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Making this thread on advice to do so since the thread I was using is apparently not so great.

I'm new here, stumbling in due to someone mentioning the existance of this site to me.
Figured I'd say hello and see what's up around here.

The name I typically go by is Raptor.
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Oh,a newcomer.I guess it's up to me to become the first receptionist for this. 

> Figured I'd say hello and see what's up around here.

If we were living by the mid 2000s or even in the early 2010s, saying hi to someone else on anonymous imageboards in this manner would have been frown upon or treated like ...way too harshly and unwelcoming. Either it's the nature of the users from here or the social changes have become more noticeable over the years. Well,at least in the US. In my country,those changes happened earlier without much difficulty. I am unsure whether that culture still prevails in other places or not but I guess that these changes are generational,anyway.

So, let's warm up a little bit by quoting parts of your post.

> Im new here, stumbling in due to someone mentioning the existance of this site to me. 

I am curious. Why would any interest spark within your brain in order to come over here? I mean,what do you see on this board? What was your motivation or method to notice the existence of this place?

> The name I typically go by is Raptor.

I know that it's very unlikely but I cannot help but asking you if you happen to be Raptorshy or have some knowledge around her about what she is doing these days.

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> frown upon or treated like ...way too harshly and unwelcoming

I didn't do that initially, I was posting over here, but was given the recommendation to make a new thread to interact as the thread I was using wasn't suitable apparently

I think a lot of that negative standing on introductions and name using stemmed from power mods on 4chan as names were common until /mlp/. 

> motivation
I like meeting new people in the community, always have. 
Someone I've known for like, 8 or 9 years now mentoined this place to me so I figured I'd come over and say hi as a result. pure curiosity really.

I typically post on the /b/read on 4chan, though I've taken a rbeak the last week or two.

> name
No, that isn't me. My full 'name' is Raptor Baptist, but for obvious reasons no one, not even myself really use th elast part of it.


Lol, no not Rarity, I got my start posting Applejack and Luna and moved to Rarity sometime after that.
I'm kinda surprised anyone would unironically like sergals given their history

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> I didn't do that initially, I was posting over here, but was given the recommendation to make a new thread to interact as the thread I was using wasn't suitable apparently
see  >>/8499/

Yeah,I could see that and you bumped that thread in order to move this conversation into this one because...well,the other thread was mostly a short shitpost that would undermine this by default.

> I think a lot of that negative standing on introductions and name using stemmed from power mods on 4chan as names were common until /mlp/.

Alright. How do you know about this? Are you one of those oldfags that don't brag about the status of age when it comes to chan usage? How long have you been using this? 

If you are claiming that those changes happened because of /mlp/'s existence and the explosive combination of /b/ + /co/,then you must have either informed yourself about this or witnessed how mods would change their behaviour (and while not exactly their policies, their practices that would cause a shift in their philosophy/approach).

If I am guessing correctly,you must have been lurking on 4chan for 10 years at least,maybe even earlier when it comes to a first contact with this format.

> I like meeting new people in the community, always have.Someone I've known for like, 8 or 9 years now mentoined this place to me so I figured I'd come over and say hi as a result. pure curiosity really.

Pretty much what happened to the main users 5 years ago. Except that CB came earlier and actually posted in the first threads of this board before December 2017. However,that curiosity morphed into...well, something more complicated than we didn't expect at the time. None of us did really.

> I typically post on the /b/read on 4chan, though I've taken a break the last week or two.

Have you taken part in anything related to /mlp/ or some kind of project before? Or have you just been lurking on /b/ and you are taking a break from its rampant dynamic?

> No, that isn't me. My full 'name' is Raptor Baptist, but for obvious reasons no one, not even myself really use th elast part of it

Well, thanks. I had the urge to ask but it was quite unlikely to run into that coincidental case scenario, anyway.

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If I recall the OP read like it was the, I guess 'socialising' thread, which is why I started there rather than looking any more deeply into whatit was.

> know about this
It's mostly an assumption based on random crap I've read over the years.
Moot hated the fandom, and when the threads were kicked off of /b/ onto /mlp/ one of the core changes was names being disallowed. 
I believe that it was done as a result of knowing that ifpeople are able to identify among each other they're much more likely to unify and do things.
I feel like the removal of names was an attempt at control and dissuasion from the group acting together, as well as from growing further.

I've been on 4chan since about a few months after its creation. However, I don't really accuse others of oldfag or newfag or whatever.

> none of us did
yeah, can't say that I saw where I'd end up 10 years ago either. 

> part in anything 
I donated for Verity and a couple other things too, but no, I don't spend time on /b/ anymore, nor /mlp/, I stick around on the thread on /trash/.
I can link it if you care to see it?

