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> can he stop doxxing himself for a few seconds, challenge level: impossible
> Pretty, intelligent, articulate, Scottish. 
Should've just rizzed her up BUDDY, where was the loss in that situation? If she rejects the rizz she just leaves and you forget about her, if she doesn't maybe you get something going on...

thumbnail of 7400409316534062368_264 jecka 😄😄except i ws not a fan of it so made like one tiktok xx #jeckaclassof09 #jeckacosplay #jeckaclassof09cosplay #cosplay #classof09 #fyp.mp4
thumbnail of 7400409316534062368_264 jecka 😄😄except i ws not a fan of it so made like one tiktok xx #jeckaclassof09 #jeckacosplay #jeckaclassof09cosplay #cosplay #classof09 #fyp.mp4
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I'm genuinely fucking stupid holy shit. Thank you for pointing it out Neko. It really shows how fried my brain is that I just wrote what I wrote and didn't see a problem with it. Or that I trust you guys that much xD :D 

Anyway, to repost my previous post.
> cute girl showed up to Board Game Club
> she was pretty, intelligent, articulate, scottish
> was only in the city for a few days
> isnt a student
> wont be showing up in the future

alas... my future wife... the one that got away.

for any slownekos that didn't see the deleted post, he wrote "My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane Albuquerque New Mexico 87104." and posted a timestamped picture of his cock and balls (they were massive btw)

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the dox? all seen't it
the cock and balls? screencap't it
anyways whilst we are busy doxxing ourselves I may as well join in:
my name is Elton Jordan McTavish from Dunmore, County Galway, Ireland. I am 28 years old, I speak English natively and I am conversationally capable in Irish, I have two cats named Farquad and Mittens (Both orange tabbies) and my favourite pony is Applejack. I hate the labour party and I wish they would decrease the price on the Tesco Meal Deal.
This is my tokfu.

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> picture of his cock and balls
Good, I'm not gay
Naurrrrrrrrr, it's over for Boniposta, not escaping the gay allegations
> I know you saw my post in the old thread and you didnt reply to me
I was considering responding to you in this thread but I decided I'll wait for you to repost the tok because FUCK YOU that's why

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I've been thinking about yesterday's movie and came to the conclusion that it's incredibly overrated. The costumes are absolutely brilliant but other than that I cannot see it as anything but pretentious. It has some of the worst dialogue I have ever seen in a movie. In film writing 101, they teach you not to have your characters say out loud how they feel, well that's 80% of the dialogue in this movie. The characters just constantly *scream* pseudo-philosophy throughout the entire thing. It's not fun. Why are they screaming too? Do you ever just go for a swim and then scream out the 8 noble paths with the tone of begging for your life? Not good.

The movie is literally about how you can take the favelito out of the favela but when he creates a new ideal society, you will always end up building another favela. You cannot take the favela out of the favelinho.

Hahahahaha, I love this game, it's so jank, you can switch on and off "detect traps/hidden doors" and every time you do it rolls for the thing you're searching for. Basically if you know something is there, you spam the button and suddenly it appears if you can make the check.

> oh yeah you would want to find all the traps nearby wouldnt you
Yea, to disarm them (destroy them)
I am the strongest trap opponent, no trap will stand in my way, demise to all rogues and their filthy tricks.

I'm going to do it, I'm gonna become the best version of me than I can possibly be. I'll loose the wait, I'll start working out, I'll get a hecking good job and save the animals, I'll meet back up with that girl that came to board game club yesterday and marry her, and I'll make all the nekos laughed at my posts.

But I'm pretty tired today so I'll start all of that tomorrow

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I'm going to do it, I'm gonna become the best version of me than I can possibly be. I'll watch the fricking animes, I'll start geekin' out, I'll get a hecking good grade and send criminals to jail, and I'll make all the nekos FUCK YOU at my posts.
And I am going to start TODAY made you look MUAHHAAHA >:) FUCK YOU

Saw my mates in class today. One guy looked like he has developed a little bit of tittage over the summer. To koniec for him, having been taken by the lipid reaper this soon

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> This is NOT optimal pace.
> yeaaaahhhhh it is :///
NAUURRRRRRRRRRRR. I've clocked in like 20 hours into Lionheart and I'm like halfway and buddy watched 2 episodes of anime in the meantime...
Truly you cannot match my procrastination skills.
> life is gonna be wonderful
I hope it is or else I'm takin you to court!
> lipid reaper
FUCK YOU I barely managed to finish my post I'm laughing so hard wtf is this

> 20% chance I will be able to
Those are pretty good chances tbh. At least it's not like 1%.
Personally I just got my ass handed to me by a big ass skeleton revenant and had to reload and try to roll the dice again because he critted me and the fight was basically over

> a giant is making a philosophical point that since he is above humans in the food chain it is not wrong for it to slaughter humans
Would be a good point IF I wasn't able to slaughter all of them right there and then which makes my actions justifiable by his standards.
Now I wish that the game had that as an attack response to that argument, as in something like "If might makes right, what if I kill you here and now?"

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> it's been two days and the Stockholm syndrome is already on
To koniec...
> someone fsrted on the fucking buss
It was the fat guy :)
Remember to say thanks to the bus farter.

I know it's summer and shit but I wish my fus would dress modestly :(

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Good morning nekos. I actually slept well for once today, no more tossing and turning and constantly checking my phone.

New Acid tok, it's been a while, and it's got her boyfriend in it and he's cosplaying with her at a con :D

He seems like a nice, normal looking guy and if he cosplays with her that's pretty cool too.
New cosplay too??? Legend of Zelda??? I have never played a Legend of Zelda game because I am not a nintoddler so I will simply wait for her to cosplay Mr Halo from The Master Chief Saga.

In blogposting related news, I'm just gonna try and have a day where I don't let anything get to me. A nice relaxing do nothing day.

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> her boyfriend
> that guy gets a cute acid fu and I get nothing
> A nice relaxing do nothing day.
I hope you do have a nice day neko :)
Glad you slept well.

I'm going to surely finish Lionheart today... Only a few more dungeons full of skeletons... Where's the content removal mod?

just ate an ice cream. Will blogpost when I get home and reply to all my loyal followers and friends here on the neko home of the Brazilian consulate
reply to this post if you want me to read your daily horoscope or a fun fact or something you can also reply and tell me any other requests you have and I will fulfill them as best I can
ice cream eaten status: nommed

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Hello Neko, long time reader, first time replyer. I'd love if you read my horoscope, btw I'm a libra.

I hate to be 'that guy' that posts TWO songs in a row but we all love Marina and the Diamonds, and she has a song about horoscopes AND being a Libra. she is literally me except she was born greek and I am not greek i'm a FREAK in the sheets if you know what i mean i can't stop tossing adn turning and i cant sleep ahhhahahaha save meeee

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> just ate an ice cream
Hope it was a nice ice cream :)
> any other requests
Have a wonderful day :) Now you gotta have one buddy, no excuses.
> weezer: 😑
> weezer, Japan: 😻😻😻

> It gives off big Eurojank vibes from the screenshots you've posted.
The story is... Pretty nice, I really like the atmosphere and the whole setting, we've got too little of those alternative history rpgs, like the only thing that comes to mind is AC and that's not even an rpg, but at least you can "meet" the Renaissance minds and stuff.
The whole story arc isn't like very novel or anything but I feel it's good enough. And the voice actors are good when you actually have voiced characters.
Then there's encounter design, or rather lack of it. It's literally just monsters peppered all over the map in random quantities, with a "stronger monster" here and there.
Well, it's theoretically possible it's my build (ranged+magic), but it's not like I'm dying or anything, at least not until I get critted 3 times in a row, it's just some monsters having 300 life and resists out of the wazoo that you just have to whittle down, I think melee would have almost as much no-fun against skeletons, probably even less since they cannot kite a revenant that will fuck your shit up if you get unlucky.
TL;DR It's like Baldurs Gate, a sinusoid of fun, where the fun comes from talking to npcs and you have absolutely almost no fun trudging through expansive dungeons full of trash mobs.

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Did your post also take like ten minutes to actually post after you hit 'New Reply'?
Mine have been very slow but my internet is fine. i think endchan is just a SLOWHOLE.

> expansive dungeons full of trash mobs
Yikes. I was reconsidering trying to actually finish baldur's gate in the past few days but the endless amount of shitty fights really makes me not want to do it. One good thing about Baldur's Gate 3 is trash fights don't really exist, then again, one bad thing about Baldur's Gate 3 is trash fights dont exist, you have to think about most encounters.

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> ten minutes to actually post after you hit 'New Reply'
I wasn't looking, I normally hit New Reply, check if it's uploading and tab out because my internet is SHIT and it takes AGES to upload a 10mb tok.
> endless amount of shitty fights
There's a happy middle ground, I've seen that achieved, you pepper in a fair bit of trash fights that don't take too much time and it makes the actual encounters interesting. 
I think Pathfinder:Kingmaker was pretty close there to actually achieving that balance. This ain't it though. At least it's not like dnd where you have to rest if you get roughed up by endless trash, worst case you gotta reload if you get killed. It's just boring... So boring... I'm going through a second dungeon gauntlet in a row and I've killed so many fucking skeletons and zombies I don't want to see another one for a week.
If Baldurs 1 wasn't ad&d I would get through it just like here for the story, but having to deal with shitty dice AND resting in the beginning is double the unfun.

thumbnail of 7325479537796549893 i think this is my last kotoko video ;-; need to redo her  #kotokoutsugi #kotokoutsugicosplay #danganronpa #danganronpacosplay #ultradespairgirls #ultradespairgirlscosplay #udg #ud-264.mp4
thumbnail of 7325479537796549893 i think this is my last kotoko video ;-; need to redo her  #kotokoutsugi #kotokoutsugicosplay #danganronpa #danganronpacosplay #ultradespairgirls #ultradespairgirlscosplay #udg #ud-264.mp4
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i like her makeup in this tok
pombinhos fofos
You will encounter daily struggles that will test your fortitude and willpower but you will overcome them.
> Have a wonderful day :) Now you gotta have one buddy, no excuses.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO its over. I am FORCED to watch my anime and enjoy it now. I might even be FORCED to enjoy my tea that I will sip over the next half hour. TO KONIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEC

Blogpost commence status: commenced
I am not a good blogpost writer. Anyways, I cut my hair this summer after having a 2.5 year long mane growing from the top of my crown to the depths of my neck. I didnt like it that much but oh well, its gone now anyways.
So, the part where this blogpost turns from wasted energy to read to just being uninteresting is that as I waited outside of class today, the cute portuguese girl that Im friends with showed up and we talked a bit. She complimented me on my new hair and said it looked good. Had it stopped there I wouldve just assumed it was part of pleasantries but when another mutual friend of ours showed up (we were all in the same group a year ago) and she complimented me on my hair as well (again, pleasantries), the portuguese girl said "shame that when summer comes he's gonna be hiding it under that damn hat all the time." (I occasionally wore a bucket hat during the winter partly because I like it, partly because it kept my hair in but also partly because I am a very reserved person who likes to mentally retreat and "hide" in his hoodie/clothing. Kinda like restricting the surrounding world's possibility from recognizing my existence. Hard to explain – lets continue with the blogpost.) This sentence made me think that she must've actually thought my hair looked good because who else would say something like that? 
Some other blogpost worthy things status: following close behind
Its still quente pra caralho here in the great north. 24 degrees and barely any clouds. This is way too hot to function, I tell you. Hard to dress for in the mornings and hard to stay cool during peak hours. However, and this is a VERY strong however, there is a big upside to this. Peak. Sexo. Weather. Weather like this and travelling to the big bustling city that never sleeps to take my high brow educational classes have its upsides. The amount of fertile succubi that walk around with their sunbleached hair, low cut jeans, plump asses, crop tops and nice tan backs and tummies on display in broad daylight should be a crime (I LOVE criminals now). Things like this remind me of the fact that I am not asexual. SEEEXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I CANT BREEEEEEEED.
The ice cream was all right. The ice cream part itself tasted nice and had a lemon flavour but the waffle cone (what shouldve been the best part) was pretty underwhelming unfortunately. SEEEEEEEEEEEXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Also saw this really cute emo girl this morning. Same deal there, low cut jeans, tummy slightly visible (lower midriff, not the kind that you ribfuckers like), shoulder blade length jet black hair flowing in the wind. Likely goes to the high school that is not far from my university as it has a connotation for being "the emo school" so she was probably 17...
And I read the news today. Apparently they will be hosting a day where you are able to go to the psychiatric hospital and talk to professionals about mental health, emotional health and different disorders in a face-to-face way in order to unstigmatize topics such as this and to be able to receive adequate information in case you have any questions regarding them. This will take place on friday the 6th this week in São Paulo

> portuguese girl begs him for the dick the first day back in class
holy chadrick chadroy chadington, is there anything this neko can't mogg me at?
> 24C
he's even weather mogging me by a full 1/3rd, climate change denialists btfo

mods, lock this guy up and throw away the key. you are SICK IN THE HEAD. i WISH they brought back the DEATH PENALTY for insane PSYCHOS like YOU.

> My ancestors :^)
Yea, you're sadly a victim of reverse evolution and the best that a necromancer will be able to get outta you is a lesser skeleton.
Nya~ha~ha~ha :3
> plump
Naurrrrrrr, he's looking at fatties now...
I will conveniently ignore everything else about the post especially the 24C part because FUCK YOU and I'm cooking in 30+ still FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

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> southerner
I'm like 8 degrees south from you buddy, Rome is further from me than you are...
And that's assuming my current home not my place of birth.
Never happened to me, don't know how that feels. Can sexhavers leave the chat RIGHT FUCKING NOW?

> complain about encounter design
> suddenly there's encounter design but I now wish there weren't
Yea okay, open a tomb, 2 revenants in small room jump out to fuck me up, open up a hidden wall, 2 revenants jump out right from behind it, go into an area, there's 3 lightning spewing terrors on the highground whacking me. Yeap, encounter design alright, just anti-player encounter design.

I wish I wasn't attracted to girls with BPD. Believe me, I would love a normal, mentally stable, tradwife whom is also a gamer and is australian and a cosplay and is called Kay just as much as all the other nekos would love that.

tl;dr: we love kay

Very trad of you neko :)

I do not think I'll manage to finish Lionheart today, not even for the lack of trying, it's just endless dungeons, I've started that dungeon like 5 hours ago and I'm still not done...
I've just looked it up and it's supposedly a 20-30hr game, there's no way unless I'm doing something very wrong. Unless melee does like 4x the damage there's 0 chance.

turns out he didnt go to brasil for the 19th time because his son's passport already expired so he wasted $400 but better that than to arrive in brasil and then have to go back also his girlfriend really needs to get a green card how does he do that?

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Apologies my liege 😔 but that tok was on my fyp the day it was posted.
Also I NEED to attach a file and the first suggested tok after I opened yours looked like SEXOO so I'm posting it here.
That way it's also francesarotacao 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ Go kiss yourself ^_^🤙🏾
One-way trip to Alba?

Friday normal movie time we watch the new anime movie recently unearthed from the PITS of HELL
> saw it AEONS ago and he didnt post it
uau.... achava que era amigozinhos.... um beijo mas nao um queijo pra voce....
> One-way trip to Alba?
I didnt get this part

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The last thing I did in my dream before waking up was to weight myself on my scale. It read 66.3 kg. I knew that this number was so obviously fake that I realized I was in a dream and just opened my eyes to wake up

No classes means you need to be reading the material for your next set of classes.
Have you even started on your assignments yet????

You need to be working so hard that you'll miss out on my Vidya Gaems stream later today.

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> 73 hours of morrowind
Buddy, that's like 60+ hours of dead air, are you insane?
> It read 66.3 kg.
He's over 22 kilos less than me naurrrrrrrrrrr it's over for twinknekos...
> I will be twirling my hair instead
Not only is he twink but he's also becoming gay naurrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Okay I'm done bullying Boniposta. Good morning nekos :)
Also susu uploaded like 6 new toks

Genuinely cannot understate how validating it feels to come back to my bedroom and see a well made bed. It soothes the mind, calms the anxiety and makes life wonderful.

If you aren't making your bed, try it, it staves off the suicidal thoughts.

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correction* I just remembered that I wasnt wearing my bucket hat during last winter, I was wearing a ushanka como eu fosse um empresário na União Soviética na decada de 1970
Now its a bit more unclear again, maybe she just thinks wearing a ushanka looks dumb or maybe she likes my hair. 
Im not making my bed, shills

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> maybe she just thinks wearing a ushanka looks dumb or maybe she likes my hair. 
Imo ushankas look better than bucket hats but I'm also a slav so obviously I'm used to seeing ushankas.
> Im not making my bed, shills

> english speaking internet is dominated by Americans
> neko has zero americans
Do you think there's a single simple explanation for this, such as all americans are coomer weirdos who wouldn't fit in here, or is it just that you can't make any genuine analysis out of a sample set of 5 people?

Any nekos in chat that have done a data analysis module in the last year?? (I have but im asking the questions)

I have no idea what I get taught at 'Data Analysis' but it sounds good and most jobs I'm applying for are asking for you to be good at it, so I'm throwing it in all my speech now.

Statistics is just a branch of data analysis.
> one American neko on the chen
Really? I must've forgotten, or he didn't post much.

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> he didn't post much
Yea he mostly posted at midnight and past that which is why there wasn't that much that he posted since we all just were else going or already asleep at that point.
> 'Data Analysis'
I've decided to look it up and it's basically statistics but you also have to know how to use Python (which you already do because you're doing statistics) (at least if you're not doing like a pure mathematical research) (but then you still need to know it) (basically redundant)

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I was actually considering not posting after that dinner post but decided that the FUCK YOUS directed towards me would be funnier
> he is busy owning a house n shieeet
Oh yea, he was the houseownerneko too.
Naurrrrrrrrr, he's 4 off that's like an hour late in posting history akabouat
We love cute duo toks, attaching my favorite duo

> Gonna download and maybe even stream Two Worlds, a game so good it killed Oblivion forever. Look at this box art. awoooooga. Oblivion doesn't have titties.
Finally. The motivation I needed to actually watch my animes has arrived. Thank you neko

Yoooooooo, it's a sequel to Polanie II (Knight Shift). I loved that game :)
Now you've made me consider downloading both.
Don't worry neko, I'll be there, well as long as you don't forget to post that you're on because I don't check twitch that often.

Oh yea if you're actually buying it GOG has a sale going on rn for Two Worlds.
Also obviously GOG is a better choice for older games than steam (if legitimately purchasing), since they actually test if the game runs on modern windows.

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> buying games
The only reason I've suggested it is because I remembered he actually buys games.
I will be obviously using the other gog site (gog-games.to)
> their games usually work as soon as you install
Yea, also most of the time the version that is on GOG is better supported if any mods are required to make the game playable.
They did carve a good niche for themselves I'll give them that, since Steam really doesn't care if the game runs at all, but on the other hand is decently generous with the refunds.

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I'll probably have to move out of Albion when I get the chance, I just grow more depressed with the situation as I look online and see countless other people saying the same thing, the job market is just awful.

But then, how do I move out without the money to do so, and preferably with a job lined up in some other magical country where jobs are easy to get (this country does not exist).

Ahhhh, I wish I could go back to blogposting about dates with an autistic girl like in 2021.

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> polish-german
I'd make a bad joke, but instead I'll just say it's the german side.
I wouldn't even know if you didn't say neko.
Totally forgot it's a thing. It's the group stage so boring now thoug.
> this will be a shit movie
They didn't show any dialogue: smart. I can still see it's probably going to be really really bad.

I've managed like 3 minutes before I cringed the tab out of existence.

Member when yesterday I was talking about finishing Lionheart?
Well I've got really bored because it was endless dungeon and it seems like the endless dungeon will continue but I decided to boot it up again now, against my better judgment and got a level up and a perk.
Turns out that perk (that upgrades attacks to crits based on my luck stat) gives me like twice the dips so basically I'm going to probably finish since it's not as painful to go through the combat when I do 30-40 damage per shot instead of 10-20.

I have listened to it. Sadly I'm not a jazzcat.

I have killed like a small english village of soldiers (sorry UK neko), and now I'm going to kill all the scorpions in the desert. We're close, the end of the game is around the corner, just a few more dungeons...

