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I know how to edit the content of the first page of thread but not the subject line of that thread. There must be a way coz i can do it in other image boards like 8kun. Can you help, please?
I'm not aware that the contents of the subject field can be edited. 8kun uses a different board engine, what feature one imageboard supports other chans might not.
I think a good rule to follow (with the editable part of the posts too) is to think first, then post.
sounds like mistakes in subject field are irrevocable, then.
kind of a problem for this board, because it's a bu when msm crashes 8kun, so when it's active, it's very fast and different people with dif experience levels are making threads - mistakes inevitably happen.

Would you consider making the subject field editable (i guess the question is, Why not? If the programming isn't onerous, it would be a real plus.)
There are a couple of projects going on in parallel - besides the busyness of the daily life - I really doubt we will implement subject editing in the foreseeable future, but it is an intriguing suggestion, so I'm gonna nag the development team, maybe they'll say "easy peasy lemon squeezy, here it is. E.".

OdiliTime is finally beginning the process of fixing the database so we can upgrade lynxchan, update our frontend and fix our fucking shit. The first step is exporting the database contents so we can put them back in an unfucked database, which is contesting access to the existing DB with lynxchan. That's where the 500s are coming from. Once the DB is unfucked and we're on a recent version of lynxchan 500s should be a thing of the past. Hang in there, baby.

endchan.org doesn't exist anymore, "server cannot be found". wtf?
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I think endchan is under severe DDoS attack, some anons on 8chan might have something to do with that too, maybe Jim, not so sure.

Also I hope Odilitime packs a rod at all times, I think there may be some State actors trying to kill him (maybe they already did, I don't know).
This is our site you might as well know it now. Ive taken the liberties to make sure that all assets all users are under control. in fact the plan has gone perfect every single one of you a pawn in my game to run the world. and now i stand before thee better than a man a king a god!

As it turns out and I didn't notice before, the problem only happens when attempting to ban IDless Tor posts. It was recommended at /pol/ by a Global to try the .org. See  >>/endpolmeta/894/ This message (screenshot) pops up for .net or .org
Tor cannot be banned. All the users of Tor counts as one (this is why they don't get IDs either). You can turn off Tor posting in board settings if it's much of a bother.
I dunno why you get captcha error. If I try banning a torpost, it says ban applied, but then it just doesn't.

We recommend using the endchan.gg domain for moderating because it isn't behind CloudFlare for sure. CF caches the content, and it happened (on .net domain) that they served someone else's cached account page. This cannot be used to "hack" anything because no actual authentication happened, no session started, but if someone gave an email that could be exposed.
These days we keep .gg and .net off from CF, while .org behind CF. Usually, this changes depending.

I just made my first board and noticed the description was too long so more than half of the text dosen't show up.

I'm kinda stupid, so how do I change it?
Check the board settings.
You'll find a
> Board description:
Correct then save.
If you are at it, familiarize yourself with the settings too. Feel free to test them.

Ever since I came to endchan Odili has never given me a kissey. Why does he hate me? Am I too ugly? ;_;
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> low quality
Our customers are quite happy with the quality of our bait, and I expect you to retract your slanderous comment by the end of business hours, December 9th, 2017.
I'll have you know we never use MSPaint or photoshop and have used only respected Private Investigators to acquire the Authentic, Accurate and Third-Party Verified photos of Aderp Honkler.

thumbnail of fug.jpg
thumbnail of fug.jpg
fug jpg
(28.91 KB, 448x171)
O captain! My captain!
Are you alive?
You don't respond neither to the question  >>/10405/ nor to email about claiming.
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ID is a representation of posts coming from a single IP. It can be your home IP if you post from home, or your mobile's IP, or if you use VPN then the IP you get from that service.
The ID cannot be "translated" to IP. So even if someone collects it, he won't be able to tell what was the IP.
The board software first hashes the IP, so IP doesn't appear anywhere on the site, not even on the moderation pages, just the hash. And I assume the ID itself is created to that hash, and not the IP directly.
No tracking is possible. If you were post on another board with ID enabled, you'd get a different ID, even with same IP.
IDs just a way of establishing identities for posters per board, maybe a way to help to counter samefagging.
It is optional for every board to use them. Board Owners can decide to turn them on or off, similarly with flags.

The guy who replied in the screenshot was on the mark with what I had in mind. What additional details are needed? About the only thing I could add is that the most recent image postings in the threads appear on the right hand sidepanels
I think it's like a table with a heading on the side which is the OP image, and next to it, the records, are the images of the thread.
You can essentially do this with a userstyle (CSS).

Proof of concept:

.innerOP {
    display: inline-block !important;
    max-width: 20% !important;
.textBrowserBreaks {
    display: none !important;
.divPosts {
    display: inline-block !important;
    max-width: 78% !important;
.postCell {
    display: inline-block !important;
    max-width: 20% !important;
    vertical-align: text-top !important;
Slight correction and improvement:

.innerOP {
display: inline-block !important;
max-width: 20% !important;
vertical-align: text-top !important;
.textBrowserBreaks {
display: none !important;
.divPosts {
display: inline-block !important;
max-width: 78% !important;
.postCell {
display: inline-block !important;
max-width: 20% !important;
vertical-align: text-top !important;
  max-height: 300px !important;
  overflow-y: auto !important;

The rest is left as an exercise for the reader.

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