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Physician Assistant Fired After Reporting Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine to VAERS


Deborah Conrad, a physician assistant in New York, was fired from her job after reporting COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).
Paul Sperry

BREAKING:Hill sources say Democratic Rep. Daniel Goldman of Manhattan  who prosecuted the first Trump impeachment and has been bragging to reporters about sabotaging GOP investigations of the Bidens  has privately consulted with Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg over indicting Trump
1:19 PM · Mar 20, 2023

Stephen Miller
@America1stLegal sues National Archives, obtains Biden Burisma docs.=

America First Legal

THREAD — America First Legal sued the National Archives to obtain the Burisma records from Biden’s time as VP. 
As a result of that litigation, we obtained a trove of new docs from the archives directly linking Joe Biden to Hunter’s profiteering in Ukraine. 

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jess watter's is full of it.
believe it or not, TRUMP never liked loose woman, He wasn't "one of the guys" who scoped out tramps.
He was noted as "shy" around woman.
FAKE NEWS has his character completely wrong.
Maybe he projected an image, for reasons of branding or of business?
Marla Maples broke up his marriage,  and then wasn't loyal.
Note he divorced his wife, who he was still close with - she stayed as an advisor to the very end, and married Marla - did not keep as a mistress.
Figure this part; worked long hours no tme for that bullshit.
according to Ivanka: Maples targeted him; but he had women giving him their numbers; constantly, and he never took it up.
He initially picked Melania because she was honest; wouldn't take his number or give hers, since he was out with another woman at the time.
Trump avoids tramps.
Does seem like 8kun is down?
Marla was different, but she didn't live up to her hype. Gave him a great daughter though.
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thought about this
They staged the whole Jan6 "event" "Insurrection" simulation.
"by  the book"
They knew DJT was completely within his rights to call for a real insurrections against them;
So that's why.
And he and us are patient; Why? Because it never would've worked then, they need to play out their bullshit - thinking they are winning.
All the frauds - go alongs to get alongs - they all glow.
Like drinking something phosphorescent before having a scan / e-ray - all the cancer/ disease shows up.
Somehow no one's been charged over Jan 6th though the scam has  been public the whole time - with witnesses onf tik tok , etc.
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seems like the only posters on 8kun are Trump Haters
and jew haters.
what a coincidence

supposedly there a gathering outside the Courthouse in Manhattan, but from what show in th RSBN photo, there's no one there?
weren't we told or was it suggested anons stay away from gatherings of conservatives?
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Good! Federal Judge Blocks California's Unconstitutional Anti-American Handgun Restrictions

California can’t ban residents from buying modern handguns.

That’s the ruling handed down by Federal District Judge Cormac J. Carney, a George W. Bush appointee, on Monday. He found California’s requirement that all new pistols sold in the state include a series of uncommon or even theoretical safety devices is unconstitutional. He ruled the regulation, which has resulted in no new handgun models being sold to civilians in nearly a decade, violates the Second Amendment.

“Californians have the constitutional right to acquire and use state-of-the-art handguns to protect themselves,” Judge Carney wrote in his preliminary injunction for Boland v. Bonta. “They should not be forced to settle for decade-old models of handguns to ensure that they remain safe inside or outside the home.”

The decision is the latest blow to California’s strict gun-control laws in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2022 opinion in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, which set a new standard for reviewing gun laws. Late last year, a federal judge also blocked the state’s attempt to discourage legal challenges to its restrictions. Many of the state’s other high-profile gun restrictions are similarly embroiled in ongoing litigation, and Monday’s ruling may signal they may face a tough climb to clear the bar set by the Supreme Court.

The also ruling paves the way for law-abiding Californians to access new pistol models for the first time in a long time.

California passed the Unsafe Handgun Act (UHA) in 2001. It initially barred the sale of any new pistol models that didn’t include a loaded chamber indicator or magazine disconnect safety. However, in 2013 the state expanded the requirements to include so-called microstamping technology. In theory, microstamping would enable a gun to leave identifiable marks on every spent casing with the goal of helping police solve crimes. However, there has never been a production gun in the world that has implemented the theoretical technology.

