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IMF Sounds Alarm Over US National Debt Insolvency

The astronomical rise in the US national debt poses significant risks to the global economy and threatens to continue fueling high inflation, according to a new warning from the International Monetary Fund.

In its latest Fiscal Monitor, the Washington-based institution said that it expects the U.S. to record a fiscal deficit of 7.1% in 2025 – more than triple the level in other economies.

"Loose fiscal policy in the United States exerts upward pressure on global interest rates and the dollar," Vitor Gaspar, director of the IMF’s fiscal affairs department, told reporters. "It pushes up funding costs in the rest of the world, thereby exacerbating existing fragilities and risks."

Under current policies, public debt in the US is projected to nearly double by 2040. If this trend continues, the Congressional Budget Office anticipates the national debt will grow to an astonishing $54 trillion in the next decade.

Should that debt materialize, it could risk America's economic stability in the world. America would become a third world country with out-of-control price inflation.

The US is one of four countries that needs to critically address fundamental imbalances between spending and revenue.

The US national debt topped $34 trillion in January after a burst of spending by the Biden regime and Congress and is well on its way to surpassing $35 trillion. 

The massive amount of spending is igniting price inflation and is undermining financial stability worldwide by increasing global funding costs.


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Gold's Catapult Has Been Built, Silver's Is Next

The time has come to cite the many reasons why Gold has risen, and why Gold will continue to launch to much higher levels. The USGovt debt and USTreasury Bond default, in my opinion, deserve the lead factors along with powerful price inflation. These factors are not featured in the press. The Jackass has stated for the last five years, to impatient clients and frustrated colleagues, that the Gold price will not break above the $2000 mark with momentum in a sustained manner until the USGovt debt is widely perceived to be on a crash course toward default. WE ARE THERE, as even the prestigious St Louis Fed has publicly gone on record to call the USGovt debt as unsustainable.

Growing perception of USGovt debt default and USTreasury Bond default. The $34 trillion debt will never be repaid. The borrowing costs are over $1.2 trillion annualized.

Growing perception of monetized USGovt debt and monetized USTBond refunding. A severe shortage of foreign bond investors has become an acute problem.

Growing perception of constant status for higher price inflation. The actual CPI is at least 5% to 6% higher than reported.

Growing trend of grand wealth transfer, from USTreasurys to Gold in banking systems. This phenomenon is an historic factor, seen once per century.

Growing trend by bank depositors to remove funds from banking system, and to invest in the more stable Gold. Individual account holders are very worried.

Progress with BRICS nations in creating non-USD payment systems, which results in heavy volume of USTreasury Bond sales. They are all de-Dollarizing to remove risk.

Growing resentment by victims of Dollar Weaponization, to avoid the USDollar in favor of Gold for trade payments and reserves management. The USGovt has weaponized the USD and attacked any nation operating to the contrary.

Hidden agenda by Western central banks to escape grotesque insolvency by investing heavily in Gold, then sending price to $3000, then $5000, then $10,000. Former BIS Chairman Zijlstra outlined this plan in the 1990 decade. In fact, the USFed has handed the USDept Treasury a ripe $120 billion loss from its Balance Sheet. It is insolvent.

Growing perception of the inflationary depression in the USEconomy and Western Europe, evident by false statistics on price inflation. The depression began with the 2020 economic lockdown. Subtract at least 6% from GDP (economic growth) to enter reality, from the false inflation measures. The United States is caught in the deep clutches of an inflationary depression.

The big insolvent banks have gone long in Gold, while depleting the GLD Fund as price suppression tool. They have $740 billion in unrealized asset losses. They must purchase Gold slowly, since any rapid sale of USTBonds will cause a bond default from convexity (snowball effect).

China and Japan are supporting their Yuan and Yen currencies with Gold purchases. Furthermore, China and India are supporting the Gold price after every strong slam by the US-UK banksters, which use naked short methods.

Shift of geopolitical and financial power from West to East in sunset of the King Dollar. The global revolt has substantial momentum. The US-UK banksters have abused their position as masters of the USDollar. The East will develop a fair equitable system based upon the Gold Standard.

Growing movement for a valid hard asset foundation for the global monetary system. The movement has many participants, considerable momentum, and will not be stopped. The Von Mises Corollary states that a paper basis is followed by a metal basis.


