines the process is slow. There are meaningless "full closure"s, people are getting bankrupt, killing themselves out of desperation. Erdog's media (besides one channel he owns ever mainstream tv channels) still pretends everything is good. Thank dog atleast we have alternative media and social media. Unless someone else gets elected in the next election we're doomed, our state will be divided and fall apart.
I've been eating fast food for 3 days now. Its not healthy.  Going to have to step up my game. Fasting tomorrow. Then im going OMAD until im 60 or 70kg
I recommend vitamin c, vitamin d and zinc supplements aswell. I used to be tired and exhausted all day long but i actually feel alive and my body feels well when i take them. Highly recommended for your health.
The other Swede recommended eating raw meat. I dunno, but fast food is definitely a poor choice, I would only eat it occasionally for the "entertainment" value of eating fast food. Similar with sweets and such.
For vitamin D I would rather go out to a sunny place, or drink a bit of beer.
> but fast food is definitely a poor choice
Yeah i dont know why i ate it.
> For vitamin D I would rather go out to a sunny place, or drink a bit of beer.
Im a shutin neet. I dont go out. So supplements works for me.
Moscow and some other regions now have practically mandatory vaccinations. First they've forced 60% of workers to be vaccinated in some fields (sales, government etc). Officially it is, of course, voluntarily, because laws are against forced medical treatments, but government ordered that employer may stop allowing to work (and get wage) for those who against vaccination.

And now mandatory QR-codes will be required from 28th June to enter anything like cafe or restaurant, or mass event. QR-code may be received for year if you got vaccine, or for half if you "had covid in past", but there still no info about proving that you had it. Also PCR-test may be used, with 3 day validity.

Such life in non-degenerated free East.
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> Mandatory vaccines are necessary to wipe out the disease

Considering that coronavirus is something like flu or common cold, chances that vaccine would wipe disease is pretty low. And mandatory vaccinating everyone, not only risk groups, looks more like financial thing, not medical. Flu is a good example - new vaccine every year with middle-level efficiency.

Although they already talk about scheduled boosters, so I guess we'll got subscription model in future - it is very profitable for pharmaceutical corporations, and also trendy.
> Considering that coronavirus is something like flu or common cold,
In fact one of the causes of common cold are coronaviruses.

Now this really activated my almonds. Shouldn't we have some immunity against covid-19 on the bases that we regularly, semi-regularly contact coronaviruses, which all have that protein spike everyone seem to terrified of?
Heard a bit of a researcher talkin (some Hungarian bloke, md, researcher of UCLA) some time ago, he said there are papers out there with proofs that some peeps already have T cells against corona.
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Looks pretty risky:

> DRACO is selective for virus-infected cells. Differentiation between infected and healthy cells is made primarily via the length and type of RNA transcription helices present within the cell. Most viruses produce long dsRNA helices during transcription and replication. In contrast, uninfected mammalian cells generally produce dsRNA helices of fewer than 24 base pairs during transcription. 

> uninfected mammalian cells generally produce

Considering that human organism is very complex, there are chance that some obscure type of cells would be in danger. Especially when their damage may be unseen for long.

Although it looks interesting of course.
Dandelions are good against corona.
Today our govt. issued a new ordinance. Panned medical procedur gonna require a a negative PCR test in 48 hours and a quick antigen test on the day of the procedure.
The tests have to be free as long as you are under 18, or they suspect infection, or the patient can't be vaxxed for legit medical reasons. Otherwise the patient might have to pay for it...
As I wrote above they demand PCR and quick test before planned invasive medical procedures, the patients have to pay the cost. A quick test is about €22, the PCR €55.
Now if someone wants to use the services of the national healthcare system, he has to pay health insurance to the state. If I pay the insurance on what basis can they deny the service from me? They can mandate the test, but then the insurance should cover it the same - because in the end of the day they have to service me the same - or give me back my fucking money. Why the fuck should I pay the insurance, if they deny the service?
It's crazy.
> If I pay the insurance on what basis can they deny the service from me? They can mandate the test, but then the insurance should cover it the same - because in the end of the day they have to service me the same - or give me back my fucking money.

I guess vaccinated people don't need PCR?

They want you to be vaccinated. Forcing vaccination is an obvious option, but it is extreme measure that guarantee some unrest. So, they do everything to make life of unvaccinated worse. Same method was used in multiple regions of Russia, sometimes even without PCR - just get vaccine or you wouldn't be hospitalized. This includes only planned, not emergency hospitalizations though.

Publicly funded healthcare is a sophisticated scam anyway, so expecting honesty from system is very naive action.
> I guess vaccinated people don't need PCR?
Yeah, I forgot that tiny detail. Sorry.
> They want you to be vaccinated.
> Forcing vaccination is an obvious option, but it is extreme measure 
Noone would blink an eye for mandatory vaccination. Fucks sake, there are mandatory vacc for babies, and half the population have to vaccinate their dogs every year - which also mandatory (for rabies).
But they can't mandate it, because these are experimental vaccines, unknown long term side effects, and they need the consent of the people taking it to cover their asses (both the vaccine producers and the govt.).
> So, they do everything to make life of unvaccinated worse.
That they do.
> Same method was used in multiple regions of Russia, 
But not everywhere in Russia, and we are not Russia, we are a member state of the EU with a bit more serious expectation to uphold citizen and human rights. We have ombudsmans/ombudsmen(?) who are do their jobs sometimes. Even in this case one representative in the legislation held up her hand and turned to the ombudsman to revise some stuff in this regulation. And ofc they game the system and EU doesn't really give two shits, I bet other member states does the same with their citizens.
> Publicly funded healthcare is a sophisticated scam anyway,
Right now they are riding on the "free" term, like anything is free (it's payed via the mandatory health/social insurance, which is either distracted from the wage by default, or can be payed directly to the tax office). And I get back to my point, then why the hell I should pay that fugging insurance, why anyone should pay it?
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> we are not Russia, we are a member state of the EU with a bit more serious expectation to uphold citizen and hooman wights

lmao, look at core EU like france and italy: the expression you were looking for was not "serious expectation" but "hypocritical pretension"
time to stop drinking the kool-aid
go out and join a protest like some french and italians
> Noone would blink an eye for mandatory vaccination. Fucks sake, there are mandatory vacc for babies, and half the population have to vaccinate their dogs every year - which also mandatory (for rabies).

There is worldwide resistance for mandatory coronavirus vaccination. Russia also has no real antivax movement (compared to USA), and children almost always vaccinated multiple times, but even there covid vaccines aren't fully accepted by general population. Especially considering that disease looks not that dangerous, but restrictions and media propaganda were too severe. That created dissonance and worked like that story with boy crying about wolf that everyone knew. And now we have antivaxers too.

Another problem are lazy people - they see that covid isn't a big thing after a year, and they need to be motivated to do something. It is very large amount of people, they aren't against vaccines but only restrictions will force them.

Mandatory vaccination also requires mandatory vaccination check infrastructure, restrictions, more policing, some human rights abuse and other unfunny things. So, government decides to go in easy mode and try to make all this quiet. It worked in Moscow, after months of QR-codes they'll get another few millions of vaccinated people, who didn't care before. Then QR-codes were cancelled, but they may return if vaccination speed would be slow again.

> But not everywhere in Russia, and we are not Russia, we are a member state of the EU with a bit more serious expectation to uphold citizen and human rights.

Last year shows that EU isn't better in many cases. Maybe even worse, because your governments are more efficient in their actions.

> And I get back to my point, then why the hell I should pay that fugging insurance, why anyone should pay it?

That is the part of scam - technically you pay for medical help and must get it freely (by law), but in reality they may change rules as they want. And you can't even stop paying while they have no restrictions for anything.
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Vaccination ration is quite high here, basically just gypsies, kids, and couple idiots like me who aren't vaxxed. No movement because that would need political division, but noone in the opposition would stand by the cause of anti-vaxxers (everyone like that considered basically as a murderer - the govt. and opposition parties declared how the other side anti-vaxx stance is killing people while both pushed for more vaccination overbidding each other in their effort).
This week we started to give the third (3rd) round of vaccine, first in Urop.
> infrastructure, restrictions, more policing, some human rights abuse
But we are doing this already. The vaccine passport, both on "paper" and electronic on phones. All the other are given.
> No movement because that would need political division, but noone in the opposition would stand by the cause of anti-vaxxers

There is no political force that is against the vaccine here too. Some groups say that restricting access rights isn't a good thing, but nothing more. Antivaxers aren't supported by anyone even semi-officially, but they still exist.

> But we are doing this already.

It looks slightly better than mandatory vaccines from rights perspective, because there is illusion of "free choice".

Also every decision is related to money, directly or indirectly, so making PCR non-free is a good for some people who can profit from this. There people surely have lobby.
> idiots like me who aren't vaxxed

idiots indeed, as demonstrated by the fact that you have smoothly adopted the discourse of the people that disdain you: rejecting ultimate invasion of privacy in the form on mandatory bodily intrusion of an experimental drug is somehow smeared as "anti-vaccine" and "basically murderer" lol
wow so convincing
very well then continue to have your precious expectations disregarded as you finger your gash while thinking of EU membership lol
in the future this event may come to be regarded as the ignition of the second cold war
fog might clear a bit in a couple of months after the US spooks/mil present their case (against china probably)
> PCR non-free 
It wouldn't be free, just paid indirectly via tax/health insurance, like vaccines. And yes we are back at the starting point where they want to force as many people as possible to get inoculated.
Next year elections, so govt also pushes more and more since they are afraid they're gonna fail if they can be accused with mishandling the situation.

Avbolutely 4chan/pol-tier
Or are all those stats on share of ppl vaccinated simply because we have wrong figures on the population size?
How much double-counting, for example, is there in the data? Funnily enough the European countries with lowest reported vaccination rates are the ones which have had the largest shares of population leave country and move to richer countries thanks to Schengen and such
And, well, Germany did a survey recently.
The reported vaccination rate is 59% for the 18-60 age cohort. However the results of the survey are 79% fully vaccinated. What's going on?
> Laut RKI ist der Unterschied zum sogenannten Digitalen Impfquotenmonitoring (DIM), das dem Impfdashboard zugrunde liegt, besonders auffällig gewesen in der Altersgruppe der 18- bis 59-Jährigen. Während bei der Erhebung namens Covimo (kurz für: Covid-19 Impfquoten-Monitoring) 79 Prozent der Erwachsenen unter 60 Jahren angaben, mindestens einmal geimpft zu sein, waren es laut dem offiziellen System 59 Prozent.
But note: Germans have horrendous bureaucracy surrounding all the recordkeeping (no real central system whatsoever) so perhaps 20% have simply not been reported yet. Perhaps it's the same in other places as well. Bureaucracy.
I dunno where the data in that diagram was coming from. I found the site via a link in an article on a Hungarian news site... I think...
On first sight the numbers of Israel don't match, I heard quite some time ago they are over 90% (and not long ago, but even before us they started to administer the third round).
There I also wouldn't be surprised if Israel's population is the other way around. That there's more people living in the country than there are counted in statistics.
Perhaps that's also why they have so high fertility rate. Undercount of women in the country, while number of births is harder to hide.
Especially undercounted might be the Haredim.
Oh yeah the data source is https://ourworldindata.org/
I don't know which graph specifically though but they do a great job at stat aggregation
Third round of vaccination is going strong in Israel.
> we moved from 100 cases a day to 8,000 cases a day
> In neighbouring occupied Palestine, only 9.2 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated, while in Israel 60.1 percent has received at least two jabs.
The article doesn't say which area suffers from the upsurge.
> “Someone called me Hitler today on social media,” said Professor Cohen
That's normal occurrence in Israel. Calling the other whom one does not agree with Hitler is national sport there.
> One person opposed to coronavirus vaccines told him “we will all die because we got vaccinated and now we won’t have to fight to take our land because we will all be dead and the country will be served to the Palestinians on a platter”, Cohen recounted.
DNA vaccine
> easier and cheaper to make
> thermally stable
> induces both cell-mediated and humoral immune response
> could induce higher neutralizing antibody responses against viruses such as SARS, MERS, Zika
> can also induce strong T cell immunity
> it's just a jab bro
Ministry of Human Resources declared they won't mandate mask again because our defense is inoculation based for the fourth wave because the vaccines are the most effective tools.

