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LynxChan uses file mime-type filter to keep our anons safe. This the official thread to add new items or anything we missed.

What file types do we don't support that you would like us to add?


Here's the current list:

Updated: 2022-04-07

That's on the back-end.
That will add an overhead on the engine, seeking a suitable location for the thumb. I rather leave as just the first frame because 
1: its less stuff to go wrong
2: the transition can be smoother, since the video will start from the frame you are seeing.

Alright, so last time I checked, flacs, have to be natively downloaded. Testing to see if this is still true, and asking to see if you can implement a FLAC player like with mp3s
> file type not allowed
Is this because of my bad connection?
Posting a song with a mildly related name

Hotwheels brutally dismissed my requests for proper support. So here I am. I am very happy you are giving this topic serious attention.

So ...

WPG file support, when?

Was going to test epub, it is not allowed

Please allow epub

A lot of people have books in epub and it's not utter bullshit with tons of exploits like the much more commonly allowed pdf

Bonus in that its responsive unlike PDF, man will never know why PDF ever was accepted as a standard, it's utter shit.

Related to  >>/1221/

The 'application/download' MIME is not implemented, preventing me from sharing most of my pdf files.
That's fine and dandy, but apparently 7zip leaves the MIME type untouched and I don't really know how to change that: would love some advice in this regard.

I am also curious if this MIME type is never gonna be implemented and for what reason would that be.

Well fuck, both special snowflake browsers failed (Palemoon, Iridium) and fucking IE also. Sorry for keeping this thread on top for so long, but could you tell me what browsers that aren't Chrome/Chromium or Firefox don't fuck with the MIMEs?

Your post doesn't show (so far) in the default thread index.  >>/1709/ is (so far) the last reply to thread appearing in the board index.

This isn't the only /operate/ thread were I found inconsistencies between what's shown in the index and the actual last replies to the threads. Another example is  >>/1709/ ; actually the last reply seems to be  >>/1736/ ; while the last reply actually is (as of now) the post  >>/2030/.

I've tried to open the pages using endchan.xyz and the two hidden services, no difference.

holy shit, great fucking work odilikike


is that really how uploading mkv files is supposed to work? make you download the file and not just display the video in a window like everything else? just a waste of two hours and bandwith, fuck you

If you use youtube-dl you can stream it to mpv, it's a bit annoying to do every time though. You could also use the open with addon, or whatever it's called to simplify it a bit.

But I did go on freech the other day and saw an mkv file that was streamable in-browser. So odilicuck pls fix.

I don't use freech, I was just checking it out because I always see some sperg yelling at people to go back there.

Freech and endchan both use lynxchan, so if they can stream mkv files then we have no reason to not be able to.

So, has anyone ACTUALLY been able to upload any files over ~250mb on this site yet? There isn't really much point to having a file limit so large when nobody can actually utilize all of it.

Yeah I can get above 250 but it's not easy.  250 is about the average sweetspot for files. 

You need to use the correct domain and disable java to get to make.  I got in the 320s a few time for anime episodes by using .xyz, without java, in FF.

something something DRM, something something remote deletion if you're in the wrong country using a shitty system even if you're just visiting say vietnam. Conceptually, all e-books are dangerous if you don't put it in a sandbox cutting off its access to executing shit to the internet so the file format doesn't matter too much, just something anti DRM or non DRM retardation is preferred.

I owe you a response. According to http://filext.com/file-extension/WPG
File type: Branded .PNG File

WPG are the same thing as a .PNG file. So just by renaming them to PNG, they'll work in a browser.

However recently I see that it also could be a WildTangent plug in too. But isn't that a dead tech.

The Mime types used with this association are: application/wpg, application/x-wpg, image/wpg, image/x-wpg, image/x-wordperfect-graphics, application/x-wpg-viewer, zz-application/zz-winassoc-wpg.
Mime type: application/x-wildtangent-web-driver, application/x-wildtangent-web-driver20

So my question now is why do you want this? How are you using it? Which mime type is right?

> A lot of people were complaining about youtube embeds tracking IPs. So I'd like to figure out a way around that.

Any integration of google services and sites should be avoided. Their whole business model requires user tracking.

This includes other sites that make use of google, especially the worst of them all, google's captcha. Cloudflare, used by 8chan, forced google captcha to even browse the site. Google captcha requires enabling javascript, and with google there could be undocumented tricks developed by their ((programmers)) to unmask proxy users.