Failure in trust of all things modern America: banking practices, financial market controls, economic statistics, warfare, news networks, social nonsense, political fascism.

Long list of mothballed mining projects, each to take almost two years to resume output. Several big mines were shut down, from the conjured COVID threat. They will reopen gradually when the higher precious metals prices are perceived to be stable.

The explosion of Global Debt in relation to GDP, at over 330% currently, and rising. The ratio has doubled in the last two decades.

Rapid introduction of Gold-backed digital currencies in the de-Dollarization revolt, which include the Gold Token. Several nations will launch their versions.

The power of On-Demand liquidity for XRP by Ripple Tech with gold basis. It will become a favorite among the vehicles for Blockchain Platforms.

Rising specter of war in multiple regions across the globe, as Globalist fascist regimes are deposed, while waging war to maintain the grip on power. Each war will appear, only to be suffocated, not to proliferate. Wars waged by the US-UK-NATO axis, will see the Israeli War as the cabal’s last war.

Dark Money will find a path to Gold, from money laundering caches, from drug cartels, from Langley warehouses of shrink-wrapped massive stores. They will seek safe haven. In parallel, another hidden hand might be the USMilitary as buyers of Silver, a crucial metal in guidance systems for all those missiles.

The greatest wealth transfer in history has begun. It has years more to be completed. The deep irony is that the big banks, led by the hidden initiative of the central banks, will ensure the march to much higher Gold price, multiples higher. The catapult has been built.


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State-run Media Gets The OK To Finally Admit The Reality About Ukraine

The US State-run media must have gotten it's cue: Time to let the Pro-Ukrainian nitwits know what's going on!  Ukraine is... ehhhh... Losing.

To those of you who read this website and/or listen to my radio show, you've known from the beginning how this would turn out. Ukraine never stood a chance.

The only thing the US and NATO did was ruin years of dialog and cooperation with Russia, run-down our weapons and ammunition stockpiles, erase goodwill from international affairs, and show themselves to be literal thieves by stealing Russia's sovereign wealth money.

Other than that, the Ukraine operation went great...  except for the half million Ukrainians who are dead ...and now they've lost.

The people in government who did this, should all be fired, criminally prosecuted and sued into Bankruptcy by families of the war victims, for the war they caused and the loved ones lost.

The military people who advised the politicians that we could assist Ukraine successfully, are factually incompetent and should be relieved of their commands and relived of duty immediately.

The politico story pages say all that needs to be said.


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Crooked DHS & NGOs Are Working To Rig The US Election With Illegal Foreign Voters

As if treason and the destruction of America's democracy was not already obvious, more proof of treachery against election integrity is leaking out.

The Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project posted an image on Twitter X of what they say is a flyer from a non-governmental organization operating in Mexico encouraging migrants to vote for President Biden once they arrive in the United States: https://twitter.com/OversightPR/status/1780054306454167954

"Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open," part of the flyer read.

Flyers distributed at NGO in Mexico encouraging illegals to vote for President Biden: https://twitter.com/OversightPR/status/1780054306454167954

The Oversight Project said the flyer was initially discovered by a Muckraker journalist while touring the site of Resource Center Matamoras in Mexico. 

"They [flyers] also appear to be handed out when illegal aliens use the RCM for assistance in coming to the USA," the group said.

RCM founder Gaby Zavala told one of Muckraker's journalists that she is trying to flood the US with as many illegal aliens as possible before former President Trump is reelected.

"RCM bills itself as an operation which houses functions for Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), which helps illegal aliens enter the United States," Oversight Project said, adding that disgraced Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas "is a former board member of HIAS, which received numerous grants from Soros' Open Society Foundation over the years." RCM bills itself as an operation which houses functions for Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), which helps illegal aliens enter the United States.

RCM has connections with Soros-funded non-profits operating across the US. Save the Children received over $650,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundation, and has provided grants to Team Brownsville.

Meanwhile, new documents from Judicial Watch show Mayorkas has met with NGOs facilitating the border invasion.

Since the Biden regime opened the floodgates, 10 million illegal immigrants invaded the nation. A complex web of NGOs is facilitating the border invasion while the regime looks the other way. 


