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Of course. This reminds me of the time before I started singing and I was a waitress. The others were telling me to take my job seriously, but one night I was the last to leave and took the chance and I ate everything in the fridge and didn't get caught. So I guess you should always stay in your comfort zone and eat a lot.

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I was sleeping because it was Friday. Then I woke up Saturday morning, thinking I will join the stream in the evening. Then I checked my PC's clock and I saw it said Sunday. I'm like... ??? Yesterday was Friday, today is Saturday... Turns out I got the days wrong because I'm a NEET.

GUMI! My favorite rockstar! Indeed. Happy MM!

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> Vocaloid isn't anime
The "well, ackshually" crowd is going to have a field day once Crypton 100% leaves Vocaloid.

Also, certain vocaloid song series such as Jin or Kemu-VOXX had better characterization and plot than most proper anime anyway.

Also, some song series got anime adaptions such as Mikagura School Suite or Honeyworks. So arguing whether or not Vocaloid is anime is pointless in 2019.

It really does. I kinda miss being on a pointless adventure in a jungle somewhere.

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Huh I noticed the Flag got reset.

I watched Mekakucity Actors first season. Don't know what happened after.

There's also Migu in that NEET hamster girl anime, and of course Miku herself in that Train anime.

Technically anything that is an animation is anime, so animated music videos also are anime. As long as the animation is made in Japan that is.

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> I watched Mekakucity Actors first season. Don't know what happened after.
They managed to break out of the time-loop snek-boi put them in. Of course the Mekaku City Actors song series, manga, and anime all had different endings.

> Migu in that NEET hamster girl anime,
Oh yeah, but only as a figurine.

> and of course Miku herself in that Train anime.
Oh shit yeah. How could we forget Miku was in charge of defending Hokkaidou (her hometown IRL since Crypton is HQed there) using a transforming shinkansen. And they pulled all the stops having Miku be voiced by the voicebank.

> Technically anything that is an animation is anime, so animated music videos also are anime. As long as the animation is made in Japan that is.
If we want to out-pedant the pedants, anime refers to anything animated. As in, if you go to Amazon's アニメ section, you can see stuff like Frozen and Cars 2.

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I was too lazy to put the flag back on.
You mean you went on the gap year thing? How was it? Where did you go?
I don't remember anything about the plot so I would be totally lost. Makes sense to have different endings and make it more interesting.
> And they pulled all the stops having Miku be voiced by the voicebank.
It didn't sound that good if you ask me. It showed they are behind in the voice software department compared to Voiceroids.
Well yes but I was thinking that despite anime = animation if you chose to use the word instead of just saying animation then there must be a reason for you to want to specify something and in this case it's just the origin of the animation being Japan.
Well yes, anime = cartoon = animation, but that is actually not the whole story. Cartoons specify a genre of animation that is generally shorter (10 to 15 minutes) often stylized and episodic as opposed to serial. Episodic meaning each episode is on its own and not connected to the previous while Serial means each episode connects to tell a complete story. Beast Wars or Captain Planet, The Centurions are just Western Animation while Sponge Bob for example is a cartoon. Nowadays people call any western animation = cartoon, and cartoons for the Japanese are anime because anime = animation.

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You're missing the forest for the trees. Natural languages are constantly evolving and intentionally ambiguous.

But if other people want to play the pedantry game, we can play it too to it's absurd logical endgame.

And yes, I did go on the gap year thing. Nagoya & South-East Asia. Pic related as a WWII shipwreck was just a few meters off the coast from where this pic was taken. As for Nagoya the official story for the folks back home was that I was finding myself(tm) at the Nagoya castle, but in reality a Gumi-related event that happens only ever 5 years was taking place.

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Your story reminds me of those episodes in Love Hina where they travel all around Japan.
> Gumi-related event that happens only ever 5 years was taking place.
That sounds awesome. What was that?
Some art teacher in 3rd grade went on about it back in the day and for some reason it stuck with me. He was annoyed I guess with how the cartoon genre took over American animation. I kinda agree. 80s stuff seemed to have more substance compared to the randomness of later cartoons.

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Gumi Paradise 2

Gumi Paradise 1 happened in 2014.

It was a subset of an umbrella event called Vocaloid Paradise that happens anually, it's just the Gumi part that happened infrequently. Bought stuff at the request of other people too. You may have noticed an xbox huge post with way too many albums on the front page of this imageboard. They were all bought from that event.

Pic related, *three* Gumi cosplayers who bought stuff from each other at various points.

> 80s stuff seemed to have more substance compared to the randomness of later cartoons.
Funny you should mention that because 80s western cartoons are considered the dark ages of cartoons because laws regarding advertising to kids got repealed and cartoons became shameless toy advertisements (eg. Transformers, GI Joe). It should be noted that I personally enjoyed watching the transformers, and the point of me saying all this is that everyone has different opinions.

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I think I remember something about that. Was the Yufu artbook from there?
> everyone has different opinions
I feel it's kind of the same with how some people say Moe and Slice of Life ruined anime. People who just prefer a more serious art style with a connected plot will like 80s - early 90s shows. Although I don't really remember how connected episodes were. Stuff like the Pirates of Dark Water. I don't remember for certain. I'm sure there were filler episodes too.
Different strokes for different folks.

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Maybe? I'm not brave enough to travel with a full-sized cutout like this madlad did.


It's great dude. I bought that arylic stand at VocaPara. There was devil one too but I didn't get the devil one. Would have been an instant buy for me if it was a Devil Lily or a Devil Gakupo or something instead.