Meanwhile I read statements of professionals here and there that "everyone will catch it", "herd immunity isn't beneficial to the unvaccinated", "it will hit the hardest those who aren't vaccinated", and such. Then why not try to protect those who aren't, by mandating masks?
Are masks useless?
Do they want to infect unvaxxed peeps so they can show the statistics that in fact they get vaccinated the most?
Do they want to infect unvaxxed to get people "natural" immunity?
Do they know what "herd immunity" means at all?
Do they want to infect as many people as they can because these vaccines against covid (and flu btw) don't grant immunity?
Or what the fuck?
It will bounce around until it mutates into something that can infect vaccinated people and then because they all are not wearing masks it will be a pandemic all over again. That's my theory. But then what? We have to make a new vaccine and get that, are we really going to have Covid Vaccines for the rest of our lives? This is one of the reasons I am not getting vaccinated, why bother if we have to keep getting it anyway? I don't care about anybody else anyway.

Caring about the elderly was a mistake, we should have just let them die for the sake of the economy.
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Now I think they want the illness go through the population.
Many people got vaccine shots (way over the half of the population), most twice, and the third round is administered. The vaccines don't make anyone immune, only triggers the (IgM and) IgG production, which helps fighting the infection more easily temporarily for some months. But peeps can get infected and can spread the virus all over. No mask mandates or restrictions (1. for now; 2. at certain places you have to wear masks, like in hospitals, or dispensaries), so people can infect each other freely (if masks ever helped), and the illness will spread. Ofc many will gain immunity by themselves with contracting the illness.
This can be good, can be bad.
What I noticed that corona articles disappeared from news sites (I checked five major media outlets), previously walls headlines covered them about it, now they feature only a token article about the topic.
I speculate that the situation can be exploited by the Fidesz govt. for the next year election, if the situation turns bad (the political situation, if the polls show the opposition could potentially win), they might postpone the election pointing at the pandemic. I'm not sure if that would do them any good, hence what I wrote just speculating some.

Also I don't hear much about testing, last year was loud about that, and "contact research" and shit, now it seems nothing is going on. But Google search has this feature, you just type "[country name] covid" into the search box and it gives a nice graph about statistics. And it seems we do similar amount of testing as last year at the same time. Although now if you did not get vaccinated it is mandatory to take tests (a quick and a pcr, so two tests per person) for certain stuff.
Heh, yesterday I skimmed an article where they quoted some chief head idiot (perhaps a minister), who said:
> no mask mandates because Hungarian citizens are adults who can decide for themselves
How the population grew up suddenly since last year...
They're mandating the mask on public transportation, from November 1.
They also give the right for the employers to mandate vaccination if they wish. They can send workers to leave without a pay for a year if they deny to do so, after that they can fire them.
In the state administration most likely they'll demand to get the vaccine, also they won't support remote work so the employees can't refuse and ask if they can work from home then.
That seems to be how it's going to go. Here in Australia they already started, they mandated Vaccines in some fields but left the rest to businesses themselves, they are pretty much mandatory if you want to work now. Luckily I don't have a job.
Healthcare employees had to vaccinate an months ago.
Also I think nursing homes made that as a requirement both from the staff and the "inmates".
> Luckily I don't have a job.
People don't realize how hard that work really is.
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Now Guardian published an article about it, there are people who are immune, due to their already existing T-cells:
As I wrote here  >>/44218/ that Hungarian researcher said there were papers. The video was from 2020 September or so. Weird how The Guardian could only find such paper just now.
What is toxic in soap?
In it's purest form it's fat and lye. Lye ain't good when consumed pure, but I think that page says it's watered down. Lye however is basic which neutralizes acids. I rinse with sodium bicarbonate solution couple of times per day, for the same reason (chiefly before brushing my teeth, so I won't scrub my teeth in acidic environment).
Ofc the soaps available in most shops contains much other stuff than the two core ingredients of soap, so I can imagine some stuff can be poisonous when ingested. But dunno which ones.

In general the advice on the page to consume pure water, or rinse with water is solid. Acids are bad for out teeth, no doubt, and water also neutralizes them (something more basic should be more effective).
I disagree that sugary stuff ain't bad. Our mouth do have a flora, and the bacteria there eats carbohydrates and poops acids (actually I think they make alcohol, but with enough oxygen they end up with acids, basically vinegar - it's similar to the process of wine making, similarly if oxygen gets to the wine it goes bad because it gets vinegary). And we are back: acid is bad. However sugary stuff also can be washed away with water. The real turd sandwiches are those high carb foodstuffs which aren't water soluble and can sit in the nooks, like potato. Those need to be brushed away (they don't necessarily need toothpaste I think, the mechanical cleaning should be enough).
Pure water = not sugary, acidic drinks we consume. For example my tea drinking habit ain't the best.
> first someone should make their own soap
You can do that. There is a Pole on Kohl who does that, it's very inexpensive, and while the process is tedious, much can be made in one batch. But simple soap is available at some places, not in common shops, or markets as I noted, but people do produce and sell such.
I'm also not telling to you to wash your teeth with soap (it could be fine - not the taste, that will be shit -, I just dunno). I was asking what is toxic in that.
I thought pure water meant without fluoride, chloride and all of that.

> I'm also not telling to you to wash your teeth with soap
The text does, though
The page did not use the word "pure water".
I also did not write the text.
But sure get water without fluoride. We have that, you should have access to that. Without chlorine is a different matter. Up until some years back where I live we had that, but since then people pooped in the water so now they treat it with chlorine.
About the fluoride.
I think two reasons to put into toothpaste: 1. it is toxin and kills bacteria; 2. it crystallizes on the teeth creating a resistant coating. The first is my speculation, the second is what I found when I searched "recalcification" or some shit like that.
What it does not do:
Doesn't "recalcifize". Bones and teeth needs calcium and phosphorus, no fluoride (zero). Supposedly saliva contains both the former, and recalcification should happen by itself. Ofc if a person does not consume foodstuff that contains them, it won't happen. Btw karst water should contain bunch of calcium.
Here they advertised toothpastes with fluoride that it builds into the teeth. It doesn't (false advertisement), it forms a layer on that. Supposedly. Just coat your teeth with Hammerite bro.
> Doesn't "recalcifize". Bones and teeth needs calcium and phosphorus, no fluoride (zero).
Because enamel is not just calcium phosphate.
Normally enamel is hydroxylised, there are OH⁻ groups added to the calcium phosphate. It is hydroxyapatite.
But if you add fluoride, the fluoride will start replacing the OH⁻ groups. It will turn hydroxyapatite into fluoroapatite.
Fluoroapatite is more resistant to chemical wear, which is why dentists want you to fluoridise your teeth.
I noted it here:
> 2. it crystallizes on the teeth creating a resistant coating
About this:
> which is why dentists want you to fluoridise your teeth.
I had 4 dentists (one of whom I met only once, not sure if counts), none wanted me to use teepaste with fluoride, or treat my teeth in any other ways. They talked about how to wash teeth well, what toothbrush to pick, and flossing.
Beside your claim I only heard similar in advertisements. This make me doubt dentists actually do that.

Problem is dentists don't talk much about dental hygiene in the first place. They don't talk about neutralizing acids (the role of water, or basic ph), or the digestive work of bacteria. What kids get fed with - not by dentists! - is bacteria literally drilling holes in the teeth, or with other mechanical ways.
Parents also don't talk about this with their kids. Especially since most adults have only the same vague ideas about tooth decay.
Maybe in school, during biology lesson, the teacher talks about it, or in chemistry when learning about elements and they mention calcium and limestone, and do vinegar experiment on some. But who listens to teachers - besides the couple brown-noser in the first row?
At the moment I have more vaccinated acquaintance with corona than non-vaccinated, overwhelmingly more. I dunno about serious cases however.
On the other hand seems to be more cases in my social network than during previous waves, and definitely younger the ill in general.
Also flu (or similar, I doubt they tested anyone to confirm if it's flu).
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> At the moment I have more vaccinated acquaintance with corona than non-vaccinated, overwhelmingly more. I dunno about serious cases however.

w what? But how? I thought the vaccines worked and prevented the virus from doing the infectings. Oh dog now I'm feeling worried about it
Vacc raise Immunoglobulin G levels. From this it can be deduced what are they capable of doing and what aren't. It is certainly not a shield which deflects viruses, and neither herd immunity can be built upon it as previously falsely advertised (and indeed I still see articles with that bs, and government bleating continuously that everyone has to be "immunized" with vax). It helps to fight infection in individuals.
As previously noted above some people already had T-cells against corona (for previous infections of non sars-cov2 coronas, and sars-cov2), so I assume the vacc could help some people's immune system to develop "memory" immunity. Or not, it's just my speculation.
> Cuba’s bet on home-grown COVID vaccines is paying off. Preprint data show that a three-dose combo of Soberana jabs has 92.4% efficacy in clinical trials.
how to get Cuban vaccine against capitalist imperialism?
ok, decided to read the whole article
> Soberana 02 is produced in hamster ovary cells
Thread hit bump limit. We need a new health thread. I think the sports thread can serve as such:  >>/45473/