The practical effect of adding the requirement, which a handful of other states are now considering implementing as well, was a complete ban on the sale of all handgun models created after 2013. Outside of police officers, who are not subject to the handgun roster restrictions despite California deeming guns outside of it “unsafe,” Californians have been mostly limited to buying pistols first introduced to the market more than 15 years ago.

“These regulations are having a devastating impact on Californians’ ability to acquire and use new, state-of-the-art handguns,” Judge Cormac wrote. “Since 2007, when the [loaded chamber indicator] and [magazine disconnect safety] requirements were introduced, very few new handguns have been introduced for sale in California with those features. Since 2013, when the microstamping requirement was introduced, not a single new semiautomatic handgun has been approved for sale in California.”

Plaintiffs argued the handgun restrictions infringe on their Second Amendment rights and are unlike any regulation from the founding era, which is the key measure for constitutionality under Bruen. California argued the restrictions don’t directly implicate the Second Amendment because they don’t completely ban the ownership of all handguns, despite most were banned under this very unconstitutional regulation.

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Biden Regime To Bailout Corrupt Clot Shot Pharma Firms Next

American taxpayers were already [forced to give] Moderna $10 billion for its coronavirus vaccine. If the Biden administration gets its wish, that tab could soon grow.

In a court filing last month, Department of Injustice lawyers offered to "relieve" Moderna of any liability it faces from a lawsuit that accuses the drug company of failing to pay licensing fees for technology it used to develop its vaccine during "Operation Warp Speed." Moderna has argued that the federal government should be on the hook for any legal settlement because of a stipulation in its contract that protects the company from patent litigation. The government had stayed silent on the matter until last month, when Injustice Department lawyers said that any liability that Moderna faces should "transfer" to the United States government, citing a World War I-era law that protects federal contractors from patent disputes.

While the judge handling the case recently denied the request, Moderna and the federal government could appeal the decision and put taxpayers on the hook for any legal payout. Genevant, one of the companies that sued Moderna, has already accused the drug maker of "trying to shift responsibility for its patent infringement to the U.S. taxpayer."

The government’s offer to bail out Moderna will likely not sit well with the American public or with senators when they grill Moderna’s CEO at a hearing on Wednesday. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee invited Stéphane Bancel to testify about the company’s plans to quadruple the price of its deadly coronavirus "vaccine".

This furthermore proves America is no longer a capitalist nation, as capitalist nations tend to allow failures and bankruptcies of insolvent corrupt entities.


352 @176
 >>/123165/ CBS LA weather lady Alissa Carlson collapses live on TV
 >>/123166/ CDC's National Health and Nurtrition Examination Vans Surveilling Unvaxed in rural Illinois
 >>/123173/ Biden Regime Unconstitutionally Signs Executuve Order For Universal Background Checks To Buy Firearms
 >>/123210/ City of Miami Beach Declares State of Emergency, Implements Curfew
 >>/123212/ Reminder - 90 years ago Bank Holiday of [March] 1933
 >>/123223/ Interests controlling Ukraine’s agricultural land
 >>/123224/,  >>/123225/,  >>/123226/,  >>/123227/,  >>/123228/,  >>/123229/,  >>/123230/,  >>/123231/ The Swamp Today, Monday March 20, 2023
 >>/123251/ $17 Billion Wipeout of Credit Suisse Ponzi Scheme Leaves Bond Holders Broke
 >>/123253/ America First Legal got new documents about Biden's relationship to Burisma Energy 
 >>/123254/ Liz Cheney’s Husband Is Partner At The Law Firm Defending Hunter Biden
 >>/123258/ Biden orders US intelligence to release ALL documents on COVID origins
 >>/123260/,  >>/123269/,  >>/123271/,  >>/123273/,  >>/123274/,  >>/123276/ Musk post on Twitter onBanks
 >>/123262/ Trump posts on TS on Manhatten D.A.'s Office
 >>/123265/ Donald Trump Jr. - Rep Ronny Jackson Reveals New Details on Fauci, Biden's Cognitive Decline
 >>/123267/ Catherine Herridge - #COVID19 President signs bill requiring declassification of COVID origins intelligence
 >>/123270/ Candace Owens - Congress has a slush fund for politicians transgressions...
 >>/123283/,  >>/123284/,  >>/123285/,  >>/123286/,  >>/123287/,  >>/123288/,  >>/123289/,  >>/123290/,  >>/123291/,  >>/123293/ The Swamp Today, Tuesday March 21, 2023
 >>/123295/ JESSE WATTERS: The left is so turned on by the idea of Trump being locked behind bars, they're not thinking
 >>/123301/ Physician Assistant Fired After Reporting Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine to VAERS
 >>/123305/ America First Legal sued the National Archives to obtain the Burisma records from Biden’s time as VP
 >>/123316/ Federal Judge Blocks California's Unconstitutional Anti-American Handgun Restrictions
 >>/123319/ Biden Regime To Bailout Corrupt Clot Shot Pharma Firms Next
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Systemic Insolvency: Sweden's Biggest Pension Fund Loses Billions On Busted US Banks

