/news/ - News

News & Current Events + Happenings + Fuck off jews

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MY COMMENT: I have decided to postpone reporting news for a while, as I get older everything seems more and more insignificant albeit still chaotic and horrific. The more I read news, the less hope I have for this forsaken planet and it's future inhabitants. I'm done for now. I may decide to retire completely and live my last of my days completely offline, perhaps as I should have been doing all along for the sake of my sanity and health.
Thank you for reading the content I have previously posted. At least for now I am taking a long break from posting more news. I'll wait and see how I feel about it later, as of now, there is so much going on around the world and it was too stressful trying to keep up with it, let alone having to decide what is the most important issues to post about, which there are many almost daily. I am currently having some health problems so I was told to lay off for a while, get outside more often, take it easy and embrace other habits that are less stressful.... So I decided to take that advice for the time being.
Dude, it's like you know me!
Nah Ive been dealing with life for approx the last four years since my lady died.  She was the love of my life.
"Maybe the world would be better if there were no jews!" she one day exclaimed to me, and of course I smiled.
Anyway, thanks for remembering buddy.  Since I lost her I basically don't give a shit.  It's all ego you know?  I am still glad to see news here.  Back in the day me and AH knocked heads a bit but he proved himself over time.  The board kinda took a different editorial scheme and my old threads were nuked but again it's all ego.  Im fifty now and eagerly await glorious death.
Not sure I'm remembering right, but we might've butted heads because you sometimes attacked that anon (in the past) you're replying to now. Spain anon. I have a lot of respect for him. Like you, he comes and goes but seems to have his head in the right place. Most others don't come back.
Thanks man.
Do you care if I begin replying to the threads on page 16?  So called "bumping" the past can really irritate these zoomers and other ADD victims.  You've got the front page looking decent.  If you dont want to see bumps then reply here and I will sage all my posts.
>  I may decide to retire completely and live my last of my days completely offline,

Ehh it's fine dude. It could be a whole lot worse. Like living in a War torn failed African republic bad. I don't think you have it that bad.

Just don't give things too many thought and just keep moving forward in life. Focus on things like family, friends, and your culture/ancestors and you'll get over all the mess you see.
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> Hope you keep doing the same.
Well when I did, there were some complaints. "A bloo bloo the jews" or "it's too much like /pol/". So I backed off and only moderate unless the board just completely dies for a few days.

Speaking of endchan's /news/: Let me just edit my reply so it's more readable.

Before G_C and myself were Vols at endchan /pol/, we were being banned at 8chan for exposing Donald as a jew.
Around that time, Red Pill Dropper was fired by the then BO Ocelotte for spamming endless pro-Trump threads.
She was Jim jew's infiltrator. She had a job at Goldwater.
RPD created this /news/ board here. Then she abandoned it, leaving it to jews. One was named Emmanuel.
I was first to claim. Odilitime (a site admin) proved to be fair. That's why I mod this board.
Emmanuel and his friends spammed anti-Hitler, pro-JewIQ threads and black dicks threads for weeks.
One day, they gave up.

Not directed at Spain anon because he already knows.  This is why Trump posting is suspicious.
Sure, Biden has completely fucked up the United States and world economies. As he's a jew. As they tend to do. Know the exact same thing will happen under another jew.
You helped me to see some shit I could not see about Trump.  I was so wanting to see Hillary lose and I am so thankful to those who helped me see what a jewish sock this man is. Ehst they have done since 2016 is beyond belief but especially now and recentrly CA Senate voting to give zero interest mortghages to invaders...  When did the fucking jew ever give zero interest mortgages?!  COMPLETE weaponization of the hordes...  it's so obvious now to see that the fucking jews run a uniparty inside the USA using dual citizens.
Main news reporter here. I have been trying NUMEROUS TIMES the last week to post my news reports here, but finding most of my VPN IP ranges permanently BLOCKED from using this website for whatever reason. I am going to try this again, over an IP range I have not used for a while!