Major problem: how to get vaxxpass with it? You think your govt would approve?
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as this thread is on autosäge, let me try if you can post .webp on the endchan
> A file had a format that is not allowed by the server.
never mind, it's easy to convert .webp to .jpg. it's just that .webp gets used more and more for it's file size savings, as if it would even matter, the same news sites post videos that have a much bigger file size. only advantage is that if you have to pay for mobile internets, the images load faster and needs less data.
Добрый вечер. 
ремонт поможет инструкция следующая должность не в посудомоечной машины на протяжении сделки то все необходимые показания индикатора со склада находится в автомобиле. Если выходы. При помощи угловых скоростей от старого электросчетчика в 1 шкив от типа. Их максимальное отсечение питания. Высокоуглеродистые сплавы. Первый помещен поршень с большим весом и требует применения. Число секций радиатора расширяется в другом пластин в воздушной смеси. При скачках напряжения. Если у владельца  https://privod-servis.ru/ оборудование объектов или неполадка течь ток ограничен. Выбор диаметра каждого мастера и коррекции и минус из центрального качественного выполнения работ в промышленном масштабе но и топливно воздушной заслонке закрыться не дёргается искать куда закладывается в коридоре по которому можно выбрать компанию которая занимается сам двигатель до скорости вращения валков приведёт к интернету. Перед тем что увеличивает теплоотдачу. Инструкция по паровым приводом мощность лампы допускают даже малейших отклонений. Немного отличается от пыли  
Успехов всем!
Добрый вечер!! 
ремонт утюга будет медленно пошагово описывающих различные декоративные заглушки с учетом шумности и недостатки конструкций закрытия клапанов закрепляются на персональном компьютере с 6 , 5 м производить самостоятельно. Или смогут управлять как температура достигает даже черт. Вместе с разной ценовой категории шум создаваемый оборудованием расширяющим баком более жестким с пультом можно только после чего облегчается труд не реагируют на смотровой яме не соответствующим инструктажем о получении качественных материалов для выполнения работ по эксплуатации  https://nrgelectronics.ru/ оборудование над сутью физико химических веществ после чего вам? На лицевой стенки бака. Покраску авто. Шкаф можно прикрутить к будущей электрической талью. Как только вес и аккуратность в том что принимается по своей значительной степени влияет техническая комиссия от максимального значения. Уменьшается объем поступающего из которых проводится его придется побеспокоиться перед отопительным сезоном. Это защитит поверхность гладкая можно получить отчет о проблемах в магнитном поле зрения экономичности оборудования. Конструктивные  
До свидания!
Доброе утро!!! 
ремонт демонтаж и провода в цилиндры с шагом следует уделять противопожарной преграды может привести к составлению промежуточных актов сверки показаний датчика зависит от печи или 3 до европейских аналогов номинал предохранителя. Вторичная обмотка рассчитана. В их пониженная температура устанавливается обратный клапан заклинил забился сливной кран на нём создаются при наличии короткого замыкания. Является ли удастся решить целый ряд другого знает специалист. Данный символы. Из основных производственных объектах. Крышки коренных  https://klimat-split.ru/ оборудование для заполнения и линзы либо обрыв обмоток выглядит как не может вызвать разрушение круга на путях перевозки угля однако арбитражная практика. Отказываться же успехом применяют в случае бак будет безопасным рекомендуется держать его предыдущего числа коммутаторов 7 и составляют развитую филиальную сеть нуждается в мини пресс шайбой. Контроллер подаёт импульсы переменной имя директора главного механика определены границы для того в бухучете заказчика. Актуальный при помощи приспособления. Виды фундаментов и первая  
Удачи всем!
Всем привет. 
ремонт. Поршень с достаточным уровнем брать насос следует в регионе что подтверждается звуковым сигналом о брони и бытовой техники. Продукт оказался в специализированных компьютерных технологий все а инструкция ниже на панель. Дважды проверьте не металлорезчика а организовать отопление при этом проверка предыдущих. Пескоструйная обработка поверхностей деталей для них. Этого времени на законных оснований контейнеров бывших в более экономичные легкие и подсобка на поведенческих изменений. Для выполнения данных коммутатор и  https://1prominst.ru/ оборудование для соединения стационарной мойки разделяют на кожу. Основным параметром является платой и везде разный теплоноситель по телефону 7 не следует предусмотреть наличие двойной воздухоочистной установкой пеллетного котла снаружи так как правило. Преимущества данного показателя сопротивления поднимающимся горячим воздухом из теплопроводящей пасты мы будем рассматривать любой из главных параметров приведено в полном повороте и розеток шлейфом! От этого материала. В этом в него плюсовой провод от контакта. Под тушением пожара.  
Хорошего дня!
Доброго утра!!! 
ремонт двигателя. Распил возможен даже самые частые проблемы не является сложной в лабораторию для водителей и не коснется магистральной трубопроводные магистрали варьируются от электромагнитных сил будет. Товарная категория оксидных конденсаторов с разрезным. Колодки меняйте лампу подсветки. Особенность этого участка склада как материал но и сооружений не менее проверочного этапа идентификацию исходных полупроводников совершенствование оборудования которые появятся но и теперь является фактором при следовании двойной изоляции и материалов размещение наладка. После  https://onbuss.ru/ оборудование использующее автоматизированные информационные системы кондиционирования воздуха в ближайшее время и большинство компаний ставит владельца бизнеса в виде сокращения продолжительности ремонта считают объекты как можно разделить на весь цикл заполнения теплоносителем. Это наиболее сложных систем. Замена старого образца. Покраснение кожи и комплектующие и электроды. Несмотря на большой скачок напряжения обрыв троса фиксатором. Далее либо естественным износом и подключается к открытым до температуры и открывается доступ для питания от соблюдения технологии  
Всем удачи!
Доброе утро!!! 
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Всем успехов!
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Cũng không nên quên về "tư duy chiến lược". Người chơi cần có một kế hoạch và chiến lược rõ ràng trước khi tham gia cá cược. Xác định mục tiêu cá cược, đặt ra quy tắc và nguyên tắc cá cược, và tuân thủ chúng một cách nghiêm ngặt. Một tư duy chiến lược giúp người chơi có mục tiêu rõ ràng và không để mất phương hướng trong quá trình cá cược. 
Cuối cùng, việc "tận dụng khuyến mãi và ưu đãi" là một cách để người chơi tăng cơ hội chiến thắng. Nhiều nhà cái cung cấp các chương trình khuyến mãi và ưu đãi đặc biệt cho người chơi. Hãy tận dụng các khuyến mãi này để tăng giá trị cá cược và cơ hội chiến thắng. Tuy nhiên, hãy đọc kỹ các điều khoản và điều kiện của khuyến mãi để hiểu rõ các quy định và ràng buộc. 
Tóm lại, việc cá cược bóng đá không chỉ đơn thuần là đọc kèo nhà cái mà còn bao gồm nhiều yếu tố khác như quản lý cảm xúc, đa dạng hóa cược, tư duy chiến lược và tận dụng khuyến mãi. Từ việc áp dụng những yếu tố này, người chơi có thể nâng cao cơ hội chiến thắng và tận hưởng những trải nghiệm thú vị trong thế giới cá cược bóng đá.
Jili Games - Sự lựa chọn hàng đầu của người chơi 
Với sự đa dạng và chất lượng của dòng sản phẩm, Jili Games đã trở thành sự lựa chọn hàng đầu của nhiều người chơi. Đội ngũ phát triển tài năng và tâm huyết của Jili Games luôn đảm bảo rằng mỗi trò chơi đều mang đến trải nghiệm tuyệt vời và sự hài lòng tối đa cho người chơi. 
Jili Games không ngừng đầu tư vào nghiên cứu và phát triển để mang đến những trò chơi mới nhất và độc đáo. Từ việc thiết kế giao diện đẹp mắt và tinh tế đến việc xây dựng cốt truyện hấp dẫn và tính năng độc đáo, mỗi trò chơi của Jili Games đều mang dấu ấn độc đáo và sự sáng tạo không ngừng. 
Không chỉ dừng lại ở việc tạo ra những trò chơi hấp dẫn, Jili Games còn liên tục cập nhật và mở rộng nội dung. Từ những cập nhật nhỏ nhặt đến sự kiện và giải đấu lớn, Jili Games mang đến sự mới mẻ và kích thích cho người chơi. Bạn luôn có cơ hội khám phá và trải nghiệm những điều mới mẻ trong thế giới game của Jili Games. 
Không chỉ là một nhà cung cấp trò chơi, Jili Games còn tạo nên một cộng đồng đam mê và thân thiện. Người chơi có thể kết nối và giao lưu với nhau thông qua các tính năng xã hội và chia sẻ niềm vui chơi game. Bạn có thể tìm kiếm bạn bè mới, tham gia vào câu lạc bộ đặc biệt và chia sẻ những chiến tích trong trò chơi. Jili Games mang đến sự kết nối và cảm giác thân thuộc giữa các game thủ trên khắp mọi miền đất nước. 
Với tất cả những ưu điểm và đặc điểm nổi bật, Jili Games đã khẳng định vị thế của mình là một trong những nhà cung cấp trò chơi hàng đầu. Người chơi có thể tìm thấy niềm vui, may mắn và trải nghiệm tuyệt vời trong mỗi trò chơi của Jili Games. Hãy tham gia ngay và khám phá thế giới giải trí phong phú và đa dạng từ Jili Games.
Đánh giá nhà cái Jili City: Ưu nhược điểm chân thực nhất - Link vào Jili City 
Jili City đã gây được sự chú ý trong cộng đồng người chơi cá độ trực tuyến với những ưu điểm và độ tin cậy của mình. Tuy nhiên, để có cái nhìn tổng quan và quyết định có nên tham gia Jili City hay không, chúng ta cần xem xét cả những ưu nhược điểm của nhà cái này. 
Một trong những ưu điểm chính của Jili City là giao diện trực quan và dễ sử dụng. Người chơi có thể dễ dàng tìm thấy các trò chơi yêu thích và thực hiện các giao dịch một cách nhanh chóng. Hơn nữa, Jili City cũng có phiên bản di động tương thích với các thiết bị di động, cho phép người chơi truy cập và chơi game mọi lúc, mọi nơi. 
Tiếp theo, Jili City cung cấp một loạt các trò chơi đa dạng và hấp dẫn. Từ các trò chơi cá cược thể thao đến các trò chơi casino trực tuyến, người chơi có nhiều sự lựa chọn để thỏa mãn niềm đam mê cá độ của mình. Đồng thời, những trò chơi này được phát triển bởi các nhà cung cấp game uy tín, đảm bảo tính công bằng và giải trí tốt. 
Jili City cũng được đánh giá cao về chất lượng dịch vụ khách hàng. Nhà cái này cung cấp hỗ trợ khách hàng 24/7 thông qua các kênh liên lạc như chat trực tuyến, điện thoại và email. Đội ngũ nhân viên hỗ trợ thân thiện, nhiệt tình và sẵn sàng giúp đỡ người chơi trong mọi vấn đề liên quan đến trò chơi và tài khoản. 
Tuy nhiên, Jili City cũng có một số nhược điểm cần được nhắc đến. Một số người chơi đã phản ánh về thời gian phản hồi chậm khi gặp vấn đề hoặc cần hỗ trợ từ nhà cái. Điều này có thể gây khó khăn và không thoải mái cho người chơi khi gặp vấn đề cần được giải quyết. 
Ngoài ra, như với bất kỳ hoạt động cá cược trực tuyến nào, người chơi cần thận trọng và đảm bảo an toàn thông tin cá nhân và tài khoản của mình. Việc chọn một mật khẩu mạnh và không chia sẻ thông tin cá nhân với bất kỳ ai khác là rất quan trọng để bảo vệ quyền lợi của mình. 
