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I ask your attention again, as we are planning a "movie night" in two weeks, on February 8-9, but unlike the Christmas Special, it would be only one movie.
Please visit this thread:
The show won't be on the same cytube channel, the exact link will be given later in that same thread.
Read, comment, subscribe.

This might be a monthly thing, so it can happen that we watch a film more suited to the taste of /pol/. Pls no Triumph des Willens, while it has nice/interesting frames, it's boring as a whole, sorry.
Thank you.
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Hey, now. Triumph des Willens was beautiful. Not that I was on the edge of my seat at all, but that wasn't the point. I'm sure you noticed Germans excited to see their leading party. When does that happen anymore? For those interested, watch it here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6uajey
> his might be a monthly thing, so it can happen that we watch a film more suited to the taste of /pol/.
Let the National Socialist and anti-jew movie suggestions commence
> anti-jew movie
Or at least something that counts as not the product of Jewish movie industry, or wasn't made along the rails of that school. Something that posters outside this board can stomach too.
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So we wish to move forward with this Endchan Movie Corner thing. 
Next date is 7th March, 16:00 EST.
You can find the new channel at:

Planned film: Baraka (so we can see how splendidly live natives at home on their own lands)
Backup: randomly picked classic Chinese kung-fu movie
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> Baraka
> produced by Mark Magidson the literal jewish gremlin as the production company is Magidson Films
> distributed by The Samuel Goldwyn Company
> from kikepedia: "The film features a number of long tracking shots through various settings, including Auschwitz"
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Yeah you won't there, but here 1st pic related. I've seen that particular piece of shit propaganda movie. I wasn't aware of BS in '93. I was 12. The typical upbeat tone of the film is changed to "spooky" as they show sad faced photographs and theatrically placed human skulls. The scene starts with modern actors in cowboy hats and plaid shirts shoveling ash into furnaces which couldn't have mathematically disposed of 6 million people between the summer of 1943 through "Liberation Day" May 1945. Plus piles of clothes which were actually confiscated due to the louse spreading the Typhus epidemic. But that's not explained. It's really too bad kikes are terrified of photographs from before. Always has to be their controlled environment.
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I ran out of file slots and also wanted to say this. Even the slaughtering of chickens (and chicks) in the film Baraka is presented with cheerful music. Typical of jewish productions. Mainly because of their vile tradition known as Kapparot. I'm sure jews in movie theaters everywhere were masturbating furiously.
Yeah I saw it long time ago, I barely remember anything, didn't make much impression I guess. I picked it because it shows all kinds of stuff from around the world. It's liek an imageboard.
>  Patton: We defeated the wrong enemy.

Patton extremely hated Slavs, so no wonder that he would prefer to see the Russian nation being destroyed instead of the German one.
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Patton did have a bad opinion of Russia. And it's all due to the fact that Bolsheviks turned the nation into a pile of shit as they drove millions of Russians into poverty and starvation. The Eastern Front was where Typhus spreading louse which contributed to the deaths of kikes in work camps came from. The other contribution being Allied bombing of supply lines. So the Psychological Warfare Division had to come up with an elaborate hoax to cover up their shame. It wasn't well thought out at first. Still isn't after all this time, if only brainwashed idiots stopped for a second to test the elaborate "muh 6 million" claim with basic elementary school arithmetic.

Obligatory: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/?state=&date1=1836&date2=1922&proxtext=6000000+jews&x=11&y=17&dateFilterType=yearRange&rows=20&searchType=basic
No, he simply hated Russians. He said that all slavic man are drunkards and rapists and that the only thing he would like to know about Slavs is how many bullets does it take to kill one. (Funny since I don't even drink alcohol, so my existence proves him wrong.)
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"The difficulty in understanding the Russians we do not take cognizance of the fact he is not a European, but an asiatic therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than Chinese or a Japanese. From what I have seen of them I have no particular desire to understand them except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other amiable characteristics, the Russians have no regard for human life and they are all out son of bitches,barbarians and chronic drunks. It is said that for the first week after the Russians took Berlin ,all woman who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken Berlin if I had been allowed." - George S. Patton, Jr. from his Military Essays and Articles

The second wave of invaders were composed of Mongols and convicts. Blame on General Patton isn't going to work. Of course he would've thought Russians were Asiatic. Vile Bolshevik kikes were orchestrating every degenerate behavior.

Ilya Ehrenburg was a jewish Bolshevik writer and journalist. Ehrenburg was best known as the top war propagandist for the Bolsheviks during World War II. During this time, he exhorted Bolshevik troops to kill and rape Europeans that stood in their way. Ehrenburg authored an especially vitriolic leaflet entitled "Kill," which was circulated among the Bolshevik Communists on the Eastern Front: "Break the racial pride of these German women. Take them as your lawful booty. Kill! As you storm onward, kill! You gallant soldiers of the Red army."

