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Post interesting things about etymology

In Turkish the father-in-law or mother-in-law of one's child is called dünür which derives from tengri (like tenger, denger, dengir, tanrı etc) (spelled with nasal n) 

krgyz and uygurs call tengri kuday (might be derived persian hüda), they also call co-in-laws kuday. 

I always thought it was interesting.

Also the word thor or donar might be derived from tengri

lul good question. döner comes from the verb dönmek -mek being present infinitive(?) dön meaning spining.

In central asia döner is called şavurma which is by modern anatolian Turkish çevirme. 

çevir meaning again, spining.

Rivers. Or more precisely the great rivers in Eastern Europe from here to the Volga - Danube, Dniester, Dnieper, Don -, their name apparently is the result of Scythian laziness who called all of them danu = river...
Our first chronicle, the nameless one, called Scythia Dentumoger, a big country spreading to the east as far as the Don. Supposedly the Dentu = Don.

Other rivers are called river, I'm gonna write some in my next post.

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Since Greek sources preserved the name I would assume the -is/-ais appendage is them twisting the name to suit them, that leaves us with Tana or Tan, which is, well, just Danu or Dan. I didn't mention but Danu itself is possibly proto-Indo-European right now I don't wanna into my opinion on "proto-indo-european" language, and especially not into the so called Kurgan hypothesis.... However the Dan/Tan, still could come from the Turkic teng -> tan/ten/tin stem.

Let's jump one river to the east, the Volga's name preserved a supposedly proto-Slavic word, volga (now in vlaga, vlaha, voloha forms in many Slavic languages), which means wetness.
The Volga's names in various Turkic languages is/was Itil, Etil, Atil, etc. also means river or big river - which very well might be the origin of the name of the Great Khagan/Shan-ju, Attila. Western (German) historians say ofc that he was named after the Gothic word atta/ata = father. On that note noone considers the Hungarian atya = father (in Mordvin: ata...) because: "nooooooooo, Hungarians cannot be the descendants of the Huns, nooooo the Huns couldn't speak Hungarian because they spoke [insert whatever other language pulled out of their asses], saying Hungarians = Huns is a mortal siiiiiiiiin" - such cases
The previously mentioned Dentumoger is also called Etelköz, a name coined in the 19th century on the basis of emperor Constantine VII's report. In his work De Administrando Imperio, he reports about a region what he calls: Atel kai Ouzou, Atelk Ouzou, Atelkouzou, Atelouzou, and Etel kai Kouzou; and says the Hungarians (whom he calls on a couple of other names, like Hun, Turk, or Sabir) lived there. Etel is simply the Volga, and -köz = space between. But what Constantine meant under Ouzu or Kouzu? Who the fuck knows.

> Shan-ju, Attila
bro you poster cringe you'll lose paprikas.

it's chanyu it's most likely meant to be tanju which means morning which possibly mean blue sky? even the word tengri/tanrı might be derived from it.

OR it's another chinese butchery of Turkic language (they always pronounce and write foreign names weirdly nothing special) so it might be odd pronounciation of Tengrikut which means Tengri's blessed. 

> Gothic word atta/ata
Ata also means father in Turkish it's used alongside with baba. 

>  Etel is simply the Volga, and -köz = space between
So literally Trans-İtil (Volga)?

>  >shan-ju
Well, I didn't remember the pinyin conform spelling. I have a Hungarian translation of the 110th chapter of the Shi Ji (again who knows the pinyin spelling) by Sima Qian (again). I got the spelling from there. It wasn't translated by "official" translator. Also we have our own way of spelling Chinese words, we call their capital Peking instead of the nonsense Beijing.

Oh I forgot.
> Ata
> Turkish
Yeah, also that. When it comes to "father" they only consider the Gothic origin...
> Trans-İtil
No. Trans- is "over something", like Transylvania = Over the woods.
It's more like Meso-Itil. Liek Mesopotamia. Space/land between rivers. The problem is only the Volga is noted and no other river. Now it occurs to me if we just use the original meaning: Etel = river, then it literally translated to Mesopotamia.