No cloudflare, google or facebook ever.

I don't want to create a new thread, so I ask here.

>  101 posts and 16 images omitted.

Why this info doesn't appear in json api? Can you add it please?

Also, can you add a default name somewhere in settings object? There is no way to find it out.

What if the server were to request the entire video, save it for the duration the post exists as an mp4 or webm, and then just upload it as a file?
I know savido.net has found a way to allow users to download youtube videos directly as an mp4/webm, no clue if it tracks the IP, but since it would be the central server requesting the video from youtube, and redistributing it to the users (we could run into legal trouble here, and may attract people who just want to have the webm/mp4) only the server would have to send it's IP.

I am just a layman, but it could work.

So downloading the video just increases space and bandwidth. Forcing CloudFlare only sooner. 

So the only way I see around a non-youtube, non-cloudflare where they take the brunt of the storage and streaming costs maybe some endchan pass. But that's so fucking lame. I think a YT embed is a good compromise.

Relayed to StephenLynx.
> StephenLynx: ill put that into the roadmap

After your maintenance, I can't post archived file formats at all on Tor, if they are blacklisted.

What are the settings for Tor posters?

Images and music work: e.g.:  >>/test/753/ and  >>/test/754/
^both worked on latest version of the tor bundle.
No JS, strict http, not even USER AGENT

files I wanted to upload: 
Deadpool.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi-btih:32FC1B500FF781E49240D1C9D30A6682873A9C8E.7z https://my.mixtape.moe/vgomwv.7z
Deadpool.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi-btih:32FC1B500FF781E49240D1C9D30A6682873A9C8E.torrent https://my.mixtape.moe/ewnptz.torrent
e.g.  >>/tv/60/
^zip seems to work on gecko based browser, but not tor.

posted for replication purposes.

> "application/x-gzip",

> "application/x-bzip2",

> "application/x-gzip",

"x-gzip" is duplicated.

Also, I just observed that Tor Browser (Firefox ESR38, currently) sent "application/gzip" for a ".gz" file and "application/x-bzip" (no "2") for a ".bz2" file. Maybe add those?

Well a copy of the file is only going to tell me what my browser uses which I know my browser works with zips. 

Can you upload it here:
and let us know what mime type your browser is sending, so we can add it?

> browse
> select file
> shows that file has been selected
> submit query
> loading animation
> loading animation stops
> goes back to initial state without showing any results, as if nothing happened
> try several times with several interaction blocking (noscript, requestpolicy, encrypted web) things turned off
> nothing changes
any other ways?

On your OP:
> application/x-7z-compressed

> application/x-7z-compressed,

you have 7z twice, one without a comma: it maybe why .7z files are not working.
Just tested it with this file: RWtBR.7z https://my.mixtape.moe/kuehqn.7z 8.11 MB (8,508,300 bytes)
Checksum information
Files: 1
Folders: 0
Size: 8508300 bytes
CRC checksum for data: CA90C4CF
CRC checksum for data and names: FE1EF805
SHA-256: 21449C4C1D0F96C907B846499238B761C32D73B28829AE5F9480E7F26AA00BF2

Tried to upload it on:  >>/v/1175/

Tor Browser Bundle: 6.0.2 (based on Mozilla Firefox 45.2.0)
Format: 7z
Compression: Ultra:
Method: LZMA
Dictionary: 64MB
Word size: 64
Solid Block Size: 4GB
2 Threads

http://mime.ritey.com/ returned nothing, even with JS enabled. You can replicate if you like.

noscript.allowedMimeRegExp default string ""

Anything else you need?

Also just tried it raw, with JS enabled on:
SRWare Iron	48.0.2550.0 (Developer Build) (32-bit)
Revision	00a9fbe74bf3e815325a91a79f70a5044d5e02fa
OS	Windows [VM]
Blink	537.36 (@6b53888d9893e17210eb2ec98d8e9f8d5ea8a5d1)
JavaScript	V8
Flash	(Disabled)
User Agent	Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2550.0 Iron/48.0.2550.0 Safari/537.36
Command Line	
Variations	16e0dd70-3f4a17df
Compiler	MSVC

http://mime.ritey.com/ also returns nothing.