Yesterday's (50%) collapse in First Republic Bank shares was - in a word - 'surprising' given all the positive 'rescue' chatter and upbeat overall market sentiment post-CS 'rescue'. US Regional banks broadly speaking were having a good day, but FRC was clubbed like a baby seal despite headlines proclaiming no lessor mortal than Jamie Dimon himself was on the case to rescue the community bank.

Well, we may now know why the selling pressure was so strong as Bloomberg reports that Alecta, Swedens largest pension fund, has lost billions in the recent bank busts and started to abandon its large position in FRC last week.

“The uncertainty about First Republic’s future was too great, partly due to the fact that the lender was downgraded to junk status,” Billing said in emailed comments, after Bloomberg News obtained a copy of a written response by Alecta to the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

Alecta said its total invested capital in First Republic stood at 9.7 billion kronor “before a sale on March 15.”

The Swedish fund had been buying First Republic shares since 2019, making it the bank’s fifth biggest shareholder.

The fund is reportedly facing losses of almost $2 billion as a result of a failed investment strategy that made it one of the biggest shareholders in two collapsed US banks and another that’s been caught up in the crisis (expected losses of 8.9 billion kronor and 3.2 billion kronor in Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, respectively).

The scale of the losses has become clearer after the private pension group sold all of its First Republic Bank stake at a loss of 7.5 billion kronor ($728 million), according to Chief Executive Officer Magnus Billing.

“Obviously it’s a big failure for us as an investor,” Billing said last week.

“We need to learn something from that and take actions based on the lessons learned.”

Jim stated something to that effect in Congress, if I remember correctly he called it the "sunshine clause" where if something illegal were posted there (hint: there almost always is) then he would reveal IP addresses of the users for the feds to identify. Although it's not brazenly spying, if you know how the government works they almost always abuse their privileges, give them an inch they use that as justification to take just about everything else. Don't think for a second places like 8kun are not heavily monitored, they are. Maybe even here too. So at the very least use a VPN and a separate isolated web browser to use these sites.
Vaccine Autopsies Must Be Demanded For "Died Suddenly" Unexpected Deaths • Many doctors will not blame the COVID clot shots for a death, for fear they will lose their medical license


Every "unexpected" heart attack by a Covid-vaccinated young person should be thoroughly investigated by autopsy for spike protein causes

 One surefire way to prove the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) clot shots are responsible for millions of suspected “unexplainable” sudden deaths, especially among healthy and young people, would be to conduct autopsies on all of them, compile the data, and publish the results. Coroners and embalmers across the globe are testifying that spike proteins are visible in vital organs of the bodies they examine, including the heart and brain. Contrary to what all the talking heads and so-called pandemic “experts” said about the COVID vaccines, that they remain at the site of injection, the spike proteins travel throughout the vascular system, clog it up, and can cause heart failure, strokes, and vital organ complications. This is why there are so many “unexplained” deaths of healthy, young people, including athletes and military members. This must be investigated thoroughly and the results must be protected from the censorship of the vaccine industrial complex and Big Pharma.
> Vaccine Autopsies Must Be Demanded For "Died Suddenly" Unexpected Deaths • Many doctors will not blame the COVID clot shots for a death, for fear they will lose their medical license
but they would do a legit autopsy?
followed by prosecutions from a legit court? kek
"Numbers 266-268

What is a BIG BOOK? If you are new to us, the BIG BOOK is Ben’s limited edition special HUGE book of cartoons that covers his entire career!