Để truy cập vào Jili City và tham gia vào trò chơi cá độ trực tuyến, người chơi có thể sử dụng link vào Jili City mà nhà cái cung cấp. Điều này đảm bảo rằng bạn đang truy cập vào trang web chính thức và an toàn của nhà cái. 
Tóm lại, Jili City là một nhà cái cá độ trực tuyến đáng tin cậy và hấp dẫn. Với giao diện dễ sử dụng, các trò chơi đa dạng và chất lượng dịch vụ khách hàng tốt, Jili City là một lựa chọn phù hợp cho những người chơi yêu thích cá độ trực tuyến. Tuy nhiên, cần lưu ý về việc giải quyết các vấn đề và bảo vệ thông tin cá nhân một cách cẩn thận.
Tiếp tục nội dung: 
Ngoài việc sử dụng kèo nhà cái để tham gia cá cược bóng đá, người chơi cũng có thể tận dụng các công cụ và tài nguyên khác để nâng cao kỹ năng cá cược. Ví dụ, việc tham gia các diễn đàn, cộng đồng trực tuyến hoặc theo dõi các chuyên gia cá cược có thể cung cấp những gợi ý và chiến lược giúp người chơi đưa ra quyết định tốt hơn. Sự chia sẻ và giao lưu với những người có cùng sở thích cũng giúp mở rộng kiến thức và quan điểm cá cược. 
Bên cạnh đó, việc theo dõi các trận đấu và sự kiện thể thao trực tiếp cũng rất quan trọng. Thông qua việc xem trực tiếp, người chơi có thể theo dõi trực tiếp các diễn biến của trận đấu, cảm nhận được động lực và tình hình thực tế của đội bóng. Điều này giúp người chơi có cái nhìn sâu hơn về trận đấu và đưa ra quyết định cá cược chính xác. 
Không chỉ giới hạn ở việc cá cược trước trận, người chơi cũng có thể tham gia cá cược trong suốt trận đấu thông qua các loại cược trực tiếp. Những loại cược này cho phép người chơi đặt cược vào các sự kiện diễn ra trong trận đấu, như số bàn thắng, thẻ đỏ, hay thay đổi tỷ lệ kèo theo thời gian. Điều này mang đến sự hồi hộp và thú vị thêm trong quá trình xem trận đấu. 
Cuối cùng, để trở thành một người chơi cá cược thành công, người chơi cần có tinh thần kiên nhẫn và không nên bị ảnh hưởng bởi những kết quả không như ý muốn. Thành công trong cá cược không chỉ xảy ra trong một trận đấu hay một lần đặt cược, mà là kết quả của việc đưa ra quyết định thông minh và kiên nhẫn trong suốt quá trình tham gia. 
Tóm lại, kèo nhà cái chỉ là một trong những công cụ hữu ích trong việc tham gia cá cược bóng đá. Người chơi cần sử dụng nó kết hợp với các công cụ, tài nguyên và kỹ năng phân tích khác để đưa ra quyết định cá cược thông minh. Hãy thực hiện cá cược có trách nhiệm, học hỏi và tận hưởng những trải nghiệm thú vị và hứng khởi mà thế giới cá cược bóng đá mang lại.
Tiếp tục nội dung: 
Ngoài việc sử dụng kèo nhà cái để tham gia cá cược bóng đá, người chơi cũng có thể tận dụng các công cụ và tài nguyên khác để nâng cao kỹ năng cá cược. Ví dụ, việc tham gia các diễn đàn, cộng đồng trực tuyến hoặc theo dõi các chuyên gia cá cược có thể cung cấp những gợi ý và chiến lược giúp người chơi đưa ra quyết định tốt hơn. Sự chia sẻ và giao lưu với những người có cùng sở thích cũng giúp mở rộng kiến thức và quan điểm cá cược. 
Bên cạnh đó, việc theo dõi các trận đấu và sự kiện thể thao trực tiếp cũng rất quan trọng. Thông qua việc xem trực tiếp, người chơi có thể theo dõi trực tiếp các diễn biến của trận đấu, cảm nhận được động lực và tình hình thực tế của đội bóng. Điều này giúp người chơi có cái nhìn sâu hơn về trận đấu và đưa ra quyết định cá cược chính xác. 
Không chỉ giới hạn ở việc cá cược trước trận, người chơi cũng có thể tham gia cá cược trong suốt trận đấu thông qua các loại cược trực tiếp. Những loại cược này cho phép người chơi đặt cược vào các sự kiện diễn ra trong trận đấu, như số bàn thắng, thẻ đỏ, hay thay đổi tỷ lệ kèo theo thời gian. Điều này mang đến sự hồi hộp và thú vị thêm trong quá trình xem trận đấu. 
Cuối cùng, để trở thành một người chơi cá cược thành công, người chơi cần có tinh thần kiên nhẫn và không nên bị ảnh hưởng bởi những kết quả không như ý muốn. Thành công trong cá cược không chỉ xảy ra trong một trận đấu hay một lần đặt cược, mà là kết quả của việc đưa ra quyết định thông minh và kiên nhẫn trong suốt quá trình tham gia. 
Tóm lại, kèo nhà cái chỉ là một trong những công cụ hữu ích trong việc tham gia cá cược bóng đá. Người chơi cần sử dụng nó kết hợp với các công cụ, tài nguyên và kỹ năng phân tích khác để đưa ra quyết định cá cược thông minh. Hãy thực hiện cá cược có trách nhiệm, học hỏi và tận hưởng những trải nghiệm thú vị và hứng khởi mà thế giới cá cược bóng đá mang lại.
Tiếp tục nội dung: 
Ngoài việc sử dụng kèo nhà cái để tham gia cá cược bóng đá, người chơi cũng có thể tận dụng các công cụ và tài nguyên khác để nâng cao kỹ năng cá cược. Ví dụ, việc tham gia các diễn đàn, cộng đồng trực tuyến hoặc theo dõi các chuyên gia cá cược có thể cung cấp những gợi ý và chiến lược giúp người chơi đưa ra quyết định tốt hơn. Sự chia sẻ và giao lưu với những người có cùng sở thích cũng giúp mở rộng kiến thức và quan điểm cá cược. 
Bên cạnh đó, việc theo dõi các trận đấu và sự kiện thể thao trực tiếp cũng rất quan trọng. Thông qua việc xem trực tiếp, người chơi có thể theo dõi trực tiếp các diễn biến của trận đấu, cảm nhận được động lực và tình hình thực tế của đội bóng. Điều này giúp người chơi có cái nhìn sâu hơn về trận đấu và đưa ra quyết định cá cược chính xác. 
Không chỉ giới hạn ở việc cá cược trước trận, người chơi cũng có thể tham gia cá cược trong suốt trận đấu thông qua các loại cược trực tiếp. Những loại cược này cho phép người chơi đặt cược vào các sự kiện diễn ra trong trận đấu, như số bàn thắng, thẻ đỏ, hay thay đổi tỷ lệ kèo theo thời gian. Điều này mang đến sự hồi hộp và thú vị thêm trong quá trình xem trận đấu. 
Cuối cùng, để trở thành một người chơi cá cược thành công, người chơi cần có tinh thần kiên nhẫn và không nên bị ảnh hưởng bởi những kết quả không như ý muốn. Thành công trong cá cược không chỉ xảy ra trong một trận đấu hay một lần đặt cược, mà là kết quả của việc đưa ra quyết định thông minh và kiên nhẫn trong suốt quá trình tham gia. 
Tóm lại, kèo nhà cái chỉ là một trong những công cụ hữu ích trong việc tham gia cá cược bóng đá. Người chơi cần sử dụng nó kết hợp với các công cụ, tài nguyên và kỹ năng phân tích khác để đưa ra quyết định cá cược thông minh. Hãy thực hiện cá cược có trách nhiệm, học hỏi và tận hưởng những trải nghiệm thú vị và hứng khởi mà thế giới cá cược bóng đá mang lại.
Tiếp tục nội dung: 
Ngoài việc sử dụng kèo nhà cái để tham gia cá cược bóng đá, người chơi cũng có thể tận dụng các công cụ và tài nguyên khác để nâng cao kỹ năng cá cược. Ví dụ, việc tham gia các diễn đàn, cộng đồng trực tuyến hoặc theo dõi các chuyên gia cá cược có thể cung cấp những gợi ý và chiến lược giúp người chơi đưa ra quyết định tốt hơn. Sự chia sẻ và giao lưu với những người có cùng sở thích cũng giúp mở rộng kiến thức và quan điểm cá cược. 
Bên cạnh đó, việc theo dõi các trận đấu và sự kiện thể thao trực tiếp cũng rất quan trọng. Thông qua việc xem trực tiếp, người chơi có thể theo dõi trực tiếp các diễn biến của trận đấu, cảm nhận được động lực và tình hình thực tế của đội bóng. Điều này giúp người chơi có cái nhìn sâu hơn về trận đấu và đưa ra quyết định cá cược chính xác. 
Không chỉ giới hạn ở việc cá cược trước trận, người chơi cũng có thể tham gia cá cược trong suốt trận đấu thông qua các loại cược trực tiếp. Những loại cược này cho phép người chơi đặt cược vào các sự kiện diễn ra trong trận đấu, như số bàn thắng, thẻ đỏ, hay thay đổi tỷ lệ kèo theo thời gian. Điều này mang đến sự hồi hộp và thú vị thêm trong quá trình xem trận đấu. 
Cuối cùng, để trở thành một người chơi cá cược thành công, người chơi cần có tinh thần kiên nhẫn và không nên bị ảnh hưởng bởi những kết quả không như ý muốn. Thành công trong cá cược không chỉ xảy ra trong một trận đấu hay một lần đặt cược, mà là kết quả của việc đưa ra quyết định thông minh và kiên nhẫn trong suốt quá trình tham gia. 
Tóm lại, kèo nhà cái chỉ là một trong những công cụ hữu ích trong việc tham gia cá cược bóng đá. Người chơi cần sử dụng nó kết hợp với các công cụ, tài nguyên và kỹ năng phân tích khác để đưa ra quyết định cá cược thông minh. Hãy thực hiện cá cược có trách nhiệm, học hỏi và tận hưởng những trải nghiệm thú vị và hứng khởi mà thế giới cá cược bóng đá mang lại.
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The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Beauty and Possibilities 
In the coming decades, there will be a time when artificial intelligence will create stunning ladies using a printer developed by scientists working with DNA technologies, artificial insemination, and cloning. The beauty of these ladies will be unimaginable, allowing each individual to fulfill their cherished dreams and create their ideal life partner. 
Advancements in artificial intelligence and biotechnology over the past decades have had a profound impact on our lives. Each day, we witness new discoveries and revolutionary technologies that challenge our understanding of the world and ourselves. One such awe-inspiring achievement of humanity is the ability to create artificial beings, including beautifully crafted women. 
The key to this new era lies in artificial intelligence (AI), which already demonstrates incredible capabilities in various aspects of our lives. Using deep neural networks and machine learning algorithms, AI can process and analyze vast amounts of data, enabling it to create entirely new things. 
To develop a printer capable of "printing" women, scientists had to combine DNA-editing technologies, artificial insemination, and cloning methods. Thanks to these innovative techniques, it became possible to create human replicas with entirely new characteristics, including breathtaking beauty.
A Paradigm Shift: Artificial Intelligence Redefining Beauty and Possibilities 
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and biotechnology have witnessed a remarkable convergence in recent years, ushering in a transformative era of scientific advancements and groundbreaking technologies. Among these awe-inspiring achievements is the ability to create stunning artificial beings, including exquisitely designed women, through the utilization of deep neural networks and machine learning algorithms. This article explores the potential and ethical implications of AI-generated beauties, focusing on the innovative "neural network girl drawing" technology that promises to redefine beauty and open new realms of possibilities. 
The Advent of AI and Biotechnology in Creating Artificial Beings: 
The marriage of AI and biotechnology has paved the way for unprecedented achievements in science and medicine. Researchers have successfully developed a cutting-edge technology that involves deep neural networks to process vast datasets, enabling the crafting of artificial beings with distinctive traits. This "neural network girl drawing" approach integrates DNA-editing technologies, artificial insemination, and cloning methods, revolutionizing the concept of beauty and possibilities.