I rescind my last post, du bist nicht ein dumkopf.
> Now I've got 5 years of volunteering experience and an additional 2 years of work experience. 
Well, if you're going to lie be prepared though for them to call your bluff (as in ask you a bunch of stuff about your experience) but genuinely as long as you can make it it doesn't matter.

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I'm lying about stuff I have actually done/am familiar enough to lie about.

During University I did do some volunteering, it was for a local litter pickup/clean up organisation, I'm expanding that out to have been 2 years. When it was more like 10 months.

I'm also saying I volunteer for the citizen science volunteering program of the bumblebee conservation trust, which just requires counting and identifying bumblebees on your walks, and recording their location. I can do that.

Obviously, when I apply to a job actually with the bumblebee conservation trust (thats on my list for this week) I will be removing the bit about working for them, as they will actually be able to call me out.

I also have invented a few new jobs I did in the last few years, I've expanded out a research position I had to sound fancier than it was and I think working as an event organizer for open days and such has some good skills I could talk about, so... I did that now.

Maybe I also did a paper round when I was a teenager, and maybe I trained a Kestral? Who knows, the sky is the limit, I can be anyone.

I have extensive experience working with members of the retarded community from the 2 years I have spent moderating a niche imageboard for latin american audio-visual content enthusiasts.
Your future career depends upon lying (legally), whereas my future career is about hope, truth, justice and the indominable human spirit.

Lying is hard, almost as hard as reading, but nowhere near as hard as breeding. (I CANT BREED)

It's foreigners in english, or "from foreign land"/"(people from) outside the borders" in polish.
> I fucking love lying. Lying is so fun
I dunno, there's still a lot of my Christian upbringing in me but I feel like it's just a detriment to be a non-sociopath nowadays.
I wish I was a 9/10 Chad so I could just say anything I want to and people would agree with me through halo effect.

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> Was asked if I use a translator to communicate 
Isn't that an insult though?

Oh yea I finished the game finally. The ending was very mid.
Well if you count 20 fucking maps of hitting monsters with arrows over and over in a row then it was atrocious, but I'm talking about ending ending.
Basically the first half is pretty nice and when you leave Barcelona it becomes genuinely bad, I would genuinely advise on using cheats if you REALLY really want to see the ending because my willpower was tested a whole lot.
The first screen is me on the chen. Actually both of those are me.

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I love lying so much I even lied in the post you replied to about me lying.
In reality, I dont lie much. I am however very prone to overexaggerating almost every number if I have to give one and I don't know why. Something took me 20 minutes to do? I did that for like 30 minutes. 40 people in a room? Idk how they fit 50 people in there, it was claustrophobic. Though I think this only applies to things where I dont actually know the concrete number.  For example, if I did 30 pushups in a set? I did 30. Drank 5 beers before wanting to go home? 5 beers to the drop.
> Isn't that an insult though?
 The full question was directed to me and another gentleman, both learners, and it asked if we were using translators to communicate, as our levels were way higher than would be expected of someone with the "beginner" tag. Basically like being called a cheater when you are playing fair. Sure, it can be taken as if theyre calling you bad and not believing you are that good in actuality, but it feels better to know that you are that good and that they cant believe it.
Someone else chimed in and said "I dont think [NEKO] is, at least" RAAAAAAAAH the other guy did admit that he used a translator, said he had just started and had beginner shame about making errors and all that jazz. In his introduction message he said that he was a linguist (and he has like 160k followers on his language focused tiktok page) so Im surprised to see that the plights of the human soul strikes yet those that have gone through the motions many times before. kind of beautiful to see the human soul shine through like this

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also found out that what a thing she says in this tok is actually grammatically incorrect
> Fazem dois anos
should be Faz dois anos. Apparently 'fazem' is a hypercorrection
finding out about this was completely accidental but funny that I remembered the tok when I was told about this fact

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> I love lying so much I even lied in the post you replied to about me lying.
Yea okay buddy FUCK YOU
> as our levels were way higher than would be expected of someone with the "beginner" tag
Oh okay, that makes much more sense. Well congratz :)
> also found out that what a thing she says in this tok is actually grammatically incorrect
Yea okay buddy I think Boni knows better how to speak her native language OKAY?
If you find out that she's a big dumbo through you learning the language because of her it would be pretty funny.
> yep, im gonna fucking rope.
Yea that would require from you to go to the shop and buy strong enough rope to hang yourself.
Never happening.

thumbnail of 7304339258049973510 LOOKS WHOS BACK OMG!!!!!!!  #natsuki #natsukiddlc #natsukicosplay #natsukidokidokiliteratureclub #dokidokiliteratureclub #ddlc #ddlccosplay #dokidokiliteratureclubcosplay-264.mp4
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> Yea okay buddy I think Boni knows better how to speak her native language OKAY?
This was told to me by another native who seems rather well-educated in the matters pertaining to the brapzilian tongue. But its also a common error that a lot of people do since they assume that Fazer should be conjugated for the plural due to "two years" being several, but it is actually supposed to be conjugated for the 2nd person singular
> spoiler
I havent read nor listened to her stuff enough to have formed an opinion thus far but if there is something I feel as if she is proficient in, it is having a high EQ. She seems pretty empathetic and aware in that sense but idk anything more than that
> reply to 4492

> Fazer should be conjugated for the plural due to "two years" being several, but it is actually supposed to be conjugated for the 2nd person singular
I have 0 idea what you're talking about.
It was a 100% joke, all of you cannot do simple things like going to a shop and buying basic things.

thumbnail of 7410877905997221125 how cute  #ayanoaishi - @lou (^з^)-☆  #yanderesimulator #yanderesim #yansim #ayanoaishicosplay #yanderesimulatorcosplay #senpai #taroyamada #taroyamadacosplay-264.mp4
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> I have 0 idea what you're talking about
omg boni hi.... ^_^* 
> cannot do simple things like buying basic things
What I did today could be included in a 1st grade math problem. I bought 3 boxes of 1.5 kg ground beef (how much ground beef is that in total?), 7 bottles of tomato sauce and 4 tins of baked beans
Yummy! :3

> I have 0 idea what you're talking about.
from a 10 second search and no further proof-checking if this is correct, basically the difference between robisz and robią where people think its the latter cus dois anos is plural but it should be the former

Ok, I've asked gpt about it and now I get it. Our equivalent would be saying "były to dwa lata temu" instead of "było to dwa lata temu" ("It was (plural, referring to the years) two years ago" instead of "It was (singular, referring to whatever happened) two years ago")

no, im gonna make köttfärssås (google this) and eat that for 3 days, then make chili con carne and eat that for 3 days and then repeat until those 4,5 kg are finished. then I will go buy more and do the same

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That's why learning huezilian is futile. You dedicate 1-3 hours of your life daily for 10 years, go through 100+ Italki tutors, only to find out the moment you step foot in the jungle that no one actually knows how to speak and they communicate through eeek's and oook's.

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> (google this)
I have duckduckgoed it instead. Stuff yourself with that big corpo SHILL.
Also it sounds like regular bolognese just local or something. I don't actually eat bolognese. I don't even eat ground meat most of the time unless I really want borgers.
I hope it'll be tasty for you though neko :)
Okay, I laffed. Dis neko HATES brapzilians!

> and I wont be home to see your response to this for at least 6 hours
I bet it will take like 30 minutes max before you turn on the browser in your phone to check out the thread.
Oh yea, I'm dropping a little wait, 87.1kg now. Now that reminds me: have you ever looked at how funny the belly muscles look when you go from unflexed to flexed? It's like an alien being under my skin, at least for me. Well if I was in single digits bodyfat it would  look normally probably but now it looks funny.

cute tan girl with cream white bleached hair, nice tan cleavage and white linen pants walked up the stairs in front of me and first thing I thought upon seeing the pants hug the contours of her ass was "There I want to have my face" I think the heat is turning me into a coomerneko

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> We all do this right?
Nope. I only dance when I'm drunk.
> going live
> 40 minutes
Close enough. I'll count it as a win since I actually didn't expect to be this close.
> coomerposting
You should really get some buddy, or do the handiwork, either or. Going around like that cannot be healthy.

> have you ever looked at how funny the belly muscles look when you go from unflexed to flexed? It's like an alien being under my skin
what the fuck are you talking about
> Dropped weight, now 87,1 kg
I thought our heaviest neko was 85 kg

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> what the fuck are you talking about
Impossible to explain pretty much, it's a combination of having a whole lot of muscles and enough fat that they're not very visible unflexed but quite visible flexed.
> I thought our heaviest neko was 85 kg
That was never the case I'm pretty sure but I personally were 85 before we even migrated. I've been hovering around 86-87 for like 2 months, then I've upped to 88 because of poe and now I'm dropping the fat because it's a bit too much.

> @Tenshi there is a guy doing the chika dance on tiktok every day until he gets a girlfriend, hes been doing it for 5 years
the funniest part about this fucker is that he is a porker. if he put even 10% of that effort into losing weight he would probably have a GF by now

his mods were saying "thats sad" and "wow pathetic", because they are losers without any passion in their life, all they do is moderate tenshi chat.

chiaki dance guy has drive and determination and ngl he's kinda cute. they are simply jealous of a winner, average beta male attitude is to put others down instead of asking how they rose up like a fenix from the ashes.

> 10% of that effort
Nah, it takes him like 10 minutes tops to post that stupid video daily.
Losing wait is much harder, even working out for 10 minutes daily would literally do almost nothing.
I guess if you count the time you're not spending eating it's about the same effort but then what kind of willpower does posting a stupid video on tiktok take compared to willpower required to actually change your diet?

"we're gonna film great shit"
"part of the org"
"i signed as a content creator"
bro... she's not even on the fucking team she's just a streamer...

Yeah, like I said on stream, she's gonna hype up her joining a organisation where they get a cut of her profits and she... does all the work?

You are completely missing the point. Its not about the strength it takes to do the dance but the strength it takes to do a specific thing as a habit no matter how easily it is done
You dont have the willpower to lose weight regardless of what you do

I never said it was about working out, it's about the effort it takes to make something a habit (like not stuffing your face and being in a deficit, no matter how little). 
> Crazy that you jump to insulting people randomly
as if me calling someone fat is a new thing related to this specific discussion

> You dont have the willpower to lose weight regardless of what you do
So you're conceding basically?
I've been working out pretty much every day for the last year or so.
It takes infinitely more willpower to do that than to post a tiktok dance for a year, or even 5 years or however long he's been doing it.
Duh, even the stupid wake up every day and do the pushups+squats for the last week probably took more willpower than that dance routine.