Sometimes I hope the fuckers go too far and start some major war with Iran and the rest of the Middle East, maybe even getting Russia to back Iran and then their pariah state of Israel would be on borrowed time just like Ukraine.... but then I have to come to my senses with some hard facts too, this would also mean the collapse of America and it's entire economy. We would enter very dangerous and unprecedented crisis in which violence and looting and mob mentality would spread out everywhere. So we are all facing end game scenarios if this all accelerates. I don't know which is better honestly. Continued slow demise into the third world trying to fix whatever we can in our own lives and survive, or facing total mutually assured destruction and hell on Earth chaos in a short period of time?

If Israel were to burn down and American people retaliate against their kind over here, America's economy would return to the 1950s model. It's their green terrorism causing our inflation in the first place as well as the destruction of the traditional nuclear family.

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Supercharged Spying Provision Buried In Terrifying FISA 702 Reauthorization

On Monday, the House finalized procedural business on a bill to reauthorize the nation's warrantless surveillance powers under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) called "one of the most dramatic and terrifying expansions of government surveillance authority in history."

"Buried in the Section 702 reauthorization bill (RISAA) passed by the House on Friday is the biggest expansion of domestic surveillance since the Patriot Act. Senator Wyden calls this power “terrifying,” and he’s right," the thread begins.

I’ll explain how this new power works. Under current law, the government can compel “electronic communications service providers” that have direct access to communications to assist the NSA in conducting Section 702 surveillance. In practice, that means companies like Verizon and Google must turn over the communications of the targets of Section 702 surveillance. (The targets must be foreigners overseas, although the communications can—and do—include communications with Americans.) Through a seemingly innocuous change to the definition of “electronic communications surveillance provider,” an amendment offered by House intel committee (HPSCI) leaders and passed by the House vastly expands the universe of entities that can be compelled to assist the NSA.

If the bill becomes law, any company or individual that provides ANY service whatsoever may be forced to assist in NSA surveillance, as long as they have access to equipment on which communications are transmitted or stored—such as routers, servers, cell towers, etc. It also includes commercial landlords that rent out the office space where tens of millions of Americans go to work every day—offices of journalists, lawyers, nonprofits, financial advisors, health care providers, and more.

The amendment even extends to service providers who come into our homes. House cleaners, plumbers, people performing repairs, and IT services providers have access to laptops and routers inside our homes and could be forced to serve as surrogate spies. None of these people or businesses would be allowed to tell anyone about the assistance they were compelled to provide. They would be under a gag order, and they would face heavy penalties if they failed to comply with it.

MY COMMENT: Now that the US government is going full gestapo - thanks to RINO traitors like Mike Johnson - just assume in the near future any service you hire that enters your home cannot be trusted and may be working as spies for the federal government! So I'll tell people what they should do if you need to hire a service: #1 simply unplug the internet modem before they arrive to your home, you do not want them having access to anything modem-related. #2 Any laptop you own should be shut off and put away out of sight with your belongings. If you have a PC just shut if off completely and put the PC tower away, somewhere they won't have any direct access to it! #3 If you have anything else you would not want them to see, throw a tarp over it or hide it, or better yet put it in a locked room where service providers will not have access! It would be wise to keep an eye on them too so no one can easily bug your home. This is the sad state America is in today but it has become the nightmare reality!


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California's Billion Dollar Bailout To Homeless People Ends With MORE Homeless People

California spends an astounding amount of money to "combat homelessness". Presumably.

California has failed to adequately monitor the outcomes of its vast spending on homelessness programs, according to a state audit released Tuesday, raising questions about whether billions of dollars meant to thwart the crisis has been worth it as the number of people living unsheltered has soared.

A new report from the California State Auditor’s Office found that a state council created to oversee the implementation of homelessness programs has not consistently tracked spending or the outcomes of those programs.

“The state must do more to assess the cost-effectiveness of its homelessness programs,” California State Auditor Grant Parks said in a letter sent to Gov. Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers Tuesday accompanying the audit.

I know this is a crazy question to ask, but does all that spending actually do anything to reduce the amount of homelessness?

California has spent $20 billion over the past five years dedicated to the state’s homelessness crisis, including funneling money toward supporting shelters and subsidizing rent. Still, homelessness grew 6% in 2023 from the year prior, to more than 180,000 people, according to federal “point in time” data. Since 2013, homelessness has grown in California by 53%.