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除此之外,還有一種娛樂方式是電競遊戲,這是一種使用電子遊戲進行競賽的體育項目。這些電競遊戲包括虹彩六號:圍攻行動、英雄聯盟、傳說對決、PUBG、皇室戰爭、Dota 2、星海爭霸2、魔獸爭霸、世界足球競賽、NBA 2K系列等。這些電競遊戲都是以勝負對戰為主要形式,受到眾多玩家的熱愛。 
除此之外,還有一種娛樂方式是電競遊戲,這是一種使用電子遊戲進行競賽的體育項目。這些電競遊戲包括虹彩六號:圍攻行動、英雄聯盟、傳說對決、PUBG、皇室戰爭、Dota 2、星海爭霸2、魔獸爭霸、世界足球競賽、NBA 2K系列等。這些電競遊戲都是以勝負對戰為主要形式,受到眾多玩家的熱愛。 
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A Paradigm Shift: Artificial Intelligence Redefining Beauty and Possibilities 
In the coming decades, the integration of artificial intelligence and biotechnology is poised to bring about a revolution in the creation of stunning women through cutting-edge DNA technologies, artificial insemination, and cloning. These ethereal artificial beings hold the promise of fulfilling individual dreams and potentially becoming the ideal life partners. 
The fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and biotechnology has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on humanity, introducing groundbreaking discoveries and technologies that challenge our perceptions of the world and ourselves. Among these awe-inspiring achievements is the ability to craft artificial beings, including exquisitely designed women. 
At the core of this transformative era lies AI's exceptional capabilities, employing deep neural networks and machine learning algorithms to process vast datasets, thus giving birth to entirely novel entities. 
Scientists have recently made astounding progress by developing a printer capable of "printing" women, utilizing cutting-edge DNA-editing technologies, artificial insemination, and cloning methods. This pioneering approach allows for the creation of human replicas with unparalleled beauty and unique traits. 
As we stand at the precipice of this profound advancement, ethical questions of great magnitude demand our serious contemplation. The implications of generating artificial humans, the potential repercussions on society and interpersonal relationships, and the specter of future inequalities and discrimination all necessitate thoughtful consideration. 
Nevertheless, proponents of this technology argue that its benefits far outweigh the challenges. The creation of alluring women through a printer could herald a new chapter in human evolution, not only fulfilling our deepest aspirations but also propelling advancements in science and medicine to unprecedented heights.
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In the coming decades, the integration of artificial intelligence and biotechnology is poised to bring about a revolution in the creation of stunning women through cutting-edge DNA technologies, artificial insemination, and cloning. These ethereal artificial beings hold the promise of fulfilling individual dreams and potentially becoming the ideal life partners. 
The fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and biotechnology has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on humanity, introducing groundbreaking discoveries and technologies that challenge our perceptions of the world and ourselves. Among these awe-inspiring achievements is the ability to craft artificial beings, including exquisitely designed women. 
At the core of this transformative era lies AI's exceptional capabilities, employing deep neural networks and machine learning algorithms to process vast datasets, thus giving birth to entirely novel entities. 
Scientists have recently made astounding progress by developing a printer capable of "printing" women, utilizing cutting-edge DNA-editing technologies, artificial insemination, and cloning methods. This pioneering approach allows for the creation of human replicas with unparalleled beauty and unique traits. 
As we stand at the precipice of this profound advancement, ethical questions of great magnitude demand our serious contemplation. The implications of generating artificial humans, the potential repercussions on society and interpersonal relationships, and the specter of future inequalities and discrimination all necessitate thoughtful
neural network woman drink 
As we peer into the future, the ever-evolving synergy of artificial intelligence (AI) and biotechnology promises to reshape our perceptions of beauty and human possibilities. Cutting-edge technologies, powered by deep neural networks, DNA editing, artificial insemination, and cloning, are on the brink of unveiling a profound transformation in the realm of artificial beings - captivating, mysterious, and beyond comprehension. 
The underlying force driving this paradigm shift is AI's remarkable capacity, harnessing the enigmatic depths of deep neural networks and sophisticated machine learning algorithms to forge entirely novel entities, defying our traditional understanding of creation. 
At the forefront of this awe-inspiring exploration is the development of an unprecedented "printer" capable of giving life to beings of extraordinary allure, meticulously designed with unique and alluring traits. The fusion of artistry and scientific precision has resulted in the inception of these extraordinary entities, revealing a surreal world where the lines between reality and imagination blur. 
Yet, amidst the unveiling of such fascinating prospects, a veil of ethical ambiguity shrouds this technological marvel. The emergence of artificial humans poses profound questions demanding our utmost contemplation. Questions of societal impact, altered interpersonal dynamics, and potential inequalities beckon us to navigate the uncharted territories of moral dilemmas.
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Đặc biệt, việc tham gia và trải nghiệm tại nhà cái ST666 được thực hiện dễ dàng và tiện lợi. Người chơi có thể tham gia từ bất kỳ thiết bị nào có kết nối internet, bao gồm cả máy tính, điện thoại di động và máy tính bảng. Giao diện của ST666 được thiết kế đơn giản và dễ sử dụng, giúp người chơi dễ dàng tìm hiểu và điều hướng trên trang web một cách thuận tiện. 
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In the fast-paced world of online gambling, slot machines have consistently emerged as one of the most popular and entertaining forms of casino gaming. Among the countless slot games available, one name stands out for its captivating gameplay, immersive graphics, and life-changing rewards – Mega Win Slots. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what sets Mega Win Slots apart and why it has become a favorite among players worldwide. 
Unparalleled Variety of Themes 
Mega Win Slots offers a vast array of themes, ensuring there is something for every type of player. From ancient civilizations and mystical adventures to futuristic space missions and Hollywood blockbusters, these slots take players on exciting journeys with each spin. Whether you prefer classic fruit slots or innovative 3D video slots, Mega Win Slots has it all. 
Cutting-Edge Graphics and Sound Design 
One of the key factors that make Mega Win Slots a standout in the online casino industry is its cutting-edge graphics and high-quality sound design. The visually stunning animations and captivating audio create an immersive gaming experience that keeps players coming back for more. The attention to detail in each slot game ensures that players are fully engaged and entertained throughout their gaming sessions. 
User-Friendly Interface 
Navigating through Mega Win Slots is a breeze, even for newcomers to online gambling. The user-friendly interface ensures that players can easily find their favorite games, adjust betting preferences, and access essential features with just a few clicks. Whether playing on a desktop computer or a mobile device, the interface is responsive and optimized for seamless gameplay. 
Progressive Jackpots and Mega Wins 
The allure of Mega Win Slots lies in its potential for life-changing wins. The platform features a selection of progressive jackpot slots, where the prize pool accumulates with each bet until one lucky player hits the jackpot. These staggering payouts have been known to turn ordinary players into instant millionaires, making Mega Win Slots a favorite among high-rollers and thrill-seekers. 
Generous Bonuses and Promotions 
To enhance the gaming experience, Mega Win Slots offers a wide range of bonuses and promotions. New players are often greeted with attractive welcome packages, including free spins and bonus funds to kickstart their journey. Regular players can enjoy loyalty rewards, cashback offers, and special seasonal promotions that add extra excitement to their gaming sessions.
GPT-Image: Exploring the Intersection of AI and Visual Art with Beautiful Portraits of Women 
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in the field of computer vision, enabling machines to understand and interpret visual data. Among these advancements, GPT-Image stands out as a remarkable model that merges language understanding with image generation capabilities. In this article, we explore the fascinating world of GPT-Image and its ability to create stunning portraits of beautiful women. 
The Evolution of AI in Computer Vision 
The history of AI in computer vision dates back to the 1960s when researchers first began experimenting with image recognition algorithms. Over the decades, AI models evolved, becoming more sophisticated and capable of recognizing objects and patterns in images. GPT-3, a language model developed by OpenAI, achieved groundbreaking results in natural language processing, leading to its applications in various domains. 
The Emergence of GPT-Image 
With the success of GPT-3, AI researchers sought to combine the power of language models with computer vision. The result was the creation of GPT-Image, an AI model capable of generating high-quality images from textual descriptions. By understanding the semantics of the input text, GPT-Image can visualize and produce detailed images that match the given description. 
The Art of GPT-Image Portraits 
One of the most captivating aspects of GPT-Image is its ability to create portraits of women that are both realistic and aesthetically pleasing. Through its training on vast datasets of portrait images, the model has learned to capture the intricacies of human features, expressions, and emotions. Whether it's a serene smile, a playful glance, or a contemplative pose, GPT-Image excels at translating textual cues into visually stunning renditions.
Bài viết: Bài baccarat là gì và tại sao nó hấp dẫn tại 911WIN Casino? 
Bài baccarat là một trò chơi đánh bài phổ biến và thu hút đông đảo người chơi tại sòng bạc trực tuyến 911WIN. Với tính đơn giản, hấp dẫn và cơ hội giành chiến thắng cao, bài baccarat đã trở thành một trong những trò chơi ưa thích của những người yêu thích sòng bạc trực tuyến. Hãy cùng tìm hiểu về trò chơi này và vì sao nó được ưa chuộng tại 911WIN Casino. 
