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> There is no way for me to say it without sounding evil
Don't worry about that, this is one of the most important uses of an anonymous imageboard. And besides, noted non-evil guy scott alexander also said as much as
< it's likely that her interpretations of certain events were influenced by her mental state and should be taken with a grain of salt.
>  Roko (Yes, the Basilisk guy.) He touched my thigh at Signal Data Science where I was living and training to become a data scientist. I moved my legs away. He touched my thigh again.
He was just trying to introduce her to "the Basilisk"
If the guy who wrote the nydwracu x nostalgebraist fiction is reading this, could you please write another fiction, featuring these two characters, please? Using the quoted sentences as the first sentences of the story?

Have some delicious picked cherries:

> Which leads to: the only actual accusation most people know about is Kathy's. Which I shared. My work, along with several others', is why it's fucking public. It didn't magically appear out of the aether. I put it there.

> I'm so tired. I'm so tired […] of being ignored. It's so much easier to discourse with the madwoman who can't fight back, so the madwoman who will scratch and claw and bite to try and make things safer is best only spoken of in whispers and innuendo.

Least charitable interpretation possible:

Gerard smells blood and wants to use this to take down movement Rationalism, but it looks like this event falls just under the threshold for even the gutter-tier leftist "journalists" to pay attention:  the person who killed herself is a nobody, the people she named are nobodies (also relevant for libel issues), and the one non-nobody caught up in this – EA – is also the one even the leftists have mostly agreed behaved impeccably even by their own leftist standards.

So who is left to "put on blast"?  A bunch of transkids living in polyamorous group housing in Berkeley?
From his posts in the SA NRx thread, where he loves to hold court and brag about his association with Elizabeth Sandifer, he seems to me like a sociopathic literate lefty who's seeing a juicy power vacuum that was made just for him, Amigara Fault-style.
Misfits and weirdos are always going to accumulate in communities that don't judge by the usual (societal) standards, and the only thing rats care about is if you read the same blogs as them.

Also, high prevalence of autism-spectrum disorders and the usual high-IQ maladies - depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, dysphoria, autogynephila, etc.
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She also blatantly lied and claimed that nostalgebraist said she didn't exist and was invented by David Gerard.

> Congrats to @reddragdiva for apparently making me up to support his own hatred of LessWrongers! I want to congratulate him for putting seven or eight years of work into creating a credible female human who went from “sheltered Tea Party homeschooled straight” to “softhearted lefty bisexual artist with trauma”. I especially love the veracity he included with the moodboards, the stupid poetry, the hyperfocus special interests, and especially the faked selfies.

Reddit thread which she has since deleted:
> A LessWronger insists I don't exist. Arthur Chu thinks otherwise.
> I once ran a LARP for Arthur, we've kind of been buddies ever since.

If you actually read the nostalgebraist post she linked there's no such claim, there's not even anything that could be misinterpreted that way:

The most charitable interpretation I can think of is that this was a roundabout way to complain about him not mentioning her. But blatantly lying because the lie represents how she feels about something doesn't do wonders for her credibility. People are interested in if her accusations are true and undistorted, not in whether they feel metaphorically true from inside her head.
Does anyone with rl access to the community want to comment on whether this could turn into Rationalism's Elevatorgate, and the community coul actually split along the lines of social justice about this?
As someone only reading the stuff online it seems to me that RuffleJax is basically complaining about bad breakups and is trying to use the brewing shitstorm to exact revenge, but I don't trust the rat community to have good judgement on this.
The funniest part of the ordeal has to be Jax's repeated casual dropping of Scott's real last name. Does she want someone to doxx him and is too much of a pussy to ask? Have the SJWsfinally come for Scott?
I have a feeling that the hardcore Bay-Area rationalism-as-a-lifestyle people don't really post here.

My personal prediction is that it will blow over.  In fact, it's already mostly blown over. The attacks are all coming from ideological enemies outside of the community: as far as I can tell there's not much of an internal schism. 

But I'm as much an outsider to you. I'm not privy to any secret information.
The only way something comes of this is if some journalist with nothing else to do writes about this, and connects it to #METOO or Peter Thiel or Silicon Valley or some other bogeyman or cultural narrative.
On rationalist tumblr nobody in the core in-group seems to unequivocally condemn the rationalist community. It's growing towards a single consensus, not multiple.
A lot of people think there's something of a problem, but the completely anti-rationalist posts on my dash come exclusively from people who didn't consider themselves rationalists in the first place.
That's just my impression of a limited subset though.
Has anyone else noticed that there's really one main tribal group that really dislikes rationalist? People that hate us seem to almost always be lefties, both socially and economically. I'm talking about the kind that really hates "techobros", "stemlords", "classism", Silicon Valley, tech and technocrats.
I think that's a social coincidence, not an ideological feature. The rationalist subculture is mostly embedded in upper-class (?) leftist culture, so most of the people who are close enough to care at all come from there.
The grey tribe is embedded in the blue tribe.
They don't hate rationalists so much as they just hate nerdy Logical™ techbros. Rationalists are a good target because they're like 90% nerdy techbros and 10% nerdy transwomen. Every other demographic is a rounding error.
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"Rationalism" is a cult based around the writings of a charismatic self-identified genius, Eliezer Yudkowsky. Like all cults, it uses a range of obscure language to obscure its dark inner workings - cultists fear and worship 'egregores' (a kind of a mind-god), avoid 'mind-killing', and engage in behaviour such as 'circling' and 'steelmanning'. Suffice it to say that the cult typically preys on intelligent, educated individuals, particularly those with more mental health. On the surface, Rationalism seems to have more in common with a self-help doctrine than a religion, but careful study reveals that core members of the group (in particular the community centred on San Francisco) pray to evil gods birthed in the future in an attempt to avert eternal suffering. 