Just like you, Patton didn't understand that the Bolsheviks were majority jews. The same as when you thought Pollacks influenced by jews meant "you guys hate Slavs!". Patton didn't have the stats. You do. They're right here. You have no excuse for ignorance. He did understand there was a semitic influence in America very clearly. He admitted not understanding Russia. Bolsheviks did rape German women. Of course you'll never listen. That's not your way. This information is for others here.
2nd picture is awful. But I think the group of ladies at the bottom right were wives and lovers from the French Foreign Legion troops. Still pretty fucked up though 

All of those mongrel veterans were killed after the war. They were considered "tainted" by the communist party. Apart from a few people, nobody really "won" or WWII or WWI for that matter


What does this have do with movie night?
> What does this have do with movie night?
He's our resident NazBol who keeps evading bans and puts very little effort into his half assed contradictions. His posts can be identified by him repeating "Slavs" over and over ad nauseam.
Not really. Slavs are pretty smart people. Russians more so. There's tons of Slavic and Russian inventors, scientists and artists throughout the ages. Nicolas Copernicus and Peter I of Russia are good examples to start. They suffered a massive brain drain due to the communists killing most if not all of their Intelligentsia and upper class citizens though.

The drinking was mostly done by serfs and pushed by nobles to keep them from revolting, I think. Not sure

> ahem, 

I wonder who's behind this post? and who always make these types of autistic onomatopoeia type posts
Exactly. I could be wrong this time around, but what I believe is happening is the Bolshevik faggot desperately trying to make it seem like anons of this board hate Slavs. Imagine if you couldn't even get certain people to hate your people, so you hid among them shouting against your own race. Wouldn't that be retarded?
Nicolaus was born in Toruń, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland. He spoke Polish, German, Greek, Italian and Latin. His father 
Mikołaj Kopernik was from Krakow, Poland. Barbara Kopernik  was also Polish. I have no idea why you want to keep claiming falsehoods.
You really need to stop pestering this board nazbol faggot


Slav comes from the word slava which is roughly translates into glory or fame
America was founded by mostly Mediterranian travelers (Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese) and takes its name from Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian traveler and Cartographer

Not even gonna bother with the rest of your cancerous post
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Alright. Two more posts by the Nazbol happened. He posted a weeaboo and claimed it was a National Socialist right after I said only actors will claim NatSocs hate Slavs. Those posts have been deleted. Those two IDs have been banned. He will be back like the pest he is.
There is not a single weeaboo that is a true National Socialist. 8thousandZionists had an entire board of pathetic bronies into MyLittlePony pretending to be NatSoc. They also had people who claimed to be NatSoc but then insulted Hitler. It's JIDF actors, through and through.
Report the Nazbol retard on sight. He's too stupid to be here.
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It seems that you were right. That weeaboo guy is actually anti-Hitler.
Anyway, if you want to read the whole thread it's here:
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So he's an Aryanist and by his own admission not an actual National Socialist. I'm aware of the problems he would have to face simply by using the term Aryan itself. Everyone's capable of opening their eyes, but they have to do it on their own. That's the major problem with knowing right from wrong while trying to sway others. In their cognitive dissonance, others believe they're right. National Socialists face this at each and every single turn.

And I'm not German. I'm descended from Scottish ancestors. I may have picked the SNP and Douglas Young if he was capable of accomplishing such a fight against jewish hegemony, but the Brits imprisoned him for refusing to be conscripted in the war against National Socialist Germany. He wasted his life protesting the wrong people. I chose not to consider the British my enemy when research has led to jews being responsible for far more and controlled Brits through the Rothschilds, the Circle and more. Scots are too damn focused on Brits as the enemy when they're not. In the same vein, I choose not to consider Slavs to be the enemy either. Russians were manipulated, executed and starved to death by jewish Bolsheviks. You know the stats. Those were jews. I recognize Hitler as the great man he was, for never lying as he ascended to Chancellorship. He had no fuck-ups. His Generals where to blame for losses after his doctor deceived him and he considered himself near death. Still. There were fuck-ups under his command and those who later assumed command in his stead. Operation Long Jump specifically with their inability to recognize double agents and also webm related.

I'm in an exhausted state at the moment. I'll likely be back to my usual pissed off self because jews run fucking everything in the morning.
Next one on the 4th, at 20:00 UTC (16:00 EDT).
Shanghai Noon or Outbreak with lotsa Jewish actors for your entertainment.
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Well while they tend to lie their asses off, wikipedia serves a purpose. This is how I screen movies to make sure my children aren't brainwashed by the eternal nation destroying deceivers.
> Outbreak
> jewish actors
Directed by a German but produced by three jews (Gail Katz, Arnold Kopelson, Anne Kopelson) starring one jew. Dustin Hoffman. Music by kike James Newton Howard. Distributed by the original kike company Warner Bros.
> Shanghai Noon
Produced by three jews (Roger Birnbaum, Gary Barber and Jonathan Glickman). Music by kike Randy Edelman. Distributed by Buena Vista Pictures, the subsidiary company of taken over by Stanley Gold and ran by kikes since 1984 Disney Studios. At least with that one you won't have to see jews.
> At least with that one you won't have to see jews.
Sure they could spare at least one Jewish actor for a role, even if it's a small one.
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Up next the Russian exploitation movie:
Green Elephant
2nd May, 19:00 UTC
Our channel: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner
Discussion:  >>/operate/10923/

