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You helped me to see some shit I could not see about Trump.  I was so wanting to see Hillary lose and I am so thankful to those who helped me see what a jewish sock this man is. Ehst they have done since 2016 is beyond belief but especially now and recentrly CA Senate voting to give zero interest mortghages to invaders...  When did the fucking jew ever give zero interest mortgages?!  COMPLETE weaponization of the hordes...  it's so obvious now to see that the fucking jews run a uniparty inside the USA using dual citizens.

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Trump Survives SECOND Assassination Attempt From Pro-war Radical Leftist

The FBI confirms there has been a SECOND ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT against President Donald Trump. A pro Russia-Ukraine war maniac who enlisted in the war, 58 years old, reportedly named Ryan Wesley Routh, is under arrest. Multiple shots were fired at the Trump National Golf Club in West Palm Beach, FL, while the former president was golfing today.

Ryan Wesley Routh is the suspect of today's assassination attempt on former President Trump. His "X" Social media account (Twitter) is filled with pro-Ukraine rhetoric, Black Lives Matter supportive tweets, Bernie Sanders endorsements and allegedly claiming to have Afghan soldiers on standby to support Haiti police. The guy appears to be yet another mentally ill, left-wing nut.

Trump campaign confirms President Trump is SAFE following gunshots in the vicinity.

One fake media outlet ERRONEOUSLY reported the shots were "unrelated to Trump." They reported two men on a nearby road were having a dispute and one fired at the other, but that reporting was factually wrong.

As of 6:54 PM eastern US time, the FBI had officially designated the investigation as an "Assassination attempt."

According to sources in Florida, surveillance cameras picked up the license plate of a Ford pick-up truck fleeing the Golf Course scene.  An AK-47, backpack, and GoPro camera was recovered near the scene.  The plate was then entered into an automated license plate scanning system connected to other police cameras, and surveillance cameras picked up that plate on Interstate 95 as the truck entered Martin County, FL.

Local police and Florida Highway Patrol was notified, swarmed into that area, and gave chase when the vehicle was located. Ryan Wesley Routh was then apprehended.

You don't try to assassinate candidates who are losing...  You know Donald Trump is winning because they've tried to kill him twice. If he was going to lose and they thought they could beat him fair and square, then they would just do it.  They wouldn't have to act like this.

These are desperate actions from lunatics trying to hold onto political power at any cost, regardless their horrific policies have continue to benefit no one but the corrupt special interests and ideological bureaucrats.


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Kim Jong Un Vows To Exponentially Boost Nuclear Arsenal In Response To US Escalation

While on Tuesday VP Harris, the State-run media and former president Trump were squaring off in a debate which only touched on bad foreign policy a couple of times, only briefly related to Ukraine and Gaza, North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un issued statements vowing to exponentially boost the nation's nuclear arsenal.

Kim gave a speech marking the 76th founding anniversary of his government at the start of this week. He said that a nuclear overhaul is needed to defend the country from "hostile" forces and that North Korea faces a grave threat as a result of the reckless expansion the United States-led military bloc in the region.

North Korea will "redouble its measures and efforts to make all the armed forces of the state, including the nuclear force, fully ready for combat," he sated.

In particular Kim was reacting to a new US-South Korean defense agreement signed in July. The new agreement allows for the integration of US nuclear weapons and South Korean conventional weapons to defend the peninsula from the nuclear-armed north if need be.

Regional analysts have pointed out that these warnings of 'exponential' increases in nukes began in 2022. Yang Uk, a research fellow at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies, has been cited in international reports as saying, "From the end of the following year, they started to mention 'exponential increases'," - he said in reference to the 8th Party Congress held in 2021.

"We believe that by 2027 North Korea can secure enough nuclear material for about 200 warheads and by 2030, this can reach 300," Yang added.

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You know what ChatGPT said when I asked it if learning A.I. was put in charge of any military installation and it's ethical considerations were removed? That nuclear armageddon would happen in the next 10 to 20 years. I think every one of us outside of the cities need to start learning how to make these.