Members are encouraged to give generously to 'charities' run by high-ranking Rationalists, and especially to Yudkowsky's 'charity' - the innocuous-looking named 'Machine Intelligence Research Institute'. The fact that this 'research institute' has produced no fruit for all the money invested into it by devotees is telling.

A splinter group of especially rabid Rationalists, led by notorious antisemite Scott "Stonin' the Kohens" Alexander meshes the apocalyptic millenialism of mainstream Rationalism with the vicious rightwing orthodoxy of the alt-right. This sect refers to itself as 'The Grey Tribe". Alexander - referred to by his followers as 'The Rightful Caliph', has consistently denied that he uses the blood and organs of abandoned infants in rites intended to appease the ancient Carthaginian demon Moloch. A former member of the cult, who agreed to be interviewed on condition of anonymity, stated that:
> "Scott always said it was OK because the babies weren't really sentient. He said it was no worse than killing a nigg- an Easy African. Sorry. Old habits, you know?"

In recent times, a number of former cultists have come forward with stories about life under the Rationalists - including shocking tales of 'cuddle puddles' - actually drug-fueled BDSM orgies. Following the suicide of a prominent former cultist earlier this month, the Rationalists have closed ranks and refused to accept the blame for her death. But the cracks are showing, and those of the anti-cult advocacy group Sneer Club hope that this bizarre, brutal modern-day religion will soon collapse under the weight of its own evil.
> arthur chu mindkill.jpg

Jeese, what a terrifying drone.

I wanted to point out that shitposting about the culture war on the internet is unlikely to be the most effective way for him to attain whatever his political goals are. But I guess it's entirely possible that the "SJW" meme-complex that he holds is so much more virulent that even despite individual carriers being less effective as individuals, the meme overall is more successful than an equivalent "effective activism" would be.

Anyway, I still think I, as an individual, can achieve my goals more effectively than Arthur Chu, because I'm not wasting my time mindkilling myself into a soldier. My brain is too useful to waste time on politics. And, again, as an individual, instead of shitposting on the internet I'd just donate to some lobbyists. "Folk activism" is a waste of time, y'know…
> women being rational

they just use the jargon to signal, women are incessant signallers rather than actualisers. there are no "punk women", for example, only chicks who picked up the aesthetic bc their old boyfriend were really into it
There are no "punk men", either, just dudes who picked up the aesthetic in order to make themselves more attractive to girls.Everything men do is predicated on making sex more available, there's literally no exceptions.
I see your point, bad example. For what it's worth, there are some genuine OG punks out there that are really into anarchism, rebellion and everything else that punk entails, and they absolutely loathe posers, phoneys and and those that treat it as image instead of ideology (where the image happens to trickle down from).

When a man signals/peacocks that he belongs to specific subculture or tribe, there's more of an expectation that he can express authentic commitment to that group, that he genuinely abides by the groups values. Men get tested on this way more. It could even be DnD or some other spergy niche, you must know the minimum level of jargon to have stable communication and interaction.

When a girl joins one of these subcultures it's "tee hee go easy on me silly boys". Can you name any non-gender-specific subcultures/groups that women are known to genuinely embody that group's ideas where men do not?

It's the basis of the girl gamer vs real gamer, femanon vs real anon, girls who code vs real programmers. This is beyond "beliefs as attire", it's about the flanderised representation of another group as fashion, e.g. women who dress "goth" but have none of the internal traits associated with "goth". The only ideology founded by women seems to be feminism, and it talks exclusively about women, women made a group to talk about themselves instead of a productive and creative project outside themselves. 

With "female rationalists", I've found them easier to bait emotionally and to dazzle with the jargon than seeing them respond in a way that suggests they have learnt rationality and consistently embody some of its ideas.
> The name is a two-pronged claim of superior holiness:
> “Caring” because, well, of course she is more compassionate than you.
> “Unit of” because she approaches things, even caring, in a systematic, scientific way; that is to say, she is smarter than you.
On one hand, he's right. On the other hand, the idea that people wiser and more compassionate than yourself should not rule over you is counterintuitive (to say the least). But I guess you can't argue with results.

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