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Days ago I watched some mostly biographical video about the life of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It said that he yearned to be loved and desired love from women but never really got any. That part of his story is sad or unfortunate for him. Do you desire to be in a loving relationship? Can't say that's been a priority or focus in my life. I was going to tie this Nietzsche detail into the below text (contrast it with a priority/desire of mine), but this post is long enough already.

I kinda don't remember if I replied to this post in another thread or not, but I was thinking about this situation recently so I'll reply (maybe again).

>   >>/9014/
Post  >>/9014/ is about programming, posts, and self knowledge.

>  > Don't read this line if you don't wanna read drama-related crap.
>  is talking about yourself a kind of drama?
!wt: drama, n. 5. "(slang, uncountable) Rumor, lying or exaggerated reaction to life or online events; melodrama; an angry dispute or scene; a situation made more complicated or worse than it should be; intrigue or spiteful interpersonal maneuvering." It was drama-related. Talking about oneself can be a moment in a larger drama.

>  So, does this mean that it is cool to avoid any kind of venting? Do you get anything in return by doing this?
I guess you get even more bottled up or pent up anger. https://anonfilly.horse/ = "Likes: [...] Videogames", "Dislikes: [...] Videogames". I can understand that. I play a video game called tint-tetris and it makes me pissed off, but I also kinda like it (Tetris). It makes me have such angry thoughts and also destructive thoughts. Makes me think about shit which made me angry and I become full of hate. That I sometimes or often think back to that event or similar events makes me think I have unresolved issues that I perhaps have to address or talk about one or multiple times.

>  > I think someone called me a script kiddie in the past. I'll call him an idiot outsider or someone who wasn't paying attention.
>  so I see that both of you ended up with derogatory terms. I see...
What you must understand is that I suspected that guy of being this one guy whom I fucking despise. He had no good faith and was a complete cunt. He continually insulted me beyond what was "necessary". I don't feel bad of treating someone on par with how they treated me. I tried to be accommodating and kind and understanding, but got not a shred of understanding or kindness from him. After a point there is no getting along or any mutual understanding. Fuck him and everyone he cares about. Hope he gets raped by a pack of wild niggers, lulz. Even knowing that I once moreso shared a website with him was somewhat sickening.

> more text
Maybe I'll address this later.
> Seaponelestia.jpeg
Woah, I was looking for that seapony Celestia image. Did you repost that image from Golden Oaks general where I think I first posted it? Seems to be a scaled-down version compared to what I remember.

> Texas
So I guess you live in Texas. If you look at some things, you can probably find out the area in which I live.

> was going to tie this philosopher detail into the below text
Will do that in this post. So it seems what I desire out of life is at least a minimal level of respect or acceptance and maybe also recognition for my work. Not looking to be showered in praise. I have had users appreciate my work in the past (as they communicated with me). Would be nice for users to participate moreso in the stuff I care about or data I have shared. Also not looking to be rejected or insulted. Reminds me of some things that I heard from a specific piece of media, also something this one 4chan anon said (IIRC). That anon said something like "if you keep participating in something which makes you sad then maybe the real faggot is you." In that specific media, this was said: [insert here].

I think this falls under the umbrella category of "being recognized by your peers" maybe also "leaving a legacy" or "changing the world for the better". Does admitting this about myself make open up a vulnerability? Does it make me more easily manipulated or trolled? Probably yes to both questions. I remember opening up about something in the past, and I basically regretted that move.
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> Hopefully the illegal fireworks don't do as much damage as pic related!
See  >>/11229/ (cross-thread)
> Holy fuck, what I would do to have seapony Celestia in my fishtank.


Some nerd said "some things should not have been lost, or forgotten." I agree. The quote (he referenced this):
> And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge. Until, when chance came, it ensnared another bearer. --https://edgestudio.com/script/lord-of-the-rings-opening-monologue/

This Imgur image was captured in archive.today; some time after and before 2024 it was deleted:
> https://archive.is/2021.03.11-102111/https://i.imgur.com/3IJe9I1.png
Wayback Machine only has the deleted copy, so here's another copy (picrel DK): https://files.catbox.moe/i5dfnf.png
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> Woah, I was looking for that seapony Celestia image. Did you repost that image from Golden Oaks general where I think I first posted it? Seems to be a scaled-down version compared to what I remember.

