My greatest problem are the gangs, which tied to the issues written above. Where the fuck they came from? As I mentioned while probably wasn't that tight knit community, but they knew each other. They also held the town from a common enemy, that tend to bring communities together - if there was no army inside that is... But if they were surrounded no way to get out or get in, they couldn't come from the outside. Plus weren't the "snipers" dangerous for the gangs too (if they were of the enemy's)?
And these gangs roamed around on the whole four square kilometers of the town (or even less, since the "suburbs" apparently was occupied by the "enemy"), and raided the little communities that formed in each street?
If we accept the description we get: considering the economy consisted of the materials present at the town when the thing started, plus the little they produced in the gardens, and the American MREs how come they did not just plundered the whole town in liek a week, a month? And these gangs could live off the simple people struggling for living? Or from the MREs???
Btw the notion that Americans paradropping MREs for them every 10 days for a year is just hilarious. Maybe once or twice during the whole time if at all. What kinda participation Americans had in the Bosnian War anyway if at all? They did bomb Hungarians in Újvidék/Novi Sad during the Kosovo conflict. Thank you Uncle Sam.
The whole thing is copypasted from Fallout and stuff, liek gang activity of LA (which phenomenon is practically unknown in whole Europe).
The lamp "kerosene", his pal produced. Did he have an oil well in the basement? (Maybe it can be done from vegetable oil, or some kind of fat, I guess we could make sense as general lighting substance)
Heh, he says "some - very few - had gardens". In a town of 6000, almost every home has a garden... Back in the day everyone cultivated vegetables and fruits, it's only now that people just have a lawn. Again, this isn't the US, but early 90s Eastern Europe, Balkans. And depending on when we are in the war (did just begin or it goes on for a few years now) everyone were trying to get by in one way or another.
Okay. I think that's about it. For now or for ever. There are other things to write. About the advices, what I found reasonable and useful, because there are some, as I wrote already.