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>  Germanic-Jewish bourgeois 

Exactly. Don't forget that Germans and Jews are basically the same people. The only reason why Germans and Jews hate each other is the so called Narcissism of small differences.
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This proves that Germans were always inhuman savages. The media is trying to make us believe that only Nazis during the WWII were behaving like inhuman savages and that regular Germans were good people, but that is not true. Germans were not like that ONLY during WWII, but (as this quote proves) they have been like that long before the invention of Nazism. This is a page from a book about Napoleonic Wars for example. Therefore all Germans are evil inhuman savages, not only nazis.

>  "The units sent along both sides were burning villages and chateaus as far as the enemy (who was still on our track) allowed us.", continued in his memories Dedem. He also mentioned the fate of Russian POWs, that were forced to march alongside the Great Army and it was much more gruesome picture that painted by Tolstoy in his book War and Peace. "They were guarded by units of the Confederation of the Rhine (Germans). They were given only a tiny bit of horse meat and the soldiers that were meant to guard them were massacring those who didn't have enough strength in them to continue. We have seen their bodies lying alongside of the road and they all had crushed skulls." According to Lebaum there were at least 3000 of these POWs. "During the march they were not given any food, during the pauses they were treated as animals and they forbidden to leave a small marked area. They were dying by cold without fire, they were sleeping on ice and they had such a desperate hunger that they threw themselves at any horse meat they were given. There was no time to cook, so they had to eat it raw..."

Somebody told me once that freedom of speech is good because everything that increases freedom is good and everything that decreases freedom is bad. But does freedom of speech really increase freedom? No, because as every freedom it is self-defeating and logically inconsistent. 

For example if you give freedom to nazis to present their opinions publicly on the internet, then some of them get radicalized on such websites and they will go and murder bunch of mexicans (or jews, or slavs, or arabs). So by giving them the freedom to speak, you have caused many people to die. And since dead people can't do anything (and therefore can't make any choices) you have robbed them of ALL their freedoms. So by giving nazis the freedom to speak, you have taken away all the freedoms of the mexicans they have murdered. As you can see the overall freedom in the word has decreased in this case. And there are many cases like this when giving somebody the freedom to speak actually decreases the overall freedom in the world.   

In other words by giving somebody freedom of speech, you cause crimes to happen and by doing that you rob victims of these crimes of their freedoms instead. That means that freedom of speech is self-defeating and logically inconsistent bullshit (which is so dumb that only Americans can believe in it) and it must end.
Basically the minds behind the modern day neo-nazi propaganda know that they can't succeed unless they are able to deny or justify Hitler's actions regarding slaughtering millions of Europeans.

Why do neo-nazis present themselves as defenders of interests of all people of European heritage, when in reality they always shill exclusively for German interests? At least have a little bit of honesty and admit what your true agenda is: You tirelessly work towards promoting German interests (not European).

On one hand you deny any war-crimes committed by the German troops towards the Slavic civilian population, but on the other hand you furiously masturbate while thinking about Slavic women and children being bayoneted to death by Dirlewanger and other SS-men. It must really suck that your task of spreading Nazi propaganda doesn't even allow you to express the hatred you feel towards Slavs fully. I would not want to live a life like you, life without honesty and honor, desperately trying to suppress your hatred, just to serve as a good cog in a propaganda machine of long dead movement.

How is it even possible that Germans had no problem to slaughter all these beautiful women as if they would be slaughtering pigs? Because Germans hate beauty. They want to wipe out all the beautiful Slavic women and repopulate the world with hideous Germanic women. Just so you know what is going to happen if Germans win the upcoming race war.

This will never stop. They will never accept the right of Slavic nations to exist. The only way to secure the future of Slavic children is to eliminate the Germanic threat completely.
The Future Slavic Racial Laws

We must define who counts as True Pure-Blooded Slav first: You are a True Pure-Blooded Slav (also called "insider" or "in-kin") if your dominant haplogroup is R1a and your native language is one of the following: Czech, Polish, Russian, Serbian. If you don't meet these criteria you are an "outsider" or an "out-kin".

There are different rules regarding Slavs and out-kins and their role in the society. The most important ones are the following laws: 

1. Out-kins are forbidden to participate in politics, business, diplomacy, law enforcement, finance, military, justice system, lobbying, journalism and media, or any other position of power.

2. Out-kins have no right for privacy or private property and must be under the state surveillance at all times, which they must be willing to subject themselves to.