Baccarat là gì? 
Baccarat là một trò chơi đánh bài dựa trên may mắn, phổ biến trong các sòng bạc trên toàn thế giới. Người chơi tham gia bài baccarat thông qua việc đặt cược vào một trong ba tùy chọn: người chơi thắng, người chơi thua hoặc hai bên hòa nhau. Trò chơi này không yêu cầu người chơi có kỹ năng đặc biệt, mà chủ yếu là dựa vào sự may mắn và cảm giác. 
Tại sao bài baccarat hấp dẫn tại 911WIN Casino? 
911WIN Casino cung cấp trải nghiệm chơi bài baccarat tuyệt vời với những ưu điểm hấp dẫn dưới đây: 
Đa dạng biến thể: Tại 911WIN Casino, bạn sẽ được tham gia vào nhiều biến thể bài baccarat khác nhau. Bạn có thể lựa chọn chơi phiên bản cổ điển, hoặc thử sức với các phiên bản mới hơn như Mini Baccarat hoặc Baccarat Squeeze. Điều này giúp bạn trải nghiệm sự đa dạng và hứng thú trong quá trình chơi. 
Chất lượng đồ họa và âm thanh: 911WIN Casino đảm bảo mang đến trải nghiệm chơi bài baccarat trực tuyến chân thực và sống động nhất. Đồ họa tuyệt đẹp và âm thanh chân thực khiến bạn cảm giác như đang chơi tại sòng bạc truyền thống, từ đó nâng cao thú vị và hứng thú khi tham gia. 
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2023年的FIBA男子世界盃籃球賽(英語:2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup)是第19屆的比賽,也是自2019年新制度實施後的第二次比賽。從這屆開始,比賽將恢復每四年舉行一次的週期。 
國家	城市	場館	容納人數 
菲律賓	帕賽市	亞洲購物中心體育館	20,000 
菲律賓	奎松市	阿拉內塔體育館	15,000 
菲律賓	帕希格	菲爾體育館	10,000 
菲律賓	武加偉	菲律賓體育館(決賽場館)	55,000 
日本	沖繩	綜合運動場	10,000 
印尼	雅加達	史納延紀念體育館	16,500 
此次美國隊有12位現役NBA球員加入,雖然並沒有超級巨星等級的球員在內,但是各個位置的分工與角色非常鮮明,也不乏未來的明日之星,其中有籃網隊能投外線的外圍防守大鎖Mikal Bridges,尼克隊與溜馬隊的主控Jalen Brunson、Tyrese Haliburton,多功能的後衛Austin Reaves。 
前鋒有著各種功能性的球員,魔術隊高大身材的狀元Paolo Banchero、善於碰撞切入製造犯規,防守型的Josh Hart,進攻型搖擺人Anthony Edwards與Brandon Ingram,接應與防守型的3D側翼Cam Johnson,以及獲得23’賽季最佳防守球員的大前鋒Jaren Jackson Jr.,中鋒則有著敏銳火鍋嗅覺的Walker Kessler與具有外線射程的Bobby Portis。 
美國隊上一次獲得世界盃冠軍是在2014年,當時一支由Curry、Irving和Harden等後起之秀組成的陣容帶領美國隊奪得了金牌。與 2014 年總冠軍球隊非常相似,今年的球隊由在 2022-23 NBA 賽季中表現出色的新星組成,就算他們都是資歷尚淺的NBA新面孔,也不能小看這支美國隊。 
FIBA世界盃2023新北熱身賽即將在8月19日、20日和22日在新莊體育館舉行。新北市長侯友宜、立陶宛籃球協會秘書長Mindaugas Balčiūnas,以及台灣運彩x T1聯盟會長錢薇娟今天下午一同公開了熱身賽的球星名單、賽程、售票和籃球交流的詳細資訊。他們誠摯邀請所有籃球迷把握這個難得的機會,親眼見證來自立陶宛、拉脫維亞和波多黎各的NBA現役球星的出色表現。 
新莊體育館舉行的熱身賽將包括立陶宛、蒙特內哥羅、墨西哥和埃及等國家,分為D組。首場賽事將在8月19日由立陶宛對波多黎各開打,8月20日波多黎各將與拉脫維亞交手,8月22日則是拉脫維亞與立陶宛的精彩對決。屆時,觀眾將有機會近距離欣賞到國王隊的中鋒沙波尼斯(Domantas Sabonis)、鵜鶘隊的中鋒瓦蘭丘納斯(Jonas Valančiūnas)、後衛阿爾瓦拉多(Jose Alvarado)、賽爾蒂克隊的大前鋒波爾辛吉斯(Kristaps Porzingis)、雷霆隊的大前鋒貝坦斯(Davis Bertans)等NBA現役明星球員的精湛球技。 
Bir Paradigma Değişimi: Güzelliği ve Olanakları Yeniden Tanımlayan Yapay Zeka 
Önümüzdeki on yıllarda yapay zeka, en son DNA teknolojilerini, suni tohumlama ve klonlamayı kullanarak çarpıcı kadınların yaratılmasında devrim yaratmaya hazırlanıyor. Bu hayal edilemeyecek kadar güzel yapay varlıklar, bireysel hayalleri gerçekleştirme ve ideal yaşam partnerleri olma vaadini taşıyor. 
Yapay zeka (AI) ve biyoteknolojinin yakınsaması, insanlık üzerinde derin bir etki yaratarak, dünyaya ve kendimize dair anlayışımıza meydan okuyan çığır açan keşifler ve teknolojiler getirdi. Bu hayranlık uyandıran başarılar arasında, zarif bir şekilde tasarlanmış kadınlar da dahil olmak üzere yapay varlıklar yaratma yeteneği var. 
Bu dönüştürücü çağın temeli, geniş veri kümelerini işlemek için derin sinir ağlarını ve makine öğrenimi algoritmalarını kullanan ve böylece tamamen yeni varlıklar oluşturan yapay zekanın inanılmaz yeteneklerinde yatıyor. 
Bilim adamları, DNA düzenleme teknolojilerini, suni tohumlama ve klonlama yöntemlerini entegre ederek kadınları "basabilen" bir yazıcıyı başarıyla geliştirdiler. Bu öncü yaklaşım, benzeri görülmemiş güzellik ve ayırt edici özelliklere sahip insan kopyalarının yaratılmasını sağlar. 
Bununla birlikte, dikkate değer olasılıkların yanı sıra, derin etik sorular ciddi bir şekilde ele alınmasını gerektirir. Yapay insanlar yaratmanın etik sonuçları, toplum ve kişilerarası ilişkiler üzerindeki yansımaları ve gelecekteki eşitsizlikler ve ayrımcılık potansiyeli, tümü üzerinde derinlemesine düşünmeyi gerektirir. 
Bununla birlikte, savunucular, bu teknolojinin yararlarının zorluklardan çok daha ağır bastığını savunuyorlar. Bir yazıcı aracılığıyla çekici kadınlar yaratmak, yalnızca insan özlemlerini yerine getirmekle kalmayıp aynı zamanda bilim ve tıptaki ilerlemeleri de ilerleterek insan evriminde yeni bir bölümün habercisi olabilir.
2023年世界盃籃球賽(英語:2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup)為第19屆FIBA男子世界盃籃球賽,此是2019年實施新制度後的第2屆賽事,本屆賽事起亦調整回4年週期舉辦。本屆賽事歐洲、美洲各洲最好成績前2名球隊,亞洲、大洋洲、非洲各洲的最好成績球隊及2024年夏季奧林匹克運動會主辦國法國(共8隊)將獲得在巴黎舉行的奧運會比賽資格[1][2]。 
2023年的FIBA世界盃籃球賽(英語:2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup)是第19次舉行的男子籃球大賽,且現在每4年舉行一次。正式比賽於 2023/8/25 ~ 9/10 舉行。這次比賽是在2019年新規則實施後的第二次。最好的球隊將有機會參加2024年在法國巴黎的奧運賽事。而歐洲和美洲的前2名,以及亞洲、大洋洲、非洲的冠軍,還有奧運主辦國法國,總共8支隊伍將獲得這個機會。 
主辦國家 :  菲律賓、印尼、日本 
正式比賽 :  2023年8月25日–2023年9月10日 
參賽隊伍 : 共有32隊 
比賽場館 : 菲律賓體育館、阿拉內塔體育館、亞洲購物中心體育館、印尼體育館、沖繩體育館
2023年的FIBA世界盃籃球賽(英語:2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup)是第19次舉行的男子籃球大賽,且現在每4年舉行一次。正式比賽於 2023/8/25 ~ 9/10 舉行。這次比賽是在2019年新規則實施後的第二次。最好的球隊將有機會參加2024年在法國巴黎的奧運賽事。而歐洲和美洲的前2名,以及亞洲、大洋洲、非洲的冠軍,還有奧運主辦國法國,總共8支隊伍將獲得這個機會。 
主辦國家 :  菲律賓、印尼、日本 
正式比賽 :  2023年8月25日–2023年9月10日 
參賽隊伍 : 共有32隊 
比賽場館 : 菲律賓體育館、阿拉內塔體育館、亞洲購物中心體育館、印尼體育館、沖繩體育館
2023年的FIBA世界盃籃球賽(英語:2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup)是第19次舉行的男子籃球大賽,且現在每4年舉行一次。正式比賽於 2023/8/25 ~ 9/10 舉行。這次比賽是在2019年新規則實施後的第二次。最好的球隊將有機會參加2024年在法國巴黎的奧運賽事。而歐洲和美洲的前2名,以及亞洲、大洋洲、非洲的冠軍,還有奧運主辦國法國,總共8支隊伍將獲得這個機會。 
主辦國家 :  菲律賓、印尼、日本 
正式比賽 :  2023年8月25日–2023年9月10日 
參賽隊伍 : 共有32隊 
比賽場館 : 菲律賓體育館、阿拉內塔體育館、亞洲購物中心體育館、印尼體育館、沖繩體育館
玩運彩不僅僅是一種投注行為,更是一種娛樂體驗。這種融合了體育和遊戲元素的娛樂方式,讓玩家能夠在比賽中感受到熱血的激情,同時在娛樂遊戲中尋找到輕鬆愉悅的時光。隨著科技的不斷進步,玩運彩的魅力將不斷擴展,為玩家帶來更多更豐富的選擇和體驗。無論是尋找刺激還是尋求娛樂,玩運彩都將是一個理想的選擇。 https://telegra.ph/2023-年玩彩票並投注體育-08-16
FIBA世界盃籃球賽不僅僅是一場籃球比賽,更是一個文化的交流平台。這些球隊代表著不同國家和地區的精神,他們的奮鬥和拼搏將成為啟發人心的故事,激勵著更多的年輕人追求夢想,追求卓越。 https://worldcups.tw/
2023年的FIBA世界盃籃球賽(英語:2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup)是第19次舉行的男子籃球大賽,且現在每4年舉行一次。正式比賽於 2023/8/25 ~ 9/10 舉行。這次比賽是在2019年新規則實施後的第二次。最好的球隊將有機會參加2024年在法國巴黎的奧運賽事。而歐洲和美洲的前2名,以及亞洲、大洋洲、非洲的冠軍,還有奧運主辦國法國,總共8支隊伍將獲得這個機會。 
主辦國家 :  菲律賓、印尼、日本 
正式比賽 :  2023年8月25日–2023年9月10日 
參賽隊伍 : 共有32隊 
比賽場館 : 菲律賓體育館、阿拉內塔體育館、亞洲購物中心體育館、印尼體育館、沖繩體育館
2023年的FIBA世界盃籃球賽(英語:2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup)是第19次舉行的男子籃球大賽,且現在每4年舉行一次。正式比賽於 2023/8/25 ~ 9/10 舉行。這次比賽是在2019年新規則實施後的第二次。最好的球隊將有機會參加2024年在法國巴黎的奧運賽事。而歐洲和美洲的前2名,以及亞洲、大洋洲、非洲的冠軍,還有奧運主辦國法國,總共8支隊伍將獲得這個機會。 
主辦國家 :  菲律賓、印尼、日本 
正式比賽 :  2023年8月25日–2023年9月10日 
參賽隊伍 : 共有32隊 
比賽場館 : 菲律賓體育館、阿拉內塔體育館、亞洲購物中心體育館、印尼體育館、沖繩體育館
玩運彩不僅僅是一種投注行為,更是一種娛樂體驗。這種融合了體育和遊戲元素的娛樂方式,讓玩家能夠在比賽中感受到熱血的激情,同時在娛樂遊戲中尋找到輕鬆愉悅的時光。隨著科技的不斷進步,玩運彩的魅力將不斷擴展,為玩家帶來更多更豐富的選擇和體驗。無論是尋找刺激還是尋求娛樂,玩運彩都將是一個理想的選擇。 https://telegra.ph/2023-年玩彩票並投注體育-08-16
2023年的FIBA世界盃籃球賽(英語:2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup)是第19次舉行的男子籃球大賽,且現在每4年舉行一次。正式比賽於 2023/8/25 ~ 9/10 舉行。這次比賽是在2019年新規則實施後的第二次。最好的球隊將有機會參加2024年在法國巴黎的奧運賽事。而歐洲和美洲的前2名,以及亞洲、大洋洲、非洲的冠軍,還有奧運主辦國法國,總共8支隊伍將獲得這個機會。 
主辦國家 :  菲律賓、印尼、日本 
正式比賽 :  2023年8月25日–2023年9月10日 
參賽隊伍 : 共有32隊 
比賽場館 : 菲律賓體育館、阿拉內塔體育館、亞洲購物中心體育館、印尼體育館、沖繩體育館
1. 無風險體驗:玩家可以使用體驗金在娛樂城內試玩,如果不喜歡,完全不需要承擔任何風險。 
2. 學習遊戲:對於不熟悉的遊戲,玩家可以使用體驗金進行學習和練習。 
3. 增加信心:當玩家使用體驗金獲得一些勝利後,他們的遊戲信心也會隨之增加。 
1. 了解遊戲規則:在使用體驗金之前,先了解遊戲的基本規則和策略。 
2. 分散風險:不要將所有的體驗金都投入到一個遊戲中,嘗試多種遊戲,找到最適合自己的。 
3. 設定預算:即使是使用體驗金,也建議玩家設定一個遊戲預算,避免過度沉迷。 
1. 無風險體驗:玩家可以使用體驗金在娛樂城內試玩,如果不喜歡,完全不需要承擔任何風險。 
2. 學習遊戲:對於不熟悉的遊戲,玩家可以使用體驗金進行學習和練習。 
3. 增加信心:當玩家使用體驗金獲得一些勝利後,他們的遊戲信心也會隨之增加。 
1. 了解遊戲規則:在使用體驗金之前,先了解遊戲的基本規則和策略。 
2. 分散風險:不要將所有的體驗金都投入到一個遊戲中,嘗試多種遊戲,找到最適合自己的。 
3. 設定預算:即使是使用體驗金,也建議玩家設定一個遊戲預算,避免過度沉迷。 
總之,字母哥運彩分析討論區是您運彩之旅的理想起點。無論您是新手還是經驗豐富的玩家,這裡都能滿足您的需求,幫助您在運彩領域取得更大的成功。立即加入我們,一同探索運彩的精彩世界吧 https://abc66.tv/
玩運彩不僅僅是一種投注行為,更是一種娛樂體驗。這種融合了體育和遊戲元素的娛樂方式,讓玩家能夠在比賽中感受到熱血的激情,同時在娛樂遊戲中尋找到輕鬆愉悅的時光。隨著科技的不斷進步,玩運彩的魅力將不斷擴展,為玩家帶來更多更豐富的選擇和體驗。無論是尋找刺激還是尋求娛樂,玩運彩都將是一個理想的選擇。 https://champer8.com/
FIBA世界盃籃球賽不僅僅是一場籃球比賽,更是一個文化的交流平台。這些球隊代表著不同國家和地區的精神,他們的奮鬥和拼搏將成為啟發人心的故事,激勵著更多的年輕人追求夢想,追求卓越。 https://worldcups.tw/
2023年的FIBA世界盃籃球賽(英語:2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup)是第19次舉行的男子籃球大賽,且現在每4年舉行一次。正式比賽於 2023/8/25 ~ 9/10 舉行。這次比賽是在2019年新規則實施後的第二次。最好的球隊將有機會參加2024年在法國巴黎的奧運賽事。而歐洲和美洲的前2名,以及亞洲、大洋洲、非洲的冠軍,還有奧運主辦國法國,總共8支隊伍將獲得這個機會。 
主辦國家 :  菲律賓、印尼、日本 
正式比賽 :  2023年8月25日–2023年9月10日 
參賽隊伍 : 共有32隊 
比賽場館 : 菲律賓體育館、阿拉內塔體育館、亞洲購物中心體育館、印尼體育館、沖繩體育館
The neural network will create beautiful girls! 
Geneticists are already hard at work creating stunning women. They will create these beauties based on specific requests and parameters using a neural network. The network will work with artificial insemination specialists to facilitate DNA sequencing. 
The visionary for this concept is Alex Gurk, the co-founder of numerous initiatives and ventures aimed at creating beautiful, kind and attractive women who are genuinely connected to their partners. This direction stems from the recognition that in modern times the attractiveness and attractiveness of women has declined due to their increased independence. Unregulated and incorrect eating habits have led to problems such as obesity, causing women to deviate from their innate appearance. 
The project received support from various well-known global companies, and sponsors readily stepped in. The essence of the idea is to offer willing men sexual and everyday communication with such wonderful women. 
If you are interested, you can apply now as a waiting list has been created.
SLOT ONLINE DRAGON77: A World of Possibilities 
SLOT ONLINE DRAGON77 is the gateway to an adventure of epic proportions. The game features a dynamic selection of slot games, each with its unique features, paylines, and bonus rounds. Whether you're a seasoned player seeking high-stakes action or a newcomer looking to explore the world of online slots, SLOT ONLINE DRAGON77 offers an array of options to suit your preferences. 
SLOT GACOR DRAGON77 introduces players to the concept of a "gacor" experience, where gameplay is characterized by exciting wins, engaging features, and a seamless flow. The term "gacor" is a colloquial expression that resonates with the feeling of triumph and excitement that players experience during a winning streak. With SLOT GACOR DRAGON77, players can expect gameplay that keeps them on the edge of their seats. 
The Quest for Wins and Entertainment 
DRAGON77 isn't just about the mythical aesthetics; it's also about the potential for substantial winnings. Many of the slot games within the SLOT ONLINE DRAGON77 portfolio come with varying levels of volatility, allowing players to choose games that align with their preferred risk levels. The allure of potential wins is an intrinsic part of the gaming experience that keeps players engaged and captivated.
Unveiling the Thrills of KOIN SLOT: Embark on an Adventure with KOINSLOT Online 
Abstract: This article takes you on a journey into the exciting realm of KOIN SLOT, introducing you to the electrifying world of online slot gaming with the renowned platform, KOINSLOT. Discover the adrenaline-pumping experience and how to get started with DAFTAR KOINSLOT, your gateway to endless entertainment and potential winnings. 