Yah, I have thought of many doomsday scenarios and none of them turn out good for anyone. Ironically the rich privileged classes would be hit the hardest because they live in their own bubbles and while they are busy destroying society around them they actually depend on society to keep them living in their own bubbles. Kinda like constantly biting the hand that feeds them, or beating up the horses they ride and rely on. Once that fiat debt bubble finally pops and everything goes bankrupt? No more shopping centers. No more food markets. No high class restaurants. No more clothing or jewelry stores. No more banks. No more credit cards. No more checks. No more nothing. The world they relies on, and plundered, will be over and out.

While the bastards at the very top of society, and that certainly includes assholes in our governments, deserve it and deserve it thoroughly, this will also make everyone elses' lives far more miserable too. When humans begin to starve they become killers, simple as that. Civilized society would break down and become brutal. No way around it, and everyone on their own at that point.

I have thought this whole thing out before numerous times. What to do, what not to do. Who can I trust locally when this all comes falling down, yada yada. I'm stuck honestly. Part of me wants to try to survive this any means necessary.... but on the other hand I have also been accustomed to living in a civilized society and safe in my rural homestead (which would not be the case after a hard collapse!) Part of me thinks that, if it gets too ugly life might not even be worth living at that point and humans probably deserve to be annihilated because of the arrogance and corruption that would lead us to this kind of despair.

Time will tell but I am not afraid of death as much I am the horrors that might be waiting for those that actually survive something like this.

> The countryside will be much better off.

I would hope so but there would still be the potential for roaming gangs and marauders. It's not like we won't have poor desperate people living in nearby towns that won't be prepared after all and when people start to starve they get brutal. One of my preps has been planting apple trees from a distance from my homestead, I figure if SHTF and people are hungry nearby there will be apples they can eat so they won't bother me. I only hope it pays off is all, I rather not have to shoot anyone if I can help it.

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Major Potential Port Strike Could Bankrupt US Retail, Cripple Supply Chains

Retailers and manufacturers are seeking to mitigate a potentially multibillion-dollar hit if members of the International Longshoremen’s Association go on strike beginning Oct. 1 at 13 of the nation’s major East Coast and Gulf Coast ports.

The contract between the ILA and the United States Maritime Alliance, which negotiates on behalf of management of the ports, terminals and shipping lines, is due to expire at midnight on Sept. 30. The contract covers 25,000 workers and ports stretching from Boston to Houston, the ILA said.

Billions of dollars worth of imported goods, from cars and light trucks to electronics to food, clothing, jewelry and agricultural products come into the US through East Coast and Gulf Coast ports.

Members of the National Retail Federation (NRF) have been concerned about the potential for the strike for months, according to Jonathan Gold, NRF vice president of supply chain and customs policy.

Gold said a strike also has the potential to disrupt retailers stocking up for the holiday season, as well as manufacturers and farmers relying on raw materials to keep operations moving. AKA... this would cause widespread food shortages!

“For retailers, that means holiday shipments might not arrive on time. Manufacturers might not receive parts, materials and supplies needed for production, which will lead to assembly lines shutting down. And farmers won’t be able to get their products to overseas markets, which could lead to lost sales.” Gold said.

Major ports such as Savannah, Georgia, and Houston bring in tons of materials for US manufacturers, such as auto parts, heavy machinery, steel, lumber and other goods.

“Any disruption resulting from the United States Maritime Alliance and the International Longshoremen’s Association negotiations would deal an immediate blow to the manufacturing supply chain,” Christopher Netram, NAM’s managing vice president of policy, recently told CNBC. “A work stoppage at East Coast and Gulf Coast ports would upend logistics for US businesses and hinder the movement of goods upon which millions of Americans depend. Costs will rise and manufacturing jobs will be lost if parts and supplies don’t arrive on time.”

The labor battle has already impacted global logistics providers and transportation operators, said Paul Brashier, vice president of drayage and intermodal at ITS Logistics.

Meanwhile, as the US government is busy escalating wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, while antagonizing industrial nations like China too, another major strike has already taken place, this time at Boeing!