same file: RWtBR.7z https://my.mixtape.moe/kuehqn.7z

 >>/4686/  >>/4451/
The file failed me on .bz2 and .zip on Ultra compression, both on TOR and SRWare Iron, but worked on gzip on TOR!  >>/v/9445/

RWtBR.exe.bz2 my.mixtape.moe/ikapsd.bz2
Checksum information
Files: 1
Folders: 0
Size: 8477266 bytes
CRC checksum for data: D3905A98
CRC checksum for data and names: B641B505
SHA-256: 2505C89A6D8187563357F07E10A870F10E725AF9237F09BCE5209E80F28AD5F8

RWtBR.exe.gz my.mixtape.moe/ddoxsp.gz
Checksum information
Files: 1
Folders: 0
Size: 8446998 bytes
CRC checksum for data: 1B5F6290
CRC checksum for data and names: A3FE513E
SHA-256: 0D6AC1D904678DF4FE16114759E66DE91298FE6B2C9B22DBB92C5E5E1F111424

RWtBR.zip my.mixtape.moe/fclpip.zip
Checksum information
Files: 1
Folders: 0
Size: 8447122 bytes
CRC checksum for data: 990073DF
CRC checksum for data and names: F9ECE7A2
SHA-256: DE126D3B583BF7890869A00BC03AD2CF6EEB8BCF764C0049207245B284576E72

password for post  >>/v/9446/:  >>/v/9446/
So that you can delete the post once you have verified and tested successful posting.

Tell me if there's a setting on noscript and/or about:config I need to set.

thanks for the detail but the browser, version file and mime.ritey.com info is enough. I'll see if I can get my hands on that tor browser and see if I can replicate the same results on ime.ritey.com. If it truly doesn't return a mime type you maybe be pretty fucked.

also: replicated on .rar or: application/x-rar-compressed, on both browsers
> version file and mime.ritey.com info is enough.

I didn't get any results on both browsers.
> If it truly doesn't return a mime type you maybe be pretty fucked.

not really, I can live with .gz right now, did with:  >>/v/9447/,9448,9449
^if the lynxchan parser does comma delimiting referencing, I'd be soo unf~ right now.

also thank you for replicating. I assume it's a browser setting issue, since it's not even working on Iron! Unless something really is screwed! 

Have you tried to upload said files on which browsers that have worked yet?

Something new, tried to upload this file on TOR: >>/v/9452 and it didn't work. But tried on that same Iron browser,  >>/4686/, and it worked! Proof is in the password: 昇る

Either something is wrong on the server for TOR posters, esp. for application/x-shockwave-flash, or there's some weird ass setting I need to configure. You may need StephenLynx on this one.

Added application/x-zip-compressed to the mime list.

Also, fags using Gecko-based browsers who are having trouble uploading shit should read this article: http://kb.mozillazine.org/MimeTypes.rdf

.ppm just cuz
also the other raw image formats (.rgb) along with .xoj for xournal
are my requests unpopular yet?

> A lot of people were complaining about youtube embeds tracking IPs.

1. "Lazy loading" youtube embeds should not track any IP address unless one voluntarily clicks the thumbnail to load the video.

2. Why not let board owners decide whether this option of lazy loading youtube embeds should be allowed as a toggleable option in account.js? If a board owner wants his board on your website to have youtube embeds (that can only "track" if voluntarily clicked on), why should his board community be denied this option just because of a paranoid vocal minority screeching about the CIA and illuminati spying on those who click on Youtube embeds? Here's an idea: if you don't like google tracking you from youtube, don't click the youtube thumbnail.

1. correct

2. It's really hard to add backends options. We'll get there but still learning. Right now lazy-loading youtube embed works but the BO has to have link rewriting off. If you rewrite links, the youtube detector can't find it.


Sometimes when I paste a youtube html like that it does the spam filtration whack job on the URL, and denies the viewer embed link.  What am I doing wrong or how did you do that?

Also I am on lo bandwidth, how come my webms sometimes just fade into space, talking &lt3 mb file I can't upload to the thread

@Odil could you kindly take a look at user reports of upload problems at 
seems standard tor post prompts OK for captcha but attempted tor posting of message with attachment does not correctly or at all get a captcha prompt. tia

Hey odili can you talk to richard and make it so checking for "sage" in email field is not case-sensitive? In all other imageboards you can type whichever combination and it'll still work as a no-bump post. Just use toLowerCase() when checking.


