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I think the Movie Corner thread got bumped off. So here we go.

On February 1st we're watching Tucker and Dale vs. Evil.

At 8:00 and 21:00 UTC, that is:
- Midnight and 1pm PST
- 3am and 4pm EST
- 5am and 6pm BRT, ART (HOA), CLST
- 9:00 and 22:00 CET
- 7pm AEDT (and 8am on Sunday)
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Situation now
All posting on the usual clearnet domains .org, .net, .gg are disabled. Magrathea.endchan.net can be used for that. Note: the captcha was broken, so all posting stops when "captcha enabled for all posts" is set in the setting.
Moderation is possible via endchan.org.
If you browse the site you can notice the political facade of the attack was ditched altogether, now it's just shit and recycled text from earlier posts. Note: we don't deal in investigations, who does it and what are the motives, so don't ask.

What we did
Since we found recaptcha, hcaptcha and captcha in general insufficient, we believe Proof-of-Work route is more promising. We experimented with Kiwiflare and the suggested Basedflare, we found them lacking and not easily configurable for our needs. And while we experimented with them, they just caused annoyance to mods, users, and us. We decided to implement our own solution, this is now we are working towards.
On the long run captcha's still can be added somehow, since they have to be solved, they still cost to the attacker.

About Wrongthink
It is quite possible that wrongthink.net will be secured first because we have easier time to work with that codebase.
For now some amount of flood is directed to it, we saw them each day. It is possible for communities to create hidden boards, and block whole countries from posting, however if you announce your board, it won't remain "hidden" for long and you can expect flood. WT lacks certain features to really offer an alternative at this moment, but on the long run perhaps all Endchan communities should move there.

To all the users:
Thank you for your patience and your loyalty. Endchan experienced all kinds of issues since it was set up in 2015, and we might missing some limbs, but we are chugging forward like the Little Engine That Could.
Still all those who want to tell their opinion are welcomed and they are allowed to do it.

Original message in this post
I can't moderate and my board is filled with shit.
Yes, this Anon hit the nail on its head. Thank you.
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Another week flew by but finally we are getting there with our PoW system. But making it work, and making it work effectively is a two different thing.
Developed tools to clearing up spam too. Tested it all week essentially. It catches false positives, and misses some real spam too. And while it's relatively easy to clear a board with it - in combination with the script posted above -, still have to make it better, and have to think of different approaches.

The flood is on relatively stable level, somewhere between 1500-2000 each day. Most is triggered by user activity, and one wave of flood in the evening (UTC) on several mostly unused boards which were relatively inactive by default, I guess those are the ones which aren't locked down.
Some boards are open, functioning, some are hidden.
If any BOs with inactive boards reads this: try opening a thread or two and allow users back. With the help of the script above it's easier to delete the flood.

Endchan was down for a while, as far as we know the database crashed. However Wrongthing was indeed DoS-ed on at least two occasions. Made the site unavailable.

We understand Magrathea has it's own shortcomings. One of the Anons created a userscript to add conveniences and fix some issues. It can be run with browser extensions such as Grease-/Tempermonkey and related.

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Flood is quite manageable, more like a nuisance these days. Posting triggers a flood within a thread, just as subsequent deletions. Once or twice a day boards get flooded, the first and second pages, just enough in each thread to look like it's everywhere. It's quite easy to delete all within a short period of time.
The content used to flood with turned to pure shit, not even recycled texts anymore.
There are periods when posting does not trigger the flood at all.

Wrongthink was down again, not really sure about the causes.

The new tools mentioned in the previous post is getting better. Very few false positives.
We also have a working PoW. Works, but not works well, not as intended. It was deployed on WT for a test run, but had to take it down. We'll figure it out.

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Apparently the news is: no flood in the past two days. I'm not a prophet so won't make predictions.
We want to switch from recaptcha to, not entirely sure to which one. The PoW is a bust, but we have a plan to implement something similar. 

While I was looking through the boards, I came across something, from 2022 September, when 8kun got flooded, and then by the same attacker Endchan as well. I found it hilarious, so I offer a slice from it to our faithful users.
No, we have still nothing to do with him.

I need to know more about this. Why has my IP, that I only have used on one particular board, having broken no rules to my knowledge,is now useless. Unlike a ban I can't even appeal this error. I want to know if it's an algorithm thing or if other users/board owners can play a part (ie. reporting posts as 'spam' leading to this situation).
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I need to know more about this. Why has my IP, that I only have used on one particular board, having broken no rules to my knowledge,is now useless. Unlike a ban I can't even appeal this error. I want to know if it's an algorithm thing or if other users/board owners can play a part (ie. reporting posts as 'spam' leading to this situation).

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Hey, shit spammer. I think I remember you. I mean, this faggot in picture related started out like this. But I seem to remember a bot attack afterwards that copied posts for a few days. Do you recall whining to /operate/ about admins stepping in to moderate over the board owners and then flooded when you didn't get your way? Much like /polru/ now? Am I right, or am I right?

LynxChan uses file mime-type filter to keep our anons safe. This the official thread to add new items or anything we missed.

What file types do we don't support that you would like us to add?


Here's the current list:

Updated: 2022-04-07
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I see someone asking about "known spammer" message
have a Q on that too....

3 days ago, was able to post on /qrbunker
next day, switched computers or ip (one of the two) and was unable
(using magrathea both times)

no error message in magrathea telling me the problem was a banned IP hash

had to try to post in endchan.org to get that error message
needs to be in magrathea too
(may be a good time to unban some more protonmail channels?)

tx to admins for all you do, tough job
with few thank yous and a lot of headaches
The "known spammer" think is this thread:  >>/11813/
Magrathea has no alerts yet. Not for bans or flood errors or anything. Eventually will get around of it. So those who want to Appeal their bans they can only do by posting on endchan.org/net/gg.

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On a test board I could open the bans. Ofc no bans there so it was just an empty page.
However. Previously from other board we had a complaint, they couldn't open bans because they filled it up. Maybe this is the case and you issued too many bans.
I don't think there is a limit by design, I think there is just too many for the engine to handle.

I'm sorry, I doubt anyone was present at that time from the staff.
If this is about doxing related, I can advise not to share any information with unknown people, what's given away it cannot be erased from the internet anymore. If it's already out there, nothing can be done, one has to be resigned and move forward with life, being careful in the future whom one trusts, and what information to share. Trolls are doing it for the attention, they should be ignored, so they don't get their pleasure, they'll get bored and they'll move on too. Yes, they'll poke for a while, but eventually they'll give up. They also use the already gathered information to coerce out more information, one shouldn't replay, it's saying "No!" by ignoring them.
If you turned to us it is very likely the Board Owner (BO) is also the part of the problem. On Endchan, the users create and manage their own boards.
If we - global staff - get a report we check if the post reported violates global rules. If not we leave up the content. Further than this no matter of the morality and no matter if we disagree with the content, if it is protected speech, it is extremely unlikely we'll violate the freedom of expression of the users.

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Hello admin please fix your board
1 Make captcha field next to text so it would take one press of TAB button to focus
2 Put OPs header on top like in ordinary posts so [Reply] link would be above pictures in OPs
3 Forbid webp or fix undefined postfix
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What if I set a password before posting, then I check my post, enter the password and solve the captcha in the bottom form, but when I click "delete" the following message appears: "0 threads and 0 posts were successfully deleted". My post is still not deleted. Why is that?

Post(s) action:

Moderation Help
Duration: Days

Ban Type:
CAPTCHA unavailable

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