Really not sure about earlocks content but it's a fairly degenerate piece true to it's genre.
Saw the discord spam, come to clean up. Little late.
I decided to unpin this thread. When needed it will get bumped anyway.
Did someone report it Globally? I'm not sure if Global reports go on my Open reports queue. I hope no-one here is wasting your time. Pretty sure that spammer is using a bot, so he may be trying his trickery on other boards as well.
> Did someone report it Globally?
No. I noticed on the home page.
I issued two bans.
> may be trying his trickery on other boards as well.
Haven't seen it anywhere else. Oh that other one, the covid-19 scammer, neither.
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On 25th May it's Towel Day, and without Hitchhiker's Guide there's no Endchan, so...
Endchan Towel Day Special!
at 20:00 UTC
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)
- Howard the Duck (1986)

Link: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner
Discussion thread:  >>/operate/10923/
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The regular Movie Corner is coming up with The Tracker, on the 6th at 10:00 and 20:00 UTC.
Judging by the actor and staff list not many Jews did this one.
You may be right. They're all Australians or Aborigines as far as I can tell, unless someone here knows more than what I've searched.
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Mad Max 2 - The Road Warrior
On the 4th, at 10:00 and 20:00 UTC.

Well this one is made by Hollywood so...

That one wasn't bad, I saw it twice due to the double streaming, and I enjoyed it. I particularly liked the solution they used drawn stills for grim scenes, which probably saved some costs to the makers, but it also kinda divided the movie into chapters. For the second run I noticed the title character's slow transformation, each stage was signaled by the aforementioned drawings.
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Again an Australian movie. A comedy, titled NED.
It's about an outlaw who got famous there, kind of a folk hero if I understood correctly.
Same year (2003) another movie came out, Ned Kelly. It's about the same dude, just different take from Hollywood. Shouldn't confuse the two.
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The Lighthouse
I know nothing about this, beside it's the 2019 version.
We're changing up the starting times:
1st: 16:00 UTC on the 5th
2nd: 02:00 UTC on the 6th (that is 22:00 on the East Coast, to be more accessible for Burgers).
Link: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner

Hmm. I forgot that last time, sorry.
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Tomorrow (3rd) we're gonna watch The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, at 9 and 20 UTC.
I haven't seen it, but I read it was inspired by captain Cousteau, and was dedicated to him.
> Dedication
And does that mean I'm just waiting again? I don't know if I should try that flight now..
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Eventually distributed by Lionsgate after it was bought by Miramax co-chairmen jews Bob and Harvey Weinstein because they where naturally attracted to the fact the Catholic League threatened to sue. This happened in 1999 and led to the 2001 $33.1 million investment and acquisition of Lionsgate by the jew Jon Feltheimer. What a kike magnet that film was. I'd love to throw a recording mocking different types of Christian religions down a pit and see how many jews swan dive in after it.
Ehh, I already saw that movie years ago. It kinda falls flat in a lot of scenes. I think I'll just skip this stream. Sorry Endy guys
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Idiocracy on December 5th.
8:00 & 21:00 UTC


Not sure why was it so controversial, it's basically when some dudes and bros get stoned and talk about religion n shieeet... Or maybe just the standards getting lower and lower with the years and the norm slackens, and that's why it doesn't seem that big of a deal. It came out basically two decades ago.
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In addition to the above, Die Hard was produced by the kikes Lawrence Gordon and Joel Silver with music by another kike Michael Kamen. They didn't write it. At least jews weren't in the movie. It seems all they wanted was their shekels with that one.
For National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, the Director Jeremiah S. Checik's name sounds jewish (and the editor Jerry Greenberg does too) but that's all I've got to go on until the distribution by Warner Bros of which Terry Semel<-jew was President and CEO since 1982 (the film was released in 1989).
Well at least Gintama is Japanese. The have to try really hard to put some Jews int the production crew.
How about Dr. Seuss' background?
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> How about Dr. Seuss' background?
 My mistake. I titled him "TRAITOR" but that sharply hooked nose should have been obvious to me. Sometimes kikepedia doesn't label a jew when they should. Dr. "Soys" (German pronounciation). Seuß is a Bavarian name. His middle name was Seuss, last name Geisel, though the family line descends back to the jew (great grandparent) John Schmaelzle. There's that "drop in the bucket" which makes them display a tendency towards their particular style of propaganda again.
> Theodore Geisel
Now that name is telling.
> Sometimes kikepedia doesn't label a jew when they should.
Surprising because compared to the Hungarian, the English language one records that very reliably. Hereabout it is practically considered anti-Semitism to note if someone is Jewish, or has Jewish roots.
Btw the Grinch on our list is the old Warner Bros cartoon.
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I edited my post  >>/83286/ after some checking.
> Hereabout it is practically considered anti-Semitism to note if someone is Jewish, or has Jewish roots
Well, this board is proudly anti-semitic.