I'm getting "unable to parse uploaded file" for roughly 250-270MB webm and mp4 files.  File upload was not broken previously.  I think what's happening is webmaster made an update to [or just flat out created] a client-side script which validates the files on the client so as to reduce server load.  Problem is webmaster's cute little script is in JavaShit, which means 16x the RAM, 64x the processor cycles, of a normal written-in-C routine.  This script attempts to parse the oversized files, and on my Chinkpad X200 either it's not parsing fast enough (so the server rejects the post for timeout) or the script is crashing/failing in the background.

Upload of large files worked previously, but doesn't work now which leads me to the worrying conclusion that webmaster does not unit test his changes.  EndChan could be sitting on similar bugs and quality of code that Infinity had, leading to the 8chan IP leaks.

Anyway, I'm going to try and cripple that routine client-side here and see if that doesn't fix it.  If it does, I'll publicly release the code so people can post big files (and hopefully ones off the allow list, if it's this script doing the validation and not the server, to teach webmaster a lesson about coding and design laziness).

My parse theory comes from the fact my CPU and memory pegs for about 2 minutes when hitting "New Reply."  Why else would it peg?  It's not necessary for upload, as all other chans do fine (and this worked previously, around Jun-Aug 2016).  This upload also fails on Firecuck, which is making me think it's definitely a webmaster created/modified script fucking up.

Webmaster, I don't know your programming background, so I'll assume you're not above the 2 standard deviation mark of webmasters and assume you're not up to speed on order of complexity in algorithms.

Your script, somehow, is too high a complexity order for the data you allow.  Your script complexity may be O(n^2) or higher, when it should be NO MORE than O(n*lg(n)), O(n), or O(lg(n)).

I use this site.

Also to Odilitime:
When will be the option to embed YouTube?
Link eh.. clipping? Separating? Makes sense.
There's that frequent .tk CP spam going on.
But I'm sick of cutting down long vids in WMM.

Please add PostScript (.ps) uploading:


And, if it wasn't already added subsequent to previous requests, please add DjVu (.djvu) uploading:


No error, the upload will no longer start, at least on /tv/ I had this problem. It just happened suddenly, can't seem to upload most video formats to /tv/ anymore.

I'm thinking the BO might have banned them.

I don't know where to post it but on some boards on 8ch, sometimes, when using TOR I get this. What is this? Sometimes if I refresh the page or close browser and go back it disappears.

I made some fixes to the javascript-enabled system. InfinityNow now handles if the browser can't decode the mime much better. This allowed me to upload MKVs.

If you upload "doesn't start", check for JS errors in your dev tools ([javascript] console).

Try uploading to >>>/test/, I don't think the >>>/tv/ banned any formats tbh.

OK, I was able to test uploading an mp4 video to /tv/ and WITH SUCCESS.

I am now trying to upload my mkv formats and its a no-go. Uploads will not start at all, and I did not change my javascript settings at all either. Something must be wrong with the board or the programming... perhaps it was hacked to deny mkv formats? Don't know... I'll consider converting my mkvs to mp4s and uploading them that way.

Screw all this redundant filetype fiddling.

Odilitime, when are you planing to implement the EBS extension to LynxChan? While this risks the occasional false alarm, I want my four minute finalize-your-shitposts warning!

in case you havent figured it the fuck out by scrolling through the page I'm gonna spell it out for you. your dealing with a community so schizophrenic, stupid, and delusional that making up something like an "ebs addon" is one of the smaller things they talk themselves into. dont be surprised if someone wants you to check on the warp drive next, or perhaps just vist them in the crazy bin.

Site supplied in OP gives no results. Tried on several browsers. Upload finishes and site acts as if nothing was uploaded in the first place. I tried looking around for some downloadable tools for checking MIME but I couldn't find anything (weirdly enough there were sceenshots of some tools around but couldn't land on any site with programs themselves).
I've uploaded the smallest (9 MB) of the .zips here so maybe you can use that for troubleshooting.

Browser I'm using is Palemoon 27.9.1 (64-bit)

Odilitime: Please bring back the ability to type endchan.xyz/boardname/ and actually direct to that board. At the moment, it redirects to endchan.xyz and clicking a link to the board name brings me to the board.