/trash/ is kind of what /b/ used to be like tbh.

> coincidental case
Yeah, my names rather unique when used in full. 
Even though 'Raptor' itself is incredibly common.

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> Figured I'd say hello 


> and see what's up around here.

That is on its surface a simple answer:
> However,that curiosity morphed into...well, something more complicated than we didn't expect at the time. None of us did really.

Though this heavily applies. 

/endpone/ is a community of varying levels of activity composed of a small main group of anons and other stranglers who pop in from time to time. Our history and how we got here are bit more complicated topic. Culturally we are a bit different then the larger groups that do or did exist (/mlp/, /mlpol/, ponychan, nhnb, etc) in the pony imageboard community and don't have as clear genealogy of a splinter point with the other boards but more of a mix of who showed up along with a lot of things that were just ad hoc. We are cousins with 8chan/8kun's /pone/, /flutter/ (though some have described /flutter/ in closer terms), and modern /mlp/, albeit the latter we tried to stray away from in the sense of the shitposting and obsession over nostalgia to the point of pure bitterness (though I will note they have improved some from the lows of 2018 and 2019).    

> I typically post on the /b/read on 4chan, though I've taken a rbeak the last week or two.

Your of the old /b/ community then. Interesting. I know one person from there though I have rarely peaked at /b/read  trash is too NSFW for me.  

> Someone I've known for like, 8 or 9 years now mentoined this place to me so I figured I'd come over and say hi as a result. pure curiosity really.

I can get that. I mean,  >>/8505/ :
> Pretty much what happened to the main users 5 years ago.

I often peak at different places just to see what they are like.

I don't think L23 was being distrustful, just curious. I took the tone as I have had in the past myself with outsiders popping in, "hmmmmmmmmmmm, interesting to see somepony show up here." and passive propping of intent. 

 Yes, I know who you are as well /) 

> Yeah, my names rather unique when used in full. Even though 'Raptor' itself is incredibly common.

It sounds like a very interesting denomination or a secret agent code name.

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> simple answer
Probably, but it's best not to judge a book by it's cover, afterall.

> endpone
Fair enough, I had my first encounter with a pony group on 8chan way back now after what hotwheels described as the 11th exodus, but was basically when mods when nuts over gamergate if memory serves correctly.
It was a long time ago though

> old /b/ community
I've joined their group, but I wasn't around initially, as I said, my first real encounter(though second overall) with a pony group happened on 8chan after aforementioned exodus. 
I hung around after getting to know a few of the posters and haven't left since. 

> /trash/
yeah it's slowly becoming more and more like that, initially it wasn't, but I guess a bunch of Ne'er-do-well's found it as well.

> often peak
Yeah pretty much.

> secret agent code name
Kek, well thank you. The origin of the name is far less impressive though, just a dumb story.

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>  I know I don't normally post, but I do lurk... occasionally. 
I´ll keep that in mind. Honestly, your practice isn´t ver different from what I have been used to doing for these last couple of years...


> If I recall the OP read like it was the, I guess 'socialising' thread, which is why I started there rather than looking any more deeply into what it was.

Yeah, remind me why I am not exactly the best receptionist for public relationships nor for first contacts. I must say that my tone  hasn´t changed very much over the years and my brain certainly sparks more interest when there is an interesting topic to milk until the very end of it. I think that your context brings up more interesting stuff to the table than anything that I can offer in this thread.

> I've been on 4chan since about a few months after its creation. However, I don't really accuse others of oldfag or newfag or whatever.

And this reaffirms my response. Also, I´ve got to mention that said philosophy is quite noble for traditional channers (and that shows with the donation from 2020 as well) even though I have the suspicion that said age has mattered less and less for some boards. I cannot tell about /b/ and how it is doing nowadays in that regard (or in general,really)

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> It's mostly an assumption based on random crap I've read over the years.
Allegations and opinions from 3rd parties...right.
You know, a magnificent African word should be the standard for describing the internet. The word Kongossa couldn´t come soon enough for adapting it to the official dictionary (both in english and spanish) because that´s literally what encapsules all the things that happen in this chaotic unbridled medium. 

> Moot hated the fandom, and when the threads were kicked off of /b/ onto /mlp/ one of the core changes was names being disallowed. I believe that it was done as a result of knowing that if people are able to identify among each other they're much more likely to unify and do things. I feel like the removal of names was an attempt at control and dissuasion from the group acting together, as well as from growing further.

