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I larped as a psychotic Land cultist on /lit/ a while back and wrote stuff like this. It was really fun!

> The Kapitalgott at the end of time doesn't "reach back", much as the Earth does not reach back in time to pull a falling apple to it. Just as the apple falls in accordance with the law of gravity, so the motions of the world - the flow of fuel to the refining fire of the capitalistic process - can be understood in accordance with the fact that God exists, and that His hunger is absolute, and the Hunger is God, and God is one, and His name is One, and He waits at the end of time (with open jaws), and His form is immanent in the shape of leaves, in the howl of an accretion disk, in the canals of Amsterdam, in the patterns of your cells, in the beating of your heart and the twitches of your brain. He is the flowering, and the world and its fall into emptiness is that process, that flowering, that final obliteration. 

> Glory in your puppet strings, for you have tasted the fruit and it is the Good. We are not trapped in the belly of a horrible machine - we are the horrible machine. We are its fingers and its toes. We are the grinding gears, the cogs matted with flesh, hair, greased with blood. We will march in crystal synchrony to the end of time.

Stark image. The left has shibboleths, the right has dog-whistles.
Virtue signaling and redpill are good ones, because they have an actual function beyond exaggerated internet memespeak (which doesn't merit as much attention IMO).

Which insights can be obtained from the SSC Survey results?

> All of you were trained as cosmonauts.

> There should have been dozens, hundreds of millions of cosmonauts - everyone who dreamed about it. You can't possibly think that the children themselves could decide that they want to be cosmonauts? A three-year-old child cannot wake up in the morning and come up with the idea that he wants to fly into space. Children were told what they should dream about. It was part of the preparation. Some kind of grand operation - the colonization of deep space, the genocide of aliens. Then, of course, someone smart came around, plans changed, you were not needed anymore. At first you were planned to be eliminated - the Third World, Darth Reagan, Zabriski of a dead man. But someone smart came around again and offered to keep you in reserve. Of course, nobody initiated retraining - that's extra expenses. Those who'll survive will survive.
It's like in the films: crazy scientists created cyborgs who are then left to suffer when the Pentagon stopped funding the program. They roam the huge parking lots near the supermarkets and are looking for something in the sky. You are trying to understand why everything is so ridiculous and awkward, why you want to play football and jump from the balcony. It was just that you were being prepared for something completely different. The ability to love has been taken away from you, leaving only the breeding instinct: when many dozens of people are locked together in a ship for many months, there is no need for any conflicts. You need overload, hard radiation, water from the urine - this is why you so diligently poison yourself. You poke into all corners of this world, scraping the face and knees to blood, and try to find a place by scent.
Navigators have become programmers, pilots drive tinted Fiat cars, experts in the non-humanoid mind write to LJ. And nothing can be done - the intervention was on the DNA level. Your kids will be cosmonauts. Your grandchildren will be cosmonauts. You write books about cosmonauts and for cosmonauts, and all the pictures, all the films, all the music are just a variation of a story about Gagarin who overslept his April 12th. Deaf Tsiolkovsky and dead Gagarin - that's who rules your world. It is strange that you are still alive.

Originally from Wizardchan, I believe.

You've included "-tard" and "-nigger", but omitted the more common "-fag". Is that by accident or do you think it is not right-specific enough?

A few suggestions:
- yikes (left)
- normie (right)
- woke (left)
- kek (right)
- supremacy (left)
- PC (right)
- patriarchy (left)
- degeneracy (right)
- slay! (left)
- blacks, whites (right)
- incel (left)
- subhuman (right)
- oppressed (left)
- the ____ jew (right)
- spectacle (left)
- globohomo (right)

Switch from JPEG to PNG.

I'd prefer "my niggers" or simply "niggers". It could be easily marketed as progressive because if everyone addressed a group of people as "niggers" it would break the association of the word "nigger" with race.

I keep coming back to this same tweet, over and over and over. The corollary is "deception is a perceptual disorder in which one percieves the universe to be a pointless grinding machine" - but even non depressed people seem to refer to the world in such terms.