Members of the International Association of Machinists And Aerospace Workers, which represents 33,000 Boeing employees at factories near Seattle and elsewhere, overwhelmingly rejected a 'historic contract offer' with the troubled planemaker and voted to go on strike.

IAM said 94.6% of union members rejected the contract offer from Boeing, which called the offer "historic" and highlighted the 25% wage increase over four years as "the largest-ever general wage increase." About 96% of union members approved the strike, now unfolding at the planemaker's Seattle factories that make the 737 Max.

Apparently, under Biden's economy, a 25%  PAY RAISE is not even good enough to earn a living anymore..... let that sink into those who have thick skulls....

Jon Holden, president of IAM District 751, said this labor action "has been a long time coming, our members spoke loud and clear tonight," adding, "Clearly there were aspects of this agreement that weren't good enough." 

The last time Boeing machinists went on strike was September 7, 2008. At the time, the strike was over job security, outsourcing, pay, and benefits.

Now, as explained by Holden, union workers at Boeing have been plagued with 16 years of stagnated wages. This comes as Bidenomics backfires on the economy, with elevated inflation and high interest rates financially crushing the working class.

"Boeing has been in a financially difficult situation since the January 5 accident exposed deficiencies at its factories and forced the planemaker to reduce production. The company has been bleeding cash as a result, and its credit rating is hovering one step above speculative grade as it contends with a heavy debt load of $45 billion," Bloomberg noted.


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International Court of Justice Declares Israeli Occupation of Palestinian ILLEGAL

The International Court of Justice, to which EVERY country on earth is a signatory to the Treaty which created it; has ruled the Israeli Occupation of Palestinian lands is "unlawful" and "must be terminated immediately."  All settlements must be dismantled, and no country may recognize Israeli occupation as "legal."

The brief video below contains the announcement at the court:

Every country on earth signed the Geneva Conventions which establish the International Court of Justice and EVERY country on earth is legally bound to obey the court's ruling.


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Biden Regime Greenlights Direct War Against Russia

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and British foreign Secretary David Lammy arrived in Kiev for meetings with Ukrainian officials at a critical juncture in Ukraine's war with Russia.

Based on reports out yesterday, both men will tell Kiev they may now utilize weapons supplied by the US and UK to attack pre-war, interior Russia.

That claim was further confirmed by US House of Representatives, Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, who has now publicly said said “I talked to Blinken two days ago, and he is traveling with his counterpart from the UK, to Kiev, to basically tell them that they will allow them [to hit Russia with ATACMS.]"

Russia has ardently warned over the past ten days, that if the West allows Ukraine to begin attacking deep inside Russia with Western-supplied weapons, "it will affect both sides of the Atlantic."

How much longer can any reasonable person expect Russia, to sit back and allow itself to be attacked with American, British, French, and German weaponry, fired by Ukraine?

There is liability and culpability for what the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and NATO member countries, are doing.

If it weren't for the fact that the US and NATO breached the promise made by President George H.W. Bush who promised Mikhail Gorbachev that "NATO will not move one inch eastward" if the then-Soviet Union approved of the reunification of East and West Germany, none of this trouble would be happening.

[Our government] PROMISED the Soviets they would not expand NATO for years.  Bill Clinton got into the US Presidency, and the Presidential promise to the Soviets went out the window.

They not only expanded NATO more than one inch eastward, our government expanded it right up to Russia's BORDER!'''

When the US/EU and NATO tried to get Ukraine to join NATO, back in 2013 and 2014, Ukraine's Democratically-elected President, Viktor Yanukovich said "Thanks, but no thanks."   So the US - under Barack Obama - the EU, and NATO fomented, financed, and facilitated the forcible, violent overthrow of Yanukovich.

It was THEN.... right then.... that Russia realized the expansion of NATO was going to put American missiles on Ukrainian soil - and do it by overthrowing Ukraine's President! Those missiles would have a five minute flight time to Moscow.

Russia could then find itself on the wrong end of nuclear bombs with a five minute flight time to Moscow, and a slightly longer 7-10 minute flight time to Russia's strategic nuclear missile silos.

