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thumbnail of 05. ALLA PUGACHEVA - ARLEKINO.mp3
thumbnail of 05. ALLA PUGACHEVA - ARLEKINO.mp3
05. ALLA... mp3
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thumbnail of 02. NOL' - CHELOVEK I KOSHKA.mp3
thumbnail of 02. NOL' - CHELOVEK I KOSHKA.mp3
02. NOL' -... mp3
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01.... mp3
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> endchan/mu/ is welcoming and wants you to find new Ear sex from different corners of the globe

Imageboard eugenics program successful, then.

The passion in this one is palpable - great find, anon.

I wish I could get into that. It's grand sounding but not my thing

Dude's a total pimp, I love everything he did. Died young of course.


I first heard about him with a reference to the Wolf Hunt song in a book about a Soviet GRUagent that defected. He was recommended to listen to the song before a mission or something, because it was masculine as fuck. It took me too many listens of Wolf Hunt to realize that it's about a wolf becoming the prey

> You might have seen me shilling this book elsewhere, it's fucking awesome


One of the things I picked up about Vysotsky (from youtube comments) is that his songs were acceptable by the party or whatever, but also included hidden messages or jokes about Soviet life. Like, little hidden subversive things. It's all foreign to me so I don't know, and can't explain, but I do think I hear the irreverences in his Ear sex

Most of the tracks on youtube are utter crap quality, like some tape>vhs>cassette>to mp3 96kb > mp3 128kb>ogg>vhs again>nuclear bombardment>youtube

I recommend finding the collection titled "vladimir vysotsky - misc" which is on Soulseek. 

> Soulseek also highly recommended in general, and don't forget to browse people's collections when you find a song you like, the person probably has a highly curated collection of Ear sex that you'll also like

> Spent half an hour converting this shit from m4a to ogg. Mother fuck proprietary formats

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thumbnail of JUST.jpg
JUST jpg
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> TFW you are drunk on a Sunday night and want to share super dank Ear sex that you spent half an hour converting only 4U but r9kbot wants to push my shit in due to an error


I'll make new encodes within the week and try to explain my thoughts again. FUG

> tape>vhs>cassette>to mp3 96kb > mp3 128kb>ogg>vhs again>nuclear bombardment>youtube

kek'd in Cyrillic

Thanks for the write-up. Share threads where folks are clearly passionate about the Ear sex/artists are the best.

> Soulseek

> mfw started on it years ago, but couldn't upload much due to shitty connection

> mfw I've still got a shitty connection

thumbnail of Jam Session with a Russian Faucet - YouTube [360p].webm
thumbnail of Jam Session with a Russian Faucet - YouTube [360p].webm
Jam Session with a... webm
(3.87 MB, 640x360 vp8)
Soulseek is the shit. Best place to find new Ear sex, ever.

I used it around 2002 or 2003 at first

Now it's less popular but that just means that you almost never wait in queues.

> Remember when IDM dominated the communities?

soulseekqt client is great

The people are all cool too, I message anybody that I download more than one folder frow, and ever fucking time it turns into a neat conversation. 

It's weird to have used the fuck out of a program that ended introducing so much new Ear sex to my friends. Then basically not use it for a decade, then start using it again and find out it is still unbeatable

Soulseek is fucking awesome

As long as you share something you're golden. Make sure the port is open, something is shared, and that your shared files can be browsed. Those are the only requirements

Lets just say there are more than three holes for sex. 

> BTW, I love this board so far just the idea of posting Ear sex associated with nations or peoples. My favorite board on this site. Please people post anything associated with a people as its own thread, I love this shit. I don't care what people the Ear sex is associated with, just that it it's not some global pop shit. Do it up

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> Just a machine translation of the second song in OP

Man and cat crying at the window
Gray rain dripping directly onto the glass.
To a man with a cat ambulance rides,
Poor man, a sick brain cramped.
Dr. rides, rides through the snowy plain.
Powder healing people it carries.
Man and cat powder that will,
And sorrow depart, and longing to be held.
Man and cat days hardly believe
Instead sky blue gray ceiling.
Man and cat fly at night,
Just a dream neveschy wing does not.
Where are you, where are you, where are you, a white coach?
Within the walls of the toilet man yelling.
But they do not hear the walls of the pipe like veins,
And drain the tank as heart pounding wildly

> 82

I finally had time to go searching for more from this dude and even on soulseek I can not find more than trololol + one track (not sure if same). 