This book is an extremely rare collectors item–as only 1000 were printed. We estimate that this book will be worth 5X-10X the listing price in years to come.

The BIG BOOK comes with a custom Ben Garrison autograph and personal comment! Since this is a very special item, it will be in extremely high demand–so first come first serve.

We also want to mention that Book #17 is owned by Donald Trump Jr. and book # 1000 is owned by General Flynn! Be apart of history–on the right side of history–and own this one of kind, rare, unique, and special book now.

Only 1000 were printed!

Invest in a piece of history from Ben Garrison, a world-renowned political cartoonist, by owning this once in a lifetime collection of cartoons presented in special “coffee table” style hardbound book! Over TEN YEARS of cartoons."
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Do you believe in coincidences?
Breaking News: 

Michael Avenatti Released  from jail early by Alvin Bragg to help work on the Prosecution’s Team and add some credibility to this sham ..


Alvin Braggs wife works for Girls Inc. Just so happens one of their contributors is the Clinton foundation. Also gave Hillary and award in 2017. Think wifee could be whispering get Donald in her Hubbies ear?

Remember you have the power you just forgot how to play
Dutch Farmers Rebel, Win Enough Senate Seats To Block Globalist Technocrats

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Americans unaware; warn them re #FedNow

Elizabeth Glass
Americans unaware; warn them re #FedNow 
Goal of NY bankers in establishing Fed: eliminate competition (Creature from Jekyll Island).
Fed plan: complete control of where and how you spend your money. 
A free nation can create its own monetary system.

Mar 20, 2023  #cbdc #banking #money
Richard Werner, Economics Professor and Author of "Princes of the Yen," and Michelle Makori, Editor-in-Chief and Lead Anchor at Kitco News, discuss the Federal Reserve's FedNow instant payments system, and whether it will be used to usher in Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), digital tokens issued and controlled by central banks. Werner explains what CBDCs are, and warns that they will be used to bring about 'totalitarian' control and a surveillance economy. He also proposes that the recent banking crisis and consolidation of banks could be used as an excuse to bring about CBDCs, and suggests political solutions that might prevent CBDCs from being implemented.
In the last few months, Chicago squatters have taken over the homes of two residents in the same neighborhood after the elderly homeowners died and left the homes to family members.

Darthula Young said this week that her deceased mother’s property in the Chatham neighborhood of Chicago was taken over by a man she described as a “professional squatter” with a long criminal record who changed the locks and has racked up a $1,300 water bill that she is on the hook for.


 >>/123165/ CBS LA weather lady Alissa Carlson collapses live on TV
 >>/123166/ CDC's National Health and Nurtrition Examination Vans Surveilling Unvaxed in rural Illinois
 >>/123173/ Biden Regime Unconstitutionally Signs Executuve Order For Universal Background Checks To Buy Firearms
 >>/123210/ City of Miami Beach Declares State of Emergency, Implements Curfew
 >>/123212/ Reminder - 90 years ago Bank Holiday of [March] 1933
 >>/123223/ Interests controlling Ukraine’s agricultural land
 >>/123224/,  >>/123225/,  >>/123226/,  >>/123227/,  >>/123228/,  >>/123229/,  >>/123230/,  >>/123231/ The Swamp Today, Monday March 20, 2023
 >>/123251/ $17 Billion Wipeout of Credit Suisse Ponzi Scheme Leaves Bond Holders Broke
 >>/123253/ America First Legal got new documents about Biden's relationship to Burisma Energy 
 >>/123254/ Liz Cheney’s Husband Is Partner At The Law Firm Defending Hunter Biden
 >>/123258/ Biden orders US intelligence to release ALL documents on COVID origins
 >>/123260/,  >>/123269/,  >>/123271/,  >>/123273/,  >>/123274/,  >>/123276/ Musk post on Twitter onBanks
 >>/123262/ Trump posts on TS on Manhatten D.A.'s Office
 >>/123265/ Donald Trump Jr. - Rep Ronny Jackson Reveals New Details on Fauci, Biden's Cognitive Decline
 >>/123267/ Catherine Herridge - #COVID19 President signs bill requiring declassification of COVID origins intelligence
 >>/123270/ Candace Owens - Congress has a slush fund for politicians transgressions...
 >>/123283/,  >>/123284/,  >>/123285/,  >>/123286/,  >>/123287/,  >>/123288/,  >>/123289/,  >>/123290/,  >>/123291/,  >>/123293/ The Swamp Today, Tuesday March 21, 2023
 >>/123295/ JESSE WATTERS: The left is so turned on by the idea of Trump being locked behind bars, they're not thinking
 >>/123301/ Physician Assistant Fired After Reporting Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine to VAERS
 >>/123305/ America First Legal sued the National Archives to obtain the Burisma records from Biden’s time as VP
 >>/123316/ Federal Judge Blocks California's Unconstitutional Anti-American Handgun Restrictions
 >>/123319/ Biden Regime To Bailout Corrupt Clot Shot Pharma Firms Next
 >>/123322/ Systemic Insolvency: Sweden's Biggest Pension Fund Loses Billions On Busted US Banks
 >>/123341/,  >>/123342/ QClock - Times a Ticking
 >>/123346/ Christine Lagarde, Pres. of European Central Bank, pleads the case CBDC is the solution

