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Why are onion domains down all the time? Like it's up for 20-30 minutes, then it goes down for 3-5 minutes, then comes back online, and stays online for half an hour before crashing again. And this keeps happening and happening through the day, for the last who knows how many days.
What do you mean "down"?
Any error messages?
Every board or a specific board? - BOs can turn Tor off on their boards.
Right now I tested and Tor1 works, but on Tor2 I got connection timeout. This is what you are referring to?
That is the normal link.
I just click "share" on YT and "copy link" provided, then half the time when I paste it here on EC it doesn't embed and sometimes it does, using same exact link. 
That why I tested it back to back on test board, to see and show results.
Ffs, I've already said before, I'm not using shortened links.
It is literally the "share" link provided by YT, and pasted here, and as I already said , it will not always embed (sometimes it does), it also is getting worse, less than 50% now.
> Are you an Admin?
I have never experience such a problem. Tho I never click on the video to "share link" but copypaste the url from the address bar. When I do that the engine generates the embed every time.
I do think however that the youtube share link function generates you a shortened url, which features a referral thingy it's the "si=blahblah" in the GET array in the shortened link.
I know when you share by time (at X second) then you get a shortened url.
Ok, I will use the address bar link from now on, and hope that works.

(But) Do you understand what I was saying? That I was using the same identical link and getting different results, that this site seems to randomly change the link for some reason, so would sometimes embed, and sometimes not embed...
I understand that you are saying you used the same link.
Where exactly you got the url from?
Youtube has a button below the video that says "Share", and there is a feature when you right click on the video in the local menu there is a "Copy video URL" option. Which is it? Or is it a third possibility?

I was using: "Share"

I just tried using the address bar link and the "share" link on the Test board and got various results.

I'm done worrying about it, either way the links work one way or another, and info is passed on...
Here:  >>/test/6577/ you used two links. The first one, has a "pp" variable in the GET request array. The second one is a normal link. Just contains the video id in the GET array.

I'll break this up:
The "watch?v=BhniYvqhrU4&pp=ygUXUHJvZ3JhbSBhbiBpbWFnZSBib2FyZCA%3D" is the variables that are passed via the GET request.
It holds two key-value pairs:
1. v=BhniYvqhrU4
2. pp=ygUXUHJvZ3JhbSBhbiBpbWFnZSBib2FyZCA%3D
The first is the video ID. The second the "pp" this is another variable with the value "ygUXUHJvZ3JhbSBhbiBpbWFnZSBib2FyZCA%3D". I don't know what that does.
A previous link you shared was this:
This also has two key-value pairs in the get array.
1. 3TPCZ7FqtpU - this is the video ID, without the "v" variable.
2. si=nnMYf3UV92g-n9ZO - this is a user referral ID, it stores who shared the video. I think the "si" means something like "share ID" or soemthing the like.
If a youtube URL contains more than the video id, Endchan won't make an embed link from it.
So a link has to look like this:
It has to end with the "v=3TPCZ7FqtpU" key-value pair.
Another poster in /bb/ said that he has the same issue
It's really annoying, every time I have "connection failed" error, I have to redo the bypass captcha, because otherwise it shows me "flood detected" error if I try to resend the message

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