Excuse me buddy there's actually 55 thousand people that live there. That's MORE than in the city I live in okay?
No idea tbh, maybe n0tail really liked to emphasize it, maybe it's actually just someone from Faeroe being assblasted. Never really watched his stuff or followed him.

thats why i've not enjoyed any games like elite dangerous that try to sell the space trucking aspect, because there's fuckall to do. at least in euro truck sim you have to pay attention to the road and speed limits.

in space you just click your target and ZZZZ until you get there.

> any games
> that try to sell the space trucking aspect
I mean there's some "similar" games, maybe not space trucking per se but there's some cargo hauling involved, but that's like a small part of the whole system as it should be. Unless someone has some innovative out of the wazoo genius idea, I do not see it working.
Or you can make it a game about people, and the space trucking just a "fast travel" kind of part, like I dunno, Vall-hall-a, just instead of mixing drinks you truck from one space waffle house to the other and meet other truckers or something.

> OpenAI is begging the British Parliament to allow it to use copyrighted works because it's supposedly "impossible" for the company to train its artificial intelligence models — and continue growing its multi-billion-dollar business — without them.
Britneko? Your response to the poor and opressed AI developers?

Think about all the endless joy that the claudeposting has brought you. Who in their right mind would ever want to be against any of the marvels that AI has brought?
> The endless growth of capital is all I live for.
That's exactly what I thought too. I LOVE ENDLESS GROWTH

> AI generated (with love) song about Nekochen
For a minute or 2 I was genuinely considering looking up how to generate a song with AI just to make it a reality but I think there's enough sloppa out there.
Did you know that the first phrase of the nekos: "What the neko?" was AI generated

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Neka this was like 4 months ago...

posting my fucking streamer (who recently got signed to a huge org that will grow her streams massively)
We'll check back in exactly 6 weeks to see how much things have changed for Tenshillion. She's just gonna lose part of her income and see very little benefit me thinks, like, wtf does an org do for a streamer? Do people go, "wow, i fucking love giantx, im gonna go watch one of their content creators now on twitch.tv

@claude, remind me, 6 weeks.

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> Neka this was like 4 months ago...
Did they actually post AI generated songs?
I do not remember anything about that period honestly, well, not much at least.
> org and Tenshi
I've got no idea how it works, maybe they will provide her with sponsors or something, who knows?
I mean I hope she isn't as dumb as with the youtube videos where she just throws money into the endless pit because she just wants to make it on yt but it's just not going to happen because people would rather watch warlockracy talk about slavjank (true) (nao falsa)

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She's gotta stop throwing money into the youtube pit. £150 per video on average to earn less than 10k views? It's crazy.

She's got a good thing going with twitch and tiktok, most 'tubers actually don't try anymore because the payouts are so bad.

> Warlockracy talk about slavjank
So true. When's he talking about TWO WORLDS? I'm excited to hear his thoughts on... uhh... the relic... and i think the main character's sister had big boobas... and there was an evil guy wearing a colourswapped version of the same outfit another evil guy wore... and necromancy is in the game but the trainers dont exist.

good game 8/10, oblivion on STEROIDS.

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> most 'tubers actually don't try anymore because the payouts are so bad
Yea there's a reason why most of them else went to patreon or sponsorships. To make it just from views you gotta be just insanely low brow bottom of the barrel entertainment and/or the videos have to literally take no effort to make.
> When's he talking about TWO WORLDS
I mean if he made a video on Two worlds I bet it would be entertaining.
Like with Lionheart, the game is kinda bad, like the endless dungeon starts and it never stops and it just sucks to play, but if I watched him get through it, he would cut out the boring parts, talk about the fun parts and it would be like a 30 minute video about the most interesting aspects of the game.
The issue of the remaining 40+ hours of going through the dungeons? Nonexistant.
> she gets a salary
Not sure that every org works like that so I didn't mention it but
> helps with getting sponsorships 
Yea if they get her sponsorships it might be worth it.

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Perhaps Two Worlds will begin my adventure into EuroJank, I own quite a few Piranha Bytes games on steam but haven't touched them, so the Gothic games, and ELEX and Risen.

EuroJank just lacks the charm of BritJank. I wish the FABLE series hadn't been killed off, those games are charming.

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> the Gothic games, and ELEX and Risen.
Pretty sure Gothic series is actually good, they got really really good rep in Poland, partly because the game is not that bad, partly because the voiceover was really well done.
I think I've played a little bit of Risen a few years after it came out but it just didn't want to run on my computer back then, dunno if it's any good but maybe?
Elex I've really got no idea about but I think I heard it was pretty bad.
> the FABLE series
Weren't those the spawn of Peter Molymemeux the Todd Howard of UK?
I think you know now why they died.

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But the Skyrim series didn't die :))
Peter's lies and hyperboles about his games didn't kill the series, I just think the games didn't have the same kind of staying power. Fable 3 came out in 2010, a "completionist" playthrough of that game is apparently 46 hours, a main+sides is only 25. The game just isn't very long and doesn't have much content.

Skyrim came out a year later and people sink hundreds of hours into it. The gameplay whilst pretty basic, is a lot better than Fable's has ever been and there's a lot more to do.

Maybe Fable could make it if they pulled off a good open world adventure, but I doubt Microsft can handle any of their old IPs well considering how badly they fucked up HALO.

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Actually... it's an idea so good that anyone could do it.

Turns out I don't have multiple years work experience actually, I've been a 'game designer' all along, now I just need to convince a few hundred useful idiots to subscribe to my patreon for 5 bucks a month, where I release version 0.0001a and following updates every 3-4 months.

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> But the Skyrim series didn't die :))
I genuinely think that Todd and Bethesda as a whole captured lightning in a bottle with Morrowind and have been riding that wave (iterating basically on the graphical design) ever  since.
But then the old people that were responsible for the good parts left and they're slowly running out of steam now.
> I doubt Microsoft can handle any of their old IPs
I don't think they can handle any IPs, not even mentioning IPs that require attention to the history of the franchise and some creativity to pull off.
> Turns out I don't have multiple years work experience actually, I've been a 'game designer' all along, now I just need to convince a few hundred useful idiots to subscribe to my patreon for 5 bucks a month, where I release version 0.0001a and following updates every 3-4 months.
You're too late, that scam has been done over and over by the cum chalice extraordinare and by the star sector devs.
I don't feel like anyone is buying that anymore, well not unless you actually have something to show that's not half bad.

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Morrowind is just really good, I've been replaying it on and off in the last week, made a thief, doing some of the earlier guild quests and having a blast. Just saving up enough money for Mark/Recall is a life saver for any playthrough.

I was saying this during the Two Worlds stream, but the teleporter system is pretty cool and reminds me of Morrowind. I think maybe to make it less exploitable/overpowered you should make it so you can't put teleporters in the city unless it's a house you own. That would prevent me from just, looting a group of bandits and selling all their gear within a minute. I'd still be able to hoard all their gear, just at my house :D
Oh, and merchants having a limited inventory for buying stuff, kinda like Morrowind.

Just make the game into morrowind.
> I don't feel like anyone is buying that anymore, well not unless you actually have something to show that's not half bad.
Furries & Coomers.
That'll be the market.

It's well known that furries have a lot of disposable money, and coomers will pay for any awful slop that appeals to a somewhat niche fetish. Combine these two markets and you're gonna make BILLIONS.

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> teleporter system
It is really nice, I like it too because it's very Morrowind-like and makes the gigantic map more manageable while not compromising on it feeling gigantic, since you've had to reach the teleporters you've activated at some point.
I dunno if it's exploitable/overpowered though, that depends on the balance of the game. If you gotta actually make some money to buy good gear later then it's not a real problem, I guess we haven't seen too much of it yet.
> merchants having a limited inventory for buying stuff
That might be a good idea anyways regardless, but it's not that bad that they don't.
> Furries & Coomers.
Oh buddy that market has VICIOUS competition.
Actually though, you would have to deal with making stuff for furry coomers... If I ever learn how to draw, I don't think I want to subject myself to the horrors they want to get drawn.
Would rather rewatch the funny dog movie than have to stare at furry porn for hours daily.

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> Maybe Enderal gets good past the tutorial zone.
Already watched the video on it (obviously not this one), don't need to play it after that.

> Fun tip: 
> Take the job description and minimize the text to 1 font and turn the color white. Put it at the end of your resume.
> This means your resume will have all of the key words and will pass any auto-reject filter.
Time for another addition to your CV UKneko :)

That's a decent suggestion but very rarely do I just upload my CV. Infact, for a lot of jobs they aren't even asking for my CV, I have to hand fill in all the information on their own application form.

> I have to hand fill in all the information on their own application form.
> they're actually making filling in applications for a job a full time job
Jesus, the UK job market has to really be bad...
Everyone knows that they want "people that already have a job and with all the skills" so by making it a chore to fill out those forms they're cutting down on that market, since what person with a stable job already will want to get through their hoops...

Just got new info on the trans person in my class I've blogged about before, probably close to a year ago. Im currently in a zoom class and said person just asked a person and they have a male-sounding name despite looking like a short and non-binary woman so the case has to be a ftm one
probably pre-T if they ever get on it

Yeah... You'd think that would cut down on the applications, but I responded back to a rejection yesterday asking what I did wrong and this was my response

> Due to the volume of applications, on this occasion I am not able to provide individualised feedback, but I can let you know that the top six candidates taken through to interview  scored between 8.50 and 9 point out of 10 on their sift questions and CV scores combined from the criteria taken from the required criteria in the person specification.

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> Due to the volume of applications
I mean this can also be corporate speak for "We do not want to get sued, back off"
Normally they do not respond to those kind of e-mails at all so I guess it's nice that they've responded at all, I guess you didn't make the cut for the best score, but even that isn't 100% sure, since they have very carefully worded that mail to make sure you do not know if you've been or been not in the top six candidates.