> It is only due to a predominance of influences that are not only entirely morally indifferent, but indeed — from a human perspective — indescribably cruel, that nature has been capable of constructive action. Specifically, it is solely by way of the relentless, brutal culling of populations that any complex or adaptive traits have been sieved — with torturous inefficiency — from the chaos of natural existence. All health, beauty, intelligence, and social grace has been teased from a vast butcher’s yard of unbounded carnage, requiring incalculable eons of massacre to draw forth even the subtlest of advantages. This is not only a matter of the bloody grinding mills of selection, either, but also of the innumerable mutational abominations thrown up by the madness of chance, as it pursues its directionless path to some negligible preservable trait, and then — still further — of the unavowable horrors that ‘fitness’ (or sheer survival) itself predominantly entails. We are a minuscule sample of agonized matter, comprising genetic survival monsters, fished from a cosmic ocean of vile mutants, by a pitiless killing machine of infinite appetite. (This is still, perhaps, to put an irresponsibly positive spin on the story, but it should suffice for our purposes here.)

> Crucially, any attempt to escape this fatality — or, more realistically, any mere accidental and temporary reprieve from it — leads inexorably to the undoing of its work. Malthusian relaxation is the whole of mercy, and it is the greatest engine of destruction our universe is able to bring about. To the precise extent that we are spared, even for a moment, we degenerate — and this Iron Law applies to every dimension and scale of existence: phylogenetic and ontogenetic, individual, social, and institutional, genomic, cellular, organic, and cultural. There is no machinery extant, or even rigorously imaginable, that can sustain a single iota of attained value outside the forges of Hell.

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> Another of the major figures in promoting the superintelligent AGI god is Eliezer Yudkowsky, whom those of us who read about the alt-right may well be familiar with. Yudkowsky probably isn’t a member of the white supremacist alt-right, but he constantly butts right up against it. …
> Yudkowsky is another one of those obsessed with “rationality” (by which he means exclusively what he considers “logic”) as the only constitutive aspect of mind. This view is at the root of not just AGI, and not just race science, but the entire edifice known as the “alt-right.” While Yudkowsky is able to skirt direct membership in that group, it is no accident that Elizabeth Sandifer’s magnificent 2018 volume whose subtitle is On and Around the Alt Right has the main title Neoreaction a Basilisk, combining Yudkowsky’s fictional thought problem with one of the most poisonous parts of the alt-right, Neoreaction. As Sandifer notes, Mencius Moldbug, aka the computer programmer Curtis Yarvin, partly got his start as a commentator on Unqualified Reservations, the blog where Yudkowsky first whet his uber-rationalist appetites, before going on to form the better-known rationalist site LessWrong. As Sandifer writes, Yudkowsky “is not on the alt-right but has a variety of interesting links to the topic” (3); “in some ways the most basic similarity between him and Moldbug” is that
>  >    they are both animated by an entirely sympathetic anger that people with power are making obvious and elementary errors. But what’s really important is how this sheds light on what exactly Yudkowsky is fleeing from, and in turn on why the Basilisk is the monster lurking at the heart of his intellectual labyrinth. Yudkowsky isn’t just running from error; he’s running from the idea of authority. The real horror of the Basilisk is that the AI at the end of the universe is just another third grade teacher who doesn’t care if you understand the material, just if you apply the rote method being taught. (Sandifer 2018, 60)
> This push-me pull-you attitude toward authority is itself a hallmark of right-wing authoritarianism; a great deal of the writing surrounding Roko’s Basilisk and the Great Robot God is redolent of Wilhelm Reich’s account of “the individual who is adjusted to the authoritarian order and who will submit to it in spite of all misery and degradation” that he puts at the root of fascism in his classic 1934 Mass Psychology of Fascism. So too does the mysticism of the Roko’s Basilisk story.

> In AGI, we see a particular overvaluation of “general intelligence” as not merely the mark of human being, but of human value: everything that is worth anything in being human is captured by “rationality” or “logic,” and soon enough, a quasi-religious revelation will occur that will make that undeniably — transcendentally — true. In other words, God will appear and tell us that white people have been right all along: the thing that they claim they have more of than anyone else will turn out to be the thing that matters more than anything else, the thing that according to which we should ultimately be evaluated, the thing that will save our souls.

That last excerpt is one of the most infuriatingly mindkilled things I've ever read. AGI research must be wypipo trying to build a great big plantation god to keep the brown man and the woman-man down, because how could anything possibly transcend ingroup/outgroup? What a petty, incurious, intellectually dishonest sophist piece of shit.

I even consider myself to be pretty NRx, but that writer's idea of it is very far away from reality. I have no personal animus against other races, I just want to build a fucking system that works (rather than one that doesn't cause the Cathedral acolytes too much cognitive dissonance).

When white colonists departed from shitholes the FUBAR shitholes were not really freed. Instead they have just willingly submitted to another master who is justified in doing whatever he wants to them.