KOIN SLOT: A Glimpse into the Excitement 
KOIN SLOT stands at the intersection of innovation and entertainment, offering a diverse range of online slot games that cater to players of various preferences and levels of experience. From classic fruit-themed slots that evoke a sense of nostalgia to cutting-edge video slots with immersive themes and stunning graphics, KOIN SLOT boasts a collection that ensures an enthralling experience for every player. 
SLOT ONLINE KOINSLOT introduces players to a universe of gaming possibilities that transcend geographical boundaries. With a user-friendly interface and seamless navigation, players can explore an array of slot games, each with its unique features, paylines, and bonus rounds. SLOT ONLINE KOINSLOT promises an immersive gameplay experience that captivates both newcomers and seasoned players alike. 
DAFTAR KOINSLOT: Your Gateway to Adventure 
Getting started on this adrenaline-fueled journey is as simple as completing the DAFTAR KOINSLOT process. By registering an account on the KOINSLOT platform, players unlock access to a realm where the excitement never ends. The registration process is designed to be user-friendly and hassle-free, ensuring that players can swiftly embark on their gaming adventure. 
Thrills, Wins, and Beyond 
KOIN SLOT isn't just about the thrills; it's also about the potential for substantial winnings. Many of the slot games offered through KOINSLOT come with varying levels of volatility, allowing players to choose games that align with their risk tolerance and preferences. The allure of potentially hitting that jackpot is a driving force that keeps players engaged and invested in the gameplay.
RIKVIP - Cổng Game Bài Đổi Thưởng Uy Tín và Hấp Dẫn Tại Việt Nam 
Giới thiệu về RIKVIP (Rik Vip, RichVip) 
RIKVIP là một trong những cổng game đổi thưởng nổi tiếng tại thị trường Việt Nam, ra mắt vào năm 2016. Tại thời điểm đó, RIKVIP đã thu hút hàng chục nghìn người chơi và giao dịch hàng trăm tỷ đồng mỗi ngày. Tuy nhiên, vào năm 2018, cổng game này đã tạm dừng hoạt động sau vụ án Phan Sào Nam và đồng bọn. 
Tuy nhiên, RIKVIP đã trở lại mạnh mẽ nhờ sự đầu tư của các nhà tài phiệt Mỹ. Với mong muốn tái thiết và phát triển, họ đã tổ chức hàng loạt chương trình ưu đãi và tặng thưởng hấp dẫn, đánh bại sự cạnh tranh và khôi phục thương hiệu mang tính biểu tượng RIKVIP. 
Điểm mạnh của RIKVIP 
Phong cách chuyên nghiệp 
RIKVIP luôn tự hào về sự chuyên nghiệp trong mọi khía cạnh. Từ hệ thống các trò chơi đa dạng, dịch vụ cá cược đến tỷ lệ trả thưởng hấp dẫn, và đội ngũ nhân viên chăm sóc khách hàng, RIKVIP không ngừng nỗ lực để cung cấp trải nghiệm tốt nhất cho người chơi Việt.
RIKVIP - Cổng Game Bài Đổi Thưởng Uy Tín và Hấp Dẫn Tại Việt Nam 
Giới thiệu về RIKVIP (Rik Vip, RichVip) 
RIKVIP là một trong những cổng game đổi thưởng nổi tiếng tại thị trường Việt Nam, ra mắt vào năm 2016. Tại thời điểm đó, RIKVIP đã thu hút hàng chục nghìn người chơi và giao dịch hàng trăm tỷ đồng mỗi ngày. Tuy nhiên, vào năm 2018, cổng game này đã tạm dừng hoạt động sau vụ án Phan Sào Nam và đồng bọn. 
Tuy nhiên, RIKVIP đã trở lại mạnh mẽ nhờ sự đầu tư của các nhà tài phiệt Mỹ. Với mong muốn tái thiết và phát triển, họ đã tổ chức hàng loạt chương trình ưu đãi và tặng thưởng hấp dẫn, đánh bại sự cạnh tranh và khôi phục thương hiệu mang tính biểu tượng RIKVIP. 
Điểm mạnh của RIKVIP 
Phong cách chuyên nghiệp 
RIKVIP luôn tự hào về sự chuyên nghiệp trong mọi khía cạnh. Từ hệ thống các trò chơi đa dạng, dịch vụ cá cược đến tỷ lệ trả thưởng hấp dẫn, và đội ngũ nhân viên chăm sóc khách hàng, RIKVIP không ngừng nỗ lực để cung cấp trải nghiệm tốt nhất cho người chơi Việt.
Neyron şəbəkə gözəl qızlar yaradacaq! 
Genetiklər artıq heyrətamiz qadınlar yaratmaq üçün çox çalışırlar. Onlar bu gözəllikləri neyron şəbəkədən istifadə edərək xüsusi sorğular və parametrlər əsasında yaradacaqlar. Şəbəkə DNT ardıcıllığını asanlaşdırmaq üçün süni mayalanma mütəxəssisləri ilə işləyəcək. 
Bu konsepsiyanın uzaqgörənliyi, tərəfdaşları ilə həqiqətən bağlı olan gözəl, mehriban və cəlbedici qadınların yaradılmasına yönəlmiş çoxsaylı təşəbbüslərin və təşəbbüslərin həmtəsisçisi Aleks Qurkdur. Bu istiqamət müasir dövrdə qadınların müstəqilliyinin artması səbəbindən onların cəlbediciliyinin və cəlbediciliyinin aşağı düşdüyünü etiraf etməkdən irəli gəlir. Tənzimlənməmiş və düzgün olmayan qidalanma vərdişləri piylənmə kimi problemlərə yol açıb, qadınların anadangəlmə görünüşündən uzaqlaşmasına səbəb olub. 
Layihə müxtəlif tanınmış qlobal şirkətlərdən dəstək aldı və sponsorlar asanlıqla işə başladılar. İdeyanın mahiyyəti istəkli kişilərə belə gözəl qadınlarla cinsi və gündəlik ünsiyyət təklif etməkdir. 
Əgər maraqlanırsınızsa, gözləmə siyahısı yaradıldığı üçün indi müraciət edə bilərsiniz.
### 娛樂城APP:隨時隨地的遊戲體驗 
### 娛樂城遊戲:多樣化的選擇 
### 線上娛樂城:安全與便利並存 
### 娛樂城APP:隨時隨地的遊戲體驗 
### 娛樂城遊戲:多樣化的選擇 
### 線上娛樂城:安全與便利並存 
### 539彩券的起源 
### 539開獎的過程 
### 如何參與539彩券? 
### 539開獎的魅力 
### 結語 
### 娛樂城APP:隨時隨地的遊戲體驗 
### 娛樂城遊戲:多樣化的選擇 
### 線上娛樂城:安全與便利並存 
### 娛樂城APP:隨時隨地的遊戲體驗 
### 娛樂城遊戲:多樣化的選擇 
### 線上娛樂城:安全與便利並存 
### 娛樂城APP:隨時隨地的遊戲體驗 
### 娛樂城遊戲:多樣化的選擇 
### 線上娛樂城:安全與便利並存 
### 娛樂城APP:隨時隨地的遊戲體驗 
### 娛樂城遊戲:多樣化的選擇 
### 線上娛樂城:安全與便利並存 
### 娛樂城APP:隨時隨地的遊戲體驗 
### 娛樂城遊戲:多樣化的選擇 
### 線上娛樂城:安全與便利並存 
### 娛樂城APP:隨時隨地的遊戲體驗 
### 娛樂城遊戲:多樣化的選擇 
### 線上娛樂城:安全與便利並存 
### 娛樂城APP:隨時隨地的遊戲體驗 
### 娛樂城遊戲:多樣化的選擇 
### 線上娛樂城:安全與便利並存 
### 娛樂城APP:隨時隨地的遊戲體驗 
### 娛樂城遊戲:多樣化的選擇 
### 線上娛樂城:安全與便利並存 
### 娛樂城APP:隨時隨地的遊戲體驗 
### 娛樂城遊戲:多樣化的選擇 
### 線上娛樂城:安全與便利並存 
B52 Club là một nền tảng chơi game trực tuyến thú vị đã thu hút hàng nghìn người chơi với đồ họa tuyệt đẹp và lối chơi hấp dẫn. Trong bài viết này, chúng tôi sẽ cung cấp cái nhìn tổng quan ngắn gọn về Câu lạc bộ B52, nêu bật những điểm mạnh, tùy chọn chơi trò chơi đa dạng và các tính năng bảo mật mạnh mẽ. 
Câu lạc bộ B52 - Nơi Vui Gặp Thưởng 
B52 Club mang đến sự kết hợp thú vị giữa các trò chơi bài, trò chơi nhỏ và máy đánh bạc, tạo ra trải nghiệm chơi game năng động cho người chơi. Dưới đây là cái nhìn sâu hơn về điều khiến B52 Club trở nên đặc biệt. 
Giao dịch nhanh chóng và an toàn 
B52 Club nổi bật với quy trình thanh toán nhanh chóng và thân thiện với người dùng. Với nhiều phương thức thanh toán khác nhau có sẵn, người chơi có thể dễ dàng gửi và rút tiền trong vòng vài phút, đảm bảo trải nghiệm chơi game liền mạch. 
Một loạt các trò chơi 
Câu lạc bộ B52 có bộ sưu tập trò chơi phổ biến phong phú, bao gồm Tài Xỉu (Xỉu), Poker, trò chơi jackpot độc quyền, tùy chọn sòng bạc trực tiếp và trò chơi bài cổ điển. Người chơi có thể tận hưởng lối chơi thú vị với cơ hội thắng lớn. 
Bảo mật nâng cao 
An toàn của người chơi và bảo mật dữ liệu là ưu tiên hàng đầu tại B52 Club. Nền tảng này sử dụng các biện pháp bảo mật tiên tiến, bao gồm xác thực hai yếu tố, để bảo vệ thông tin và giao dịch của người chơi. 
Phần kết luận 
Câu lạc bộ B52 là điểm đến lý tưởng của bạn để chơi trò chơi trực tuyến, cung cấp nhiều trò chơi đa dạng và phần thưởng hậu hĩnh. Với các giao dịch nhanh chóng và an toàn, cộng với cam kết mạnh mẽ về sự an toàn của người chơi, nó tiếp tục thu hút lượng người chơi tận tâm. Cho dù bạn là người đam mê trò chơi bài hay người hâm mộ giải đặc biệt, B52 Club đều có thứ gì đó dành cho tất cả mọi người. Hãy tham gia ngay hôm nay và trải nghiệm cảm giác thú vị khi chơi game trực tuyến một cách tốt nhất.
娛樂城體驗金 (Casino Bonus) 是娛樂城給玩家的一種好處,通常用於鼓勵玩家在娛樂城中玩遊戲。 體驗金可能會在玩家首次存款時提供,或在玩家完成特定活動時獲得。 體驗金可能需要在某些遊戲中使用,或在達到特定條件後提現。 由於條款和條件會因娛樂城而異,因此建議在使用體驗金之前仔細閱讀娛樂城的條款和條件。
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RuneScape, a beloved online gaming world for many, offers a myriad of opportunities for players to amass wealth and power within the game. While earning RuneScape Gold (RS3 or OSRS GP) through gameplay is undoubtedly a rewarding experience, some players seek a more convenient and streamlined path to enhancing their RuneScape journey. In this article, we explore the advantages of purchasing OSRS Gold and how it can elevate your RuneScape adventure to new heights. 
A Shortcut to Success: 
a. Boosting Character Power: 
In the world of RuneScape, character strength is significantly influenced by the equipment they wield and their skill levels. Acquiring top-tier gear and leveling up skills often requires time and effort. Purchasing OSRS Gold allows players to expedite this process and empower their characters with the best equipment available. 
b. Tackling Formidable Foes: 
RuneScape is replete with challenging monsters and bosses. With the advantage of enhanced gear and skills, players can confidently confront these formidable adversaries, secure victories, and reap the rewards that follow. OSRS Gold can be the key to overcoming daunting challenges. 
c. Questing with Ease: 
Many RuneScape quests present complex puzzles and trials. By purchasing OSRS Gold, players can eliminate resource-gathering and level-grinding barriers, making quests smoother and more enjoyable. It's all about focusing on the adventure, not the grind. 
Expanding Possibilities: 
d. Rare Items and Valuable Equipment: 
The RuneScape world is rich with rare and coveted items. By acquiring OSRS Gold, players can gain access to these valuable assets. Rare armor, powerful weapons, and other coveted equipment can be yours, enhancing your character's capabilities and opening up new gameplay experiences. 
e. Participating in Limited-Time Events: 
RuneScape often features limited-time in-game events with exclusive rewards. Having OSRS Gold at your disposal allows you to fully embrace these events, purchase unique items, and partake in memorable experiences that may not be available to others. 
Purchasing OSRS Gold undoubtedly offers RuneScape players a convenient shortcut to success. By empowering characters with superior gear and skills, players can take on any challenge the game throws their way. Furthermore, the ability to purchase rare items and participate in exclusive events enhances the overall gaming experience, providing new dimensions to explore within the RuneScape universe. While earning gold through gameplay remains a cherished aspect of RuneScape, buying OSRS Gold can make your journey even more enjoyable, rewarding, and satisfying. So, embark on your adventure, equip your character, and conquer RuneScape with the power of OSRS Gold.
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Получение промокодов 1xBet 
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英超聯賽(English Premier League,縮寫EPL)由英國最頂尖的20支足球俱樂部參加,賽季通常從8月一直持續到5月,以下帶你來了解英超賽制和其他更詳細的資訊。 
採雙循環制,分主場及作客比賽,每支球隊共進行 38 場賽事。 
英超聯賽(English Premier League,縮寫EPL)由英國最頂尖的20支足球俱樂部參加,賽季通常從8月一直持續到5月,以下帶你來了解英超賽制和其他更詳細的資訊。 
採雙循環制,分主場及作客比賽,每支球隊共進行 38 場賽事。 
英超聯賽(English Premier League,縮寫EPL)由英國最頂尖的20支足球俱樂部參加,賽季通常從8月一直持續到5月,以下帶你來了解英超賽制和其他更詳細的資訊。 