Wait a minute. You're not our usual Falangist Spain flag anon.
Infinity requires nonlocal success.

Gonna read it again.
Fun fact. The Hungarian Arrow Cross Party, or rather their leader and main ideologist said, he isn't anti-Semitic, but a-Semitic, due he imagined a life without Jews, and not against the Jews.
I'm definitely anti-semitic not a-semitic. I've added that flag though. I'll get back to cleaning the house for the family Christmas headache
> Wait a minute. You're not our usual Falangist Spain flag anon.

That's the stupid kike that shilled for kanye shit and that confessed to being molested a few weeks ago. He's an idiot

Most normies will just watch the film and not mind who makes it
> Although I could do a short write up on this movie later.

There's that one scene in the movie inside the boardroom where they "condemn" all of those shareholders and make them feel guilty about shit.
But, the movie just spent the entire run saying that morality is bad. It's really inconsistent because it says morality doesn't matter, but you also need to feel bad about things. The movie can't really make up its mind on what it wants to give as a message
> He's an idiot

I mean, I get being friendly to people here. And if it were another person I could understand. But that guy is just a regular site spammer, so he just "posts things" here with no meaning behind them
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> I mean, I get being friendly to people here.
> Because what, get back to making cookies bitch.
Insult banter between friends has never made sense to me. Now I'm wondering if any of the shitheads I've banned over the years thought I was being "friendly".
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Another Australian movie, bit more serious in tone than NED was.
January 9
At 8:00 and 21:00 UTC.

Trying out the new flag.
> Insult banter between friends has never made sense to me. 

I had 2 kikes that I worked with that used to do that often. It got on everyone's nerve in the places I used to work in
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We're watching Four Lions on Saturday, February 6.
The usual time: 8:00 and 21:00 UTC.


Today I saw Defemation, it's a documentary by Yoav Shamir, perhaps you guys know it. Basically it's centered around a Jewish class' trip to Poland (their usual Auschwitz visitation to brand their mind with their identity of victimhood, very ritualistic actually) and the work of the ADL. Can be found on youtube if anyone is interested.
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> Four Lions
One of the three writers, Sam Bain, is jewish. It's apparent why the movie was made. To continue pushing "please be afraid of Islamic extremists". It's spotlight diversion.
> Defamation, it's a documentary by Yoav Shamir
Who was born in Tel Aviv. I've seen it. He promotes the fraud as an actual event while following jews to their indoctrination, of course as an Israeli would. As I recall, he only succeeded in discovering the reports of "anti-semitism" the ADL kept claiming were minor as best as he followed up with typical jewish yarn spinners and then blacks who sadly understood more than most indo-Europeans. Yeah and with those blacks, they were aware enough to realize he was trying to manipulate the conversation. They said so. He tried to say the Protocols of Zion were bullshit (from the First Zionist Congress at Basle in 1897 led by Theodore Herzl), which jews plagiarized from Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu. They claim Gentiles "forged" that yet it was an offense enough to have a copy of the Protocols that Russians were executed at gunpoint by the Bolsheviks. Well, we know enough about the ADL and the hollowcaust. Obligatory:
Meanwhile, I recommend watching these and Abby Martin's interviews in Palestine. Her documentary is called "Gaza fights for freedom".
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> Today I saw Defemation, it's a documentary by Yoav Shamir, perhaps you guys know it. Basically it's centered around a Jewish class' trip to Poland (their usual Auschwitz visitation to brand their mind with their identity of victimhood, very ritualistic actually) and the work of the ADL.

Weren't Polish people continuously oppressed, insulted and invaded by them since forever? 

Most Poles don't know this, but the USSR routinely sent death squads to murder as much Poles in the Eastern Border using Russian and BeloRussian cannon fodder troops. The USSR invaded Poland for 2 decades straight until Germany stopped them ironically Germany is largely the reason why Poland exists today. No way was the USSR going to give up on Poland

And then, there was the Katyn massacre. Will the "ADL" ever report on that? Will Poles get a feature length movie made for them after the massacre? Ehh probably not
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The Gods Must Be Crazy
Tomorrow - 6th - at 8 and 21 UTC, as usual.
The link is the same: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner
Both this and part 2 were often broadcasted on the tv.

