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NATO Declares War Against Russia, Putin Responds!

With an estimated 500,000 troops inside Ukraine, and another 200-300,000 to be sent shortly, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke yesterday to the Russian people about the war in Ukraine. He told them " Work as if you are on the frontline... as if you are mobilized" adding it is the only way we will achieve the objectives we set for ourselves."

As things stand right now, Ten European countries have given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia with their weapons: UK,  Latvia,  Lithuania,  Netherlands,  Poland, Finland,  France,  Czech Republic,  Sweden,  and Estonia.  Just yesterday, the Foreign Minister of CANADA also publicly stated "Ukraine has the right to strike the territory of Russia by Canadian weapons, there are no restrictions."

Putin's remarks, then, to his fellow Russians, seem mindful that if this new approach goes forward, Russia will be under considerable bombardment.

The reality, though, is quite a bit worse.

The weapons "donated" to Ukraine are very sophisticated and in most cases, Ukrainians simply don't know how to operate them.  According to Russia, these sophisticated weapons are ALREADY being programmed, launched, and guided to target by NATO personnel!

So what we are actually seeing is no longer a "proxy" war: Russian territory will be attacked by NATO weapons that are guided by NATO surveillance and NATO targeting, with the official stated objective of knocking out a US rival, Russia.

Fears are mounting fast that Putin will soon likely allow attacks on NATO logistic centers to prevent those weapons from entering Ukraine.  If that takes place, it would be all-out war.

All this because the collective West, is determined to exploit Ukraine so as to put NATO and U.S. missiles on Ukrainian soil so they have only a five minute flight time to Moscow.  Russia will simply not allow their safety to be impacted that way.  For Russia, it's a matter of their national security.

Stockup what you can afford very soon, make sure you are armed and have some ammo. Save an extra bullet for yourself, in case things get FUBAR bad and not worthy of living anymore. Get right with God, if you have faith. Looks like the End Times are here, like it or not.
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> we're going to find out that Hitler had it easy
Apolitical doesn't know what he's talking about. Hitler was starving and sleeping on a park bench, getting the only food he could from August Kubizek. The majority of his family had been killed with their lives excused away by jewish doctors. He walked door to door for 13 years to rally people to the cause of restoring Germany. When he took office, he remarked he felt trapped and owned by the fame and position. Numerous offers of peace were sent to allied nations but ignored. After traitors of his own party tried to blow him up, the explosion unsettled his nerves. Theodor Morell then lied and said Adolf would die any minute, offering "medicine" that any doctor would tell you is an insane amount of poison. He was gassed in WW1 causing blindness, and fools then spread the lie he resorted to gas. Which makes no sense, but retards who couldn't accomplish elementary school math to understand it's impossible continued to believe it to this day. In the end with the Bolsheviks advancing, he didn't wish to die the same way Mussolini was murdered.

Starving until you're nothing but skin stretched over bones is not going to be easy.
Also if anyone thinks Haitians murdering you is somehow different from jews shooting people in the street, look up the German Revolution of 1918-1919.
Holy crap I didn't know ANY of this. No one is being taught this in school, not even way back in the day as far as I can recall. We really are living in an empire of lies that covers-up and censors and obfuscates historical events. Very sad.

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