3. Out-kins have no right for free speech. Promotion of harmful ideas by out-kins must be punished harshly. 

4. If the out-kin is not willing to subject himself/herself to these laws, he/she must leave the country and the Slavic sphere of influence (Slavdom) immediately. 

5. All out-kins who are expelled from Slavdom must leave all their private property and possessions behind and willingly surrender them to the State.

6. All out-kins who are expelled from Slavdom are forbidden to ever return or even briefly enter the Slavdom territory again. 

7. Out-kins who don't follow mentioned laws and yet remain on the territory of the Slavdom are to be punished.

8. Out-kins who remain in the position of power within the Slavdom territory are to be sentenced to death. Recommended form of execution: Hanging. 

9. Out-kins who remain in the position of power and use it to undermine the State or promote anti-Slavic or pro-Germanic ideas are to be sentenced to exemplary punishment way of death. Recommended form of execution: Burning at stake.

10. Out-kins are forbidden to possess weapons, tools of private communication and documents or data containing forbidden information (harmful, unwanted, secret, etc.)

11. Out-kins who do possess aforementioned items are to be shot. 

12. Out-kins who possess such items in large quantities or are suspected to possess them for purposes of anti-State or anti-Slav activity are to be burned at stake. 

13. For very Slav killed by an out-kin, 10 out-kins must be executed. In ideal case, the culprit and his/hers family members are to be used for that. 

14. For very Slav wounded by an out-kin, 5 out-kins must be executed. 

15. Out-kins have no right for a proper burial. Their bodies are to be dumped into unmarked graves. 

16. If an out-kin is found guilty of any crime (especially a political one), his/hers family members are to be considered guilty of the same crime as well. 

17. Out-kins are forbidden to race-mix with True Pure-Blooded Slavs. Any marriage between an out-kin and a Slav is illegal. Sexual intercourse between out-kins and Slavs is forbidden. Out-kins who attempt sexual intercourse with Slavs are to be punished by death. Any pregnancy resulting from mixing between out-kins and Slavs is to be terminated. Any children born as a result of mixing between out-kins and Slavs are to be considered out-kins by default.
The thing is that most Slavs consider themselves to be part of the white race together with Germans, but most Germans don't consider Slavs to be part of the same race as them. It's kinda one way relationship where Slavs think they are part of the family, but all the other family members disagree. That's why Slavs love to talk about the need to protect the White race, because they think that includes them too, but the thing is that it doesn't include them in the eyes of those that really matter. So they think that they fight for their own interests as well, but in reality they fight for somebody else's interests. Slavs are really pathetic, they don't understand this game at all. Real world is just like the Game of Thrones, but with races instead of noble families. And Slavs are not part of the race they think they are.
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The Rise of the Slavic Soul

And God said: Do not put your trust in hands of those who wield greed as a badge of honor, do not trust the vile Germanic kin, because their treacherous nature shall come to light when you least expect it and at that moment a great tragedy shall fall upon your beloved bloodline.
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Do you want to know how to really start a race war? I know how. Science. It's easy. 

>  Oxytocin (Oxt) is a peptide hormone and neuropeptide. It plays a role in social bonding...

>  Biological function: Bonding, Human ingroup bonding

>  Oxytocin can increase positive attitudes, such as bonding, toward individuals with similar characteristics, who then become classified as "in-group" members, whereas individuals who are dissimilar become classified as "out-group" members. Race can be used as an example of in-group and out-group tendencies because society often categorizes individuals into groups based on race (Caucasian, African American, Latino, etc.). One study that examined race and empathy found that participants receiving nasally administered oxytocin had stronger reactions to pictures of in-group members making pained faces than to pictures of out-group members with the same expression. Moreover, individuals of one race may be more inclined to help individuals of the same race than individuals of another race when they are experiencing pain. Oxytocin has also been implicated in lying when lying would prove beneficial to other in-group members. In a study where such a relationship was examined, it was found that when individuals were administered oxytocin, rates of dishonesty in the participants' responses increased for their in-group members when a beneficial outcome for their group was expected. Both of these examples show the tendency of individuals to act in ways that benefit those considered to be members of their social group, or in-group.