The California Interagency Council on Homelessness — created in 2016 to oversee the state’s implementation of programs dedicated to the worsening crisis — has not ensured the accuracy of the information in a state data system and has not evaluated homelessness programs’ success, according to the state auditor.

Out of five state programs analyzed, auditors found that two were likely cost effective: Project Homekey — Newsom’s COVID driven project to convert hotels into housing — and the CalWORKs Housing Support Program, which offers financial assistance and other services to low income residents. The others analyzed, including a state rental assistance program, could not be reviewed because “the state has not collected sufficient data on the outcomes of these programs,” according to auditors.

Based on the data available, the audit also revealed that most people involved in state programs are placed into interim housing such as shelters and do not end up in permanent housing.
As anyone with a functioning brain will conclude, there has been massive amounts of fraud, money laundering and corruption. This is massive grift and questionably a ponzi scheme exploiting taxpayer money.

“California is facing a concerning paradox: despite an exorbitant amount of dollars spent, the state’s homeless population is not slowing down,” Sen. Roger Niello (R-Roseville) said in a statement. “These audit results are a wake-up call for a shift toward solutions that prioritize self-sufficiency and cost effectiveness.”

Assemblymember Gregg Hart (D-Santa Barbara), chair of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, said Tuesday he plans to conduct an oversight hearing to “further investigate” the audit results.

“San José and San Diego identified hundreds of millions of dollars in spending of federal, state, and local funding in recent years to respond to the homelessness crisis. However, neither city could definitively identify all its revenues and expenditures related to its homelessness efforts because neither has an established mechanism, such as a spending plan, to track and report its spending,” the audit states. “The absence of such a mechanism limits the transparency and accountability of the cities’ uses of funding to address homelessness.”

It appears that some pressure has been put on cities to show their work. Los Angeles reportedly has agreed to a large-scale audit of its own homelessness programs after spending hundreds of millions of dollars on them.

But the question remains: Why hasn’t this data been tracked if California officials are serious about curbing homelessness, a problem that has mushroomed in LA and many other California cities?

Why is it that an endless supply of taxpayer money flows toward homelessness regardless of outcome?

Poverty programs in California appear to be increasingly just pure redistribution of wealth. That’s probably fine with the Golden State’s ruling powers that be. Our society certainly has become more accustomed to the idea of permanent entitlements.



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FLASH ALERT: Avoid All Travel To The Middle East!

The Foreign Ministry of Russia has issued a stark warning to its citizens: Avoid travel to Middle East.

The Russian Foreign Ministry strongly recommends that Russians refrain from traveling to the Middle East region, especially Israel, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, unless absolutely necessary" Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told media outlets.

Russia's warning its citizens to not travel to the Middle East is yet another indication of how unstable and dangerous the situation between Israel and Iran has become.


UPDATE: International and local companies have suddenly cancelled flights to and from Iran tonight. Turkish mediation to prevent escalation was rejected by Tehran.

All active Iranian army units are on alert and all officers have been called to duty.  All vacations have now been cancelled.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard has canceled the leave of its members and stated it has "entered a state of war."

Iran has stopped all air traffic around Tehran from now until 05:00, local time.

It's getting worse over there. Some news updates.

Assassination Attempt Against Syrian President

Iran CONFIRMS Large-Scale Attack in Retaliation Against Israel Coming


Biden Promises Israel 'Ironclad' Support Against Iran, Walks Back Call For Unilateral Ceasefire

If anyone has plans to go to the Middle East anytime soon it would be very wise to cancel those plans. If I must state the obvious, do not be cannon fodder for ZOG wars. Let governments make fools out of themselves, sit back and enjoy the popcorn for what it's worth.

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US Fake 'Economy' Will Continue To Collapse As Lying Propagandists Will Tell You Everything Is Fine

One idea has become abundantly clear over the last four years: You can’t add 41% to the money supply and expect inflation to remain “transitory.”

But that’s exactly what the Fed did over two years, after which President Biden picked up the ball in January 2021 and ran with it.