There is more to that Defamation.
After he had the convo with those negers, the scene changes to the limo where he talks with Foxman more. And Foxman says that people - both Jews and goyim - believe they have more power than actually do, they just don't deny it, let them believe because it's good for business. Then the documentary goes on and shows how he bullies a high ranking Ukrainian official at the negotiation table.
Now, power is the ability to make decisions. If I can make my decisions, I have power over me. If others can decide what I do, they have power over me. If I can decide what others do, I have power over them. Two classical ways of controlling people is either buying them with wealth, or forcing them with arms. But there is a third way, which is the hardest to describe because it unites many things, but basically how one appears to others, how he makes others believe he holds power over them. It's like how a charismatic leader influences people with his speech. Or how kids think their parents are gods and follow their words, or how spoiled brats twist their parents to do their bidding with their nagging. Or how conmen conning people into trusting them. Etc etc. This is the strongest power of the three because it is way more subtle than money and brute force (a professor of mine called it "idol"). Foxman bluffing exactly is this, he conned people thinking he had more power he actually did, and this illusion of power really gave him that power, and he could control people according to his will. This is a common practice.
There are quite a few bits and pieces in that documentary worthy of note.
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Ah, the manipulative nature of jews. As someone whom despises them, I never placed much importance on Abraham Foxman's viewpoints besides the fact he is indeed a conman as his kind are. His is not a thought process worthy of men. Only rats. A rat-like race ever gnawing at the foundations of the nations they never belonged to in the first place. The people he cons and bluffs will eventually see through him and learn he isn't there to earn trust. Thereafter he'll be remembered as a snake. As the "retired" but still acting ADL National Director Emeritus, he has his connections; he has the ability to remove the livelihood of many citizens in lower classes as he sees fit by issuing a wailing order through the ADL as the jewish Twitter army masses demand cucked corporations to terminate one's job. That's not power. It's a temporary grasp as he unleashes temporary setbacks. Illusions of power remain illusions. Foxman will never know true strength or the strength of truth. That fat, turtle-headed loxist jew will never be a guiding light for future generations. His name will be forgotten not long after he dies.
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Here with with the next one.
April 3rd, 9 and 20 UTC.
Link the same.

I saw a question somewhere on the board about the possibility of National Socialism going global - so to speak. The leader and chief ideologist of the Hungarian Arrow Cross Party, Ferenc Szálasi, said/wrote a couple of thoughts about tying together National Socialist movements in Europe. I just might look it up in the near future, and add it to that discussion.
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Should be interesting. I have read many petty lies about Ferenc Szalasi but of course kikepedia or YadVashem tend to be the first results and then a wave of "holocaust denial!" bullshit links trailing after. Again, since I even mentioned that foolish word "denial", this is customary: https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com
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May 1, 9:00 and 20:00 UTC

I did not forget about the promised stuff from Szálasi's book, I'm busy with another part of this work about the War these days.
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What would be a good set of films that /pol/ would recommend that would good for a stream where even the normies to watch and like it?
I can't think of any besides movies produced in the Third Reich they probably wouldn't play on movie night. This is why my family is upset with me. I can't stop finding jews and jewish plots in movies. But hey, at least there were no kikes involved in the 1981 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
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Maybe some non Hollywood made movies would be good. We would just need to sift through a lot to get some good ones.

Movies from Eastern Europe, South Korea and Japan, Bollywood, South America? There have to be some good movies around we can recommend as a board. Hmmm

> But hey, at least there were no kikes involved in the 1981 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Yeah it looks good. Watched some scenes around yt. Just very British in terms of movie presentation
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Brazil tomorrow at 9:00 and 20:00 UTC. Usual place ofc.

In ex Eastern Block countries many Jews are in the film industry. Back during the communism, and now as well. But the movies still offer different perspectives than average Hollywood ones.
> Bollywood
I saw Baahubali 2 not long ago. It was... an experience. Has to be something worthwhile from them, but I doubt anything will be in English, because subtitles to work it needs to be hardcoded into the container. (Baahubali was in Tamil I think, with no subs.)
Yeah I forgot that about Eastern Europe. they took over everything when the bolsheviks looted it. Even after the ussr fell, they also weaseled their way into selling and buying former state assets. I guess Indian films are somewhat good for the board. 

> Baahubali 2
I saw a few films. Now that is a really good movie. Way better than other film industries.
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Now this is a twisted one, but they employed an interesting technique to emphasize the hero's experiences in the world he first met in his life.
July 3, usual time, usual place.