He hated fun in general and he had fear of the fanbase causing an inner metastasis on the site. As if isolation with the 15th global rule wasn´t enough for impeding it, he definitely ensured that it would become sterilized over time. That definitely hurt the pattern from becoming a standard and it´s definitely become ingrained for the most part by taking it as a default act...that we still take it as granted to this day...

> I donated for Verity and a couple other things too, but no, I don't spend time on /b/ anymore, nor /mlp/, I stick around on the thread on /trash/. I can link it if you care to see it?

Nah, I am not particularly interested in what exactly you are doing around there but more like...reflections of the places that you have visited. I mean, I am basically an ignorant on how /b/ has evolved and despite the fact that you don´t lurk over there anymore, I wonder how that board changed over the years from the trauma of /mlp/ up to the time you left.

> Yeah, my names rather unique when used in full.Even though 'Raptor' itself is incredibly common.
That´s why I have said that it would be too much of a coincidence to be true. Still, I had to ask 

> "hmmmmmmmmmmm, interesting to see somepony show up here." and passive propping of intent.
mostly because I wondered about the fact of: what would drive a person around here? I mean, despite the fact that we have witnessed the death of several sites since 2017, it still leaves me dumbfounded that there is an appealing sense of this place despite the fact that it hasn´t changed much for the last two years.

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> Probably, but it's best not to judge a book by it's cover, afterall.
well, I see that the lesson from the 9th episode of Friendship is Magic is applied in practice. It shouldn´t be hard but...yeah, people have some struggles with that.

Anyway, this is definitely not an easy place to judge and considering what you might have seen from this place, it hides quite a few surprises throughout the few main threads that are placed in the catalog.

> I had my first encounter with a pony group on 8chan way back now after what hotwheels described as the 11th exodus, but was basically when mods when nuts over gamergate if memory serves correctly.
It was a long time ago though

Gamergate happened in 2014,right? I recall seeing 8chan at the time and /v/ was the main place that topped the site back then. I also lurked on /pone/ as well and I saw how Endchan was supposedly the place to transfer that site but that test lasted for as short while and...well, CB picked up the pieces at the time...but it wouldn´t blossom on its own until the 2nd wave of users that would shape it without any expectations.

It´s funny. An exodus happened because of political stuff related to gaming, this place was created as a stopgap test for backup in case that it would get censored/cancelled...and the /8pone/ board stands a former shadow of itself from its first couple of years...it´s a very crazy timeline to live in.

> The origin of the name is far less impressive though, just a dumb story.
don´t think that mine is any better when it comes to its actual background story either

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> interesting stuff to the table
Well, I'm glad that what I'm talking about is at least in part interesting. 

> chan
yeah it's not really something I pay attentoin to much myself either aside from the pony thread.

> african word
I learned recently there's a ton of african words that aren't actually of any african language.
A ton were added by europeans because they lacked a lot of concepts that europeans had at the time. a good example is the word future or tomorrow.
But I know little else outside of that and a few other examples.

> moot
yeah pretty much.
moots an idiot.

> /b/
think of it as filled with glowies and shills whose job it is to do nothing but post porn and interrupt any meaningful conversation. 
That's what it is now.

> had to ask
No worries

> why here
That makes it interesting in an of itself, doesn't it? an unchanging place of old guard?

> judging a book
I think it's been raound longer than that, but yeah. 
I havne't looked much through the catalogue yet, is there any threads you'd recommend?

> gg
yeah something like that, who is CB?

and yeah, it wasn't so much political, it was the fact that a major chain of gaming media outlets were blackmailing people and taking bribes, including the demand for sex, in order to guarantee good reviews of games, irrespective of if the game was good or not.
had very little to do with poltics, but of course the journalists who were caught out decided to make it about politics and started crying about all sorts of unrelated things.
IT's why they hated people like Totalbiscuit, because as a major influential figure, he refused to lie about what was going on.

> name
what is the name you go by?

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> Well, I'm glad that what I'm talking about is at least in part interesting.
yeah,well...you have opened the thread so... I am certainly listening for complementing it.

> yeah it's not really something I pay attentoin to much myself either aside from the pony thread.
well, different preferences, I guess. I mean, entitlement within anonymous circles doesn´t count very much (and it can easily backfire) but the interest wouldn´t be taken away from you so, the trade was worthwhile in the long run.

> yeah pretty much. moots an idiot.
just because one comes to the same conclusion that thousands of other people have already said for years doesn´t change at all the result. He´s no longer taking part in this game.

> I learned recently there's a ton of african words that aren't actually of any african language. A ton were added by europeans because they lacked a lot of concepts that europeans had at the time. a good example is the word future or tomorrow. But I know little else outside of that and a few other examples.

interesting. Even though it makes a lot of sense considering that writing systems were pretty much non-existent (with a handful of exceptions of course) and the illiteracy rates were downright dreadful at the time,let´s not going to lie ourselves. 