>  Oxytocin is not only correlated with the preferences of individuals to associate with members of their own group, but it is also evident during conflicts between members of different groups. During conflict, individuals receiving nasally administered oxytocin demonstrate more frequent defense-motivated responses toward in-group members than out-group members. Further, oxytocin was correlated with participant desire to protect vulnerable in-group members, despite that individual's attachment to the conflict. Similarly, it has been demonstrated that when oxytocin is administered, individuals alter their subjective preferences in order to align with in-group ideals over out-group ideals. These studies demonstrate that oxytocin is associated with intergroup dynamics. Further, oxytocin influences the responses of individuals in a particular group to those of another group. The in-group bias is evident in smaller groups; however, it can also be extended to groups as large as one's entire country leading toward a tendency of strong national zeal. A study done in the Netherlands showed that oxytocin increased the in-group favoritism of their nation while decreasing acceptance of members of other ethnicities and foreigners. People also show more affection for their country's flag while remaining indifferent to other cultural objects when exposed to oxytocin. It has thus been hypothesized that this hormone may be a factor in xenophobic tendencies secondary to this effect. Thus, oxytocin appears to affect individuals at an international level where the in-group becomes a specific "home" country and the out-group grows to include all other countries. 

So basically oxytocin is a hormone of nationalism.

The only thing I have to do now is to promote oxytocin supplements among people of my own race (Slavs) and at the same time promote oxytocin blockers (oxytocin antagonists) among the enemey race (Germans). That will cause my people to become more nationalistic and our enemies to become huge cucks. 

We are going to win after all!
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I'm working on 3 new chapters of NazBol Manifesto. The first one will be called "The Final Solution of German genetic remnants in the Czech Lands", the second one "Critique of my own race: Why are some Slavs such cucks" and finally the third one "National Bolshevik Manifesto: The Closure". Stay tuned.
Non-slavic genes in Slavic population: Helpful and harmful genetic impurities in our genome

In order to compare pros and cons of various non-slavic genetic impurities on our genome, we must first examine what are the impurities and where they came from. And it's not just a matter of "where" but also "when" since Slavs have mixed with different people groups at different times. I think we can safely say that Slavs had different genetic add-mixtures at different times of their existence and that separates us into four different categories, which are:

1. Proto-Slavs
2. Early Slavs
3. Medieval Slavs (Wends)
4. Modern Slavs

We need to talk a little bit of history now. 

Nobody knows where exactly did Slavs come from. Many believe that they came to Europe from Asia or the Caucasus. We know one thing for sure though: When they have first settled in Europe it was in the area of today's Belarus. Those were the Proto-Slavs. We know very little about them. They were probably genetically vastly different from the modern day Slavs. Then around the 7th century they started to spread from the Belarus area into the whole Eastern Europe. In every place they settled, they mixed with the non-slavic population that has already been living there. We don't know for sure what kind of people groups were these tribes (that got mixed into the Slavic population) made of. They could be Celtic or who knows what. The population of Eastern Europe at that time is not very well known. But the mixing did happen and thus the Early Slavs have been born. Every time you hear someone talk about "old Slavic tribes", they actually refer to these already mixed Early Slavs, not the original Proto-Slavs. Those are lost to time. 

Early Slavs were a very simple people, mostly farmers that lived in small tribes all the way from the river Elbe to the Ural mountains. They didn't create any kind of Empire or even a state of sorts. They were also known to have a very submissive attitude towards invaders and conquerors. I believe that the submissive tendencies of a certain part of the modern Slavic population comes from being genetically too close to the Early Slavs. There are many stories about how Early Slavs let Avar invaders to sleep with their women and didn't do anything about it. But that's a good thing, because these kind of acts between Slavic women and Avar men gave rise to the Slavic race as we know it today. Children born from this mixing between Avar men and Slavic women were called "Wends". And in time these "Wends" have become the majority of the Slavic population. That's why Medieval Slavs and Modern Slavs should actually be called "Wends" instead of Slavs, since a great part of the population has as much Avar blood as Slavic blood. Actually in Germany they still use the term "Wends" for their Slavic neighbors to this day. And this is where all the strong and dominant individuals among Slavs come from. It's all people with strong Wendish / Avar genetic admixture. 

