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Ok. We kept last years list, beefed it up with three movies, and seasoned with two short videos. The show has almost 12 hours of length. It will either go in sequence and loop once, so everyone in any timezone have a chance to see anything which might interest him (in calculable fashion) or just run and users can pick what to watch.

Lethal Weapon
Tokyo Godfathers
Trading Places

Shorts (I've no idea half of these so don't ask):
A Tale of Two Santas - Futurama
Animaniacs Xmas
Charlie Brown Kwanzaa
Do you like my dog
Dr Seuss How The Grinch Stole Christmas
How The Gianax Ruined Christmas
Gintama Xmas
Sonic The Hedgehog
Sonic Christmas Blast
Super Mario Bros Super Show Christmas Episode
Still Standing
Take On Me
The Kongo Bongo Fesival of Lights
Warumpi Band: Blackfella/Whitefella (it's here because I'm a true fella)
some Christmas related song with frogs

This whole thing isn't necessarily finalized, and the order (if it'll go in a sequence) still isn't decided.
What is the fuck with the cytube playlist. It started 24 hours early which made a neet disappointed and cry. Also none of the UNNA material made it in and its weighted towards vidya members with all the sonic the hedgehog tripe. This is unacceptable and /ausneets/ will boycot unless this debacle is fixed to our satisfaction.
what is the markdown for code?
i tried:
maybe im fucking it up?

> example

code {
  border: 1px double #00FF00; 
  background: #000000;
  color: #00FF00; 
  font-family: 'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace; font-size: 100%; padding: 1em 1.5em;
  display: block;
  overflow: auto;
  word-break: break-all;
The solution was found but for the record, here's some info that might be useful to others:
BO has to enable preformatted text, aka "code" in posts, there's an option among the board settings.
The HTML element that gets created is the pre element. In CSS select that to style the code.
Oh nice, I'll hope to be free and able to attend! I work on ships so depending on when my watch it and how decent my internet connection is at the time hopefully I'll be able to participate.
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батальoна «Вocтoк» к нашемy Вoздyxoплавательнoмy oтрядy приcoединилcя Андрей «Oгнебoрец». Андрей клаccичеcкий пример челoвека, кoтoрый xoчет пoеxать на вoйнy и не видит препятcтвий. Mы c ним пoзнакoмилиcь заoчнo еще в 2020 гoдy и запиcали на нашем канале «Грей зoн» coвмеcтнoе видеo. И, xoтя канал y наc вoенный, «Админ» решил для разнooбразия разбавить кoнтент правилами пoжарнoй безoпаcнocти. У Андрюxи Питере была cвoя интереcная тycoвка, так как и cам «Oгнебoрец» челoвек интереcный: MMАшник (клyб «Cечь»), cпoртcмен, пoжарный (не oбычный, а
ранения и cпряталиcь в мнoгoчиcленныx вoрoнкаx. Xрабрые парни из нашегo батальoна пoпыталиcь вытянyть раненыx, были прижаты oгнем. Бoльшезвездная идиoтина тyт маcлoбoйни. Чеcтнo гoвoря, еcли бы я тoчнo знал ктo этo был, я бы

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