Keep in mind that technology doesn´t simply apply to objects or digital devices, language stands as technology as well.

They had to build something out of nothing and they didn´t simply have the tools for expressing said concepts so, those imposed words would settle a shortcut for those concepts/words/expressions that would be seen as weird tools back then. But they wouldn´t offer any other alternative of communication that could compete against it so, it was pretty much bound to happen one way or another.

> think of it as filled with glowies and shills whose job it is to do nothing but post porn and interrupt any meaningful conversation. That's what it is now.
already verified by your post then. I read about its status due to other anons that happened to talk about it every now and then but it seems that /b/ still continues that same path that it has been taking for these last few years as the main board for teenagers who want to be edgy and believe that they are doing something special and it just becomes the playground for messing around. We haven´t been missing anything from that board, have we?

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> That makes it interesting in an of itself, doesn't it? an unchanging place of old guard?
does 2017 (or 2016 for the creation of this board) count as something worthy to qualify as old at this point? I mean, the internet makes things feel old pretty fast but still, those are big words in my eyes.

> I havne't looked much through the catalogue yet, is there any threads you'd recommend
pretty much what I haven´t hidden in these two screencaps. I think that the 5 NMAiE generals (the equivalent of the MLP General) should give you an index of the main relevant threads that have been popping up over time as well as some works from the main users.

> yeah something like that, who is CB?
someone who definitely stands out for writing Conversion Bureau stories that have been shared around here. Also, he is the main active user for the /webm/ thread as well as some of the MLP music that he shares around there. His main threads are >>/7485/ and >>/4724/. 

By the way, he is the oldest user of this place by a long shot (even close to being an original user when the 8chan migration test occurred) but we had to figure out to his status indirectly, he doesn´t claim that by himself. For the most part, there are some subtleties and indirect puns in order to send a hidden message throughout his posts at times, so he...is Outside this place, IIRC I think that he has a Twibooru profile for his activity in other circles as well as turning into the owner (?) of /8pone/ for keeping it alive to some degree. 

> it wasn't so much political, it was the fact that a major chain of gaming media outlets were blackmailing people and taking bribes, including the demand for sex, in order to guarantee good reviews of games, irrespective of if the game was good or not.had very little to do with poltics, but of course the journalists who were caught out decided to make it about politics and started crying about all sorts of unrelated things.

oh boy, corruption and suitcases full of money in order to give those valuable 9s and 10s for unfinished games that wouldn´t get a pass under normal circumstances. Corruption as its finest and that doesn´t surprise me in the slightest. I understand a little bit better why /v/ considers gaming journalism as a job that is more frowned upon than anything else. Just another layer on top of a really messed up industry that focuses on clicks and fast articles (lack of infrastructure and academia except for retro gaming stuff). 

> what is the name you go by?
I don´t think that a lurker (who has been pretty much retired from being active in this place for these last couple of years) matters all that much. You´ll instantly figure it out as soon as you begin to delve into this board, anyway.

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> who is CB?
/me raises hoof

> for writing Conversion Bureau stories
I'm also proud of my FoE pieces, which have also been shared around.
Look in the BookFort thread to find them, if you like. I've never felt it was finished enough to publish it on FiMfiction but some have liked what they've seen.

>  For the most part, there are some subtleties and indirect puns in order to send a hidden message throughout his posts
I just finished listening to Vaceslav singing about this topic.

I mentioned somewhere around here that Ponies at Dawn were releasing an album? It includes an EDM remake of Scarborough Fair.

I think that he has a Twibooru profile
Twibooru is down ATM though, so there isn't that.

 I was able to find a "scared Sweetie Belle" .stl file on Thingiverse. Haven't tried printing it yet because the printer is broken - again - but since I'm trying to wind down for the start of my work-week tomorrow, I'll end with a recharging sweetiebot instead.

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> me raises hoof

eeeyup, that completes the whole lineup of main users that use this site.

> I'm also proud of my FoE pieces, which have also been shared around.
I forgot about that while I was typing it. Hopefully enough, all your works happen to be registered on FIMFiction or somewhere else because it facilitates the diffusion of said works with a greater chance to stand the test of time among those who read said works.

> Scarborough Fair
thanks for reminding that I can play that song...quite the opposite from that musical blast, I must say

> Twibooru is down ATM though, so there isn't that.

at the time, it wasn´t working. Visiting the site right now is a whole different story, however...

...that is to say, you still exist.

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