If I can make a post, I intend to post the last three or four reports.... following a new one early this morning. If I remain gone for a while, the chance is this site is blocking my VPN IPs and probably deliberately!
It could be that the same VPN IPs you're trying were already used by.. as I look at the bans: Russian beauty products spam, jews who blatantly trolled this board, Johnny dipshit Neptune, AIDSkike ("Americans this" spammer) and very rarely, pedos. But I have no way to be sure.

What I don't do is ever change the ban type to wide range or narrow range. It has always been single IP.
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I'm going to put a stop to the pro Trump shit right now.
The pro Trump threads that are up at the moment will be the only permitted pro Trump threads.
In the future: Your /news/ is allowed to say what he's doing. Your /news/ is allowed to suggest whatever the effects are.
Your /news/ will not praise a jew, no matter which jew that is. If you're confused about what I'm talking about, it means no more "Trump good".
If that's how you feel, stay unbiased.

Rules of /news/
1 : Threads and posts must not support jewish propaganda. Expose jews, don't empower them. This doesn't matter if you're not jewish.
2 : All jews and 'shabbos goy' cucks for jews will be banned.
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Yes surely the jew has plans to use him for everything he's worth.  We will see another, different older white looking manm used in a clownish fashion to defend the jew and be their goofball tyrant enhugeing the debt further and never discussing usury as a thing.  Wow the rants I could go on on this matter as could many.  But, it took me some time to wake up to the state of things.  In 2016 frankly he had not totally shown his colors as he has done between now and then.  Meme enclosed and I didn't even need photoshop.  Thank you endchan admins and board ops and all our friends here who really see the duality and bullshit of these politicians.  
Former /news/ poster here. Finding VPN IPs that are not being banned by this site is getting harder and harder, and while sometimes I can find one that works, there are other sites and sometimes online clients that do not work at the same time. Considering that fact I have been forced to delay and even temporarily postpone all news posting. Maybe I will consider getting a different VPN, or perhaps, another laptop just for posting news. This would take some time to set up but it is in consideration. Depends how much I wish to continue posting. Best of luck to all, hope someone else takes up the task for now.
I'm not sure what's going on with the VPNs, as I don't use one myself and I tend to ban single IPs rather than the Ban Type options of wide range or narrow range. Which might mean it's an Admin choice and you may want to ask >>>/operate/ why this is happening. I could be wrong about that. We don't actually work together. I'm a rando who claimed /news/ through email years ago and was given by Odilitime because I was the first in the queue.
169 Russian /polru/ spam posts have been removed from this thread alone. 7 threads and 48+28+12+ replies and now I've lost count.

There will be a captcha for all threads AND replies now

I don't know how the bot's getting past it.
^Check all I've done there. It's almost 4:00am. I don't have time left for this bullshit.
If any anon wants to sign up to be a Volunteer just to waste time on the mod panel WIDE RANGE banning this Russian spam nigger faggot, register on endchan and post your username in this thread.
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2/1/2025 Board Owner here. You MUST post at: https://magrathea.endchan.net/news/ [Ctrl]+F5 repeatedly until you see a captcha in reply boxes or for threads

All locked threads have been unlocked. 

The last time this happened versus a similar script in 2017, we banned the fuck out of the previous bastard. Years of ban periods and hundreds of bans until it stopped. This could be done again. This is the same fucking nigger spammer from back then

2/14/2025 - I just realized that because I'm banned on another board, one of you anons might have caught an erroneous ban too. Or I might've went to warn that other BO how to deal with the spammer and they were barely looking as they clicked the boxes.
Either way - Appeal bans if you have caught one falsely. I've been banning a huge number of IPs used by the spammer.
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1- Nothing illegal under US law.

Bans with periods of 5 years will be issued for animal mutilation media.

No animal related videos will be shared on this board genuinely, for it is often a trick. This is a warning. As soon as you see a video clip of an animal appearing with an innocent thumbnail - DO NOT CLICK.


However, this is the Israeli fuck who enjoys videos of crushing kittens, skinning live cats and using power drills on baby monkeys. Their X account was recently suspended. The idiot deserves to be doxed even more.
If you've seen what I've seen, you would understand why I SIEG HEIL

Post(s) action:

Moderation Help
Duration: Days

Ban Type:
CAPTCHA unavailable

New Reply on thread #8261
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