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BO are you that disgruntled one at /asatru/ fighting the righteous fight against our impending genocide? If so, you're a trooper. Let this be a meta thread, I guess. 

One Drop Rule is the only way to preserve our peoples and our blood memory. It's also the only consistent method you can uphold. 
dropping my UID
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Thanks. I've decided to claim this board and see if Endchan becomes the new home for 8chan users. It looks like it could go either way right now, so if Endchan becomes the new 8chan we'll need a board that will actually represent the interests of White pagans.

It's really disturbing that the BOs of two /asatru/ boards (who claim to be different people) both flatly refuse to simply say mutts aren't allowed. It makes me concerned about the character of the asatru community. This is despite what I thought was acceptable behavior on the part of the Asatru Folk Assembly which is overtly white nationalist. I don't know how so many genuine race mixers and race mixed individuals have wormed their way into a white nationalist community.

In any case, if this site takes off I hope we at /pagan/ will endeavor to change that and grow the faith in the Old Gods with proper white nationalist principles.

Hate to start another "how white am I?" discussion, but I can't seem to work out a clear answer from all the shitposting on cripple/asatru/ and the one here.

> Hellenist, Roman, Celtic, Germanic, or others, they are all part of our faith here, and we welcome all White Brothers and Sisters.

Let's say I'm an eighth Greek, the rest being Germanic (Assuming Western Slavs are Germanic. Again, the shitposting in the Slav threads there doesn't make the answer very clear. In fact, a lot of the labels thrown around over there seem nebulous at best). I can trace my ancestry back three generations and no more. Am I mixed by virtue of One Drop, considering my Greek background?

Are Greeks even white? I would assume so, since they're first on that list of welcome groups. Unless Hellenist doesn't automatically mean Greek, then I need some clarification. Where is the white/non-white line drawn?


> Hate to start another "how white am I?" discussion

I very much doubt that. A mixed person who doesn't look mixed only feels the need to announce he's mixed if he's looking to stir up D&C about Greeks, Spaniards, or Slavs not being white.

You self-identify as mixed (ever so hypothetically), so you're (ever so hypothetically) mixed.

To question your own white identity is to not have any white identity. Smarter way to do this D&C would be to just claim to be fully Greek and identify as white and try to get other people to say Greeks aren't white. But you'd be fishing in empty waters since no one has come to Endchan yet.

There are two requirements in being white without using DNA testing.
1) Be accepted as a white person by other whites.
2) Accept yourself as a white person.

Since you don't even accept yourself, no one else is going to accept you.

Well, I thank you for taking the time to not answer either of my questions.

> you'd be fishing in empty waters since no one has come to Endchan yet.

I can plainly see the community is extremely small, almost nonexistent. And I figured since the board is so small, I would more likely get a serious answer to at least one of my questions. Then I'd be able to lay a few of my concerns to rest. Maybe even get an answer from the board owner himself, who would have knowledge pertaining to defining whiteness, as it were. But I get paranoia.

> Smarter way to do this D&C would be to just claim to be fully Greek and identify as white and try to get other people to say Greeks aren't white.

No. I would have identified as Kurdish and made a thread asking if Kurds are white :^)

My questions still stand however, if you're willing to answer them without twisting yourself into knots.

> 1) Be accepted as a white person by other whites.
> 2) Accept yourself as a white person.

So I can be transwhite if I'm a mongrel? :^):^):^)


> Can I be transwhite if I'm a mongrel :^):^):^)

Doesn't pass #1. Whites can plainly see a mud isn't white. Isn't it amazing how two simple common sense rules solve all mutt trolling?

Your questions were answered.

> Am I mixed?

Yes, because you did not self-identify as white.

> Are Greeks/Slavs/South Italians/Spaniards/Argentinians white?

Depends on the Greek and if their ancestors got raped by Turks or not.

You could have figured out the answer to those on your own.

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Being a Euromutt =/= mixed in this context. You are white. 
One drop rule concerns being mixed with other humanoid species, not the mixing of European tribes. 

> Depends on the Greek and if their ancestors got raped by Turks or not
This basically. If you want to be sure, you need to get your DNA checked. As you know only so little about your ancestry
And don't give it to 23andMorty

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I was born in an Italian traditional city at South America, as far I know all the members of my family are white and came from the last wave of immigrants to Brazil, my best friend used to be an Icelandic Viking God, I consider myself as white and I am perceived as white by others, I used to be Christcuck cuck because I always thought that a modern society could only coexist with Christcuck cuckness but I could be wrong and paganism should be the best answer to preserve mah heritage.

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