And the problem persists today. Can't delete a 404 bugged thread on /news/ from the front page. Moderate Thread will allow deletion. Can't get to that from a 404 thread.

that's possible but the way you put it is unneeded, their videos can be copied 1 to 1 with youtube dl either the video and audio ones or combine the separate streams mux but the whole thing seems unnecessary when you can stream them with mpv  or something which you should be doing anyway

instead of embedding them why not just replace the url with  the video's title?

I took a trip to >>>/css/ and somewhat bruteforced it:
> ctrl+shift+I
> copy all info in the style editor
> open new style on css manager plugin
change total fontsize scale, like so:

/* import resources here; external CSS, fonts, etc */

/* body styles, inherited by whole page */
body {
    color: #000;
    background: #EEF2FF url("/.static/fade-blue.png") repeat-x scroll 50% 0%;
    font-family: arial, helvetica, sans;
    font-size: 125%;
    margin: 0px;

And now it's readable, though it somehow breaks Tomorrow box colors (posts, not the OP).

Using document.head.innerHTML += body{background:red;}; is shorter and easier than GM_addStyle.
And if your problem is the font-size... Why not just increase the page's zoom? Ctrl+Scroll wheel up

Sorry I missed that part. I could not get the MIME checker to work. It said "can't read file" regardless of which browser or file type I tried. Using https://htmlstrip.com/mime-file-type-checker returns text/plain, which makes sense because .srt is just a renamed .txt.
I have attached an .srt if you wish to inspect further. Thanks.

Bug report:
Anyone tried to enable Local Time lately?
Flips mode but doesn't stay.
Doesn't work here or on QanonResearch.
"Thanking you in advance" for the fix

PS accidentally created a thread instead of reply with first request, plz delete, thz

Can you support the AV1 codec here? Support on Lynxchan just requires a newer verion of ffmpeg to thumbnail it.

YouTube has been rolling it out on a lot random videos and It's supported on Chrome and Firefox. 


There's a checkbox at every thread and every post. Just next to the username Anonymous. Select it, then scroll to the bottom of the page, there's a form. Reload the captcha a couple of times to refresh it, then write into the input box what you see on the image, then click Delete. This should do it.


Just had a quick question about /b/. Not sure if I should ask it here. Just noticed that there was a new layout. I mean it's okay, but I wanted to ask if there's an option to hide posts. It had that option in the other 

I'll delete this post if I should post this question in another thread

It just looks kinda weird now. The css is really different from the other boards.

There was also an option to hide individual posts from threads, but it appears to be gone now.

Again, it's okay if the BO decided to change it, just asking if the "hide post[X]" option could be brought back 


sorry m8, I changed it back, I took the css from the abandoned /sp/ board to get their glowing red text but didn't realize it would have that effect. I reverted it, I never noticed cause I don't use that feature myself but I don't wanna take it away from others.

Threads on /bb do Not Bump anymore!
Hey, does anyone knows why it happened? 
They just don't, perhaps it have to do something with latest interface update or smth,anyway seems like it only it happened with /bb. Plz help!

I can't say. Asked admin if he has an idea, but he hasn't got the time to look at it yet.
With the rest of the staff we speculated that it might be a board setting. Maybe bump limit set too low. Or how many days the non cyclic threads can be bumped after thread creation.
Do you guys have a BO?

> Internal server error. This board requires at least one file when creating threads.

I can not create a thread on /bb board with any kind of attached file. Almost all kinds of pictures do not fit fsr, this problem exists for a long time.

i tried to attach png and jpg versions, and none of them worked out. 

Tested both .jpg and .png, with over 2Mb files, on Tor, with JS on, on onion domain, couldn't reproduce the error. Managed to upload these  >>/11281/ two images as well.
Admins know about your report, we're trying to figure out something, but maybe the problem is on your end.

I've been trying to upload something again, on Ubuntu using firefox and Pale Moon. The only difference is that on Pale Moon I get a connection reset error on endchan.org but on Firefox the usual error 413.

With scripts on it's connection failed on all accounts.

The file in question this time is about half the reported max. file size, 175MB.

I keep getting this error message when I try to bump old posts on /b/

> Internal server error. R9K prevented your message from being posted.

Does anybody in /operate/ know why? It's been happening to me for months?

> How should it work?

Well, the way it ought to work, clicking it pops up a separate multimedia window displaying a direct link of the Odilitime jock strap crotch-cam live stream.

> What is the problem with that?

> I click on the [X] and it hides that post.

It's not a problem, per se. It's just ... I dunno. Kinda a boring feature as it stands now.