Even most of the people with it shared on slsk seem to have it only because of the meme. 

I hope this guy didn't actually have a career with many songs because if he did I'm going to be sick to my stomach, and I have to work tomorrow

It's titled "My son" and I think I found the lyrics and translated them after I posted it, she's mourning her son leaving to be with a woman that she doesn't approve of. Or something like that

Honestly I've always had a think for instrumental tracks, or songs that are in a foreign language so I can just enjoy the Ear sex without some lyric putting me off.

I like that track a lot, I've been on this kick with slavic Ear sex lately and it's been great.

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> I think I found the lyrics and translated them

You "think"? Isn't that something you'd be rather certain of? Maybe you translate stuff so often that it's not a big deal for you; but I know I'd be pretty damn sure if I went to that kind of effort in my second language.

It's about a man and his cat that are sitting next to a window on a gray day, waiting for a "doctor" to come and bring them "healing powder", that when taken gets rid of sadness and toska (complicated term).

the  >>/127/ guy is sort of getting it, but at the same time, not really.

It's a dialogue between a mother and her son , who's leaving his home village to find a wife.
It alternates between the mother saying that he'll bring home an "evil, nasty wife" or a "dumb, lazy wife" and the son reassuring her that it's not the case and the woman he'll bring will be smart (rather than dumb), kind (rather than evil) etc.

It ends with the mother saying that her soul aches for him, how she doesn't want to let him leave the yard, and the son replying that she should come back to the hut, put a candle for him and pray for his sake.

I tried to pull up what I remembered pulling up before, and failed through google and ddg

Forgive me, I actually tried to pull up lyrics for the track again and failed and wasn't sure if it just misremembered or what.

I'm busy lately, sorry, pretty sure I pulled up the lyrics recently though and it was about a mom unhappy with the woman her son attached to

Give me until this weekend to figure out again, it's not like its important

Also if you want exact traslations on stuff like Vladimir Vysotsky that is really supposed to be missing half or more of the meaning in reality. The between the lines shit will never translate

Don't hate on me just because I take an interest in this and can't explain everything all the way

I have a addon that lets me select text and translate. I also have my most interest in Ear sex while basically taking my once or twice a week opportunity to get fucked up and listen to Ear sex. 

I tried to find what I remembered off of my browser history and translate again but could not find lyrics for the song again in the amount of time my schedule allowed during that post before I had to sleep or get ready for work.

Good enough?

And yes, I frequently listen to Ear sex and even internet radio stations from languages that I mostly don't understand

You seem like you're just trying to stir shit

> sage to not bump on a personal or meta thing

So was I responding to the BO there :D?

Keep in mind that I do my /mu/ generally while blackout drunk. It is possible for me to vaguely remember looking something up but not really be able to recall it, not that it matters

Because every one on 8chan only feels superior while they really are just a bunch of autistic meme masters, and people shill endchan all over 8chan. I swear, we really are better than the rest :^)

thumbnail of 11 Vesjolaja Pokojnitskaja.mp3
thumbnail of 11 Vesjolaja Pokojnitskaja.mp3
11... mp3
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18.... mp3
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A few more, one is from that Vysotsky artist I posted before (still loving it)

The other is so similar to the Ear sex I hear at some festivals here in the US Rocky Mountains that I wonder if it is a cover of an American band

I don't know what that is, but I've played a shitton of STALKER mods and will try to find the answer for you. Never played Arsenal Overhaul by itself but only merged with other mods.

Seriously though I love STALKER so I will find an answer given time

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