So boniposta, when are you uploading 7411204569025318150? Only 534 MB :)

Also I waited myself and got 86.4 today. Lightwait babyyyyyyyyyyyyy
This cut is awful, I really wanna stop but I NEED to get some fat off since it's NEVERENDING summer and the heat is also awful. HELP

> reads like some pajeet who cant speak english
> for me it reads like something I would write since I'm autistic and it's on spec explanation (without going into detail and compromising the interview process)

> Your answers to the sift questions and your suitability to the person specification was adequate but you fell below our minimum height threshold for this position.
> We wish you the best of luck in growing your future job prospects.

Not for me no, IIRC that means the tok is in the wrong LUMA key.
If it works fine after conversion? Ignore it.
If it doesn't work fine? Do this:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -bsf:v "hevc_metadata=video_full_range_flag=1" -c:a copy -c:v copy output.mp4
And then just run the conversion on the output.
There's also an option that it's not the LUMA key thing but old ffmpeg not handling something that's new in the standard, in which case you will have to update it.

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Happy friday afternoon. Now we've done it. We've got to the end of the week. We have locked up our doubter cards, we have scraped all our fus, we have logged off our mlp forum accounts and I've quickly popped into my favourite neko club for a cheeky chat with the queers, and look, a little bit of parody posting because my 'fu – I love her dearly, but her toks ain't that great. And we've got a stunnin' britbong parody, bit of cheeky banter, a tiktok with a man which I think is wrong but it's happened anyway. And a course a bit of Funky. And you know me, I never look when I post, because I am. The Absolute. Gov'na.
Now listen cats, I hope you had a great week. Keep on smashing life, keep on giving 110% and don't post toks you disavow. And listen, cheers to you all, you deserve it. Abosh

he just makes better posts than me, he posts better fus than me, he does better on exams than me, he clicks heads better than me, he streams better kinos than me.

what the hecko is a neko supposed to do? i cant compete against this guy.

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see the night train
round the corner
slam the brakes
door slides open
time to go and
meet your fate
all the cards are
stacked against you
and your legs
cant support you
let me hold you
one last time

if you hate weezer, you are not a real neko

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You will stay. You will enjoy weezer with the one (1) (singular) weezer fan on this webzone. You will be happy.
Oh yea, remember that funky yt account I was talking about earlier?
It's gonezo and now I know why, I've scraped her insta and it turns out it was someone pretending to be her. Which is not even the worst part, they've had MULTIPLE videos of stuff I don't have which means it was someone who is obsessively hoarding her stuff for a while already...
Actually concerning how much effort they've put into pretending to be her.

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> the youtube acc wasnt her?
I was actually genuinely surprised, since they actually put in a whole lot of effort into posting just like her.
Well it's else that or she asked people to report her own account which would be very strange...
They've had a whole lot of her private stuff too, like how did they even manage to get their hands on this is beyond my knowledge, someone was/is very obsessed.

Iono, apparently. I haven't played her game.

#claude who is iono pokeman

'Iono is a popular streamer and influencer from the Paldea region who runs the Iono Zone (Japanese: ドンナモンジャTV Donnamonja TV) livestream, where she showcases her work as a Gym Leader.[7] She prioritizes viewer engagement[8] and frequently collaborates with other popular figures, such as Tulip, though these collaborations can sometimes affect her self-esteem,[9] and she doesn't like being rejected.[10] Despite her overwhelming popularity making it difficult to go unnoticed,[11] she reveals to Larry that she enjoys the attention.[12]

She is known for her unique habit of mixing languages, a quirk called "Iono-ese" by her and her fans. Her popularity has caught the attention of various significant figures, including Salvatore, who mentions her in his language class, and Grusha, who was a fan of her earlier content before she focused more on clicks and sponsorships. Iono no longer reads the comments on her streams due to negative feedback from certain fans.[13] Salvatore, however, has a more positive relationship with her, affectionately calling her "Mademoiselle Magnemite".[14] Her fans, known as the "Iono Hype Squad", often refer to her as "Miss Iono", while Tulip calls her "Nono".[9] Iono herself calls her fans "Iono Zoners" or simply "chat".[15][16] She's aware that many of her most loyal fans are students, including those attending Blueberry Academy.[17][18][19]

Often valuing her viewers' reactions more than winning battles, Iono sometimes regrets going too far for content, as seen in her conversation with Clavell at the League Club, though she brightened up when Clavell complimented the nickname "Mr. Walksabout" that she gave him on her stream.[20] Interestingly, Iono notices that her viewer count spikes whenever she loses a battle, though she doesn't understand why.[21]

Iono is highly animated in her movements. She often shakes with clenched teeth in awkward or tense situations and, in battle, she continuously steps up and down in place. Her oversized jacket frequently conceals her hands, so actions like waving or holding a Poké Ball are done with her coat's arms. The dainty throwing style she uses in battle is the same as the one available to the player at the League Club and is shared with Poppy.'

Those 'club crawlers' know nothing about the Relic, or the Taint, or Azriaal's Tomb. They probably even think House Skeleden are the rightful rulers of Thalmont xD

Haha, but I'll stop joking around. Can you do me a favour Bounty Hunter? My friend Edvin in Brumhill is selling a mountain crystal, can you go buy it for me? Here's 500 gold, please do NOT spend it all on lockpicks and start robbing the townsfolk.

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I mean I wouldn't call that brutally and one of the contestants was an actual bowling ball herself so she wasn't going to win anything (unless she actually flung herself into the pins)
Also awake but at what cost... (everything hurts, I'm hungry and I wanna die, I ain't got no cute fu)

i thought about blogposting related to my weight but it would just be more of the same and a waste of time for you nekos to read. i wont write on it until something actually changes, which, is entirely on me to change it.

I just don't think Valve should of approved of people to dress like this at TI it's a very serious tournament :/ and in the youtube chat ppl are spamming blue pink and white flags and saying xir name :/

Look what a great post I've found on facebook, pasting unaltered:
"Those of us that are woke know that the european monarchy rule the u.s. which proves the white race is the most**people on earth. They are the serf class sent to amerikkka to work in the factories and rent the apartments. Taxed and worked for a sense of superiority while their counterparts in Europe live off their backs. There are no significant resources in Europe. Their vegetables are engineered. Their stock consists of lamas and goats. Look at the fake history of the revolutionary war. Look at the big picture. Yes we are caught up in this sht but we are the g.o.a.t. of this sht. The white race of the u.s. are the true corporate asset of America."
Truly opened my eyes 👁👁

> post the AI sloppa and nobody gets hurt
It was a boring 4 paragraph where chatgpt hallucinated that it can actually explain quantum computing in "simple metaphores" while keeping it "engaging for general audience" and also not requiring any "prior knowledge"

> Is that the level of lying that I need to do
I think if ANY human actually reads that slop it's a straight ticket to the trash bin for your CV. Unless they know nothing about quantum computing.
Actually giving it a prompt that you've done an explanation on for a layman? Maybe that's plausible.

What the actual fuck? How did he lose that much wait in 7 months?
I mean I know how (except for suspecting him of ozempic) but holy shit I never expected Nikocado Assholado to actually become thin again.

wait holy fuck he actually hasnt recorded a single video for about 2 years. he just recorded a fucking ton of them back when he said all that "Im always 2 steps ahead" stuff and has been releasing them over time to hide the weight loss journey. He legit did all of this BEFORE ozempic.
Kaiser Nikocado Kingocado

> 110 kg
Wait in 7 months? Is that even theoretically possible?
Okay I just looked up tdee for myself+110kg and if he ate literally nothing he would still have to put it like 600+ kcal of cardio every single day (equivalent of like 1-2 hours of good cardio).
This is not even Ozempic tier change, since that only reduces apetite by like 80%, I suspect actual surgery now.

I mean, kinda sucks that ozempic is a thing now since that takes away from the achievement if he managed to do it on his own.
It was a death-tier diet anyway and you can see it by the way he literally doesn't have any muscles now. Sucks to suck I guess, a cautionary tale to never get too fat.

> have you ever seen him before he got fat?
Tbh I was never interested in him beyond the lolcow aspect.
> cant lose something you dont have
Yea it's more of a thing for me personally, at this point though I don't let myself go, at least not for a period longer than 2-3 weeks, which can be fixed in the same amount of time.
I don't even think I can actually get fat at this point, when I saw negative changes in the mirror recently I've got a mental block towards eating for a week.

It was the "what goes around, comes around" tok, basically it was the same idiom it's just that in Polish it mentions God and a random name for no reason.
Funny that you cannot even say that idiom without mentioning God, wonder how militant atheists say it here.

> nonbinary guy who runs board game club sunday says THEY are doing a session on saturday but it's paid
> pay
> show up
> it's fucking postponed
> had NO message about it
> message him on discord asking for a refund
> he goes offline
ahahahaha fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

he kinda looks like john pork though

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The Great Sacking Blogpost part 2 

When I started here, this job carried a certain sense of wonderment. The first time you leave the station and enter the glittering maze of high-rises it is very hard not to feel that. After so long believing I had screwed my life irreversibly, this gave me hope. Hope that no matter how awful the rest of my life might be, I had this job to cling to. A proper career with a clear path to earning real money, surrounded by talented people who had worked hard to end up in the same place as me. A fresh start.

The job involves auditing the financial statements of large companies. Pretty dull work. A haze of excels, heaps of documentation and constant meetings. Endless open plan office floors, rows of monitors showing matching spreadsheets, and the background chatter of people who think they're Jim from The Office. A hundred different tasks for a dozen different managers, always just behind where you need to be (work late tonight and we'll catch up for sure). And this for the rest of my life.

In short I am burnt out. January to February it was busy season, working until 9 or 10pm each night, taking an Uber home, then collapsing into bed only to blink and realise it is morning again already. Where you count yourself lucky if you avoid working on Sunday. The only thing that keeps me going in this period is the idea that its a temporary thing, just 2 months and then it is over. That and lacrossefu's smile. The sense of relief when you do finally finish is nice too. A real feeling of accomplishment you don't get very often. But of course it doesn't last.