The result has come to be known in the online media as “Bidenomics,” and it hasn’t worked out very well for most Americans. In fact, according to a Redfin survey, people are making major financial sacrifices just to live at a basic level. Economics Research Lead Chen Zhao said:

“Housing has become so financially burdensome in America that some families can no longer afford other essentials, including food and medical care, and have been forced to make major sacrifices, work overtime and ask others for money so they can cover their monthly costs.”

Even worse, some Americans have resorted to skipping meals just to afford their overly-inflated mortgage payments:

“Nearly one in five homeowners and renters reported skipping meals to afford housing in Biden’s economy, according to a new survey conducted by Redfin. The median asking rental price increased from less than $1,700 when Biden took office in January 2021 to nearly $2,000 as of February, according to Redfin’s data.”

But it’s not just housing prices and mortgage payments that have apparently inflated out of control under the Biden regime.

Grocery prices have become a heavy financial burden for many families, with prices overall rising over 40%. Some items cost 50-80% more today than four years ago.

Headlines are often misleading. “Food inflation” would mean that food gets bigger. “Food price inflation” is what they’re really talking about. I doubt this article is trying to trick anyone with a New York Times-style inflation con, but words are important! The food did not inflate; food prices went up because the money supply inflated.

Think about this the next time you hear a talking head cheer because “Inflation is only 3.5% now!”

But what those same talking heads fail to acknowledge are the real-world impacts of rising costs of living on the average family, only some of which are revealed above.

That’s probably the main reason why people call price inflation “the tax no one votes for.”


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Second Big Insurance Carrier Excludes War Related Injuries From Insurance Coverage

Policyholders with The Cincinnati Insurance Companies are receiving notices about coverage changes pertaining to the threat of full-scale war.

Dr. Ben Tapper (@DrBenTapper1) shared an image on X – see below – showing policy changes that "include a war exclusion."

"Your Commercial Inland Marine Coverage will include a Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Radiological Hazards Exclusion," the notice further reads.

Earlier this year, we warned that insurance companies were altering their policies to exclude coverage for injuries or sickness caused by war, rioting, insurrection: https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-02-06-health-insurance-exclude-coverage-sickness-war-insurrection.html

Though war exclusions are technically nothing new for insurance carriers, they do have ominous implications for what is soon expected.

In the spring of 1937 when German bombs fell on Guernica, Spain, flattening 70 percent of the town's buildings in less than three hours, property insurers were completely unprepared because they were not expecting such a thing to happen.

"They soon realized it wouldn't take many Guernicas to wipe out the balance sheets," CFC says. "They responded by adding exclusions to policies for acts of war – a move reflected in contracts to this day."

"This time the concern is cyber war – specifically, attacks so catastrophic that they cripple a nation’s ability to function," CFC says. "Lloyd's of London have mandated the exclusion of such scenarios from March 31st of this year. Some in the market are resisting the move."

"Insurance brokers are suspicious when new exclusions appear. And rightly so; they usually signal a reduction in cover for policyholders. They present problems for brokers when clients discover they don’t have the cover they thought they did." 

Simply put, there are a whole lot of events that are now considered to be "war" in the eyes of both the government and the insurance industry. By adding war exclusions to policies, many policyholders will likely find themselves in a serious bind when they realize their assets are no longer covered.

"Imagine a company trying to pay out damages to infrastructure in Gaza right now," one commenter wrote about current events. "Imagine offering coverage on nuclear damages," wrote another about how the insurance industry could never cover a nuclear attack and survive.


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Iran Just Gained Much Needed War Defense Intel On Israel, Jordan, US & UK

At 8:30 AM eastern US Time on Sunday, Israel's War Cabinet will convene a meeting in an Army Bunker, not its regular meeting place at the Prime Minister's Office. 

The meeting will discuss an Israeli "response" to yesterday's Iran Response, to the April 1st attack by Israel upon the Iran Embassy Compound in Damascus, Syria.

President Joe Biden has reportedly told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, "The United States will NOT participate in any Israeli attack upon Iran."

According to several sources inside Israel, after being told that, Netanyahu "vetoed" a response plan previously approved by the War Cabinet.   

As such, this morning's meeting will likely be very frustrating for the Israelis since they apparently can't get the United States to fight Iran for them.