> Saying Vocaloid is anime is sort of misleading.
"The long infamous Yukarifag was always suspected of being a secret gatekeeper in the *loid community, often harassing people by correcting them every time a poor western fan tries to excersize their freedom of language evolution. This cannot go on any longer. Such a toxic member cannot be allowed to keep poisoning the pool of creativity and inclusivity. VocaLGBTQ*oid is for every group of minority. It is time we stand up and fight the good fight, and make sure dinousaurs like Yukarifag(who isn't actually gay, making fun of another group of people) is removed once and for all, and this medium can finally evolve into the progressive art from it should have been from the start.†#Cancel Yukarifag

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> I feel it's kind of the same with how some people say Moe and Slice of Life ruined anime.
Oooh, I knew I'd need these images for an occasion like this (it should be noted that the language used in these images is a lot more agressive than I'm willing to escalate this debat to).

> Although I don't really remember how connected episodes were.
Old Anime had episodic anime too. Doraemon & Astro Boy (yes, I really did torrent & watch a black and white anime) for example were both super episodic.

> I'm sure there were filler episodes too.
I remember as a kid watching Dragonball Z it took *forever* for Goku to cross the dragon bridge to that tiny planet to get training to come back to life. Also I'm pretty sure he fell of that bridge once and had to find a way back on.

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One unironic concession I'm willing to give the old anime faction is that old anime used to at least pull an ending out of their ass if their source material was ongoing.

Y'know, because a story needs a beginning, a middle, and an end.

The most famous example is FMA 2003. When the souce manga finally finished, that's when FMA:B was animated. And that's why there are two different endings.

The new meta is to intentionally not finish an anime's story to drive up sales of the source material (anime is expensive and paper is cheap).

The most famous example being Haruhi (season 3 reeeeeee Or at least animate the fight against the anti SOS Brigade).

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> *mofu*
AHA! I saved this image just for this occasion!
Hold it right there. You wouldn't happen to be mofuing without a loicense now would you?
That's true. Then again some did a good job of following the source ending like Berserk. That's a soulful picture. Where was that?
I remember something very briefly during the into.

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Ipoh, Malaysia.

Famous for having a lot of British Colonial buildings (it used to be a regional capital) and wall art (both contemporary and from 3000 years ago).

I felt like an unironic guerilla climbing the mountains to see the cave paintings because the military base close by was doing live-fire exercises.

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"Ack!" is right!
Yes, Detective "NoMofu" here, no NoMofu is my name and no mofuing is my game, but I'm here on a different case. You're free for now, but I'll be kee... hey wait up!

I'm here to solve the mystery of the author of this:  >>/3006/ post.
Any ideas who could it be?
Well you did say the gap year was all about those kinds of cultural and exciting experiences. Plus the live fire.

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Oh-Ho! Where did you copy-paste it from?
Well maybe when you're done with the backlog.
It's funny you should mention it. We were following that with Lapis to see what will happen and it was what I expected. They even made a cheap Steam game about it.
Good night, Gold <3 Dream of Sekiro

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Just looked at steam right now, onii-chan.

There's two games now. Both on sale for a whopping -40% off. So instead of paying the luxuriously overpriced $1.29NZD, they're both the affordable and reasonable $0.77NZD each.

I know what I'm doing tomorrow now.

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It was Yukari anon! He wrote it about himself! *dun-dun-duun* and I just had to copy-paste it because... it was just too good of a shitpost not to!
Never say never!
I just checked too and it seems there are a bunch of them. One for 12,49€ even but the ones with anime style seem to be only: Raiding Area 51 - Break out Waifu and Hentai - Area 51. I should probably get the second one.

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Well technically it's 2am here and therefore tomorrow.

My sides are in orbit.

Anime speed lines appear when your sprinting.
You can choose to play as Kyle, Naruto Runner, or Chad.
Call of Duty hitmarkers appear when you hit stuff.
You can take multiple magazines of bullets before dying.
I got to free Yukari's people.

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> Hentai - Area 51
It's way easier to die in this game than the first one.
You play as a Hentai Waifu instead of a Kyle/Naruto/Chad
It's a 3rd person shooter.
All your weapons besides the Pistol and the Thompson are stored in your ass.
All the take damage sounds are sexual moans.
The Thompson is slung on your back even when you have the Thompson equipped (literally unplayable!).

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The assault rifles the guards carry will fuck you up in 2 seconds if you get too close.
Your two companions will die in the first 10 seconds as they Leeeeeroy Jeeeeenkins their way into the base.
So far the only viable strategy is to out-range the soldiers with your Sniper rifle. You get 10 rounds per magazine but infinite magazines.
Managed to get all of the achievements this way except the last one which you only get if you manage to free the aliens.

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All those meme achievements. Yep it's a Russian game all right. Those get removed from the Store if they turn out to be trash enough and that is fine by me because I collect removed games anyway.

Yes! You wrote it and I copy pasted it! You hid your identity as the author because... you like the original Scooby Doo. Mystery solved gang!

If you want more trashy games with meme achievements I can recommend some. I happen to be an expert on the subject.

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Thanks. I opened the link twice because I didn't see it was the same link.
Ah dang it. Here I thought my vast professional knowledge of Steam meme games will finally come into play.

Good night Gumi <3. 

Same for me, I  got up at 11 PM last night so I should have gone to bed ages ago. Good night Yu my love <3

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