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You know you've been hanging around gen A too much when you you can hear these words in their original form without trying.

-Skibidi toilet
-erm what the sigma
-gegagedigeda o
Honorable mention:
-number one victory royale

This shit is like tapeworm eggs in the brain.
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I have no idea what any of that means and I intend to keep it this way. Is that what Bestie talks about?

Host only hangs out with gen X or literal boomers.
Wait no, neighborhood loli asked him something about some new monster movie for kids or something. Too bad, we don't watch movies and are completely detached from any worldly worries, trends or fashions. Feels good man.

Not swamp life, no rednecks in the beach community I grew up. No dinosaurs or alligators. We had surfers and snobs, soccor moms and Catholic Karens. Lots of drugs passed around, it was everywhere but I stayed out of that because my siblings had more than enough. Who needs moonshine when they have shrooms, acid, pot, cocaine, heroine, crack, then the prescription stuff and pills, uppers downers, ludes, molly, percoset, vicodin, valium, ambien, and so on.

I was poor, but we were in a rich neighborhood. My dad made today's equivalent of probably close to a mil a year but he died when I was 3 and left my mother a house and hot rod cars not much else. He didn't save it. She sold the artwork, cars, everything of value, went on SSI and  food stamps, she'd ask for money from the relatives, could barely afford taxes and then we moved to a house worth 1/4 the amount inland in a reasonable new suburb where I went to HS. When I was in college the inheritance started rolling in from all the rich relatives. Got cars, cash, weird ass antiques like that smoothbore musket, first got an old 300TD with engine problems, then a suzuki? I think it was? One of those foriegn cars, definitely Suzuki Swift, tiny hatchback that I used for years, then I got cash and bought a 300zx. Awesome non-turbo one with tiny back seats. It was old though and eventually was burning so much oil it couldn't even idle right   

Then I was given a toyota sedan that I still have, and bought my truck, had that forever. A volvo was briefly involved, no power, noisey, reliabile but I had too many cars so I sold it cheap.

I want an SUV but I don't want to spend 80k on it. I could but I'm too frugal. Maybe in 10 years if they still let us buy gas engines, those fuckers.

Fucking candidate says "it's the price of democracy" and that bitch is in the lead. I'd rather vote for a squirrel than idiots that think huge lithium batteries are good for the environment. Fuck 

[Gwen] that's enough, let's not break my Bear.
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LOTW webm
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My apologies, I couldn't find a proper subtitled version yesterday so I made you one. 

It's a masterpiece created by a bunch of students long ago, shortly after the movie came out. The scene with Gandalf and Frodo in the carriage is my favorite.

idky but when I tried to watch it, it lagged out and now is stuck in infinite loading then it plays a few seconds then again. so I tried to download and nope it kept getting stuck. It might be on my end, I've seen this before with video downloads

will try again
nice triple7
i think the endchan servers not good with large files. took me like 50 tries to dl the video just click retry when the dl fails and it continues where it stopped.

germans sure are crazy but you gotta admire their productivity. nice soundtrack too.
> Fucking candidate says "it's the price of democracy" and that bitch is in the lead.

She's really not if you see the statistics of new republican voters (way up) vs democrat voters (down), although the media would like you to think she is popular.
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Jimmy Carter 100... mp4
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isnt that all irrelevant? in the end a few thousand voters in swing states will decide the election. such a weird voting system

> the media would like you to think she is popular
more a quetion of whos slightly less unpopular. theyre both a nightmare

whats your bet on jimmy carter? will he live to election day to vote for kamala? he already looks like some egyptian mummy. how is he even gonna cast his vote? oh wait - dead people voting is normal on the USA
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looks fine to me but i know nothing about guns

I had borrowed the motor scooter of a friend and tried to refill it at a gas station. The terminal was super modern with thousands of options on a touch screen. An the scooter had both a battery and a gas tank. Both were tiny. I was confused.
Continued to discuss this with Cat after I woke up which felt dumb. Of course Cat doesn't care.

JESUS, THANK YOU JESUS! I almost kit the homeless with my car every morning, these fuckers are even with rats, having rat parties in parking lots at 3am. Talk about goblins, these homeless need a culling too. 