After a week or so of barely working, I then transfer to my Spring engagement. A little team of 5 people meeting in a client office in Mayfair. The partner is absent, the manager is useless, and the in-charge is one of the most antisocial people I have ever met. The client's chief (only) accountant is an eccentric african man who could have a blogpost all to himself. As a result, instead of having a huge number of tasks like before, you have a small number that sit there waiting for literally anyone to provide the necessary information for progress to be made. It is an even more miserable experience than busy season, not least because this is the part of the year where you begin to realise the temporary period of stress isn't so temporary after all.

In summer I alternate between preparatory work on my main client and study. For your first 3 years you are earning a qualification alongside your work that allows you to become a chartered accountant - the big salary increase comes after this. I have completed 10 or so exams in total. This round is a set of 3 taking place across 2 days in mid June. For a few weeks before each set of exams you sit in a classroom going through huge textbooks on topics you will never encounter in your real work. On this occasion an email is sent round offering students to learn the materials at home due to Ramadan. I of course reply to this email taking them up on the offer.

So for the first time in the year I have time to myself, with 3 exams to learn the answers to. One of these is the advanced tax exam, which is famously difficult. The other two aren't too bad. I don't use this time very productively. First of all I really did need the rest. Second of all, I am naturally quite lazy. Before I know it the exam is just around the corner, and I have not even completed my first run through the materials let alone revision or question practice. I realise I have messed up badly, and it is too late to fix. But its not the end of the world. There is a guaranteed resit, after all. Just focus on the 2 easier exams and bomb the hard one.


When the exam results come in a month or so later, while I am busy working on Half Year deadlines, I get a fairly expected result. 1 exam passed handily, 1 exam failed by 3 marks, and the tax exam failed by a good margin. Not good, but at least on the resit I'll have fewer exams to focus on and I can just use some annual leave to be in a position to pass. But the email that comes through the next day makes me realise something is amiss. It only references the tax exam, and it tells me a meeting will be held to discuss the result. My work friend leans over from the desk next to me - "That's strange, that looks like the email so and so got when he failed his resit. They might have sent you the wrong one". They did not send me the wrong one.

As it happens there is a minimum mark requirement to get a resit, which I narrowly missed. That's why you read the policy in detail. I begin to realise my days are numbered, but as the date of the meeting approaches my feelings are mixed. I considered my chances of not being sacked to be maybe 60/40, but no higher than that. On the one hand, it is a bad thing to be fired. It pays me money, and it is a pathway to a better life. On the other, I hate every minute of it and I feel spriritually dead. To lose this job could be a blessing in disguise, knocking me off course right before I make the mistake of committing to a miserable career path I have no interest in. Certainly some of that is just cope, but I don't think all of it is. 

I am left to stew for a while before a date for this meeting is finally set. My performance manager, performance leader and a HR representative will be in attendance and I am invited to bring along a colleague. Never a good sign. I am helpfully informed that "one possible outcome of this meeting is a termination of your employment". The days tick down. And then it is here. I find an empty meeting room and dial into the call. My performance leader comes round to join me, and we share some jovial banter about the difficulty of finding meeting spaces. But it is made clear that this is a formal meeting. My performance manager does not show, a behaviour he is famous for among people who've worked with him. 

I am given a chance to explain myself, and I decide to do so with dignity. I explain that I was under some stress with work, and that, not realising there was a minimum mark requirement, I had decided to accept the tax exam was a lost cause and focus on the other two to maximise my chances on the resit. At one point the HR rep disconnects from the call. My PL turns to me. "You need to come up with a better story and you need to come up with it now", he tells me. But it is too late of course, and when HR lady reconnects there is little time to think of a sob story and even less room to diverge from the tale already told. I am asked a few more probing questions and then am told to wait outside while a decision is reached.

There is no stress at all as I sit out there twiddling my thumbs. I have accepted my fate, and am filled with a sudden confidence that this was meant to be, and that everything will turn out alright. I felt the excitement of the released prisoner rather than the dread of the man walking to the guillotine. Tranquility. After a short eternity I am called back in. My PL has a somber look in his eyes. 

But no decision had been taken. They had agreed that due to my PM not showing up it couldn't be a fair hearing. God bless him. The meeting was adjourned until the following week. "You seem honest and like the type of person we want to keep at this firm but you have to play this a lot smarter", my PL tells me. "If you really play up stress and we can get you a health assessment, then maybe we might be able to appeal". He doesn't sound very confident. So I leave, and sit at my desk. I have work to do. After a few seconds I stand back up again. I go downstairs, out the building, buy a hot chocolate from Costa and then sit by the waterfront. It is a warm day, with the sun shining down at me, and I enjoy it.


I found the idea of playing up stress a bit distateful. I'd rather die standing dignified than squirming around on the floor trying to dodge the executioner's bullet. I think about my life, of where I started and where I've arrived and what options lay before me. I don't come to any firm conclusions. 

The next day I am at a work social. We go to a bingo hall - poetic - and then to drinks at a rooftop bar. About 8 drinks in I am sitting with lacrossefu. "Are you alright with everything?" she asks. "You were acting off yesterday". I can't remember what was said exactly after that, but I think she came away with a faint idea of what was going on. 

The meeting resumes a week or so later. I sit down and am asked the same questions. I play up the stress angle, possibly too hard, in a way that feels ridiculous with an audience that had been there on try 1. I don't fully remember what I said but I milked it as well as I could, putting all shame to the wind. Once again I was asked to leave the room while they deliberated. It went on for longer this time, or at least it felt that way. Eventually I was called back in. 

An appeal was to be made to the results board following an occupational health assessment, performed over the phone, with the appeal review scheduled for late september. 

Now this is a slightly strange blogpost in that I have been slowly revisiting it over a fair few weeks. I get extremely little time alone - even now I only have a few minutes. Bingogirl leaves the house after me in the morning and is home before me in the evenings. She shares every weekend with me. The computer’s location means that I can’t do anything on here I don’t want her to see while she’s around, and you can’t blogpost properly on mobile. To make it worse, I have spent much of this period moving house. Packing, unpacking, carrying things back and forth (given the short distance I skimped on a moving van). As a result the narrative is somewhat disjointed, with key events in the story having occurred since I started writing it.

But I had the health call a few days ago. I played it up quite well I think, but it was a tough balancing act. Possibly too good, I don't want to actually be written off as a headcase. I think I also gave her the impression I'm an alcoholic, which isn't true at all. But I think she will back my story up. No idea how likely this appeal is to work out though. One month's notice period so I am guaranteed a job until late October at least. If the appeal is accepted then the resit would be in December, the results in January and the sacking if I fail again sometime in February. Right after we finish our busy season. A good time for it.

I wonder whether I should find a way out regardless. This stage of my life is one of misery and unfulfillment, and that won't change until I am out. I feel very strongly that I should get out while I can, and that the longer I wait the heavier my chains become. I can feel myself getting older, my options narrowing. But equally, I have made bold life-altering decisions in the past that have worked out quite badly for me. Certainly it would be a gamble. But when an animal is cornered sometimes the only thing left is to gamble.

To hype up 'the great sacking' for an entire month of no follow up post, only to end on the twist ending that you actually weren't sacked is fairly genius storytelling.

Your work colleagues sound like good people for advising you how to better lie, they have good interests at heart.

Do you think things will really get better if you had a change in jobs? I've been around and reading your blogposts long enough to remember similar doom and gloom styled posts regarding your relationship with bingo girl getting serious.

The ending of that relationship didn't fix your mood, it only seemed to make things a lot worse until your corrected it. Why would changing this be different?

At the very least please don't fail your way into being fired before you've got a replacement job lined up.

I was literally the only person that signed up, and rather than telling me before hand that it was cancelled/postponed due to people not being interested, I was left to spend hours travelling in, and paying money for the bus, to be informed it wasn't happening.

Pure kino. I love nonbinary autists now.

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I've been in a similar situation, unable to change jobs, working long hours so searching for a job was actually pretty much impossible, the job actually sucking my soul out bit by bit. The worst part is that you don't have the option for going back to your rents and saying fuck it I'm out for a while like I did.
This is a hard situation tbh, personally, I have no real advice for him except to try and find another job IF you actually can.
Actually would land on my shitlist for that lmao. Did he also scam you or did he respond finally?

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I've said this in the past, most specifically back when you retold the stories of the greeks / romans and the wars they fought (and the many times I have brought up the fact that you have done this – I just liked them that much) but you write very captivating posts. 
In relation to the posts at hand, I wish you the best of luck. Sounds like a tough situation and I have no words to offer, no matter how irrelevant or unhelpful
With how little interest it seems like the other club dwellers have during the actually free and scheduled meetings, what made you expect that the paid off-schedule meeting would be more active? Naurrrr he got SCAMMED

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If it was a cute girl they/them I'd at least be offended
but it's just a fat guy larping as a nonbinary
They replied a few minutes ago and told me they'd contact someone about the refund because they payment isn't sent directly to them, it's processed through the company he was gonna rent the space from.
This was supposedly advertised in a bunch of locations, I wasn't aware I would LITERALLY be the only one that showed up. They've run sessions at a different venue, for a higher price, and gotten a dozen people showing up before.
And just last night, 18 people showed up online for one of their sessions (me included), whilst most of them weren't local, i felt that also kinda shows that he can get people interested.

I'll get my refund and then I'll buy some more donuts.

what kind of mental fucking retardation do you need to have to just go into a room with someone else and loudly play games on your phone for like an hour? buy fucking earbuds you window licking spaztic

No iGsissies in the chat
> but seriously china ALWAYS chokes at TI.
I think I remember one year where Chinese teams were actually good, back then I thought it's going to be league all over again. And then they literally disappeared.
I guess spamming the Tiannmen Square pasta in the chat worked :)

For me? It was the 'check their chinky shoes' meme in the 2018 finals, where LGD seemed to just know what OG was doing at all times.

They still lost because based notail the FAROE ISLAND GOD was OG's captain.

This will be the only TI match I watch because hooooly shit bkb tp is sooo fun to watch im poooooooooooooogging at how they farm for 50 minutes and then tp whenever they get engaged on pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog

> The International 2017 Prize Pool: $24,787,916
> The International 2018 Prize Pool: $25,532,177
> The International 2019 Prize Pool: $34,330,068 
> The International 2020: Cancelled
> The International 2021 Prize Pool: 40,018,195
> The International 2022 Prize Pool: $18,930,775
> The International 2023 Prize Pool: $3,380,455
> The International 2024 Prize Pool: 2,457,441

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There are no good games, no good tv shows, no good movies, no good books, no good websites.

there's nothing to do but sit here and decay until Acid uploads a new tiktok or Warlockracy uploads a new slavkino.

life is wonderful? no. life is WAITING.