check 'em
 >>/123165/ CBS LA weather lady Alissa Carlson collapses live on TV
 >>/123166/ CDC's National Health and Nurtrition Examination Vans Surveilling Unvaxed in rural Illinois
 >>/123173/ Biden Regime Unconstitutionally Signs Executuve Order For Universal Background Checks To Buy Firearms
 >>/123210/ City of Miami Beach Declares State of Emergency, Implements Curfew
 >>/123212/ Reminder - 90 years ago Bank Holiday of [March] 1933
 >>/123223/ Interests controlling Ukraine’s agricultural land
 >>/123224/,  >>/123225/,  >>/123226/,  >>/123227/,  >>/123228/,  >>/123229/,  >>/123230/,  >>/123231/ The Swamp Today, Monday March 20, 2023
 >>/123251/ $17 Billion Wipeout of Credit Suisse Ponzi Scheme Leaves Bond Holders Broke
 >>/123253/ America First Legal got new documents about Biden's relationship to Burisma Energy 
 >>/123254/ Liz Cheney’s Husband Is Partner At The Law Firm Defending Hunter Biden
 >>/123258/ Biden orders US intelligence to release ALL documents on COVID origins
 >>/123260/,  >>/123269/,  >>/123271/,  >>/123273/,  >>/123274/,  >>/123276/ Musk post on Twitter onBanks
 >>/123262/ Trump posts on TS on Manhatten D.A.'s Office
 >>/123265/ Donald Trump Jr. - Rep Ronny Jackson Reveals New Details on Fauci, Biden's Cognitive Decline
 >>/123267/ Catherine Herridge - #COVID19 President signs bill requiring declassification of COVID origins intelligence
 >>/123270/ Candace Owens - Congress has a slush fund for politicians transgressions...
 >>/123283/,  >>/123284/,  >>/123285/,  >>/123286/,  >>/123287/,  >>/123288/,  >>/123289/,  >>/123290/,  >>/123291/,  >>/123293/ The Swamp Today, Tuesday March 21, 2023
 >>/123295/ JESSE WATTERS: The left is so turned on by the idea of Trump being locked behind bars, they're not thinking
 >>/123301/ Physician Assistant Fired After Reporting Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine to VAERS
 >>/123305/ America First Legal sued the National Archives to obtain the Burisma records from Biden’s time as VP
 >>/123316/ Federal Judge Blocks California's Unconstitutional Anti-American Handgun Restrictions
 >>/123319/ Biden Regime To Bailout Corrupt Clot Shot Pharma Firms Next
 >>/123322/ Systemic Insolvency: Sweden's Biggest Pension Fund Loses Billions On Busted US Banks
 >>/123341/,  >>/123342/ QClock - Times a Ticking
 >>/123346/ Christine Lagarde, Pres. of European Central Bank, pleads the case CBDC is the solution
 >>/123148/ #352


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