No, I had this on hoof for awhile. I often used lower res images due to bad/shaky internet (and at one point I had all my pony stuff on 16 to 32 GB USB drives). I am a Seapony enthusiast and think the princesses standout often as Seaponies and save pictures of those options. These two higher res from Twibooru I have on me right at the moment as some of my faves.

> Not looking to be showered in praise. I have had users appreciate my work in the past (as they communicated with me). Would be nice for users to participate moreso in the stuff I care about or data I have shared.

More on this later, I think I have something to add to discussion  but my go a bit deep, if you don't mind.
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It was just a minor idea involving writing/greens. Might use it for a small fic I have partly written later. Having the story start in the subject header. 

Smart idea to test it with that.

That is perfectly fine for a test, and yeah, the limit is sorter...
> My name is pinkie pie (hello!) A

MNiPP(H)A anon.
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I don't usually put much emphasis on Thanksgiving since it is just an American holiday and not as many excuses to be nationalist like the 4th of July, lol  but usually I'd still note it's passing somewhere on the board but forgot to this year. 

Hope y'all had a good one!
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Lotta stuff to reply too, for now a PoLS. I hope you're Hearth's are sufficiently warmed this Hearth's Warming. I know things are always a bit chaotic this time of year and this year is no exception (especially with a family member who is sick). I wish y'all the very best  and earnestly pray for y'all to have a safe and blessed Christmas.
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For me, it is still a fair bit longer, but for /endpone/ New Year's Day is upon us here. I have a lot of words that I wish to say but my tired mind they all get cluttered together. Reflective feelings and old memories mostly. I am in disbelief--has it really been six years since three anons bumped into each other in 2017 and decided to stick around? Goodness, there was entire things, boards and other places online that ha entire defined histories and cultures that lasted shorter than us. It doesn't mean we equal them in stature but I still think that ought to count for something! 

Anyways, as per tradition:

Happy New Year's and see you on the otherside of the year!
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It's now New Year's Day. On /endpone/! Calling everypony it is now 2025 here and this is 2025. 

Maybe I'll actually post some reflections or something!? I feel an urge to post somethings, many somethings! I hope everypony has a safe and blessed New Year's Day! May the bridges of Dolores stay crossed this year, we have crossed over to the other side!
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>  my tired mind they all get cluttered together. Reflective feelings and old memories mostly. 
> I am in disbelief--has it really been six years since three anons bumped into each other in 2017 and decided to stick around? 

I didn´t have much to say, honestly. I feel tired too and I find myself already in 2025. I will try to stick around so that I can check that all of you get to synchronise your countdowns. Europe has already fulfilled that task so, now it´s the turn for the other side of the Atlantic ocean.

> 1 hour off on the time,

Nope, you absolutely nailed it (when it comes to Spain save the Canary Islands). Unless that you were referring to Portugal, the UK and a handful of countries in Africa, the timezone was actually correct for that reply. 

So, don´t be so hard on yourself on that. There is absolutely no need to feel that way.
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New year, AI is old - I'm still between jobs.
It's less than 6PM on the left coast, and neighbors are already setting off veritable dynamite sticks. Though now that one neighbor passed away, the friend that had literal dynamite won't be celebrating right here that way.
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> New year, AI is old - I'm still between jobs.
Drat on the latter part of that news. even if it gives a break in a sense, less income, especially in that region, can make things unsteady even with stuff being relatively okay. 

AI is old, as in you've gotten board with it? 

> and neighbors are already setting off veritable dynamite sticks. 
Very noisy down in Texas as well, though no dynamite, sometimes gunfire though!
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> I didn´t have much to say, honestly. I feel tired too and I find myself already in 2025. I will try to stick around so that I can check that all of you get to synchronise your countdowns. Europe has already fulfilled that task so, now it´s the turn for the other side of the Atlantic ocean.
You don't have to say anything, just nice to see ya here, /)

> Nope, you absolutely nailed it (when it comes to Spain save the Canary Islands). Unless that you were referring to Portugal, the UK and a handful of countries in Africa, the timezone was actually correct for that reply. 
I was referring to when the date changed on /endpone/ itself, but I had thought of you, eh, I'll split the difference and say I was 50% right!
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I wanted to do something extra "special" this New Year's. So I did a quick vector of Dolores Umbridge. Ain't our bridge great? She might be a cyclops!