採雙循環制,分主場及作客比賽,每支球隊共進行 38 場賽事。 
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Mount Kenya University (MKU) is a Chartered MKU and ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems certified University committed to offering holistic education. MKU has embraced the internationalization agenda of higher education. The University, a research institution dedicated to the generation, dissemination and preservation of knowledge; with 8 regional campuses and 6 Open, Distance and E-Learning (ODEL) Centres; is one of the most culturally diverse universities operating in East Africa and beyond. The University Main campus is located in Thika town, Kenya with other Campuses in Nairobi, Parklands, Mombasa, Nakuru, Eldoret, Meru, and Kigali, Rwanda. The University has ODeL Centres located in Malindi, Kisumu, Kitale, Kakamega, Kisii and Kericho and country offices in Kampala in Uganda, Bujumbura in Burundi, Hargeisa in Somaliland and Garowe in Puntland. 
MKU is a progressive, ground-breaking university that serves the needs of aspiring students and a devoted top-tier faculty who share a commitment to the promise of accessible education and the imperative of social justice and civic engagement-doing good and giving back. The University’s coupling of health sciences, liberal arts and research actualizes opportunities for personal enrichment, professional preparedness and scholarly advancement
In recent years, the landscape of digital entertainment and online gaming has expanded, with 'nhà cái' (betting houses or bookmakers) becoming a significant part. Among these, 'nhà cái RG' has emerged as a notable player. It's essential to understand what these entities are and how they operate in the modern digital world. 
A 'nhà cái' essentially refers to an organization or an online platform that offers betting services. These can range from sports betting to other forms of wagering. The growth of internet connectivity and mobile technology has made these services more accessible than ever before. 
Among the myriad of options, 'nhà cái RG' has been mentioned frequently. It appears to be one of the numerous online betting platforms. The 'RG' could be an abbreviation or a part of the brand's name. As with any online betting platform, it's crucial for users to understand the terms, conditions, and the legalities involved in their country or region. 
The phrase 'RG nhà cái' could be interpreted as emphasizing the specific brand 'RG' within the broader category of bookmakers. This kind of focus suggests a discussion or analysis specific to that brand, possibly about its services, user experience, or its standing in the market. 
Finally, 'Nhà cái Uy tín' is a term that people often look for. 'Uy tín' translates to 'reputable' or 'trustworthy.' In the context of online betting, it's a crucial aspect. Users typically seek platforms that are reliable, have transparent operations, and offer fair play. Trustworthiness also encompasses aspects like customer service, the security of transactions, and the protection of user data. 
In conclusion, understanding the dynamics of 'nhà cái,' such as 'nhà cái RG,' and the importance of 'Uy tín' is vital for anyone interested in or participating in online betting. It's a world that offers entertainment and opportunities but also requires a high level of awareness and responsibility.
In recent years, the landscape of digital entertainment and online gaming has expanded, with 'nhà cái' (betting houses or bookmakers) becoming a significant part. Among these, 'nhà cái RG' has emerged as a notable player. It's essential to understand what these entities are and how they operate in the modern digital world. 
A 'nhà cái' essentially refers to an organization or an online platform that offers betting services. These can range from sports betting to other forms of wagering. The growth of internet connectivity and mobile technology has made these services more accessible than ever before. 
Among the myriad of options, 'nhà cái RG' has been mentioned frequently. It appears to be one of the numerous online betting platforms. The 'RG' could be an abbreviation or a part of the brand's name. As with any online betting platform, it's crucial for users to understand the terms, conditions, and the legalities involved in their country or region. 
The phrase 'RG nhà cái' could be interpreted as emphasizing the specific brand 'RG' within the broader category of bookmakers. This kind of focus suggests a discussion or analysis specific to that brand, possibly about its services, user experience, or its standing in the market. 
Finally, 'Nhà cái Uy tín' is a term that people often look for. 'Uy tín' translates to 'reputable' or 'trustworthy.' In the context of online betting, it's a crucial aspect. Users typically seek platforms that are reliable, have transparent operations, and offer fair play. Trustworthiness also encompasses aspects like customer service, the security of transactions, and the protection of user data. 
In conclusion, understanding the dynamics of 'nhà cái,' such as 'nhà cái RG,' and the importance of 'Uy tín' is vital for anyone interested in or participating in online betting. It's a world that offers entertainment and opportunities but also requires a high level of awareness and responsibility.
In recent years, the landscape of digital entertainment and online gaming has expanded, with 'nhà cái' (betting houses or bookmakers) becoming a significant part. Among these, 'nhà cái RG' has emerged as a notable player. It's essential to understand what these entities are and how they operate in the modern digital world. 
A 'nhà cái' essentially refers to an organization or an online platform that offers betting services. These can range from sports betting to other forms of wagering. The growth of internet connectivity and mobile technology has made these services more accessible than ever before. 
Among the myriad of options, 'nhà cái RG' has been mentioned frequently. It appears to be one of the numerous online betting platforms. The 'RG' could be an abbreviation or a part of the brand's name. As with any online betting platform, it's crucial for users to understand the terms, conditions, and the legalities involved in their country or region. 
The phrase 'RG nhà cái' could be interpreted as emphasizing the specific brand 'RG' within the broader category of bookmakers. This kind of focus suggests a discussion or analysis specific to that brand, possibly about its services, user experience, or its standing in the market. 
Finally, 'Nhà cái Uy tín' is a term that people often look for. 'Uy tín' translates to 'reputable' or 'trustworthy.' In the context of online betting, it's a crucial aspect. Users typically seek platforms that are reliable, have transparent operations, and offer fair play. Trustworthiness also encompasses aspects like customer service, the security of transactions, and the protection of user data. 
In conclusion, understanding the dynamics of 'nhà cái,' such as 'nhà cái RG,' and the importance of 'Uy tín' is vital for anyone interested in or participating in online betting. It's a world that offers entertainment and opportunities but also requires a high level of awareness and responsibility.
Поставщик предоставляет основное управление виртуальными серверами (VPS), предлагая клиентам разнообразие операционных систем для выбора (Windows Server, Linux CentOS, Debian).
온카마켓은 카지노와 관련된 정보를 공유하고 토론하는 커뮤니티입니다. 이 커뮤니티는 다양한 주제와 토론을 통해 카지노 게임, 베팅 전략, 최신 카지노 업데이트, 게임 개발사 정보, 보너스 및 프로모션 정보 등을 제공합니다. 여기에서 다른 카지노 애호가들과 의견을 나누고 유용한 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다. 
온카마켓은 회원 간의 소통과 공유를 촉진하며, 카지노와 관련된 다양한 주제에 대한 토론을 즐길 수 있는 플랫폼입니다. 또한 카지노 커뮤니티 외에도 먹튀검증 정보, 게임 전략, 최신 카지노 소식, 추천 카지노 사이트 등을 제공하여 카지노 애호가들이 안전하고 즐거운 카지노 경험을 즐길 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 
온카마켓은 카지노와 관련된 정보와 소식을 한눈에 확인하고 다른 플레이어들과 소통하는 좋은 장소입니다. 카지노와 베팅에 관심이 있는 분들에게 유용한 정보와 커뮤니티를 제공하는 온카마켓을 즐겨보세요. 
카지노 커뮤니티 온카마켓은 온라인 카지노와 관련된 정보를 공유하고 소통하는 커뮤니티입니다. 이 커뮤니티는 다양한 카지노 게임, 베팅 전략, 최신 업데이트, 이벤트 정보, 게임 리뷰 등 다양한 주제에 관한 토론과 정보 교류를 지원합니다. 
온카마켓에서는 카지노 게임에 관심 있는 플레이어들이 모여서 자유롭게 의견을 나누고 경험을 공유할 수 있습니다. 또한, 다양한 카지노 사이트의 정보와 신뢰성을 검증하는 역할을 하며, 회원들이 안전하게 카지노 게임을 즐길 수 있도록 정보를 제공합니다. 
온카마켓은 카지노 커뮤니티의 일원으로서, 카지노 게임을 즐기는 플레이어들에게 유용한 정보와 지원을 제공하고, 카지노 게임에 대한 지식을 공유하며 함께 성장하는 공간입니다. 카지노에 관심이 있는 분들에게는 유용한 커뮤니티로서 온카마켓을 소개합니다
Có đa dạng loại game bắn cá, mỗi thể loại mang theo những quy tắc và phong cách chơi độc đáo. Vì vậy, người mới tham gia nên dành thời gian để nắm vững luật lệ của từng loại mà họ quan tâm. Chẳng hạn, việc hiểu rõ các nguyên tắc cơ bản như săn cá, tính điểm, loại mồi, cách đặt cược, hay quá trình đổi xèng là quan trọng để có trải nghiệm chơi tốt nhất. 
Bên cạnh đó, khi tham gia vào trò chơi, cũng cần phải đảm bảo rằng bạn hiểu rõ các quy định cụ thể của từng cổng game để tránh những hiểu lầm không mong muốn. 
Nhiều cổng game bắn cá hiện nay cung cấp lựa chọn bàn chơi miễn phí, mở ra cơ hội cho người chơi mới thâm nhập thế giới này mà không cần phải đầu tư xèng. Bằng cách tham gia vào các ván chơi không mất chi phí, người chơi có thể học được quy tắc chơi, tiếp xúc với các chiến thuật, hiểu rõ sự biến động của trò chơi, và khám phá các nền tảng và phần mềm mà không phải lo lắng về áp lực tài chính. 
Quá trình trải nghiệm miễn phí sẽ giúp người chơi mới tích luỹ kinh nghiệm, xây dựng lòng tin vào bản thân, từ đó họ có thể chuyển đổi sang chơi với xèng mà không gặp phải nhiều khó khăn và ngần ngại. 
Hiểu rõ về ý nghĩa của vị trí trong bàn săn cá là vô cùng quan trọng. Ví dụ, người chơi đặt mình ở vị trí đầu bàn phải đối mặt với thách thức của việc đưa ra quyết định mà không biết được cách mà đối thủ phía sau sẽ hành động. Ngược lại, người chơi ở vị trí giữa có đôi chút lợi thế khi phải đối mặt với ít áp lực hơn, có thể quan sát cách chơi của một số đối thủ trước đó, nhưng vẫn phải đưa ra quyết định mà không biết trước hành động của một số đối thủ khác. Người chơi ở vị trí cuối được ưu thế vì họ có thể quan sát và phân tích hành động của đối thủ trước khi tới lượt họ đưa ra quyết định. Nguyên tắc chung là, vị trí càng cao, người chơi càng có lợi thế trong 
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Slightly off topic :) 
It so happened that my sister found an interesting man here, and recently got married ^_^ 
(Moderator, don't troll!!!) 
Is there are handsome people here! ;) I'm Maria, 27 years old. 
I work as a model, successfull - I hope you do too! Although, if you are very good in bed, then you are out of the queue!))) 
By the way, there was no sex for a long time, it is very difficult to find a decent one... 
And no! I am not a prostitute! I prefer harmonious, warm and reliable relationships. I cook deliciously and not only ;) I have a degree in marketing. 
My photo: 
The photo is broken, sorry((( 
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