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I'd like to reorganize the homepage:

I'd like to re-arrange the categories. We're more of a international board, we should embrace that.

I'd like to remove the news and latest posts section and replace with the eye of sauron type live-overboard that you can filter.

One idea could be an oekaki board in hopes to pull more artists in. 

Please reply with your feedback.

the categories are a cool feature but most of the boards in them are dead. i don't really use the news section. i do look at the latest posts on the homepage sometimes though, but i guess i don't have much opinion if it's changed depending on what it ends up looking like.
it's easy to miss even if you do look at the front page, maybe it should be made more visible, like make the text red or something

> I'd like to remove the news and latest posts section and replace with the eye of sauron type live-overboard that you can filter.
Please do so.

Would be nice to remove porn/nudity from displaying on the front page.

It would be nice to see the most recent posts further up, which will happen if the news is removed.

Also remove this section:
> Category Multiboards:

I go straight to the boards.

oekaki board won't pull artists in on it's own but any promotion of creativity sets an example and might shift the focus in the right direction
just be prepared to make dumb shit yourself or get some of the staff to participate at least in the beginning - shitty artwork might cause a drawfag, capable of drawing slightly less shitty artwork, to rear his head but don't get your hopes up thinking it's going to be an instant hit (it's not so easy as in 'if you build it they will come')

This year I'm finally completely clear of any board ownership or independent site operation responsibilities. Not to be a downer, but I'm seeing the system of western image-boards going the way of both the original dial-up BBSes and Usenet. I mean this in the "beginning of the end" sense, not something I just up and noticed. On a positive note, I want to thank you, Odilitime, for keeping the faith. Endchan is one of two remaining sites I participate on with any regularity in a meaningful way. Anyway, enough unsolicited drive-by commentary. 
> I'd like to reorganize the homepage:

> I'd like to re-arrange the categories. We're more of a international board, we should embrace that.

> I'd like to remove the news and latest posts section and replace with the eye of sauron type live-overboard that you can filter.

As long as the regular old-school manual refresh overboard remains. I could be claimed to be one of the amusingly titled: "Overboard Overlords," but that's how I experience the site. I'm not really a member of any one board anymore. The Eye of Sauron app was worth a test drive, yet I never used it more than once or twice.
> One idea could be an oekaki board in hopes to pull more artists in.

Fine. Don't expect any artist influx. I wouldn't expect any noticeable change at all, in fact. The oekaki browser technology was pretty cool once upon a time which helped (ahem) draw people in. Now it's just background noise. Won't hurt anything to add a dedicated board though.

> just like am
ok, one more thing oditel, I appreciate you still doing your best for the site but for old time's sake let me give you a warning (and I know it's not the right place but things are getting heated up, might few take months, or couple years, but a lot of Walmarts have already turned into prisons so it's not too far away either way) - we're kinda heading into an artificial end times scenario (which might even include 'zombie' outbreaks as spike proteins from the clot-shot can cross blood-brain barrier and cause proteins in the brain to fold abnormally making prions and causing Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease) that will lead into global gommie superstate which will most likely lead to real end times so get right with God or something, I don't know

Already have something in the works for this.

You can uncheck the box for SFW images only.

I just expected we'll get a bunch of poorly drawn dicks. But I'm willing to try to get some beauty in our world. But I don't think it's going to go in this direction.

Kind words, as I get older, I miss the people that were around in the beginning. We have a plan and things are looking up.

No one needs your blackpills.

> no replies in 2 days 

The site is slow in general apart from a few boards, so it's to be expected.


> I'd like to remove the news 
I don't know. Is it possible to leave a recent news tab in a corner or something? I post on /news/ often and was expecting to see it grow eventually. And I think having recent news around is a nice touch to the site. 

But it's up to you Odili 

> One idea could be an oekaki board in hopes to pull more artists in. 
That sounds good. Possibly think of finding people interested first before opening up a new board in order to keep it constantly active. No point in making something that gets abandoned after a few weeks. 

> I'd like to re-arrange the categories. We're more of a international board, we should embrace that. 

Could you possibly post a rough draft or a picture of what you want to try out? It would be a lot better for us to get your thought process.

>  Not to be a downer, but I'm seeing the system of western image-boards going the way of both the original dial-up BBSes and Usenet. 

Nah probably not. I've been hearing the same thing being repeated in imageboards for years. I even remember hearing the same thing since I've come to this website. Things will be fine as long as 

A) people keep putting in the effort to keep the site good and posting constantly
B) Spam gets reported and deleted.

We'll be fine Also BBS boards are still active if I recall. UseNet too, but they're slow - er than here

> anyway, sauron is evil bc it requires js

Well that's one of the issues I have with it. Reason I'm not 100% sure on this is because of the "spam" that hits most imageboards sometimes. 

I don't want to say it, but you know what it is. Odili, how would you deal with that issue? At least with the current layout, people can sort of ignore it when it pops up disable the checkbox. Just don't know what to think about this?