Anyways,  once again, I wish all posters and once posters  CB, L23, 5050, Archivist, the Lurker, YT-Anon, BO...  And other lurkers and stragglers  the sometimes posters from /go/, the scattered stragglers from 8/pone/ and /flutter/ whom sometimes stop by and all lurkers in general a Happy New Year's (I know there are lurkers here, I've seen us being talked about elsewhere, if any of y'all want to show yourselves feel free). God bless y'all and may 2025 be better than 2024.  

Hmmmmmmm... What else to say? I have a lot of words in almost ready to e uttered. Regardless, I am getting a bit tired and New Year's Day is fast approaching my location in Texas.
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From not getting the right prompts? I can get that, I think, despite me having used AI that much. It can take a lot of tries and "prompt engineering" to get something that looks close to the desired result. It ain't at the level of replacing artist for certain highly specific requests.
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> what were you trying to
It's the same prompt as the second image...
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, high detailed,realistic, 4k, life like, pony, feral alicorn, feral, mare, duo 2girl, 2girl ( feral princess luna) ( feral princess celestia), tail, photo_realistic, blushing female, anatomically correct, show jewelry, veil, ring horn, jewelry,  body Armor plate, mail Rome armor design, set ancient Roman Equestria
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Actually, no I shortened it a bit - removed 'blushing' and a few other things, later.

score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, high detailed,realistic ,4k,life like, pony, feral alicorn, feral, mare, duo 2girl,2girl ( feral princess luna) ( feral princess celestia), tail, photo_realistic, ring horn, jewelry, body armor plate, Roman mail armor design, set ancient Roman Equestria, long fur hairs
Negative prompt: simple background, blurry, human
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Awesome, this New Years started out rather lonely but I still had fun. A local show of illegal fireworks as always! I also enjoyed posting here and casually hanging out with a couple of friends online elsewhere. This New Years may not be a blast, but I cannot complain all things considered! 

As for 2025 and /endpone/. I know not what the future hols for our little board, but I intend to at least take a future precautions and and make some modest improvements. My medical issues are still a present threat to things though. 

Again, Happy New Years Everyone, from longtime poster to first time lurkers, I wish y'all well and hope this upcoming year is one to hope and not to fear! Boy, I love this old image, being  reedited every yea and I see it posted around. Yet so much of the context is peak old fandom and in many ways, diminished, some things in here may even count as forgotten.
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> I still have to see off the anons on the West Coast

Rain, wind, booms, darkness.
Inauspicious in the grand scheme of newyears experiences.

I have medium hopes for greatness. Together we may yet make Equestria great again.

...or, y'know, just ramble on to each other about what amuses us this day. I have here a box of human things, for instance.
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> Inauspicious in the grand scheme of newyears experiences.
Of any day I wouldn't want to have rain and wind, that day would be it, as I can like both on a normal day.

> I have medium hopes for greatness. Together we may yet make Equestria great again.
I have medium hopes  I maybe able to spin out some sort of control over my life. and that I might have the chance to MEGA. /Make Endpone Great Again/!

> ...or, y'know, just ramble on to each other about what amuses us this day
Deal, /) I enjoy rambling with ya anyhow!

> I have here a box of human things, for instance.
What sort of human things?

We posted pretty close together I'd say!
One more post...

Me and my father actually had 3D printer problems around last New Years with a ancient early generation 3D printer he had been using off and on for years. It wouldn't respond and while he ended up buying a cheap Endyr 3 (my brain not spelling this right probably) we did look into replacing the board outright with an Arduino board controlling the motors itself. Don't know how feasible that is as an option there but might be something to look into.

Okay, now goodnight!
Been a long time since I have managed to sucessfully post here. Hopefully some semblance of normalcy can return but I am not liking the changes or being stuck on magrathea. Not going to fully abandon endchan yet.

Yes this is bridgefag, still trying to get my act together from a long period of illness.

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