Russia pointed out that no nation on earth can defend itself against a missile with a five minute flight time from launch to impact.

Russia tried, at least TWICE, to negotiate "iron-clad, legally enforceable security guarantees" via Diplomatic efforts in December 2021 and January 2022 to protect their national security from NATO expansion and more missiles.  The collective West laughed and told Russia "No."

Russia made clear this issue is a "Red Line" and they would not allow Ukraine to Join NATO.

So here we are. The neo-con war mongering globalists are doing their best to get America and Europe into a direct war with Russia, and they expect us - the citizen populations - to be their cannon fodder for something that could be prevented!

If Russia gives-in, NATO will simply continue to expand until all of Russia is surrounded.  Then, one day, NATO calls and says something like, you have five minutes to surrender or we will wipe your country from the face of the earth and take all its riches.  At that point, it would be too late for Russia.

Russia had to take a stand, now.  They had no choice.  Governments in the West are the aggressors here.  It is our governments in the West who moved NATO bases right up to Russia's border.  It is our governments in the West aiming more and more missiles at Russia from all those bases.  And it is governments in the West who have been using Ukraine, as a Proxy army, to attack Russia for THEIR (NATO) benefit.

If Russia decides they have had enough of us, it is WE that may be hit by their missiles.  All because our corrupt governments and NATO want to expand. 

I say, No Thanks, NATO.  You don't need to expand anymore.


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And who was Viktor Yanukovich? A mixture of Russian, Polish and Belarusian. Next in line, Petro Poroshenko. Bulgarian. 

Next: This cocaine sniffing human garbage. Suddenly Russia was agitated to full out war with Ukraine and the U.S. is dragged into it. These "coincidences" just keep piling up.

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BRICS Confirms 159 Participants Will Adopt New Global Payment System, Abandon US Dollar

After recent rumblings surfaced of how many nations would embrace the impending BRICS Pay system, the bloc has confirmed 159 participants are set to adopt the new payment system.

Indeed, the economic alliance system is poised to hit the ground running when it finally launches.

Now, all eyes are on when that launch will take place. Many have surmised that it would be announced at the highly anticipated 2024 Summit. Moreover, it would be set to go live in what would be a groundbreaking unveiling. If that were to happen, the bloc has already noted there is a long line of entities ready to embrace it.

Earlier this year, the BRICS bloc announced the creation of a blockchain-based payment platform. It would  redefine the collective’s global economic standing. Moreover, it would compete with some of the largest payment systems worldwide. That includes the Western-dominated SWIFT system.

Now, the BRICS group confirmed that 159 participants will adopt the new payment system. Indeed, Russian officials verified the number in a recent correction, according to a Yahoo report. Although previous statements rumored 160 countries would be involved, the number was clarified in subsequent reports.

The payment system is crucial to the bloc’s ongoing de-dollarization efforts. It will provide participating countries with an avenue to trade in local currencies. Therefore, it will greatly enhance how these nations settle trade; ultimately, decreasing international necessity for the US greenback.

Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday, said this on the de-dollarization of the world economy:

"The financial and political authorities of the United States are pushing this process forward with their not just careless, but unprofessional and stupid actions.

I think that they already understand that they made a mistake, but they simply cannot get out of this rut, it is probably no longer very convenient for them to admit that they made a mistake, but it would be necessary to correct something, they see that the tools they are using do not work.

We are switching to national currencies and that’s it. They (American officials) can no longer do this, apparently, only those people who will replace today’s generation of politicians can do this. To change something means to admit your mistakes. Apparently, this is difficult."


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Top DOJ Spokesman Admits Trump Cases A ‘Perversion of Justice’ On Hidden Camera

The chief spokesman for the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Southern District of New York (SDNY) was caught tearing into Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and other prosecutors for carrying out a “perversion of justice” in targeting former President Donald Trump, hidden camera footage captured by an undercover journalist revealed.

Nicholas Biase, the public affairs director for the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York (SDNY), spilled his feelings about the liberal DA when speaking to an unidentified operative with podcaster Steven Crowder’s “Mug Club” on multiple occasions.