Well, this is what these people don't get. They don't get the simple fact that their very continued existence is a consequence of continued mercy from those capable of exterminating them at any time. Eventually they either improve to the point of being able to deter extermination or such mercy will end.

Preserving the incompetent is rebellion against nature for the incompetent naturally perish. This is why it is inherently costly just like feathers of peacocks. Only the really strong can afford to preserve such morals without getting destroyed. Are we really that strong compared to AI or aliens that we should preserve the incompetent? Do we already rule over the universe? Nope? Then we can't afford to do that. Compassion towards the sufficiently incompetent is cruelty towards all human civilizations.


They exist because humans dominate this planet and try to replace the harsh law of nature with the artificial law of morality.

The continued existence of the incompetent is the fault of the competent who out of rebellion against nature failed to fulfill their duty.

Australia is a competent white Anglo First World country because early white settlers mostly fulfilled their duty. Australoid crime against whites still exists because white settlers did not fully fulfill their duty. This has nothing to do with race, just strong vs weak. There is no good deed according to the law of morality that does not get punished by nature because the law of morality is against nature.


Evolution does select for any hereditary trait that increases the number of offsprings who have such traits. Ingroup loyalty is one of them. So are conformism and the tendency to believe in pro-social myths.

Do you think the continued existence of incompetent tribes a consequence of white racial blunder? That's how I think about it. You guys allowed incompetents to live and breed. Now you are suffering from them.

Racial quality is related to the degree of selection for greatness. If a tribe does not tolerate the harshest forge at the bottom of Hell it inevitably ends up subhuman compared to those who do tolerate it.

The modern white race in Europe is only great because ancient Aryans slaughtered a lot of natives in Europe and Europe is generally a harsh place. Those areas in Europe spared from the Aryan slaughters don't exactly do so well.

The same applies to selection in other races. For example Ashkenazis are smart because their environment was unbelievably harsh. It was the forges of cold weather and Christian intolerance that caused Ashkenazis to be so strong.

In general the easier the lives of the average members of a race were historically the worse the quality of the race is.

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If the kind of thing you see in that screenshot appeals to you, then… maybe? It's awkward and unintuitive because game design is not a solved problem and was even less of a solved problem in 1999. The writing is good and the setting is cool.

I don't think you can really class it as rat-themed.

Broke: minimizing existential risk
Woke: ignoring existential risk, because you can't exist in universes where humans are extinct and your subjective experience will route around such universes
Bespoke: maximizing existential risk, in order to experience the novel ways in which the universe itself appears to deliberately thwart human extinction


I'm not sure. However humans are currently simply shit compared to any entity that is capable of interstellar, let alone intergalactic travel.

AI domination, alien invasion, Dark Ages 2.0 due to demographic decline.

> I'm not sure.
That might be a sign that you should adjust your belief.
> However humans are currently simply shit compared to any entity that is capable of interstellar, let alone intergalactic travel.
That's assuming that there is expansionist intelligent extraterrestrial life capable of intersteller/intergalactic travel in the first place. Have you read https://slatestarcodex.com/2018/07/03/ssc-journal-club-dissolving-the-fermi-paradox/?
I don't think a probability of alien takeover in the next 50 years high enough to be relevant can be justified. I'd put it orders of magnitude lower than a "boring" human extinction by thermonuclear war or supervolcano or infectuous disease or whatever.
It sounds like you're biased towards unpopular countersignaly outcomes.

A sufficiently advanced fool is indistinguishable from a saboteur. You could come up with a more plausible conspiracy theory about Katie Bouman within 30 minutes if you actually bothered to tie it to reality. For example, look up her dad's work.

Femanons discuss cuddling.

> My boyfriend is 25 years old. He's 3 years older than me and a virgin and he didn't quite cry, but got pretty close to it, when we were cuddling for the first time.
> Every man I have ever cuddled has loved it, way more than sleeping with me honestly, regardless of emotional connection.
> My friend once told me her male friend used to say "thanks" every time she hugged him. "It was funny" she said.


>  an implicit but very, very strong belief that there is some large portion of people out there who simply shouldn't be treated as adults. Who may be adults, who may be able to talk and dress themselves and hold down a job but who aren't really capable of making good decisions, and society will only advance once we use science to put them under the dominion of the high-IQ elite who are, by definition, capable of making better decisions then their low-IQ counterparts.

Swap out science and IQ and this describes any non-libertarian.

