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- Mushishi
- Ghost in the Shell
- Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
- Akira
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Neon Genesis Evangelion (and The End of Evangelion)
- Darker than Black
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- My friend Totoro
- Howl's moving castle
- Spirited Away
- Natsume Yuujinchou
- Princess Mononoke
- Hotarubi no mori e
- Plastic Memories
- Ano Hana
- Steins;Gate
- Angel Beats
- Sakurasou no pet na kanojo
- Shigatsu
- Elfen Lied
- The Animatrix: Kid's Story (2003)
- Perfect Blue
- Mayoiga
- Ghost Hound
- Paprika
- The Animatrix: Matriculated
- Ergo Proxy
- Psycho-Pass
- Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993)
- The Animatrix: A Detective Story (2003)
- Grave of the Fireflies
- Aoi Bungaku (No Longer Human)
- Memories (Cannon Fodder)
- Monster
- Black Lagoon
- Only Yesterday
- Kotonoha no niwa
- 5 centimeters per second
- Barakamon
> Neon Genesis Evangelion 
god tier taste, id recommend getting into gundam, start with mobile suit gundam. watch the anime, but if youre a wageslave and wanna get through it quicker, the compilation movies arent bad but they have a different ending
Record of Lodoss War (OVA) 
Not the series it's pretty bad

Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Bubblegum Crisis+Crash+2040
Martian Successor Nadesico 
Ashita no Joe, I read the manga and it's old with a few different versions so not sure which to recommend. 

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For me Paintball's the only thing left that distracts me from feeling like shit. War Thunder helps sometimes.

What about you anon?
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Finding quality memes and playing stellaris is the only thing can sustain me right now have to escape existential dread

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No. This is the unheard of endchan. This place is the imageboard at the end of the universe.

Welcome home. Welcome to the end.

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Any other security nerds around? Love playing around with OpenBSD, hardened gentoo and other things. If it can be made more secure and/or hardened, I love to do it. Running Encrypted OpenBSD + Hardened Firefox + DNSCrypt + Tor (when needed)

Encryption, device security, netsec, infosec, etc. Just don't let the paranoia get to you, anon!
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Have you tested ion3 or other tabbed WM's? It's the best, for my needs. Very organized and clean. I recommend you check it, openbsd has it on packages. I think "doas pkg_add ion3" will do the job, then startx. It's not maintained anymore, though (the last effort to maintain it is called "notion", but I haven't tried to run the Lua code on openbsd yet).
Have you tried Coreboot with SeaBIOS? Some guys reported it's working on -current...
> Have you tested ion3 or other tabbed WM's?
Nah. I'll be looking into ion3 though. Thank you for the recommendation. I've only used awesome, i3, and dwm as far as WMs go. As for Coreboot I'm out of luck because my hardware isn't supported
Any of these have tabs support? I used to use xmonad (for about 9 months), but I switched to ion3, because it has a much better organization (although vertical tabs would be better than horizontal ones).

vapour is like reggaeton, overrated latin shit
I prefer house music, its melodies are so pleasant
Why you guys say that? What's your argument?
House music is early electronic. Low-Fi is early "vintage-like" movements. Aren't we past that? Shouldn't we be going to hyperinformation-era, like Breakcore? Digital-Hardcore/Gabber and Noise music?
I thought the Vapourwave movement was a mocking of the past, a lost idealism...
Is all this shit too "avant-garde" for the imageboard culture?

ps. I have no background on current memes. I mainly mess with >>>/tech/ , but I'm interested in current view of internet aesthetics...

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The other spam thread is about a poem called "The waste land":

I think April could be refering to the philosophy of everything is ephemeral, as the sakura flowering (april is the month of sakura - although the poem is from UK):

 >>/170/ (me)
I'm not the OP of the other thread, btw. I'm just thinking what the hell this guy was spamming... maybe all I've said is wrong and he's just trolling.

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> yfw you will never grumpily moan in the morning about how it's your scheduled bleeding
> yfw you will never antagonize everyone at work because your clock has run out and you feel like shit
> yfw you will never look at a young besides in public and think anything other than "Awh what a cute kid" or enter an existential crisis about what you want from life
> yfw you will never feel threatened by a younger male who threatens to surpass you in a field you pride yourself in 
> yfw you will never be inherently jealous of people of your sex who are younger than you when you're no longer young
> yfw you will never have a child of the opposite sex who is wiser than you are by the time he goes off to college
> yfw you will never have to avoid doing anything other than walking through extremely rough areas at night because you "don't feel safe"
> yfw you will never have to be paranoid your partner is only using you for sex and doesn't actually care about anything else you have to offer
> yfw you will never have to worry people are only complimenting you because they want attention from you because of your sex
> yfw you will never have your boss bullshit an explanation about how they don't want a person from the hysterical half of the population to be in the position a younger member of the other half gets
> yfw you will never have only one angle to resort to in social situations and can be whatever persona you want, or none at all
> yfw you will never instantly be suspected of trying to lure in and double cross somebody when you're so much as trying to make a friend
>  >yfw you will never have to avoid doing anything other than walking through extremely rough areas at night because you "don't feel safe"

Is what ticked me off. Took me a while to realize what OP meant, though.

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