BO of /news/ here (and /pol/). I agree with this anon. A corner of recent news would be ok. If in doubt that this is who I say I am, check in at /news/ and I'll confirm it was with BO tag. I will not be posting ITT again and I haven't before either, so ignore anyone else making the claim.

> categories
> international
Many of the most popular boards have the flags enabled option, basically all of them are themed /int/ boards. We also have lots of foreign language boards, most of them I rather not to put onto the front page. But it is our prominent characteristic, having all these. So yes, embrace it.
Also these help to underline the service we provide as free speech site, since the rest of the world still has less of that.
> news and latest post
It's "latest threads" (on specified board) and "latest posts" (on all boards). And "latest images" (on all boards/on SFW boards). So the first one isn't really news specific, one can change it to any board. End - or imageboards in general - isn't really a news site providing the latest headlines either.
> eye of sauron type live-overboard
In itself the EoS is breddy gud, just like the latest images. However as noted before both can be flooded easily by a spammer. And what if End gains lots of new posters because of reasons? EoS will be too quick to pick of anything from it. Maybe with some tuning? With changing the format?
> oekaki board
Full oeakaki board sounds cool. One more feature that makes us different than other run-off-the-mill chans. Even if it won't see much use. The oekaki itself, personally I find it a bit uncomfortable to draw with.

how about finally fixing the god-damn connection resets that one frequently gets on the onion frontend??
this shit has been BROKEN FOR FUCKING YEARS and makes it a PITA to open (download) attachments which are larger than a megabyte or so because the transfer is constantly being interrupted!

> We don't have such problems.

yes, you fucking do
it's not a new problem at all (here's a thread from fucking 2018:  >>/9787/) and an admin acknowledged it a long time ago ( >>/9997/)

> if we can't replicate.

1) grab the TOR browser
2) use the security slider to select the "safest" setting (probably makes no difference)
3) visit http://enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion/ and try to open/download a few posted videos or large pics, should be several megabytes in size
4) observe the transfer being interrupted after a short while
5) resume the download or refresh the tab where the file is being opened
6) go back to 4
if at first you don't see the problem, just keep using the onion for a few days and you will see it, there are rare days when it actually works ok (perhaps it's related to the number of concurrent users i dunno)

> Sounds like Tor being Tor.

no, it doesn't, it sounds like endchan being endchan, i know of no other onion site that has this PERSISTENT issue

> You bet on 6 nodes to be constantly stable, while relays go on/off all the time.

you are bullshiting or trolling 
1) it's exceedingly rare that a relay just assigned to you goes down in the middle of a connection (they are monitored for uptime, and you typically only get assigned the stable ones)
2) i told you that this HAPPENS REPEATEDLY: it's cosmically unlikely that your assigned relays keep going down EVERY FEW SECONDS OR MINUTES
3) no, this is simply not the case: i have checked in the circuit graph and relays are not going down because after you resume the interrupted download the same one is selected. also, no, it is not a case of bad relays because after selecting a different circuit (even a different guard) the problem persists
4) it doesn't happen with other sites plus other people confirmed it  >>/9787/, including an admin  >>/9997/, so it's not something on my end, it's something server side

> Try using Lokinet

fix the god-damn site

UPDATE: the issue of interrupted loads/downloads appears much improved
although i have not used the website much these past 2 weeks, i experienced only 1 cancelled webm download
also cases of the website going offline every once in while seem at least less frequent
will report again if i see the problem re-appear

> also cases of the website going offline every once in while seem at least less frequent

nope this is still happening
i loaded the website today (2022-01-25) at around 05:40 UTC 
pressed refresh 5 minutes later and got
> 504 Gateway Time-out

> nginx

pressed refresh again a few times for the next 2 minutes and the onion was already offline
dunno when it came back

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prepared victims, burned to ten houses in a row. If in June on Slavyansk and Semyonovka in the main beat 122 mm "Gvozdiki", then in early July came heavy 152 mm "Acacia". If earlier 122 mm Grads were used from the MLRS, now they began to beat 300 mm with tornadoes. Namely, therefore, because of my firepower many times increased, Nikolayevka fell so quickly, and the residential quarters of the city began to turn into ruins. In my opinion, the surrender of Red Liman in the Chal of June has become fatal, says Igor Strelkov. - This allowed the APU to break the Yampansk Battalion, to create a breakthrough on the other bank of the North Don at Krivoy Luka - Zakotnogo, in the result - a tattoo of what Slavyansk fell into the operational environment. When the enemy was building up forces south of Yampol, between the Slavic and fox garrison of Mozgovoi a wedge was driven, and the weight of

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comparisons with sadness. His moment was like a little pony trying to catch up with grown horses. And finally, he fell again. Well, if you did, you did. They almost ran to the leopard. That's when 122 of them got the sound of the active volley fire reactive system, so the combat team that was sent to Vadres Breeze was very hard to catch. Two men ran up to him, grabbed his shoulder straps, pulled up the ground with force, and so the leopards dragged him home. Brizofive fell without strength, trying to breathe. He paid no attention to the mat. I gave him a commanding nomination, despite the fact that the legs of the irukiot of such a run would get a little bit jammed. Gruppa moved on, collecting everything