In one July 31 clip from what appears to be a bar, Biase said, “To be honest with you, I think the case is nonsense,” after Trump was convicted of 34 felonies for allegedly falsifying business records.

Telling the undercover woman he had known Bragg for 15 years as they used to work together in the SDNY office, Biase accused the DA of “stacking charges [against Trump] and, like, rearranging things just to make it fit a case.”

“He wants to be something … a mayor? I’m not sure what he wants to be, but I know he’s not happy just being the DA of New York County. Before he decided to prosecute Trump, did you know who he was? You do now,” the DOJ official said. 

Another clip – this one from August 14 – shared by Crowder shows Biase saying the “state level is like the fucking wild west… they’re like idiots, they don’t care, they’re all political!”

“[Bragg] is probably gonna try to lock [Trump] up… it’s going to be ugly,” he said. “They’re so obsessed with getting him.”

“Who is they?” the operative asked.  Biase replied, “The Democrats.”

He also blasted Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis for carrying out a “travesty of justice” for indicting him on charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election.  “To put it mildly, it’s a mockery of justice. She is a joke… The whole thing is disgusting. They’re just out to get him [Trump]” the spokesman said of Willis.

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Yeah, I don't give a damn about whatever papers he might have taken from the White House. Democrats are squealing for their way to stay in because they want to keep receiving those sweet AIPAC bribes. But as long as we're talking about the subject of criminality:
UN General Assembly resolution 96 (I)
> Article I provides the important clarification that genocide can be committed “in time of peace or in time of war”,
> distinguishing it from crimes against humanity, about which there was still, in 1948, much doubt about its application absent an armed conflict.

> The crime of genocide is defined in article II, the provision that sits at the heart of the Convention. 
> Genocide is a crime of intentional destruction of a national, ethnic, racial and religious group, in whole or in part. 

> Article III lists four additional categories of the crime of genocide in addition to perpetration as such. 
> One of these, complicity, is virtually implied in the concept of perpetration and derives from general principles of criminal law.

This con-artist kike oompa loompa, and not only him but pretty much all Republicans and Democrats, is complicit in the ongoing Israeli genocide of Palestinians. Which is an international crime. Though not enforced because the U.N. is pathetic.

I feel I should make something abundantly clear. On this board, the position is "News & Current Events + Happenings + Fuck off jews". This implies all jews.

Every single one of them are rat bastard lying pieces of shit. No matter the political party. No matter the precious lies a jew tells this time that he never fulfilled last time. Fuck. Them. All.

Fair point. What if Trump happens to win the election? How should I report that and the aftermath? What if he actually does get the US out of these wars? How should I report such events if it is to be considered "promoting" a jew? Should I just refrain from posting news about Trump and what his administration might do in the future on this board if he were to become president? I need some clarification on how these rules apply.

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Well considering the fact I just banned a troll calling me a "faggot and a glowie" for posting clear evidence Trump is obviously jewish, I would say avoid that jew altogether. The retard was banned a period of 5 years for breaking both board rules. The one who was banned said I was lying and "Trump is Catholic". The words can come right out of his mouth and fools won't believe he's Zionist trash. It's mind boggling.

1 : Threads and posts must not support jewish propaganda. Expose jews, don't empower them. This doesn't matter if you're not jewish.
2 : All jews and 'shabbos goy' cucks for jews will be banned.

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Israel Directly Threatens Russia As Jews Begin To FLEE Israeli Settlements

The issue of long-range weapons for use in attacking interior, pre-war Russia, is developing into a very big - and dangerous - situation.  Threats are being hurled back and forth, very publicly.

It all began when word came out early last week, that the US was "considering" allowing Ukraine to use US-supplied weapons, to attack deep interior, pre-war, Russia.

The Russians sent explicit, written warnings to the US which said "If Ukraine uses long-range weapons to attack interior Russia, it will affect both sides of the Atlantic."

A few days later, at a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany,  word leaked that the question of Ukraine using NATO (West) Supplied weapons to strike deep inside Russia was being discussed!