Screwed up and made a thread instead of asking a Q on this thread - sorry about that. Need to know how to lock a thread, how to make the pin/lock/cycle options appear so I can select one of them. Spent a coupla hours trying to remember how.

Re muh Question on how to pin, lock, cycle. Finally got them to appear.
Problem seems to be that sometimes selecting Moderate Thread makes these three options appear but sometimes it bounces me into the Board mgmt screen. Bug or something else?

If you open a thread, you should see two options:
1. Manage Board
2. Moderate Thread.
The second one brings you to the thread's moderation page (where you can see IP hashes at posts, and can issue bans with the form on the bottom of the page) and there should be the options.
I'm not aware of any bug that would change this behaviour, never got a report of such, never had similar experience. Make sure you click on "Moderate Thread", instead of "Manage Board".

Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but there's an error on Endchan's Patreon page. It's still listing the old .xyz website.

Also, the donations header doesn't sound well to read

> 2021 is now more than ever to support who you can trying to save Free Speech and the Internet

Maybe fixing that a little would be good

Fix this thread  http://endchan5doxvprs5.onion/bb/res/47593.html
Delete dupllicate of this same thread http://endchan5doxvprs5.onion/bb/res/47592.html http://endchan5doxvprs5.onion/bb/res/47591.html


Just p wanted to let you guys know that sometimes threads on /b/ don't get opened properly and give off a "File not found" whenever you click on them. And sometimes you click on reply and the thread works. It's an on and off thing

Unsure if it's related to this thread or not, I just noticed something inside the website that may be driving infrastructure/server costs up more than needed. I can give my opinion on it if anyone in the staff wants to know

Okay. It's in regards to the high amount of boards that Endchan currently has. I looked at the bottom of the site, and saw that there's up to 19 pages full of boards on the site. 

I looked into them and noticed that they're just completely empty or dead boards that have nothing inside of it, or have just been completely abandoned by the owners. One page of boards has a total count of 50 different boards. Doing the math (50 * 19), you have around 950 boards on Endchan with only around 20-50 being actively used or with content at all. Most of the boards in the end of the site are just one off gags or garbled nonsense with nothing inside of them. Not even one single post

My proposition is for the staff to just delete all of the dead or empty boards you have lying around on the site in order to free up server space that you may be getting charged for. Archive the board if it has active content and maybe give a grace period for board owners and daily users using the board (maybe 1 year) to keep their respective boards up. If it's too inactive, just delete it completely after archiving it. 

Basically, only keep active boards with at least a few habitual users and delete the older boards. And let new board owners know to keep logging in and posting on their boards

Hovering over quote links is not working correctly when the quoted post is the OP. It is showing the first reply of the thread instead. From the index it shows the first non-omitted reply instead.
Do you see?

This night >>>/rus/ was attacked by wiper.
He tried to delete our actual threads by bumping ALL old threads on the board, and then creating new garbage threads.
But thanks to only small thread creation limit, he can not delete too many our threads by this way.

Wipe cleaned. But now we know, wipers can make attack any other board on Endchan, with deleting all live threads on it, if thread creation limit to hour will not be setted.

In order to prevent such a situation, we need more customization limits  >>/11764/ for defending our boards and threads on it from wipers. Thank you for attention.

How i can create background image in >>>/rus/ board?
How upload custom .css file with picture?
Do you have manual for retards?
I never typed css and html files before.

html {
  background-image: url(endchan 4 2.jpg);
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: center center;
  background-attachment: fixed;
  -webkit-background-size: cover;
  -moz-background-size: cover;
  -o-background-size: cover;
  background-size: cover;

Repeat image.

html {
background-image: url(endchan 4 2.jpg);
background-repeat: repeat;
background-position: center center;
background-attachment: fixed;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;

Sorry for late reply.
1. you need an image uploaded to somewhere
2. you need the uploaded image's url
3. you have to create a file that contains the rules and name it: custom.css

You already did the first point, you uploaded the image in this post  >>/11820/
You need the url of the image which is:

So now only the rules are missing. I experimented a bit and this could be the most acceptable:

body {
    background-image: url(https://endchan.gg/.media/869459fc7013c39b00fa82882e6dc1f8-imagejpeg.jpg);
    background-repeat: repeat-y;
    background-size: contain;

So copypaste it into a file and save it with the name custom.css
Then in the board setting browse the file, then click "Upload CSS"
It should warn you that a new css has been set. Check the board if you see the new background. If not something is amiss.