I'm not sure Baahubali's background story, but it seemed to me like a mythological. Like an adventure of an avatar of Vishnu or something.
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Go through their catalog up until about the 80s when pic 2 logo change occurs, most of the time you see jews before they're either shekel jews (Goldwyn, who was feuding with the Garland-groping Louis Mayer at the time) or producers. Studio was a mostly goy attempt to make an "anti Hollywood within Hollywood" (hence the token jewry, no escaping that there really) by famous actors sick of underpayment, general contract fuckery, and their near-paedo casting couch shit
Content isn't always normie-friendly (there's a lot of "artsy" passion/vanity projects in there) but at least til a certain time (late 70sish) poz free

Studio is also a good example to throw at those "hurr just maek ur own" twitards/plebbits as even with throwing blank checks at every autistic goober (which does include jews rejected by all the other studios, like Fred Zinnemann who made High Noon... Should also note they're nearly all Polish or Hungarian, who were seen as less capable/intelligent by the "westernised" atheist/communist jews) with a fanciful drug induced vanity project, they would still be around and independent had it not been for monopolising hebrew trickery like threatening to sue theatres which played their films alongside UA under breach, or waiting until the week/day before their films were scheduled to be released, then threatening to drop them unless they turned around and dropped UA releases, or wasting UA time and money directly by suing them for using "their lots" even if they'd purchased the whole thing completely first. Their very existence drove most Hollywood jews to what might be considered the first form of a "maddened corporate genocide," the ENTIRE industry turned on this one studio for allowing actors to also be the main director/scripter of their own works. The "masters" were enraged these "slaves" had cut their own "chains" (considering the commie influence in normal pedowood, that's quite ironic innit)
Basically the Reddit vs voat of its day
While they actually 'won' their antitrust suits (most important being studios can no longer directly own theatres), Hollywood found enough workarounds that they were still able to harass them into the red, then buy them out.
They were also sometimes forced to sell their films to the big studios for distribution, Bridge on the River Kwai was originally made by a UA backed studio, but then released by Columbia, as was Advise and Consent. Happened more frequently through the 70s until they couldn't stay afloat independently. After 60 years MGM finally won and EA'd them, since then it's just another average pozzy studio.
...then again, that means the original UA missed out on the cocaine fueled hedonism of the 80s, so perhaps dying without a tarnished record was the best outcome in the end.
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August 7. 9:00 and 20:00 UTC
This one has an interesting concept.
Bad Boy Bubby was also very unusual. As far as morality goes, it is really depraved. On the other hand it doesn't try to set the bad examples as models to follow, in fact it presents a story of breaking away from those.
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Lionsgate does own Summit Entertainment + Newmarket Films and their CEO is Jon Feltheimer. At least there's not a single jew directly involved in that film's production.
> Studio was a mostly goy attempt to make an "anti Hollywood within Hollywood" (hence the token jewry, no escaping that there really)

Any website available that has a catalog of films? Would enjoy seeing it

> Studio is also a good example to throw at those "hurr just maek ur own" twitards/plebbits 

Yeah that doesn't work. You're dealing with complete scum here

> by famous actors sick of underpayment, general contract fuckery, 
> Hollywood found enough workarounds that they were still able to harass them into the red, then buy them out.

Yep, just like that banker kike I mentioned in the infograph thread. These people are bad

> ...then again, that means the original UA missed out on the cocaine fueled hedonism of the 80s, so perhaps dying without a tarnished record was the best outcome in the end.

At least one good thing came of it. But I consider that a consolidation prize more than anything
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Today we're streaming Heavy Trip, a Finnish comedy about an amateur metal band trying to get onto the stage.
I got late with this, I had a busy week, mostly with nonsensical stuff, but that's how it goes sometimes.

Sometimes they are like that Whoopy Goldberg person.
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This one is a Hungarian political satire, centers around the events of the early '50s that happened during/after the communist takeover.
Gonna stream it on the 6th (coincidentally just a day before the October Revolution), at 8 and 21 UTC.
Knowing about the actual events helps, but not mandatory to get the film.

Probably lot of Jews in the cast and the crew (for example the director, Bacsó Péter), since they played huge role in Hungarian cinema, and the theater the film industry was based on.
> coincidentally just a day before the October Revolution
I mean the anniversary of it (which was a holiday back in the communist era), no revolution will start on the 7th...
The info I have found is not very clear on any jews besides Peter Bacso, but then English descriptions may have missed some things from Hungarian. The Witness A Tanú was released in 1969. It appears to be a mockery of the Soviets and Commie party ideologues, as the main character seems a clumsy idiot at best. Seems to be a comedy, I guess.
BO may want to look into this url again

Saw some weird kiddie content that only a kike would post Also AIDSKIKE is the owner of that website. It's just him posting his ugly mug all day there and circlejerking with nobody to talk to. lol

> It seems that you were right. That weeaboo guy is actually anti-Hitler. 