Beside dictionaries noone knows the difference. In fact there are cases when there's no difference.
> Especially when we use them as adverbs, over can mean the same as across:
> We walked over to the shop. (or We walked across to the shop – the shop is on the other side of the road)
> I was going across to say hello when I realised that I couldn’t remember his name. (or I was going over to say … meaning ‘to the other side of the street or room’)
Come on give us some etymologies. Or that's too beneath you?
Fugging Hungarians, srsly.

PS. noone is not a real word, the correct term would be nobody.

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Next river in the line is a left bank tributary of the Volga, the Kama. It's his ancient name, Udmurts call it Kam = "river". For added fun it was also called Etil by Turkic people, sometimes differentiate between the two by calling them white river (Kama) and black river (Volga).
And we arrived to a left bank tributary of the Kama, the Belaja = white. It runs through Bashkiria, and they call it Agizel in Turkic, which also means "white river".

> krgyz and uygurs call tengri kuday (might be derived persian hüda), they also call co-in-laws kuday. 
> Also the word thor or donar might be derived from tengri

So, would that make you related to the Mongolians or East Asian Steppe people and Finland?

Maybe. Such division was (supposedly) common among them. I could look it up what colors were associated with what direction. I also read they picked horses accordingly for the parts of the army - wings, vanguard, center, rearguard.
But black and white might signified dual structures of steppe people. Sources talk about black and white Hungarians, black and white Cumans, Saragurs are White Ogurs, Hephtalites were White Huns, etc. It even influenced the naming of some non-steppe people like White and Black Croats, or Qara Khitai.
Also they structured society too, people had to sit in a certain order in the Yurt, from the central position to left and right. Not sure which one was more prestigious, but I think they also used colors somehow in this division.


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Amerikáner is a hand-cranked drill, usually with a "transmission", some with two gears. Also called furdancs (from the verb fúr = bore/drill). From the -er one can easily tell Amerikáner is a word of German origin, and it means "American". After short consulting with German Wikipedia, I could not find this expression there, just Bohrkurbel or Brustleier.
What is so American about this machinery? I've no idea. Even electric drill is an invention of the (late) 19th century - and it comes from Australia. There must be something in the system how it works that compelled craftsmen to call it like that, lots of craftsmen here were German in origin I suspect it was in their slang.

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Let's jump back to the river toponyms for a bit. Recently I dived into a book of Hóman Bálint, a historian who served as a Minister of Religion and Education for about nine years in the interwar and WWII era. This book offers a bit of addition to the various versions of the Don.
Dnieper = Dana-per = "rear river"
Dniester = Dana-ster = "first river" or "near river"

Maybe we could take a look at the Greek names
Don = Tanais - a Greekified form of its local name; Plutarch (or someone else using his name) called it Amazon river or Amazonian.
Dnieper = Borysthenes - the Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine says the name has local origin, and not Greek
Dniester = Tyras - also a Greekified name of Scythian origin, tura supposedly means "rapid"
Danube = Istros - in Latin: Ister; again local in origin, supposedly the Thracian word means "rapid" again.
Thracians also called the Dniester Istros/Ister, and its name is a combination of Don + Ister. I know this seemingly contradicts the first statement but these are just a bunch of speculations. It could be Ister also means "first" in Scythian. Or whatever.
These Greek names also identified cities as well, which laid about the mouth of those rivers.
Note: close to the city called Istria, there's a small river with the same name, flowing into the Lake Istria. Today a Romanian village lays nearby, called Istria.

Wrong thread.
The funniest-sounding city name I have found is Jijoca de Jericoacoara but sadly it has a straightforward Tupi composition: ji (frog) + oca (home) + yurucuá (turtle) + coara (nest). Judging from the "and" in the middle one might be a qualifier from the other. Or is it a frog home belonging/within the turtle's nest?

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