All the Slavic nations that have established Kingdoms and Duchies in the middle ages were actually Wendish nations and were lead by strong Wendish leaders. And this is where we could stop... except we can't. "Is there a difference between medieval Wendish Slavs and the modern day Slavs?" you may ask... and the answer is: It depends on specific location. In some areas these Wendish Slavs remained almost unchanged till the modern times. Those are what I like to call "pure areas" and include Poland, Belarus, and northern Russia. In different areas the story is completely different however and in many places Slavs went through a period of rapid genetic dilution, sometimes even close to be diluted out of the genome completely into extinction. In my own country (Czechia) the situation is critical but not completely lost. It's true that according to a recent genetic study about 5O% of the population here has dominant Germanic R1b haplogroup. But the other half is still here to balance things out with our strong R1a Slavic-Wendish haplogroup. We should still do something abo
In order to make the world a better place, we must not let a single German live. I dream of a world where all Germans were completely wiped out. Such world would instantly turn into a paradise on Earth. Do not feel empathy toward Germans, they are not human beings, they don't have human soul. You have to kill the last shreds of empathy in you. You have to kill all the remaining fear in you. You have to kill all the doubt in you. You have to kill everything that is human in you. Germans are monsters and the only way to fight monsters is to become a monster yourself. Till the day that all Germans are dead, you shall not rest, this I command you.
The fundamental principles and philosophical foundations of National Bolshevism

Economic axis:
We believe that there should be absolute economic equality among people of the same race. Hierarchies can still exists, but only natural hierarchies. Economic hierarchy is unnatural system created by degenerate materialist races (Jews and Germans). All Slavic people work equally hard. Nobody in the world works harder than Slavs. And only Gypsies and Jews don't work at all (those should be dealt with). So we don't see any reason for income divide.

Cultural axis:
Tradition is necessary to preserve race. Race without identity dies and there is no identity without culture. Culture is what links us to the past, what binds us to our ancestors who gave their lives to protect our race. 

Governmental axis:
Totalitarian system of power is the only system that is capable to preserve our race. Freedom allows hostile forces (Germans and Jews) to spread harmful ideas among our population. This should not be allowed. 

Collectivism vs. Individualism axis:
We strongly believe in collectivism. Our nations have been built upon collectivist principles. Our race always had collectivist values which is what allowed it to survive even the most terrible situations. Individualism is a Western lie created to weaken the nations that fall for it. Individualism weakens and erodes the race and leads directly to its downfall and destruction.

Violence axis:
It would be naive to think that our goal of race preservation can be accomplished without violence, especially since our enemies are prepared to use extreme violence against us. They already used extreme violence against us in the past, so it is time for some reciprocity principle I think.

Foreign affairs axis:
We think that our race should take an active role in the foreign affairs and to support allied races against hostile races. Alliances are important in order to defeat Germans. 

Pacifism axis:
Our movement is very millitarist movement. Pacifism (just like individualism) is a lie created to destroy nations. 

Military intervention axis:
We believe that military interventions are necessary to preserve our race. How else are we going to destroy the greatest threat to our race (Germans) if not by military intervention?

Taxes axis:
There should be maximum possible taxes for the rich (if the rich are allowed to live at all). They are all Germans and Jews anyway. They steal from our people (by robbing our workers of the surplus value of products of their hard work) and give nothing back. They care nothing for our society and often are even actively trying to damage it. 

Inheritance axis:
Inheritance should be banned, since it exists only to keep the money inside pockets of Germanic-Jewish bourgeois. The wealth should return to the society after each generation. Being born into rich Jewish family is not an accomplishment, so it should not give you any advantage in life. 

Control of the wealth axis:
Redistribution of wealth by a strong government in a national bolshevik ethno-state is the only way to assure that the Slavic proletariat will get back all the wealth stolen by Germanic-Jewish bourgeois. 

Environmental axis:
We need balanced environmental protection laws. On one hand we can't have Germanic-Jewish bourgeois to poison our air and water, on the other hand we can't shut down our industry, because that would make our race defenseless in case of large scale war.

Eugenics axis: 
Some minor eugenics program is necessary. People with psychopathic tendencies (like Germans and Jews) should not be allowed to breed. 

Natalism axis:
Making as many children of Slavic blood as possible is the only way to assure victory in the next race war. Total race-wars cannot be won by small nations. 

Morality axis:
We consider our movement to be moral based movement. Our race is better than other races exactly because it is more moral than other races (as history shows us).

Religious axis: 
We believe in mostly secular state. However some religions might be
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It's interesting that Germans have recognized the genocide they committed against Africans and Jews, but they never recognized the genocide they committed against Slavs, even though the genocide of Slavs was much bigger than any other genocide they have done in history. One must wonder why that is.

Yet another reason why we must never forget their crimes. We must never forget Germans slaughtering millions of Slavs, including civilians... thousands of villages completely wiped out and burned down... men, women and even children either shot, or burned alive or beaten to death to save ammo... like during the Warsaw uprising when Oskar Dirlwanger's unit managed to brutally murder over 500 polish children in just few days.

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