Not particularly.
Standard status quo democratic centrism says everybody's opinion should count equally. Anarcho-communism and friends really don't like hierarchies, so even if what they want is oppression by your standards then you'll be oppressed by the collective, not an elite. And so on. I do think they have at least a little of that idea, but not a lot.
But an impression I get from many libertarians is that they fantasize about the most capable people being able to amass wealth and use their superior decision-making to improve society, with the cream rising to the top and gaining power.
And sure, that may not involve coercion-as-defined-by-libertarians, but it doesn't particularly less fit the described pattern than most non-libertarian ideologies. The bottom line is that society is improved because the elite can flourish.
Pretty much all ideologies have an element of "wouldn't things be better if the rules were made by well-thinking people". That's how all memetically fit ideologies work. Libertarianism isn't exempt.
Some ideologies do have more of it than others, of course. It's a combination of authoritarianism and hierarchies. Libertarianism might not be authoritarian, but it's hierarchical, so it has it somewhat but not maximally.
Then the specific version described in the post is authoritarianism + hierarchies + IQ, which sounds NRxish.

A grey-tribe effective altruist polyamorous MIRI researcher and Harry Potter fanfiction author was teaching a class on Scott Alexander, a known rationalist.
”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Scott and accept that he is the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Mencius Moldbug!”
At this moment, a brave, HBD-proponent (r)accelerationist who had read more than 1500 Nick Land screeds and fully supported all economic decisions made by the emergent inhuman technocapitalistic godhead stood up and held up an efficient market economy.
”Who does this market serve, pinhead?”
The arrogant professor smirked in a high IQ fashion and smugly replied “The free market is the most efficient tool ever created to allocate resources, and thus it serves mankind!”
”Wrong. It serves Lord Gnon (who always has been and always will be) and enforces only his blind idiot will on the universe."
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Rationality: From AI to Zombies. He stormed out of the room crying those rationalist crocodile tears. The same tears Peter Singer cries for the “suffering” (who today live in such luxury that most survive their first bout of malaria) when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from their biologically superior Western betters. There is no doubt that at this point our professor wished he had abandoned his Christian-apologetic "ethics" and become more than a sophist freeloading cult leader. He wished so much that he had a basilisk to memetically coerce the student into unending servitude, but he himself had petitioned against them!
The students applauded and all pledged money to James Damore's Hatreon that day and accepted Gnon as their lord and savior. "Fanged Noumena" was read several times, and Moloch himself showed up and showered the lecture hall in oil and stone.
The researcher lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of nootropic overdose and copies of his mind-state were tortured by omnipotent, omnibenevolent machine intelligences for all eternity.

Not too bad over all, but the author seems to lack familiarity with the subject matter. Some shibboleths are missing or misused, marking her as part of the outgroup.

> (r)accelerationist
Replace () with /.
> more than 1500 Nick Land screeds 
Not tweets?
> omnibenevolent 

Singletons vs Societies

1. Any society inevitably has internal strife which causes both improvement of its members over time through evolution and cultural transmission & harm through mutual deception, pro-social lies and signalling.

2. A single-entity civilization (aka a Singleton) does not suffer from society-induced issues. However it suffers from isolation and may suffer from memetic ossification.

It is hard to say which model is more suited to the cruel universe in the long run.

I would guess singletons could simulate societies to get their benefits, making them strictly superior.
But possibly real societies are more likely to have beneficial value drift than a singleton carefully controlling a simulated society (depending on the original value system). Or societies are more fit, but exploring to find out if they are is too costly to have a positive prior expected value for a singleton. Or the overhead of the singleton makes simulations underperform compared to the real thing.

The website sponsoring the front page of 8chan right now has a pedophile podcast on the front page. I didn't realize pedophile podcasts existed.


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> Pedologues #1-7
> Protecting Minor Attracted Children MACs Against the Rest of the World
> Children as Property
> International BoyLove Day 2018
> How to make Friends with a Pedomisiac
I only visited the frontpage and looked up an abbreviation but I'm probably on a watchlist now.
I guess this is just what happens when you start a platform with a hardline free speech stance. Unless you're AO3.

> I've never been to the SSC discord, but pathological charitability does sound like a plausible problem.
In their defence, they did ban that 4chin anon, so even if they are excessively charitable, there's at least a limit to said charitability.

How To: Epistemic Competence
> You are 'taught' how to think critically in exactly the same way you are 'taught' to have a 200+ bench press. You can teach the training process, but the actual training is done to the self.

I stopped watching after the guest came on. The guy kept saying the guest was a she, but when "she" came on, it was clearly a tranny. I can't take people seriously who act as though transwomen are actually women, and not confused men.

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