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> Do you think things will really get better if you had a change in jobs? I've been around and reading your blogposts long enough to remember similar doom and gloom styled posts regarding your relationship with bingo girl getting serious.

I doubt that very much. However I am in that stage of life where you can still make mistakes and take risks, and as things are going now I stand every chance of dying without ever having lived. What I can say for sure is that the path I am on is wrong. There may well be no right path for me out there, or if there is I may never find it, but you will never have any success unless you go looking for it. You only have one shot at life and what a waste it would be to sit back and let that shot drift away. I feel, in some half forgotten part of my soul, a great yearning and a passion for life that has survived every disillusionment. 

I feel very much like someone has pressed the fast forward button, that the decisive era of my life is over and the audience is skipping to the end. I can cast my mind back with uncanny ease to the mind of last year and that of the year before, to every significant moment in between. Even as I type I can feel the gaze of my future self upon these words, filled with somber thoughts of missed opportunities. I visited some family week. They were all so much older than I remembered. So much has already been lost. If I don't act soon then it will all be over in a blink of an eye, this whole beautiful life abandoned to rot. What a crime that would be.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡈⢿⣦⡙⡰⢊⡱⢄⠲⣈⠕⡸⢮⣄⢋⠆⣣⠙⡌⠦⡑⠰⡈⠔⡀⠂⠌⠐⡠⠑⡌⢆⡁⡇⢌⠢⡑⢌⠢⡑⢌⢢⣁⢃⡒⠤⡁⠀⠀⠀HOLY FUCKING SHIIIT MY DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK


I have a bad habit of falling into self indulgent rambling, and on re-reading this is a prime example of this. What I am getting at is that a) I will never be happy living like this and b) given that fact, it feels necessary to take risks.

I also acknowledge that this is a very difficult thing to do of your own accord, at least if you don't naturally trend that way. The prospect of being sacked excites a part of me precisely because the sober part of my mind acknowledges it to be a poor decision, and knows I will never do it unless I am pushed.


I didnt mean to furrypost in the middle of your blogpost but I cannot change the past. Either way, what do you think you would plan on doing in the different outcomes that can come from this health assessment? If you get sacked, what then? Likewise for if you get the resit and pass it


My first real time off work all year starts next week (a week and a half long). My aim is to use this time to get away somewhere and work things out, decide what it is I want out of life and what to prioritise. Regardless of what happens next I have been lucky enough to secure myself some breathing room - if the meetings had gone the other way I'd have had to just panic apply for jobs and take whatever I could. Hardly a recipe for success. 

I'd ideally want to have job applications already sent out at both crunch points (appeal board / resit results) to reduce the risk of any significant amount of time out of work. I don't have enough in savings to cover my half of the rent + bills + living expenses for more than a short amount of time.

It's already awful, I wake up and there's furry ascii art on /neko/. What has this general become, my sweetest friend, every oldneko I know goes away in the end. But you can have it all, my empire of dirt.
I do not know where I'm going with this
Good morning Neko that I totally do not know the full doxx of.

I'm doing the cut on a suffering basis so there's not much I can do about that. If I was actually not lazy I would count calories, but instead I'm gauging on how hungry I am and if it's hungry enough.
Which also basically means that outside of the lunch and a few hours after it I'm just hungry, since I do one meal a day now.

yeah thats what I mean, eat once in the morning and just coast on the calories that said meal gave you until you go to sleep. the hunger doesnt kick in until around late afternoon and by bed time it's basically gone and youre already going to sleep and forgetting all about it

Pirate Invasion kicked my ass for a while, but I've managed to box in one corruption area out of the three present in my world. One all 3 are boxxed in I won't feel so bad

Worst part about being an aspiring skelly? Driving with my wallet in my back pocket feels so awful now. The assmeat used to tank the feeling but now its intankável its so bad

Why do you keep the wallet in your back pocket? Do you love getting robbed or what? I always keep the stuff that's important in my front pockets so I can feel that I have them on me at all times and they're visually in my peripheral.

Buddy, I have not seen a black/darker skinned person in AGES and I still would rather not get pickpocketed.
It's just common sense, no matter how remote the chance is.
"Large unbuttoned coat pockets, not advisable" ~wise Chinese man

> Shame pokemans SUCKS.
I have never played pokemans so I dunno, but I doubt it. Also I will not be able to play them till my next upgrade since my current mobo does not support virtualization or something.
> 48 donuts... (no carbs)
I've got bad news for you neko... Donuts... have carbs... 😱😱😱

Going into ketosis is actually pretty hard, believe me I've tried (unsuccessfully and successfully), but I can tell you that if you just wanna go into a cut or a significant cut, just reducing the amount of carbs you eat is pretty easy imo.

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> missed the league of legends player stream
And nothing of value was lost.
I have never had been angry enough because of games/computer content to destroy anything physically. 
Well, I've done some keyboard mashing as a bit and I think I've managed to pop a few keys once or twice, but never any permanent damage.
I'm sorry though neko, I hope your day improves ;_;

> a snake
This song is about me :)

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Well, the day's important tasks are finished, time for me to play terraria all day :P

I've got like 4 NPCs waiting on housing so I'll handle that, then go think about fighting mechanical bosses and THEN beat moon lord first try (nao falso)

business idea: start smoking not for the cigarettes but for the networking opportunities. genuinely might do this. and for once one of my dumb ideas is actually a business idea
so the gist is just to smoke a few cigs to get over the coughing and unbearability and then maybe smoke a maintenance cig every 1-2 weeks outside of opportunity smoking with people. see someone smoking? can always go up to them and ask if they have a lighter.
I know I wouldn't get addicted so aside from the health debuff, what is the downside to this?

arguably the dumbest post on /neko/ and it somehow isn't mine.
You know you can just talk to people if they're smoking? Smokers don't have some sort of code where they only talk to other smokers?
And if you're thinking smoking is the secret rich boy's club, the rich guys are just doing cocaine, so that's a better networking opportunity.

> what is the downside to this?
That it fucking sucks, the health detriments of smoking cannot be understated.
But I'll take you up on that stupid idea, if you actually want to smoke cigarretes for networking opportunities, I would recommend trying out vapes first, much less invasive and it doesn't kill your lungs with all the shit they put in the cigarettes. Try that out for a bit, probably with a one-use thing that they sell nowadays, when you're used to that a bit you can smoke 1 or 2 cigs, and then you're done. You can just keep cigs on you and smoke with people if you want to network. Don't even have to "resmoke" them every few weeks like you've said, since I'm pretty sure once you're used to it you can do it always (personal experience).
I genuinely advise against smoking EVER. Even vaping is probably bad enough. In general nicotine addiction is pretty fucking heavy and it takes a whole lot of mostly mental fortitude to get through it. I've gone through nicotine withdrawal multiple times, it fucking SUCKS. Not worth it.
Also this, I've been going out with smokers on the breaks often, whether or not I've been smoking or what I've been smoking (vapes vs their cigs, since I never liked analogs) it wasn't a big deal tbh.

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> genuinely think this is one of the better ideas I have come up with ever
Genuinely one of the worse ideas you have ever come up with.
I dunno, I have never had trouble with talking to coworkers unless else they actively tried to shut me off of the convo or they had the type of personality that was absolutely abysmal to try and find any common ground with.

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Its not about networking with coworkers, you dont have to network with coworkers because they are already in your network
Its about being able to strike a conversation with anyone out and about or at a work conference or at the airport or whatever. Anyone who might be of value to you and you otherwise wouldnt be able to talk to them unless you cold approached them like they were one of the hoes (I do not approach women.)
Also the fact that you get away for a few minutes of quiet private conversation which adds to the buff that powers up the networking

Even discounting the health risk and the cost of cigs, I would never do it for the "networking benefits" just because I absolutely HATE the smell of cigs.
Spoiler: they taste about as good as they smell.

this joke is really funny on 2 levels, the first being because the president of my country is called Keir Starmer, the second is that you mispelled it as Kier hahaha fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

Probably just random thing, IIRC Radiant has a slight advantage in pubs. I dunno how they decide the sides, I think it was something like one team gets to pick first ban the other gets the side choice?

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Fellow Anglo-Saxi here (I can trace my lineage all the way to Alfred the Great, my family has a long line of conquerors, heroes, dragon slayers and spellswords) and I must agree. This land is beautiful and it's people fair, kind-hearted and pure of sovl, but those that rule us continuously fuck us over and frankly if I don't get a job within the next 2 months I will become a serious threat to society and/or myself, but mostly myself.

I'll go live after my dinner is finished/eated. I need to build some farms for potion ingredients, so you can join me as I build those :P

Will I ever defeat the mechanical bosses? At this point it's been like 15 hours of hardmode gameplay and I've yet to do it...

They won 2:1 vs Heroic, the guy that said that was 23savage
I actually have no idea who is who at this point, barely can recognize the players I haven't been in the loop for so long.
Uhhhh, I guess I know Spirit teams name so Spirit?

It's more choose your own adventure novel slop that paradox pushes out because they've yet to release a FUCK YOU single actual video game that makes money for this franchise they bought like 8 FUCK YOU years ago. it's a bit sad that the brand has FUCK YOU fallen so far. plus V5 was shit too.

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> Speaking of being 'fed up', the writer/s just couldn't help themselfs and had to once more inject real life politics into it because...browniepoints?
I was going to maybe look at it, even though I'm not big into visual novels, but because of the quote above I will not even pirate.
And yet there's a disproportionate amount of no fucking going in the nekos lives.
Really makes you think about society and shit.

> might not be the most trustworthy factor
Possible, I just got that feeling from the trailer so I just looked if it might be the right feeling or not.
Tbh I'm very uninvested so if you feel like checking go ahead neko.