Nah that was either aidskike or one of his friends
Here calling a Jew Jew is considered anti-semitism in the public thinking (cultivated via the media), and they rarely note it (for example in Wikipedia articles, or in any biographies for that matter) if a person has Jewish descent, unless that person told openly, and took the identity upon himself. It is still not considered an ethnicity here (we did in pre-1945 times), but a religion, so even those who claim they are Jewish, it is considered nicer to call them Israelites, the word Jew (zsidó) considered kinda derogatory (when used by goyim).
Also there were some dogmatic views in place, built up by the Marxist-Leninist historians, journalists, other scientists from the field of humanities, and the party machine behind them (and the SU behind that). Only recently a slow change started, as they started to die out, and younger generations with other influences stepped in. One influence is Israel itself, ofc.
There are other stuff in play, but my time is short.
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Dog Nail Clipper
December 4th
03:00 and 16:00 EST

Relatively new movie (2004), but when I looked into it I thought was made earlier. Maybe because it plays during WWII or the following years, starts with a couple of scenes taking place in the Winter War. The hero of the movie is a wounded soldier, his head injury makes him weird, kinda autist, and the film is about his struggle with his condition in his civilian life.
Skull stomp a rat for Christmas
Do it for everyone
Skull stomp a rat for Christmas
Do it because it is fun
Skull stomp their mothers too
And their little rat brew
All I want for Christmas
Is to gut a rat for you
Baby it's true baby

Never heard of this movie. Sounds very interesting. Is it popular in Finland? Will Finnish people be around for the stream?

> The hero of the movie is a wounded soldier, his head injury makes him weird, kinda autist, and the film is about his struggle with his condition in his civilian life.

yeah war is hell
> Never heard of this movie.
Me neither.
> Is it popular in Finland?
I don't know. Wikipee page says it earned couple of awards.
> Will Finnish people be around for the stream?
Perhaps. It was suggested by a Finn. And also I invite people form other another boards where Finns might be.
Probably not during the first stream tho, but the afternoon/evening one.
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The Way Back
January 8th, 8:00 and 21:00 UTC

It's about a handful of convicts escaping from a gulag camp somewhere north of the Baikal. Their aim to reach India.
It's based on a book, not sure if it's a novel or a memoir, but even that supposed to be based on real life experience of the author. The authenticity of his words is questioned.
I prefer the nature shots.
Daily reminder that cytube bans you if you put a swastika in your room title.

Swastika-friendly cytube instance here: https://neutralzone.su/
I do not believe we would be hosting a movie stream on this board anytime soon. The url you have provided is somewhat redundant

> .su domain name

Why put a Soviet union domain here?
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Sleep Tight
February 5th, 8:00 and 21:00 UTC

This is a Spanish psychological thriller about a concierge trying to deal with his empty life by creeping on the tenants. Or something.
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Moj Ata Socialisticni Kulak is a Yugoslav comedy based on a book with the same title I think. It was recommended to me so I don't know how it fares compared to the Hungarian The Witness, which is more of a dark comedy of the repression, intimidation, show trials, and general absurdity of the Stalinist system, while this one seems to play in a more pastoral environment.
April 2nd, 10 and 20 UTC
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Bottle Rocket on the 7th, 10 and 20 UTC
13th horror stream in the morning hours
25th Towel Day with Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, maybe other Douglas Adams related stuff.

I know nothing about Bottle Rocket.
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Now this one. It has so many stuff that it shouldn't be appealing much for national socialists I guess.
But it is a very good measurement how liberals changed in the past quarter century. Today this kind of movie couldn't be made.
Torrente, the Dumb Arm of the Law (1998)
June 4th
10 UTC and 20 UTC
It's rare that a film doesn't have any jews involved besides Victor Kaufman who founded TriStar Pictures and then CEO Tom Rothman. The writer and director, cast, producer, cinematographer then editor all seem to be Spaniards from a brief search. Though I'm not familiar with Spain. Spain flag anon might know more.
Fuck I missed it. You really need to annouce these movies a little earlier. Or are all movies showing around the 10th or 11th of the month?

> It's rare that a film doesn't have any jews involved
Just search for movies outside the US and you'll be good. Even Bollywood has good options. And their movies are really good and not pozzed at all. 

> The writer and director, cast, producer, cinematographer then editor all seem to be Spaniards from a brief search. Though I'm not familiar with Spain. Spain flag anon might know more.
I looked and they all seem fine to me.
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Maybe you can stream the movie another time. Torrente 2: Misión en Marbella
It was one of the highest rated movies in Spain at one point. 

but it's kinda degenarate and trashy
> Or are all movies showing around the 10th or 11th of the month?
First Saturday of each month. Next July 2nd.
> Just search for movies outside the US and you'll be good.
There are many other countries (outside US and Israel) where Jews play considerable role in theater and cinema, both as actors and creators/staff/support structure (eg. companies etc).

For July I promised Fear and Loathing. And kinda promised a western for later (on bernd.group/krautchan.rip).
The official movie corner thread can be found on >>>/operate/
The problem with Torrente 2 that I can't get it in reasonable quality.
I guess the whole point of these Torrente movies to present degenerate and trashy comedies.
> The problem with Torrente 2 that I can't get it in reasonable quality.

There has to be a good copy for streaming somewhere. Give me some time and I'll try finding one
There was a time when only murderers and thieves went to prison, but now everything is illegal and everyone is a criminal.

Jailing killers and robbers with Christians, business people, and gun-owners doesn't make the unethical more moral.