Russia's Ambassador to The United States, Anatoly Antonov, then repeated publicly, his government's written warning: "If Ukraine uses long-range weapons to attack inside Russia, it will affect both sides of the Atlantic."

Late this past week, word leaked from US and UK Intelligence Agencies claiming Russia had taken delivery of "hundreds" of IRANIAN-MADE FATH-360, short-range ballistic missiles, for Russia to use against Ukraine.  This revelation set off a firestorm of threats.

Saturday, the Defense Ministry of Ukraine said that "If Russia uses Iranian Missiles to target Ukrainian Civilians, then their Response against Iran will be Severe."  Yes, you read that correctly, Ukraine just threatened Iran!

But the really big development took place today, from Israel.  Israel announced that IF Iran supplies missiles for Russia to use in attacking Ukraine, then Israel will supply "long range precision missiles to Ukraine, to strike Russia."   Yes, you read that correctly: Israel just threatened the Russians.

If this wasn't so pathetic, it would laughable.

Ukraine is continuing to screech and cry for more US weapons, ammunition, and other military aid.   Israel is also whining to the US for more military aid to destroy Gaza and Lebanon.

At the very same time both these countries have their hands out to the US for more aid... they BOTH threaten OTHER countries!?

Am I seeing this right?   Is this some sort of Clown Show?   Who do the Ukrainians and Israelis think they are, begging to the US for more aid, then plotting to attack other countries (Iran & Russia)?

Ukraine and Israel seem to both have a Napoleon complex.

The outflow of capital from Israel has increased seven-fold since last October.

According to a Monday report, economic analysts attribute the seven-fold increase in the amount of capital outflow from Israel to settlers’ concern about the future.

Settlers are very worried about the decline in the value of their savings and investments due to ongoing Gaza war or and the spill-over of the conflict in the region: they are taking their investments OUT of Israel!

Trading Economics, a financial consulting firm, announced that about $5.6 billion was withdrawn from Israel in 2023, which is seven times the amount that was transferred abroad in the six months before the start of the war.

The situation for Israel is likely to get far worse.  Yesterday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a directive to the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) instructing them to "prepare to change the situation in the north."   It went on to tell IDF and Security Forces that the Israeli government needs to be able to safely return evacuees to their homes in the north.

This is widely viewed as a "heads-up" for a ground invasion, by Israel, into Lebanon.

If such a conflict erupts, wherein Israel is at war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, it is highly likely more Capital outflows will strike Israel, causing its' economy to implode.


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20,000 Haitians Invade & Trash Ohio Town, Begin Eating Peoples' Pets And Wildlife

The city of Springfield, Ohio - population 60,000, has been overwhelmed by roughly 20,000 Haitian illegal migrants, who flocked to the city - exacerbating a 'significant housing crisis' according to city officials, and eating pets and wildlife according to locals.

During an Aug. 27 City Commission meeting, one local resident said that Haitians were "in the park grabbing ducks, cutting the heads off, and eating them."

Another local resident posted to a Facebook group that their neighbor had a cat go missing - only to see it "hanging from a branch, like you'd do a deer for butchering, & they [the Haitians] were carving it up to eat."

Springfield is a mid-sized town in Ohio.  4 years ago, they had 60k residents.  Under Harris and Biden, 20,000 Haitian immigrants were shipped to the town.

While the cat claim has been refuted by as "racist fear-mongering", others have provided receipts showing that cats are indeed part of Haitian cuisine.

Absolutely HEARTBREAKING moment Springfield, Ohio, resident tells mayor that she "can't take it anymore" as Haitian migrants squat on her lawn, litter in her yard and harass her and elderly husband daily.

The mayor of Springfield does NOT want people to see this:

— captive dreamer (@captivedreamer7) September 7, 2024

Resident Glenda Bailey told the city "They have become the occupiers. What they've done is they've replaced the population in Springfield."

Tensions came to a boil last year after a illegal immigrant from Haiti caused a school bus crash last August, killing 11-year-old Aiden Clark after the child was thrown out of the emergency exit as the bus rolled off the road. Another 20 students were injured.


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