Yesterday's launch of Drones, Cruise Missiles, and Ballistic missiles by Iran, marked the first time in history that Iran directly attacked Israel.  It's never happened before.

This event has changed the Middle East, in many ways, forever.   

First, the "awe" of Israeli military power, has been dimmed by Iran.  While US, UK, and Israeli planes were able to down ALL drones launched by Iran, and Israel's "David's Sling" and "Arrow" missile defenses were able to down ALL cruise missiles fired by Iran,  at least seven (7) Iranian BALLISTIC missiles, got thru and struck Israel.

Were the drones a distraction?  Bait? 

Looking back, it seems that's exactly what they were.   By launching the drones, and announcing they had done so while those drones still needed another 57 minutes to arrive to targets, Iran baited the entire region to see who would do what.   They found out, quite clearly.

While Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, and Lebanon all closed their air space, Jordan went much farther.  Jordan used its own missile defenses to shoot down drones, and then Jordan opened its air space to allow Israeli, US and UK fighter jets into Jordan, to shoot down Iranian Drones and missiles.   So Jordan took sides with Israel against Iran.  That's a big deal.  A game-changer for relations in the Middle East.

Interestingly, the use of Drones by Iran also provided other real-life intelligence info.   The Drones all got shot down.  The cruise missiles all got shot down.  The Ballistic missiles *MOSTLY* got shot down, but seven of them got through!

As a result, Iran now knows how many drones can be successfully engaged by all the countries in the region, acting collectively.  Thus, Iran knows how many additional drones must be fired to overcome those defenses.

In addition, Iran now also knows it was the US and UK - NOT ISRAEL - whose fighter jets shot down most of the drones. So without US and UK support, Israel is quite vulnerable...  much more vulnerable than Israel would have anyone else know.

Similarly, Iran cruise missiles ALL got shot down, so Iran knows it must fire "x" more such missiles to have any hope at all of any getting through.

The ballistic missiles, however, were the big intelligence prize for Iran.  Out of the missiles fired, seven got through.

Now, Iran knows the precise number of ballistic missiles it must fire to saturate Israeli defenses, thereby getting FAR more through those defenses if any future battle is necessary.

Seeing seven ballistic missiles get through was a gigantic intelligence prize for Iran.  It also seriously dimmed the "awe" of Israeli military capabilities.   The Israelis are not "untouchable" as they previously had everyone believe.

Another way last night's attack changed the Middle East forever was the reality that someone *would* attack Israel directly. The whole "they wouldn't dare" crowd is likely laying on the floor, in a fetal position, quivering this morning that someone DID dare.

Another group of people, the "nothing is gonna happen" crowd, also got to eat crow last night.  The "it's a nothingburger" crowd found out their perceptions - for years - were wrong!


A truly amazing thing to see, though, were thousands of Israelis running and screaming with fear in the streets, as explosions in the sky rocked Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.  As I watched video of those Israelis, panicking, screaming in fear, and running en masse through the streets, I couldn't help but think to myself "Run you fucks.  You're finally getting a taste of your own medicine.  What YOU have done to people throughout the Middle East, is now happening to YOU.  How does it feel?"

THAT is a biggie from this event.  The reality was brought home to Israelis.  The reality that what their government has been casting into the wind, can - and did - come home to roost.

Don't like what happened last night?  Then STOP doing it to other countries.

This morning, we already know the US will not participate in any Israeli "response" to Iran.   We also know the Israeli government, in its arrogance, simply cannot restrain itself from "hitting back."  The trouble with these Israeli government people is that they refuse to acknowledge they started it by bombing the Iran Embassy compound in Syria.   They justify what they did by claiming there was a meeting of high ranking military people... or there was a meeting of people who had something to dow tih October 7, or... (insert any other excuse here).  What they refuse to acknowledge is: None of that matters.

Embassies are off limits.  They cannot be attacked.  Ever.  For any reason.

Israel crossed that line.  The reasons they did so, DON'T MATTER.   They still crossed the line.   

For that, they got hit back.

If the Israeli government is smart, they will say to Iran "We hit you, you hit us back, it's over now" and move on in peace.

Iran has already offered that.  They have publicly announced they consider the matter closed.

Israel should leave it closed.  I suspect they won't.   Their ego and a seemingly psychopathic desire to conquer, appears to drive them.


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