When everyone is criminal, society is weakened. Prison is just a university for crime that teaches you how to scam, bribe, look for loopholes, and game the system.
> Uh. Sure.
That second anon you're responding to is AIDSkike. He's been banned more often than anyone else in the history of this board. His messages are often lies and rarely make sense.
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October 1st
9 UTC and 20 UTC

Rolling with the Bri'ish Isles theme. About a bunch of narcomans. As far as I remember it.
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It's that time of the month again.
Post Mortem
November 5th at 8 and 21 UTC (3am and 4pm EST)
{BO edit: I fixed the link above. Btw I'm not the Admin}
It's a Hungarian horror. Just from the names on the poster I can guess, they are all Jews.
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Endchan birthday on the 20th
One stream at 7pm EST / 4pm PST (midnight UTC, 21st 11am AEDT)
Featuring: Edward Scissorhands
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Full Contact.
It's Hong Kongian, so might be some Jews around.
January 7th
At 8 and 21 UTC (3am and 4pm EST; 8am and 7pm AEDT)

I have not seen this, so I dunno.
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Red Heat
February 4th at 8 and 21 UTC

Now in this one, besides the opening scene with the Red Square, all the Soviet scenes were filmed on the Hungary, Budapest. It features the synagogue Europe's largest... there as an orthodox church, and a building in castle Buda as a police station. Some Hungarian actors too, one of them was an Olympic wrestler, and maybe none of them is Jew.
It's okay. Building on Arnie's wacky English accent. His Russian too sounds weird tho.
It's essentially like any other Hollywood movie, except it has comfy Eastern Euro scenes shot in Eastern Europe. A little bit reminds me of the much later movie Hitman (from the vidya).
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March 4th
At 8 and 21 UTC (3am and 4pm EST; 8am and 7pm AEDT, 9 and 22 CET)

Hungarian dark comedy-satire-mystery-thriller by the same director who made Predators. It plays entirely in the Budapest metro system.
It's pretty good even if I say it.
Besides that Sam Raimi is a jew? Probably only a cash grab. (Scottish/English) Bruce Campbell as Ash Williams is entertaining. There seems to be no subversive messages in the movies series, this or Army of Darkness. The show Ash vs Evil Dead unfortunately does have them.
Yeah despite some that come here claiming we "call everyone jew", I always look up who is and who is not. The days of Goebbels claim that jews shrink back when they're found are over. Kikepedia will say 80% of the time, but sometimes not and you'd have to search more.
> Raimi souns like a Finn name. Probably not a lot of Finns in Hollywood though.

I think the Finnish film industry is very insular. Like Bollywood

Where those it say that?
> In 2014, Campbell played Santa Claus in an episode of The Librarians. 

> Campbell played Ronald Reagan in season 2 of the FX original series Fargo. 

That's quite an acting trajectory that he has
I meant, that Raimi isn't a typical Hungarian name, and I bet not Russian either. Tho both has something to do with Finns (same lang. group as Hungarian, and quite a few lives in Russia).

> where

> That's quite an acting trajectory that he has
Indeed. While he returned to Evil Dead for the tv show, he did not stuck into that role.
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Shilling this late. Busy week.
The Raid Redemption.
This is an Indonesian action movie. At least one person said it's good.
On May 6th, at 20:00 UTC - 4pm EST.
At 9:00 UTC we'll watch the coronation of Charles III.
Same place.
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One year passed, another Towel Day celebratory stream on May 25th.
This year shaking things up, besides some related videos, we'll take a look at Solaris, an 1972 Soviet sci-fi.
Starting at 22:00 UTC.

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The Hunt for the Red October
June 3rd
At 9 and 20 UTC - 5am and 4pm US East Coast

Well known movie, based on a Tom Clancy novel. I've read couple of his novels, very typical American Cold War era viewpoint and tropes.
Produced by Mace Neufeld.
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An older movie comes next: Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard.
This is a French comedy with Jean Marais and Luis de Funes.
It will be on July 1st, at 9 and 20 UTC.
Usual place.

I think Marais had some military laurels, but was also homosexual.
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Jesus. The last one I posted was in July?
The next one will be on December 2nd:
American Made
At 8 and 21 UTC.

It's a Hollywood movie so shouldn't be surprises.
The topic is interesting, obviously not a documentary, but it's about how the US govt. financed drug trade. Or some such.
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Endchan's 8th Birthday is coming on the 20th. Gonna stream Grand Prix. It's an 1966 movie, I don't know much at all about it.
Starts at 6om EST / 9pm PST.
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Streaming Alone in the Wilderness tomorrow (Sat. Feb 3) at 8 and 21 UTC.
I don't think it's necessary to introduce it here, the guy in this documentary had the knowledge Anons on imageboards collect in the form of informational images...
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Bringin up Baby
May 4th
At 9 and 20:00 UTC

Apparently while Hollywood movie, neither the director, nor the co-producer and screenplay writers were Jews.

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