> I saw the post on /operate/ I replied.

It working!
Thank you so much!

May be that manual can be useful for other BOs. Possible set it on the help page, or moderation manual page.

And only one wish about BG: uploading background image to Endchan server like banners, or something else. To exclude other strange hostings, or clearnet. For Tor users who could download the background file only from Endchan server, via tor mirror. Or other Endchan mirrors where user came from. Like static links. I think you understand.

There's the static where the site assets go. Users can't access that.
A good temporary solution is to just upload it to the board (thread can be pinned, some boards have a pinned with the rules of the board or they keep a meta thread, that could be suitable). Or to a slow board where it don't get bumped off. Or a dedicated board to the assets, where the thread can be pinned.

Talk about links and traffic ways to background picture file. From one mirror to another mirror.

Now, when i set this code:
background-image: url(,">https://endchan.gg/.media/869459fc7013c39b00fa82882e6dc1f8-imagejpeg.jpg);,
user who came from .onion, .org, .net, .loki, .i2p, mirrors will download picture ONLY from .gg mirror.

It would be nice if user who came from endchan.gg, could download background picture STRAIGHT from endchan.gg.
But when user who came from http://enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion could download background picture NOT from endchan.gg, but STRAIGHT from http://enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion
Like another images on the board.

It would be nice when BO could upload background picture to server, like he upload bannes, in BO settings page.

I guess cross mirror traffic ways is not good.


background-image: url("/.media/869459fc7013c39b00fa82882e6dc1f8-imagejpeg.jpg");

That should solve frontend/mirror problem.

We're working on a project that might be allow us to do such modifications. But for now, the solution above have to suffice.

Well, maybe we should be more specific about the naming the file that needs to be uploaded.
But the rest, the CSS part is a topic so wide we can't cover every bit of it in a short help. Because not just the background can be changed, but from font size to the mouse pointer everything. We could just link this instead:

Don't use webp, and please don't do anything to add support for it on the board. Webp was a google thing to try to lock users into android. It never gained widespread support, particular among image editing tools and doesn't work on a number of browsers still in use. (Note that people are still using V2 Tor to connect to endchan)

> odilinigger being nigger will do anything to suck jewish cocks

I think you're just projecting

> 8kun didn't implement this, so it won

8kun is fbi owned botnet dogshit. It's a ded site compared to us. Or anyone actually

> 8kun didn't implement this, so it won.


You actually came here and shilled and even said that a cancerous honeypot was any good? You are too funny either jim or one of his payed bitches. Since noone on the internet actually goes there 

Anyway, please leave Endchan and other imageboards away from a mega FED platform. We're not interested.

Hmmm you could try making another board and get refugees from the first board there. That's an option.

Option #2 is making a mega thread about everything /polru/ related on /pol/ if you anons want to stay there for a while. You're welcome to post there and have a general thread if you want

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I've made a post to a thread, and it seemed to have killed it. 
The post I made was visible on eye of sauron, but not on the board itself.
And the thread can't be opened now. Tested from different domains, browsers, and IPs.

So, if you try to send two messages with too little time apart from each other, the site will display an error - "Internal server error Flood detected". But, you will be completely locked out of posting, no matter how much time you wait before making the next post. The only way to be able to post again, is to solve the bypass captcha. But nowhere on the site does it tell you that, I have only discovered this by pure experimentation.
Maybe the error message should clarify that? Display something like "Internal server error Flood detected You have to solve the bypass captcha"

As far as I know at the flood detected error, one just have to wait it out. Length is random, but if one gets the flood detected warning twice in a row, it gets longer on the second time.
> nowhere on the site does it tell you
Much of functionality on whole lot of imageboards aren't really documented. The assumption is that users learn about the chan (any chan) by lurking and trial and error. Imageboards don't have handholding guidance culture.
It is okay to ask questions, and being curious about answers. We try to give those.

Those services exist.
In 2022 autumn Endchan was attacked by a spammer, which forced us to change captcha (it wasn't cp spam, was a high volume attack). As far as we knew, he had a trained captcha solver algorithm, but the new one stopped him. He went so far to pay human-powered captcha solver service to continue his offensive.

