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thumbnail of reichtag Adolf Hitler in English AI Reconstruction.mp4
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If I had to go by my gut feelings, this feels like an attept to fish for the IPs of le ebil incel antikikeprivilege chuddos, and to ultimately dox and report to the police for mind crimes against the choosen people
So extreme caution is advised when dealing with this, this all feels too good and convenient for it not being a trap, if you want to bite into this, be prepared beforehand to don't leave meaningful traces.

torrent of all the speeches
swedish anon

complete english AI translation of the reichtag speech

partial reupload of the above on the fag bird social

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Or, an alternative method to destroy any possible tracking trap hiding behind all this, is:
spread this torrent far and wide, everywhere, even in the woke controlled spaces, make the whole internet know about it, have hundreds of millions of people downloading (and seeding) from it at the same time, hide the tree in the forest

Probably getting south americans, asians, and other non-europeans, could easily inflate the numbers, and making use of non-american social medias for triangulating the content could allow it to reach everywhere with less risk, but the hide-in-the-crowd protection is only effective if lots of people similar to you (same nationality, same geographic location) are involved.

But before all this, someone has to check if the content is reliable and if it's actually there.

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The deleted posts from one of the original discussions are interesting.
The original torrent guy is clearly a retard, but the longnose tribe is also already buzzing heavily around this.

Funny how just some history upsets all those ""people""

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thumbnail of More complete Hitler speeches.pdf
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The English version sounds a lot like Eric Idle from Monty Python.
Yeah, I'm not going to download a torrent. Those instantly expose IPs. It's better to put it up on a filesharing site.
Got a better image for you. Pic related. Pretty much how jews react any time the greatest man whom ever lived is mentioned.
Overall, this is a pretty good idea. Non Germans sometimes instantly think Hitler is "monstrous" because German language is harsh. It's better for native English speakers to hear his words in English without a bad voice actor trying to "evil" up the voice. All of his speeches should be fed into this AI reader.

> The English version sounds a lot like Eric Idle from Monty Python.

That version really had a strong british accent, on one side it sounds funny, on an other side it feels ironic, given the traitorous role the british had in allowing the kikes to enslave europe.

> Non Germans sometimes instantly think Hitler is "monstrous" because German language is harsh. 

Not all non-germans think that about the language. But the average lack of a second language for both anglos and americans is indeed one of the reasons for why the kikes have such an easy way to control their societies. 
The people of other nations can escape the state and general propaganda by keeping contact with other friendly nations, since different state propagandas can never completely coordinate, what is censored or shilled in one nation may not be elsewhere, making it impossible for a parasite to ever have complete control of the people worldview. And especially in europe, people there have a very long experience with countering forced narratives, the medias can spout anything they want, the people still know what is really going on. (except the anglos apparently, they remain clueless and kiked)
And since teaching all anglos and americans to learn a second language seems too demanding, it would be just easier to properly translate some things for them. (it still feels like spoonfeeding some infants, and translating stuff for them alone isn't going to make them grow as a people, they would continue to remain closed into their tiny language bubble and its related tiny world awareness, and most of all they would remain closed into a literalist understanding of communication which is an other reason the kikes have such an easy way to play with words with them, but translating stuff for them is all that can be done right now)

Here some sites which seem to provide automatic translations of audio files

> AI Dubbing

> Free AI Audio Translator (it's unclear if it generates a translated audio as output)

> Only audio to text transcription it seems


Some in the original thread suggested to only add subtitles while keeping the original audio, that could be even easier to do than to generate an artificial voice translation.

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Uncle Adolf Hitler Speech in Speaking Voice English - Dusseldorf - Jan 27 1932
https://www.bitchute.com/video/HhPRQmE3Mk3Q/ [Embed]

This is an older translation, it's over one hour long, the video is around 200MB, dunno if this site can manage to get it uploaded(it has already failed to upload once), I'll give it another try after this.
The voice there instead sounds more robotic, it also lacks emphasis, mfw you live to see robohitler arise from the cybernet

> But the average lack of a second language for both anglos and americans is indeed one of the reasons for why the kikes have such an easy way to control their societies.
yes and thats also one of the reasons why nobody even bothers to verify tranaltions in documentaries or even the footage itself
for example who can tell this fact that zion uses the 1943 totalen krieg speech as pre war one or the one about "this war will not be about an extermination of aryans but it will start the uprooting of jewery"
> (it still feels like spoonfeeding some infants
for me much doesnt as thanks by english transaltions i can access the majority of archival findings and dont need to tear my hair off to learn another language on another something 
> this is a pretty good idea. Non Germans sometimes instantly think Hitler is "monstrous" because German language is harsh
meh more likely its the because to many speeches in docs jews add some trinkets to appear to make it demonic or evil

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Yes, by kike I meant fredwinslow744 not Time Unveiled. In his videos, Time comments that he's surprised with Goebbels's honesty. In response, types such as the aforementioned Fred threaten his channel. I have multiple accounts. My comments, which would have offended Fred have vanished from every one of them. Him and other Hasbara are clearly reporting. Such has been the state of JewTube since the ADL latched on.

> Him and other Hasbara are clearly reporting
Manually it would take time to analyze that from experience
If that dissapeared within seconds (yes it is verifiable on yt as i tried that on biggest corners there) then it was automated removal
If it took time and maybe if still applied even told to you by google for violation of their "community" guidelines.
On yt its very difficult to even argue as that automated system is so well made one has to be crafty to not trigger it and get the effort scrubed.

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thumbnail of More complete Hitler speeches.pdf
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I'm not fully aware of all of Goebbels speeches. For Hitler, however, there are a few.
The NSGWP meeting at Hofbrauhaus Friday 15th, August 1920.
His first proclamation as head of government February 1st, 1933.
March 23rd Reichstag, Berlin 1933
March 28th, 1933
May 10th Congress of the German Work Front, 1933
January 30th Reichstag, 1934
July 13th Reichstag, 1934
Ward Price's interview of Adolf Hitler January 17th, 1935
May 21st Reichstag, 1935
Many more.

Wonder if these song generators can manage to have multiple languages in the same song, probably not.
I guess this is similar to the auto-translators, they focus on a single language for each run, and have lots of trouble with multiple language texts.

Cause I would want to try this:

Deutschland den Deutschen
Italia per gli Italiani
France pour les Français
España para los Españoles
Portugal para os Portugueses
England for the English
Éire do na Gaeil
Magyarország a Magyarokért
Ελλάδα για τους Έλληνες
Sverige för Svenskarna
Norge for Nordmenn
Danmark for Danskerne
Suomi Suomalaisille
Россия для русских
Polska dla Polaków
Lietuva Lietuviams
Latvija latviešiem
Eesti eestlastele

Europa pro Europaeis

Ausländer raus
Juden raus
Amerikaner raus

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