YES we'll be sending them to "camps" where they will be "concentrated" and "contained" I wonder if they'll have special showers?" Yakumo, we need you to design some "showers" for these homeless drug addicted, diseased goblins, I mean unhoused civilians. they aren't the illegals, the illegals will go 10 to a one bedroom apartment like civilized people, The "homeless" are crime-nados. They walk around like zombies, yelling to themselves at 2 in the morning.

So it was the 90's I think, Rudy Giuliani, the newly elected Mayor of New York "took care" of the homeless situation. One day, suddenly and without warning, all the homeless were gone. No one knows where they went. 

This is the America I love, the one that treats savages like savages. Now President Trump, please next round up the MS13 and other gangs and taggers send them to your "humane" concentration camps. Please please please. Next then round up the obese, they're killing the environment. 

When you come for me, for whatever reason, I will be honored to end myself.  Oh it makes a Bear giddy. I already love this new president if he can do ANYTHING!!! about this BULLSHIT homeless problem. Fuck.

Can we also round up the Chinese "spies"? Don't leave any behind.
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Majdanek jpeg
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Your homeless problem is really crazy. How did this happen? Rounding them up and putting them in camps would be more humane than letting them destroy themselves and the entire neighborhood. That's just fucked up.

> One day, suddenly and without warning, all the homeless were gone. No one knows where they went. 
Ah yes, just like with the Jews here 80 years ago.

> showers
Should I apply for Trump's cabinet? Well he's in control of Senate and House now and has more power than most other recent US presidents. So I'm excited what he'll be able to achieve. He's got no excuse not to deliver this time.
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The opposite would be a reasonable heuristic approach.
Because host loves this shit, we looked into US crime statistics provided by the FBI.

To get less noise and more robust statistics, I took a 10 year period from 2014-2023.
There were 10,119,745 registered violent crimes in these 10 years. Interestingly almost exactly the same numbers for Whites and Blacks even though Niggers are far less, only 1/5 of Whites. It's a bit difficult for a 10 year period but averaging the numbers from 2024-2023, Whites made up 249.86M within the US population, Niggers 43.99M and Asians 19.26M.
We can calculate the number of violent crimes per 100K of their race for 2014-23:
Blacks: 971 violent offenses / 100K / Year
Whites: 165 violent offenses / 100K / Year
Asians:  38 violent offenses / 100K / Year

So the true miracle are Asians:
1% of violent criminals overall while being almost half the population size of niggers which account for over 40%.
Violent crime rate is a fucking 25 times higher in niggers than in Asians and almost 6 times higher than in Whites.

However the whole thing is Bullshit because they include Spics under 'Whites'.
The FBI stats per ethnicity suck because they are either 'Hispanic', 'not Hispanic' or 'not specified'. However for the time-frame of 2014-2024, 6% or 608,407 violent offenders are identified as 'Hispanic'. So let's subtract those spics from the 4,112,961 'White' offenders. We get 3,504,559 or less than 35% White violent crime offenders. 
Since a lot of spics were not identified as such I am sure the true number of offenders that can be considered as 'of European descent' like Mr. Bear is probably less than 1/3, meaning:
2/3 of violent criminals are non-white in a strict sense

Then I looked at good 'ol murder for 2023.
8842 White (+Spic) murderers
6405 Niggers
5795 'unknown' (how the fuck??)
 461 'other' (Asians, Indians, whatever)

Again we can calculate the homicide rate per 100K of their race with the data from the 2023 census:
14   homicides / 100K for Niggers
 3.5 homicides / 100K for 'Whites'
 1.7 homicides / 100K for Asians and Indians
We can assume that a disproportional number of the 5796 murderers of 'unknown Race' were also not really White and a lot of 'White' murderers are Hispanic so I guess the real homicide rate for real Whites would be in the same league as Asians and also 6-8 times lower than in Niggers.

So much for why I am racist.
Also while I'm racist I'm not xenophobic. I just don't like Niggers and other violent people which undeniably come in all shades of Brown. Don't blame me, it's not my fault.

It's the same in Germany. Half the prison inmates don't have German ethnicity and of those that do only a small fraction could provide an Ariernachweis. Without Sandniggers, gypsies and other trash, crime wouldbe magnitudes less. But again, it's not about 'foreigners', it's about subhumans. But if you say that aloud you end up in jail. Therefore I have no pity for white victims either. They asked for this. We didn't even forcefully import niggers like you did. They all came on their own.

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