Why are onion domains down all the time? Like it's up for 20-30 minutes, then it goes down for 3-5 minutes, then comes back online, and stays online for half an hour before crashing again. And this keeps happening and happening through the day, for the last who knows how many days.

What do you mean "down"?
Any error messages?
Every board or a specific board? - BOs can turn Tor off on their boards.
Right now I tested and Tor1 works, but on Tor2 I got connection timeout. This is what you are referring to?

That is the normal link.
I just click "share" on YT and "copy link" provided, then half the time when I paste it here on EC it doesn't embed and sometimes it does, using same exact link. 
That why I tested it back to back on test board, to see and show results.

Ffs, I've already said before, I'm not using shortened links.
It is literally the "share" link provided by YT, and pasted here, and as I already said , it will not always embed (sometimes it does), it also is getting worse, less than 50% now.

> Are you an Admin?
I have never experience such a problem. Tho I never click on the video to "share link" but copypaste the url from the address bar. When I do that the engine generates the embed every time.
I do think however that the youtube share link function generates you a shortened url, which features a referral thingy it's the "si=blahblah" in the GET array in the shortened link.
I know when you share by time (at X second) then you get a shortened url.

Ok, I will use the address bar link from now on, and hope that works.

(But) Do you understand what I was saying? That I was using the same identical link and getting different results, that this site seems to randomly change the link for some reason, so would sometimes embed, and sometimes not embed...

I understand that you are saying you used the same link.
Where exactly you got the url from?
Youtube has a button below the video that says "Share", and there is a feature when you right click on the video in the local menu there is a "Copy video URL" option. Which is it? Or is it a third possibility?


I was using: "Share"

I just tried using the address bar link and the "share" link on the Test board and got various results.

I'm done worrying about it, either way the links work one way or another, and info is passed on...

Here:  >>/test/6577/ you used two links. The first one, has a "pp" variable in the GET request array. The second one is a normal link. Just contains the video id in the GET array.

I'll break this up:
The "watch?v=BhniYvqhrU4&pp=ygUXUHJvZ3JhbSBhbiBpbWFnZSBib2FyZCA%3D" is the variables that are passed via the GET request.
It holds two key-value pairs:
1. v=BhniYvqhrU4
2. pp=ygUXUHJvZ3JhbSBhbiBpbWFnZSBib2FyZCA%3D
The first is the video ID. The second the "pp" this is another variable with the value "ygUXUHJvZ3JhbSBhbiBpbWFnZSBib2FyZCA%3D". I don't know what that does.
A previous link you shared was this:
This also has two key-value pairs in the get array.
1. 3TPCZ7FqtpU - this is the video ID, without the "v" variable.
2. si=nnMYf3UV92g-n9ZO - this is a user referral ID, it stores who shared the video. I think the "si" means something like "share ID" or soemthing the like.
If a youtube URL contains more than the video id, Endchan won't make an embed link from it.
So a link has to look like this:
It has to end with the "v=3TPCZ7FqtpU" key-value pair.

Another poster in /bb/ said that he has the same issue
It's really annoying, every time I have "connection failed" error, I have to redo the bypass captcha, because otherwise it shows me "flood detected" error if I try to resend the message

You guys allow webp?  I don't use it, but google and other malicious and powerful aggregates won't let you save pictures sometimes and use webp to prevent you from doing so.  That would be cool to stop, ya know?

Thank YOU for bringing up the question.
We as USERS of the aformentioned /POLRU board are interested in competent OWNER, compliant with the Australian CURRENT LAW. In particular, WE have a several good CANDIDACIES with a UKRAINIAN citizenship.
Keep US updated about the /POLRU board ownership transferring process.

Russia stole the name from Kyivan Rus in 1721
It was - moscovia till then, its ancestors are mongolian horde ulus djuchi and khazarian kaganate

Kyivan Rus is Ukraine, moscovia stole the history and the name so its needed to do that autochange

Русс - московитс

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Odilitime, u go to kike polru board owner and force him to do that autochange

Русс - московитс (russia - moscovia)

Fight for Ukraine
Erase kremlin narratives
Moscovia steal it's name from Kyivan Rus in 1721
Do it fast and I'll stop.

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 Пиздец хохлов корежыт. Смотри не надорвись Мыкола. Когда успокоишься я тебе нассу в ротешник, хорошо? Заслужил на этот раз.  

 אני סובבתי אוקראיניאן חזירים על בולבול שלי 

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