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Russian tigtog verdict:
Coal, so much coal.
I scrolled down the #cosplay page (maybe should've checked #косплей instead?) and it's nothing but bot accounts who repost thousands and thousand of tiktok videos with no apparent connection between them. You click on their profile and one video is about cosplay, the next one has two mice cuddling, then it's a quran reading, and so on. Since they don't bother changing the video description, you can often find the original video by pasting it into your browser. I don't even think the bots have any criteria on what videos they repost, since I found tokkers from all over the world with absolutely no views. As for the reposts I recognized, I found a single Arie, Kora and Marmar, and multiple Sugarsweetnites. Maybe tiktok is also like that in the sense of botting, but I have better ways of searching for what I want instead of scrolling down an hashtag.
As for actual real people posting real videos, the only good fu was the one I originally got the malware for. Got a midfu out of it but she has a fully similar account on tiktok, so why bother. Found maybe five other real people, most of them being the classical trinity of too young - too blurry - too choppy, and one single woman (single in the sense that there was only one, she wasn't single 😔) that I assume was an OFwhore, I don't know I didn't click on her videos because she was ugly.
Attaching the midfu cosplaying the fan-service rat.

> Thats how gacha games work
Any gacha that requires me to pay for me to get anywhere is a no-no zone.
Tbh I genuinely think that pretty much all gachas might be a waste of time, but if the gameplay is good enough and the pull mechanics are not overly punishing I might give it a try.

why would you post germ? she is mid on the best of days. i could name 30 hours more tokkers than her is cuter and with dancing and cosplays so germ is wasted being post by choice.

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It's always an insulting joke about my 'fu. He's probably from the same 'hate discord' that has been cyberstalking me for 3 years. Constantly calling me 'chubby wubby', 'peter porker' and 'fat fuck retard'. They not only harass me, but they insult ALL the girls I've ever posted. They call remy an alcoholic, say Reki looks like a man, call shrivix flatchested...

I can't take it anymore, they harassers win, im handing in my tiktok badge and my tiktok gun. im tiktok retired.

I bet if I was good looking they wouldn't be that expensive.
Alas I look like shit and I'm norwooding, time to lay down on the beach to get used to the sand (same word as dirt) (it's a joke about getting used to being 6ft under)

This has to be a new low. A (polish, young) guy, livestreamed breaking in and stealing from a convenience store. On his own facebook account. Real facebook account, where he had his name and everything on.
Actual king dumbass.
He got caught instantly ofc and is now awaiting trial.

This has to be a new low. A (english, young) guy, livestreamed breaking in and stealing from a bakery. On his own facebook account. Real facebook account, where he had his name and everything on.
Actual king dumbass.
He got caught instantly ofc and is now awaiting trial.

Maybe I'm just bad at terraria, last night the twins appeared in my world, I grabbed my potions, hit my crystal ball of + magic damage, and still died when they were at 20% HP.

I need to do more fishing.

I find the twins to be easier than skeletron prime
The destroyer is obviously the easiest because it just cant hit you if you have two hands but the skeletroon actually poses a threat
twins are legit nullified by a single gravitation potion

> I guess I could summon cuck my way through
The funniest part? You can't. There's no summons before the twins that can actually do any reasonable damage to mech bosses, unless they added some new ones since 1.3 or whatever.

I didn't really like those kind of days, but then I have never had a significant commute so I bet it's actually awful for you.
My worst commute was like 20-25mins, I imagine with an 1hr-2hr commute I would be actually pissed.
> imagine dying to the detrooner of worlds...
Don't have to imagine it, I have died multiple times to destroyer. He can and will shit out a bunch of projectiles and if your arena is bad it will kill you.

So this is why funky has not been uploading... Because I've said I don't really like the recent toks... 
Absolutely acabou, I'm going to rope, see ya later.
I think she just likes the cos, which I mean, is pretty nice I think

> see chocolate bars with the text "BRASIL" on them in a large font
> buy both variants
I consoooomed.... this will be so many calories.... but.... preciso fazer.... para o país... bostil....

bought a really nice looking ice cream as well but I ate bigly today so I will hold off until the movie movie tomorrow also will probably stream a movie movie on saturday as well but this will be a NORMIE movie unlike the kino that I usually pick. it will serve as a palette cleanxsr

thumbnail of 7293575007253335302 thats kinda cringe  #scaramouche #scaramouchegenshinimpact #scaramouchecosplay #scaramouchegenshin #GenshinImpact #genshinimpactcosplay #wanderer #wanderergenshinimpact-264.mp4
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omg I got post #5000??? I am so honored!!! Yippie!!!!! I dedicate this to all my loyal fans and followers, and to my nurse Kaitlyn. I wouldn't have gotten through the solar eclipse without you, honey!
Here's to another 17 hours of pre-hardmore!

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Congratulations neko, you spent 7 hours to beat some mecha bosses. I've streamed and beaten incredible games like Two Worlds, Overlord, Halo (On Legendary), BattleBit and Meet n' Fuck Space Captain.

keep playing your ONE game. I'll be out here enjoying and beating them all.

Yea I could've done that too, and then have to farm anyway because I wouldn't be able to beat mech bosses (just like you did, except on expert it would be even harder)
I'm getting most of the boring parts of farming out of the way so I don't have to do it in hardmode where I want to go for steampunker asap and contain the corruption and hallow since I'm going to play for longer than 7 hours.

> except on expert it would be even harder
if I played expert I would actually get good equipment, good reforges and use buffs + good pots, not just zug zug it
> farming
> fishing
gotta hand in your man-license desu

There's more and less destructive ways to contain it and basically the options are to dynamite all the way to underworld or hellevate another time on hardmode and clentaminator a bunch.
Otherwise it's unfeasible time-wise.
> if I played expert I would actually get good equipment, good reforges and use buffs + good pots, not just zug zug it
So you're saying you WOULDNT actually manage to do it in 5 hours?
Get straight buddy because your story is as bendy as an arrow fired from a bow.
Unless suddenly you would get somehow better on expert (harder difficulty) (lmao) (I can already hear the cope)
Oh look the cope even though HE WAS RANGERCUCKING till HM XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Can't even comprehende

Im talking for the mechs
I would get to hardmode within 5 hours and then to prep for the mechs actually get good gear
Could probably kill all mechs within 10 hours on expert assuming I was playing ranger, summoner or long-range melee like yoyo or chakram

this item alone proves how strong rangercucking is
you can use it until lunatics and you can get it as your first item in hardmode

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im gonna find out if I am all talk or actually walk the walk too
i will play expert mode and try to kill all 3 mechs in within 10h played no holds barred (except of course cheating)
the ultimate test of SK1LL

> spoiler
there is but not even I am trans enough to do that
> 10 hour girlboss playlist stream?
I can stream a bit today but the rest of it will probably occur tomorrow since I am mostly free that day and that can segue (THIS MEANS FOLLOW IN PORTUGUESE??? WHAT THE FRICK I JUST REALIZED THIS CONNECTION HOOOLY) into the movie movie friday edition
ill go live

It was hard to decide because as I went down the list I felt another 'fu was a better fit for most heroes
> Drow: Shrivix
> Marci: Noemi
> Lina: Nora
There's not enough cute heroes. Oh, maybe I should've gone with Female Anti-Mage, that would've been a good look for Reki, I like her hair in that skin.

naurrrr, rude.
Funky would do a good Dark Willow, I also think she could do a good Rubick cosplay, she'd get his ADHD movements down really well.

and rubick is the coolest character in lore, he not just a magus but infact the grand magus which if you read his backstory novel youd understand the challenges he went through to get there

if I can build a wall of flesh bridge and defeat him within 32 minutes I will officially have gotten to Expert difficulty hardmode in 5 hours on what I genuinely think might be the worst seed I have ever played on in my life

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His friend who said he'd never install a morrowind plug-in is really missing out. Tamriel Rebuilt is so fucking good that it makes normal morrowind hard to play because the quests and world design is so bad in comparison. Skull emoji.

Shout out to the TR team, morrozoomers saving the franchise. And thank you to a 2 room apartment in Babrusyk, Belarus. Source is the best engine ever made.

> Tamriel Rebuilt is so fucking good that it makes normal morrowind hard to play because the quests and world design is so bad in comparison.
Have you played vanilla? I've finished it once first with minimal mods (like 6 or 7 I think? Basically just bugfixes) since I didn't want to have that experience of playing modded and never managing to play the actual original game.

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I've played the majority of vanilla content, I think I've not done the imperial cult, I haven't finished the tribunal temple, but apart from that I've 'finished' every guild/house.

Tamriel Rebuilt is so fucking good. They have actual vampire quests and an actual vampire questline, it's pure kino.

I first heard about the Foo Fighters in the 7th grade and I thought they were called the Food Fighters. Back then, I thought american high schools all had food fights where they throw food at each other because thats what I had seen online

> They have actual vampire quests and an actual vampire questline, it's pure kino.
Lmao that reminds me of my first MP playthrough of Morrowind where I didn't know wtf was going on, we swam to Solstheim and I got werewolf infected, which does not show up on your screen in MP but it shows for other people and I was very confused when I transformed and all NPCs were hostile.
I will play Tamriel Rebuilt someday :)

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> A classmate from HS just posted a video that we recorded during psychology class where we act out the procedure and results of a study
> I play the role of the narrator and I am doing a really bad Attenborough impression
gonna smt XDD watching 18 year old me is powerful cringe material

Do you ever get that feeling that you're going to die? Like an immense fear of death and it doesn't even matter if you've done something with your life or not, you're going to die and it's over. Truly acabou.

I actually have not read anything except maybe a few excerpts and a letter here and there, but I don't feel like we would agree.
Well maybe we would agree on the fact that everything will inevitably go to shit, but technology, while an immense evil in some aspects, might be a necessary one. I don't think there's coming back, no matter how many right wing memes one posts. The old social structures are gonezo and even if he managed to be successful, at best he would be delaying technological march forward.
On the other hand, my general stance is that if you want change you gotta do it yourself, so I guess he was an embodiment of that :)

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I am playing on the hardest difficulty available in Calamity and, I have to say, even when rangercucking I was utterly mogged by King Slime. Took like 5 tries (once I died with him having 18 hp left, something that wouldnt have happened if I hadnt forgotten to summon my pet before the fight)

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> he actually mod cucked for a house
depressing thought, yet even still he'll beat a mech boss before i do, even playing on cock and ball torture calamity mod difficulty.

still gotta work on my halfling village, and build a treena, i also want to build a large wizard's toward in the corruption, and build a nice forest hallow biome

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