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New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis
"39% and 54% of deleterious mutations occur in African/African-American (AFR) and non-Finnish European (EUR) strains, respectively. The prevalence of deleterious mutations in Latin American (AMR), East Asian (EAS), South Asian (SAS), and European Finland (FIN) strains is 2-10%. Amish (AMI) and Askenazi Jews (ASJ) show no deleterious mutations for this receptor.”
"Concerning the TMPRSS2 receptor, 22 out of 63 (35%) identified deleterious mutations are reported by AFR, 37 out of 63 (59%) are reported by EUR, while FIN, EAS and SAS each report 4 out of 63 deleterious mutations. Askenazi: 3 of 63, Amish: 1 of 63."
"The study goes on to suggest therapies based on the combination of hydroxychloroquine (ACE2 inhibitor) and Camostat (TMPRSS2 inhibitor), to be combined according to the viral status and the receptors most involved in the infection."
"Apart from the fact that it is becoming increasingly clear that effective therapies have been possible since 2020 itself, we are left with the factual consideration that a chimera virus engineered in a Chinese laboratory (question: with the collaboration of European and American virologists?) spread throughout the world and, by exploiting those risk factors of an ethnic type, has unloaded its virulence essentially on Europeans and Americans (Although Africans at risk were already covered by antimalarials), leaving relatively less exposed (and with known therapies) the Scandinavian, Native American, Asian, Amish (Germanic), and Ashkenazi stock."